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"Here There Be Vampires" A Promise City, Arizona Story Hour

orchid blossom

Meanwhile, Ruby heads back up the stairs, minding the gap at the top where Minerva fell and through the disgusting hallway out to the narrow room where Thom lay prone on the floor. He was struggling with his bonds but still appeared to be held tight.

"Thom?" Ruby says softly, approaching slowly. "Are you alright?"

"Somebody tied Thom up pretty Constance! Thom doesn't like being tied up!" he says struggling against the ropes. "But Thom feel different, Thom feel like old self again."

"It's alright Thom, let me help you," Ruby says in a calming tone. "But I need you to stay still. Can you help me and do that?"

Once Thom agrees Ruby takes her dagger and carefully cuts the ropes.

Thom agrees and lets Ruby cut the ropes. He laughs when his bonds are cut and picks Ruby off the ground in a firm, yet gentle bear hug. "Thank you pretty Constance, thank you for freeing Thom."

Ruby gives a squeal as Thom squeezes her a bit too tightly. But now that the deed they came to do was done her spirit was lifting and she laughs.

"You're quite welcome Thom."

After he finishes spinning her and places her down Ruby puts her hand on Thom's arm. "I have something to talk to you about. I have some bad news for you." She continues in a gentle and compassionate tone. "Mr. Greely will no longer be telling you what to do, he can't control you against your will anymore. He was a monster, Thom, and he tried to kill me and my friends. Now Mr. Greely is dead and you are free."

Thom looked at Ruby as she spoke, concentrating on the words she was saying. "Mr. Greely is dead? Thom is sad for Mr. Greely. He helped me when I needed it, but sometimes he was mean. I hope Mr. Greely didn't hurt Pretty Constance or her friends." Thom paused for a few moments, thinking very hard. "Can I stay here now if Mr. Greely is dead? I don't think I is smart enough to work a saloon alone."

He did hurt a few of us, but we'll be ok. We're tough like that," she smiles

Ruby thought about it for a moment. An idea sprung to mind, but she wasn't sure it was the right thing to do. "Well Thom, what would you like to do? You are free now and we can help you. You need someplace to stay and a new job right?" She noticed her friends coming down the hallway.

"You can help Thom? How can Pretty Constance help Thom? You live far away and I live here."

It was quite some time after Ruby went to check on Thom when Kate led the others back where they had left him tied up. He was awake and free, and apparently not angry about the way they had left him.

"Is everything alright, Constance?" she asked quietly.

"Yes, everything is alright. We need to get you back to rest and check on Nanuet." She rubbed her own neck but keep quiet about her own weakness. For once she wasn't the worst injured. "How are you feeling now?"

"I'm alright," Kate said. "A little better now that I've been up and moving actually. I still need that meal though. We should find the local priest as well. Even if he can't help Nanuet himself he might have a better idea of what we need."

Ruby turns to Jake and Chester. "We also need to inform the Sheriff about Greely's demise and check around for Nolan Edwards, or at least inform the Sheriff if he is truly missing. And," her smiles grows wider, "Make sure we are on the next stage out of here."

"We are going to be leaving town soon, so let's think about it and see what we can do," Ruby says.

"Uhhh... OK but I think I am confused." Thom said with a befuddled look on his face. "Is Pretty Constance saying I can go home with her and her friends?"

Ruby blinks, "You think you would you like to come home with us Thom? You would have to leave here and probably never come back." She glances at Jake, "But we do have a saloon that needs to be taken care of."

Jake rolls his eyes and mutters, "... another stray taken in..." and then chuckles. When Ruby looks over at him he shrugs, waits a moment and then nods his head up and down. "I trust this one is house broken."

As they climb upstairs Jake whispers to Ruby, "I wonder where Greely's key went? Maybe we could find it. You could ask Tiny here if he knows where Greely hid anything."

Once upstairs, Jake further searches around especially behind the bar and later in the store room. Besides looking for hidden valuables Jake also searches through Greely's inventory of liquor. "I wonder if he had any good Bourbon or anything else. At least he could provide something for a celebration for all the trouble he put us through. I do have a birthday coming up soon and some fine liquor would be just the thing."

Before Jake runs off Rub grabs his arm and pulls him aside, "I was only asking him if he would leave here. We should find someone to watch after him now, no? Do you think it's a good idea to bring him back with us? I mean, he could help watch the saloon, and he is a biiiggg guy...but I don't know if it's a good idea."

Kate's instinct was the same as Ruby's; to allow Thom to come with them back to Promise City. Still, she knew it was not a good idea. She had no doubt that he would be a loyal friend, but the more he knew about them the more he could give away. Those with dangerous secrets could not keep close people who might give them away in innocence. Hopefully Jake and Ruby would come to the same conclusion.

"Chester, would you escort me? We should go see the local priest, if Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs will go to the sheriff?"

"Of course, Kate. How do we explain what happened to Nanuet? Tell him the truth?"

"Yes, the truth. He must have had some idea of what was happening and strangely, I've been finding when you have a fantastic story to tell those most likely to believe you are clerics."

Chester laughs. "OK. I guess someone in this town other than the sheriff should be told what's went on." He looks at Thom. "Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs, are you going to be alright down here?"

Jake says, "Yeah, Chet. Go right on ahead. We'll be fine."

Before Jake answers Ruby can see Thom getting antsy. She whispers, "We can talk about this in a bit." In a louder voice. "Let's go back upstairs, shall we?" Ruby guides Thom up the stairs. "So Thom, do you know, when Mr. Greely was here, did he have a spot he kept things? Maybe a secret place?"

"Uh, you mean like money and stuff? He never let me touch that stuff. I think he used to keep that stuff upstairs somewhere. He always went up there right after we closed, but I always had to stay down here."

"I understand Thom." Once back upstairs in the Saloon Ruby says, "Mr. Jacobs and I would like to look around. Could you make sure no one gets in, Thom? At least let us know if someone shows up."

"OK, nobody gets in, I can do that." Thom says emphatically and then walks away towards the front door mumbling to himself.

"Thanks Thom!" Ruby winks at him then her and Jake head up the stairs. They take their time carefully searching each room throughly.

There is one room that appears to be a little different than the rest. The furniture is newer and of better quality, the floor has recently been refinished, and the curtains over the windows are very heavy and block all the light. In that room Jake and Ruby find a safe hidden in the wall behind a mirror.

Ruby smirks, "Step aside Mr. Jacobs, it's my turn again." Ruby steps to the safe, pulls out her lockpicks and flips her hair back over her shoulder as she looks at Jake, "Wish me luck!"

She turns back to the safe and checks it for traps. After that she sets to picking the lock.

Ruby is not surprised to find a very delicate and intricate trap guarding the safe, one which would leave any theif missing a few fingertips most likely.

She takes a deep breath in as she looks back at Jake. "Jake, this trap looks very difficult but I bet there is something good in there. Should I try it?"

"Careful, Ruby. I will leave that up to you. Seems a shame to leave anything behind but you need to come out of this in one piece."

"Thanks darling. Have faith in me, I can do it." Ruby takes as much time as she needs to very carefully disable the trap.

Ruby manages to work her magic fingers and believes she has successfully disabled the trap. She then gets to work on getting the safe open. With this she can take her time now that the threat of a trap has been removed. Despite the fact that this is a well made safe it is no match for Ruby's skills and she easily cracks it.

"Ahhh," Ruby smiles back at Jake, after she hears the satistifying 'click'. "You won't tell anyone how good I am at this will you?" she laughs, before opening the door to the safe and peering inside.

Ruby opens the door to see a book, possibly a ledger of some sort, and several papers and envelopes as well as a metal box. She is just about to reach in and grab the items when Thom interrupts them with his shouting.

"I only tell folks how wonderful you sing and that I am a satisified man." Jake replies with a smug smile.

First thing Ruby does is open the metal box where she finds $187.69 in cash. The other items contained within the safe are a ledger detailing business transactions for the saloon. The deed for both the saloon and the house that Greely owned, other official papers necessary for the business and an envelope that has pictures, photos of Greely when he was much younger pictured with people that Ruby does not recognize who appear to be family and/or friends.

As Jake and Ruby got started in the saloon, Chester and Kate walked back up the stairs and out the door. They squint at the brightness of the day after their time in the tomb. "Which way to the church?"

"I'm not sure." Kate stopped and asked a passerby for directions to where they might find Mr. York. The woman stared at her as she answered the question, then hurried away. When Kate looked down and saw the blood soaked into her blouse she realized why the woman had been so strange.

"Let's hurry right along, Chester," she said, heading off confidently.

Chester takes off his magic jacket. "Here, put this on. That blood is going to draw a lot of attention."

"Thank you, Chester," she said, glad for the warmth of the jacket as well as it's concealment.

Chester stops the next person he finds. "Hey, I'm the new deputy around here. Could you point me to the church?"

"Sure deputy. Damn shame what happened to sheriff. Fine man he was."

"Yeah. But Sheriff Weeks should be just as good."

"He has some mighty large shoes to fill." The man gives them directions.

Kate and Chester followed the directions and soon arrived at the priests residence and knocked on the door.

Sian York answers the door rather quickly, almost too quickly as if he might have been expecting someone to come to the door. Seeing the blood and other indicators that the two had been in a battle Sian immediately ushers Kate and Chester inside. "Oh my, you look like you have been through hell! What happened to you?"

"You're not far off," Kate said. "We have come up against the thing that has been stalking Thomaswell at night. It is destroyed, but it gave one of our companions a rather strange wound. We were hoping you might be able to help."

Kate went on to describe Nanuet's wound and the cold spot where Greely had touched him. "We can give you more details about what happened, but just now I'm very concerned about our friend."

"Well, I have been doing as much research as I can, unfortunately my resources here are limited, but Mr. Edwards has been able to supply me with many useful tomes. I believe I understand what sort of affliction your friend suffers from."

The humble priest takes Kate and Chester to his office where he shows them some text that describes what may have happened to Nanuet.

"You see this here?" he says pointing out some text in a rather large and ancient looking tome. "The creature stole some of his life force to bolster his own power, but not all is lost. It is possible your friend could feel better tomorrow, that his will is strong enough that he will recover. If he does not, a priest can try a ritual to restore the lost energy, but time is of the essence. The more powerful priest you can find to do the ceremony the longer your friend has before the energy is permanantly lost. I unfortunately am not experienced enough to do it myself, or I would of course. Hopefully your companions will is strong and he will recover."

"I hope so," Kate said. "We heard the stage is coming today and we plan to be on it. Do you think there might be someone in Albuquerque with the power to heal this?"

"Oh great news! Yes, yes... seek out Brother Malcolm. He will most assuredly be able to help your friend. Tell him that I sent you, and show him this." York hands Kate a foreign looking coin. "He will recognize it and take good care of your freind. I wish I could do more myself."

"We're grateful for whatever help you can give. Brother Malcolm, I will remember. Thank you." Kate took the coin and tucked it carefully away.

"There is something else I should tell you. When we went under the saloon to where Greely hid from the sun, we found Mr. Edwards holy symbol there and we weren't able to find him this morning. Although we haven't seen for ourselves, we fear the worst."

Chester pulls the holy symbol from his pocket. "He was supposed to meet us, but he didn't show."

"Really? Oh that is terrible news. Did anyone happen to retrieve the symbol? I will head to the hotel now to ask if anyone has seen him. Thank you for that information, Mr. Edwards is a good man and I would hate to see anything happen to him."

"As would I," Kate said as Chester handed Mr. York the holy symbol. "Why don't we all walk together? Greely managed to bite me, and I think a meal would help my blood return faster. The hotel is the only place I know to get something to eat."

"I would enjoy the company on this dreadful walk, as I fear for Mr. Edwards saftey. If you don't mind I will pray as we walk, it helps soothe my nerves. Oh, and unless you cook it yourself that hotel is really the only food in town."

"Fine by me. Hopefully Greely was just counting coup and Edwards is searching his room for his holy symbol right now." Chester doesn't sound convinced.

Chester, Kate and York all arrive at the hotel, York still muttering his prayers as they walk. As they approach the front door they can hear some kind of mayhem going on inside.

York rushes forward and throws open the door. Inside Mr. Edwards, now looking like a shell of his former self is perched upside down on the ceiling near the doorway. The Sheriff is attempting to maintain some sort of control and get everybody out of the hotel, but nobody is willing to exit past the former monster hunter.

York rushes forward and throws open the door. Inside Mr. Edwards, now looking like a shell of his former self is perched upside down on the ceiling near the doorway. The Sheriff is attempting to maintain some sort of control and get everybody out of the hotel, but nobody is willing to exit past the former monster hunter.

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orchid blossom

Chester's jaw drops at the hideous sight. Shaking his head, he regains his composure. "Sheriff! Is there a back door, like through the kitchen. Get everyone out that way." He fishes the holy symbol of Athena that Minerva gave him out from under his shirt and brandishes it toward Edwards.

Edwards recoils at the presentation of the symbol at first, then swipes at it violently. He manages to knock the symbol out of Chester's hand onto the floor.

Chester winces at the power of the blow. He shakes his hand as he draws his Remington with the other. "Mr. York. Get out of here! Go get the sheriff."

York hesitates to move as Edwards is keeping him hemmed in behind the counter. "Sheriff Weeks is already bringing the guests out the back door. Can you kill it? Just kill it!"

Kate swallowed against the bile that rose in her throat. "He hasn't harmed anyone yet, Chester. Is this... Did Greely make him into a monster?

I don't want to leave you alone, but we might need the others. Will you be alright if I run for Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs?"

Hearing no objection from Chester, Kate turned and ran next door to the saloon where Thom was standing in the door.

"Thom, I must speak with Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs this instant!" she said, breathless. "Please let me pass."

Edwards recoils at the presentation of the symbol at first, then swipes at it violently. He manages to knock the symbol out of Chester's hand onto the floor.

Thom shakes his head. "Sorry, I can't let anybody in. They said nobody can come in, let them know if anybody shows up. So you can't come in, I think?"

"Then take them a message, can you do that? But it must be done right now. Tell them Katherine says Edwards is at the hotel, not living and not dead. They must come there now. Go, tell them now! I will not come in."

Thom listens to what Kate is saying, but he appears to be confused. He tries to repeat what Kate says, but mixes up the words and forgets the other half. "They said I could just let them know if someone was coming. If you promise you will stay here I will go tell them you are here."

Thom bounds upstairs yelling for Jake and Ruby. "Someone is here, you said to let you know if someone was here!"

"Who is here Thom?" Jake stands and looks out the door of the room with a hand on his Colt.

"The other lady who was here when you untied me. I think her name is Kate? She was here with Mr. Edwards the other night. I think she is your friend, but Pretty Constance said not to let anybody in!" Thom appears very flustered and overwhelmed.

Jake's hand relaxes and falls from his revolver. "It is alright Thom, you did good." He pats Thom on the arm. "I will go see what she wants."

Jake leaves Ruby to the safe contents and walks down the stairs to speak with Katherine.

Kate sighed with relief when Jake came down the stairs. "We found Edwards!" she said as soon as he was close enough to hear. "Greely turned him. He's hanging from the ceiling by the front door of the hotel. Chester and the local priest are there now, we need help."

"Hermes!" Jake exclaims. He whirls around and grabs his bag off the bar top. "Chet is against a vampire with only that old priest to help him?" Jake does not wait for an answer and he sprints for the door, "Ruby!" Jake screams as he runs out the door, "Chester needs help!" and he is gone.

Once outside he quickly loads his sawed-off shotgun with two normal rounds and looks over the situation at the hotel. Jake also looks to see if any of the morning sun could shine through the first floor windows or doors.

The front door of the hotel does face the west, so at the moment the sun is not shining directly through the door, but there is sunlight illuminating the outdoors, so it is possible some could come in, even through the doors and windows facing away from it.

Also, the sheriff is doing his best at controlling the other guests and staff and getting them out the back door. There are a few screaming townsfolk exiting the back of the hotel as Jake arrives.

Kate ran after Jake, but stopped between the hotel and the saloon watching for Ruby. Her spells were out; it was unlikely she could be of much use fighting Edwards.

Ruby hears Jake scream and quickly starts running. As she does she stuffs the money and the papers down the front of her bodice.

First she sees Thom. "Which way did Jake go Thom?" She waits for him to point and starts running out the door in that direction.

"Stay here, please, we don't want you getting hurt!" she calls back to the big man.

With that Ruby runs in the direction of the hotel to find Jake.

Kate waved to Ruby as she came flying out the door. "It's Edwards, inside the hotel. Greely turned him and I'm out of resources. Just inside the front door."

Ruby waves but continues to run past Kate, pulling out her gun and the stake as she does. She runs into the front door and looks for Jake and Chester.

Kate stayed in the sunlight just outside the front door, where she could see Edwards and her friends and jump in if she was needed.

Chester sees Ruby enter. "Ruby, over here. Edwards is one of them now. He's got the priest trapped." Chester draws his second Remington. He says to the vampire, "Leave him be, Mr. Edwards. You made it your life's work fighting these monsters. Don't let them beat you."

The beast that now resides in what was once Mr. Edwards body looks at Chester as he gives his little speech then flings himself down from the wall and swats at Chester. Fortunately for the former soldier the creature mistimes it's jump and the slam never connects. The monster is now on all fours on the floor in front of Chester growling ferally. Victor Bishop takes the chance to bolt out from behind the desk and heads to where the Sheriff Weeks is leading the others out of the hotel to safety.

As Chester tries to talk to Edwards, Jake shifts to the right of him slowly moving forward. He is almost as surprised as Deputy Martin when the creature leaps at him just as Ruby arrives in the doorway. "Sorry Edwards," Jake says as he pulls his Colt while taking one last step to the right, "I do not know any other way. Now Chet!" Jake fans his gun at the former priest.

"Sorry about this. May your soul be at rest." Chester levels both guns at Edwards and fires.

Ruby makes sure she is out of the way of the gunfire but keeps the stake in her hand raised and ready. If for some crazy reason all the bullets don't kill him Ruby stands prepared to stake the vampire through the heart.

Kate ducked out of the line of fire, even as she had been getting her own pistol out and waited for the sound to stop.

After the barrage of fire the creature that was once Nolan Edwards now lay motionless on the floor. The body fell near the doorway and where the light filtered through the body smoked and bubbled slightly. There was no more life, even in death for Nolan Edwards, former vampire hunter.

The gunfire stopped and Kate peeked around the doorframe. She immediately turned away and emptied her stomach. A moment later tears streamed from her eyes.

Ruby releases the breath she didn't know she was holding as she leans herself up against the wall. She drops the stake to the floor. "What time is the stage?"

Chester kneels before the body and places coins on Edwards' eyes. He whispers, "Hope Charon gives you a smooth ride, Mr. Edwards." He looks at York. "This man deserves a decent burial for all that he's done."

York nods. "It'll get done, Deputy. Does he have family?"

"Not that I know of. He just had his work." He asks Ruby, "What about Whitaker. Is he mixed up in this?"

"I don't know. You went to investigate him last night, right? What did you find out?"

"We followed him and Romo out in the country. They met some Mexicans who gave them a wagon. Romo took the wagon northwest and Whitaker came back to town. Luna knows where Romo went."

