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DDAL Jasper DMs Call of the Netherdeep


Rotten DM
I got a 15.6 inch laptop this week and some teeth problems are happening but that is normal. Worse is my wife forgot her Admin password. So what I was hoping for direct sharing between PC and Laptop. As it now, upload my docs to One Drive. Download from One Drive to laptop. I did have three D&D beyonds open, facebook, and Enworld. So good functionally so far.

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Rotten DM
To Private Poppy of Aurora Watch Assigned to Jigow Dynasty Outpost

From Durth Mirimm Taskhand of Jigow

You are assigned TDY (Temporary Duty) to Elder Ushru for duty in Luxon Allies Friends and Foes task force. For a period of not less than thirty days and not more than one year.

You are authorized to draw travel rations.

You are authorized to use Aurora Watch locations for lodging. You are authorized lodging for four others.

You are authorized to secure Luxon Beacons while TDY.

You are authorized to be out of uniform.

You are not authorized a per diem.

You are not authorized travel pay.

You are not authorized to draw pay elsewhere.

Allocations. 7 days travel rations. 7 water skins. 1 two warrior tent kit. 1 mess kit. 20 arrows. 1 bar hand soap. 1 roll toilet paper. 1 toothbrush. 1 tooth pick metal. 1 sunscreen lotion tube. 1 bug repellent lotion bottle.

Signed Colonel Durth Mirimm Taskhand of Aurora Watch Jigow Dynasty Outpost Commanding

Authorized by Elder Ushru Jigow, Luxon Priest Jigow Belana Zolaed


Rotten DM
To Sir Oliver Untgaf

From Baron Sir John Untgaf

Dearest Son

I write you on this fifth of Brussendar to remind you of the Annual Family Picnic. It will take place on Quen’pillar the Eleventh 835 PD. The family requires your presence. Remember to bring treats.


Your loving father. John

the messenger did not deliever this but the body was found.


Rotten DM
Netherdeep Session 3

Rising Pots Floats PC Plans

Fessuran 20 0900 to Fessuran 22 0630

PC Killed 0 Monsters Killed 16 Villains Captured 0 Villains Escaped 0

GP 157 and that is it.

Start 6 PM. End 10 PM. Feat unlocked an exact 4-hour session.

Magic Item Eyes of Eagle which duplicates. All other random rolled one don’t.

I had a strong group of six. Tarsim Cordinger Clockwork wizard 3 Order Cleric 1. Sir Oliver Untgat Barbarian 5. Toz twilight cleric 1 shadow monk 4. Jundis Jonstar Knowledge Cleric 1, Draconic sorcerer 2, Fiend warlock 2. Gaisma “Guys Ma” moon druid 4 life cleric 1. Poppy Echo knight 5.

The alert sirens are alerting. Verin Thelyss orders the gate open and drafts the pcs into a ready reaction force. Team Ayo runs to cover the infirmary (how they know where it is is not explained.) About three blocks down they see five monsters. Demons more full of hungry mouths and evil intentions than my family reunion. As the pcs charge trying to catch up with Verin, from out one the side streets an older teen pops out. A commoner.

Peter Knight, “Go Bread Hood. Go Bread Hood. Go. Yea Team Bread Hood. Kick in the knee.” He has a loud screeching piercing spine melding high pitch voice. With is Kryn Dynasty pom-poms he starts cheering the group up. Poppy’s eyes pop out. Sir Oliver’s eye pop out. Gaisma’s eyes pop out. And they all look strangely at the DM who is doing cheers and getting strange looks for the rest of FLGS.

Poppy, “Oh my rival. But I didn’t put anything about bread in his backstory. I.”

DM, “I improved on it. And everyone gets disadvantage while he cheering.”

Jundis, “Just kill him and let the demons eat him.” Sir Oliver face palms.

Sir Oliver laughing, “Um. Hello. Laws against assault. Murder. And head cop Vinnie what ever half a block ahead of us. It is another Waterdeep law Catch-22.”

