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Kulan: Knightfall's Crisis in Bluffside Game [IC]


World of Kulan DM
Tim introduces himself, "I am Sir Tymbeck Valencia, Knight of the Scarlet Cross, of the city of Kalchith, loyal servant and proxy of the King of Vrocia, Lieutenant Junior Grade in the King's Army, in the 3rd Infantry Regiment under the command of Duke Sir Grigory Polzin. I realize that these names mean nothing to you; I hail from a different world, brought here by the winds of fate, at the whim of the powers that be. For now, I serve Commander Oakfirst, and seek to help him quell the troubles that now plague Bluffside."
"Ah, you are the one the people refer to as the Knight from the Stars. You should know that you arrival in Bluffside is becoming quite the tale being told and retold," the dragori notes. "Gias, the Great Mother, has a strong connection to the natural world and, thus, The World Goddess, Mirella. While the two are not the same being, I feel they are divine Sisters. Gias showed the High Sister the truth of your origins soon after the rumors began spreading. She has told me some of it, privately, since we didn't want to add more rumors to the wind. You are fortunate to have The World Goddess's eyes on you, Sir Valencia."

Relgar quietly seethes at the description of delCannitha's mystic proclivities. The Far Realm, seriously? Maniacs like that are why people don't trust arcanists. Thank the Archmage of the Deities that abjurations exist, even if there aren't nearly enough of them (the limited efficacy of Dispel Magic and similar spells ultimately settled a younger version of Relgar on specializing in Evocation magic instead; Lightning Bolt might not be the strongest of spells, but it is relatively predictable, just as the former draftsman prefers).
The intelligent tome Relgar carries whispers a Prayer of Intercession to the Archmage as it listens to the draftwizard's internal musings. Then Eclipso speaks to him telepathically. 'Relgar, the dragori in front of you is a formidable soul. It is unlikely that he is simply sick. It could be possible that someone powerful has cursed him, but I doubt the renegade. This seems to be beyond the will of a mad sorcerer. His evil patron, perhaps'.

Tuck bows slightly at Sylemis while patting Mutt absentmindedly.

"Thank you, Sylemis," the kobold says as if talking to an old friend. "How do you feel today? Better, I hope?"

Gesturing at the dog, he continues, "Mutt here wanted to go for a walk, and went straight here. Well, when I say 'straight', I mean by way of the Sublime Bazaar, and I cannot help but wonder about the tales people will tell in the days to come about the fierce canine called Big Mutt, barely kept in check by poor old me."
"I am feeling as Fate decrees. My meditations do allow me to keep my strength from fading but that will not last forever," Sylemis replies. "Huverel and the others worry too much about my health and not enough about their duties."

"But with good reason," the half-elven druid insists.

"Whatever Fate has planned for me cannot be stopped by worry. The Great Mother will watch over my soul. That is enough for me."

JustinCase said:
He yaps in a way that makes it obvious the little reptilian is laughing to himself, while Mutt moves over to the dragori expecting to be petted. "Watch him, he can be ferocious," Tuck says earnestly, even though Mutt has not shown any sign of ferocity in his life.
The dragori smirks before his look becomes serious as the big dog wags its tail. Mutt seems wary, until Sylemis laughs. He motions for the dog to sit without a word and Mutt complies. The dragori druid uses his staff to scratch under the big dog's chin. Then he motions for Mutt to lie down and pets the canine gently. The dog barks several times

"You brother tells me he is quite fond of the Gardens," Sylemis says to Tuck.

JustinCase said:
After introducing his companions to Sylemis, the kobold continues in hushed tones, "We suspect some Loyalists may have a hideout somewhere in the Gardens. What do you think are some places we could start looking?"
"Yes, I have heard the rumors of false guards in the Gardens. If I was stronger, i would find out the truth myself. The Regulars and Elites assigned here tend become distracted by their surroundings. Their work is often stressful and sometimes I think Oakfirst and the other leaders assign those that need a break here."

"I have looked for signs of these fake guards without much luck," Huverel adds. "Of course, I'm no investigator, so I might have missed something obvious."

