• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Pathfinder 1E JollyDoc's Jade Regent


Dramatis Personae:

Boris Ushki (goblin rogue): found as an infant during the late unpleasantness involving the Rise of the Runelords, Boris was taken in and raised by the Desnan priestess Koya Mvashti. He has served in her household as a cook ever since

Mazael Cravenlock (aasimar warpriest of Desna): working as a sometime caravan guard, he befriended Koya on his numerous trips through Sandpoint due to their shared religious beliefs

Haroldo Seigfreid (human bloodrager): the blacksheep outcast in a family of sorcerers due to his limited magical ability, he harbors a thus-far unrequited affection for Ameiko Kaijitsu

Yannus Vhiski (human cleric/evangelist of Shelyn): the younger brother of Sandru Vhiski, and adoptive son of Koya, he is recently returned from a military campaign at the World Wound, andi currently pondering his next step

Koman Locke (human slayer/vanguard): another adoptive son of Koya, he was found in with an Ulfen raiding party defeated by Sandpoint guardsmen.

Piotr Satarma (human void-touched sorcerer): son of a wealthy merchant who died at the hands of goblins, he is trying to rebuild his family business, and also courts the affections of Ameiko

Lucian (half-elf wood oracle): a young protege of the elven ranger Shalelu Adrosana, he seeks to prove himself worthy of his teacher's favor

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4715-Heroes Are Born

At the Rusty Dragon tavern in the Varisian town of Sandpoint, several old friends and acquaintances gathered. There were the adopted brothers, Yannus Vhiski and Koman Locke, each recently returned home after several years away fighting wars or pursuing fortune and glory. Their mother's house servant, the goblin Boris, accompanied them, delighted to finally have a day off. The wandering priest and sometime caravan guard Mazael Cravenlock, lounged in one corner, just in from another run with Sandru Vhiski. The young merchant, and, some whispered, sorcerer, Piotr Satarma leaned on the bar, gossiping with Ameiko Kaijitsu, the young Tian woman who owned the tavern. Piotr himself was also just returned to Sandpoint to settle his father's affairs after the old man had finally drank himself to death. Across the room, young Haroldo Seigfreid glared at Piotr. The morose and brooding fellow had long harbored a secret affection for Ameiko, but had never been able to act on it, ashamed of his black-sheep standing among his brothers, all capable sorcerers in their own right. Haroldo hated sorcerers. Lastly, the half-breed elf, Lucian Jones, had wandered into the tavern, wide-eyed and always amazed at what he considered "the big city." He had accompanied the famed huntress Shalelu Adosana from his village of Crying Leaf, tagging along behind his idol when she came to Sandpoint to investigate rumors of increased goblin activity in the Brinestump Marsh.

In fact, goblins were all anyone in Sandpoint could talk about. For the past several weeks, the Licktoad goblins had been attacking caravans on the Lost Coast Road with increasing frequency and boldness. The source of their newfound bravery seemed to be a supply of pyrotechnics they had somehow come into possession of. No one had been killed yet, but several merchants and caravan guards had been injured. The situation had escalated to the point where the mayor had reinstated the bounty on goblin ears, which had been banned several years back after the Duke boys had gone missing in the swamp while trying to earn some extra coin.

Mazael loudly, and perhaps a bit drunkenly, declared that he would be glad to take care of the goblin problem, and would be willing to split the bounty with anyone willing to accompany him. Piotr readily agreed to join him, as his family's business, already almost driven to ruin by his father, could ill-afford any more losses. Haroldo would be damned if he was going to let some jumped-up magician claim all the glory, and curry favor with Ameiko, while he stood by and did nothing. He signed up as well. Lucian raised his hand to volunteer, albeit a little hesitantly. This might be his chance to finally impress Shalelu, but he feared making a fool out of himself in his mentor's eyes, or worse yet, needing her to come and rescue him. Koman nudged Yannus. It had been a long time since the brothers had adventured and explored together, and after all they had seen, a few unruly goblins seemed like just the thing to clear their heads. Yannus agreed, but only on the condition that they try to deal with the situation with as little carnage as possible. Lastly, Boris didn't so much volunteer as assume that it was beyond question that he was coming along. He was a goblin, after all, so who would know more about how to reason with his own kind? Who indeed??

It was at that moment that Ameiko pointed out that no one knew exactly where in the Brinestump the Licktoads actually lived. She suggested that the group consult with Walthus Proudstump, the old halfling hermit who had declared himself the so-called "warden" of the swamp. The new companions thanked her, and set out for the Brinestump, taking the New Fishing Trail down into the valley where the dense growth of the marsh nearly blocked out the sunlight above. Following the trail led them directly to Walthus' home, a sagging, two-story structure that had definitely seen it's better days. A knock on the door brought the halfling to the threshold, but only to peer out through the cracked opening. When Yannus explained why they had come, Walthus hurriedly told them to look for the Licktoads along the Old Fishing Trail, and then slammed the door in their faces. Suspicious, the group knocked again, and this time, when the halfling impatiently opened the door, Boris pushed his way in, and headed towards the kitchen, offering to whip up a quick meal for the haggard-looking warden. Walthus explained that he wasn't fit to receive company, as earlier in the day, he had to run a giant snake off his property, and unfortunately, the viper had bitten him. Yannus, a priest by training, offered his healing services to the halfling. Walthus accepted, but he still seemed nervous, especially when he noticed Mazael heading upstairs. A look of rage came over his face, which began to ripple unnaturally. Within moments, the halfling had transformed into a horrid creature known as a faceless stalker. A pitched battle ensued, but the adventurers had numbers on their side in the cramped quarters of the house, and they managed to bring the monster down in short order. Moments later, Mazael heard a cry of help from upstairs, and when he went to investigate, he found the real Walthus cowering, injured, in a safe room. The halfling explained that the stalker had ambushed him the day before. He had managed to wound the creature, but had barely managed to escape with his life thanks to his trained pet vipers. Walthus was grateful to his saviors, and confirmed that the Licktoads could indeed be found along the Old Fishing Trail. In addition, he offered them his magic cloak as a reward, and even managed to overlook the fact that Boris tried to abscond with his coin purse before the group took their leave.

Following Walthus' directions through the treacherous swamp, the young adventurers had little trouble finding the Licktoad's village, but when they arrived, it looked as if someone had already beaten them there. The small village was enclosed by a rough log palisade, but the gates had been ripped from their hinges and lay on the ground. The buildings were on raised stilts with elevated walkways, but the whole area had an air of abandonment. A pig stye in the center of the village contained a pile of charred bones...goblin by the looks of them. The group set about exploring the buildings, only to find most of them empty. However, as they opened the door to yet another apparently abandoned hovel, they were met by shrill shrieks as a quartet of dogslicer-wielding goblins towards them. One of them carried a narrow tube in his hand. He pulled a cord on the bottom of it, and sent a volley of small, fiery projectiles towards the heroes. The young, inexperienced and mostly untried adventurers had never fought together. Most of them barely knew one another. But as one group of goblins went down, only to be replaced by a another one, and then another and another, pouring out of the surrounding shacks, they slowly but surely came together. Yannus, used to leading and inspiring young, scared soldiers, lifted his voice above the din of the melee, encouraging the others with his inspired words and songs of battle. Koman, trained to seek weaknesses in an enemy's defenses that others would never notice, struck with uncanny precision and accuracy. Mazael laid about him with his falchion, all the while spitting Desnan curses at his foes, while Haroldo cut a swath of carnage through the goblins, his greatsword dripping red, as his eyes burned with blood rage. Piotr hung back and called upon the magic that he had only recently realized was his to command, sending blinding flashes of light at some goblins, while enveloping others in bone-chilling columns of blackness. Lucian moved among his allies with a confidence he wasn't aware he possessed. As the goblins scored telling blows against them, the young oracle summoned the strength of the very trees around him and used that energy to heal the wounds of his new friends. As for Boris...well, the wily goblin did what he was best at: sowed chaos and dissent wherever he went. The Licktoad goblins were confused by his presence among the tall folk, and Boris used that to his advantage, catching them by surprise, and leaving them wide open to the attacks of his comrades.

The last of the goblins fled towards a large lodge in the center of town before being cut down by Koman. Fearing more goblins might await inside. the heroes split up, with Mazael and Boris looping around the back of the building, while the others headed for the double front doors. In the back, Boris noticed a ladder leading up to a blank back wall. Knowing goblins like he did (since he was one), he surmised that a hidden entrance must be there, and the ladder was left there to help the Licktoads remember where it was. He and Mazael quickly climbed up and found the poorly concealed door. Beyond it, they found themselves in a small chamber with no exits. Boris found two more secret doors, and he and the warpriest decided to open them simultaneously. Mazael hissed when his door opened on a shabby throne room, while Boris giggled with glee when his door opened what passed for the goblins' treasure vault. Mazael leaped forward, only to be met by the goblin chief Rendwattle Gutwad and four of his bodyguards. On the other side of the chamber he saw a pair of double doors shudder as his companions smashed their way in. Chaos erupted as Gutwad fired up a skyrocket firework and launched it in the close interior quarters, temporarily blinding, deafening and scorching everyone around him. The chief fought like a caged beast, even managing to knock Mazael unconscious, but the outcome was inevitable, and the young heroes put every last goblin to the sword.

In the aftermath, Boris was first into the treasure room, but Yannus was on his heels, not quite trusting the goblin to be left alone with anything of value. Plus, the priest wanted no part of lopping the ears off of the goblin corpses for the bounty, and he wanted to keep Boris occupied until the butchery was done. The only thing in the treasure room was a beautifully carved wooden chest. It bore scenes of cranes and frogs playing along a beach, and Koman was able to identify it as being of Minkai origin, a provence in the far-east land of Tian Xia. Inside were many foreign coins, and more fireworks, as well as a collection of finely made shuriken, a masterfully wrought pearl hair pin, and a gold-and-ivory fan that depicted a gecko walking amid cherry blossoms. On the back of this fan, however, someone had drawn a crude map which appeared to depict Brinestump Marsh, with the locations of two shipwrecks and a cave highlighted. The companions finished investigating the village, and were able to determine that a violent battle had taken place several days before. In addition to many goblin bodies, they came upon a handful of skeletal remains that appeared to be human. A large, beaten path left the village to the southeast, obviously the path that the invaders had taken. It led inn the same direction that one of the shipwrecks and the cave had been drawn on the map.


