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(IC) Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden


Russet thinks hard. Tracking merchant caravans was a skill he had honed well, so even with his head swimming with ale, the inferences were clear to him. He gives Lumrolur a smile, trying to coax out some friendliness. He dares a hearty pat on the shoulder.
Seems your hunch was right, little...friend? I think they've double backed. In this weather taking the sleds off track when there's perfectly good roads with taverns on them is going to peeve your guards, to say the least. So they've probably come this way on the way to Easthaven, and if they did a shopkeeper or local merchant would have spotted them - they watch each other like hawks. Best if someone else loosens some tongues, the merchant sorts don't care much for me, nor I them. If they did double back its very suspicious - No merchant worth his salt returns to a town they've passed by so soon... without a very good reason.

Russet repocketed his rough stained handkerchief that he was going use to mop up the spilled ale. He nods his head in appreciation at Alma's magic, but he is a little disappointed. He was going to wring the ale back out in his cup. Waste not want not was a mantra his mother had instilled in him.

Alma, your star map idea, it might have legs. In this weather I wouldn't want to ford the Shaegarne to get to Bremen, dogsleds or no. So they probably couldn't complete the hilt if they wanted to. Do the dates match anything about the stars? Stars have birthdays or something right? We harengon don't need help from the stars, we're lucky enough /s.

@Quickleaf yeah fair enough, I think in the future I will put possible checks I think you might ask for in spoilers so you can view them only if you think appropriate. That way you don't have to wait for a response of just the roll.

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GM: @happylace The rotation of Faerûn is comparable to Earth, rotating from west to east on its axis. Therefore, stars/constellations move from east to west.

So the Sleepless Knights, Eyes of the Watching Woman, and the "head" of Auroth the Ice Snake come into the eastern sky at the start of winter. They're then trailed by those constellations to the west.

Even with this magically long-lasting winter over the last two years, however, the stars still change even if the weather doesn't. Currently you're in what would be the 3rd natural winter season since the start of the Eternal Rime.


GM: Zeth Venagelida, Arcana 17 check

Turning the ice blade over in your hands, it is cold to the touch but not moreso than regular ice. No moisture on the outside, so its dryness risks clinging to any exposed flesh if held too long. This blade wasn't crafted by any smith, but rather by magic. The faint frost rolling off it suggests that it may once have functioned as more than a dagger (i.e. inflicted cold damage), but no longer.

Your immediate association is the ice knife spell. However, the ice knife created by that spell explodes as part of the casting, so there'd be no traces left save for bits of frost and ice.

You've heard of long-lasting ice being created through strong conjurations to keep perishables fresh for long caravans, but most magic of this sort has limitations. For example, a continual flame creates a permanent flame but emits no heat. Either this ice dagger was made with a powerful spell (6th+ level), some kind of unique innate magic, or a bestowed gift of a deity of the cold.
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GM: @happylace The rotation of Faerûn is comparable to Earth, rotating from west to east on its axis. Therefore, stars/constellations move from east to west.

So the Sleepless Knights, Eyes of the Watching Woman, and the "head" of Auroth the Ice Snake come into the eastern sky at the start of winter. They're then trailed by those constellations to the west.

Even with this magically long-lasting winter over the last two years, however, the stars still change even if the weather doesn't. Currently you're in what would be the 3rd natural winter season since the start of the Eternal Rime.
(Around what time in winter would we be in and what constellations would be visible)


GM: @happylace It's Hammer 23 (approximately december 14), so about a week before Midwinter Solstice. All seven of these constellations are visible on a clear day – however, the "square" Lavarandar's Lantern is only half-visible.

I'll attach an excessively detailed calendar of Harptos (Faerûn's calendar) with real-world references incorporated into it.


  • harptos calendar.jpg
    harptos calendar.jpg
    273.3 KB · Views: 44


Zeth Venagelida:
Zeth picks up the dagger and examines it closely.

GM: Zeth Venagelida, Arcana 17 check

Turning the ice blade over in your hands, it is cold to the touch but not moreso than regular ice. No moisture on the outside, so its dryness risks clinging to any exposed flesh if held too long. This blade wasn't crafted by any smith, but rather by magic. The faint frost rolling off it suggests that it may once have functioned as more than a dagger (i.e. inflicted cold damage), but no longer.