The rest of the battle is a combination of the group fighting Gibbering Mouthers and trying to silence the kid. A Silence spell, five swings from multiple pcs, and a total of ONLY 10 hp of damage puts the kid down. And the monsters had fun chewing on the monk. Verin is impress with the pcs combat abilities and not killing the kid.

Verin, “Hm. He a 123 pound weakly. High pitch voice. But he has heart. If it wasn’t for the voice, he could make a good drill sergeant. And he be out my and our hair.”

30 seconds later. Tarsim produces forged papers of Peter Knight signing up for six years duty to the Aurora Watch.

The group gathers some walking wounded and head toward the infirmary. The dead are being taken to the crematorium. Team Ayo is helping with the wounded. Ayo flirts back with Poppy and both teams made it out with little damage. Toz, Gaisma, and Jundis help with some spell casting. Toz does meet Esily a noble who hates Sir Oliver about something to do with a racing pig during his grand father’s time. Jundis is stopped by a drow called Naevyn Tasitha who asks him to place a trinket at the Wall of the Unforgotten.

Jundis, “Do yourself kid. CURE LIGHT WOUNDS.”

DM, “WELL THERE GOES THAT PLOT POINT.” Tosses the page into the 55 Gallon Trash can.

As they are leaving, they get a one-night ticket for basic food and lodging for The Ready Room from Bautha Dyrr a drow priestess in her first hundred.

The group hangs outside the Aurora Watch Garrison as Poppy report in. She does get the mess hall to spend out baloney and cheese sandwiches. The sandwich is composed of one slice of white bread, one thin not Oscar Meyer slice of baloney, one slice of American Cheese Non-Cheese Food product, one slice of rye bread. Having skipped breakfast and lunch, they choke it down.

(DM is not going to do the info dump here. If you want posted ask.)

As they enter The Ready Room dining area Poppy sees Ayo and says she is a long nice drink of water who…

Ayo, “Oh it is on girl. Still cover in demon spawn slime. Still alive. Our teams need to get to know each other. A drinking contest it is. Loser team pays the tab.

Group, “Huh. What. What is happening? We did say nothing.”

Ayo, “Team up. Well, Irvan vs Toz is a given. And you have a one-member bonus.” Maggie bows out of contest to talk with Gaisma and to keep it honest. Sir Oliver pretends he is a tea totaller. Drinks up. And Drinks down.”

The results Team Mayhem not LAFF wins two to one. Irvan does drink Toz under the table first. And then drinks Jundis under. Tarsim finishes off Irvan before taking a brief nap. While this happening Maggie and the sober members of Team Mayhem talk with a Tiefling name Question who is a sketch artist and has an expedition going up to Betrayal’s Rise on Fessuran 23. Question does have a rough sketch of the necklace of three prayers but no solid information. Sir Oliver is approached by Aloysia Telfan, a lawful evil, elf wants to hire the group for her expedition leaving on Fessuran 24. As she gives off evil vibes.

BOOK, “Because you read out loud the lawful evil alignment part you nitwit.”

As Aloysia gives off evil vibes, he punts and says he will mention to his party the next morning when they are sober. Maggie and Team Mayhem put Team Ayo to bed and got to their room to sleep.

The group awakens with only slight hangovers. During Fessuran 21 they visit other locations of the city. The Unforgotten Wall is a combination of the Wailing Wall and Vietnam War memorial. Kalym (priest in charge) mentions the drow Aurora Watch member and Jundis. He explains that it’s part of a recent practice taken up by younger members of the Aurora Watch: when a soldier is not sure of living long enough to make friends that will hold a memorial for them, they arrange to have a keepsake of theirs placed by the wall in their honor.

At the crematory Reynard Allerton is glad for help as the two furnaces can only burn four regular bodies or one large body at time and it takes about three hours, they are slightly behind. He will give them a token for a free night and basic food at The Ready Room if they help shift the last bodies.

