(IR) The 3rd IR, 2nd Turn (thread 2)

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If its an attack force, I will carry them no matter the risk to myself.


Since he has not taken Irongate, I think a rescue mission to evacuate the populace could be acomplished, I defer the decison to the UC.
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To Acererak

"Though we under the terms of our alliance support your attack on the Iron League I believe it would be in your best interest to cooperate with the evacuation of Irongate or at least not obstruct the Commonwealths efforts overmuch. I ask you to consider what a UC involvement in the war would mean for your chances of success."

The God Emperor of the Dark Union of Oerth and the Great Empire of Aerdi (Peacemaker)


First Post

This is my final decision, given Irongate has not yet fallen.

I will send some archmages to help teleport out as many as we can -- or bring them safely to the dwarven spelljammers. The mages will be escorted by 20PL-->10PL worth of soldiers.

I will blow many Limited Wishes, and even a Wish/Miracle spell or two. Yes, I realize that I will probably take a small PL hit, or some other thing, for using Wishes, but I'm willing to make the sacrifice.

But I'm not going to do any massive troop ferrying. Hopefully, though, my brave mages (who obviously won't stick around to fight to the death) and my Wishes will save as many inhabitants as possible. But combat will be avoided when possible -- when it is not, we leave.

I am also interested in finding out, Edena, if my forces are attacked by:

1) Acerak
2) The Scarlet Brotherhood
3) Anyone else

So I know that I need to crush them mercilessly later on.

Just a helpful reminder: I have 450PL-->225PL forces on Toril, demilich-boy. That doesn't include the copious numbers of epic-level NPCs traveling with me. You've eaten enough -- let them go. (And the Scarlet Brotherhood should SURELY be wise enough to know when they've gone too far . . . )

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I did'nt read the whole thing yet, as I just got back, but if theres still Riftcrag, the League of Warlords will hold off attack (remove troops) on the Duchy of Urnst and continue defending their territories (against Creamsteak, if he still attacks).
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Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
As it is not too long yet, I'll leave this thread open for now, so Edena can post statistics or a summary or something if he wants. :)


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I'd read this if I were you

As Bonedagger is leaving the IR, Vecna and Vecna's Legions are now must be played by someone else.

I will run Vecna and Vecna's Legions.

I knew about Vecna 20 years ago IRL. I have known of him since I was a kid, first starting in Dungeons and Dragons.

Be afraid. Be very, very, very afraid.

I say this to all of you now:

If Vecna can destroy you all, including all of Toril, Vecna will destroy you all, including all of Toril.
I have worked hard on the IR.
I will work equally hard, within the rules, to ensure that Vecna wins.

As Boromir told Frodo in a certain recent film:

What chance do you think you have?
You will be found.
They will take the Ring.
And you will beg for death before they are finished.

If Vecna wins, all of Oerth, Toril, Greyspace, and Realmspace will be pulled into Ravenloft, and will remain there, forever.

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