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Starfinder [Legendary Games] Tuesday TWO-Finder with SF Stellar Options and PF 2E Divine Doctrines!


On this Tuesday we have two new -finder PDFs for your Starfinder and Pathfinder Second Edition games! First off, for Pathfinder Second Edition fans, it's time to take Just a Second for our ongoing micro-PDF series with Just a Second #9: Divine Doctrines by Sasha Laranoa Harving. In PF2, your cleric is no longer just a healer, but on top of domains of power can choose doctrines of their faith, and this all-killer, no filler PDF brings you four new roles with the clever and cunning Agent, the relentlessly practical Cardinal, the zealous and militant Chosen of Arms, and the contemplative Philosopher and their experimental Font of Alchemy! Grab a copy today for just $1 at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, Paizo, or DrivethruRPG!


For Starfinder fans, Stellar Options #19: Superstars is here to help your heroes rule the vidstreams and hyperwaves with over 15 new character options! Achieve harmonic ascendance with an aria of truth or overture of thunderous blows as an Oracle of Song, or become a subversive Vox Rider and hijack the streams for freedom with sampling, spell reverb, and the struggle dialectic! Grab a copy today for just $1.99 at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, Paizo, or DrivethruRPG!


Don't forget to pick up the earlier installments of Stellar Options or any of the rest of our terrific line of Starfinder supplements!

Stellar Options #1: Inferno Soldier

Stellar Options #2: Soldier Archetypes

Stellar Options #3: Outer Rim Themes

Stellar Options #4: Inner Core Themes

Stellar Options #5: Operative Abilities

Stellar Options #6: Fey Mystic Connections

Stellar Options #7: Mental Mysteries

Stellar Options #8: Advanced Gunnery

Stellar Options #9: Grav Warriors

Stellar Options #10: Biohacker Abilities

Stellar Options #11: Aether Connections

Stellar Options #12: Rift Breaker

Stellar Options #13: Xenobiology

Stellar Options #14: Planetary Psychology

Stellar Options #15: Integrated Arsenals

Stellar Options #16: Alternate Solarians

Stellar Options #17: Battle Song

Stellar Options #18: Special Ops

Plus new issues coming out almost every weekend!

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