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DDAL Jasper runs Tomb of Annihilation. season 7

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Rotten DM
TOA Session 5
Chapter 2. APL 4
XP 6305 GP 125 Renown 1 Downtime 10
PCS KIA 5 Souls ate 2 Monsters killed 105. Days 29-24.
The group had just enter the swamp when they discovered Frost Giant tracks. Artus Climber told the party that the giants were looking for him and Dragonbait. So he took the dinosaurs and herd them toward Port Nyanzaru. (Yea as dm I cut down some of the npcs the group was running with).
A few hours later they came across Heart of Ubtao. Nuuz Tsarai was able to fly up to the stair landing and throw down some ropes. After the bard slipped, they discover belaying clumsy pc was a good thing. When they all arrived on the landing, they talked and talked and talked, and voted, and voted and voted. They did not want to split the party but did not come to a decision until from out of the darkness of the cave a voice yelled, “Up or in dears, I am tired of hearing argue over it!”. The group fled up the stairs to investigate the hollow tree, and air vent. The Gar Shap the green Grung was lowered down the air vent. He was eaten and as the rope was paying out the Tortle was dragged down also.
The group decide to walk down to the cavern to discover what ate two of their members. They started laughing when they discover both the frog and turtle dress up in doll clothes, tied up, and seated around a kids tea party table. Various markings using the Tortle magical pigments were drawn on his shell. Valindra talked with the group while making her two dollies drink her tea. She gave them the location of Omu, and various others. She disappeared while they rested overnight in the heat.
The next location they struck out for was the Wreck of the Star Goddess. Hours after leaving the heart, some nice Frost Giants stopped them and asked them if they knew of the evil Artus Climber. Half the party within seconds sold Artus out. Niranath the bard tried to bluff them with the wrong direction. But if the giants felled for the bluff it is unknown. They group did discover some new plant life like assassin vines, which the Evocation Wizard took care of. (Ok this is where I goofed as dm. I did not read the evocation subclass. So I was allowing the player to sculpt fireball around the whole party. And just rolling for a normal saving throw for the monsters. Another player called for a rule check and pointed out both our mistakes.)
The group discover some new fauna. Lizard men in Chult are big on sharing meals, or you becoming a meal. The two group of Albino Dwarves were handled by talking down the fight. The group arrived at the wreck of the air ship. HELLO MURDER HOBOS MURDER HOBOS COME OUT COME OUT WHERE EVER YOU ARE!
I had the group spend a round or two climbing up to the wreck and placing themselves before I started the combat. The Tabaxi npcs, and wizard were on the ground. Nuuz Tsarai was flying CAP. The box gnome and bard were in the stern. Turok who had taken a level of warlock was in the bow. The rest were at the mid-decks. The box gnome was “HELPING” the noble aka looking for things to steal. Turok who took a level of warlock cast a spell on his npc killing him. Suddenly 8 ghouls and 3 girallon zombies burst from the jungle and started climbing up the vines to the wreck. (Yes I use rule of cool and gave the ghouls climb speeds.) We had players and monsters jumping from ship part to ship part. Players pushing ghouls overboard. Nuuz using his cleric abilities to turn undead. Finally the Girallon grabbed the dying noble and bard and leap down to the jungle. (I had zero out the bard). But the group was able to save the bard. Result two npcs “killed” by the group. 3 NPC saved. The group rested overnight and the sailors (guards) joined the group.
After finding some Wukka nuts, the specter of npc killed by Turok rose from the jungle and attacked Turok. (ok the group pulled a specter as the wandering monster encounter, and this fit). Half the party stayed out of combat (they do this a lot when the player goes murder hobo), but the specter was defeated. The last encounter of the night was Yellow Musk Creepers and a Yellow Musk Zombie. I called the combat after one sailor and one pc was down. Mainly due to time issues. But the Tortle was zeroed out which made him a zombie in 24 hours. So Chult claims another pc. Since they group was four days out before Omu, I had the player preroll his soul saves. He rolled a 1 on the third roll.
My problem player was a pill most of the night. Either not paying attention, taking his time to decide what to do. This was with a 7 person table. Etc. During the yellow musk encounter he was charmed. The effect is the pc wants to smell the nice flowers and move closer to the monster. I said no attacks and smell the flowers. All but him hear this. Oh 2 other players the Tortle and Turok were charmed also. He want to shake the other pcs out of the charm. Since I thought he did not hear me the first time, I told him twice that he was charmed, wanted to smell the flowers. He replied "but you said I couldn't attack" and tired to get around the charmed condition.
I lost it. I told to leave my table. He replied, I just going to sit here. I told him no you are being ass. He replied I could not make him leave the table as he was just going to sit there. He is now serving a 4 week banishment. And I told the store coordinator of his actions.