"Did you find out what was in the wagon? And how can Luna know where the wagon went? Is she that smart she can tell Minerva?" Ruby pauses. "Whittaker did sound suspicious, something about a disease that he couldn't go in the sunlight. Otherwise I don't know. Guess you'll have to ask Minerva, Deputy," she smiles.

"I guess Luna can talk to Minerva some how. I can't explain it. Anyway, Nanuet snuck up to the wagon and found weapons and ammunition. So they're probably gun-runners. That reminds me, I need to tell the sheriff about that. I forgot in all the excitement." If Whitaker's not one of them, then we should go home."

"We should leave today," Kate said from where she was sitting by the door. "Brother York gave us the name of someone in Albuquerque who can help Nanuet. But time is a factor."

"Nanuet would not want to leave without knowing for sure if Whittaker was one of them or not. But it seems unlikely that a vampire would need to run guns," Ruby comments thoughtfully.

Kate said, "I only saw Whittaker once, but it seems to me if he and Greely had both been these monsters, they'd have been at each other's throats. They both seem to be men who liked to be in charge."

"We don't know if they could have been working together, one under the influence of the other. I don't know how to figure that out though short of busting into his home and throwing holy water on him," Ruby says.

Kate nodded. "Well, someone has to tell him we'll be vacating his house. A wet handshake would answer the question."

"I guess either me or Jake should do that. But he doesn't take care of business himself, he leaves it to his partner. But perhaps his partner hasn't returned yet from whatever scam they have going on." She glances over to Jake, who is pushing the now dead Edwards with the toe of his boot, no doubt to triple check he was really dead dead and not coming back. I just want to get out of here."

Ruby calls out, "What do you think Jake, do we have to visit Whittaker before we leave this place?"

Jake looks up when Ruby calls, apparently focused on Edwards not moving body. "I think you should step outside for a minute." He bends over and picks up the stake Ruby dropped, walks to his bag and removes the hammer he appropriated from Greely's store room and then stands between the door and the gruesome body on the floor. All Ruby can see before she turns away is the back of Jake's duster and his arm raising the hammer. There is a loud whack followed by the sound of a hammer being dropped on the floor.

When Jake joins Ruby outside he has his bag and is adjusting his coat. "I think this investigation is still going on, at least for another couple of hours. I am damn tired of this too, so enough pretense." Jake is scratching his chin apparently lost in thought. A little grin comes to his face but he quickly suppresses it, but not before Ruby sees it.

"Chet, we are still lawmen here, we do not need any excuse to question Whittaker to keep this town safe. We have a few things to do first. Maybe you could help the Sheriff calm folks down. I want to check Edwards room to make sure Greely did not leave anything else behind that is a problem. Then I want to examine those papers Ruby found. After that we go see Whittaker and he pours some holy water in his hand to prove he is not a monster, for that matter we can use a mirror to check too. If he refuses, then we drag him out in the street." He turns to Katherine, "Perhaps you can convince the Sheriff to get some men during daylight and go out to the graves of anyone who died recently and dig them up and make sure they are really dead."

Jake grabs Ruby's arm, "Come on, let us check Edward's room." He gets the key from Bishop and they head up stairs.

As Jake drags her up the stairs Ruby whines, "I thought we were almost done..."

She leans up against the wall as Jake opens the door with the key. "We still have to go back and finish searching. And," she tugs on her hair, "We have to talk."

"We are almost done." He says as the door unlocks. He pulls her in and adds, "What? You do not want to see if Edwards has anything we want? He has no family, you want to leave his stuff for this ungrateful little town?" Jake immediately starts searching.

While he is searching he starts talking. "I was just thinking that there are not many people running this town anymore. Before we get on the stage this afternoon we might be able to help poor Thom out a bit. Greely might have been a nice guy before... before something happened to him. Since Greely has no family either I bet he was thinking about poor Thom. How would Thom take care of himself after Greely was gone? Turns out Greely put Thom in his will, and the Mayor signed it as witness. After we are done here, I need you to go find a document or two with the Mayors hand writing and signature. I can then use them to help me find Greely's will in those papers, leaving the saloon to Thom." Jake stops and looks up. "I bet we can sell the saloon and put the money in Thom’s bank account. We just need to find someone who will not steal that money to be his guardian." Jake starts back at searching. "And you are right we need to go back to the saloon and finish searching." He stops suddenly and says, "We have to talk?"

"Yes," Ruby replies, helping Jake search, "We have to talk." Ruby stops her searching and looks up at Jake. "But you already started. I want to talk about Thom. It's very sweet you know, you wanting to help him. I want to help him too. He has no one to take care of him now, I don't want to leave him here in this crap town alone." Ruby's smile widens as she stares at Jake, her eyes twinkling.

"Oh, that..." Jake says with some relief in his voice. "I figured you already decided that. Fine with me if you hire him. I was just trying to get him a little retirement nest egg. As long as I do not have to spend my days explaining everything to him, he can work at the Lady and have a room there. Hopefully Mills will take a shine to him." Jake chuckles, "Like I said before, as long as this stray is house broken it should be no problem. If he starts chewing on my boots, he is out."

Ruby giggles, "Oh I miss the puppies so..."

The giggling stops and Ruby sets her eyes on Jake. "Do you really think I would make a decision like that without speaking with you first?"

"I think you decided that you were going to convince me," Jake replies with a wink. "Just because I agreed so readily does NOT mean I want to skip the convincing part." He tries not to laugh, but cannot hide the large grin as he searches. "Now get back to work, we have much to finish before the stage gets here, and we are NOT missing the stage."

"I'm sure there is something back at our house with the Mayor's handwriting on it. After that is done, we can go see Whittaker about not renting his house any longer and possibly buying the Saloon. Then we check is he is one of those monsters. Is that the plan then?"

"Mostly. Here, then make a will, finish searching the saloon, Whittaker and then get on a stage. Heh, busy day."

"You forgot to include telling me you love me. Shouldn't that be on the top of the list?" Ruby adds with a pout.

Jake and Ruby search the room thoroughly. They find several books about the occult and monsters of legend, mostly religious in nature. They find his long full length black robe, a small pocket mirror, several stakes, his peacemaker, 36 silver bullets, a smaller handheld version of his holy symbol, 189.68 in cash, a pair of well worn boots, black leather gloves, a map of the county and surrounding area, and a copy of the telegram sent by Sheriff Wilson requesting his services.

Jake sighs inwardly but then chuckles again, "No, that is like breathing. We do not need to put that on the list." Jake drops everything he finds on the bed. "Now love of my life, tell me if any of that is enchanted."

While Ruby is concentrating he reads the telegram to see if there is anything of interest in it.

Ruby concentrates fully on the objects on the bed. When she finally snaps out of it she says, "The gloves and 12 of the bullets are enchanted. I don't know with what though, we'll have to ask Mr. Gonzales to look at the gloves and Pierre to look at the bullets." She scoops up the money and stuffs it down her now full bodice, taking the bills and leaving the coins. "I can't fit much more in here. If I hadn't lost weight I probably wouldn't be able to fit all this!" She pages through one of the books. "I bet Minerva would like these books. I mean, Mr. Edwards can't use them anymore."

Jake lays out the man's robes and holy symbol on the bed, with the boots beside it. "We will hold on to the rest then."

They make their way back to the rented house. Jake stows away most of what they brought with them, but leaves the books on the table for Minerva. He knocks on the door and when Minerva answers, he explains what happened with Edwards. "We are going to visit Whittaker a little later if you care to come along."

Minerva stirs from her sleep by the muffled sounds of gunfire. She sits up and looks around, remembering where she is and why. She quietly tiptoes out of bed careful not to wake Nanuet. She tucks the blankets carefully around him and begins pulling on her clothes when Jake knocks at the door. She steps out into the hall and closes the door softly behind her. "By the gods! Edwards has fallen to this evil? Will it never end?" she exclaims.

"Si, I will be down shortly. Let me gather my things and I will meet you." She steps back into the room and finishes dressing.

While Jake speaks with Minerva Ruby searches around the rented house for anything handwritten by the former Mayor. She guesses which room would have been the office and looks specifically for a desk of some sort, or anything that might be holding paper.

The house seems to have been cleaned out pretty thoroughly, but she finds a stash of hidden personal letters that do happen to have his signature on them, but they were before he was Mayor, so that title is left off.

Ruby hands the letters to Jake. "Here is what you were looking for. I'm going to go back to the Saloon. I'm not sure if you want to stay here or come there. We're running out of time. Actually, while I'm here I should pack."

Ruby heads into their bedroom of one night and starts stuffing her strewn about clothing into her bag. "Plus that bastard stole one of my favorite dresses, I want it back, so someone has to go back to the boarding house too."

"I need a little time to make it convincing. Maybe you can get one of the others to help you. I know you do not want to go back to the boarding house alone, but if I am going to help Thom I need to get working. Chet could get you in the boarding house without questions."

"It's ok Jake, I can go to the Saloon without you. Might even get more done without you distracting me," she laughs. "And I'll talk with Thom too. You get working on that letter and I'll come back here for you in a bit." She kisses him and heads out.

orchid blossom

Chester finds Weeks. "Sheriff. We got Greely. He was one of those monsters and might even have been their boss. It looks like he turned Edwards into a vampire last night or so. He's gone too, now. Rest his soul. One last thing we're going to check up on is Whitaker. I followed him and Romo out of town the other night. They're running guns from the looks of it, but for who, I don't know. Since the trouble began when he came to town, we're going to see if he's a vampire also. OK?"

Weeks seemed a bit overwhelmed by all the information Chester was giving him and all he could do was nod. "Do you really think he is one of those monsters too? Edwards was definitely changed into something, I don't know what happened. I hope this is all over soon, my nerves can't take too much more. You go ahead and do what ever you gotta do, you've got a badge, use it."

Chester pats the man on the back. "I know it's a lot to swallow, Sheriff. This whole territory seems to be a magnet for strange happenings. Sheriff Wilson had some idea of what was going on, otherwise he wouldn't have asked Mr. Edwards to come. Hopefully with Greely and Turner gone, your monster problem is taken care of. We'll try to fix what we came out here to do, though. If Whitaker is part of this, we'll find out soon enough."

Chester raises his voice so the crowd can hear him. "Folks. The hotel is going to be closed for a while. There's nothing to be worried about. The sheriff has everything under control. Just go on home."

Most of the distraught crowd is pleased to have someone telling them what to do and even more pleased to know that they didn't have to return to the hotel immediately. Victor Bishop raises a stink for a moment about Chester effectively closing down his business but it doesn't take much to put him in his place.

Chester says, "Now Mr. Bishop. It's just going to be for the rest of the day. I doubt many people would have an appetite with a dead body in the lobby, right? We'll get this mess straightened out and tomorrow will be another day, OK? This gives the people a chance to forget that there was a monster here."

The sheriff excuses himself stating that he has several things to attend to "First and foremost moving this body over to the docs for now."

"Sure thing, sheriff." Chester heads back to the rented house. He slumps into a chair in the kitchen. "Man, do I need a drink." After a while, he rummages around the cupboard and finds a bottle of whiskey. He quickly downs a shot.

Katherine walked past Edwards, carefully looking away from his ruined body as she made her way to the back where the other guests had been escaping. She made her way over to the harried Sheriff.

"Sheriff Weeks?" she asked quietly. "I hate to interrupt you, especially with something like this. Mr. Jacobs suggests that you gather a few men to exhume those who have died since the trouble started, to make sure their rest is peaceful."

"Not sure what I would do without you folks, you've been a tremendous help. I for one will be sad to see you go. I'll do what I can to make sure that gets done today while the sun is still up. Thanks again ma'am."

"To be honest, I think anyone still buried in the ground is resting peacefully. It's a precaution. But it's a good idea just the same." She reached out and shook his hand. "We're glad to have helped. Good luck to you."

Kate wrapped Chester's jacket tight around her and walked tiredly back to the rented house and up to her room. It was the first time she got a chance to see the blood soaked into the high collar of her blouse. She stripped it off, as well as her skirt and climbed back into bed. She knew she should eat, but she didn't think anything was going to stay down just now.

Thom does not appear to know what to do with himself. Currently he is sweeping the floor, but he appears to be quite intoxicated from a bottle of whiskey that lies on the floor nearby. He sings to himself off tune.

"Thom what did you do?" Ruby admonishes him. "You never put the bottle on the floor! And you need to save some for me!" Ruby winks at him and picks up the bottle. She wipes it on her dress then finishes it off. "I want to speak to you now. Would you talk with me?"

"What dyd I do? What did I dooo?" he sings out loud. "We can talk now if you want, I don't know why I am sweeping, it just makes me feel better sometimes. What did you want to talk about?"

Ruby begins to regret her decision. What am I thinking, I'm no babysitter... "Thom, what will you do now that Greely is gone?"

"I don't know Pretty Constance. I think I will be happy for now and worry about it later. Maybe I can find a pretty girlfriend and get married or maybe I can work on a farm? I am pretty strong, they like strong people on the farm to do the hard works."

"A girlfriend huh?" Ruby softens and smiles. He was still a man after all. "Well I was thinking. Ja-uh, Mr. Jacobs and I have a Saloon back in Promise City. We are doing some renovations and it's going to be a really big Saloon with a another door on the side street. So we're going to need someone to watch the door. Also our friends Mrs. Kale and Nanuet have a farm and they could probably use the help too. What do you say, do you think you'd like to come back to Promise City with us? You could live in the Saloon and in return work for us."

"Me, work in a saloon some more? I would really love to! Mr. Ja-Jacobs said it was OK? Is Promise City nice? I promise I'll be nice! Oh wow, this is going to be fun!" Thom runs to Ruby and gives her a big kiss on the cheek followed by a hug Ruby almost regrets allowing to happen.

"Thom!" Ruby hollers out until he releases her a bit. "I think we need to work on being more gentle," she laughs. "Yes, Promise City is a big city and you'll love it there. Right now you need to figure out what you should take with you. It has to be able to fit on the stage. Do you have a lot of things to bring? Where do you stay now?"

"I'm sorry, just nobody never been so nice to Thom." He scratches his head at the question. "I stay here, on the cot under the trapdoor, you saw my room this morning. I don't have nothing much to bring, just some clothes I guess."

"You don't have any money or anything?" Ruby pulls her hair off her face. "It's ok, we'll figure out something. You don't need any anyway. Now here is what I want you to do. Please get all the bottles of liquor out here on the bar. I would appreciate that. Wait!" She looks at Thom closely. "Maybe you ought to pack your clothes first. Maybe not a good idea to pick up liquor bottles right now. Ok, so you go pack your bags, ok?"

"OK, I can do that. Do you have another name? Pretty Constance is long and it sometimes sounds funny." Thom leaves Ruby to go pack his clothes, that should take about 5 minutes.

"Yes actually, you can call me Ruby. And my husband, it's easier if you call him Jake."

"Ruby and Jake, Ruby and Jake. OK, let me get my clothes now, then I can get the bottles and put them on the bar."

Thom squeezes down the trap door behind the bar and gets to work on his packing.

Ruby smiles as Thom leaves. "Yes," she says out loud to herself, "Jake and Ruby."

She heads back upstairs and continues searching the rooms. After that is done she returns to the bottom floor to search around the spots they did not search earlier in the morning.

Ruby searches but finds little of interest. "Dammit," she swears to herself. "Oh well, we will never know the secret of the door."

She stands in front of the bar and looks over the bottles of liquor. She pulls out anything of interest or expensive looking.

"Thom sweetie, are you ready to go?"

"OK, sure! Promises City, here I come!" Thom follows Ruby like a lost puppy wherever she leads him.

"Let's gather these bottles and then we'll be off. We have a bit more business to do before we leave today, but believe me, we will be leaving on today's stage."

Almost on cue, as Ruby and Thom gather up the bottles and exit the saloon she can hear a buzz among the few people on the streets and everybody seems to be heading eastward. She thinks she hears someone mention that that stage has arrived.

Jake has seen and copied many a last will and testament when he worked in the family business. His father would be outraged to learn that Jake also managed to learn how to forge signatures in the hours stuck at the work desk. Jake examines Greely's papers closely, examines the style carefully. He also looks them over for anything else of value. He practices Greely's handwriting on the backs of the Mayors letters before attempting the document. Finally, when he thinks he is ready, Jake makes a will that looks like Greely's style. In return for the work that Thom has been doing for him, Greely leaves him ownership of the saloon if Thom should survive him. Jake then practices the Mayors signature as well, and when he is ready, attaches it as witness. After all the ink is dry, Jake uses some tricks of the trade to make the document look older, and gives it creases similar to the other papers in Greely's stash.

Jake looks at his work. It would pass to an untrained eye, but given what he had to work with it was not the best job he had done. Whether or not it would stand up, Jake had a decision to make. He burns up the Mayor's letters that he practiced on, shakes his head at the marginal quality work but has no more time to improve it. He leaves the house in search of the Sheriff.

Sheriff Weeks is hard at work organizing some men to dig up and examine the bodies of the recently deceased. He is trying to explain the reason to the men as Jake approaches "They might be able to come back from the dead. Check the coffins for scratch marks, see if anything happens when they are in the sun, and stop at least a half hour before sundown. Come right to the office if you find anything."

"Seems like you have things well in hand there Sheriff." Jake says to him and hands him the paper from the stack he is carrying. "Look what I found. Seems that big Thom now owns himself a saloon."

The sheriff has everybody leave when Jake starts the conversation with him. He unfolds the paper and looks at it for a few moments. "Have to give me a break, I never did learn my letters too good." he says with a shy smile. "Greely always did like old Thommy. Took pretty good care of him from what I understand," he says as he re-folds the paperwork, "but we'll need a judge or a lawyer at least I reckon to get this set right. Nearest one is over in Wingo, about 4 hours on horseback from here."

"I did not quite finish my law degree, Sheriff, but I am a notary. I have seen enough of these to know that this at least has the basic points to be legal. Too bad after we leave Thom will not have an advocate. Whittaker will just find some way to have this invalidated and buy the placed at auction and poor Thom will get nothing." Jake sighs. "I am quite a negotiator, I bet I could sell it to Whittaker on Thom's behalf and then the money could go in a bank with someone as a guardian for Thom."

"Well, with all that fancy talk I bet you could sell a anything to just about anybody. I know you're leaving on the stage today. Tell you what, you get that saloon sold before you leave and I won't say a word. Nice thing you'd be doing for Thom, poor guy ain't got nothing I reckon."

Jake nods. "I will do what I can." He then head off to find the others.

Once back at the house Jake finds Minerva and Chester. "Nanuet still sleeping? I am heading over to the saloon to find Ruby and then off to see Whittaker. You both coming?"

"Yep," Chester says. "Whitaker is the last bit of business we need to see to here. Damn shame about Edwards, becoming what he spent his life hunting. I guess this town really is cursed."

Minerva checks on Nanuet. Although he is still rather pasty and cold, his breathing is even and he seems to be resting comfortably so she leaves with Jake.

The three of them go to the saloon and find Ruby and Thom just finishing collecting up the bottles. "Look at all that liquor! Anything good for my birthday celebration? We will have to make sure we find room for the best on the stage."