"I'm sure Tuck and his friends here can determine the truth," Sylemis says to his subordinate before looking back at the kobold. "You might want to start by speaking to tower wizard, Lady Émilienne. She's currently investigating a strange sighting near one of the Garden's outer towers." He looks back at Huverel.

"She is at the Northeast Garden Tower interviewing a young guard named Kaleb Raupach," the half-elf druid adds. "Raupach is new to the Elites and his post, but he's still been working in Gardens for more than six months."

"Hmm, I haven't heard of him," Custodio notes. "But, I cannot know the names of every Elite."

"Lady Émilienne knows the boy," Sylemis says. "Rumor has it he saw something... strange on the Garden Wall just last evening."

Akos waits politely until friendly banter subsides before stepping forward.

He bows to the old warrior.
"Greetings, Sylemis of the dragori. I am Akos, a Loremaster of the Order of the Teacher. We're here to check on recent disturbances in the Garden. Along the investigation we learned about your...challenge. With your permission, I...we...would like to examine you for traces of radiation poisoning. As you know, various portals lead to other places, not all of them safe to the living. And this one was opened right here in The Garden."
Akos bows and waits for the answer.
"I am happy for your help, Loremaster Akos," the dragori replies while scratching behind Mutt's left ear. The dog is happy, content. "But I should tell you that the High Sister couldn't even cure me and she is the most powerful Sister of the Grove in Bluffside. I am certain that I have been cursed beyond what mere mortal magic can cure. I suspect that the spirit of one of my ancestors has cursed me for what transpired in my homeland all those years ago. I failed to protect my charge, and he died. To lift the curse, I would likely have to travel there and beg my ancestor's forgiveness. As an exile, that is not an option for me."

He pauses and lets out a long sigh. Mutt notes the dragori's discomfort and nuzzles close to the dragon-kin. Sylemis leans on his staff and then sits down next to the big dog. He looks quite tired.

"You should rest," Huverel insists.

"Nonsense, I will not sleep on such a beautiful day. I must go to the Western Gardens and tend to the plants and the people. I do not want them to worry about me."
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"I am happy for your help, Loremaster Akos," the dragori replies while scratching behind Mutt's left ear. The dog is happy, content. "But I should tell you that the High Sister couldn't even cure me and she is the most powerful Sister of the Grove in Bluffside. I am certain that I have been cursed beyond what mere mortal magic can cure. I suspect that the spirit of one of my ancestors has cursed me for what transpired in my homeland all those years ago. I failed to protect my charge, and he died. To lift the curse, I would likely have to travel there and beg my ancestor's forgiveness. As an exile, that is not an option for me."
"With all due respect, master Sylemis, but all I hear are lots of suppositions."
"You're letting your fears of failure color your thinking - you have absolutely nothing that proves your ancestors are disatisfied with you. With everything we know since you came here, you are worthy and powerful guardian, steadfast and honorable. But you need to accept one thing: you cannot save them all. Sometimes, things happen as the Gods will and you may be here not because you failed, but because Fate needed you here."
"Please let me examine you. I am not trying to cure you, there are more powerful casters that could do it. But I could maybe determine what the problem is. That way, one can seek correct solution."
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the magical equivalent to the number zero
"Lady Émilienne," Tuck repeats softly, "Tower wizard. Strange things on the Garden Wall."

It looks like the kobold is memorizing the information, and then when he is done, nods at Sylemis.

"Thank you very much, friend. I hope our investigation will prove fruitful, and I hope that your affliction can be remedied soon."

Tuck eyes Akos, having understood nothing of what the Loremaster spoke in that ancient language, but he seems to detect a certain tone. His little reptilian face turns insecure, maybe even fearful; his natural inclination to avoid larger folk's anger means he does nothing but observe the interaction between one he respects quite a bit, and one who he believes talks too much.

OOC: Tuck will suggest going to Lady Émilienne right away, as soon as he is convinced the conversation between Akos and Sylemis is done.

