M3: Assassin's Knot (Patlin judging)


LEW Judge
Manzanita said:
Balmorrow is planning to interogate Wilbur tormorrow. Anyone want to be there?

Nurlan definitely intends to be there, since his presence at the theatre won't need any explaining. One thing he adds, though, before everyone's plans are finalized.

"I've been thinking about ways I can best help. One little trick I've learned. With the right chanting, I can befriend almost anyone, for an hour or so. I've tried it before. Some goblins had taken a friend of mine prisoner. I found one of the goblin guards, and in less than a minute she was so trusting I got her to show me where the prisoner was, and to free her. But the effect wears off. I'm afraid to use this trick too freely. Someone gets charmed, then gets over it, and they might resent having been played. So let's think of it as a last resort. But anybody any of you is investigating, Wilbur or the mayor or anyone else, if you run out of ways to get more information but you're convinced this is the person we need to learn more from, let me know. Once I try the trick, I can probably can him to confide in me."

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Manzanita said:
Well, what's the plan?

Tenebrynn is visiting Prince Phillip tomorrow. Ashnar stilll going with him? What is the plan there?

Balmorrow is planning to interogate Wilbur tormorrow. Anyone want to be there?

Abraham has offered the use of his tunnels to investigate anyone's rooms. Is anyone planning to take adavantage of that? Any other ideas?

I thought the "trappers" group was planning to quiz Philmar and Oscar under the guise of finding out about local game and where to find it, but perhaps that got tossed in the interim. It seemed to be the only suspects we haven't really interacted with short of the Viscount.

Knight Otu

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Erekose13 said:
"Thank you for the warning Abraham, I will exercise all due caution. Well I think I am going to turn in for the night so that I might be ready for the morrow. Ashnar if you have a moment I wanted to speak to you regarding your research today." replies Tenebrynn before heading back up to his room.
"Certainly. And as I mentioned, no one should move anywhere alone tonight." Ashnar says as he stands up to follow Tenebrynn.


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Rinaldo looks Ashnar leaving the room. "Not only tonight. Nurlan, you will stay with Mordik tomorrow. Anyway, having him around me might be more suspect. We still have that cover that we didn't came together, even if we arrived the same day. Ashnar most likely to follow Tenebrynn and I'll stay with Eanos. I won't move around without my guard after all.

We will take a look at the Vicount and Wilfong room in the morning. If we have a chnace, we will spy on either of them or Oscar and Philmar... and who can tell what tomorow will bring to us, maybe there will be aomething more usefull to do."


"Sounds like a plan." says Tenebrynn. He then retires to his room with Ashnar.

"So what is our plan for tomorrow? Ostensibly I was trying to get a look at the Prince's library too and thought it might be a nice way to ingratiate myself to him. With all the warnings, I am not sure we should pursue any more detailed investigations while we are there." he asks his companion once they are away from the others.


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I'm going to resist the temptation to split this into different threads again. I'm going to try running all three groups in the same thread. Perhaps I'll use sblocks.

Ashnar and Tenebrynn [sblock]The party retreats to their rooms, locks their doors and go to bed. The next morning dawns. It is Friday. Having stayed up quite late, most of the party sleeps in. Tenebrynn and Ashnar must meet Armax at the docks at 8, so they get up first. Only Glami the cook, the serving boys and a couple of soldiers on patrol are there for breakfast. The wizards head out to the docks and find a guard outside the Prince’s rowboat. Armax is evidently late. The scarred man, missing his left eye, and ear, is sitting quietly on the dock, also wating for the boat. He’s dirty and smelly. The party saw him once before on the island, and once in the inn. [/sblock]

Rinaldo, Eanos, Nurlan and Mordik [sblock]The party sleeps in a bit in the morning, catching up for their late night. They know Tenebrynn and Ashnar must have left earlier to make their appointment. The breakfast room is busy at this time. Abraham himself is up and busy chatting with customers. The Viscount relaxes at one of the square tables eating a roll and a cup of tea. Oscar and Philmor take their usual table.

Balmorrow indicated he would wait for the party before confronting Wilbur. Let me know when anyone is ready to move on.[/sblock]


LEW Judge
Once back in his room for the night, Nurlan ponders the situation. He had so far avoided explicitly admitting he was already investigating a crime, even though Abraham and Balmorrow evidently did suspect he and Mordik had known the others already -- and Rinaldo's last comment no doubt eliminated any doubt. So he probably doesn't need to hide the gold-coloured string any more.

Rinaldo, Eanos, Nurlan and Mordik [sblock]
Manzanita said:
The party sleeps in a bit in the morning, catching up for their late night. They know Tenebrynn and Ashnar must have left earlier to make their appointment. The breakfast room is busy at this time. Abraham himself is up and busy chatting with customers. The Viscount relaxes at one of the square tables eating a roll and a cup of tea. Oscar and Philmor take their usual table.

Nurlan decides to try chatting up the Viscount this time. "Good morning sir. Mind if my companion and I join you for breakfast?"

Manzanita said:
Balmorrow indicated he would wait for the party before confronting Wilbur. Let me know when anyone is ready to move on.

Nurlan intends to take Balmorrow aside before the confrontation, and show him the string. But we can cross that bridge when we come to it.[/sblock]


[sblock=Tenebrynn & Ashnar]After a quick breakfast and a late night, Tenebrynn is a little annoyed at having to wait. He hopes that his scroll was worth the trouble. He ignores the smelly man, not sure who he is. "It is entirely too early in the morning." he says to Ashnar while waiting.[/sblock]


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Eanos, human monk

[sblock=Rinaldo & Eanos]"So then, Master Rinaldo, should we see if our friends over there have any tips on trapping and hunting?" Eanos says, indicating Oscar and Philmar.[/sblock]


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Eanos, Rinaldo, Orsal and Mordik. [sblock] The Viscount looks up for a long few seconds. His dark, hansome face curious and severe. He then gestures to the chairs across from him and nods.[/sblock]

Tennebrynn and Ashnar. [sblock]After about 30 minutes Armax shows up, late as usual, bruskly greeting the duo, and ordering the guard to give them the rowboat, along with the rower. The maimed man loads some boxes of provisions into the rowboat. Armax gazes at him with undisguised disgust. As the group prepares to leave, she says, "Lothar - you wait. I'll send the rowboat back for you." The man nods, although he glowers at her.

The four row to the island. A wall runs all along the side of the island facing the town. The tower is visible, but not much else. Armax greets the guards at the island dock. "I'm taking these men to the Prince's library."

The guard shakes his head. "I've not heard of this. You must have permission from the Prince to visit here."

"Arness approved of this excursion. You will let me pass." Says Armax.

"I'm sorry, M'lady. Arness is not the master of this isle. You'll have to take it up with the Prince. Do you want me to go ask him?"

Armax pauses. "You are a fool. I am a trusted servent of Arness. There's no reason to forbid my entrance. You haven't heard the end of this." She then turns to the rower. "Take us back to shore." She sits back in the rowboat again as the boxes are unloaded, her face turned from the wizards.[/sblock]

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