The Trouble With Rat Women

2 Abadius, 4715

The following day, the young adventurers returned to Brinestump Marsh, following the crude map in hopes of finding some long-forgotten treasure in the old shipwrecks marked on it. As they made their way through the swamp, however, they were overcome by the distinct feeling that they were being watched. It was Boris who first spotted the figure in the undergrowth, stalking them. At first, it crawled along on all fours, but then it rose up on legs that bent like a dogs. It's skin was pale, and when its mouth opened, it revealed small appendages on either side that looked like small hands.
"It's him!" the goblin screeched. "The Soggy River Monster!"
All of them had heard the legend, of course. Fisherman and farmers had told tales for the past three years of a creature that lurked in the swamp, preying on the unwary. No fewer than five disappearances had been attributed to it during that time.
The creature lunged at them, but Mazael stepped forward to meet its rush head-on. The beast drew back when it saw the size of the group, obviously not anticipating victims that fought back. Koman and Haroldo joined Mazael, and though the monster fought like a demon possessed, the three warriors brought it down quickly, suffering a few small cuts and abrasions for their effort.
Boris quickly sawed the creature's head from its body and held it aloft victoriously. "Momma Koya going to love this in stew tonight!"

It wasn't much further until they came to an overgrown clearing. In the middle was the burned, scorched remains of a merchant vessel. It was little more than a shell, and the companions were disappointed to find it completely devoid of anything of value. As they searched the wreckage, however, they did come upon the ships nameplate: the Kaijitsu Star.

The group backtracked to the Licktoad village, and set out to the southeast, following the trail left by whomever had attacked the goblins before them. After a short time, the path crossed a second, overgrown trail.
"I recognize this," Koman said. "It's called the Witch's Walk. Supposed to lead to Old Megus's shack."
"The old swamp witch?" Yannus asked his brother. "I thought she was just a story to scare kids."
Koman shrugged. "Who knows, but we're already out here, right? Might as well check it out."

The others had no objections. They were all feeling fairly confident in themselves, what with their victory over the Licktoads, and their defeat of the Soggy River Monster. The trail was old, and long disused, but still easy to follow. A sagging one-story shack sat in a clearing at its end, its walls dingy with age and encrusted with lichen and fungus. A partially collapsed shed sat to one side, while small pouches, twisted knots of feathers, and dangling wind chimes made of bones hung from branches and the roof edge alike.
"We knock?" Boris asked apprehensively, eyeing the decrepit building warily.
"Don't look like nobody's home," Mazael scoffed as he kicked one big boot at the door. "After you," he grinned at the goblin.
Boris shook his head emphatically. "No, Boris look for back door," he said as he skittered off around the back of the shack.
The others followed the war priest into the house, with the exception of Koman. The stalker's nerves were on edge. Something didn't seem right. He decided to hang back and wait to see if Boris found anything.

As Boris came around the back of the house, he caught a flash of movement out of the corner of his eye. What looked like a large rat scurried from under the shack, but as it turned and looked back, it's face looked distinctly...human.
"Crazy rat woman!" Boris shrieked as he chased after the creature. When he turned the far corner, he just saw it dart behind Koman and into the shed.
"It run in shed!" Boris yelled, gesturing frantically. Come! Come!"
He grabbed Koman's arm and dragged the stalker to the back of the shed, where they saw that the wall had mostly collapsed. As the two of them peered into the darkness, they saw four pairs of beady eyes staring back at them. With a shriek, four rats, the size of small dogs, leaped towards them. Boris shrieked as well as he jumped back in surprise, his hands fumbling at his belt, leaving Koman to face the oncoming vermin on his own. Two of the rats leaped at the stalker, sinking their sharp yellow fangs into his thigh and arm, and ripping away chunks of his flesh. Koman went pale as the blood gushed from his wounds, and he staggered away into the woods. By that time, Boris had managed to pull the skyrocket from his belt and ignite it. Still shrieking, he aimed it at the rats and let it fly. It exploded on impact as it struck the first one, setting all four of them alight, and sending them squealing in circles.

Inside the house, the others heard the shouts and explosion coming from the shed, and they all but stumbled over each other rushing back outside.
"There! There!" Boris screamed, hopping up and down and pointing to the roof of the shed. "Crazy rat woman!"
The strange creature had indeed reappeared on the roof, though to Yannus' eyes it looked more like a rat man. It gestured with its all-too-human hands, and out of thin air, a swarm of screeching, biting rats appeared, surrounding Haroldo and Mazael. The two of them began beating at the rats, trying desperately to fight clear, Haroldo retching violently as he struck this way and that.
"Follow Boris!" Boris shouted as he clenched his knife between his teeth and began scaling the sagging wall of the shed. Haroldo, wiping his mouth, quickly grabbed the edge of the roof and hauled himself up, while below, Mazael and Yannus continued to bet off rats both large and small. Piotr added his own magical assistance, sending bolts of energy at the vermin, while Lucian darted among his allies, staunching their bleeding and closing their wounds as quickly as they appeared.
Boris had the rat creature backed to one corner of the roof when Haroldo climbed up, but no sooner had the big man set foot on the rickety structure than it began to sag and creak ominously. A moment later, the entire shed collapsed, dumping all three of them to the ground below. As Haroldo struggled to extricate himself from the rubble, he came face-to-face with the rat creature, and as he locked eyes with it, he felt his heart seized by bone-chilling fear. He stumbled to his feet, turned and ran as fast as he could back towards the house.
Boris, meanwhile, took advantage of the situation to leap at the creature's unprotected back, only to have it suddenly vanish from sight in a flash of light.
"Wait!" Mazael shouted. "It's still here!"
The war priest looked slowly right and left, then closed his eyes as he raised his weapon. With startling speed, he suddenly struck out to his right, and there was a sickening thud and a gout of blood. A moment later, the limp body of the rat creature reappeared on the ground.

A thorough search of the shack revealed the ultimate fate of the swamp witch when her misshapen and malformed remains were discovered in her makeshift laboratory, a victim of her own dark alchemy. Piotr, after examining the remains of the rat creature, identified it as a ratling, and deduced that it must have been the witch's familiar. The group was rewarded for their efforts when they found a hidden cache of magic scrolls tucked away in the wall, as well as a detailed map of the entirety of Brinestump Marsh. The cave on this map was clearly marked with a warning sigil indicating danger. It was only as they prepared to leave the shack that the companions realized that Koman was still missing...

They searched the surrounding swamp for hours, finding only a blood trail heading back in the general direction of Sandpoint. They hurried back through the marsh as quickly as they could, arriving back in town at sundown. Yannus rushed to the home that he and Koman had been sharing with their adoptive mother, Koya, and there he found his brother, bedridden and pale with the old priestess tending his wounds. Koya turned and looked at him disapprovingly as he entered.
"I thought you were going to watch out for him," she said reprovingly. "You know he was never the strong one."
"I'm sorry, Mother," the young cleric said, his eyes downcast. "It all happened so fast."
"This is not a game you're playing," Koya said. "You were a soldier. You fought in battles. You know what life and death means. Your brother does not. His ideas of adventure are naive."
"Yes, Mother," Yannus nodded. "I will be more careful in the future."
At that moment, Boris burst in, waving the map they'd found about wildly.
Look what Boris bring you, Mama Koya!" the goblin shouted. "Boris know you like pretty maps!"
"Always the good boy," Koya smiled approvingly as she patted Boris's cheek.

Haroldo walked into the Rusty Dragon, and his eyes immediately fell upon Piotr chatting chummily with Ameiko at the bar.
"Did you hear of our latest adventure?" he asked the Tian woman as he walked up and loomed over the sorcerer. "I saved the goblin and Mazael from certain death."
Ameiko glanced sideways at Piotr and gave a little smirk.
"That's not quite the way I heard it," she chuckled.
Haroldo's eyes grew dark. He decided he was starting to hate Piotr.

On the other side of the bar, Lucian sat with Shalelu, filling her in on events fro that day, and of their encounter with the goblins the day before. When he'd finished his tale, he reached in his pack and pulled out a small bow, masterfully crafted.
"It belonged to Chief Gutwad," he said as he presented it to the elven ranger.
Shalelu smiled in appreciation.
"You've done well for yourself," she said. "I've always said that there was more to you than meets the eye. I look for great things from you in the future."

The following morning, with Koman fully recovered from his wounds, the companions decided to continue their exploration of Brinestump, starting with the second shipwreck. They found it easily enough, right where it was marked on both maps they'd discovered. It was only slightly in better condition than the previous wreck, it's hull split down the middle as it lay on its side, half sunken in the muck. As they began to explore, however, an odd rattling sound reached their ears from inside the ship's hold. Suddenly, four figures shuffled out of the gloom. They were dressed in odd, laminate armor, and they bore strange, curved short blades, rusted and pitted. It was only once they'd emerged fully into the sunlight that it became obvious that they were no longer among the living. There was no flesh remaining on their bones, and skulls grinned mindlessly from beneath flared helms.
Though taken aback, the young heroes did not hesitate. A few short days before, they had been relative strangers to one another, but now they fought as one, their familiarity with each other's tactics showing through. In short order, they had hacked the skeletal warriors to pieces, and stood victorious once again. It was then that they noticed the nameplate of the wrecked hulk upon which they stood: the Kaijitsu Blossom...


A Destiny Revealed

4 Abadius, 4715

The last stop on the map of Brinestump Marsh was the mysterious cave marked by both the goblins and the old witch Megus. It wasn't difficult to find. A fifty-foot high cliff rose along the marsh's southern border, its face a thick tangle of jutting rocks and bright green vines and nettles. A curtain of those thick vines partially concealed the cave opening at the base of the cliff. Within, a low-ceilinged tunnel stretched away into darkness, a small stream running along one side. It twisted and turned for a ways before opening into a small chamber. In the center of the chamber a hairy red-backed spider the size of a pony crouched, feeding on some sort of large lizard. As it turned towards the intruders, Piotr sent a flash of bright light at its eyes, momentarily dazzling it. Yannus quickly stepped in and drove his glaive through its abdomen, pinning it to the ground while Lucian bludgeoned it to death with a heavy cudgel.