Minerva looks to him. "You have a birthday coming up Senor Jake? When, may I ask, were you born?"

"Much to the dismay of my father I was thrust upon this world Wednesday the 15th of May, 1861."

"Too bad for your father, isn't it?" Ruby laughs. "All the better for me. Just think Jake, if either of us didn't leave home we would never have met." Ruby walks closer to him and takes his hand. "Just the way it was meant to be."

"Hermes!" Minerva says. and quickly hides her surprise. "I have a birthday in May also. Perhaps we could have a double fiesta."

"Oh no," Ruby protests, "we can't do that. You each deserve your own parties and Jake hasn't had one in a long time..."

"Ruby, If you insist we can have a two day fiesta!" Minerva laughs.

"Two day fiesta is good Minerva. Don't think anything of it, I just want Jake's birthday to be very special this year. I am sure you're not offended. Besides, the more parties the merrier! My birthday is coming also and I've never had a real celebration."
"Perhaps the building of the Church and my house will be complete when we return! I am so looking forward to entertaining in my own home! oh and of course thanking the gods in a proper place of worship also," Minerva adds.

Chester adds, "What's going on here? You're not buying another saloon, are you?"

"Yes darling, there are some good bottles here. I guess Greely was saving them for us. Wasn't that nice of him?" Ruby hears the noise. "What is that? We'd better check it out, if it is the stage we dont' want it leaving without us." She finishes packing the bottles carefully in boxes from behind the bar.

"Not buying a Saloon, Chester. Did you show the Sheriff that paperwork honey?"

Jake says, "The Sheriff seems willing to let me help Thom on that matter. Have Thom bring stuff to the stage. We can walk and talk on the way there. I am sure I can have him wait for us."

Thom, eager to please scoops up the box with ease and begins heading towards the east end of town.

"Si, We must be on the stage. Nanuet needs help that cannot be found here. We must find a priest to restore him."

"How is he doing Minerva?" Ruby asks as they walk to the stage.

"He has been sleeping since I brought him back to the house. And he is so cold. I am quite worried about him. I would not want to spend another day in this town. When we are finished here, I will go and wake him, but I will need help getting him and our belongings to the stage. "

Ruby nods, "I am worried also. And Kate is injured too, we have to watch out for her. She is too stubborn to admit to how bad she is." Ruby pauses, "Wait a minute... Jake how are you feeling? You almost got your leg gnawed off."

Chester smiles. "We all are. We'll have the priest take a look at all of us. Who knows what Greely can do."

"I am fine," Jake says, "the healers did their job and it was not as bad as it looked."

The thought of home was pleasing to Ruby... but she had a lingering doubt in her mind. It was something she had been trying to squash, trying to make it not a big deal but she hadn't really dealt with it and it was a worry in her mind.

"Yes... home..." Ruby says distractedly before snapping out of it. "Minerva, we haven't been gone all that long you know. What has it been, 4 nights? Was the church close to being completed?"

"Has it really only been four days? Four days since we have been here, perhaps but it was several days on the train to get here and I'm afraid that it will be several more days to get back as well." Minerva sighs. "It feels like an eternity..... I do not know how close to completion that the church is. They have banned me from the building until it is complete. I am not sure if they are trying to surprise me, or have just wearied of my meddling." She laughs as she shrugs her shoulders.

"Yes, it does feel like an eternity. I can't wait to get home. And maybe you will be surprised and the church will be done! I hope the construction on the Lucky Lady has begun. It feels like that takes forever."

Ruby sighs, "I just want some peace and quiet, and to sing in my Saloon like I'm supposed to. And," she glances at the telegraph office, looking at Jake through the window, "Work out any other issues that may have arisen along the way."

The stage has indeed pulled into the eastern end of town. Several business owners and their workers are busy unloading supplies from the otherwise empty stage. The driver climbs down from his perch and heads to the telegraph office.

Jake follows the man into the telegraph office. "I am glad to see you. How long will you be in town? We have a full load for you, so I do not want you to leave without us. I trust my extra tip was good for that."

"Hey, there you are. You're tip is still good in my book! I thought I wasn't going to be able to earn it. Came into town late a couple nights back but somebody said you folks weren't ready to leave yet. Spoke all formal like about unfinished business and other malarkey. Glad to see you're here. I can wait, as far as I know you're my only passengers. I'll just head over to Greely's and get a beer if you don't mind, this jerky needs something to wash it down."

"Hold it! What did he look like?"

The driver scratched his head. "Didn't take too much notice of him. Dressed kinda nice, blue eyes, I remember that, something about those eyes. Anyways, I waited a little while for you, but figured he was right and I knew I would be back soon. Why? Some sort of problem?"

"No, no problem at all." Jake starts to leave then turns and says, "The beer at Greely's is on the house, but you have to serve yourself."

Back outside Jake gathers the others and tells them what the stage driver told him while he reloads his revolver. "Let us go speak with Whittaker now."

Ruby's face drops. "Wait a minute, what are you saying? What night was that?" The panic begins to reappear in Ruby's eyes as she tries to keep her breathing steady.

"He said a couple of nights ago. I do not know how reliable that is. Strange is it not?" Jake points towards Whitakers house and starts walking. "I aim to finish this."

Chester checks his sixguns as well. "Right wit' you, Jake. I hope it's just gun-running. I can leave that with Sheriff Weeks. He needs some time to digest all this supernatural stuff."

"Wait a minute!" Ruby yells out, gripping Jake's arm tightly and stopping him, "Are you saying that Colin is still alive?" she says in panicked tones, "Is that what you are saying??"

"Either it was the night before he was killed or he is not dead. If he is not dead, where is he? Come on."

Ruby shivers as Jake starts walking off without her. All the panic and fear comes back to the surface and her hands start shaking as she tries to push it all back down. She hand brushes her skirt where she keeps her little silver flask. She drags behind the others, losing the fight not to take just a small sip...

Whittaker’s house is completely on the other side of town and then some. As the group walks through the town they can see the good that they have done. Yes, it will take some time for the town to recover, if it ever really does, but everyone's spirits seem to be lifted, even despite the recent episode in the hotel. Now it is the monster's who are the one's dying rather than the townsfolk.

They arrive at Whittaker's house and it is closed up tight as a drum.

Jake pounds on the door. "Open up, official business!" He looks at Chet, "Be ready for anything pardner." They wait but there is no response from inside the house.

Chester draws his gun, "I hear you. I'll check the back." Chester quietly walks to the back door. The back door is also locked as well as all the 1st story windows.

Jake looks at his companions and asks, "Any ideas before I do something more dramatic?"

Chester comes back. "The other door is locked, too. I'm all for busting down the door, but if you have a less violent way."

Ruby hangs near the back, looking at the ground, kicking at the dirt with the toe of her boot. "I've been inside, there is only the windows."

"What do you mean, 'only the windows'?"

"Less violent?" Jake laughs darkly. He pounds on the door again and says, "Open up or we will knock this door down."

Ruby says, "He says he can't be in the light. He stays upstairs, he won't be down. Break a window. Or Thom can break down the door."

A voice can be heard from inside, "What do you want? I was sleeping! No need for talk of breaking down the door.""

"Mr. Whittaker?" Ruby's wavering voice calls out, "It's Mrs. Jacobs, I need to speak to you urgently."

"Give me a minute, I told you I can't bear the sunlight."

About 2 tense minutes goes by and then the sounds of locks being opened can be heard from the other side of the front door. The door swings open and there is a man, or rather a humanoid shape, covered in clothes and wearing a large hood covering his face entirely. "Well, I see we have a whole crew here, what is so urgent?"

Chester holsters his gun, but keeps his hand on the butt.

"Senor Whittaker," Minerva says stepping forward and placing her hand on his arm, surreptitiously casting cure minor wounds. We have come to see if you are alright. Terrible things have happened in town."

"What? Who are you? Unhand me! I don't know what you are talking about!" Whittaker bellows. Other than being agitated he does not seem to react to Minerva's prayers.

Jake watches Minerva carefully, not knowing what she is up to. He drops his bag and pulls the flap back on his duster.

"I apologize for startling you," she says stepping back. "I am the Priestess Minerva Garcia Florencia."

"Mr. Whittaker, I am sorry for the intrusion," Ruby says while stepping forward, pushing down her fear. "And forgive the rudeness of my friends. We are all anxious to get home. Which is why we are here. May I come in? My husband and I have a business offer to make you."

Jake says plainly, "This is an official investigation sir, there have been more deaths. I need to see your hand sir."

"Look, you all have some explaining to do. Two men looking like they are getting ready to draw on me as I wake from my sleep, women grabbing at me. Thom, what are you doing here? Mrs. Jacobs, start explaining please, I wouldn't have even come down if I didn't hear it was you. Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs can come in, if he leaves his gun outside. I don't know you well enough. I suppose you'll use your badge to bring it in anyways, but you'll earn more trust if you don't."

"See my hands? What for? My skin doesn't tolerate sunlight, you can see them inside if you insist."

Whittaker takes a step back and lets Jake and Ruby in, but is not agreeable to letting anyone else in the house.

Chester stands on the porch, a grim look on his face. "I'll wait here with Thom and Minerva."

"Before we do that, I need to set the deputy's mind at ease," Jake says. "The man we are looking for cut his left hand. If we could just see your left hand, and see that it has no cut on it he could be on his way." Jake slides the small mirror out of his pocket in his own left hand surreptitiously.

"Well, this is a most unusual way of doing business. Oh, and hear are my hands for you to see deputy, just as you asked," he says holding out his hands and allowing Jake to see backside and palm of both hands, both free of cuts.

Jake quickly holds his hand underneath Whittaker’s and sees that there is a reflection in the mirror of that hand.

Ruby looks at Jake, confusion obvious but she keeps quiet about that. "Where is Romo?" Ruby asks.

"He left on business, as if it is any concern of yours. Now what is this you were talking about? Selling me a saloon? What is going on, I've been sleeping all day."

Ruby steps into the house. "I'm here to find out of you'd like to own more property in town, a saloon to be precise. And to let you know we'll be leaving today. Which after this exchange you will be glad of that no doubt. Thom is with us now."

Once Jake and Ruby are inside and the door is closed Whittaker lowers the head to reveal his mussed hair and sleepy eyes.

Ruby sighs and says, "Well, there were some unfortunate circumstances... Mr. Greely is no longer among the living. And it turns out that Thom is the recipiant of the Saloon. So now he has two saloons. And..." Ruby pauses to let Jake continue.

Jake relaxes and lets out the breath he had been holding. "As the Missus says, big Thom would be willing to sell a saloon. Since you are the only one in town with sufficient cash, I thought you might be interested. Probably a good idea to have a legitimate business so all that money does not look suspicious." Jake takes off his badge and puts it in his pocket. "If you know what I mean. Now, I figure that saloon is worth about thirty-five hundred, but needs a little repair. You interested?"

"Well, since this whole thing seems a little fishy, Thom coming into it so sudden and all, without the proper authorities in town to see to the will, how about $2,000?

Ruby uses some diplomacy on Mr. Whittaker as she butts in. "Oh, come on now Mr. Whittaker. You would be the owner of the ONLY saloon in town, the only thing people around here do for fun. And poor Thom, this is all he has in the whole world, what he has to live his life off of..."

Jake says, "I figure it will take around five hundred to fix it up. I have a will and deed right here, and the Sheriff has already said it looks legitimate to him. Let us say, two thousand five hundred and we happily leave on the stage and I never say a word to anyone about gun running? Your town will be growing back pretty fast now that the blood monsters are dead. I mean, after all you could rename it could you not?"

"I still like the way you do business Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs. I suppose we will need Thom to sign the deed over to me. Let me get the money in order and we'll get this done. $2500, done deal," he says extending his hand to both in turn.

Ruby gracefully extends her hand to Whittaker. The thrill of the scam was coursing though her, pushing her fear way deep down inside her. "It's our pleasure," she smiles.

The smile lessens slightly, "Uh, you don't happen to have any guests staying here, do you?"

"Guests? No, I have no guests here at the moment. Let me go get the money so you can be on your way. There's whiskey and bourbon on the desk there, glasses too, help yourselves." With that Whittaker heads up the stairs to the second story of his house leaving the two alone for the moment.

Ruby releases her breath, unaware she was holing it in. Her hands still shaking slightly she heads right for the bourbon. "Might as well, right?" She takes a long drink from her full glass before turning back to Jake. "Now what about Colin?"

Jake still appears slightly nervous, with his hands going to and coming off his guns. "I will be glad to be leaving here."

"Me too," she says, eyeing his twitching. "And I hope not to get shot before I do."

Jake shrugs. "Talk to the driver and we can figure out if he saw that man before or after that morning."

"And if we think it was him..."

Moments later Whittaker returns, three bundles of cash in hand. "Here you are, $2500 cash. We can bring Thom in and let him sign this over to me and then go our merry ways. If you don't mind getting the door, I hate putting that hideous thing over my head."

Jake nods and brings Thom into to sign his saloon away, letting Ruby explain it to him. He lets the others know everything seems fine. While Ruby is explaining Jake counts money.

"Now before we leave Thom, we need you to sign these papers for Mr. Whittaker. This is going to be your money and when we get to Promise City we will put it in the bank for you, so you have money to buy things you want." Ruby smiles reassuringly at him. "You need to sign here," she points to the spots for him to sign.

Whittaker seems quite happy with the transaction and possibly even more glad to know the stage is in town and they would all be leaving on it. "Well, that's that. Anything else I can do for you? If not, I hope you manage to find that man with the cut on his hand before you leave," he says with a sly wink.

"Nothing but collecting the $40 for our deposit." Jake grins. "I know you will enjoy your new sheriff."

"Oh, of course. Here, you go $40. I hope you made the most of your stay in our little town."

"Jake, you'd better hold onto all of that," Ruby comments with a laugh. "We don't want Thom to lose it. Mr. Whittaker, I don't think we'll be meeting again. So let's just say it's been... interesting. Enjoy your new saloon."

The dumbfounded look on Thom's face is quite amusing and brings a smile to Ruby's face at least for the moment. The ox of a man just smiles and puts his "X" where Ruby instructs and watches her take care of the money before heading back outside. "Bye bye Mr. Whittaker, take good care of Mr. Greely's saloon, make sure you sweep the floors every day!"

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They bid Whittaker good bye and go about collecting their belongings to load onto the stage. Jake gives Chester his badge and asks him to return it to the sheriff. "I have had enough of that thing."

"Me too. Let's go darling." Ruby takes Jake's hand and starts pulling him out the door. "We certainly made the most of the chubby baby making bed, didn't we?" she laughs. Her spirit was lighter, having not found Colin Turner in Whittaker's house, although the thought he was out there somewhere still weighed heavily on her mind.

At the rental house, Jake takes a moment to sharpen his hunting knife, lather his face and shave off the sides of his beard. He seems rather pleased to have just his mustache and chin beard back. After hauling their belongings out, he give Minerva a hand with her and Nanuet's gear. She helps Nanuet herself, not letting anyone else help him to the stage.

"Ruby, time to get your dress. Want to meet me at the stage or are you coming?"

"I'll go with you. What if he's there? You can't go alone." Ruby breathes in deeply again. "I would have been happy to go about being stupid and thinking he was dead..."

"Together then." They go collect her dress and whatever else they can find that belongs to her and then make their way to the stage.

Before Jake and Ruby leave, Ruby sticks her head in Kate's room. "Time to get up Kate, the stage is here. Are you alright?"

Kate pushed herself up against the pillows. "I'm alright. I'll get my things together. Is everyone gone to the stage already or should I wait here?"

"Minerva has taken Nanuet. If you need help I will ask Chester to come back for you, or Jake and I will return after we finish the rest of our chores. We still have a few things to do."

"No, I don't need help, I just wanted to know where to be. I'll see you at the stage, dear."

Ruby nods and heads out the door.

Kate stretched and got herself out of bed. She didn't even have a spell left to clean the blood out of her blouse. Instead she folded it carefully and put it at the bottom of her bag, then dressed in fresh clothes. It only took a few minutes to pack her bag, pick up her other small bag with the medical supplies in it and head over to the stage.

Chester goes to the Sheriff's office. "Sheriff Weeks? The stagecoach is here."

"I reckon you're leaving then, Mr. Martin."

"Yep. We rooted out the vampires from here, so our job is done. I hate to leave you in the lurch, but our home is in Promise City."

"I'll be sorry to see you all leave. You've been a lot of help. I don't know what would have happened had you not come to town."

"Chester says, "Don't dwell on that, Sheriff. Just try to look forward. Greely and Turner are gone, so you don't have to live in fear anymore. By the way, Whitaker is alive. He might be running guns, though. I followed him and Romo the other night. They met some Mexicans who gave them a wagon filled with guns and ammunition. Romo took the wagon northwest of town."

"Now that's something I can understand. All this hocus pocus and things that go bump in the night were just too much. Good bye, Mr. Martin and thanks to you and your friends."

Chester shakes his hand and returns the badges. "It'll do you good to learn about the supernatural. Things aren't always what they seem."

Jake and Ruby make their way toward the stage. "Count back to when you found the ashes and ask the driver to be more specific about when he saw the man. It could have been the night before," Jake suggests uncharacteristically optimistic.

"So much has happened, I don't even remember exactly when that was, Jake."

While loading up and making sure all of the group is on board, Jake questions the driver further about which night he saw the man with the blue eyes, to determine if it was before or after the morning that Ruby found what she believed to be Colin Turner's ashes.

Ruby tries to act like she isn't listening closely to the stage drivers answer as she hesitates to get on the stage until the last possible moment.

Once on the stage, Kate tucked herself into a corner and was dozing even as Jake and Ruby were still outside.

Chester helps Minerva take Nanuet and their bags to the coach. "Are we ready to go? I explained to the sheriff what we did."

"Just about Chet," Jake says, "Good job. I am happy that you are the only deputy in the bunch again."

Chester chuckles. "Felt weird being on this side of the law, didn't it? I bet most people who know you would be surprised, too. I am ready to get out of town. I miss Clarisse something fierce."

By Jake's best guess it was later the same day that the ashes were found that the coach rolled into town and was told by this stranger that you were not ready to leave yet and the coach could move on.

"All aboard!" the stagecoach driver yells out. "I always wanted to be an engineer" he says with a chuckle.

Everybody is loaded up for the trip to Albuquerque which takes the better part of the rest of the day. It is dark when they arrive in the city. Nanuet seems to be holding his own, but does not seem to be improving.

Inside the stage, Kate heard Jake and Ruby quietly talking about the man who told the stage driver they weren't ready to leave.

"Blue eyes and something about him?" She asked without even opening her eyes. "When we stop, ask if he had an Irish accent. I'd guess it was Jacky O'Neill."

As they unload, Jake takes Katherine’s suggestion and asks the driver about the Irish accent and anything else he can remember to see if it could have been Jacky O'Neil.

The vague things that the driver remembers about the stranger do not lead Jake to believe that it was O'Neil. He is not fully convinced it couldn't have been, but he has a lot of reasons to doubt it after speaking with the stage coach driver.

"Who has the information on where to take Nanuet?” Jake asks. “We can worry about rooms after we get him the help."

