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Kid Charlemagne's Story Hour, Pt II


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Gavin spent thousands of gold pieces on that suit of plate. Gaudy, tacky, heavy and uncomfortable, but at least it looks expensive, right? He wore it once and now its in a display case at the Fox Club. I'm thinking he'll wish he had that money back at some point.

A little wine, a little dancing, and then its back to saving the world.
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Heh, more players are posting up here I think, hopefully all will when you restart.

Were you playing more than one character? I've always had a lot of trouble doing that.

I was thinking the exact same thing about the location of the egg now being known. Great idea with the substitute, and the bad guys showing up may be a blessing as a distraction.

How will you be handling folding? I'm sure I remember you talking about it, but I don't remember what the deal was.

Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
Matchstick said:
Were you playing more than one character? I've always had a lot of trouble doing that.

Aris and Brennen were being played by the same player - mostly because the party needed a wizard of some type, and Aris fit the bill.

Jovah and Batista are played by the same player, but in this case it was more that Batista was important to the story and couldn't be left behind - plus he added extra power to the party which was very helpful, despite his relative helplessness in melee as opposed to ranged combat.

How will you be handling folding? I'm sure I remember you talking about it, but I don't remember what the deal was.

Dimensional Folding is being made a spell in Bes' "Chance" domain, which is a Prestige Domain available to the Luckbringer Prestge Class (whew!). Jovah will be able to cast it only once per day in 3e, which will limit the "there and back again" jaunts. Otherwise, its a fairly straight port from Second Edition.

Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
Song-Ling Monastery, near Hanalin, Ralt Gaither, February 9th, AE 420

Jalea dashes off towards the secret chamber where the Egg is hidden away. Brennen, Jovah, Reana, and Gavin retreat to the open courtyard so that they can react to any other threats as well as to anything at the gate. Aris prepares to cast a magic missile at the non-heat-radiating samurai, but Batista moves to the opposite window, and launches his fireball arrow into the midst of the gathered samurai, frying several of them, including the supposedly undead one.

“Hey!” Aris yelps. “I said only one of them was undead!”

“Right,” Batista replies coldly. “Whatever.”

The “samurai” leaps from the stair leading to the gate, and adheres to the wall, apparently spider climbing. Aris unleashes his magic missile and Batista draws another arrow. Aris runs to the room where the spider climbing enemy is heading – the windows in the Monastery are large enough to crawl through – and arrives just as the “samurai” steps in and changes form to the stronger, warrior Loraxite. He engages him, hoping to get him before he starts going invisible and hasted.

Outside in the courtyard, Reana spies something on the roof of the building as a score or more spidery creatures start crawling over the roof! The party had heard that there were numerous spider-creatures that used to work for the Drow in this section of the mountains, and those stories seem now to be true. She, Gavin, and some of the monks fend them off with bowfire for the time being.

Jalea reaches the area where the secret chamber is hidden. He took special care to memorize the series of steps the Monastery leader had used to open the door, and he repeats them now. The entryway opens, and he finds himself in the storage chamber. He closes the door behind him, and moves quickly to the pedestal where the Egg is hidden, and checks it for traps, disarming the one that he finds. He then opens it up, and does a quick switch of the Egg with the oval stone he had found for this purpose.

Just as he closes the compartment, he hears a noise from behind him. The secret door is opening again! The scout hides in a corner behind a suit of samurai armor, and sees the door open; but nothing comes in. He looks more closely, and sees a slight blurring – the telltale sign of a Loraxite’s invisible presence. The compartment opens, and the trap triggers, but with no apparent effect. Jalea sees the oval stone in its cloth wrapping rise up from the compartment, and the cloth is stripped away. Then, with a curse from the invisible Loraxite thief, the stone is thrown forcibly away! Jalea hears footsteps rapidly leaving the area, and he follows out to the courtyard.

Brennen and Batista move to intercept the warrior Loraxite, only to find that Illyana, the Drow-girl Loraxite is there as well, invisible! She lays into Aris pretty well, and the fight is going poorly for him. The warrior has by now gone invisible as well, and they’re both hasted, with blades whirling and slicing through the three fighters. Jovah tries to help, but big battles are not his strong suit.

Reana and Gavin have been joined by Jalea now, and are doing the best they can to not be overrun by goblin-sized spider creatures. Both fights have moved into the large courtyard by now, and the mage-Loraxite is throwing spells from a nearby location, but keeps moving so he can’t be found.

Brennen steps back from the fight for a moment, and things look badly if the Sword of Kelanen leaves a battle; but then he begins casting a spell. A moment later, both Ilyana and the warrior Loraxite return to visibilty, and normal speed! Brennen dispelled both effects!

Aris lets Illyana have it with a lightning bolt, and Batista plugs her with a couple of arrows, and she stumbles, badly hurt. The still unseen mage is now screaming out for something.

“Sharat! We need your aid!” Aris can tell he is yelling.

Moments later, Aris worst fears are confirmed. A huge, shadowy form crawls over the top of the Monastery, and the monks begin running in fear. Its massive claws plant themselves a good thirty feet apart, and its sinewy, reptile neck snakes out towards the party. It is difficult for them to see it clearly, as its scales seem to deflect the little light that the moon offers.