Edit: Adjusted my post after @Neurotic informed me it wasn't Draconic Akos spoke, but Ticin.
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World of Kulan DM
"With all due respect, master Sylemis, but all I hear are lots of suppositions."
"You're letting your fears of failure color your thinking - you have absolutely nothing that proves your ancestors are disatisfied with you. With everything we know since you came here, you are worthy and powerful guardian, steadfast and honorable. But you need to accept one thing: you cannot save them all. Sometimes, things happen as the Gods will and you may be here not because you failed, but because Fate needed you here."
Sylemis cocks his head as if he doesn't understand what you are saying.

Neurotic said:
"Please let me examine you. I am not trying to cure you, there are more powerful casters that could do it. But I could maybe determine what the problem is. That way, one can seek correct solution."
"If you can discover something that others haven't, I'm happy to let you examine me. I am not so proud that I won't accept your help, Loremaster."

"Lady Émilienne," Tuck repeats softly, "Tower wizard. Strange things on the Garden Wall."

It looks like the kobold is memorizing the information, and then when he is done, nods at Sylemis.

"Thank you very much, friend. I hope our investigation will prove fruitful, and I hope that your affliction can be remedied soon."

Tuck eyes Akos, having understood nothing of what the Loremaster spoke in that ancient language, but he seems to detect a certain tone. His little reptilian face turns insecure, maybe even fearful; his natural inclination to avoid larger folk's anger means he does nothing but observe the interaction between one he respects quite a bit, and one who he believes talks too much.
"As do I," Sylemis replies. "But if my dreams and visions are correct, I doubt simple spells will cure this curse." The dragori taps Mutt on the back and the big dog moves over to Tuck and sit's next to his pack mate. The reptilian druid remains seated in a state of repose and motions Akos forward. "I am ready. Perform your examinations, Loremaster Akos. I will remain in repose." The dragori calms his breathing and waits.

"If you need me to cast one of my detection spells, I am ready," Custodio whispers to Akos. "If there is some sort of evil spirit attached to him, detect undead might locate it."


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
To Custodio: "I'm afraid it's more likely that effect needs to detect outsiders, but cast your spell anyhow. Detect evil too, if you have it."

To Sylemis: "Please tell me of your symptoms. When they started and how? What are the manifestations now? Please leave nothing out. Don't underplay them, we know you're strong, nothing to prove to us. Just tell them clearly. Especially things that cannot be seen, such as any strange thoughts, impulses you need to control, dreams and other internal things. I will cast protection from evil and ask you to drink this holy water just as a way to rule out simple possesion. I'm sure others did that already, but I like to be thorough."
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Big Tim watches with interest as these events unfold; knowing nothing of magicks, he is content to stand by, in hopes of learning through observation. While he watches, he muses to himself: ~Why live in ignorance forever? When one ceases to learn, one ceases to grow. I am content with being unable to cast spells; but having a rudimentary knowledge of their diverse forms, purpose, and practicality, would serve me well.~


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Tuck pats Mutt on the flank distractedly as he observes Akos during his examination of the dragori. The kobold feels glad he knows Sylemis, appreciating the sincere interest the druid takes in him and Mutt.

Then he looks at his current companions. They, too, seem to have accepted him into their midst, despite his heritage. The kobold feels proud that one such as he is accepted, perhaps even respected by these big folk.


World of Kulan DM
To Custodio: "I'm afraid it's more likely that effect needs to detect outsiders, but cast your spell anyhow. Detect evil too, if you have it."
"I can also cast a protection from evil spell on you while you examine him in addition to detecting undead," Custodio says. He says a prayer to the Purifier and light fills his eyes for a moment as the detect undead spell comes into effect. He looks around the temple for any signs of an undead presence. He turns and scans the entire area around the dragori druid. When he is finished, he turns to Akos and shakes his head. "I cannot detect any undead auras although the spells range is limited to 60 feet."

"Well, that's good news," Huverel notes.

"But not unexpected," Sylemis adds. "A dragori ancestor spirit probably wouldn't be revealed by such a spell. But, it spell I cannot cast, so it was worth the effort." He nods to Custodio. "I would save your protection spell young soldier, for now."