Rotten DM
TOA Session 6
Chapter 2 and Chapter 3. APL 5
XP 2714 GP 2 Renown 1 Downtime 10
PCS KIA 7 Souls ate 3 Monsters killed 144. Days 23-20.

Psst. Psst Avon um Mr. Acererak calling. One of you have betrayed me. One of you will betray the group. Sleep night. With that call the adventurers woke from their sleeping bags not well rested. They had 23 days left to end the death curse or no reward. 3 days to go to OMU.
Snoozy was repeatedly attacked by the undead. Until he was eaten by a t-rex which was undead. The group made into Omu on the 20th day. They knew watchers of gargoyles and Yuan-ti were keeping an eye on them. The group recovered Orvex Ocrammas a scribe working with the Red Wizards of Thay. The Grung Garshop and Niranath had lunch with some cannibals and the arm was to die for. The cannibals died that is. Some minor raiding of abandon homes brought to their attentions things collapse. The shrine of Kubazan was discovered. The group got froggy. Well more like froghemoth vs cats and frog. Both Garshop and River Mist were eaten. The party was ticked off when they found the tomb already looted and the puzzle cube replaced by a balsa wood cube with a whip with the initials HJ burned into the handle.
Just as the group entered the shine of Shagambi, Flask of Wine angered that the necromancer Necron had turned River Mist into a zombie, slapped him. Then two kamadans attacked.
This ended the session.


Rotten DM
DDal 07-03 A day at the races. River Region Con at Montgomery Al March 17
This is great last moment con module. I was told I was dming the Wednesday before. It is Role, Roll, Combat module and very light on combat. I had some new to AL and I think a 6 year playing with his mother so I did had to watch my language.
The betting I hacked up. I rolled a die for each dino selected. The rolled until a win condition came up. I used the various rolls before the win to announce who was in the lead.
Part the races. The kid had the highest Animal Handling so I let him roll with advantage. I also stole the dirty fighting from the grand prix, and applied that to all the races. This change the game a little bit so everyone had something to do each race. However I blew big time when came to the puzzle in race three. I wrote down both the letters and the ANSWER on the white board.
The combat I just add one extra velociraptor zombie.


Rotten DM
DDal 07-04 A walk in the park. River Region Con at Montgomery Al March 17.
I ran this one badly. Very very badly. Had a six person table which dropped to 5 about a third of the way in. The player had to go to lunch.
I dropped the drug reference at the beginning and added back in later. This threw a lot of people off. I did add some thugs to the Fishing part to add in a little combat since I had a four hour block.
The Rain was a problem for some players due to bad rolls. I zero out the brand new player due to the bad rolls. If it wasn't for a regular having extra potions of healing and forgetting that new players get a free potion of healing, it could be death of a pc. I would recommend that 5-6 is only allowed twice.
I sucked at running the village and dropped the yuan-ti pureblood by mistake. I started the combat with the group separated by 100 feet. A fireball took out most of the tribal warriors.
I need to remember to play test modules before running them at cons.