Further along, Mazael caught a glimmer of light coming from a side passage. When he glanced inside, he saw that the source of the flicker was a cluster of glittering crystals that protruded from a small island surrounded by a pool of shallow, brackish water. Intrigued, the war priest waded out into the pool towards the crystals. He'd gone no more than three paces, however, when something struck his leg...hard. Then his leg began to burn, and he felt something tighten around it, like a constricting snake. When he looked down, however, he saw a gelatinous, translucent mass clinging to his lower leg. He didn't let panic seize him. He closed his eyes and focused, murmuring a brief prayer to Desna. A moment later, he was free, his leg slipping free as easily as if it had been greased. He backed quickly towards the tunnel, his blood swirling in the water behind him. As he left the pool, Haroldo charged passed him, his eyes filled with rage. As the ooze creature reared up out of the pool to strike at him, he chopped at it with his great sword. It recoiled, but then struck again, seizing him in its grasp. A moment later, he heard Piotr's annoying chanting from behind him, and from out of thin air, a hail of small, black stones rained down upon the ooze, turning the air and water around it bone-numbingly cold. The creature slipped silently back into the water and did not reemerge.

The winding tunnel finally emerged in a large cavern, the stream running along one side. A half-dozen skeletons, clad in the same foreign armor as the ones at the wreck of the Kaijitsu Blossom, lay scattered about the floor, unmoving. Koman immediately ran to the nearest one and brought his morningstar down on its skull, smashing it. At that moment, the other skeletons began to move, rattling to their feet. Two more rose up out of the stream and began lumbering forward.
"They're going to box us in!" Haroldo shouted as tried to charge through the oncoming horde. He found himself instantly surrounded, and though he raged and lay about him with his blade like a dervish, the undead horrors clawed and raked at him with their filthy nails. Mazael and Koman rushed to his aid, while Yannus stood behind them, stabbing over their shoulders with his glaive. Piotr stood back, focusing his magic on disrupting the dark energy animating the corpses, while Lucian alternated between swinging his cudgel and using the minor magics granted to him by Desna to heal his companions' more grievous injuries. Finally, the last of the skeletons fell and did not rise again, leaving the young heroes panting to catch their breath, and bleeding from multiple wounds. Yannus and Lucian bound them and tended them where they could.

On the far side of the cavern, a single, narrow passage exited. It was short and led to a small, cramped chamber. As the light from Yannus's glaive showed dimly in the far corners, the companions saw a dark alcove on the opposite side. In it there was a large chest, and seated upon it was a man, silent and unmoving. As the group cautiously approached, he rose his feet, the sword he'd been cradling on his lap know naked in his hand. He was dressed in the same armor as the skeletons, though his appeared in better condition, and he wore a large, flared helmet on his head. It was only when he'd stepped into the light that his skull-like visage made it clear that he was no longer among the living, though two pinpoints of light gleamed from his hollow eye sockets. His gaze fell upon the hulking form of Haroldo, and he nodded. Then he spoke, strange-sounding words rasping from his lipless mouth.
"He's speaking Tien," Piotr whispered. "Ameiko has been teaching me the language."
Haroldo glared at the sorcerer. "So what is he saying, smart boy?"
"He's challenging you," Piotr replied with a slight smile. "You want me to use my magic on him?"
Haroldo snarled in response, and turned towards the skeletal champion, his eyes blazing as he raised his own sword. The walking corpse met his charge, steel ringing on steel, and it slipped its curved blade beneath Haroldo's and slashed the blood rager across the abdomen. Haroldo grunted, but did not falter. He swung his huge sword like a battering ram, knocking the creature to one side. Then Lucian and Koman were by his side, moving to flank the skeleton. Though it moved stiffly, it was obvious that, whatever the fiend was now, it had been a skilled warrior when it was alive. It parried and countered the blows of three warriors, giving as good as it got. The three companions eventually overwhelmed it through sheer force and numbers, and when Lucian's cudgel finally cracked its skull, it fell silently to the ground, unmoving.

The dead warrior's blade was a thing of beauty. It was etched with the images of seven shrikes perched on a coiling branch that ran the length of the blade, but the hilt and pommel were loose, and twisted in one's grip. The chest that he had been seated on was carved rosewood. Inside, the interior was velvet-lined and contained many slots. Most were empty, but several still held wondrous treasures, including 10 delicate flasks containing multi-colored elixirs, a ring carved from ivory, a slender wand fashioned from lustrous teak wood, a beautifully wrought chain shirt, a curved short-bladed sword forged from cold iron, and many more of the fireworks similar to what the heroes had taken from the Licktoad goblins.

The companions loaded up their booty and headed home to Sandpoint to tell their tale and bask in the glory of their adventure. Ameiko was specially interested in the artifacts they had recovered, and offered to buy all of them for her collection. Piotr told her of the battle with undead warriors in her native tongue of Tien, which made her laugh in delight. Haroldo, not to be overshadowed, interjected how the skeletal champion had singled him out for individual combat, and this time, Mazael was there to back up his story, grinning mischievously at Piotr as he did so.
After that, the companions settled back into their normal lives, their adventures now a fond and fading memory. That is, until two days later when each of them found themselves mysteriously summoned to the Rusty Dragon by Ameiko. When they had all gathered, she reached under the bar and pulled out the carved sword they had retrieved from the undead warrior. The hilt had been repaired, but the pommel had been removed. Ameiko reached inside and pulled out a small rolled parchment.
"The smith found that the hilt was hollow while he was repairing it," she said. "This was inside."
She unrolled it and began to read.

"My son, my heir. You know now that I have kept secrets from you. You were always a perceptive son, and while you may not understand my reasons for secrecy, I hope that you will realize it was necessary. Know that I was not angry with you for opening the warding box-I was angry with myself for withholding the truth from you and forcing you to seek out what I should have given to you. The words I spoke to you were from anger with myself and it shames me to think of them now. I write this note as an apology, and to beg you to leave these secrets to history.
The next few days will be the most important I have faced in many years. If our family's enemies have, as I hope, forgotten us, I shall reunite with you and your wife, and your mother and I shall reveal the truth to you. But if they still seek the contents of the warding box, I fear that I may not speak to you again. The box holds our family's greatest treasure, so I have returned it to Kortun's care, and it shall remain hidden in the secret third vaults under Brinewall Castle-obscured from our enemies, I hope and pray. I will not grant our foes the satisfaction of killing me themselves-if it comes to it, let my death, by my own hand, be my final act to protect you, so that our enemies believe our line ended.
I have instructed Tsutamu to keep this letter from you, delivering it to you only if I fail to return as I hope to. If I can, I will reveal all to you myself. If I cannot, this final missive from a father to a son must suffice as an apology in place of an explanation, and you must destroy this letter, flee to the south, and never return to Brinewall. If our enemies find what I have hidden, there will be nothing here for you. If they do not, they will lie in wait forever for your return.
I hope to see you again soon, my son. But my heart tells me I will not. I am sorry to have failed you. But I am proud of you, and I know you will survive this old man's shame. You are strong and you must remain so. For if you are reading this and I am gone, know that our enemies will never stop searching for us, and that is why I cannot reveal the truth to you until I know there is no chance of them finding us again."
Rokuro Kaijitsu
Sunday, 29 Desnus, 4687

"Who is Rokuro?" Piotr asked when she'd finished.
"He is...was," Ameiko corrected, "my grandfather. Which means this letter was intended for my father, Lonjiku. My father and I...we really never had the best relationship. We didn't talk a lot, so I don't know much about his life in Minkai before the family came south. I did some research after I first got the note. The town of Brinewall lies about 500 miles north of here. It was mysteriously wiped out 28 years ago...the day after this note was written, in fact. The captain of the guard there was a man named Kortun, and Tsutamu was my grandfather's personal bodyguard, a samurai warrior. I guess, maybe that was him that you guys fought in the caves. It's starting to make sense now, the two shipwrecks in the swamp, the undead soldiers, the fireworks. Only, it doesn't really. What was my family doing in Brinewall in the first place? Why did they flee? What is this secret my grandfather was talking about? You know, I feel bad about saying this, but I'm actually kind of excited! A mystery involving my family? The chance to explore a ghost town and an abandoned castle? I think I'm feeling a road trip in my near future. Sandru has been talking about making another caravan run north, and I know Koya would jump at the chance to go on the road like her mother used to. I already talked to Shalelu about it, and she has agreed to come along. What about you lot? You up for a little more adventure??

As it turned out, they were. None of the young heroes had any urgent ties keeping them in Sandpoint. In fact, for Yannus and Koman, it was going to be like a family vacation, traveling with their brother Sandru, and their mother Koya. Piotr was thrilled at the chance to spend a bit more quality time with Ameiko, and Haroldo wasn't about to let him take advantage of it. Lucian was overjoyed to be able to actually adventure with his mentor, Shalelu, but he tried not to let it show too much, for fear of being thought overeager. For Mazael, if there was money to be made in the service of Desna, that was all the excuse he needed. And finally, Boris was not to be denied. He immediately volunteered to be the cook for the caravan, much to the dismay of the other travelers.

Sandru's caravan consisted of a covered wagon for passengers, a supply/cargo wagon, and a fortune teller's wagon, which Koya would use. Ameiko put up funds for supplies and further improvements, and the company used the money to purchase another covered, and another supply wagon, and to reinforce all of the transports. Sandru would be driving the lead wagon, and he hired four local brothers, Dale, Jeff, Bobby and Mario, to drive the others. He also convinced their sisters, Rachel, Paula and Julia to come along as additional cooks, despite much grumbling and cursing by Boris. Haroldo would serve as a guard for the caravan, while Mazael, Lucian and Shalelu would scout the terrain ahead, and forage for food. Koman volunteered to ride up front with Sandru and act as a guide to navigate the road. Ameiko and Yannus would act as healers for the troupe, in the event of injury or illness, and Piotr offered his merchant experience to help with trading in any towns they passed.