"Mr. York said to ask for Brother Malcolm. I'd assume we'd want to go to the main church and ask there. They should be able to direct us." Kate raised her voice and asked the driver how they get to the main church.

Ruby had been extremely reluctant to get on the stage. Only after Minerva reminded her of Nanuet's need for help did she board.

She did not sleep or relax and seemed jittery the entire ride.

Once they arrive in Albuquerque, Ruby quickly hops off the stage. "Uh, do we want everyone to go with Nanuet? Seems if we all go we might overwhelm the poor priest." Her hand keeps instinctively brushing against the waist band of her skirt. She looks to Jake and says softly, "I need a drink."

Minerva keeps a protective arm around Nanuet and helps him alight from the coach. "It is not necessary for all of us to escort Nanuet to the church. I shall bring him. In the meantime I would appreciate it if someone could find us some food and refreshement and also inquire as to when we may expect the train."

"Come Mi amore. You will feel better soon. " she says in her gentle spanish accent. Minerva guides Nanuet to the Church and knocks on the door of the rectory.

"You should take someone with you Minvera. Chester?" Ruby turns towards her friend, "Kate, maybe you should go along too and let them check you over. Just in case." Ruby's tone is more commanding than questioning. "I am definitely going to get a drink. And maybe some food too."

"I'll be fine Ruby. You ought to know, blood loss makes you feel weak. It'll be better tomorrow. But I'll go if it will make you feel better. Going back to Foster's and the saloon next door? Then we'll know where to find you."

"Yes, it will make me feel better if you go too." Ruby pauses before continuing softly. "Please Kate, go with them."

She plasters a smile on her face, "Yes I will relaxing at the bar. Maybe Jake will get rooms for us while you do that. Take care."

Chester says, "It won't hurt to have the priest take a look. Who knows what sort of magic Greely put in that bite."

On their way to the church, he asks Kate, "Did Ruby seem distracted to you? With Turner and Greely gone, there's nothing to worry about. Is there? She's still hitting the bottle heavily, too."

"She's not sure Turner is dead. The driver was back once before, and someone told him we weren't ready to leave. It was after Turner was supposed to be dead. We should ask Thom about it and see if he knows anything. I doubt Greely and his boys were happy about Turner bringing us behind him searching for monsters."

"I didn't know about the mystery man. If it was Turner, why would he want us to stay? It seems to be the last thing someone being hunted would want. OK, let's ask Thom about this after we have the priest look at you and Nanuet."

"I feel silly. I'm quite well, just tired, which is what losing blood will do to you. I'd be better off eating a large meal. But I'm glad to go with Nanuet," she said, nodding her head toward Miss Florencia and Nanuet ahead of them. "She wants to do everything for him herself. I was the same way with Tom. It took me a long time to admit I needed help."

"Don't feel silly. You were bitten by the living dead. All things considered, the gods must have been watching out for you." Chester follows her glance. "She wants to prove how much she loves him. That she's able to take care of him when he's sick. When did you know you needed help? If I'm not prying to much."

"It's alright, Chester. It was probably about the time I collapsed from exhaustion. I would sleep now and then in a chair by his bed, but whatever he needed done I wanted to do myself. We had a nurse, and the doctor was often there but I couldn't stand not helping.

In the end the doctor had two patients instead of one. Luckily, I only needed some rest and a stern lecture about being of no use in such a state."

"It's in your nature to be as helpful as you can. 'Can' and 'should' are two different things. But when it's someone you love, you don't think about that." He see the door open. "We better catch up."

The door is opened by a man wearing a heavy brown robe tied with a belt in the middle, the robe fits very loosely to the point where his hands hide inside the folds of the sleeves. He smiles a fatherly smile to the couple and greets them. "Welcome to the Albuquerque Church, please come in and we can discuss what fate brings you here."

Minerva points out to Kate and says "She's with us, but I need to get him inside, please wait for her while I help him to a spot where he can rest." She then turns to Kate and hollers to let her know that she is going inside with Nanuet.

Katherine and Chester made it to the door where the priest was waiting. "Good evening," Kate said politely. "We've just come from Thomaswell, and Brother York told us to ask for Brother Malcolm. It's a long story, but our friend has an unusual wound that needs attention."

"Si, Are you Hermano Malcom?" Minerva turns to look at him over her shoulder as she settles Nanuet into a chair. "We, must speak to him at once." She says her dark eyes full of concern.

"Greetings all my children. Brother Malcolm is a name I have not used in some time, but it is I that you seek. Please come inside and make yourselves comfortable, I will see to your friend in just a moment."

The robed man leads them to the chapel area of the church and directs them to make themselves at home. "I will return in just a moment." he says and then disappears out a different way than the group was lead in.

Minervera sits quitetly beside Nanuet gazing about at the statues in the nave of the church. She masks her nervous impatience from the others and takes the opportuinity to kneel and commune with the gods.

"Dear Minerva, for whom I am named, You have continued to bless us with your protection and for this I am thankful. I place my trust in your will and follow your divine guidance for you are supremly wise in all things." she prays, and as she does so she can feel her goddess' touch upon her troubled heart causing her inner peace to return. She sits back down beside Nanuet a small smile evident on her lips. She takes his hand in hers, and sits in quite serenity, confident that all will soon be set right.

It is about 10 minutes before the cleric returns, he bring with him a plate of bread and fruit and a carafe of wine. "Pardon me for the delay, on my way back I took liberty to stop in the pantry and prepare some food and wine for you. Being travellers I am sure you are hungry and thirsty. Now, what can I do to help?"

"Excuse my rudeness Hermano Malcom. We have had a difficult time these past few weeks, but that is no excuse for poor manners." She smiles. "Allow me to introduce my self and my companions. I am the Priestess Minerva Garcia Florencia of the Olympian Church in Promise City." She says extending her hand. "and this" she says motioning to Chester and Katherine "is Deputy Chester Martin, Mrs. Katherine Kale and Senor Nanuet, also all from Promise City as well."

Chester pauses from wandering the aisles looking at the stained glass. He tips his hat. "Good afternoon, padre."

"Senor Nanuet is in need of your special gods given talents, Mi Hermano. He has had an altercation with a vampire and is quite weak. It was explained to me that a portion of his 'Life Force' has been taken from him." she says without preamble. "The gods have not honored me with such an ability" she says her voice and mannerisms momentarily revealing her shame and helplessness. "Are you able to restore him?"

"Minerva? As in the goddess herself? Simply amazing! But, there is no time to waste, let me take a look at your friend."

He allows Minerva to point Nanuet out to him and then he looks him over quickly before speaking again. "This is what I can tell you. Part of his life force is gone. If I were to do nothing, he would recover it after time. There is a ritual I can peform that should help him recover now. I can do it, but it is not easy and will take a great effort on my part and of course the results are not guaranteed."

He looks over at Chester as he wanders the church. "Beautiful aren't they. I never tire of them even after looking at them every day for 13 years."

Chester walks over to him. "Yes, they are. You must be proud to worship in a place like this. Did you just say that Nanuet would get his life force back with time? Is that a sure thing?"

Brother Malcolm turned and smiled at Chester and nodded. "As sure as the sun rises, if he wills himself to continue to live he will regain his former strength with time. Unfortunately his will was not strong enough to fight off the energy drain within the first day. I have seen it happen only once so he should feel no shame. I have confidence that my ritual will heal him though."

"Si, Hermano Malcom. I understand. The gods guarantee nothing. The best that we can ever hope for is that our requests fit into their grand scheme and that they choose to respond to our prayers. But I would be most grateful if you would attempt to heal him. He means everything to me." She says nodding towards Nanuet. "I have been touched by such evil recently also, and I cannot bear the knowledge that one that I love suffers that same cold, empty feeling. It is a horror beyond explanation but try to imagine that your soul has been abandoned by the gods. Left in darkness... with no hope of redemption. It is a feeling akin to that," she shudders.

"Por Favor," she pleads, the horror of the memory fresh in her mind. "I wish you to try." She pauses looking about the church. "It is a lovely church. Is it not? Fit for the gods, I am sure they are pleased with your work here. I would like to make a donation to your church. "She pauses as though mulling over a thought. "Perhaps the gods will grant me their favor if I give away what was gained in this dark quest. Perhaps some good can come of it."

"I understand what you feel and find it very honorable that you do not wish him to suffer this any longer, but you must understand that to attempt to heal this is a great task, one that I would not undertake lightly. There are few priests in this area who could perform such a feat, your friend said someone sent you to me but I did not quite catch the name, could you tell me again? References mean a great deal to me and I put a lot of faith in the judgement of my fellow priests and who they send on to me. It helps in situations like this where I may not have time to get to know those who seek my aid personally as time is critical."

Kate said, "Siam York, the priest in Thomaswell. We looked to him for help this morning and he said his power was not sufficient. When I told him we were coming to Albuquerque, he was very excited and gave us your name."

"I see, yes... Siam York is out in that little town still. I shall have to pay him a visit soon, it has been ages since I last sat down with him. I hate to seem a nuisance, but do you perhaps have any proof? Anyone who has been to Thomaswell would know Father York is the priest there, since he is the only one, but it would be a rare occurrence for him to send someone here and to ask for Brother Malcolm."

"The fact that it is a rare occurance should be proof enough, Hermano Malcom. It is the truth that Siam York sent us to you. How else would we know your name and where to seek you?" she says trying not to sound impatient or offended. "But if you must have further proof ..." she lets the words fall away as she tries to think of what proof they could have of his referral. "Chester, show him the holy symbol that Siam York bestowed upon you, perhaps he will recognize it and that will be proof enough."

Kate was rubbing her head that was starting to ache as Miss Florencia answered. "Oh, I'm so sorry," Kate said, looking at the others with a little blush. "I'm still tired and it's a bit hard to think." Katherine reached into her handbag and pulled out the coin Siam York had given them. "He said to show you this."

Minerva is surprised when Kate pulls out the coin. "When did he give you that?"

"This morning, after you took Nanuet back to the house to rest. Chester and I sought out Mr. York to see if he could help. He said to show Brother Malcolm. I'm so sorry, I'm not usually so forgetful, especially when it's important." Kate tightened the shawl she had put over her shoulders despite the warmth of the day.

Malcolm looks skeptically at the coin that Kate holds forth. "A coin? He gave you a coin as proof of reference? Oh, my yes! A coin!" he exclaims. "All the proof I need. May I have that please?" he says holding out his hand palm open. "We can get started right away with the ritual."

"Of course," Kate said and dropped the coin in his palm. "Perhaps after the ritual you can tell us the story that surely goes with that coin."

Minvera acknowledges Katherine's apology. “It has been a difficult time for all of us, Senora Katherine."

She turns to the Brother. "Por Favor, Hermano Malcom, may we get on with it now?"

"Yes priestess, we can get on with it now. Please help Nanuet to remove all but his underclothes and lay him over there." he says, pointing to a waist high marble bier on the altar. "There is a component for the ritual that I must retrieve, one that is valuable and stored securely away."

Brother Malcolm leaves the 4 companions for several moments. When he returns he is wearing different robes, ones that Minerva believes are designed to be in reverence to Apollo, who portfolio included that of healing. Also in his hands are a bow and a lyre, often used as symbols of Apollo. A small pouch hangs from the robes as well.

Once Nanuet is laying on the bier upon the altar, Brother Malcolm asks the others to retreat from the altar and "Refrain from other activities except for praying for Nanuet until the ritual is completed." He then raises the bow and lyre in turn, saying a prayer with each one and then placing them at Nanuet's feet. Several moments of silence pass and then the contents of the pouch are revealed when Brother Malcolm sprinkles several pinches of diamond dust over Nanuet's body as he prays to the god of healing fervently. Malcolm then places his hand on Nanuet's forehead and kneels with his head bowed. A pale while glow envelops the priest and the subject of his prayers. For several moments the strength of the light remains steady and then slowly it begins to strengthen until it is almost too bright to look at.

As quickly as the light came, it is gone in a flash and Brother Malcolm falls to the ground exhausted from his efforts. Nanuet appears to be sleeping, but his breathing is regular full breaths, and is color is no longer pale, but has returned to it's healthy complexion.

Kate had to work hard to force back the feeling of repulsion she always felt when she was asked to pray. She focused on her wishes for Nanuet's recovery, rather than to whom those wishes went.

As Brother Malcolm fell to the ground, Kate rushed forward to check on him. She pressed her fingers to his wrist and asked, "Sir, are you well?"

"I'll be fine, just spent a lot of energy. Nothing some rest won't help me to recover, but I appreciate the concern." He allows Kate to help him to his feet and gives her a slight nod as he smoothes out his robes with his hands. "Your friend is resting now, I imagine he will wake soon. It seems our prayers were answered and he has recovered."

"Yes, he looks much better. I hope we won't be underfoot while we wait for him to wake on his own. Is there anything we can do for you until then?"

"Oh no, you would not be underfoot at all. I am just happy to be able to provide my services. It is not often I get called upon to use some of my greater abilities, and I still revel in being able to do the gods will. I cannot think of any other tasks I need your help with, but please make yourselves comfortable, perhaps enjoy the food and drink I brought earlier and wait for your friend to be wake and be well."

"Thank you, I'm quite hungry truth be told." Kate paused a moment, then said, "I hate to ask anything else of you, but I have been very firmly instructed by my friends to ask. The vampire that wounded our friend also bit me. The wound was healed, but my companions are still concerned. I feel quite tired, but otherwise fine. I've told them it's only the loss of blood, but they still wanted me to consult you to make sure there would be no other effects."

"Oh, of course, let me look at you" the priest says. He examines Kate's wound carefully. "It looks like it is just a bite, and that he hardly fed from you at all. I believe you will be fine, the bite looks to be healing."

"That's what I thought. He hardly had time before the others made him let go. I think it's just a combination of several very long days, a very big scare, and everything being over so suddenly that is making me so tired. Thank you very much. I think I'll go have something to eat now."

It is about a half an hour before Nanuet stirs. He smiles and sits up stretching out his stiff muscles. The others know he is back to normal when he hops off the bier and begins grabbing at the plates of food the priest had brought out earlier. "What, I haven't had an appetite today, have to get caught up. I feel so much better!"

"I'm glad I got here first," Kate said lightly, popping a last bit of cheese into her mouth. Although she still looked tired her color was better for the food. "You look downright spry."

"You had us worried there for a while. Glad to see you're up and about. Eat your fill, then we can go see the others."

Chester asks Brother Malcolm, "Are there any lasting effects from this? Anything we should look out for?"

Malcolm puts his hand on Chester's shoulder. "Your Indian friend is fully recovered, my son. The taint of the vrykolakas is completely purged from his soul. Just a little rest and he'll be as right as rain."

"Thank you Brother Malcolm. Apollo truly has a powerful servant in you."

Minerva smiles broadly and wrapping her arms around Nanuet kisses him soundly on the mouth. He responds in kind. She backs away and laughs. "You are indeed, your old self again." She stands back and enjoys the sight of him stuffing food into his mouth.

She takes Brother Malcom aside. "I cannot thank you enough for healing my friend, Hermano (brother). Gracias. She hugs him and kisses him on the cheek. I would like to make a donation to your church. We came into a bit of money while hunting down the blood suckers. I would like to give you my share of that. I am certain that the gods will not mind where it has come from if it it put to good use." She hands him whatever money she has gotten during the adventure.

"Much thanks priestess, but the coin that your friend brought here is payment enough. Please, if you must donate the money use it in your own church, we are quite well off here."

Kate looked at her companions, and noted Miss Florencia talking quietly to the priest.

"If we're all ready, as soon as Miss Florencia is done we should go find Jake and Ruby. They'll want to hear that Nanuet is well and makes our plans for getting back to Promise City."

Once Nanuet had cleared off the last of the plate and Miss Florencia had returned, the group gave a final thanks to Brother Malcolm and went in search of Jake and Ruby.

orchid blossom

After Kate, Chester, Minerva and Nanuet are safely away to the church the smile drops off Ruby's face. She glances at Jake but doesn't say anything, heading into the bar. She sits on a stool at the bar and orders 2 whiskey's, pushing one in front of the seat next to her. She cradles hers in her hand for a moment, like she is deciding what to do next, before putting the glass to her lips and taking a sip.

Jake follows Ruby in and drops their gear at the door. He turns to Thom and says, "Stay here and watch our stuff, do not let anyone touch anything." Thom nods and mumbles to himself. He scans the room before he makes his way to the bar, his duster open and the flaps pulling back as he squeezes past chairs and people. He ignores the looks he is receiving about the guns still hanging on his sides, and protruding from his pack. He sits, drinks a sip quickly and pushes his hat back. He takes one more look around the room, more to tell folks to leave them and their gear alone than to see who is there. He sits quietly next to her, not looking at her. Finally he says, "We did not receive the comforting resolution that we were seeking."

"Really? I wasn't aware," she snaps.

She grasps the whiskey glass in her hands and sighs deeply, "I'm so sorry Jake. I didn't mean to bite your head off, it's not your fault." She takes a long drink from her glass before placing it back down on the bar. She is silent for many moments. She glances over at him, "Will you forgive me?" Jake nods and pats her hand.

She quickly looks back down at the bar, "How am I supposed to live in peace knowing he is out there?" She hangs her head, "And he wants me?"

"Knowing I want you more?" Jake gives her the best smile he can muster.

"I am not sure what to think about him. I cannot seem to tie the disparate bits of information together. You knew before I did not think he was dead. I cannot make sense of what happened, we just do not know enough. I must have missed some important clue...." Jake stares across the bar at himself in the mirror and then downs the whiskey. He waves at the bartender for a refill.

"If he is alive, he either hid from us or left town. That at least says he was afraid. Colleen said as much too." Jake starts in on his second glass before continuing. "We are not babes in the woods about what he is and can do any more. We do know how to fight back. We have destroyed at least five of his kind since meeting him." Jake takes another large sip. "Damn. How in Hades did I let him get away."

"Not you Jake," Ruby says quietly, "It wasn't you." Ruby closes her eyes and sighs again, "I guess it just wasn't meant to be easy." She pauses before opening her eyes. "For us. Easy for us." She grasps his hand in hers again, keeping the whiskey in the other. "But we're still together, right? He didn't get me, we're still together."

She hangs her head low again. "It'll be hard always looking over my shoulder, looking for him and those eyes. But you are right about one thing, we have defeated the others and Greely... who made him..." her voice trails off.

"Unless we go back to Thomaswell, we go home." Silence. "I want to go home Jake." She drinks her whiskey down. "And celebrate the fact that we at least scared him off. Hopefully for good." Ruby puts a cheery face on. "But you know, maybe he is dead. I think I'll keep believing that."

"Maybe he is. The facts of the matter are confusing, I am not certain what to believe. I find it hard to be believe if he was alive that he was still in Thomaswell, though I would have burned every structure to the ground to find him." A dark smile crosses his face as he adds, "I suppose somebody would have tried to stop me from that."

He tips back the remains of his second whiskey. "I agree with you, let us go home. There is still reason to celebrate. We did all we could." He looks back to the door, at Thom standing next to it with his arms hanging loosely looking down at their gear. Jake laughs, "I am not quite used to how to talk to that big puppy dog of yours."