Rotten DM
Toa Session 7
Xp 2,428
Gp 3
Renown 1
Downtime 10
PCS KIA 8 Souls ate 4 Monsters killed 162
Days 20-17 Or the Plants VS PALADIN PALS IN CHULT
Ok only had 3 initially show up and nearly had a tpk in Shagambi’s Shire. In fact, I called it and said it did not happen. 4 gladiators against 3 level 5 pcs sucks. But I had another player show up with a level 7 paladin. A player who did not show lost his soul.
So, I rebooted and the fun began. This time I had the gladiators attack one at time. Go spell use and tactics won the day and the group got it first cube. The group decided on a speed run thru the city. So, they would hit 3 ruins then the next numbered encounter.
The group went ape over a few baboons. Suddenly from out the dirt came the Wicked Wisteria, Killer Kudzu, and Poison Ivy. Poison Ivy did a beat down on Turok. The Killer Kudzu buried Niranath, and killed River Mist the Scout. Ok. Kudzu zeroed them both out and the Tabaxi failed the death saves. The Wicked Wisteria pound down both the paladin and Grrrr Fighter warlock. This was nearly another TPK. The player Turok wanted to run at one point and the group talked him out it. But the group survived….
Mostly until the tried crossing the tree bridge (7 Fallen Tree) I made the tree 150 long and 75 feet above the water (note the book gives no clue on the height of the tree). Suddenly Turok took an arrow to the face and fail a dex save to keep from falling off the tree. “ow oopps” Splash. Okay this took some time to figure out what they were going to do and how I would handle. I had to take a five-minute break. The paladin grabs his rope quickly ties to Grrrr rope and dives into the swift running water. Grrrr ties to anchor to a branch but fails (I ruled a dc 20 to see if he could tie off in time) as the rope burns through his hand. The scribe Orvex freezes. And Niranath hugs the tree. The next round the Kendrix tries to swim with the current to catch up with the Turok’s body (he started death saves). I ruled if the player made the DC 14 athletics he could make a double move toward the body other wise he was fighting the current just not to drown. The servant gets the message to get off the tree as he takes an arrow to face and slips off the tree. In the end Turok was steamed, bludgeon, and lava.
The group was able to hold up in a ruin a night felled on the 17th day.
A few of my regulars show but they were either dming or gaming at different tables. I need to work on my adjustments on the fly for encounters. Seriously


Rotten DM
I should also remember to pack up everything on Thursday nights. I had pulled everything out of the luggage to reorganized from the con. Forgot to pack my dice bag and other things. So I ended up buying two sets of dice, yes I was rolling with virgin dice.


Rotten DM
Toa Session 8
Chapter 3
Xp 1,150
Gp 0000
Renown 1
Downtime 10
PCS KIA 8 Souls ate 4 Monsters killed 188
Days 16-15 up to Lunch
Cubes the group has Shagambi. Missing Cube Kubazan. Only four players this week as we are getting a lot new people and new dms. Mostly combat on the sixteen day. The discovered I’jin shine and either flew over it or ran took damage and jumped the final couple of feet. Only after did someone figure out the trick. They beat up and frighten lots and lots of vegypygmies. Wongo’s shire took the most time. It need a little foreshadowing about the water, so I allow the group to drop some Gp in the statue hand. There was some debate about if to fight or take the curse. I had the group roll initiative. The fighter grabbed the cube cursing the party. This ticked of the paladin especially when he was turned into a boar. The last two encounters built on one another. They discover the amphitheater. I was not going throw the King of Feathers at the group, So I threw the small dinosaurs at the group. The wounded the boar who flee. And the group finish off the dinos.
However, the Boar Paladin was hiding. As they trying to heal the boar, a goblin party calls out in welcome. The Goblin Boss asks if they going to share the boar. Combat breaks out with the fighter attacking the boar aka the paladin. The boar was killed and reverted into the paladin. The goblins proclaimed him the Bullous Boar of Belgium. The paladin ordered the beat down of the fighter by the goblins. The goblins left with part of dinosaurs and the group rested.
The next day they just fought Yellow Musk Creeper, Yellow zombies, and Su-monsters.
Party cubes Shagambi, I’jin, and Wongo. I called for time so it lunch on day 15.
Question1. Yellow Musk Creeper has a charm ability. The Paladin’s Aura of Devotion you can’t be charmed if you are within 10 feet. The fighter was charmed outside his range. Then started walking toward the Creeper through the aura. I ruled the aura stops the spell from being cast in the area but does not affect a person who is charmed who just walks thru the area. The paladin wanted to suppress the effect. This was moot point as they kill the creature before the fighters next turn.

Question 2. Ok. my murderhobo was at again. Both the fighter and paladin accepted the player vs player. I had to talk the fighter down to just accepting a TKO. But the paladin want to strike for subdual and let the goblins kill them. I just had to put my foot down and say no. I had the goblins go for a TKO too. Was I right in doing so of allowing the fight but holding out for the TKO?

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