Within two days, the caravan was outfitted and ready to travel. The pulled out of Sandpoint with little fanfare, but much excitement and anticipation. Those feelings were quickly tempered with a healthy dose of reality when, not 20 miles out from the town, still on the heavily travelled Lost Coast Road, the train was set upon by a band of marauding ogres, who just happened to stumble out of the woods as the caravan was passing. The brutes descended on the company in a disorganized mob, but what they lacked in tactics, they made up for in sheer strength ferocity. The companions were not without their own resources, however, and they came together like a well-oiled machine, at first driving the ogres back, and then finally slaying them to the last. The caravan had taken heavy damage, nonetheless, and they were forced to stop and spend two days encamped while Sandru effected repairs. This produced some unrest among the hired hands, but when the train finally set out again, spirits lifted. After that they made good time, with two weeks passing with no further hardship. They travelled through the towns of Galduria, Wolf's End and Rodric's Cove along the way, with Piotr making good on his boast to wrangle them some good trade deals. Rodric's Cove would be the last settlement they would encounter before Brinewall



22 Abadius, 4715

The caravan was a week out from Rodric's Cove before it ran into it's next spot of trouble. This time it was bandits. A group of them swept out of large copse of trees, but the scouts, Shalelu and Lucian, spotted the ambush and had time to warn the others. The company was ready for the highway men when they struck. The battle was fierce and swift. The bandits were soundly beaten back and driven away, but the caravan was again forced to stop for several days to make repairs. It was during this time that Yannus thought it might be a good idea to have his brother Sandru begin instructing him in the art of carpentry and being a wainwright.

After Rodric's Cove, Sandru elected to take the caravan along an old track that skirted the southern Stony Mountains, avoiding the lawless city of Riddleport altogether. The track wound up into the Velashu Uplands, following the river northwest to a low pass in the mountains, and then due north into the Nolands. Finally, the morning arrived when the wagons passed over an old stone bridge, and came to an overgrown trail that led into the woods due east. An old signpost there read: To Brinewall. It was at that point that Ameiko fell from the wagon seat where she was riding, and landed unmoving on the ground. Haroldo was the first one to her side, quickly followed by Koya.
"What happened?" the old woman asked.
Haroldo shook his head. "She wasn't looking well this morning. Pale and quiet. I just thought it was something she ate. Is she dead??"
Koya shook her head. "No, but she is in a deep coma. This cannot be a coincidence. The moment we near Brinewall, where some legacy of her family is said to remain, and she suffers this? There must be some link"
"Well," Sandru said, "the wagons won't be able to navigate that trail. It's too overgrown. Yannus, I suggest you, Koman and your crew head for Brinewall. It can't be more than three miles further on. I'll stay with the wagons."
"And I will watch over Ameiko," Koya said.
"Then I will accompany you," Shalelu said to Yannus as she shouldered her gear.

Sandru was correct in his assessment, and it was little more than a three mile hike along the Steam River before the company reached the ruins of Brinewall. The first structure they saw was a stone lighthouse, now little more than an empty shell, its roof caved in some time ago. A quick search turned up a partially crushed strongbox that still contained a scattering of gold coins, as well as a rusty iron key. When they exited the lighthouse, they could see down the hill to the town proper, as well as the ruins of the docks. However, there appeared to be a ship moored at one of the two piers. It appeared relatively new, but upon closer inspection, it could be seen to be partially destroyed and half-sunken.
"That's a longship," Koman announced. "From the Linnorm Kingdoms. Looks like the raiders found this place before we did."

The companions made their way down the hill and into the town proper, heading towards the docks. Most of the buildings they passed were burned out or mostly collapsed, though one that they saw bore several architectural designs similar to those of the Sandpoint glassworks owned by the Kaijitsu family. When they reached the docks, they could see that the longship had suffered tremendous damage in the form of tremendous claw marks and what appeared to be scorch marks. Not far away, lying half in the water along the beach of the lagoon, was the carcass of some sort of large creature. Closer inspection showed it to be a green scaled reptile the size of a horse, with finned, winglike arms and a draconic visage. It bore the marks of several violent strikes with an edged weapon. If this was the creature that had attacked the ship, then the raiders had apparently given as well as they'd got. Koman knelt down to examine the mud on the river bank.
"I see one set of boot tracks leading away," he said. "There was at least one survivor."
"Beware the water!" Shalelu suddenly shouted, pointing towards the lagoon.
Crawling out of the water were a quartet of creatures that resembled a cross between giant lobsters and eels. They rushed towards the companions to defend their meal, claws snapping in the air as they came. Before the party could react, the reefclaws were among them, grabbing onto legs and arms with their serrated appendages and holding tight. It didn't take the group long to recover, however, and with Shalelu's deft support with her bow, they made quick work of the scavengers. Boris quickly went to work on their carcasses with his butcher knife.
"Caravan running low on provisions," he said. "Tonight we eat surf and turf!"

The party continued to pick their way through the ruined town, and eventually found themselves in front of the completely destroyed remains of a large church. The symbol on the lintel could still be made out as that of Desna. Beyond the church was a cemetery, guarded by a set of iron gates, flanked by a pair of statues carved in the likeness of a beautiful woman with butterfly wings. The grounds of the boneyard were unusually well kept, the grave markers clean and weeded. A single stone crypt stood on a small hill at one side, bearing the name of Admiral Mercatio Kiameleu, the founder of Brinewall. What appeared to be a gravestone set aside from the others, turned out to be a well-maintained shrine dedicated to Desna. Koman and Mazael, both followers of the Lady of Travels, made their obeisances before the shrine, but of the mysterious caretaker, there was no sign.

Finally, the heroes turned their attention to the keep that overlooked the ruined town...Brinewall Castle. It was a walled structure that appeared to be at least two stories, with a taller tower on one side. There was no movement upon the battlements, and the large iron portals of the gatehouse stood closed. The group approached cautiously, noting the numerous arrow slits that looked out like dark, staring eyes. Haroldo carefully boosted Boris up on his shoulders so the goblin could peer inside. The interior of the gatehouse was dim but Boris's eyes quickly adjusted. The floor was packed dirt and numerous wooden support beams rose to the stone ceiling above. Another pair of rusted iron doors opened to the interior of the keep on the opposite side of the room. Lying about the room were four odd-looking individuals. The looked roughly human-sized, but they were covered in black feathers and heads like large ravens. They all looked to be sleeping.
"Bird men," Boris whispered as he motioned for Haroldo to lower him back down. "Sleepy bird men. Boris think he can squeeze through arrow slit. Sneak very quiet and unlock gate. Good plan, Boris think."
The others couldn't argue that the little goblin could be very unobtrusive when he wanted to be. Haroldo boosted him again while the others readied themselves in front of the gates. Slowly, Boris wedged himself into the narrow opening and slipped inside the gatehouse, then lowered himself quietly to the floor. He began tiptoeing across the room towards the exterior doors, where a large lever served as the locking mechanism. He gripped the lever and pulled it, and to his horror, it made a rusty, squeaking noise as it lowered. One of the bird men stirred and opened its beady eyes. Quickly, Boris shoved the door open, and his friends darted inside to stand over the bird creatures, weapons ready. Haroldo and Koman put their fingers to their mouths, warning the creatures to be quiet. Immediately, one of them began squawking raucously. A bowstring twanged, and a green fletched arrow sprouted out of its shoulder.
"These are dire corbies," Shalelu snapped. "They are evil, murderous creatures, and your mercy is wasted on them!"
At that moment, the dire corbies began lurching to their feet, reaching for the heroes with filthy, sharpened talons. Chaos erupted inside the gatehouse. The corbies fought like fanatics, screeching and slashing despite suffering grievous wounds. They fought past the point when lesser creatures would have succumbed, until they finally dropped one by one.
"The language they were speaking," Lucian huffed as he struggled to catch his breath, "it was Aklo. They spoke of their master, and how he would destroy us all."

A pair of ladders on opposites sides of the room led to trap doors in the ceiling of the gatehouse. Koman and Boris quickly scrambled up them to see what the raucous shrieking of the dire corbies had alerted. When they emerged onto the roof, however, they found another trio of the corbies waiting for them. They began squawking loudly, and their cries were answered from the far side of the courtyard. There, on another battlement, three more corbies were readying a catapult.
"Down!" Koman shouted as he lunged for the nearest corby.
Boris thought his warning was unnecessary, since the little goblin couldn't even see over the parapet. Still, he ducked low and plunged both of his blades into the thick leg of an oncoming corby. From below, he could hear his friends rapidly ascending the ladders. Just as Haroldo and Mazael reached the roof, the crack of the catapult shattered the air. Unfortunately for the dire corbies manning it, the siege weapon was old and in disrepair. The throwing arm completed obliterated the base as it slammed forward, knocking the bird men to the ground and sending its boulder sailing harmlessly into the woods beyond the wall. The three corbies quickly climbed to their feet and began quickly running along the battlements to join their comrades on the gatehouse roof.

By that time, all of the companions, save for Yannus, had reached the rooftop and engaged the dire corbies. For his part, Yannus fished a flask out of his pack, uncorked it, and quickly downed the contents. He grimaced as his muscles began to spasm and stretch, his bones elongating. In a matter of moments, he had grown to twice his size, and he pushed open the inner doors leading to the courtyard. He stepped outside, his head now even with the parapets, and moved to try and intercept the oncoming corbies, using the now over twenty-foot reach that his glaive gave him. However, as he reached the middle of the courtyard, the doors to a stable suddenly flew open. Standing there was a large, hairy spider the size of a pony, and next to it was an emaciated creature that looked like a cross between a person and an arachnid. It gestured, and the spider scuttled across the courtyard towards Yannus, but when it was still several yards away, the giant evangelist impaled it with his polearm. The arachnoid creature, and ettercap, screeched inhumanly and loped forward on all fours, stopping just outside the reach of Yannus' glaive. From there, it began spinning fine silk from a spinneret on its abdomen into a web net, which it promptly prepared to hurl towards the priest.

Meanwhile, back on the roof, the battle careened from one side to the other, but the dire corbies were rapidly losing ground. The last one went down just before the other three reinforcements rounded the final corner on the battlements, only to be met by a hail of arrows from Shalelu, and Mazael and Haroldo standing shoulder to shoulder. Though the corbies tried to break through, they were beaten back and overwhelmed.
"Little help!" a call came from below.
Shalelu turned and saw the ettercap advancing on Yannus, tossing net after net of sticky webbing at him. She drew her bowstring back to her ear, sighted, and loosed, burying a shaft to the fletches in the creature's neck.

