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Is Kingdoms of Kalamar worth it?

Doc Century

First Post
Thanks for the replies everybody (yes, I'm the original poster - just decided to change my sig).

I've pretty much decided to go ahead and buy the campaign setting. Sayburr's in-depth response (and everyone else's enthusiasm) has convinced me. Now, as for starting a campaign, I understand there are quite a few modules already out for Kalamar. Would any of them be good for starting a fresh campaign? Sometimes I come up with my own campaign "jump-start" ideas, but it's nice for a married guy with two young ones and not a lot of spare time to have something already made-up to work off of.


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Anyway, as a follow up, let me say, you might want to wait for the Players guide. The main setting book is more like Kalamar 101, and seems more aimed describing the setting, not running a game in or, or playing characters in it.

Holy Bovine

First Post
Now this is something I can comment on. Seeing as how I 'won' a copy of Root of Evil just the other day from Noah Kolman I would (aftering reading it and realizing how well-written it is) recommend it.

**Very minor Spoilers**

<scrollin', scrollin', scrollin' >

It is for beginning level characters and is the first of 3 parts. It centers around that most wonderous of metals, mithral. Bad guys are planning bad things with this mystery metal and the adventure sees the party exploring a ruined tower, a half-sunken 'ghost ship and exploring a jungle and interacting with the nice people that live there ;)

Anyways it has a lot of fun stuff in it from heavy role-play to knock-down drag 'em out donnybrooks.

Doc Century

First Post
Will the Kalamar Player's Guide have more "crunchy bits" (I hate that term, but it'll do) than the main hardcover book? Things like prestige classes, feats, equipment and such? Or will it be just a streamlined version of the main book?


First Post
I really enjoyed the cmapaign setting book, but it is just the setting no crunchy bits, the players guide should have most of the crunchy bits, including new cleric domains, some prestige classes and other things that players will want and will help flesh out the setting some more. It is defenately on my list of things to get. Then again I own two copies of the source book and really loved it.


Kalamar Players Guide

This was posted about a week ago. It should give you a good idea what will be in the Player's Guide.

Kingdoms of Kalamar Player's Guide - 128-192 pgs est. - $24.99
This is it. The definitive sourcebook for Dungeons and Dragons™ and a must have for any player or DM. Set in the popular Kingdoms of Kalamar™ campaign setting, this book is loaded with new official Dungeons and Dragons™ material including:
  • five new variant classes
  • ten new prestige classes
  • over 70 new feats
  • new weapons
  • new armor
  • new combat options
  • new clerical domains
  • new spells
  • a new class of spells: scalable spells.
Also included is more detailed information about the world of Tellene, its races, classes and politics that will allow Dungeons and Dragons™ players to create a unique character that matches their unique vision. Additionally, D&D™ Dungeon Masters will have a plethora of information at their fingertips with which to customize any campaign world. An abundant source of official Dungeons and Dragons™ material of the high quality you have come to expect from Kenzer and Company, this is one product you do not want to miss.

The players guide is undergoing a final round of edits. It should be laid out and then copy edited soon. It should be ready for its April 2002 scheduled release date. I cannot reccomend the product enough; it's truly awesome.


Modules for Kalamar

Doc Century said:
Thanks for the replies everybody (yes, I'm the original poster - just decided to change my sig).

I've pretty much decided to go ahead and buy the campaign setting. Sayburr's in-depth response (and everyone else's enthusiasm) has convinced me. Now, as for starting a campaign, I understand there are quite a few modules already out for Kalamar. Would any of them be good for starting a fresh campaign? Sometimes I come up with my own campaign "jump-start" ideas, but it's nice for a married guy with two young ones and not a lot of spare time to have something already made-up to work off of.


Of he currently available modules, you can start with the Coin Trilogy (The Root of All Evil, Forging Darkness, Coin's End), Aldriv's Revenge, or Harvest of Darkness.

The Coin Trilogy is designed to take characters from 1st to about 8th level. Aldriv's Revenge is for 1st to 3rd level characters. Harvest of Darkness is four distinct adventures that can be tied together, for 1st through 10th level.

Lots of people have been running the Coin Trilogy. You can check out my story hour through the link below, or Sayburr's story hour in the Story Hour forum to see two different ways this module can progress.

I'm also running Aldriv's revenge for another group, but we have just started getting into it and will have a better idea how it plays out after Saturday's marathon session.


trancejeremy said:
Let me chime in with a 'no'.

Their modules are fantastic. Best I've ever seen.

But the Kalamar setting itself is incredibly bland. Well written, but boring. The main campaign book also has virtually zero D&D content.

I can understand the well written and boring part from their style of writing. What I can't understand is the "virtual zero D&D content." Especially since it is an "Official D&D" sourcebook, fully approved by WotC. Could you explain what you mean by your statement?

Doc Century

First Post
Thanks, wsclark. That's very useful information. I'll have to check out your's and Sayburr's story hours.

Talath - I do have the FRCS and the LGG both. I think the FRCS is a fantastically done book, but after years of gaming in the Realms I am pretty much burnt-out on it, at least for now. I have fond memories of Greyhawk, but it doesn't seem to get much focus from WotC, even though it is the "default" setting. I'm just looking for something a little on the "low-fantasy" scale. What makes Kalamar less interesting than FR or GH in your opinion?

For those who are Kalamar fans, what makes Kalamar a good (great?) campaign setting?


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