Ruby sighs but a smile comes to her face as she looks at the big man standing near the door. "I don't know what it is Jake, I just feel like someone should be taking care of him. Course, you and I aren't the best ones for that," she laughs. "But look, he'll be working in the saloon, something he is used to. I couldn't just leave him there with nothing and nobody." Ruby shrugs, "A moment of weakness I suppose."

"He'll be a help for us Jake, I just have a feeling he's suppose to be with us. So please be nice to him. And now that the Lucky Lady is growing we'll need someone else at the second door."

She is quiet for a bit before a giggle escapes her. "He says he wants a girlfriend. Maybe he'll find one."

"Be nice to him? Who was it who just earned him $2500? Hermes save me from the fool that I am. Be nice to him." Jake shakes his head, taps on the bar and points to his empty glass when the bartender looks over. "Be nice to him, indeed. You make it sound like I am a great, cantankerous villain. I will be nice enough to big Thom, but leave me out of the matchmaking business." Jake snorts a laugh.

Ruby face looks like a child who has been scolded. "I didn't mean you're not nice Jake, and you did get him his money, that's true. I just want you to continue to look out for him is all. You know there are many around Promise City who would take advantage of him. And admit it," she places her hand on his arm, "You're the type to take advantage of situations when you can. I am too. As for the matchmaking," she finally smiles, "He's on his own."

Ruby sighs. "I suppose we're going to have to eat something today. I don't feel hungry at all." She finishes her whiskey down quickly. "I'd rather hole up in our room with a bottle of this stuff," she holds up her glass.

"I will not deny that I respond to, ahem, opportunities. I would never take advantage of someone like Thom. I prefer to prey on those who deserve it. I will get you a bottle if you agree to eat something first."

Ruby smiles lovingly at Jake. "I'll agree to that. I know I have to be better. We can go next door and get rooms and lunch first."

Ruby is quiet for some time. "I hope Nanuet is ok. Let's go and get the rooms so they are ready when they get back."

Jake gets Ruby a bottle as promised but holds onto it. He picks up the bag of weapons and has Thom follow them to the hotel where Jake and Ruby walk tiredly up to the desk while Thom guards the bags.

The same clerk greets them at the hotel as did last time they stayed. "Welcome back, Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs I believe it was. We have plenty of room available and should be able to accommodate any needs you have."

Ruby turns her back and leans up against the desk while Jake does business.

He gets 5 rooms this time around, the extra one being for Thom. He tells Ruby to take Thom and meet him in the restaurant while he carries the weapons bag up himself, having the hotel staff to carry everything else to the appropriate rooms.

When he returns to the dining room he finds Ruby sipping at a whiskey and Thom gobbling up the contents of the bread basket. He sits next to Ruby, his spot also reserved with a whiskey and she comments, "I ordered us lunch. I wasn't sure when the others would return so I didn't get them anything."

Jake nods.

Ruby turns to the big man, "So, what kind of things in the Saloon can you do Thom?"

Thom starts talking with his mouth full and continues chewing between words "Mmmpwhell I can *chew carrmmphy stummpth" then begins laughing, choking and spitting out a half chewed biscuit. "Ha ha! Sorry. I can carry stuff, sweep floors, pour beers, and kick the mean men out. Thom can follow rules good. "

"That is good to know Thom. Following the rules is very important around our Saloon." Ruby smiles half - heartedly at Thom, her heart not quite ready to be light just yet.

She sits back in her seat and nurses her whiskey while they wait for their lunch and the others to show up.

"Jake, is there anything we have to do while in this town or are we getting right out of here tomorrow? I seem to recall the rooms here... lacking."

Dinner shows up but their friends have still not returned. Ruby keeps her worries over Nanuet to herself as she makes small talk with Thom and Jake.

She picks at her lunch with her fork, finding it very unappealing. "Won't it be great to be home and have Maria's cooking again? Or even Dorita's, she's the best cook in town Thom. I didn't see a lot of elves in Thomaswell, have you ever met an elf before?"

"I know elfs. Most of the elfs I know come from Mexico I think. Is your friend an elf? He doesn't look the same as elfs I know."

"You mean my friend Nanuet who got hurt? Yes, he is an elf. There are many different kinds of elves that come from all different areas. My friend Dorita is an elf and her grandfather Manual is an elf, he is my teacher. We let all kinds of people into our Saloon." Ruby smiles. "You'll see when we get to the City. It's much bigger than Thomaswell."

Ruby leans way back in her chair and pushes her plate away. "I can't wait to get home. I'm going to sleep for days."

Thom laughs at Ruby's comment, then says "Sleep for days? I wish I could sleep for days. I'm afraid of the dark though, and I have bad dreams when I sleep so I couldn't sleep for days" he says then puts on a pout. "Ruby, will someone else help me with the new big city if you are sleeping for days, cause that is a long long time?"

"Yes Thom, someone will help you. You're going to make lots of new friends. Besides me and Jake, there are our other friends who we took the stage with, plus other people who work in our Saloon. You will be working mostly with Jeff, he will tell you what to do at the door. Plus Niles and Job also own the Saloon with us. Then there is the cook Maria and Niles helper Harry. Don't think about it too much, you'll meet them when you get there."

Ruby smiles, "And there is something else. Jake and I have 2 puppies, Lucky and Mischief! They need lots of playtime and they are so much fun, you'll love them."

"Oh, that sounds like lots and lots of people. I hope I can remember all their names. Lots of new friends, I hope they like Thom as much as you do Ruby."

Jake, lagging behind in the conversation says, "I cannot remember the train schedule. The only thing I might do if there is time is inquire about the Edison stock value. It might be easier to do in a real city."

"Is Promise City not a real city?" Ruby pauses, "No, I guess here would be bigger and better. I wonder, should we go get our tickets today so we know what time the train is? I don't want to get stuck another day."

"As soon as we know if the indian can travel, I will purchase tickets. It is already late, the ticket office might not be open tonight. If not, instead of getting up early to buy them we could stay up all night." Jake takes another bite of his food. "I would willingly stay up all night again just to watch you, but I much rather have you awake."

"You're right I guess, we should wait to find out about Nanuet. I'm getting worried. I mean, I was worried before...I guess I don't know how long these things take."

Ruby smirks, "Do you have the energy to stay up all night, Mr. Jacobs?"

As soon as Ruby sees them enter she jumps up and runs to Nanuet, hugging him tightly. She doesn't let go for long moments until she hears Minerva clear her throat. "I am so glad you are alright, I was worried!" she says, slowly letting go of him.

"It went well," Kate said by way of a hello. "Nanuet is probably still hungry, even after what he ate at the church. And I'm fine as well. I don't suppose I could get a bite to eat as well?"

Chester says, "Is there a train leaving soon, or are we stopping at a hotel tonight? How's Thom doing away from Thomaswell?"

Next Ruby hugs Kate, "I am glad you are alright too. Of course you can eat. I didn't want to order anything and have it get cold." She releases her friend and sits back at the table, a small more relaxed smile now on her face. "But pick at what is here and we can get more." Ruby waves to the waitress to return to their table.

"We didn't get train tickets, Jake wanted to wait and see if Nanuet could travel. Does everyone feel well enough to travel?" At that moment Ruby instinctively rubs her neck, remembering her own weakness, but she keeps it to herself.

Kate sat down next to Ruby and ordered a decent-sized meal, even after the snacking she'd done at the church. She picked at Ruby's plate and asked, "How are you feeling? Still rubbing at your neck." She took another look at the site of the bite. "It must be making you tired."

"I feel much better now knowing that the rest of you are ok." Ruby watches as Kate eats off her plate. At least someone is, she thinks.

As Kate looks over the bite she continues, "It's itchy but it'll be fine, I'm alright" she lies. She averts her eyes from Jake, knowing full well he'd pick up on a fib in a second.

"Mmmhmm. We'll discuss this later," Kate whispered then let it drop. "It's already late, I doubt there's a train out until tomorrow. Much as I'd like to get home, we could all use a night's rest before we go on.

The waitress takes the orders for the newcomers. After she does so she says "Please don't think I was eavesdropping or anything, but I heard you talking about taking a train back east to Tombstone. Might want to make yourselves comfortable for the night, no trains leaving till tomorrow. 10 AM I believe is the train outta here. Just thought I'd save you a trip to the station."

A small groan escapes from Minerva before she is able to suppress it. I was really hoping to be home in my own bed. "Well I suppose we shall have to make the best of it. I wonder where we can find some entertainment for the evening. I for one could use some fun!"

Nanuet puts his hand gently on Minerva's arm and strokes it gently. "Perhaps we can make our own entertainment mi amor? I think it is best if we keep things as simple as possible until we get home. Staying in is what I had in mind. This is a strange city and I for one have had enough excitement to last me for a while."

Minerva smiles at his implication. and whispers in his ear. "Si, I am willing to stay in tonight if that is what you wish, but I cannot guarantee that it will not be exciting," she giggles.

Nanuet squeezes her hand gently. "I can compromise" Nanuet whispers back.

Kate said, "Jake, I've been wondering if we might send a telegram from here. Before we left Promise City we'd talked about bringing Tom home. I doubt anyone will want to be leaving Promise City anytime soon, so if your people met us in Tombstone, we could bring him back with us. I know, it's an odd time to ask, but I... I want to see him safely at rest."

Jake nearly spits out his drink, "My people?" Ruby pats him on the back. "You misunderstood me, Katherine. I will hire the help we need in Tombstone. There is nobody to wire." He chuckles. "I am certain I will find adequate strong backs for the work, and ones that can do it with the proper deference. You leave that to me when we get to Tombstone. Your husband has waited long enough, we will get this done."

"Thank you," Kate said gratefully. "I just thought you'd meant to get some of the men who worked at the mine to help. I'm sure you're right, there will be men who can handle it in Tombstone. I think I'll just rest tonight, myself. I'm afraid Joe from Kincaide's will have to miss Maddie this time though town."

Minerva looks to Kate with gentle sympathy, thinking how difficult it must be to consign one you love to the gods. "Senora," she says softly, "as I had previously stated, if you would like me to officiate at a burial ceremony for your husband, I would be honored to do so. However if that is not your wish, I will not be offended. I just want you to know that my offer still stands," she says and looks away, a bit uncomfortable with the possibility of another rebuke.

"I have not changed my mind, Senorita. Tom's faith is very strong, and I was not satisfied with the service in Tombstone. I'm sure you can provide a much more fitting tribute to his life and his faith."

"I will do my best, Senora. Perhaps when we have more time you could tell me more about him and also share with me, any special readings that he was particularly fond of."

Nanuet turns to Kate and says "I would be honored if I could be one of those chosen to do the work required to move your husband, I feel it is the least I could do for the support you've given me. Besides," he says looking at Jake with a wink "hard work helps keep me young."

"Heh, that does not bode well for me. I suppose I will have to depend on something else to delay my decay," he adds with a smirk before he finishes another glass of whiskey.

Ruby finally speaks up, "Oh Kate, you know Jake will help take care of it for you. It'll be good to be finished."

Kate took Ruby's hand and squeezed it. "I know he will. It's the last promise I made Tom. We had planned for a ranch together, he should be there. So after dinner, rest and relaxing, and then up for the train tomorrow?"

"Relaxing sounds good to me. Relaxing and a bath." Ruby pulls her feet up underneath her in her chair. "And a drink." She glances sideways at Jake, "Although I believe Mr. Cook would like to experience the city of Alburquerque."

"I am more interested in the company than the city," Jake says quietly. He refills his own glass and offers the bottle around to anyone who desires more. Raising his glass he offers a toast to, "Being on the train tomorrow morning and heading towards home."

Nanuet raises a glass and proclaims "I'll drink twice to that!"

Ruby raises her glass and clinks it with the others. "To going home," she says softly under her breath and also drinks her whiskey down. She sits quietly as her friends toast and chat away. Ruby glances around the restaurant, her eyes finally settling on the stairs going up.

She fills her glass and stands before announcing, "I'm pretty tired, I'm going to go lay down for a bit. You know where my room is if you need me. Thom, you should stay in the hotel tonight, we don't want you getting lost in the city." She smiles at him, then at the rest. "Good night. I hope everyone can rest peacefully tonight."

orchid blossom

Ruby’s eyes meet Jake's briefly before she begins heading upstairs to their room with her glass in hand. She stops quickly at the main desk to ask for a bath to be set up in their room.

Once back in her room she sits on the bed and drinks her whiskey fast. She tosses the glass into a pile of towels with a laugh. She lifts her skirts and brings her feet up to the bed, pulling off her shoes and stockings. She hugs her legs to her body and rests her head on her knees as she tries to straighten her thoughts out, stopping every once in a while to rub her sore neck.

Kate had stayed down in the dining room only because she didn't want the others to worry if she retired too early. Once Ruby made her excuses Kate only waited a minute to follow suit.

Upstairs in her room, she got into her nightdress and brushed her hair. She talked to Tom while she did, as she did most nights. It was an odd feeling, talking to air but knowing he heard. And knowing no matter what he thought he couldn't change things. Maybe it would be kinder not to tell him about her life. Or perhaps it would be cruel not to.

She picked up a book and settled herself on the bed. Ruby was weak and trying not to show it. It could be the bite, but Kate was certain it was a weak poison and not likely to affect her long. More likely she was trying to stop the Laudanum, and that would make anyone a little shaky in the knees.

The rest of the evening was uneventful as Kate read her book, then went to sleep early.

Nanuet finished his whiskey and sits with the others until it is just he, Minerva and Chester. "Well Chet, I hate leaving you all alone but uh..." he glances over to Minerva, "I think we need to get some sleep, it's been a long day. See you in the morning."

He gets up and waits for Minerva to do the same saying "Do we need any refreshments for the room?"

Nanuet finished his whiskey and sits with the others until it is just he, Minerva and Chester. "Well Chet, I hate leaving you all alone but uh..." he glances over to Minerva, "I think we need to get some sleep, it's been a long day. See you in the morning."

Chester shakes his head and chuckles. "Good night you two. I'm going to stay here for a while longer. Not often I get a chance to relax."

Minerva looks to Nanuet, masking her face in a serious expression. "Si, Mi amor, you have had difficult day. I believe that bed is just the thing to help you regain your strength." She stands and bids Senor Chester a good night. "Gracias Senor Chester, for all you have done. You have been a gods send in these perilous times. Sleep well, and may the wolves stay in the hills." She bends and kisses him on the cheek before taking Nanuet's hand and sedately making her way to the stairs.

Chester blushes. "You're welcome, Minerva. Nanuet sure is blessed to be wit' you. Don't tucker him out too much. He needs his rest." He winks at her. "Have a good night."

Nanuet waits for Minerva to arrive at the foot of the stairs and then he chases her up the steps playfully tickling and pinching at her as they go. He fumbles with the keys at the door as he leans over to kiss his lover passionately. Nanuet unlocks the door with one hand as he uses the other to press Minerva against the wall next to the door.

She giggles as they tumble into the room. "Mmmm. You are feeling much better by the minute!" she says as she wraps her arms around him and begins tugging at his vest in earnest.

"Yes, better and with an appetite for something other than food. I feel revived, more alive than I ever have. I love you Minerva, let me show you that love tonight!" he says as he tosses the vest to the side and begins working feverishly on whatever fastens holds on Minerva's clothing.

A throaty laugh bubbles up from deep within her as her impatient lover continues to tear at her clothes. "I am very pleased that you have regained your appetite and are once again full of vim and vigor, Mi Amor, but let me help you or I will be forced to ride the train home tomorrow in nothing more than my bloomers!"

She untangles herself from his embrace and takes a step back. She releases her mane of coal black hair from the comb that holds it in place and drops it to the floor. She unbuttons her blouse and slips it from her shoulders to land in a pile at her feet and then deftly steps out of her skirt. She turns to allow Nanuet to unfasten and help her out of her undergarments and stands before him in nothing more than her riding boots.

Nanuet's jaw drops faster than Minerva's blouse and his eyes grow as large as saucers. He swallows hard as his eyes take in the site before him. He regains his senses and steps forward his hand tenderly touching Minerva's cheek. "You are simply stunning. There are no other words..."

"Then let us have no words between us." she says and unable to resist her own longing or the hunger in his eyes, she steps into his embrace and opens herself to his savage desires. She thanks the gods for the Miracle of Nanuet and as she loses herself in his love, she begins to let go of the fear and horror of this past week.

Nanuet and Minerva abandon their fears and find love in each other's embrace. The night passes slowly for the lovers as they comfort one another and eventually fall asleep holding one another.

Jake watches her climb the stairs and go out of sight. Deciding to give her a little time alone, he chats with the others for a time and manages to empty two more glasses of whiskey while doing so. "It appears we will be seeing you in the morning," he says rising a little bit unsteadily and tipping his hat. "Sleep well all." Smile firmly entrenched on his face, Jake carefully makes his way to their room.

Ruby hops off the bed to get the door when she hears some fumbling outside, thinking it's the bath. Finding Jake looking for his key she smiles, "What took you so long?"

"I thought you wanted a little quiet time," Jake replies smoothly while nearly tripping on his own feet. "I figured if you had wanted me to come up with you, you would have said something like," Jake enters the room and closes the door, "Jake, come on up with you.... uh, me. That would be you saying that." He points to her and then to him, and nods like it must now be clearer to her.

"Right." Ruby nods her head up and down and smiles tiredly. She reaches up and takes Jake's hat from his head. "Come on honey, time to get ready for bed then," she says, popping the hat on her own head. She guides him further into the room, then helps him with his duster. She starts taking off his gunbelt but does it slowly, to see if he will object.

Ruby notices that one side of his duster is heavy.

Jake laughs, "I get it! You think I am really, really, really drunk and need all this help." He lets her finish unbuckling the belt and says, "I bet you know where to hang that by now." He laughs again. "I will have you know that I am only really drunk, not really, really, really drunk. No need for you to worry or anything." He sits on the bed. "I also know you are still feeling sore and tired from that nasty arachnee... arahk... arahnid.. spider bite. I think we will just have our night on the town here instead. The bottle is in my coat, if you feel up to it. You need to be all better by Tombstone you know."

Ruby laughs as she places Jake's gunbelt on the bed post on his side of the bed. "Oh, why do I need to be all better by Tombstone? You have some plan I don't know about?" She steps back and looks at the gunbelt, steps forward and adjusts the handle into the correct position.

She strides back to Jake's duster and retrieves the bottle from his pocket. She takes a long drink from it, glad it was still more than half full. She slides back onto the bed next to Jake, swinging her feet off the edge. "I still don't think this place is up to par," she says, "They forgot about my bath. Oh well."

Sighing she says, "So you're right, I do feel a little...funny... I guess from the bite," she again rubs her neck. "I feel sorta weak, just off somehow." She faces Jake, still swinging her feet, "But I bet by tomorrow I'll feel much better." She puts a cheery face on, "Time to celebrate, right? We can go out if you want to, I just need to lay down for a few moments first." She takes a sip of whiskey then hands Jake the bottle.

Ruby pulls her feet up onto the bed and falls back into the blankets, Jake's hat falling off and her hair fanning out around her head. "Although you seem pretty happy already, I don't know if you need to go out," she smiles.

There is a knock on Ruby and Jake's door. "Sorry I took so long, but I didn't forget about your bath! Just busy and two other's called in sick. Do you still want it?" a young male voices yells out from the hallway beyond the door.