The courtyard was quiet. There seemed to be no further answer to the warning cries of the dire corbies, nor to the sounds of combat. The heroes quickly made their way down to the ground and joined Yannus, and then they all hurriedly crossed the open yard to the keep itself. The front doors stood closed, but that way seemed to obvious. They circled around to one side, and there found a side door that was unlocked. As quietly as possible, Boris eased it open. Beyond seemed to be the ruined remains of some sort of barracks, but all the bunks had been piled into the middle to make a large nest. No sooner had the daylight from outside illuminated the chamber, than a hissing sound came from the nest. Two large reptiles, lizards the size of crocodiles, lumbered out of the debris and rushed forward. Haroldo pushed Boris aside as the first one lunged, and the big warrior swung his sword down and neatly decapitated it. Shalelu darted in behind him, but the second lizard seized her leg and hung on, shaking her back and forth. As she struggled to break free, Yannus came to her side and jabbed down with his glaive, severing the lizard's spine, causing it to go limp.


Enemies and Allies

2 Calistril, 4715

A single door on the far side of the ruined barracks led deeper into the keep, but no sooner had Lucian pushed it open, than a horrendous stench washed into the room. He immediately felt a wave of nausea, and from the sound of the retching coming from behind him, his companions were succumbing to the smell as well. Through watery eyes, he saw four figures advancing out of the adjacent room towards him. They stood on two legs, but their skin was more like reptile hide. Their heads were reptilian as well, and a large red crest ran from their scalps down to a long tail. They brandished heavy wooden clubs in their clawed hands, and they hissed angrily as they moved in.
"Troglodytes!" Shalelu shouted in warning, the only one of the group who wasn't gagging.
She quickly loosed a volley of arrows at the first trog, dropping it with three direct hits to the throat. From behind the ranger, Piotr spoke the words to a spell, and a dazzling blast of light filled the room. The troglodytes hissed, rubbing furiously at their eyes, and then Haroldo and Mazael were among them. The two big men, hacked and slashed furiously, making quick work of the reptiles, leaving the room quiet, but still repulsively pungent.

A large table lay in shambles in the middle of the room, while crumbled suits of armor that bore decorations of dragons twisting around castle towers lay in heaps along the walls. A flight of stairs wound up along a curved wall to one side. A number of documents, maps and troop lists that dated back to the night Brinewall was attacked, lay scattered among the debris. Reading over them, it became obvious that the guards believed that the citizens of the village were rioting, and that several buildings had caught fire. The guards were preparing to mount and expedition to investigate and restore order, but there was no further indication of their success or failure.

Boris crept quietly to a door on the far side of the room and pressed his ear against it.
"No, no, no!" he heard a shrill voice shouting from the other side. "You can't fly any more! I need more feeling! More emotion!"
The goblin pulled away from the door, his face puzzled.
"Crazy man yelling at not-flying people," he shrugged.
"Well, what are we waiting for?" Koman asked. "Sounds like a party!"
The door opened on to a long hall, draped with rotted, faded banners that depicted a stylized castle sitting on a seaside cliff. Thick stone pillars supported the ceiling, while at the far end of the hall sat an old wooden throne, its back carved to resemble the towers of a castle wrapped in the coils of a serpentine dragon. Seated upon the throne was a wild-eyed man, obviously of Tian origin, with a bristly goatee, deep red skin, and a truly prodigious nose. No fewer than eight dire corbies were clustered before him.
"Ah!" the man laughed, and clapped his hands when he saw the newcomers at the door."Just what we needed! An audience! Come in! Come in! Tell me what you think of my latest masterpiece! It's a story about a flock of ravens who find themselves magically transformed into humans who can no longer fly. Isn't that wonderful?!"
Without hesitation, Boris marched into the room. Yannus cursed under his breath.
"Stop him!" he hissed at his brother.
Koman started after the goblin, and Haroldo followed.
"Excellent!" the Tian man clapped again as the trio entered. "All of the players are in place! Now, my actors and thespians, kill them all!!"

The corbies swarmed about the three heroes, while one of them rushed to block the door, preventing Yannus and the others from coming to the aid of their friends. Haroldo, as the biggest threat in the room, drew the most corbies to him. The swiped with beaks and claws, badly mauling the blood rager.
"Catch!" Boris shouted as he tossed a flask to the big man.
Haroldo caught it one-handed and quickly quaffed it, closing some of his wounds. He then swung his blade at the red-skinned man, who was still laughing and clapping maniacally, while dancing a little jig on the dais. The stroke missed by a hair's breadth, and the man recoiled in shock.
"How dare you?!" he screamed, his voice going up several octaves.
Just then, Koman plunged his own blade into the man's back. He screeched again, and then vanished in a flash of light.

Back at the door, Shalelu, Lucian and Mazael made quick work of the corby blocking their way, but another took its place a moment later. It fared no better. The heroes rushed into the room just as Haroldo went down under a flurry of blows from his assailants, and did not rise again. Enraged, the companions redoubled their efforts, fighting to reach Koman and Boris. One after another, more corbies fell before them, but not before Boris was taken down as well. Finally, Mazael reached Haroldo, and hurriedly cast a healing spell upon him. His bleeding instantly stopped, and his eyes popped open. Without missing a beat, he seized his sword from where it had fallen and, still laying on the ground, swept the legs from under a corby that stood above him. As the last of the dire corbies succumbed, Mazael knelt beside Boris and set about stabilizing and reviving the goblin.

It was the consensus of the group that it might be time to fall back and take stock of the situation. Despite this, Boris still insisted on poking around in corners on the way out, laughing gleefully when he triggered a hidden door concealed behind a tapestry. The fact that a quartet of troglodytes waited on the other side, didn't deter him. Even after they were quickly dispatched, with the aid of his none-to-happy companions, he again crept quietly down a stairwell on the far side of the room. It was only after listening through a door at the bottom, and hearing what sounded like several creatures speaking in a hissing, sibilant language, that he finally decided that discretion was the better part of valor, and rejoined the others as they made their way out of the keep and back through the ruins of Brinewall.


It was as the group was once more passing the Brinewall cemetery, that a small voice called out to them. Sitting atop one of the stone statues of Desna was a tiny female, no taller than a foot, with delicate butterfly wings.
"I've been watching you," she said. "I'm Spivey. Did you just come from the castle? Did you kill all of the evil creatures there? There were more people like you here two weeks ago. They came in a boat, but the sea dragon at them. Well, most of them. One lady survived. She killed the dragon, and then she went to the castle. She never came back."
"What...are you?" Yannus asked.
"Spivey," the little creature repeated. "I am a servant of Desna. I came her ten years ago after my mistress was killed by a hungry plant. I tried to restore the temple, but that attracted to much attention from the fiends in the castle, so I've just been tending the cemetery ever since. Did you kill all the evil creatures?"
"No," Yannus replied. "We killed many bird creatures called dire corbies, and a few troglodytes, but their leader escaped us. We are in no condition to pursue him at this point. We were on our way back to our caravan to recuperate and plan our next approach."
"You're welcome to stay here," Spivey indicated the bone yard. "It is safe. The castle creatures don't come here. I've convinced them it's haunted. I am a healer as well. I can tend your wounds."
"Any friend of Desna is ok in my book," Mazael agreed.
"Wait!" Boris chirped. "We going to stay in grave yard because butterfly lady says so?? What about dead people? Boris want to go back to wagons and Mama Koya."
"The dead here are at peace," Spivey said. "They will not trouble you."
"Boris not care!" the goblin said, throwing up his hands. "We have supplies for caravan! Boris must cook tonight! Boris leaving. No offense bug lady."
"I'll go with him," Koman sighed, rolling his eyes. "Just to make sure he stays out of trouble. We'll meet you back here in the morning."


The walk back to the caravan through the forest was not a long one, but Boris and Koman had barely made it halfway before the goblin stopped abruptly. He felt as if he were being watched, and when he looked around, he quickly found the culprit. Perched in a tree above them was another strange creature in a day full of strange creatures. She had the body and face of a lovely human female, but large brown feathered wings sprouted from her back, and her legs ended in sharp avian talons. A long bow was slung across her back. When she saw that Boris had spotted her, she raised her hands in a gesture of peace.
"Why all these crazy animal people around here?" Boris asked in disgust. "What you want, bird lady?"
"Careful," Koman warned. "She's a harpy. They can hypnotize a man with their voice."
The harpy shook her head, and then pointed to her throat.
"I don't think she talk," Boris said.
The harpy nodded. Then she pointed to her mouth, her head, and then mimed touching Boris.
"Boris think she want to talk in Boris head," the goblin laughed, happy to play the guessing game.
The harpy nodded again.
"Boris...," Koman warned again.
"Yes, bird lady!" Boris clapped and beckoned her. "Come talk in Boris head!"

She fluttered down to the ground and cautiously approached Boris, one hand extended. She placed her hand carefully on his head.
'I am Zaiobe,' Boris heard a female voice speak into his mind.
'I Boris,' he replied, finding it surprisingly easy to communicate mentally.
'A pleasure,' Zaiobe said. 'I know that you and your friends were at the keep today, and that you slew many of my lover's minions. Wait, don't be afraid. I did not come seeking revenge. Instead, I came to offer you a bargain: I want you to help me kill that sonofabitch!'
'Why you want to kill crazy boyfriend?' Boris asked.
'He stole my voice,' Zaiobe answered. 'Well, not really. I lost my voice several years ago when my god took it from me and replaced it with his grace. No, Kikonu has the ability to steal others' voices, and he used this to mimic what my voice used to sound like as a cruel joke. He will learn that I have no sense of humor.'
'Who is this god you worship?' Boris asked.
'He is called Pazuz, the Master of the Four Winds,' Zaiobe replied.
'Hmmm,' Boris mused. 'How we going to kill boyfriend?'
'I will meet you in the town tomorrow,' she said. 'I will call to Kikonu and tell him that I want to make amends. He will believe me. I will summon him to the courtyard. You and your friends will be waiting there to ambush him. Once he is dead, you may do with the keep as you wish. I will not hinder you.'
'Deal,' Boris said, and shook her hand.
Zaiobe smiled and took wing.

"So what was that all about?" Koman asked.
"Bird lady want us to kill boyfriend," Boris shrugged. "She say she is priestess of Desna. We trust her."
"Do you know how I know you're lying?" Koman asked, shaking his head. "Your lips are moving."


