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D&D 5E (IC) Rise of the Dracolich

Prickly Pear

This was the second time Sesto had headed a summons from Imani, the great Sage of Hap. Last time, the Sage had sent a large group of adventures to stop a powerful dracolich from gaining even more power. It had gone well that time although it was a close call and some did not make it back. That was six months ago. According to Imani’s letter the dracolich and his cult followers were still at large and must be stopped yet again. Well, the group might need the spiritual help from a cleric of Lathander, he mused. Wonder who else have would come to aid the the Sage?

Sesto thought back on his time in the temple of Lathander in Neverwinter. He was raised by the priests to protect and help the unfortunate, in the same way he was help when he was orphaned at a young age. Now, as a powerful cleric, he would put himself in the path of danger to protect and help the people of Battledale.

Sesto was late. He had left Neverwinter early but on the way he came across a small village suffering under a horrible plague. It had taken some time to treat the sick and finding the source of the outbreak but finally it was put to a stop. He had hitched a ride from the village with a grateful farmer and made way to Hap urgently.

Bidding the farmer farewell in the market square, he rushed up the hill towards the tower. When Sesto arrived at the door he could hear voices inside. Late as always, he thought and sighed, then he opened the door without knocking first. He went inside to see who had already arrived. If he was lucky, Imani might not yet be there. Imani seemed to want to impress his visitors with a grand entrance… like last time Sesto was here.

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Loklafd of the Seal Tribe sat enjoying the food that Imani had ordered from the Millery Inn. When Zander came in he stood and limped over on his prosthetic leg. He embraced the fighter while smiling and thumping him on the back, "Good to see you my friend!"

The Reghedman had taken a liking to the man when Zander had swum across the raging river between Blackpeak and Greenpeak, in a death-defying race before the Dracolich had flown overhead. It had been Loklafd's job to provide kayaks, but he had not had enough of them for all of the passengers at the time. Loklafd had pulled the tired swimmer out of the water, but Zander had done the hard job and had made it across on his own.

Loklafd only nodded to Mord when the warlock came in with his... servants. They had met, but there was something about the pale-faced man that the Northerner did not like. Still, he held him in high respect for having made it through the previous mission.

Imani's servant was pouring wine, and Loklafd gestured to Zander to have some while he introduced himself to the others. He spoke briefly to Primus about the Mystic's syblings and their whereabouts, and he greeted Alhana, though he was uncomfortable around elves - He had only the briefest word of greeting for Lorenn, though he liked the half-elf well enough.

Before he had a chance to say anything to Kalorn, Sesto came in. Loklafd had not spoken much with the Cleric, but was aware of all he had done in the previous mission. He greeted Sesto with nearly as much enthusiasm (though not quite as much familiarity) as he had with Zander.
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At a word, Mord's followers moved to an out of the way wall and stood with their backs to it to await their next command. The warlock himself seemed to stand apart even when surrounded by others. Maybe it was the dark clothing, black hair and even nearly black eyes, but there was a dark energy about the man at all times, and he almost seemed to enjoy unnerving the people around him.


Dusty Dragon
Kalorn was on his third cup of wine. He had seen all the others arrive, and told himself their means of transport was telling. Many of them knew each other - but not all, good he wasn't the only newcomer - but they all had arrived separately. Interesting.

The one called Mord was known by the others, but they didn't seem to trust him fully. Couldn't they see that his servants weren't alive - the trio didn't breathe! His eyes narrowed. The others must know already. The three weren't golems based on the size and equipment... so... undead. Not zombies based on the smell. So a necromancer - they often were short on cash, so the outfit he had for them made sense. It all fit together. He would have to keep an eye on that one. Necromancers were close to the line, and many stepped over it - and he would not tolerate an evil wizard. Too many of those out there.

The other one he wondered about was Primus - a relative of some allies of the people here. He too held himself as someone who had power, but ... what? Not a wizard that was for sure... a sorcerer maybe?