"Bring it on in," Jake replies without looking to Ruby. Jake stands, steadies himself and opens the door. He lets the boy bring in the tub, when he runs off to start the hot water delivery he says to Ruby, "I do not give a rat's tail about Albukacky... Abaquacky... this little city. I am just interested in the company, everything I need to enjoy in this city is right here." He yanks his boots off and tosses them in the corner and then takes the bottle for another swig before handing it back to Ruby. "Tonight, my dear Ruby, Albequacky is the most wonderful city in the world, and this room is its highlight."

Ruby finally lets some tension out and laughs. "I'm sure you'll make Albequacky memorable for me darling." She sits up and starts unlacing her bodice. "Are you going to enjoy a bath with me then, Mr. Cook? That is always a highlight for me."

"That will be the highlight of the highlight then." He says smiling crooked. "Yes, I mean."

"You're funny Jacob Cook," Ruby replies. "I like that."

She waits patiently for the bath to be drawn and as soon as the boy leaves she throw off the rest of her clothes and slides into the steaming hot water. "Oh gods, that is good," she moans.

"Well, hurry up!" she laughs, flinging some bubbles at Jake.

Jake complies, removing his clothes and somewhat less than gracefully inserts himself behind Ruby in the tub. He does manage to do so without spilling the bottle of whiskey.

Ruby leans way back in the tub, snuggling up against Jake's warm body. She takes the bottle from him and has another long drink from it before resting her head on his shoulder. "Now this is nice."

As Ruby gets comfortable in the tub there is a loud pounding on the door. "Miss Ruby! Miss Ruby! It's Thom! Are you in there Miss Ruby and Mr. Ja-Jacobs? It's Thom Miss Ruby!" BANG BANG BANG BANG!

Jake mutters a curse.

Ruby eyes slowly open and an eyebrow raises. "What the..." She takes a deep breath in and relaxes. "I'll be right back," she says to Jake, looking over her shoulder as she climbs out of the tub, "Don't you go anywhere on me."

"Sure I'll just wait here. Heh, I warned you, he probably needs to be let out to relieve himself. Just like the puppies when you first brought them home."

Ruby throws Jake a dirty look over her shoulder and hisses, "Be nice..." before turning back to Thom.

She grabs the nearest thing to her, Jake's shirt, and throws it on quickly, haphazardly buttoning it up. She opens the door a few inches, "What's wrong Thom? Is everything ok?"

Thom smiles sheepishly at Ruby and then his cheeks turn red as he sees that she is wearing nothing but Jake's shirt. "Oh, I'm sorry Miss Ruby, I didn't know you were taking a bath," as he points to her damp hair. "I just ain't never slept in a place like this before and I was scared. Mr. Greely used to tell me stories at night when I was scared, but Mr. Greely isn't here any more and I... I just didn't know what to do. Please don't be mad at Thom, Miss Ruby. I'll just go back to my room and be quiet." Thom starts to turn around and walk away.

Ruby sighs but speaks up anyway. "Hold on a minute Thom. I'll come and tell you a story, just give me a minute." She shakes her head as she enters back into her room. "I have to go with Thom for a few minutes Jake. I'll be right back." She holds up her hand, "No, don't say it. Just wait here and think of how you're going to entertain me when I get back."

Jake starts muttering as soon as she leaves. "Entertain you? Who is going to bloody entertain me while you are off wiping big Thom's behind." He growls and takes a long pull from the bottle. "Oh, Miss Ruby please help me," Jake does an imitation of Thom's childlike booming voice, "You killed the horrible dangerous vampire that used to tell me bedtime stories and now I am afraid." Jake suddenly bursts into a fit of laughter. After sitting there quietly for some time he takes another drink from the bottle and then balances it on the end of his finger....

She throws on a bathrobe and makes her way down to Thom's room. She knocks and enters finding the big man squeezed into a small bed.

She sits on the edge of his bed. "How about I sing to you, instead of telling stories. I can tell stories too but singing makes me happy and I haven't done it in a long while." She smiles as Thom nods his head yes.

Ruby chooses a few lullabies and begins singing. The first song is done out of habit, but the next two are sung with feeling as she lets herself enjoy the calming effects of her own singing, really getting into it at the end.

Thom claps his hands together gently when Ruby tells him she will sing to him. He rolls over so he can see her when she sings and pulls the blanket up to his chin. He smiles as Ruby's sweet voice soothes him and erases any fear and worry from his mind. Soon he can do nothing but listen to the sounds of Ruby's voice. It is not long into the third song that Thom is fast asleep a large grin painted on his face.

Ruby smiles as she quietly rises off the bed. "Good night Thom," she whispers, and slips out the door. It was strange to have someone need her like that, and she was confused over the fact that she liked it.

She returns to her own bed room and Jake in the tub. "Now," she smiles, letting the robe and shirt slip off, "Have you thought of how you're going to entertain me tonight?" Ruby gets back in the now much cooler water, but this time she faces Jake, resting her feet on his chest. She lazily takes the soap and rubs her arms, waiting for his response.

When Ruby climbs back into the water, Jake is still doing balancing tricks with the whiskey bottle, though it is not as heavy as it was when Ruby left the room. "I must honestly tell you, Ruby my love, that the subject of your entertainment slipped out of my head a little while ago. Perhaps it fell in the tub?" Jake stops balancing the bottle and hands it to Ruby. "Wait! Is that it there?" He pushes her legs apart and thrusts his face into the water and tickles her about the midsection for a moment before coming up for air. "Nope, that was not it." He tries to keep a straight face but fails miserably and finally begins to laugh.

Ruby squeals, kicks and splashes as Jake tickles her belly. It felt like a huge release to her, moments of pure uninhibited happiness like she hadn’t had in a while. Some of her fears melt away, even if only temporary Ruby felt really good, better than she had in a long time.

When Jake stops she leans back in the tub and tries to catch her breath from all the laughing, watching the bubbles slide off his face. She takes a long drink from the almost empty bottle as she smiles easily, tracing hearts with her toe across Jake's chest. “You’re ssoooo cute, have I told you that lately?” Ruby laughs, starting to slur her words. “Wait! No, not cute. You’re not cute, you’re handsome. Very handsome. Extremely handsome?” The last part comes out more like a question than a statement. Ruby holds the bottle up in the air, “To my cut-no, handshome, intelligent, smhart, witty, funny, silly, smhart, caring, paranoid, sometimes goofy, protective, smart lover and best friend, Jacob Alishtair Cooke. Who shaved my life, yet again.” She raises the bottle then takes a huge gulp, coughing when she’s though. “Whew,” she wipes her mouth with the back of her hand, “Thats was a lot.”

Jake sits up and feigns a couple of little bows, "Yes, yes, thank you. I would drink to that, 'cepting we seem to have an empty bottle. I suppose we must settle for this instead," and with that he pulls her up onto him in the tub and proceeds to generate some warmth via intimate contact in the now cool water.

Ruby and Jake stay in the tub for a long while, doing as best they can to keep each other warm. If they are cold neither of them feels it as they enjoy each other's company.

Finally Ruby proclaims, "Take me to bed lover, I don't want to, ahem, shleep, in the tub all night!"

Amid much laughter and staggering, the two manage to climb out of the tub and dry each other with towels. Which leads to further fondling and intimate contact that finally ends up in the small bed. After some time and considerable rolling about they end in a tangle of bodies and bedclothes where they finally find sleep and some peace.

Jake wakes early when nature calls, his head throbs and his mouth is dry. He still manages a smile when he remembers the night before. He extricates himself from the tangle, kisses Ruby and covers her with the sheet.

"I am going to get the tickets," he tells her and she mumble back something that could have been either 'yes, do that' or 'where's my hat'. He shrugs, finishes dressing and leaves quietly.

Jake takes Thom with him. After getting enough tickets for all of them, he makes a stop by the bank. He enquiries about stock certificates and makes arrangements to wire Thoms money back west, $1,000 to the Tombstone bank and $1,500 to the Promise City bank. Both into accounts in Thom's full name, which Jake remembers to ask him just before stepping into the bank.

The banker looks at the certificates and eyes Jake suspiciously. "Where did you get these young man?" he says as he examines the certificate closely.

"They were found in an abandoned house in an old trunk. The owners were deceased, with no heirs apparently." Jake pretends not to notice the suspicious nature of the tone, and continues in his most diplomatic manner. "Came upon them while helping out a local sheriff, he had deputized me and a friend to help chase out some rather nasty fellows who were terrorizing his town. Funny, hardly knew what I was in for and nearly got killed in the process. Anyhow, since he could not afford to pay us I think he looked the other way and let me take these instead of having them tied up in probate for years only to have some corrupt clerk snag them when no one was looking. I only hope they are worth a couple of bucks, you know to cover our costs and such." Jake looks wide eyed at the man, "You are not going to tell me that they are worthless junk are you?"

"I'm telling you that they are counterfeit. Your story sounds interesting, but I'm going to hand these back to you, take care of your other business and pretend I didn't see these. That sound good to you sir?"

"That sounds like an excellent idea, thanks for the consideration." Jake folds up the documents and puts them away.

When all the business is done, they go back to the hotel and Jake brings Ruby a coffee up to the room.

The rich smell of the coffee fills the room when Jake enters and sits on the bed next to Ruby. She breathes in deeply, stretches then snuggles deeper into the blankets. "That must be my baby," she smiles as her eyes peek open. She reaches for the coffee and sits up cautiously. Her eyes wander around the messy room and her eyebrow shoots up, "What did we do last night?"

"Perhaps a better question is what didn't we do," he replies and has a sip of his own coffee.

Jake encourages her to get dressed so they can pack and make the train. Once all there gear is together, he finds Thom and they bring all the stuff down, have some food and when the others are ready make their way to the train station.

Ruby drags herself out of bed to get ready. Her spirit is lighter but she notices her hands shaking. She rubs her neck unconsciously but catches herself doing it in the mirror. She guesses the effects of the poison are amplifying the effects of not partaking in her little silver flask today. She attempts to hide it from Jake but as the minutes she is out of bed wears on she realizes it's not just her hands that are shaking.

She sighs out loud but to herself she thinks, It's going to be a bad train ride back...

She keeps a fake smile on her face and puts the actress in her to work, pretending like absolutely nothing is wrong as she attempts to make idle chatter. She wraps her shawl around her shivering shoulders to hide them and joins Jake for breakfast.

Ruby does not eat for fear of it coming right back up. No one mentions her health and she does not bring it up.

She waits quietly with the others at the train station. She was certain they would all be glad to be home.

Luna flutters through the window and perches on the bed, eyeing Minerva and Nanuet with wide unblinking eyes. She gives a small hoot and hops onto the bed to lightly peck on Minerva's ear. Minerva opens her eyes and manages to unfurl herself from the tangle of blankets. "Buenas Dias, Luna. and How are you this fine morning?" She looks over to Nanuet who is once again is just lying quietly beside her. She bends forward and kisses him. "And how are you this morning, Mi Amor? Are you ready to go home?"

Nanuet smiles when he sees Minerva wake. As peaceful and beautiful she looked asleep, the part that he loved the most about her, her spirit, was only present she she was awake. "Home. That word has meant so many things to me over my life, but never more than it does now. I am ready to return home and put this whole thing behind us. I do not enjoy the train, but if it brings us closer to home then I can't wait to ride it. Yes, I am ready and eager to go home." With that statement Nanuet stands up and looks out the window trying to make out the location of the sun.

"We should have something to eat, I don't think it is long before the train arrives."

Nanuet and Minerva share a quick breakfast, it is quiet but full of smiles between the two. Soon they have their gear ready and join the others waiting to board the train.

The train arrives promptly at 09:52 and begins unloading. The conductor hops off and runs into the office while porters begin the process of loading and unloading luggage in an orderly manner.

The companions board the train, all of them eager to get home after an emotional and arduous journey to the small town of Thomaswell. They leave knowing that they certainly did some good, but doubts to the finality of the whole thing still linger.

orchid blossom

After sleeping the first half of the train journey, Jake fills the second half with idle conversation among his friends. During that time, one of Jake's favorite subjects come up, poker. " ... so you see it is not just understanding the rules and knowing how to read the players, but you need at least a basic understanding of the odds involved. Take for example Minerva's birthday, she seemed surprised to discover that two people in our little group here have a birthday in the same month. In fact, the odds are against each of the six of us having our birth month different from all the others. Although it may be counter intuitive, she should not have been surprised to learn that we two were born in May."

Ruby spent her train ride huddled in the corner, mostly pretending to sleep while instead she shivered and sweated her addiction away. A couple of times she excused herself to the bathroom where she threw up but each time made her feel better. She knew from experience it shouldn't last long, she hadn't had the bad habit long enough for prolonged suffering.

Her friends spent their time in sleep and also some conversation. She couldn't pay attention to most of it but she did hear Jake begin speaking about birthdays and she listened in interest.

Ruby's face, though slightly pale and moist looking, looks to her boyfriend in interest. "Oh, why not? Surprised that is?"

"You are looking a bit warm," he says to her. "Maybe you should open your window." Jake is about to explain about the odds when Minerva cuts in.

"Oh, I but you did misread me, Senor Jake!" she laughs. "I was not all all surprised to find that we were born in the same month. After all as you have stated, that is a common enough phenomenon and I am sure there are many others in Promise City who celebrate May birthdays also." She shrugs her shoulders. "I was just a bit startled by the final piece of the puzzle clicking into place. That is all."

Jake is distracted by her statement and stares at her quizzically. "Puzzle? What puzzle?"

"Why the puzzle of Jacob Cook of course! The fact that the gods chose to bring you into the world on the feast of Hermes explains much of the mystery that surrounds you. Your are certainly held in high regard by Hermes. He has blessed you with many of his qualities including your amazingly good luck and uncanny ability to beat astronomical odds. Do you not agree that is is so?"

For a moment he looks at her in stunned disbelief. Suddenly he starts laughing. He laughs hard and long. He wipes a tear from his eye caused by the hearty laughter and says to Minerva, "You really had me there for a moment, Senorita. I must hand it to you, not everyone can pull a fast one on Silver Jake Cook like that. Pretty quick thinking." Jake removes his hat to scratch the back of his head with both hands while still smiling.

Minerva narrows her eyes at Jake trying to figure out what he finds so humorous in her remarks. "I am not so sure what you find so funny, Senor Jake... but I do not joke about the gods. You never know when they might be listening." she says quite seriously and continues to stare at him as though he has lost his marbles.

Jake swallows hard when the priestess insists she is not jesting. The others discuss and ask about his luck while his thoughts wander, 'What does it matter if you were born on Hermes day? You know why it matters'.

She continues to listen in on Jake and Minerva's conversation with interest. Ruby rolls her eyes to herself as Minerva starts getting mad about something again... but her point about Jake being born on the festival of Hermes was interesting. After all, he was extremely lucky.

"Is the festival of Hermes really May 15th?" Ruby asks quietly.

Minerva continues to eye Jake, waiting for him to clarify what it is that he thinks is so hilarious, as she responds to Ruby. "Si, I would not jest about such a matter. It is indeed May 15th, the luckiest day of the year. It is said that if one truly believes, that his or her luck will hold under the most unlikely of circumstances. To be born on such a day is truly an auspicious event."

Kate had participated in the conversation during the ride, but as the talk turned to gods she grew quiet. Ruby had been quiet the whole time, but considering what Kate suspected, she was doing remarkably well.

"And have you been lucky, Jake?" Kate asked quietly.

He stirs out of his thoughts, "A fine question. How much of our luck is our own making? I will grant I am fortunate in many regards." He scratches his beard and says, "An interesting coincidence, though even a greenhorn card player will draw an inside straight given enough hands dealt."

Chester sits quietly, smoking one cigarette after another. "He does tend to come out of things smelling like a rose. But his luck covers us all. And I'm happy for that."

Thom was more than happy to sit and watch the world go by. He had never been in a train before, or at least never since his accident, so he pointed out everything and called out things that he saw to no on in particular. He was trying his best to behave and he saw that Ruby appeared to not be feeling her best so he left her alone for the duration of the ride. Now that the train had stopped he got up and stretched, an unconscious yawn overcoming him. He listens to the ongoing conversation for a few moments but then interrupts. "I don't know anything about the gods, so I don't know if it is funny or not, but Thom has to pee and I think the train might be getting ready to leave again," as he points to the new passengers now entering the car.

As Thom squirms and says something about relieving himself Jake ignores him and turns back to Minerva, "What festival of the gods was the day of your birth, Senorita?"

Ruby's stomach churns and for a moment she thinks she'll throw up right there in the seat. She stands suddenly, "While the conversation is very interesting it's our stop and Thom has to use the bathroom. Excuse us," she says as she quickly jumps out of the seat and grabs Thom's arm. "Let's go," she says, her voice shaking.

They quickly get off the train and Ruby pulls Thom to the bathroom. Ruby's lips quiver into a smile for Thom, "Meet me right here," she points to where they are standing before she hurries off to the ladies room where she locks herself in a stall. She leans up against the side wall and wipes her head with a shaking arm. She was doing everything she could to not give in and take just a little sip from her flask, but she was afraid she was losing the battle. She doubles over and hugs her belly, wishing the worst would soon be over.

Thom obediently replies "Yes ma'am" to Ruby before taking leave of her and heading to the men’s room. He was glad to be able to stretch his legs again. Once he finished in the men's room he went back to the spot where Ruby had told him to meet her. He was easily distracted by all the pedestrian traffic near the train station and it took all his discipline to keep himself from wondering off. He decided to turn the other way and face the building to keep his mind more focused. "Thom can be good, Thom will stay here like pretty Miss Ruby asked him too" he said and started whistling.

As they continue their conversation, Minerva gives Jake an embarrassed smile. "Ah, you force me to reveal my dark secret, Senor. I was born on May 14th, the feast day of Mars. Perhaps that is where my temper springs from." she grins and shrugs her shoulders in resignation. "But I believe that the Goddess Minerva wrested me from His bloodthirsty grasp before he could bestow many more of his ahh... attributes upon me. Thank the Goddess!" she says looking to the sky.

"She has countered much of his influence upon me by blessing me with her strong sense of justice and an almost compulsive need to protect the weak and right what is wrong in the world. I think that perhaps this is why Mars despises me so. It may even be one of the reasons that he chose to torment Promise City, but I will not presume to know the mind of a god. But what I do know is that He could not force me to love him nor to follow in his footsteps and being a very egotistical god, I am sure that he is angered by this..

Minerva brings the subject back to Jake. "You ask how much of our luck is our own and how much is granted by the gods. Let me tell you what I believe and maybe you will find comfort in my words." she says leaning toward him in easy camaraderie. "Regardless which attributes that the gods bestow upon us or do not bestow upon us, our lives are still decided by our own choices... But it does not hurt to stack the deck in one's favor. If the gods deal you Aces, it is worth playing them, is it not?" she winks.

Nanuet listened in on the conversation as he gathered together the few items that they had brought on the train with them. "Well, I must say that I like the elven way of not worrying about when your birthday is. I guess we celebrate so many that it is not worth keeping track. That way you don't worry about which god might influence you."