Your immediate association is the ice knife spell. However, the ice knife created by that spell explodes as part of the casting, so there'd be no traces left save for bits of frost and ice.

You've heard of long-lasting ice being created through strong conjurations to keep perishables fresh for long caravans, but most magic of this sort has limitations. For example, a continual flame creates a permanent flame but emits no heat. Either this ice dagger was made with a powerful spell (6th+ level), some kind of unique innate magic, or a bestowed gift of a deity of the cold.

Zeth places the dagger back on the table.

"Whoever used these either has powerful magic on their side or are themselves magical in some way. Creating permanent, usable items out of magical ice is no small feat. And I would guess that this would have greater power in the hand of it's wielder."

He looks meaningfully at those assembled at the table.


Zeth's stomach growls plaintively. Apparently his first real meal in a long time wasn't enough to make up for the multiple days he'd spent near-starvation in freezing cold. Zeth falls silent, hoping someone else will take up the conversation or at least buy him more food.


Alma furrows her brows at Russet. "No, the stars don't drink. They are nonsentient celestial bodies. However," She looks back down at the map, gesturing as she speaks.

"The constellations move from east to west. If they were following the movement, they should have started in Easthaven, not Termalaine. Likewise, each murder took place approximately a week apart. That's insufficient time for the constellations to make any significant movement. Most likely they started at the Pommel and doubled back in order to complete the Hilt. Which makes Bremen a logical next destination."

She looks back up, and this time her eyes are alight with something. A subtle passion in the way she speaks, as though describing her own home and all its beloved eccentricities. "As a point of interest, this constellation is inspired by Queen Jassa of Lirremar, who supposedly threw her dagger into the sky as she was killed at the end of the Battle of the Biting Serpent. According to astrology, those born under it are said to be prideful and hold strong grudges. It's likewise associated with ambition and revenge."


GM: @tglassy There's no script of any kind on the dagger. However looking deep into it, you can see very very faint pinpoints of light – so faint they might be optical illusions or simply a bit of white mineral. When you rotate the dagger, the points seem to shift, so it's hard to say precisely what they represent, but the relationship of the points seems quite similar to the constellation Jassa's Dagger that Alma Ostergaard pointed out.

Had you not scrutinized the dagger closely under candlelight – and perhaps with a bit of help from your magic hat at recognizing patterns – you'd never have noticed.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: My team came 4th at the hackathon, just missed the prize :( But still, we're high out of 17 teams...

In game: Perception 17 (or 26 if someone helps), nat 20 on insight against the observers, Folklore 20 for the ritual of the murders and 14 for off-road travel (survival)
Stealth 14 if we're not blown by others' reactions to his comments

Vorr thinks about all the folk tales and things he heard about this neverending winter among the common folks. He listens with half an ear to guessing (at best) suggested by others, considering the path he would have taken if he wanted to do such a trek. While he usually guides strangers between towns on the roads, he had to track fugitives across the tundra. But he is by no means a druid or one of the hardy barbarians of the barrens.

The dagger itself is magical, but he doesn't glean anything else from it.

But people give their opinions through their stories and keep their history alive that way. Anything that happened even generations ago, can be a story if one can recognize the kernel of truth within the tale.

At that moment, he receives a hearty slap on the back from the harengon. He still rides the high from his recent successful struggle so he doesn't react to it. But it does move him just enough and just suddenly enough to notice the observers of the group. His eyes flash, one going red for a moment. In a natural motion, he uses the scarf around his neck to mop his forehead, but when the hand goes down, the scarf covers half his face.

The harsh whisper comes from him in a language understood by only one other
"We're being observed. By the group yonder."

Hoping for some knowledge of the deeps from the dwarf woman, he repeats the message
"We're being observed. By the group yonder."

Aloud he says to the group in an almost normal voice
"I thank you for the drinks, I had one too many, have to go...to add some color to the ice. Stay sharp."

He weaves around the tables, apparently unsteady on his feet, bumping into the table leg and off human shin before disappearing into the smoke.

OOC: Going solo for this one, we need to learn to function as a group, but for now, the creep is a lone wolf :)

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