Koman and Boris made it back to the caravan without further incident, and gave a full report of the day's events to Koya and Sandru. Ameiko's status had not changed, though no sooner had Boris finished telling about their encounter with Zaiobe, than she suddenly spoke again in a dreamy voice.
"Beware the cuckolded cuckoo...it is in his shattered silent love you should seek aid..."
"Well that would seem to be prophetic," Koya said. "Still, you must be careful, my son," she told Koman.
He agreed, if only to placate his adopted mother.
"I'd like to go back with you," Koya then announced. "I want to meet this Spivey, another sister of Desna. She sounds fascinating!"


A Woman Scorned

3 Calistril, 4715

The next morning, the companions gathered in the center of the ruined town, and Zaiobe appeared as promised. When she landed and moved towards Boris so that she might communicate telepathically with him, Yannus intercepted her.
"No offense," he said, turning to the goblin, "but I think I'd like to hear what she has to say first-hand this time."
The harpy shrugged and reached out a hand to touch the young evangelist.
'So Boris explained everything to you?' she asked.
'He did,' Yannus replied. 'What is your proposal?'
'I will fly ahead to the keep,' Zaiobe said. 'I will contact Kikonu and ask him to meet me in the courtyard. I have no doubt he will come, and when he does, you and your friends will be waiting. We will kill him. Simple enough.'
'Perhaps,' Yannus answered, 'but I think we would like to know more about your lover. For instance, what kind of magician is he? What powers does he have?'
'He is no magician,' Zaiobe chuckled,'though he does have magic at his disposal. Have you ever heard of an oni?'
Yannus shook his head.
'Oni are spirit creatures from this plane, but not of this plane. Kikonu is a type of oni called a yamabushi tengu. In his natural form he looks very much like the dire corbies, but he has wings. He is a deadly warrior, and he is resistant to magic. He also heals very quickly. His one weakness, however, is fire. That is why I'm saving these for him.'
She pulled an arrow from her quiver, and as she fitted it to her bow string, its tip ignited in flames.
'I think we can work with that,' Yannus nodded. 'Lead the way.'


A short time later, the companions stood assembled in the courtyard of Brinewall Keep while Zaiobe hovered above them, bow in hand. The front doors of the keep suddenly burst open, and Kikonu stepped out, his arms spread wide, flanked by a pair of dire corbies.
"Zaiobe, my love...!" he began, but then stopped short when he saw the heroes waiting for him, weapons drawn.
"You traitorous whore!" he screamed, and as he did, he began to transform.
Feathers sprouted from his whole body, and black wings exploded from his back. His face melted and molded into that of a giant raven. He raised one hand towards Zaiobe, and streaks of fire exploded from his palm, striking the harpy. Though scorched and in obvious pain, Zaiobe didn't falter. She loosed a pair of flaming arrows in rapid succession, both of them impaling Kikonu. He shrieked, and began beating frantically at the fire as it seared his flesh.

Shalelu quickly stepped forward and let her own arrow fly, taking advantage of the fact that the oni's wounds were obviously not healing nor closing. The dire corbies moved forward to shield their master from further assault, but as they came, Yannus thrust with his glaive and stabbed one through the thigh. Kikonu moved behind his minions and tried to regain his composure. Cursing, he sent another volley of scorching rays at Zaiobe, at the exact moment that another of her flaming arrows struck home. As he shrieked in pain again, and tried to further insinuate himself behind his corby minions, Mazael swept his falchion down and raked it across the oni's side. A moment later, Yannus cut down the corby he'd wounded before, leaving Kikonu exposed once again. Hissing in rage, Kikonu spread his wings and took to the air, heading straight for Zaiobe. He had made it no more than halfway when the harpy sent one final arrow flying. The flaming shaft pierced Kikonu's throat, and he dropped like a stone. When he it the ground, he lay, unmoving, eyes open and staring blankly.

Zaiobe threw back her head and laughed soundlessly and then, without missing a beat, she pivoted in mid air and loosed an arrow at Shalelu. The ranger dove to one side at the last second, cursing roundly. As Zaiobe prepared to shoot her again before she could regain he balance, Lucian rushed to cover his mentor, nocking and loosing an arrow quickly and without finesse, but still managing to graze the harpy, causing her shot to go wide. Zaiobe circled, trying to draw a bead on the elven archer, whom she judged to be the greatest threat, when Piotr quickly uttered the words to a spell and sent a sizzling stream of bolts of pure energy at her. She reeled from the impact, her head spinning. When her vision cleared again, she saw Shalelu sighting down the shaft of a bone-white, ivory fletched arrow. The ranger loosed, and when the arrow struck home, it exploded into a cloud of white powder. Zaiobe swooned as she inhaled it, falling instantly into a deep slumber. She tumbled from the air and hit the ground with bone-jarring impact. She jerked awake, disoriented, and tried to struggle to her feet. As she did, Haroldo dealt her a heavy blow across the brow at the same time that Boris drove his sword into her back. She swooned again, slipping into unconsciousness. Her last sight was of Mazael standing over her, his falchion upraised, still dripping with the blood of the second corby he'd dispatched.

With Kikonu and his traitorous lover dead, there appeared to be no further impediment to the companions searching the rest of the keep at their leisure. They passed through the throne room once more, and then through a small door at the far end. This led into a circular room with old tapestries depicting a seaside castle hanging askew on the walls. A thick layer of dust caked the floor, and the air was musty and weirdly cold. Old bloodstains splattered the walls, along with numerous brutal gashes and slashes to the stone itself. Two doors hung askew on hinges in a short passageway to the south, while to the north, a third door lay in fragments on the floor, opening onto a flight of stairs leading down into the darkness. A second staircase led upward against the north wall.

The group made their way carefully down the short passage, and peered through one of the broken doors into what appeared to have been a small office. The desk and chairs that once decorated it lay in shambles on the floor. A flight of stairs led up to the southeast. Several scattered and hastily written notes lay among the shambles of the desk. One of them was a letter that mentioned an attack on Brinewall Castle. It described the attack as a night assault by men dressed in dark robes. The letter was unfinished.

As their attention was focused on the contents of the office, none of the companions heard the stealthy movement coming from the other room, across the hall. It was Piotr's sudden shout of alarm that alerted them, as a large shadow loomed out of the darkness and lurched towards him. The creature was skeletally thin and dressed in the bloodstained remnants of a destroyed suit of half-plate armor. A finely crafted dragon helm sat on its head, below which glowed a pair of red eyes. As Piotr stumbled back, his fingers spat bolts of light at the walking corpse. It rocked back for a moment, but then resumed its approach, silent as a tomb. Shalelu sent an arrow into its chest, and still it came. Boris ducked behind it, and sank his sword into the back of its leg, and it still did not stop. Mazael moved to intercept, but as he came in close, the creature seized him by the throat, and the war priest felt the cold of the grave sink into his bones. Another arrow thunked into the wight's forehead as Lucian's bow twanged from behind Mazael, and finally, it sank slowly to the ground, the light going out of its eyes.


Deciding to wait on exploring beyond the main level, the group returned to the throne room and took another side door. This led to an interior courtyard that might once have been a delightful garden, but was now a tangle of weeds that surrounded a pool of water choked with thick, slimy green algae. Haroldo led the way this time, and as he neared the pool, he thought he saw a slight ripple of movement just beneath the surface. He leaned forward to see more closely, and it was at that moment that the surface of the pool erupted as a monstrous creature surfaced. Six powerful legs, each ending in a hooked claw, jutted from the shield-like body of a truly massive insect. One of its claws grabbed the big bloodrager and dragged him bodily into the pool. Lucian and Shalelu dropped to their knees and opened fire with their bows, peppering the beast as it started to sink below the surface. Piotr added his own magical barrage, and the creature began to thrash violently, all the while squeezing the air from Haroldo's lungs. Just before it disappeared completely, one of Lucian's shafts found its way into its large, compound eye, sinking in up to the fletches. Haroldo felt the pressure ease around his chest, and he frantically extricated himself and pulled himself onto the shore, gasping and hacking up foul water.


From the courtyard, the group reentered the keep proper through a mostly empty storeroom that gave on to a vestibule. Beyond that they found themselves in a large circular room ballroom that featured a ring of pillars that supported a balcony above. A flight of stairs wound up to it along the southern wall. Faded paintings of dancing elves decorated the walls, spattered here and there with ancient bloodstains. Looking about the chamber, it was obvious that, not only had a terrible battle taken place there long ago, but also that at least one of the aggressors in the fight possessed prodigious strength, judging from the deep gouges in the walls near the largest bloodstains. The damage looked to have been dealt by an enormous axe or some similar weapon.

A set of double doors from the ballroom gave back on to the throne room. The companions chose another smaller door they had not yet investigated, and found themselves in a large hall, its roof supported by four stone pillars. What appeared to have once been large, wooden cages lay in shambles throughout the room. A heap of rags and furs in the middle of the chamber seemed to be some sort of makeshift bed, while a large heap of partially eaten birds, squirrels, and wild turnips mounded nearby reeked with the stink of compost. Standing amid the detritus were three strange individuals. One, the largest, was female, lanky and gangling. Her legs bend in three joints like a dog's, and she had large, milky eyes. She carried a steel flail in one hand, and wore a wicked-looking spiked gauntlet on the other. The other two were male and bore a resemblance to the female, though their features were just as misshapen and grotesque.
"Well lookee here, Muthildah," one of the males said. "It's them that killed the bird fellas in the courtyard yestidee."
"I can see that, ya idjit," the female, Muthildah, snapped. "What'cha jest standin' there fer? Tear'em a new one!"