"Up until today, I did not worry about when my birthday fell," Jake says as he wrestles their traveling gear out of the train. "I like the not worrying part too, Indian, but ignorance is not always bliss." Once outside on the platform he starts up again with Minerva, "I was only joking when I asked about your birth date and the gods, I did not expect there to be any connection. I do find it ironic that you place so much store in the influence that Hermes may have on me and yet attempt to explain away the god who claims your day." Jake drops the luggage in a thump on the platform and starts to look around for Ruby. "We do see eye to eye on one thing, we make our own choices. My thinking on the matter of the gods assistance is very close to your own. The only difference is you attribute more benevolence to them, where I remain more skeptical." He glances back and forth again, perhaps a bit more worried, "Where did that girl get off to..."

Kate silently agreed with Jake about the gods and Miss Florencia's theory about birthdays. "Probably the ladies room. I'll go look. I'm sure she's fine," Kate said and headed confidently away carrying her bags. A few moments later she walked past Thom facing the wall, opened the door and stepped inside. "Ruby, are you in here?"

Ruby coughs and straightens herself up. She wipes her mouth with her sleeve and replies weakly, "Yes, I'm in here. I'll be out in a minute."

"Ok honey. Jake was just wondering where you wandered off to." Not wanting to leave Ruby alone, she went on. "What did you tell Thom to do? He's standing outside facing the wall," she said with a light laugh.

"Could you please tell Jake I'm here so he doesn't worry? Please Kate."

Even feeling like she did she manages a little laugh, "I told him to wait outside. I ran in here I guess I wasn't clear with my directions. The poor guy." She flattens her hand over her belly and pauses. The feeling passes and she says, "I'm going to need your help with him."

"Mine? Honey I'm not sure there's anything I can do for him that you can't. Besides, he doesn't seem to notice me much."

"He's like a big kid. I don't know how to take care of a kid. I can't even take care of myself." And with that Ruby heaves and vomits again.

Kate waited until the sounds from the stall stopped. "I don't know Ruby. He's not like a child. A young child can't follow anything but the simplest of directions, and as they grow they push limits and learn how to think for themselves. Thom will be very obedient, in fact, you'll have to watch what you say because he will take it absolutely literally. His understanding is simple, but he'll try to act beyond it for you and that could cause trouble too."

While she talked, Kate checked to make sure there was no one else in the room. "And we'll have to be very careful to keep our talents from him. In his innocence he could give us away without any intention of harming us.

And you shouldn't be ashamed, you know. I won't say anything in front of the others and we can all go on pretending you're fine, but this will pass."

"Ashamed of what? I got bit by a damn poisonous spider and it's making me ill! It'd better pass." She wipes her forehead, wishing for a cool cloth for her head and her own bed. "After all I been through it better not be a spider that kills me. I'm leaving that designation for Jake." She leans up against the wall of the stall again, weakened from the vomiting.

"I can guarantee it won't kill you. Do you think I've never seen this before? Although I will say this is one very singular spider bite.

I'll go tell Jake you'll be out in a few minutes. Do you need me for anything else?"

Ruby debated admitting the entire truth to Kate but she was too embarrassed. Besides, she reasoned, Kate already knew anyway.

"Uh," she coughs, "No, you can go tell him."

Ruby hears Kate's movement reach the door when she steps out of the stall. "Wait Kate, I need you to help me."

At that moment Kate saw just how ill Ruby was. Her face pale, her eyes surrounded by dark circles and her dress, normally filled with curves, hung off her. Her hair was a tangled mess and she was shivering, even though she was covered in sweat. "This just hit me really fast. Please help me fix myself up so I can go back out."

"Is this what I looked like when I wasn't eating? No wonder you yelled at me," she said, trying to keep things from getting too serious. Kate gave her a soft hug, then set about fixing Ruby's hair.

"When we get to the hotel we can get you a nice hot bath. That should warm you up. If you like, I can go to the apothecary in town and get a few things to mix a tea for you. It won't solve all your problems, but it should ease them a little."

Kate finished her hair and said, "There, much better." Then she quietly cast a prestidigitation and all the wrinkles disappeared from Ruby's dress. "You at least look neat and put together now."

Ruby gazes at herself in the mirror. "Better I think." She turns to face Kate. "Tea would be nice, thank you." She steps towards the door then turns back and hugs Kate. "Thank you for the help. I haven't done much to deserve it lately, so it makes it even more special."

"Of course you have. You've stayed with us, and been my friend, and taken on someone who very much needed a friend in the world.... who happens to be standing outside looking at a wall at the moment," she chuckled, shaking her head.

"Every now and then, it's my turn to help you. Didn't you know being needed is one of my very favorite things? You don't have to earn my help, honey, it's yours for the asking."

Ruby sighs. "Poor Thom. I don't think he's getting the good end of this deal. As for you, we do need you. Someone around here has to be level headed and good hearted." Ruby stops for a moment and braces herself against the wall, her face turning more pale. "I think I'd better get back to the room. I want to take that bath and lay down. "She stands up straight, "And I was feeling better last night..."

"How are you feeling, by the way? You got bitten by worse than a spider."

"I'm fine today. The priest said he hardly took any blood from me at all. The cut on my hand was a lot worse than the bite to tell the truth. I think half my fatigue was just from how hard the last few days were. I just needed a good night's rest, and plenty to eat. Both of which I got.

Let's get you to the hotel where you can rest up for the stage ride tomorrow. And don't worry about Thom; you'll get used to each other soon enough. Should we walk together?" she asked, offering her arm in a friendly way that would just happen to support Ruby a bit as well.

Ruby nods and takes her friend's arm, grasping her hand in the process. She squeezes it but says nothing further. They walk back out to meet up with the others.

On the train platform, Minerva and Jake are still arguing about religion. Minerva says, "I did not deny that Mars holds influence over me. Did I not say that He had bestowed his foul temper upon me? You have seen it for yourself," she laughs recalling the day behind the saloon when she clawed at his face.

"Fortunately, for you, gifts may be bestowed by more than one god if it suits their whim or I may have done more than scratch your face that day behind the barn," she jests. "Minerva has chosen to bestow her more temperate attributes upon me, perhaps as a favor to me or perhaps as a jibe at Mars, I do not know, but the fact remains that she has favored me with her guidance and for this I am thankful, but it is still for me to say whether I will develop those attributes or turn a deaf ear to her wisdom. It is the same for you. The fact that you are under the favor of Hermes explains your uncanny luck and ability to come out on top, but it is you who has chosen to develop those skills. It does not matter that you believe that they are from Hermes, although I think you know that they are, nor does it mean that you have to like him, or even use those gifts to honor him."

"Heh, we ignore the gods at our peril. I think I have said before, sometimes it is best if the gods ignore us." Jake looks across the platform and finally notices Thom staring at the wall. He points so the others can see him. "I better go see what our new charge is doing, though I am afraid to ask."

Jake once again hauls there luggage up onto his shoulders and walks over to Thom, who he discovers is whistling. "Hey there Thom, is everything alright?" Jake drops the luggage again.

"Oh hi Mr. Jake. Everything is fine. Ruby asked me to wait right here for her. I was seeing so many things that made me want to wander off I figured it was best if I turned this way so I wouldn't be distracted. She's been in there for a long time Mr. Jake, is everything OK?"

Chester walks up to Thom. "How are you doing there, big fella? Is this the first time you've been out of Thomaswell?"

Thom nods his head vigorously. "Yes sir. I'm not supposed to go places by myself."

"I see how that'd be a problem. Look. Here comes Ruby and Kate."

"Oh good, I was getting worried, Miss Ruby was in there a long time." Thom turns to where Chester is pointing looking for Ruby and Kate. He smiles when he sees them. "Hi Miss Ruby and Miss Kate. I think I like traveling, there are so many things here to see! I decided to turn this way so I wouldn't be too distracted."

Jake just shakes his head again, "Thom, can you help us with our bags?"

Jake finally gets a good look at Ruby and he says, "You look like he-," and he stops abruptly and then continues, "happy to be back in our part of the world. Come on Thom, us men will go on ahead and get some rooms at Big Nose Kate's." Jake glances back over his shoulder before he heads off to the hotel slightly ahead of the women.

Thom nods and easily hoists the majority of the baggage. "Lead the way Mr. Jake, this is easy stuff. Thom can do easy stuff."

Katherine notices Miss Florencia sitting alone on a bench outside the train station. "Miss Florencia, It appears that we have some time. May I speak to you about the service?

Minerva smiles warmly, nods her assent and makes room for Katherine on the bench. Katherine sits, being careful to leave a space between them and continues, "I'm not sure how everything will happen with the service when we get back to Promise City. It will take some time before things are ready," she says in a businesslike voice. "What is it you would like to know about Tom for your service?"

Minerva looks to her and asks in a gentle voice "What would you like others to know of him? It is clear that you loved him deeply and whole heartedly, Senora Katherine. He must have been a very special man for you to love him so dearly. Por favor, Tell me about him."

With her hands folded in her lap, she was quiet for a moment. "He's a difficult man to capture in words. He had a great deal of humor. The world was an endless source of entertainment to him. His parents immigrated here and became very successful, a difficult feat for the Irish. But he remembered how hard his parents worked and that ethic came down to him.

He couldn't have borne to sit behind a desk and push papers or count money. He wanted to earn and appreciate everything he had, and he took the same approach to courting me. I was obviously taken with him but he didn't take my interest for granted. There was no day from the day we met to the last day we were together that I didn't feel treasured, loved, and wanted.

He always found society amusing. He moved through it perfectly, but he always saw it's foibles. He's the one who insisted I give up my riding habit and start wearing pants to ride. Like my family, he'd rather do what was right than what was accepted. But he wasn't always the best judge of character. Something that I'm afraid cost him dearly once he arrived in Tombstone."

"He sounds like a fine man. I wish that I had the honor of making his acquaintance." Minerva says in admiration and waits for Katherine to continue.

"He always went out of his way to help others. He was especially good with children and they just flocked to him. My brother's little girls adored him. We so wanted...." she stopped for a moment. "I'm not sure what more I can tell you."

"There is no need to continue. The love that shines in your eyes when you speak of him is tribute enough." The wise, young priestess takes Katherine's hand, realizing the bitter-sweet feelings that she is experiencing and sits, radiating silent comfort while pondering the miracle of love.

"Tom loves you even beyond death. Enough to reach beyond the curtain that separates the worlds and give you the greatest gift of love known to man or gods. You have truly been blessed, Katherine."

"And with great blessings come great pain. I accept that." Kate had stiffened when Miss Florencia took her hand, and now she pulled it back. "And when my time comes we'll be together again. Until then, I carry him with me because so much of what I am is his."

When Katherine pulls her hands back Minerva folds her own hands in her lap and simply states "It is the way of love," but the warmth has left her eyes.

She sits quietly for a moment attempting to harness the anger sparked by Katherine's Ice Maiden attitude Why does this woman despise me so? I have done nothing to warrant it and yet she continually makes me feel subservient and unwelcome. Not trusting herself to remain civil, she rises. "If you think of anything specific that you would like me to include in your husband's service, please let me know." she says in a rather formal tone, and without waiting for a response turns on her heel and with a swish of her skirt hurries to find Nanuet.

Ruby sighs as she is suddenly left alone. Jake had made it quite obvious how he felt by the look on his face and then running away from her. Kate and Minerva looked to be deep in conversation and Ruby wasn't about to interrupt those two.

From a distance, Minerva spots Nanuet stacking their luggage. He senses that something is wrong before she arrives and turns to see his dark eyed beauty hurrying toward him. She slows her pace and plasters a bright smile on her face, but her lips tremble and her eyes are bright as she greets him.

"Hola, Mi Amor, I have come to help you with the bags," she says trying to keep her voice light but unable to meet his eyes.

Nanuet greets Minerva warmly and then stands up to hand her a bag when he sees her posture and that she is looking away from him. "Hey, what's wrong? We're almost home, things are looking up."

Minerva rushes into his arms and folds herself into his embrace. "I just need to feel the warmth of your arms around me. Please hold me tight so that I do not do something rash. " she breaths in his scent and can feel herself relaxing.

Nanuet starts to speak, but then decides against it, instead he just holds Minerva as tightly as he can, swaying slightly and stroking her hair softly. After a long while Nanuet says "OK, I can hold you, but you must promise to tell me your troubles later."

She nods her assent but knowing that her dark anger is simmering just below the surface, does not trust herself to speak.

After a while she disengages herself and helps Nanuet carry the bags to the hotel.

orchid blossom

Ruby runs her hand over her wild hair, again trying to flatten it down. She attempts to stand tall then slowly drags herself to the hotel by herself, holding her belly with her hand flat as she walks.

She enters the lobby and walks to the desk, hoping to find Jake or someone with a room key so she can get a bath and a bed.

Jake has just finished arranging rooms when a dejected looking Ruby painfully mounts the step into the hotel. "Thom, bring the bags up stairs, will you big fella? We will be right up after you."

When Ruby arrives at the desk, Jake move close on one side so she can lean on him if she wants. He whispers, "Need an arm to get upstairs?"

She doesn't look at Jake. "Need it? No." She pauses. "But I'll take it." She takes his arm and waits for Jake to be ready. "Can you get me a bath?"

Jake waves the desk clerk over and arranges a bath and then assists Ruby to their room. "If you would rather be alone for a little bit and rest, I could take the big guy and keep him busy for a bit. I did not realize you had... um, been taking it that long and... well I would have, you know..." Jake looks down at his feet for a moment before, "Is there anything else you need?"

"It's the stupid spider bite! No one believes me," she says stubbornly. Ruby plops down on the bed, defeated. "I know you don't want to be around me right now, so go ahead and look after Thom. I'm fine." She throws herself back on the bed, turning away from Jake as she does.

Jake pulls the curtains closed and walks to the door. Quietly he says, "I figured you might be feeling self-conscious. I just was trying to keep the others away from you, to give you a little time and peace. I will make sure the bath is delivered." Faintly, she hears the door click shut.

Jake settles Thom into his room while keeping an eye out for the bath. When Chet comes by Jake grins, "Hey pardner, I have a great idea. You could share a room with Thom tonight. We could save a couple of dollars and Thom would feel much better in a strange hotel. What do you say?"

When they finally come to deliver the tub, Jake helps them and insists they are quiet about it. Once all the hot water is delivered, he chases them out and leaves Ruby in the dimly lit room.

Afterwards, Jake takes Thom with him to find the undertaker. On the way Jake explains, as best he can to Thom, that they are going to move Katherine's deceased husband to a new place. "You can help if you like, but you must be very quiet and respectful when you do it." Jake makes arrangements with the undertaker, again being very specific about workers who will show the proper respect. He also makes arrangements for a wagon sturdy enough for the marker and the casket, some somber covering for them on the journey and a carriage suitable to convey the seven of them and their luggage back to Promise City so they can ride along with the slow moving wagon.

Once back at the hotel, Jake finds Katherine and tells her about the arrangements he has made. "If you want to change any of them, I will not be offended. I am certain I have left something off."

"No Jake it all sounds fine, thank you for taking care of this. It will be a relief to finally have Tom home." Kate reached into her bag and pulled out a packet of powder. "I've been to the apothecary. Brew these for Ruby, just like tea. It won't taste good, but it will take the edge off her symptoms. It's not much, but it's the best we can do."

"If it does not taste good, that just increases the chances of me wearing it after she drinks it." Jake smirks and takes the packet. He flips it in his hand, "Good night Katherine."

When they are finished with Katherine, Jake locates Chester again attempting to take advantage of his good nature and leave Thom with Chester so Jake can check on Ruby.

Ruby takes her time in the hot bath, soaking away her cares. When she is done she rifles though Jake's bag and finds as clean a shirt as she has in there, slipping it on.

She crawls under the covers of the bed and snuggles with the pillows. It wasn't Jake but it would have to do. Ruby didn't even waste a thought on her problems before she falls asleep.

Jake quietly enters their room and finds Ruby sleeping. Putting the packet on the night stand he watches her for a while before his eyes start to close and his head begins to bob. He strips out of his traveling clothes and gingerly crawls into bed.

Nanuet and Minerva follow the others to the hotel but keep a respectful distance. Nanuet pays a porter to bring their bags so he can walk hand in hand with Minerva, feeling that she needs to feel his touch. He pays for a room and asks for privacy then leads Minerva up to the room where he pays and tips the porter and begins getting things settled.

It is only moments before Minerva, who is still unsettled begins to speak.

"Nanuet, I know that she’s a friend of yours and I am really trying hard to befriend her… But that woman!" she sputters, "is about as warm and fuzzy as a rattler! Every time I try to offer my support she gets all stiff and hissy with me.” She disengages her self from Nanuet and throws her arms up. She begins to pace as her anger mounts. “ She really gets my back up. After all that we have been through she has the audacity to treat me like I am not worthy to wipe the dung from her slippers. I was just trying to give comfort! It’s what I do! and she acts as though she is from the manner born, all cold and businesslike... I won’t tolerate it!

She is no different than the bigoted, narrow-minded wizards who ostracized me my entire life and murdered my father." In her rage her eyes flash and her accent gets thicker as she begins to talk faster. “I thought it would be different here, I really did. Most of you have been so nice to me. So accepting. When I walked into the saloon that day and Ruby was so nice… And then I met you... and Chester and Jake. None of you have a problem with me. I thought that the gods had led Luna and me to the ‘promised city’ that I had found a place where I would finally be accepted, but between her and the narrow minded folk like Senora King… well I don’t know who’s worse.” She says visibly bristling. “At least I know where I stand with Senora King.” She stops her raging but her eyes are still blazing.

Nanuet tries to get words in a few times, but is unable so eventually he just listens and watches Minerva's animated tirade. "But... I think... eh..."

Once she calms down he puts his arms on her shoulders. "Minerva, you must relax. Not everyone will accept your help so readily. Perhaps you have to offer little bits of comfort to her until she accepts it more readily. She is still trying to settle herself into a new world, one vastly different than she knew. She recently lost the man she loved, the one she thought she would spend the rest of her life with. If she is not accepting of new friends so easily I cannot fault her much. She does not put her faith in the gods, that is her choice. You cannot force her. Perhaps you should give her some distance, wait for her to come to you. Just ideas, that's all."

Minerva looks at him at though he has not heard anything she has said. "I have offered 'little bits' of comfort. It is not like I have been fawning all over her and begging her to allow me help her.. and I am not asking her to put her faith in the gods. I can hardly blame her for not doing so after what she has been through. All I wish is that she could look past her prejudices and see me for who I am! I am hurt and angry that she has persisted in treating me so coldly. And you are wrong when you say that she is not accepting of others. Did she ever treat you this way? Was she ever so cold to you or Jake or Chester as she is to me?

No, I think that she is prejudiced against what I am, just as the wizards of Spain were, and you know where that led. I do not think that she will ever open her heart to me." Minerva plops down on the bed looking glum.

Nanuet sits next to her on the bed. "She may never, you are right. There are many people in this world who will not open their hearts to you. You ask a lot of someone to do such a thing. I know you are proud of what you are, and that should never change, but not everyone will love you for what you are, and that is OK as well.