A tiefling yells, “Halt you morons!” The tiefling is Prolix Yusaf, scholarly agent from the Allegiance of Allsight. His badge displays the symbol of his faction: a scroll bearing a single, watchful eye. Prolix introduces himself as an archaeologist from Ank’Harel, a city on the distant continent of Marquet. He nervously explains that because vrocks often swallow jewelry and other ornamental objects, he has reason to believe that the vrock might have a few valuable items from the Betrayers’ Rise in its stomach—and he’d like to try to cut them out before the Allertons burn the corpse. Prolix starts butchering the corpse badly. Between the smell and blood part of party turns green. As a joke Jundis nibbles on a leg of Vrock before throwing into the furnace. The names of the people who lose their stomachs shall remain nameless because the DM did not take it down.

Some coins, rings, a pair of glasses and a puzzle box falls out the Vrock’s stomach. As Prolix dives for it he is given a wedgie by Poppy, tripped by Tarsim, and elbowed by Sir Oliver.

Prolix, “only really smart people can figure out how to open that box. None of you are smart enough.” Sir Oliver rips open the box with 24 athletics. “Brawn wins versus brains.” Inside the remains of the puzzle box is a of bestow curse and eyes of the eagle. Prolix leaves in a huff, “I swear the alliance of Allsight will dig up your graves a hundred years after your death and write bad things about you and your family.”

On the way to the temple an Vrock attacks the party. Its major achievement is peeing on the monk who charge it while it was still flying. The evil druid grounded with an unfair spell. And the DM had a 1E moment of randomly rolling for treasure during the game.

Just before sunset they visit the old temple of Avandra the Change Bringer. Where the Firbolg Foghome is trying to grow a vegetable garden to supple the watch with fresh veggies. Sir Oliver, Gaisma, and Jundis all have a small vision which they don’t share. Foghome did feel a holy presence last night. The group returns to their lodgings.

During the night Gaisma dreams about Foghome. In the morning she mentions this. The group breaks out in an argument on what it means and what they should do.

The End.

The group needs to tell me before hand on what they going to do on Fessuran the 22nd. Be prepared to level up in the session.


Rotten DM
Forgot to thank the guys who help me get the laptop back up and connected to the net. Just because it died just before I started rolling random treasure had nothing to do with it.


Rotten DM
Netherdeep Session 4

Bloody Map

Fessuran 22 0630 to Fessuran 23 1300

GP 13 SP 6 CP 6

PC Killed 0 Monsters Killed 39 Villains Captured 0 Villains Escaped 0

Start time 6:34 PM to 10:28 PM

Do not heal. Do not move. Shopping is allowed between session due to AL rules. The Living are in R9 listening to Heavy Metal Rap Filk Songs This is Poppy, Tarsim, and Toz. The Dead are Question, Gaisma, Jundis, and Sir Oliver.

I had a strong group of six. They leveled during the game. Poppy Echo Knight 6. Gaisma Life Cleric 1, Dream Druid 5. Tarsim Cordinger Clockwork Sorcerer 4 Order Domain Cleric 1. Jundis Jonstar Cleric 1 Warlock 2 Sorcerer 3. Sir Oliver Untgat bear totem barbarian.

The group gets their cart and salvage sheet. The watch is paying people to loot from empty houses. And they need to be empty before hand Toz. The first house is nearly done when Poppy on the third floor with some others encounter an acid elemental. During the fight she stands toe to toe with the acid elemental which is leaking acid on the wooden floor. Three rounds later the floor disappears and Poppy and Mr. Acid are on the other side with group throwing range spells and weapons.

As they are rounding a corner, they see a sign “No Adults allowed. This means you Mom Hassey.” A gathering of kids has taken over the block. If Team Mayhem want to get by, the must be on Peter’s team. Peter is in the center of dodge ball. The game of dodge demon ball begins. Yes, the men folk play with their balls in public. The Demon Kids (how is this different from real life?). The kids are demons too. After putting the kids and their demon balls into permanent time out, they loot the kids toy boxes and fill their big red wagon to three fourths full.