As the boys rushed forward, short spears gripped in their powerful hands, Piotr's magic threw dazzling light in one of their eyes. Lucian darted into the room past that one, but the other stabbed at him as he passed, piercing his side with the spear. He guffawed with laughter, but a moment later he squealed and then gurgled as both Mazael and Haroldo slammed into him, dropping him with two devastating blows.
"Do I hafta do everythin' myself?" Muthilda bellowed.
She rushed forward whipping her flail about her head and smashing it into Haroldo's shoulder. The big blood rager felt and heard bones crack. Muthilda raised her fist to pummel his face, but then Shalelu's bow sang, and an arrow sprouted from the half-ogre's chest. Cursing, Muthilda snapped the shaft of the arrow off with her gauntlet, but another one replaced it as Shalelu fired again. She staggered back a step, and Mazael moved after her, burying the blade of his falchion in her belly. She screamed in anger and pain, but it was cut short as Piotr conjured a cloud of ice-cold, swirling black motes about her head and she collapsed in a heat.
"Muthilda!" he only surviving brother cried, his vision finally clearing.
He followed his brother and sister into oblivion a moment later as Boris sank two blades into his kidneys at the same time that Lucian fired an arrow into his heart.


The companions moved back through the ballroom and the vestibule beyond, to a door with led into the only area of the ground floor they had not yet explored. The door was unlocked, but it was impossible to tell what the room beyond had originally been used for, as the walls and floor were decorated with countless preserved animals and creatures, ranging from small birds and forest creatures to fearsome predators. Several of the displays looked uncomfortably fresh or humanoid in shape.

As they stepped into the room, first Boris, and then Mazael heard an odd buzzing sound coming from somewhere inside. A moment later, Mazael shouted in surprise and pain as a red gash suddenly opened up across his thigh.
"Hi there!" came a cheerful, high-pitched female voice.
A small figure stood in the middle of the room. She was a dainty, elf-like creature with long, twitching antennae, wearing a brightly colored dress made from butterfly wings and preserved wildflower petals. She twirled a serrated short sword in her hands, Mazael's blood still dripping from the blade.
"I'm Buttersnips," she giggled. "Do you want to play?"
"A quickling," Shalelu hissed. "There are few fey more evil and twisted."
Buttersnips giggled again, and then, moving almost to fast for their eyes to follow, she darted across the room and through all of their legs, coming to a stop behind Piotr, who was standing at the back of the pack.
"Hi there!" she waved, and then slashed the sorcerer's arm.
Piotr cursed as she darted away again, but still managed to send a flash of dazzling light after her.
"Hey! Not fair!" Buttersnips pouted as she rubbed at her eyes.

Shalelu and Lucian quickly moved between Piotr and the quickling. The ranger drew several arrows from her quiver, and handed them to her protege.
"Cold iron," she said. "The bane of all fey."
Lucian nodded as he took them, and then he and Shalelu knocked and sighted. As Buttersnips zipped back towards them, they loosed, and both arrows struck home. The quickling screamed as she darted past them again.
"That's it!" she shrieked. "Fun time is over!"
Hissing, her teeth bared, she darted after Piotr again, slashing him a second time, causing him to stumble.
"She too fast!" Boris shouted in his native tongue. "We must box her in! Close doors!"
Yannus and Shalelu, both of whom understood Goblin, acted quickly, each shutting one of the double doors that led into the room. Unfortunately, this left Haroldo, Shalelu and Piotr on one side, and the others, along with Buttersnips, locked in the room.

Yannus uttered the words to a prayer, asking Shellyn to guide his hand. When Buttersnips ran towards him, time seemed to slow and clarify before his eyes, and it was as if the quickling were moving in slow motion. He thrust his glaive at her, striking true and unerringly, sending her tumbling into Lucian's legs instead of through them. As she jumped to her feet, Lucian knocked and loosed another cold iron shaft, sending it clean through her shoulder. Yannus moved towards her again, and snarling, she whirled on him, stabbing her small sword into his belly. The priest grunted in pain, but he still managed to bring his glaive down solidly on her blade, sundering it into pieces. Buttersnips somersaulted to the far side of the room and then, amazingly, levitated straight up to the ceiling. Lucian sent another arrow at her as she reached the top. Then, just like that, she simply vanished.

Abruptly, the heroes heard Buttersnip's voice coming from the other side of the door.
"Better luck next time!" she said. "And there will be a next time!"
Shalelu's voice came from the other side of the door as well.
"Do not believer her!" the ranger shouted. "Quicklings can throw their voices! She is still there!"
"We need you in here, now!" Yannus shouted.
When the door opened, Buttersnips reappeared, punching Boris in the throat with her bare hand before she pulled herself across the ceiling like a spider. She reached the still-open door, dropped to the ground, darted through and disappeared up a nearby flight of stairs.

"Well," Yannus panted, holding his bleeding belly. "I think that's enough exploration for one day."


The Quick And The Dead

5 Calistril, 4715-The Quick And The Dead

The following morning, Sandru appeared at the cemetery to escort his mother, Koya, back to the caravan, and to report that Ameiko had uttered another of her cryptic messages the night before.
"She spoke first in Tian," he said, "but then she switched to Common. She said, 'A key you seek lies in the grip of the ten-handed one---his fear is your greatest ally.'"
Sandru also provided some insight into the ornate dragon helm that the group had taken from the wight that had attacked them.
"This is the traditional helm worn by Brinewall's commanding officer," he explained. "The last man to hold that title was Andril Kortun. He was mentioned in the letter you found in the swamp. Ameiko's grandfather left whatever it is we are searching for in his care. I believe you have discovered his unfortunate fate."


Having scoured the main floor of the keep, the companions decided to move upstairs, following the direction Buttersnips had fled. The stairs led to a wide balcony that wound around the ancient ballroom below. A rickety-looking railing ran along the balcony's edge. A set of double doors on the eastern side of the balcony led out onto the battlements of the keep, where the remnants of a solarium stood. Mazael pulled open the doors revealing a chamber draped in gloom. It may have once had a beautiful roof of glass, but little remained save for a few precariously learning wooden timbers hanging above a swath of crumbled stone and ruined furniture. The roof cover the southern half of the room had been crudely repaired with thick sheets of canvas and furs that had been stretched and fastened over the frames, creating a dark, almost cavelike, nesting area.

As Mazael peered into the darkness, he caught a faint hint of movement from a deeper shadow within the gloom. Before he could open his mouth to warn his friends, and ear-splitting screech pierced the air. Mazael, and Boris behind him, staggered back under the sonic onslaught, their ears bleeding. Within the solarium, a massive bat, easily the size of a horse, unfolded itself from the ceiling. Mazael, his balance still off, stepped quickly inside, his sword swinging wildly, yet still managing to connect. Behind him, Shalelu's bow sang, and the giant bat shrieked as her arrow struck home. It lurched towards Mazael and sank it's dagger-like teeth into the big man's shoulder. When Haroldo shouldered past his friend, the mobat spun like a serpent, and bit him as well. Mazael continued to hack at the beast, while Shalelu kept up a barrage of arrows. Finally, Piotr conjured a dazzling flash of light, completely disorienting the bat, allowing Yannus to run it through with his glaive.


They reentered the keep and crossed the balcony to another set of double doors on the far side. These opened onto a long hallway. To the right, it opened onto what appeared to be a dining room. To the left, it ended at a door before taking a sharp turn. Not hearing or seeing signs of life in the dining room, the companions moved to the door on the left, and Boris put one of his oversized ears to it to listen. He heard a muffled voice speaking strange words on the far side.
"Somebody home," he whispered to his friends.

Koman reached over the goblin and shoved the door open. The walls of the room beyond were decorated with dozens paintings of a towering humanoid figure with four wings, a bird's head, and a scorpion's tail, seemingly drawn in blood. Old pews sat in a line facing the far wall, where a hideously defaced statue of the goddess Desna stood. Her beautiful butterfly wings had been hacked down the middle to give the impression of four wings, her head had been removed and replaced with a crude carving of a leering bird's head, and a long, barbed tail made of braided, dried nettles hung from her posterior. Standing before this unholy tableau were two dire corbies. The first appeared much as all of the others that the heroes had thus far encountered, but the second wore filthy robes caked with blood, and filth caked her feathers, and smeared her beak and talons as well. She wore a sword belted around her waist, and a silver pendant hung from her neck. Neither of the corbies seemed pleased to see the companions, and Boris wasted no time on introductions. The little goblin darted past Koman and stabbed his short sword into the first corby's meaty thigh. As the bird man shrieked, Piotr moved to the doorway, and seeing the robed corby and fearing she may be a priestess, he quickly cast a dazzling flash into her eyes, which also had the effect of temporarily rendering her mute.

Haroldo stepped into the room to support Boris before he was in over his head, and it was then that he heard a familiar buzzing sound. He whirled just as Buttersnips appeared behind him and jammed her small blade into his foot.
"Hi there!" she said cheerfully. "Did you miss me?"
"Not really," Yannus snapped from the door as he began to chant a prayer.
An ear-numbing blast of sound erupted around the quickling, and she recoiled from Haroldo, holding her ears.
"Not fair!" she whined, stomping her feet. "Nevakali, help me!"
Behind her, the robed corby, who must have been Nevakali, stepped to one side, and as she did so, and exact duplicate of her appeared next to her. At the same time, she slapped her hands together, and a small arc of electricity leapt from them to strike Haroldo, setting the blood rager's hair to stand on end.

Koman entered the fray, moving to try and flank Buttersnips, but as he passed her, she wrenched her knife free from Haroldo's foot, and jabbed it through the slayer's calf. He cursed and stumbled, but then Boris somersaulted behind the quickling.
"Pick on someone your own size," he grinned evilly at her, and then quickly slashed his sword across her belly.
Nevakali seemed oblivious to the chaos around her. Her eyes rolled back into her head as she gripped the pendant around her neck. As she did this, dark energy gathered around her, and then exploded throughout the chamber, sending numbing pain through her allies and enemies alike. It took a moment for the combatants to recover, but Shalelu was the quickest, and she knocked and loosed an iron-tipped shaft in one smooth movement, sending it into Buttersnips' back.

Boris looked around, trying to regain his bearings, and saw the Nevakali's dire corby minion reeling on its feet. Seeing a perfect opportunity, the goblin darted across the room and finished the bird man off with a well-placed strike. Meanwhile, Haroldo, still favoring his injured foot, limped towards Nevakali, his blood beginning to boil. and brought his greatsword across his body in a vicious slash that sent the priestess stumbling into the wall behind her, blood flowing freely.
Across the room, Piotr, still smarting from his last near-death call with Buttersnips, sent a pair of flashing missiles at the quickling. Already badly wounded, she glared at him, pure hatred in her eyes. She blurred into motion, streaking around Koman, who managed to graze her with a wild swing of his blade as she passed. She reached the door, dodged past Shalelu, and stabbed Piotr in the side before disappearing down the hall beyond.

