Homebrew Level Up Roll20 Character Sheet is live!


Oh and 1 more feature request, if I may (sorry if this is a repeat):
- A "Roll" button for Hit Dice would be very helpful! Thanks!

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Thanks for continuing to update the sheet!

I have a question about how Expertise dice with skills. If I have a character who should get +1d6 expertise when using her Athletics "Swimming" specialty (just arbitrarily making that up), but not for general athletics checks, how should I go about that? If I put 1d6 in the Expertise die slot, it looks like it's adding +1d6 to all skill checks, whether I choose "add specialty" or not.
I think this might be a rules misunderstanding. Getting expertise in a skill gives you +1d4 to rolls with it, and getting expertise again would increase that die to +1d6, then +1d8 for a 3rd time. Having a skill specialty gives you expertise with the skill while the specialty is relevant.

There are several effects in the game that give you expertise dice to all applications of a skill, which you'd represent on the sheet by adding +1d4 as an expertise die to all rolls. If you then also were adding a swimming specialty, the die would increase from a 1d4 to a 1d6.

The sheet seems to be behaving correctly with that in mind. Adding nothing to the expertise die field and selecting that a specialty applies adds +1d4 to the roll, and adding 1d4 to the expertise die section then selecting the specialty applies adds +1d6 to the roll.


I think this might be a rules misunderstanding. Getting expertise in a skill gives you +1d4 to rolls with it, and getting expertise again would increase that die to +1d6, then +1d8 for a 3rd time. Having a skill specialty gives you expertise with the skill while the specialty is relevant.

There are several effects in the game that give you expertise dice to all applications of a skill, which you'd represent on the sheet by adding +1d4 as an expertise die to all rolls. If you then also were adding a swimming specialty, the die would increase from a 1d4 to a 1d6.

The sheet seems to be behaving correctly with that in mind. Adding nothing to the expertise die field and selecting that a specialty applies adds +1d4 to the roll, and adding 1d4 to the expertise die section then selecting the specialty applies adds +1d6 to the roll.
Ah! Thanks. This makes it much clearer!


Is it possible to add higher expertise dice to the options? My rogue now has a d10 expertise die with a poisoner's kit (several rogue knacks, the cutthroat subclass), but they are not in the selection list. If I fill it in manually, it doesn't work either.


Every time I see a green 'critical' dice roll my eyes alight, only to have my heart broken when I hover over the result and see it's really just a 4 on a 1d4 expertise roll. The pain of this critical disappointment compelled me to finally google how to make a character sheet in Roll20 so I could fix this myself. There may be a better way but this is the solution I found, modifying the default roll templates a bit:

var setroll = "&{template:default} !?{Stat|Intelligence, "+intel+"|Strength, "+str+"|Constitution, "+con+"|Dexterity, "+dex+"|Wisdom, "+wis+"|Charisma, "+cha+"} ?{IncludeSpecialty|No, "+exdice+"|Yes, "+specdice+" } {{name=Arcana ("+specialty+") Roll}}{{roll=[["+diceroll+"+?{Stat}+"+finalbonus+"+?{IncludeSpecialty}]]}}";;
var setroll = "&{template:default} !?{Stat|Intelligence, "+intel+"|Strength, "+str+"|Constitution, "+con+"|Dexterity, "+dex+"|Wisdom, "+wis+"|Charisma, "+cha+"} ?{IncludeSpecialty|No, "+exdice+"|Yes, "+specdice+" } {{name=Arcana ("+specialty+") Roll}}{{roll=[["+diceroll+"+?{Stat}+"+finalbonus+"+[[?{IncludeSpecialty}cf<0cs>101]]]]}}";;

The 'cf<0cs>101' just sets the crit range so it never effects the specialty die. The extra double brackets around the specialty section are there to hide the '
cf<0cs>101' when you hover over the dice result. Unfortunately this also hides the actual size (1d4, 1d6) of the expertise die on the tooltip, so this isn't quite there yet. Edit: Added it into the description, not ideal, but playable enough.

Here's the modified file if the sheet the author or anyone else wants to try it. All the skills required a similar modification.
Last edited:


Two things came up in our last session: We couldn't find a way to apply a static bonus to either Saving Throws or Initiative (these bonuses were thanks to magic items acquired by the party). I ended up writing a separate macro for the initiative item, but let me know if there's something we missed on the sheet or if it could be potentially added. Thank you!


will look at this, i've fixed the other things mentioned but have found another bug i'm trying to fix atm

Added D10 and D12 in to the Expertise dice list for high level Rogues - but this is a static Expertise dice uneffected by Specialty (as that caps at d8)
Changed the Expertise to be a dropdown list no data entry allowed
Added logic to exclude the expertise dice from the crit colour logic of roll20


Are the Standard/Advantage/Disadvantage toggles supposed to affect attack rolls?

I was fixing an issue on two of my players sheets and noticed that it was only changing the rolls for skills (didn't check basic ability rolls).

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