In the basement of the third block they explore, they meet a guardian naga. Which Geis Poppy to find “Fluffly’s bowl in Betrayer’s Rise.” Since it really isn’t dead the Geis stays on. Returning the full cart, they get their reward. As everyone is getting ready for dinner, Sir Oliver disappears for a half hour and returns with a smile on his face. (Where did he go?)

The dawn breaks with the party outside waiting on Question and her guards to go up to Betrayer’s Rise. Her guards have gotten a better deal. So, a lone mule, Question and Team Mayhem go down in the valley and up on meatball mountain. Um Up to Betrayer’s Rise where an outpost of twenty guards are camped out. A huge bridge covers a 40d6 fall into chasm with a nice lovely, fluffy, soft, warm bed of lava. The guards trash talks Question about bad food and upset tummies. They sound the door alarm and start pulling on huge ropes which are attached to door.

Suddenly two Gloomstalkers burst out the front door of the dungeon with three minions behind them inside. The gloom has learned. One yells which paralyzes their victim and the other snatches. Poor Poppy.

Skully, “Poor Poppy. She rolled a 3 on a d20. By your own rules, she should have done the long fall.” Sir Oliver flicks his BIC. “Shutting up.”

Poppy was able to trade places with her echo knight. One on the bridge. One taking the long fall. We will not tell of the various languages the echo knight shadow said to Poppy but it was rated R. The minions turned out to be some guards from another adventuring party. They were the only survivors but they help kill the Gloomstalkers. Entering the dungeon, the Necklace of Three prayers start beating in time with the second door. An evil door designed by Change Bringer. All the art work has been designed by evil gawds. Please drop your $20 in the cash box and enjoy the unguided tour. After the tanks try to kick in the doors, Gaisma opens the door with a touch.

The team enters a zig-zag elbow jointed corridor. The murals are scene of battles between gawds, demons, angels, mortals, and plant life. Except for one small icon. A huge red elephant is fighting an orange rock. A small bear with a houndstooth fedora is riding the elephant. The team is confused about this icon. So much that the monsters try to eat them but the group kill the mouth demons.

Entering the next room, they see three important things. The far-right alcove has a sign which only Sir Oliver can read. The far-left alcove is blocked with rubble. The far center alcove has a half circle with skull flower vase. Sir Oliver translates and everyone touches the wall signage.

The sign eats Gaisma, Question, Sir Oliver, and Jundis. These are the dead. The living are Poppy, Toz, and Tarsim who keep putting their dirty finger prints all over the signage.

The dead follow the hallway which opens into a huge room with lots of statues. The statues have lots of arms. The arms are holding lots of rusty blades. Sir Oliver translates but the sign makes no sense. Gaisma enter the room as a giant gecko. The room starts to shake, shimmer, tilt, and lots of more blades appear out blank walls. Gaisma screams as a she reverts back into her human form. Sir Oliver tosses Question twenty feet in. More blades appear. Question pauses to make a note that she really really hates Sir Oliver.

(Thanks, Tarsim for suggesting everyone rolls initiative. This is the DM can move back and forth between the groups.)

The living give up on placing their fingerprints on the sign. Poopy goes back to the front door and finds truly lock. Toz fills the vase with water. Tarsim estimates how long it would take to move the rubble.

The rest of dead enter the blade room. More and more blades appear. Magical blades which don’t care if you are were critter.

The Living stroke their beards. Toz and Poppy start moving rubble. Tarsim looks into the empty vase.

The dead are only mostly dead. As the blood is flying into a container with a red cross at the end of room. The room stops moving and blades disappear as the container gets full. Blades draw back revealing a long corridor. At the end of corridor are two helping hands palms up. High fives, wash the palms, and slapping the hands does nothing. In the blade room is an alcove, with a don’t disturb sign. Sir Oliver opens the door.