“Shadow Dragon!” Aris yells.

The Shadow Dragon inhales sharply, and breathes out a cloud of Shadowy gas in front of it – it looks like the shadowy mists that have allowed the Loraxites to escape twice before. Batista downs Illyana with one more arrow, and the warrior Loraxite turns sharply towards her with a cry of anger. He pauses, and is suddenly hasted again.

The Shadow Dragon’s main breath weapon drains levels, but he couldn’t use it with the groups so interspersed.

He runs over, and slings her over his back, and turns towards the Dragon.

“NO!” Brennen yells. “NOT AGAIN!

Batista moves closer to the Dragon to get a shot off – too close. The Dragon smacks the half-elf with a heavy claw, sending him reeling. Then the Dragon grabs him in his claws. Reana runs over and tries to distract the Dragon with her attacks.

“Oh no!” Aris thinks. “I’ve already lost Batista once, if I lose him again, Tolaro will have my head on a platter!”

The Bladesinger reaches into his pouch, pulling out his yellow ring that allows access to the interdimensional castle. He palms it, and runs to Batista, dodging the Dragon’s other claw. He grabs his half-elven protégé, and slips the ring on his finger.

Nothing happens.

Aris had only a general idea of how many charges the rings had left; he knew they had ‘around five’ at one point. The ring was out of charges.

The Shadow Dragon’s other claw closes around the Bladesinger, pinning his arms to his side.

Brennen runs up to the warrior Loraxite, as he hoists Illyana over his shoulder, and grabs her legs himself. He exerts every muscle in his body, and tries to wrench her away from the vampire, who is exceptionally strong. Brennen is pretty strong himself however, and he pulls the small female Loraxite away from her protector. She falls to the ground nearby. The warrior moves to pick her up again, but Brennen interposes himself, and draws his third sword (having had to drop his other two to grab Illyana).

This is enough time to allow Jovah to do what he wants. He runs up, stake in hand, and jumps on Illyana’s prone form, driving the stake through her heart. The warrior screams in anger, takes a swing at Brennen to voice his frustration, and then double-times it into the mist.

Reana is trying to free Aris, but once the warrior Loraxite is in the mist, the Shadow Dragon starts retreating into the mist himself. Batista is unconscious, but Aris is still struggling, trying to free himself before being drug off to who knows where. Brennen, Jovah, and Gavin rush up to help, but the Shadow Dragon moves off and is enveloped completely in mist, and is gone.

“Aris!” Jovah yells.


There is no answer.


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LuckBringer Prestige Class
Chance Prestige Domain


Dms Stuff>Rogues Gallery>Kid Charlemagne's Story Hour Characters

Comments Welcome.

Is there a way to better format the columns etc..?

Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
Song-Ling Monastery, near Hanalin, Ralt Gaither, February 9th, AE 420

“That thing dragged away Aris and Batista!” Reana yells. “What are we going to do now?”

Brennen looks around feverishly.

“Did they get the Egg?”

Jalea puts his hands in his pockets, and whistles a tune, looking around at no one in particular.

“Jalea?” Jovah asks. “Did they get the Egg?”

Jalea pats a small bag hanging from his belt, and winks. Brennen walks over to the elven scout.

“Are you saying you went down there and stole the Egg back from the Monastery without telling us?”

“Well,” Jalea starts, “I told Jovah…”

Brennen slaps Jalea on the shoulder. “Good job!”

“What now?” he asks Jovah.

“Well, we’re kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place,” Jovah says. “We kept the Egg safe, but we lost two party members to the enemy.”

“They’re probably dead already,” Gavin says.

“I don’t think so,” Reana replies. “They want the Egg. We have it. We want our friends back. They have them. They’ll probably keep them alive if for no other reason than to try and bargain for the Egg.”

“Then we’ll need to find them first,” Brennen says. “Because if it comes down to that, we won’t give them the Egg. Agreed?”

The others gulp at the thought, but silently nod yes.

They rest up for the rest of the night, and in the morning, Jovah folds them to Fencig. He then casts divination to try and learn where their friends have been taken.

An hour or so later, Jovah finds the others and tells them what he learned.

“They’re someplace called ‘The Great Graveyard’”, the gnomish priest says. “I have no idea what that means or how we find it.”

“Wait a minute,” Reana says. “I’ve heard that name before… That’s it! Remember that gate below Virenzo’s hiding place under Axehead Peak? Erik said that it led to a place called the Great Graveyard. Some kind of purgatory, just this side of Hell, he said.”

“We can go there, and use that gate to get there,” Brennen says. “I bet that’s why Virenzo holed up there. It had easy access to the Loraxites so he could deliver the Egg. That may mean we won’t have to look too long to find them.”

“Um, I just want to point out something,” Gavin says. “From what you’ve told me of that place, it was guarded by a very old, very powerful undead guardian, right? From the sounds of it, we may have more of those to deal with on the other side.”

“One other thing,” Reana says. “Do we bring the Egg with us? If we do, and we fail, then they have the Egg, and things are bad. If we don’t, and they attack here while we’re looking there, they could get the Egg easily, and things are bad. Pick your poison.”