So this gang had a sorcerer, a necromancer... and those two elves had the looks of folks who knew a magic trick or three... elves usually did. And himself... lots of arcane power in this tower. Must be a big job. Maybe an elven affair... Imani had asked for Malbung after all.

He rose with a wince, hitched his sword, re-grabbed his cup and stepped towards Zander. He looked like the man he would be fighting shoulder to shoulder with, and he wanted to take his measure. The spellcasters couldn't be trusted, it was a given... but he had to be able to rely on that fighter.

"Greetings. I am Kalorn, sellsword. I've been known to sling a spell or two too. So... tell me about this group. Any idea why we're here?"

He turned as Sesto came in the tower. A cleric of Lathander! Ha! He felt the god was a bit... silly... but clerics were good to have around. Now how would this Sesto fellow react when he saw Mord's servant.

"This should be interesting... does he know?"
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Zander grinned as Loklafd moved off, to greet the others. It was good to see some friendly faces after so many months.

"A pleasure Kalorn," the warrior says taking the other guests forearm in greeting. "Zander of Phaln, originally. Been living in the local area for th past year now."

"This should be interesting... does he know?"

Zander looks around wondering, "Who knows what?" he asks aloud.


Dusty Dragon
A very strong grip, good, thought Kalorn... but maybe he didn't know?

Again, interesting.

"I'm from Mullmaster, been working in the Dales for a decade... I meant the mission. I heard something about a dracolich and the cult, but no one knows why we are here. Maybe the priest knows..."


“My younger siblings apparently pissed off a Dracolich,” Primus says, walking up to Zander and Kalorn. “Came crying to me when they couldn’t put him back. Seems half my life has been cleaning up messes those four have caused.”


Zander looks surprised. "Wow you come from quite a large family. I thought maybe the quadruplets would be enough children for anyone. How many of you are there?" the man who never had siblings of his own asks. "If your half as powerful as them then we could take on another dracolich or two..."

"...umm not that I would want to, mind you."

Turning to Kalorn he tries to put on a look of confidence. "I hope that dead dragon hasn't reared it's ugly head so soon again."


Imani lingered at the top of the stairs until his servant rang a little bell that indicated that everyone who was expected had arrived, then the Sage of Hap sighed and descended, interrupting Kalorn's conversation with Zander.

"Welcome friends, old and new." he began, sincerely. "I have asked for you today to undertake a journey on my behalf. In my ongoing efforts to thwart the Cult of the Dragon and to eventually defeat our old foe, the Dracolich Dretchroyaster, my research has led me to discover a powerful relic that may help in that goal: The Drakhorn. This horn has the ability to call Dragons to its sound - an ability I hope to use to summon the Gold Dragon Protanther to beseech him for aid. He was a foe of Dretchroyaster's many centuries ago and is known to despise undead - I think he can be persuaded to help. But he has not been seen in a hundred years or more, which is why we need the Drakhorn."

His servant handed him a glass of wine and he had a sip and continued, "The horn is under the protection of the Arcane Brotherhood in Luskan, sealed in a vault of the Host-Tower. My contact there, Maccath the Crimson, is an expert on dragons. She has agreed to allow us the use of the Drakhorn, but believes that the Overwizards will ask us to complete a Quest on their behalf, in exchange."

He allowed that to sink in for a moment and then clarified, "In short, I ask that you travel to Luskan - to the Host-Tower, meet my contact Maccath and undertake whatever quest she assigns. Then take from her the Drakhorn, and return it to me."


“Six, actually,” Primus said. “And they aren’t quintuplets. Just born very close together. Just got back from visiting my baby sister, actually. She hasn’t left the Shadowvale since our parents died, but teenagers are known for being dramatic. Of course, when you’re mom is a Teifling and your father has the blood of a Celestial, it can do strange things to your perspective.”

Then Imani walked in, and Primus shut up.

Voidrunner's Codex

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