Nevakali pushed herself away from the wall, and finding her voice again, croaked the words ot a vile prayer, instantly plunging the room into total darkness.
"Nice try," Mazael growled as he called upon his celestial blood to flood the area with divine light, banishing the darkness.
When she caught sight of Nevakali once more, Shalelu loosed two arrows in rapid succession. The first on struck the illusory double of the priestess, causing it to instantly vanish, while the second struck Nevakali herself. Haroldo howled in rage and rushed the corby, hammering her to the ground with a bone-shattering blow. She struggled to rise, and then Piotr conjured a cloud of dark motes around her, the cold magic weakening her further. Still, she lived, and managed to once again channel her foul, unholy energy into her attackers before Mazael dealt her a killing blow.

As Piotr pumped his fist in celebration, he suddenly cried out in agony as Buttersnips whizzed past him, her blade raking him from back to belly, before she disappeared down the hall again. Shalelu, Koman and Yannus gathered around the sorcerer, forming a shield in case the quickling came around for another strike. When they heard the tell-tale buzzing of her speedy movement, and saw the blur of her shape appear around the corner, however, it was Piotr's magic missiles that finally brought her down.


As the companions tended their wounds in the aftermath of the fight, Piotr and Mazael, both devoted followers of Desna, took the time to clean up the shrine, and undo as much of the defacement to her statue as they could.

Afterwards, the group continued their explorations. Beyond the chapel, they found a series of rooms that seemed to be currently serving as sleeping chambers for the dire corbies. One of these chambers was larger than the others, its furnishings laying in disarray with the exception of one writing desk and chair in a far corner. Its surface was heaped with pages of parchment and paper. Piotr shuffled through them, and found most of them covered with dense scribblings and revisions written in messy Tien. The writings all seemed to be devoted to a nonsensical play about a family of crows that turned into bitter, insane humans. A set of stairs spiraled up from this room, leading higher into the tower, where they found what must have once have been a library. The walls were lined with bookshelves, although the majority of the books lay in disorganized piles on the floor. A large, filthy nest of grass, branches and strips of cloth was tucked in one corner of the room. They seemed to have stumbled upon Kikonu's and Zaiobe's hideaway.

Back out in the hallway, Boris stood with his ear pressed against another door.
"Boris hear baby cry," he whispered.
He tried the door handle, but it was stuck firmly. Haroldo fished an iron crowbar from his pack and set it into the jamb. One good push from the big man flung the door open. Although the storeroom beyond may have once been well organized, the fallen crates and broken barrels that filled it presented a tangle of debris. Now all of the companions could hear it...the soft sound of sobbing coming from deeper within the room. Koman led the way, stepping carefully over and around the mounds of detritus. He had gone no more than a few feet in, when he felt something seize his foot. Looking down, he saw a small, bony hand protruding from under a fallen cabinet. The body it was attached to slowly wriggled its way out into the open. It looked like a small, emaciated child, clothed in nothing by cobwebs and rags, but where its head should have been, instead there rested the skull of a wolf or a dog. Its hand was still locked around Koman's ankle, and as he looked down at it, he felt the breath being drawn from his lungs, leaving him fatigued and gasping for air. He raised his sword with some effort, and brought it down on the horrid apparition. It released him, but then darted forward, its animal jaws snapping, and bit into his calf.
"Not to worry!" Boris shouted as he tumbled and rolled past the tiny horror, its continued sobbing seeming to bore into his brain. "Boris here to help!"
He slashed at the creature, but then it turned on him, laying one hand upon in his chest. In that moment, Boris lost his ability to speak.
"Now, Boris going to die horribly!" the monster spoke in the goblin's own voice.
From the door, Shalelu fired into the melee, sending the creature spinning, but it recovered quickly and lunged at Koman again.
"You go to sleep now!" it hissed, still sounding like Boris as it bit and clawed at the slayer.
Koman felt his strength seeping out of him, and then his vision went dark and cloudy as he swooned and collapsed to the ground, snoring like a bear.
Piotr send a missile barrage into the room, and the creature fell back. Haroldo leaped into the gap, standing protectively over Koman as he slashed savagely into the thing. It shivered and shuddered, and then Boris sank both of his swords into its back, and it crumbled into a heap of bones.

Koman awoke with a snort, and climbed groggily to his feet. Boris leaned down to look more closely at the skeletal remains of the monster, clearing his throat to reassure himself that his voice had returned. There, down low, almost at floor level, he saw a series of figures drawn on the wall in a child's hand, seemingly with charcoal. They depicted crude representations of figures dressed in black robes throwing star-shaped projectiles, along with frightening bird-headed men, and lumbering savage-looking giants wielding axes.
Silently, Boris scooped the small bones into a sack. He would take them to Spivey for a proper internment.


The companions found no more enemies on the upper floor, either living or unliving. However, in an abandoned servants' quarters, they came upon another clue as to what befell Brinewall twenty-five years earlier. Filaments of white, fibrous mold grew along the walls and across the bunk beds of the room, giving it a foul, musty stink. Here and there, mounds of fungus grew in nauseating colors. Beneath these mounds were the skeletal remains of several corpses. The limbs and heads had all been severed from the bodies by some sharp, slashing weapon, though there was no sign of the skulls.

The final room they entered on the upper level was once a guard post. Judging from the blood and gouges marring the walls, a terrific battle once took place there. A spiral staircase led them back down to the ground floor, where they found themselves in a the battle-scarred donjon they had visited earlier. There was another stairwell here leading down, and the group decided to venture to the dungeon level of the keep.

The stairs abruptly ended at an iron portcullis barring passage to a room beyond. The bars themselves were sunken deep into the floor and ceiling with no obvious method of passing thru to the chamber on the other side. However, Boris noted two 5-inch diameter circular depressions in the walls to the left and right of the portcullis, faintly inscribed with an image of the sun to the left, and the moon to the right. Yannus remembered the disc they had taken from Kikonu, inscribed with the image of the sun. He took it out of his belt pouch and placed it in the sun-engraved depression, where it fit perfectly.
"Now we just have to find the moon disc," he said, "and Ameiko said that a key we seek lies in the grasp of the ten-handed one. We'll need to find whoever or whatever that is."


The retraced their steps to the main level, and then to the nearest set of stairs they had found in their explorations. This happened to be in the ballroom, and it led down to a large kitchen. Stone pillars supported the ceiling, and the fire pits, tables and pantries looked like they hadn't been used in decades. Thick layers of dust covered everything in the room. There were multiple exits from the chamber, but the group chose a pair of double doors to the south. Beyond this, they entered a large, domed room with a pool of dark water in the center surrounded by four stone pillars. It looked to be the keep's cistern.

On the far side of the cistern was another pair of double doors. As had become his habit, Boris leaned close, his ears perked, listening.
"You be quite in there!" he heard a booming voice shout from the other side of the doors, followed by a loud bang. "Slugwort gonna give you a beatin'!"
"Big bully in there," Boris whispered.
Mazael nodded and kicked in the door. Not quite a torture chamber, the dungeon on the far side featured three cells made of iron bars, one to the north and two to the south. A filthy, nest-like bed lay in the middle of the room, heaped around a central stone pillar next to what could only be a half-eaten giant centipede the size of a horse. In one of the cells, a blonde-haired woman, clothed in rags, badly beaten and bruised, stood, yet the look in her eyes was defiant and unbowed. Also standing in the room was an ogre, easily ten-feet tall, with an uprooted sapling gripped in his hand
"Hey!" he bellowed. "You not s'posed to be here....unless you goin' in a cage." He looked momentarily puzzled. "You want Slugwort put'choo inna cage?"

In response, Boris tumbled through the ogre's legs, and promptly slashed across the brute's Achilles'. Slugwort howled, and hopped up and down on his good foot until Piotr hurled a trio of magic missiles into his face. Grabbing his face, the ogre almost lost his balance. Haroldo took that opportunity to charge in, but Slugwort managed to recovered in time to bring his sapling crashing down on the bloodrager. The blow only seemed to enrage Haroldo further. He charged in snarling, and as he struck, Boris slashed behind both of Slugwort's knees, sending the giant sagging to the ground in an unmoving heap.

Yannus and Koman approached the caged woman.
"She's Ulfen," Koman said in an aside. "I speak Skald. Let me do the talking."
"In case you've forgotten," Yannus told his brother, "I speak Skald as well, and we both know talking isn't your strong suit."
The woman continued to glare as they approached.
"I am Yannus Vhiski," the priest began. "Would you like us to release you?"
She nodded once, curtly.
Yannus signaled to Boris, and the goblin hurried over and made short work of the lock. Cautiously, the woman stepped out. "I am Kelda Oxgutter," she said.
Yannus smiled and introduced his companions.
"Did you come on the longboat in the lagoon?" he asked.
Kelda nodded. "Yes, my shield brothers and I. We came here to raid, but we were attacked by a drake. It killed my brothers, but I finally managed to slay it."
"I'm sorry for your loss," Yannus said. "We came here with a trade caravan from Sandpoint. We have encountered and killed many types of creatures here, and have been forced to slay them all. How did you come to be captured?"
"We came to Brinewall following a map I found," Kelda replied. "It showed a hidden entrance into the keep. I was not going to leave empty-handed and have my brothers' deaths be meaningless. Unfortunately, I found the entrance, but it led me to the lair of a creature that I could not best."
"What kind of creature?" Yannus asked, his eyes narrowing.
"It resembled a giant squid," she said, "except it flew, and could speak. It subdued me, and I woke up here."
"Did it have ten arms?" Yannus asked.
"I didn't count them," Kelda snorted, "but ten sounds about right."
"Could you find your way back there?" Yannus asked.
"Yes," Kelda nodded, "but I need to recover my gear, and I'm not currently at my best."
"We can tend your wounds," Yannus replied. "Would you care to join us?"
"My honor demands it," she said stoically.

They found Kelda's gear locked in an adjoining cell, and while rummaging through Slugwort's gear, they came across an odd, rune-marked stone. Piotr peered at it, and muttered a few words over it.
"This is a summoning gem," he said. "It can call a creature from the elemental plane of earth to aid us."
"I think that may come in handy," Yannus said.

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