(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 0 - The Sending of the Wanderer

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Some more news.
A number of minor (and some major) officials have just been killed in the Dark Union, and also in Ket.
Whoever killed them, got away, and scrying efforts to discover the assassins have failed.
Last edited by Edena_of_Neith on 02-20-2002 at 06:33 PM

Well, The Dark Union will also send assassins against our enemies. When the combat starts in turn 1.

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To Anabstercorian:

We will agree to a trade treaty, however, trades will take place at the boundries of the forest and no troops shall pass in or out of it. Furthermore, trading will cease if any attacks are placed upon the forest of the league of warlords. We find slaves of any minor humanoid race perferred, as long as they are medium or larger size. What minor magic items do you prefer.


First Post

Edena_of_Neith said:
I have some news that will be interesting hearing for Kas....

....And, by the way, the Legions of Vecna will have to stow away all your weapons and spell components, magical items and armor, belowdecks.
For the entire journey. No exceptions.

- - -

Hope that's the legions of Kas.... If not Vecna will have to rethink some strategies.


First Post

Turn 1 is coming up shortly.

Unless you REALLY THINK it would be a secret (remember that spies and scriers are everywhere), post your combat actions to the board.
Do not send them to me as an e-mail.

Send me e-mails for any magical research into 10th level magic.
Send me e-mails regarding any Power Level allocated to advancing your civilization.
Send me anything that you think would be SECRET information, or secret movements.



First Post
To all the People in the IR

The Angels of Hope Island are asking the Border Guard of Realmspace to step aside briefly (and the Border Guard, does.)

A beautiful white light springs down on many places on Oerth.
On the cottages of peasants, hiding in their homes awaiting the end.
On families huddled in their homes, waiting for death.
On people huddled in cellars, hiding in forests, in hills, wondering how long they have to live.
To the people being sheltered by druids.
To the people being sheltered by churches.
To all the children, shaking with fright, knowing the world has gone mad and their parents can't make it right.

To all these people, the Angels - beautiful, ethereal, their faces filled with sadness, but their eyes shimmering with love and warmth - offer a refuge on Hope Island, on Toril.
A place where they may go, and the coming war will not touch them or their loved ones.

All they have to do is to choose to go, and they disappear into the radiant light, to emerge in a pastoral paradise, where friendly people await them, await to help them.
There is food aplenty and to spare, and everything good to drink.
The air is warm, the breeze fragrant, and the sun warm in the green sky.

To all the People in the IR:

This is your chance to evacuate your civilian population.
The Angels are opening the way.

You may not in any way use this opportunity to take military advantage of Toril.
If you decide to ATTACK the Angels, please let me know. Your Seers state that would be a BAD idea.

(If there is to be any Divine Intervention in the IR, you can consider that this is it. There won't be any more.)

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First Post
Yes, the Border Guard indeed steps aside (briefly) for the Angels to escort any and all of those downtrodden who might want to come to Toril and start a new life -- or perhaps merely stay here until the Great War on Oerth has subsided.

All those that travel across will be mind-scanned, etc., with our best technopsimagery, of course, to make sure that there are no nasty little Shade minions sneaking in among them. They're like cockroaches -- for every one you step on, it seems a half-dozen scurry away.

(Paranoid enough, Edena? :D Never meant to imply that we aren't always keeping an eye on the damn Shades -- but I think it was an overstatement to say that they control some vast criminal Underworld on Toril.)


First Post

Take a good long look at the map, folks.
It is the last time you will see it like that, since the war is imminent.
Check your listing. Make sure everything is right. Note your Power Level. Make sure it is right.


William Ronald

The Kevellond League asks that Lord Vecna consider the message sent to him.

The Kevellond League asks that Lord Kas consider the message sent to him.

The Kevellond League raises security of its officials to unprecedented levels. After all an assassination attempt is an act of war.

In the council chambers of the Kevellond League, Archcleric Hazen sits impatiently in his chair reviewing letters.

"Lord William Ronald," he calls. The speaker for the League walks over. "Can you tell me of your ancestor again? Your strange family history seems very relevant in the light of recent events."

"Yes," the speaker for the Kevellond League says. "It is recorded both in my family histories and the last pages of The Chronicle of Secret Times. We are debating whether to unban the book in Keoland."

"It is said in The Chronicle of Secret Times, Slerontin, the Last Mage of Power of the Suel Imperium, led twelve tribes into the Sheldomar Valley. He bid them to make peace with each other. set aside their rivalries, and make peace with the people of the Valley. He asked them to live by the most noble traditions of their ancestors. Before vanishing in a ball of light, never to be seen by mortal men, he said that a son of another twelve tribes and a bold warrior people would appear one week later arriving from a distant world. He bid them to treat him with the respect they would give him. Although he would not know their language, Slerontin said that his knowledge would save them all. He would counsel them to pursue peace."

"The tale is now picked up by my family history. It is said that house Neheli sent its finest wizards and priest and their leaders to camp by the spot Slerontin the Noble vanished. A week later there was a silver flash in the sky and a man fell from the ground. He was William Ronald, founder of my house, also called the Man who Fell to Oerth. He was strangely attired and spoke no known language. Fortunately the priests and wizards were ready with spells to interprept language."

"My ancestor negotiated the first truce with the Flan in the Sheldomar valley. He tried to keep the Suel tribes together, but meet with only limited success. He greeted the Oeridians in peace."

"His knowledge of agriculture, architecture, and politics shocked the Neheli. The agricutural knowledge alone has saved many lives and lead to improved harvests. Not all of his recommendations were regarded."

"He became a powerful wizard and named his children after people in his own world. One name, Jeff, became Geoff - the name of a land now sadly in ruins. It is said in his 100th year with the Neheli he said he was returning to his own world."

"What of the more fantastic stuff I head your grandfather tell me?" Hazen asked.

"Horseless carriages that moved on their own accord. Devices to allow communication around a world. Thinking devices. Flying ships. Weapons that could destroy cities...." Lord Ronald said as his voice came to a stop.

"There may be more truth in old tales than we thought. A pity Slerontin hasn't appeared. Keoland could use him. Indeed, we could use all the help we can receive."

Edena: Am I correct in assuming that evacuating our civilians will have no negative impact on our PLs. I would like to evacuate all I can. Also, I would let the angels know that Ambassador Gwilym Raonul desires to speak with them.
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