Tarsim cuts his hand and bleeds into the vase. After six pints um six points of damage the table and vase flip down into the floor. A hallway is revealed.

Oliver ducks as flameskulls fly out the room. The dead make dead the undead skulls. Then loot the dead body inside the room.

The living move down the hallway into a huge room with two rows of black pillars with white veins pulsing to the Heavy Metal Rap Filk Songs. A Stained-Glass window is at the far end of the room.

The end with the party split.

Question Do you want me to treat the group as very strong due to the two pcs who can’t be damage? Or start the +5 to hit is magical damage? Or leave it be? Because most of the time the tanks are stomping the monsters.

Official Guidance on the book with now be release on May 5.

Note this chapter does have suggestions on expanding encounters.

End of session 343.


Rotten DM
My group told me expand on the chapter and book, so I did. I did create and reskin the salvage encounters. I was doing a three part skill challenge for each house. Pass the skill challenge no monsters. Well I did throw in the dodge ball encounter to use a new monster which dropped this week.


Rotten DM
Netherdeep Session 5

Gaisma Map

Fessuran 23 1300 To Fessuran 24 1000

PC Killed 0 Monsters Killed 52 Villains Captured 0 Villains Escaped 1

Start time 6:00 PM to 9:48 PM

Do not heal. Do not move. Shopping is allowed between session due to AL rules.

Gp 258 SP 2 CP 7

I had a strong group of six. Poppy Echo Knight 6. Gaisma Life Cleric 1, Dream Druid 5. Tarsim Cordinger Clockwork Sorcerer 4 Order Domain Cleric 1. Jundis Jonstar Cleric 1 Warlock 2 Sorcerer 3. Sir Oliver Untgat bear totem barbarian 6.

Team Living is the hall of flaming cauldrons. Toz approaches the brazier and his prom partner from monk academy appears and she is a flaming red hair. Ok. It is a living flame which takes the form of his former date. She bows to him and motions him to dance. He accepts. Tarsim becomes a wall flower and dashes toward the entrance. Poppy finds a corner and hides. Team Living will not admit who started the first brawl. But Toz is scoring he is dancing with two and then three flaming hot chicks who don’t care he is stomping on their toes. (Performance check never broke a ten.) Poppy and Tarsim are losing the fight with one flaming red hair when Tarsim tosses sweet tea on two of Toz’s date. Just as Tarsim is about to get a super wedgie and swirly from hell he breaks the stained-glass window at the end of hall. The music stops. The dancers disappear and the exit ladder is revealed.

Meanwhile team dead figures out what to do with the blood cross donation and are slowly walking down the stairs. Both stop on the new Gaisma level and enter. (Group wanted me to expand the dungeon and a little bit more combat. So, using the suggestions from the book this became a heavy combat level. I should have included some role play rooms. Well live and learn.)

The group meets in a zipper formation while they beat up some shadow demons. During the night they murder Pebbles and Bam Bam and other demons and monsters and gets lots of loot. They take a long rest and take the tunnel less travelled. Sir Oliver suddenly remembers to summon his quasit during breakfast so they have an advance scout.

Quasit, “One dead dwarf killed by a demon. Second dead dwarf. Third dead dwarf. Fourth dead dwarf. Fifth dead dwarf. Sixth dead dwarf. Seventh dead dwarf. Eighth dead dwarf. Ninth dead dwarf. Tenth dead dwarf. Eleventh dead dwarf. Twelfth dead dwarf. Thirteenth dead dwarf. One dead halfling also kill by demon. Some about a fly on the wall.”

Gaisma screams and jumps halfway out the hallway. “Run away. Bad dreams. Bad Dreams. I mean I had a bad dream that we should not open that door.” With that Team Mayhem flees toward the landing and starts down to the basement.

End of session 345.

Voidrunner's Codex

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