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(IR) What would your PC do, if he or she received the Sending of the Wanderer?

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Also who is playing the BlackBrotherhood. THose who have infiltrated the Scarlet Brotherhood, who is playing them on the boards?
If he reads this plz contact me at NukemUntilTheyGlow@hotmail.com I've got a offer for you.

And who is playing the Scarlet Brotherhood? Plz contact me as well.

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William Ronald

To Riot Gear and Draco:

Sorry about the mix up. I am shortly going to eat, so the food and cafeine will help.

All offers of help are accepted. By the way, what did you think of my gift to Vecna?

We stand as one in this time of need. I expect to hear soon about Toril. In this time, any aid against Vecna is welcome.

On Toril, Gwilym bows politely to Forrester, representative of the Humanoid Alliance.

"On behalf of the Kevellond Legue, and as much as I can speak for Oerth, I thank you for your help. I appreciate your concerns and thank you for any aid you can render."

After the private conversation with Forrester.

"I know the problems that your people face. It seems that a constant state of war exists with them and many others. I have known half-orc paladins of Heironeous, a kobold priest of Pelor, and a goblin who was a pacifist monk. I and my government assured that they would be treated with respect in our lands. Indeed, it seems that they are not as rare as I deemed. Despite prejudice, they have been accepted in their small communities and given many pause for thought.

I will send out my offer of assistance. I will offer them food, homes, education, and an opportunity at good, gainful employment. We should look at what lies in the heart, the soul, and the mind, not mere flesh. I will need your help in speaking with them. I doubt that they will believe me. I will, of course, make sure that your brothers are treated as equals in the Kevellond League. As for those outside its borders, we will urge them to unite in a quest for peace, prosperity, and dignity. As you know, members of our league include many peoples. I would be honored to accept any who seek to live in peace as a good neighbor and friend.

Perhaps we could even send food to the humanoids, humans, and demi-humans as needed. Your world, and your name, has been unjustly slandered. The peoples of Oerth and Toril must try to understand one another. Righteous words and deeds would do much to correct this. I also believe that the UC of Toril, the Humanoid Alliance, and the people of Toril in general should exchange ambassadors with the peoples of Oerth. Your brothers on Oerth would scarcely believe the changes that their Torillian kindred have seen. You live longer, and stronger, happier, and wealthier than before. In your youth, could you have imagined where things now stand for your brethren and the other peoples of Toril. The peoples of Oerth - regardless of race, species, culture, or faith - should know about the good works done here on Toril. Let us speak with them, you and I. Let us speak to all the peoples of Toril and Oerth.

I am beginning to wonder if any faction from your world might be involved in the current affairs. Could the UC and the Humanoid Alliance investigate this? I could see the Church of Shade seeking to play a role in Oerthly affairs.

Also, I need to speak with my government. I also would like to speak with my world to teach them about Toril and with your world to teach them about Oerth. I believe that despite the differences we may have, our commond desire for a better future will help us see past all differences. Regardless of race, creed, or origin, I think all peoples want a better future for themselves and their children. In the name of peace and the hope for a better future for us all, I will work with you in this time of need. I am sure my government will welcome your aid.

You may wish to take whatever steps you need to ensure that your passage to Oerth is not endangered as travel was in the past. There is much work to do. While I still fear for the future, I have hope. It is with that hope that I begin to speak for Oerth among you and to clear up the lies some have told of Toril. You and the other peoples of Toril have done well. I thank you for your audience, your counsel, and your aid. May both Toril and Oerth be blessed with peace, prosperity, health and hope.

(I am logging off for now. I suspect the UC and Humanoid Alliance know of what actions have been taking place on Oerth. I wonder what Forrester's reaction will be to the goat for Vecna?)
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I relay this information to Riot and Serpenteye and I myself will go and talk to your leader and offer him the power of the devils in return that he will bring his full forces onto the Drow to bare. If the drow are defeated and with them the demons, we the Baatazu would be VERY pleased indeed. If the Drow are defeated remember that the Shades will lose their primary ally and stronghold in this realm as well. Also we could loot their tech if we could get our hands on it. If your leader accepts this offer and joins us, he will gain our help and he to will be able to start summoning Devils to his aid. This will result in that Devils are being summoned in 3 different places by 3 different groups united under 1 banner.

((Edena, this would speed or the summoning proces of the devils and their increase in power rather quite a bit wouldn't it? Let me know if the power increase increaces and if so by how much.))

Let's crush the Drow and their offworld allies. Let's massacre all of those little maggots and claim their tech and the new shadow tech for ourselves. And if we get REALLY lucky maybe even we can lay our hands on the secret of Shade transformation!!!