Neurotic said:
To Sylemis: "Please tell me of your symptoms. When they started and how? What are the manifestations now? Please leave nothing out. Don't underplay them, we know you're strong, nothing to prove to us. Just tell them clearly. Especially things that cannot be seen, such as any strange thoughts, impulses you need to control, dreams and other internal things. I will cast protection from evil and ask you to drink this holy water just as a way to rule out simple possesion. I'm sure others did that already, but I like to be thorough."
"Hmm, symptoms. I guess the most obvious thing is that I have trouble standing or doing my daily exercises. I lose my breath with little effort. I cannot run with the wind nor dance with the leaves. The sun usually brings me joy, but now it just hurts my eyes and the unending sound of the city hurts my ears. I rarely leave the Gardens, as Old City is a frantic place." He looks at his fellow Tender. "Huverel and the others think I should take a break from the city and travel to Lake Aarz for some solace." He pauses. "I've considered it, but I doubt it would cure me of this affliction."

He looks at Akos. "I have not had any strange thoughts or impulses, unless you think wanting to sleep all day is a strange impulse. My dreams are of my homeland and my failure as a bodyguard all those years ago. I'm not prone to nightmares, as humans would call such bad dreams, but I have revisited my patron's death over and over in my dreams." He turns and shows Akos the stub of of what was once his tail. "For my failure, my tail was cut off and the stub was cursed so that it could never be regrown. This is known as the Dock and Block among my people. Without my tail, I have no honor and other dragori do not see me as one of them."

"Not even a regenerate spell will grow it back," Huverel adds.

"I had grown content with my dishonor. Bluffside is my home now," the dragori druid says. "While I miss the desert, I have no desire to return to the empire."

Big Tim watches with interest as these events unfold; knowing nothing of magicks, he is content to stand by, in hopes of learning through observation. While he watches, he muses to himself: ~Why live in ignorance forever? When one ceases to learn, one ceases to grow. I am content with being unable to cast spells; but having a rudimentary knowledge of their diverse forms, purpose, and practicality, would serve me well.~
Big Tim once witnessed a regenerate spell being used to regrow the lost leg on a child that fell off a cliff. The magick had been quite potent. For such a spell to not work on the dragori's tail, is, troubling.

"You should tell them about how you must reclaim your honor," an older human druid says to Sylemis. "The Loremaster will need to know that too."

"Yes, thank you, Brother Athan," he nods glumly. "While the Dock and Block cannot be reversed without the blessing of the Diamond Throne, I can regain honor for me and my family by killing myself."

"It is so ridiculous!" Huverel says irately.

"There are many cultures in this world that view honor in such a way," Custodio notes. "While the Purifier rarely asks for death when one of our knights fails in his duty, there are some fanatics in the church who atone by risking their lives trying to complete deadly quests."

Tuck pats Mutt on the flank distractedly as he observes Akos during his examination of the dragori. The kobold feels glad he knows Sylemis, appreciating the sincere interest the druid takes in him and Mutt.

Then he looks at his current companions. They, too, seem to have accepted him into their midst, despite his heritage. The kobold feels proud that one such as he is accepted, perhaps even respected by these big folk.
Tuck had always wondered about Sylemis' lack of a tail and the stump. He hadn't known that it had been cut off for his failure to protect a life. To lose a tail for the sake of being dishonored seems brutal.

Relgar silently observes.
Relgar listens to the dragori's plight. Couldn't a wish spell break such a curse? It would be risky but a tail is an important appendage for balance, is it not? Perhaps for dragori, it is more like a beauty mark or a fancy outfit. No, that hardly seems likely.

'He has suffered a great indignity', the Eclipse muses to Relgar in the draft-wizard's mind. 'For his people, there is no greater loss than to be denied their tail. Even one's life is less important'. The book grows silent for moment. 'But you are correct, a wish spell, or priestly miracle, could allow him to regain it, at least, temporarily. If he has truly been cursed by the Dragori God Emperor sitting on the Diamond Throne, I doubt a wish would permanently circumvent the Dock and Block'.
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