“Yikes,” Jovah says. “I don’t like the sounds of any of this. We also need to figure out what to do with the Egg if we succeed at getting Aris and Batista back. We need to find a place to hide it forever, or figure out a way to destroy it.”

They look back and forth amongst themselves, but no one has an answer to that.

“Alright,” Jovah says. “I’ll do a divination in the morning, and we’ll fold to as close to Axehead Peak right after.”

Jovah wakes up very early the next morning, before dawn, and casts his divination. He does everything as he ordinarily would (Bes’ divinations typically involve the casting of dice), but as he waits to receive the expected response, his thoughts are interrupted by the sound of a knock on the front door of the house, downstairs. As no answer seems forthcoming, he calls out to have someone answer it – but no one in the house stirs.

“Odd,” he says to himself, trotting off to answer the door in his nightshirt, floppy purple hat, and bunny slippers.

As he descends the stairs, he notices that the sounds of the street are noticeably absent. At this hour before dawn, carts of produce headed for market should be rattling down the street. There is no sound, however, but the creaking of the steps of the house. He reaches the front door and pauses.

“The last time I answered my door in my bunny slippers, I was kidnapped by a gladatorial press gang,” he reflects.

A long and involved story. He was 3rd level at the time…

“Ah, what are the odds of that happening again?” and he opens the door.

Standing in the doorway is an elf, someone that Jovah has never seen before. He is a Grey Elf, tall and thin, with a dark green cloak pulled around him to protect him from the mid-February chill. A sword hilt pokes through from underneath the cloak.

“Hi. Who are you?” Jovah asks.

“My name is Janketh,” the elf says with a wry smile. “You asked for help that Bes could not give, so I was asked to come and speak with you.”

“My divination has never done that before… This is very unusual,” Jovah says.

“Unusual times, unusual messenger, unusual message,” Janketh replies. “May I?”

“Uh, sure. Come in.”

Janketh steps in, and removes his cloak, hanging it on a cloak rack by the door. He is dressed for fighting, with a suit of elven chain, and a strange looking longsword at his belt. The hilt has a bat motif to it that unnerves Jovah. But that isn’t even the strangest thing about the visitor. His left arm is entirely mechanical, and plated in gold.

Janketh is an interesting fellow. He comes originally from an old game I ran that ended quickly, due to my moving away to Chicago… The game was very high-level, and set in the far past of this world. Janketh was a character created by Brennen and Aris’ player, with a really cool backstory. He never got the chance to really do anything though, but Brennen’s player had been talking about him, asking if he might still be around – Janketh was a great foe of the Drow, and would have made a powerful ally. Unfortunately, he was long dead, but I decided to use him this way. The players had heard of him, but not the PC’s, so his appearance here was greeted with a suitably impressed reaction.

He sits in a chair, and Jovah sits down near him.

“You’ll have to forgive me for not being able to answer all your questions,” he says. “It was decided long ago that the best way to protect the Egg was to eliminate all knowledge of it or what its purpose is, and I cannot break that decision. It comes from an authority far above mine.

“It is vital that it not be destroyed. The Egg contains something, something unspeakably evil. Well, part of something, anyway. Destroying the Egg would strengthen the evil, and destroying that which it contains would unleash it entirely. It needs a new hiding place. The Monastery sufficed for over two millenia, but it is compromised now. A new spot must be found.”

“How do we find a new spot?” Jovah asks.

“The elven gods are aware of this matter now, ever since you sent word to Tolaro about the Loraxites. He spoke with a High Priest in Cape Varna, and it went up the chain of command, so to speak. A place is being prepared. Find your friends, and then take the Egg to this place.

“You can take it there, so that its precise location remains secret. This will allow you to do that.”

Janketh produces a small diamond from a pouch, and offers it to Jovah.

“What is it?” he asks.

“A memory,” Janketh answers.


First Post
Kid Charlemagne said:
“Well, we’re kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place,” Jovah says. “We kept the Egg safe, but we lost two party members to the enemy.”
“They’re probably dead already,” Gavin says.

Good ol' warm-hearted Gavin.

"Sir Gavin" will have to work on that. :)


Hah! Was I on top of that "rings with (or without) charges" thing or what!

Once again I bet that was a sinking feeling when the thought "It's out of charges" first occurred to the player. Not to mention a Shadow Dragon showing up. These guys are moving in some SERIOUS power circles!

I guess having one of your characters kidnapped is one way of only having to play a single character! :D

It sounds to me like Brennen was tired of getting his butt chewed and wanted to get at least one of those vampires no matter what.

This new NPC reminds me of Nuada Airgetlam.

Good stuff as usual!

Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
Matchstick said:

I guess having one of your characters kidnapped is one way of only having to play a single character!

Yeah, actually that applies to both! During this session I was thinking "Wow, should I let them have a little extra chance to get away?" Then I realized that both characters belonged to players who had two characters, and decided that that did not have to be a concern.

Good stuff as usual!

Thanks! We're building to the climax here; This last post essentially ends at the beginning of the final session of the campaign.

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