Crush the Drow and their allies, loot them dry and let the forces of evil unite under 1 banner. Stand side by side, forces of evil, and remember that those from Baator stand by your side. Summon us by the thousands and we will come to your aid. We will make the skies rain fire, the water as blood, the good shall fall before the wicked and all that's good shall tremble before the burning gates of Hell.

Forces of evil, UNITE!

[edit] Spelling
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To turn might be a mistake. But remember that the Drow are at war with Vecna and while they battle they will lose a lot of their power. And they have their forces at the field where they battle Vecna. Their power at home will be less for they think everyone is striking out at Vecna. Your plan about closing planar bounderies except those for the Baatazu is ingenious and very brilliant indeed.

But now the Drow are weakened and away from their homes. If we strike out at them with all our forces and with our possible new ally (the Orcs whose leader can be easily corrupted, as my Beautiful Erinyes report) they will be very hard pressed to keep us at bay, I believe we will crush them and claim their power for our own. We must stand together and we must strike while our enemies are busy.

If you succeed in closing the planar bounderies except those for the Baatazu before we come together to strike against the Drow. I will intervene the attack and we shall hold and carry out your plan for it is a ingenious one. But an opportunity presents itself and we must seize it while it lays there. If you can convince the Sigils to carry out your plan, I shall halt the attack and inform our allies to prolong the attack. I think they will halt if I ask them. So keep your excelent planning and diplomacy going. We have our own plans we are carrying out to bring succes to our alliance. So go now and make your time. For time is of the essence.

(To Serpenteye, if you let me in on your plans to possibly ally with Kas, let him know I give my full support to this kind of alliance, the more powerful evil factions we can unite under one banner the better. In time we shall muster a force noone will have predicted and we shall crush our enemies in force, Kas would be a mighty and usefull ally indeed.)

(Also I'm seeking a way to open negotiations with the Scarlet and Black Brotherhood but they haven't replied on my hails for the time be.)

OOC: The DNS server of my internet provider is down, so I can't check my email (and post here, but for the time being, a friend of mine does), and I don't know when it will be restored, so communication with me might be very difficult and at least slow.

Still OOC: I'm logging off for tonight. Riot Gear, would you take my actions 'till I'm back?

[edit] Spelling
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To Turrosh Mak

You have to gain power and support of the most powerfull evil nations of this realm. You will be granted new technology, you will be granted power and consolidation of you power for non shall dare to rebell against you while we, the devils stand by your side. We will help you keep your power and increase it with land, conquest, new technology and tales of victory for your offspring.

Join with us, join and rule supreme besides us.

And last, you don't want to risk our wrath, so choose, we offer you power, glory, technology and a place in history among the greatest. Choose now, choose wise.

William Ronald


I still need to hear from Forrester and Reprisal. I also need to know when Gwilym Raonul can speak to his government and arranging broadcast messages to Toril and Oerth. Also, did you check your e-mail for my post as it relates to the matters at hand?

(Post number 100 on the new boards! Finally!)

Turrosh Mak: On behalf of the Kevellond League, greetings. Now is the calm before the storm. We are prepared to help supply your troops and your people. We are willing to send food to you if you need it. We are also preparing packs of supplies for your soldiers designed for hard campaigning. I look forward to seeing the might of your warriors on the battle field. As well as yourself. The packs have several useful items, including a very specialized army knife from the Lortmils Technomancy (Swiss Army knife), food, rope and some decent wine. Let us hope that your warriors will soon toast the annihilation of Vecna with you, their lord? Our forces will stand with you in this conflict. Is there anything you really need? As we are ensuring that the full might of the Kevellond League will be available to assail Vecna, we also wish to make sure that those who stand with us will be as ready.

(If you are curious, the wine is fairly good. You have had better, but back when you were much younger you would appreciate it. The wine is wine, nothing more nothing less.)

To Kalanyr: We in the League appreciate your offer of aid. Now is the time for those who would be heroes to their peoples stand up as one. I have offered assistance to all my allies in preparing for the fight against Vecna. Although we have disagreed in the past, we now must stand as one for assured survival. I have offered food aid, and some supplies to Turrosh Mak and our other allies. I have supplied packs for the soldiers, those brave men and women who will stand by our side in the coming battle. The packs have several useful items, including a very specialized army knife from the Lortmils Technomancy (Swiss Army knife), food, rope and some decent wine. (I fear it may not be up to your usual standards, but then your best vitners have centuries to perfect their art.) Let us hope that your warriors will soon toast the annihilation of Vecna with you, their lord? Our forces will stand with you in this conflict. Is there anything you really need? As we are ensuring that the full might of the Kevellond League will be available to assail Vecna, we also wish to make sure that those who stand with us will be as ready as we.

Riot Gear, Mr. Draco, Serpent Eye, GnomeWorks, and all other leaders of Oerth; We stand on the brink of a momentous war. We fight for our own mutually assured survival. We must bring our full strength to bear on Vecna! Is there anything you need of us? Or do you have any information, tools, weapons, technology, or strategies to share? If we bring our full might and cunning to the battle, I believe we shall be victorious. We will share our knowledge and resources soon. Vital intelligence is coming our way. We shall share it with you, and ask that you share any intelligence that will help us achieve victory. Obviously, I am not asking you to reveal all your secrets. I want to make sure that when we fight our common foe, that we do not work at cross purposes. We know how many battles have been lost because of forces getting in each other's way.

Ambassador Draco, representative of the Legions of Kas, I greet you. Your lord is the most knowledgeable amongst us about our mutual foes might and capabilities. His counsel, as well as his unsurpassed skill and courage, is most welcome.

I salute those who stand together against Vecna in this time of need. May we achieve a victory that will leave generations to come in awe of our efforts!

(Guys, I have a suspicion things will slow down in the U.S. and maybe Canada for the Super Bowl. (Sometimes I think sports may qualify as an organized religion in Western society.) Today is a day for strategy, alliances, and making sure we communicate with each other.
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The Lortmils Technomancy is willing, of course, to give away armaments to whom we are allied with. We request, of course, that these be returned to us once the war is over. Copy our technologies, if you wish - but we want what we give you to be returned to us.


The only thing Erineyes spies sent among the drow will learn is that Succubus are not friendly towards them.

I will begin transporting Succubi & Glabrezu (Lust & Power :D) out with my infiltrators.

If the drow catch any infiltrators or assassins for other powers they will be treated as Kender or Tinker Gnomes are only they will get interrogated first any Erineyes we catch will be given to the Succubi or Iuz.

Alyx-Messengers are sent to Celene I want to know what is going on.

We are seeking out the various unallied humandoids and are offering them some of our more primitive technology in exchange for their alliance.

The Drow are willing to negotiate with any power (Except The Solastrim, The Devils and any allied with them) we will offer them technological weapons in return for aid.

MY offers of Alliance to Kaz remain we will provide him with some technology in return for his alliance.

I'm off to school now. Apart from the above all continues as before.
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OOC to Riot Gear

Riot, I'll be off for the next 16 hours orso, it's starting to get late here so I'm off to bed and tomorrow I've got school so I'll be gone for a while. I trust you with the Baatazu forces so you can run them while I'm gone. If you want to get into a fight, use my forces, if you want to gather info and infltrate, use my Erinyes. Try to keep the alliance with Serpenteye in good standing and try to convince Turrosh Mak and the Orcs to join our cause and above all the search for the City of the Gods and the further summoning of Devils are to be kept going indefinately.

Good luck and have fun. I'll see what you've been up to tomorrow. You can use my forces anyway you please, since we're allies I trust in you judgement.

William Ronald


We are willing to do so. I should have some more news of Toril soon. As a matter of principle, I at least will turn everything over to you. If no one else does, then perhaps we can come to a more permanent arrangement between our two peoples. I do not wish to see you threatened by the weapons you have provided to others. In the name of the friendship of our peoples, I will not stand for it.

We would wish you to join our embassy to Varanaith and elsewhere. Wherever possible, we have spoken on your behalf, trying to dispel unreasonable fears. Your words added to ours would have great impact. While we are still divining the motives of the Torillians and whatever factions from that world which may be here, we are aware that you have been viciously slandered. We stand ready to clear your good name in the eyes of the world.

By the way, thank you for the farm implements. Planting crops and harvesting them will be much easier. We are willing to continue our trade with you and assist you on any problems you might have. Indeed, I see no reason why our respective nations cannot be places of both natural beauty, and magical and technological progress. The either/or dichotomy is often a thing for petty minds. I find no petty minds here. We look forward to trading with you and your continued support for the efforts to defeat Vecna.

Edena: If I do not hear from you shortly, I will begin to have the Kevellond league polling everyone on what they need. They will send ambassadors to all the major powers of Oerth to explain the situation at hand. Anyone who wishes to join the embassies to speak on behalf of their own people is invited to do so.

I also know when I can get word back from the ambassador on Toril. In the interim, the Kevellond League is still pressing for an end to hostilities. A truce is offered to Iuz, who has the wisdom to see the common threat. I also urge the Emperor of Aerdi and other powers to end any internal or external wars. We need to annihilate Vecna utterly.

Also, I thought the Balor was representing a faction. He indicated he was supplying some technological items to the elves. Can he clarify his position, and the faction that he represents? I will e-mail him.
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