Minerva looks at him incredulously. "I ask a lot of someone to accept me for myself?" her voice rising. "I cannot believe that you really feel that way, Nanuet. I do not think that it is too much to ask of anyone to accept their neighbor for who he or she is. And it is NOT O.K. with me that she judge me without the benefit of knowing who I am as a person. I refuse to accept such blind prejudice, regardless of its source."

"What exactly happened that made you think this way about Kate?" Nanuet asked. "Perhaps that will help me to understand better."

"She is very cold and condescending to me. You have seen it, and today when she approached me about her husband's service, she was all business as she usually is when she is around me. She seemed upset so I took her hand in a gesture of comfort. Well! She pulled her hand away so fast that you would have thought that I had placed a hot poker on her palm. I just wish I know why she despises me so. I just want to be her friend."

"First of all, do not take anger with me. I am only trying to help. I do not know why Kate acted the way she did. If you truly wish to know, perhaps you should ask her straight out. I understand you were being respectful because of the sensitive subject matter, but if it bothers you this much then you must talk with her."

"You are right. I am sorry to take my anger out on you. I will speak to her about it when we get back home. If I say anything to her now, I am sure that I will handle it poorly, just as I have with you. Will you forgive me?" she says rising off the bed and putting her arms around him.

"I think something can be arranged." Nanuet says with a sly grin. "He pulls her closer to him "This is a good start," and kisses her slowly and longingly.

Minerva laughs in delight at his response and her anger soon turns to a more pleasant emotion. She and Nanuet spend the remainder of the evening practice the art of forgiveness.

Kate spent a quiet night in her room at Big Nose Kate's. Ruby would be resting, Jake would be watching over her, Nanuet and Miss Florencia would be together, and she had no idea what Chester or Thom would be doing.

She sighed as she wrapped her dressing gown around her. Once again she had managed to offend the Priestess. That was getting to be a habit. She suspected Miss Florencia, not having grown up in the world Kate had, didn't understand that to take someone's hand implied great intimacy. Something Kate didn't feel, and the liberty taken made her uncomfortable. Even with the others, she still walked formally with the men. Only with Ruby did she take the liberties of an intimate friendship.

She picked up her book, wondering if she would ever understand that her formality was just that. The formality between people thrown together who did not know one another well.

Chester takes Thom to Big Nose Kate's. "Here's where I went when I came to Tombstone for the first time. You must be thirsty after the train ride."

Thom nods his head eagerly. "That's real nice of you, Mister Chester. Who's Big Nose Kate? Is that Miss Kate?"

Chester bursts out laughing. He takes a breath. "No, no. She's another Kate. Don't tell our Kate you said that."

"OK, Mister Chester."

Chester says, "You don't have to call me Mister Chester. Chester is just fine, Thom."

They enter the saloon and sidle up to the bar. Thom says, "Mister Greeley didn't want me to drink. He said it makes me angry. I don't want to be angry, Mister Chester."

"Well let's get some sasparilla, then. I promise it won't make you angry. Barkeep! A couple sasparillas, please." The bartender gives the drinks to Chester, who pays.

Thom is not used to being treated so nicely and makes sure to say thank you to the bartender when he brings the drink and a very enthusiastic thank you to Chester when he pays. "You are all so nice to Thom. I like being friends with you very much" He takes a big gulp of the sasparilla and smiles. "And this stuff is really yummy. I might need another one in a few minutes."

Chester smiles back and holds his glass up. "Cheers. Here's to a new start for you."

Thom looks back at Chester with a puzzled look on his face. Chester says, "It's a toast. Take your glass and tap it against mine."

"No, Mister Chester it's a glass. I know, I've cleaned a lot of them for Mister Greeley." He taps his glass against Chester's, though with a clunk.

"We'll work on that. Let's just drink."

Ruby is restless through the night, kicking and turning violently. At some point in the middle of the night she gets out of bed and throws up again into the small garbarge can. Moaning she rests her head on her arm on the can, unable to get off the floor.

Jake gets up and sits on the floor next to her. "Katherine gave me a packet to make some tea, she said it would help you. It would taste foul but help you. Want me to brew it up?"

Ruby nods her head and moans again. She takes a deep breath in and tries to sit up. "Yes, that would be nice," she says tiredly.

He nods and looks around the room. Realizing he has nothing to heat water with, he makes his way down to the kitchen. There he heats some water in a rather unorthodox manner involving an oil lamp and a metal creamer. He steeps in the powder and makes his way upstairs. Back in the room, he gives her the pungent smelling brew. While she sits on the floor contemplating it, he moistens a towel and places it on the back of her neck.

"This smells very bad," Ruby comments. Hesitantly she continues, "I don't know if I should drink it..." Her voice trails off as she looks into the cup. "But seeing how you and Kate went through the trouble..."

She holds her nose and drinks the tea down as if it was a sharp beverage. She coughs and gags a couple of times but it stays down. She wipes her forehead and mouth with her hand as her eyes grow droopy. After a couple of tentative minutes she rests her head in Jake's lap and eventually falls back to sleep, this time seemingly more peaceful than the last.

Morning light comes and Ruby finds herself covered with a sheet and her head resting on Jake's thigh. He is laying on his back with a pillow from the bed under his head.

Ruby smiles softly. Her neck hurt from lying on Jake all night but the sweetness of him made her heart light. She sits up, putting her weight on her hands, and notices right away that she feels better. Still weak, but much better.

She leans down over Jake. "Morning baby."

Jake opens his eyes but does not move. "Yes. Morning it is. Feeling better?" He slowly flexes his back and winces. "Damn hard floors that Big Nose Kate has at her hotel."

"I do feel better." She glances around at their surroundings. "But I feel badly that I made you sleep on the floor last night," she says very sincerely.

"Heh," Jake says rising and wincing again, "do not worry yourself about that. Glad to be of service." He stands and stretches before offering her a hand up. "I am going to get cleaned up, eat and then off to see about finishing this business with Katherine's husband. Do you feel up to coming out, if not just rest some more. We have another long ride ahead of us today."

"I'm hungry, I want to eat. I think it will help with my strength. Maybe I should ask Nanuet to look at the spider bite. I will do that." Ruby takes Jake's offered hand. "Thanks baby, I really mean it. I would kiss you but ah... I need to brush my teeth," she says with an embarrassed little smile.

They get dressed and head down to breakfast. On the way Ruby says, "I can't wait to get home. I hope today goes by quickly."

Nanuet and Minerva fall into an exhausted sleep at some point late in the night. Nanuet nudges Minerva awake so that they will not sleep in too late and gather's their things. "Home, we will finally get back home today."

Minerva turns over lazily and stretches before rising. "Buenas Dias, Mi Amore. Have I made adequate amends for my outburst last night?" she teases. " Si, I will be happy to be home. I am anxious to see what progress has been made on the church while we have been away."

She rises and takes the 12 white candles and the statues from her bag and places them on the dresser. She recites a short prayer causing the candles to light and she gives her morning thanks, adding a special prayer to Minerva to give her the gift of patience when dealing with Katherine on what is sure to be a long slow ride.

They dress for the journey and the smiling couple make their way downstairs in search of breakfast.

orchid blossom

Kate waved to Ruby over her breakfast as she and Jake come downstairs. "You look well-rested this morning," she said once they were close enough.

"You have a wonderful sense of humor Katherine Kale," Ruby smiles. "But I do feel better. Maybe the tea helped? I'm going to ask Nanuet to take a look at the bite. I think it might be making the uh, other thing, worse."

"Anyway, I'm hungry! I want a big huge breakfast this morning. Then I want to go home."

"We all want to go home," Kate smiled. "I want to see Ginnie and everyone at the El Parador. Let's not go away again for a while."

"Only going away for good reasons," Ruby replies, pushing her hair off her face. "Jake is supposed to take me to Tucson. Anyway, I'm going home to sleep!"

The others show up at about the same time.

"Morning everyone. Hope you all slept better than I did."

"Nanuet, I was wondering if you could look over the bite I got two days ago. I think it's making me sick still."

"Sure, I can take a look" he says. "Show me where the bite is and tell me your symptoms."

Ruby reveals the back of her neck where the bite is and explains her nausea and weakness.

"Yes, you are still weak from the poison. I am not strong enough on my own to cure the poison. I don't believe it will get any worse. You need to rest, completely rest for a few days. I can help watch over you, make some poultices, herbs and such, that will help speed the process of healing. But you must understand if you do not rest you will not regain your strength."

"Exactly what I told her a couple days ago. But it's good to have some confirmation," Kate said.

Ruby nods in solemn understanding. "I will rest when I get home. I planned on it anyway. Thank you Nanuet. I might have to take you up on your offer until then. I do feel a bit better today."

Chester and Thom are the last to join the others at breakfast. Thom yawns heavily. "Good morning everybody. I am so hungry I could eat a horse," Thom says with a chuckle. "I hope they have pancakes here!"

Jake eats a hearty breakfast, having missed dinner the night before. He seems in a good mood but stays mostly quiet. When breakfast looks to be nearly finished Jake says, "Are you ready, Katherine?"

She took a deep breath. "I'm ready. We have to meet the men you hired at the cemetery, I take it?"

"That would seem best." Jake thinks better of making a joke about them digging up the wrong body. "Anyone else can join us later if they like." Looking around the table he adds, "We could use some food and water for the trip if someone wants to gather that up. It will be a slow ride I expect."

"I was going to speak to the kitchen about food after breakfast. I will see about getting enough food for all of us." Minerva says and quietly eats her breakfast.

"It will probably take a least a couple hours longer than the stage, if not more. I apologize for that, I know we're all anxious to be home." Kate stood up and kissed Ruby's cheek. "I'm glad to see you're feeling better. Jake, I'm ready whenever you are."
"Wait a minute," Ruby says with a mouthful of food, "We're not taking the stage? How are we getting home, are we riding?"

"I guess we're riding with the casket, Ruby," Chester says.

Jake says, "I rented a carriage so we could pace the wagon moving the marker and casket."

"I'll go buy some waterskins," Chester offers. "It's getting hot out there. C'mon Thom. You're with me."

Thom who had been playing with the remainder of everybody's food, especially with the syrup immediately stood up and said "OK, let's get some skinny water stuff. It's hot!"

"Wipe your hands first. Shopkeeps ain't going to be happy at you getting syrup all over their stuff." Thom grabs a napkin and wipes his hands briefly. Chester sighs. "That'll have to do. Don't touch anything unless I ask you to, OK?"

"Yes, Mister Chester."

Chester says to the others, "We'll meet you back here in a couple hours." He and Thom look for a general store or leather goods store.

Once Nanuet is done addressing Ruby's insect bite he helps Minerva gather food and water for the trip. "I might have to spend some time tending to Ruby the next couple of days. The bite is not really healing yet. If she agrees to take it easy I can get her rid of the poison in a couple days."

As Nanuet and Minerva pack up the food they engage in light conversation. "This has all been very hard on everyone, especially Ruby. I am surprised that she is holding up as well as she is. That girl certainly has a lot of spunk!" she sighs. "I will be glad to get home and begin a normal life, whatever that may be. It has been one wild bronco busting ride after another since my arrival in Promise City. I only hope that the gods are ready to focus on some other mortal for a time and give us some peace for a while. Perhaps we will even have time for a proper courtship." she says wrapping her arms around his waist. "Speaking of courtships, I am sure that Chester is looking forward to getting home as well. He must miss Clarisse something awful."

"Well" Nanuet begins with a chuckle "I am not sure how much I know about proper courtships, but I will try if that is what you desire. As for Chester and Clarisse, it must be hard for her to be on the outside and Chester running off with us all the time. She seems to be a sweet girl and things seem to be working out for them despite all the craziness. Well I think that is enough food, hopefully it will be a nice quiet ride back to Promise City."

"From your lips to the gods’ ears." she laughs.

Kate took Jake's arm and walked to the town's Boot Hill, where they saw the large wagon and several strong looking men waiting for them. She pointed out which grave was Tom's, then watched as the slow work of exhuming him began.

The men very carefully removed the headstone and placed it in the wagon, draping it in a black cloth. Then the hard work of the digging began. Once they were far enough down they rigged up some ropes and slowly lifted the plain coffin from its first resting place.

Images flashed through Kate's mind of the day she stood here and watched the coffin lowered. Colby Tucker had been standing behind her and only a few others had been there. Including Virgil Earp. What was he thinking as Tom was laid to rest? Many things about that day make much more sense now. Soon she would have another memory to replace these with. One where she said goodbye surrounded by people who cared for her and knowing Tom was where he wanted to be.

The men draped the coffin in black cloth as well then filled in the hole they had dug, leaving a concave spot in the ground. Kate sat next to the wagon driver as the other men took their seats around the coffin in the back. Jake walked alongside next to Katherine as the wagon went smoothly to Big Nose Kate's to pick up the others.

Once back at the hotel, Jake pays the workers and sends them on their way. The rental carriage is there waiting for them as well. Jake seeks out Ruby, who he finds sleeping in their room. "It is time to go."

While waiting for all the others to bring out their gear, Jake erects the carriage top to protect them from the sun. Once everyone is ready to leave he says, "We need a couple of us to drive the wagon and someone to drive this rig, and you," he says pointing at Ruby good naturedly, "to sit in the back of the rig and rest. We can always take turns driving, it can be tiring."

Jake places his long arms in a convenient location after checking them over. He helps the women into their seats. He takes one last look around Tombstone, runs a hand through his hair before placing his hat back at its slight angle and climbs up into his seat.

Ruby does as Jake tells her, she tries to take some rest in the carriage as they slowly drive along. She closes her eyes and rests her head as best she can.

Her thoughts drift to Kate and how relieving it should be for her to have this finalized. When they first met and Ruby had heard the story, she had felt bad for Kate but didn't really understand, she couldn't understand what it was like to lose someone like that. Now that she had Jake she could, she would be devastated without him, to lose him would such a blow as one never recovers from. Ruby knew in her heart it would probably kill her.

Without opening her eyes Ruby reaches for Kate and grasps her hand tightly in hers.

Kate squeezed back, then smoothed the hair back from Ruby's forehead and kissed it. "I love you sweetheart. You're going to be fine."

Ruby keeps her eyes closed but smiles. "So are you," she says softly.

For the first time today Kate felt tears in her eyes. "I know. I have all of you to help me."

Ruby decides it's time to find a more comfortable spot for her head, so she snuggles up to Kate and rests her head on her friends shoulder.

She stays very comfortable while she rests for the remainder of the ride to the ranch.

Kate spent much of the ride with her eyes following the wagon. Ruby seemed comfortable, so she tried not to fidget as they rode along. The closer they got to Promise City, the more her thoughts seemed to settle. It seemed odd, but she felt ready for this last step.

As the landscape became more familiar and they were getting near the ranch, Kate said, "We can take him inside the house to lie in state until tomorrow. Let's have the service at one o'clock. That should give everyone time to rest some before coming out. We'll need to find someone to dig the grave."

"Ok." Ruby rubs the sleep out of her eyes and then stretches. "Whatever you want Kate, we'll be here."

Ruby stands around idly, watching the men carry the casket inside with a shiver.

Chester clears his throat. "I could help. I only lasted one day at the mine, but I can handle a pick and shovel well enough."

"Thank you, Chester," Kate said simply. "We'll want to make sure to dig far enough way from the trunk of the tree so as not to disturb it's roots too much."

"I figure you'd rather not have strangers do this for him. Is there an easy way to find out how far out is safe?"

Kate spent a few minutes talking with Chester until they came to an agreement on a placing they thought wouldn't harm the tree. Once it was settled, she walked with the men back toward the carriage where the others waited. "Let's go the last mile and get everyone home," she said.

Jake makes himself scarce when Chester discusses digging. He wanders by Thom and tells the big man, "That nice Deputy Chester wants to talk to you about helping him do some digging."

Nanuet chuckles to himself over Jake's ploy. He walks up beside him and says "Jake, so unlike you to pick on someone simple minded and eager to please. I'm shocked." Nanuet then discusses with Chester what Kate told him about the placement of the hole and tell him that he will meet him here to help with the digging in the early morning.

"Hey, Indian, I am no bigot. I was going to see you next." Jake grins and walks away leaving Nanuet with Chester.

Thom walks over to Chester. "Mister Chester? Mister Jake wants me to talk to you about digging."

"Chester hides a smile with his hand. "He does, does he. Well, it wasn't a bad idea. Tomorrow, me and Nanuet are going to come back here and dig a grave for Miss Kate's husband. You want to come help?"

"I like to help."

"OK, then we'll ride out here together in the morning."

Minerva goes into the house where Senor Kale's casket has ben placed and says a few prayers over it. Remembering the undead that they have encountered so recently, she takes the precaution of sprinkling holy water over and around the casket to guard Senor Kale against evil spirits before she goes back outside and joins the others.

Ruby takes Kate's arm for the last couple of steps. "Good job Kate," she says simply then gets back in the carriage.

The last mile back, usually a quick trip, seemed to take an eternity to Ruby. They had left so hurriedly and under such duress. At the time Ruby was not sure she would ever make it home and even if she did what the state of things would be having left the way they did.

But now she was happy, even if exhausted, that the return was imminent, no matter what the state of affairs was. She was going to be home.

A happy, weary smile comes to her face as Promise City comes into view. She sits like a child with an itch, anxious to get off the carriage.

Nanuet sits quietly with Minerva on the short trip back to Promise City from the ranch. He takes in the scenery, almost breathing it in. He remembers every bird, every flower, and every bit of scenery. "How do you all feel about meeting for dinner together at the El Parador, a bit of Dorita's cooking would hit the spot I think."

"Si that is a fine idea. I will go home and tell Bea that I have returned and then I will have a long, hot bath.

They finally arrive in Promise City. Ruby steps off the carriage and breathes a sigh of relief. When she left she hadn't been sure she would make it back, at least not without fangs. But they had done their job, Colin Turner was dead. And if he wasn't... they had scared him and he wouldn't come back. She hoped anyway.

She turns to Kate. "I am sure you want to get some rest. But maybe when you see Mr. Gonzales you can ask him to look at these?" She hands her a pair of gloves and some bullets. "Not sure he'll know about these," she points to the bullets, "We might have to have Jake take them to Pierre." Ruby smiles at Kate then turns to Thom.

"Thom, can you help with our bags? Follow us, we're going home." Thom obediently obeys by picking up all the bags. He says nothing, looking wide eyed around the city, much larger than he was used to.

After Jake throws his weapons bag onto his shoulder Ruby takes his hand and they begin heading home. She smiles when she sees the Lucky Lady come into view. She glances sideways at Jake, watching his reaction of seeing the Saloon closely.

He sees the familiar red letters but is still drawn as always to the queen of hearts that substitutes for the letter 'a'. "The Chubby Baby bed may have been fun, but I am surely looking forward to being in my own bed, in my own place." He chuckles. "Home still seems like something strange to me, though I must admit I like it. Having a place to call home."

Ruby giggles, "I agree. It is strange. But you know what?" she smiles at him, "To me home is really wherever you are Jake." She squeezes his hand and they enter the Saloon.

They stop to make their mandatory greetings to Niles and Harry. They introduce Thom and briefly tell how he is now going to live at the Lucky Lady. Ruby instructs Thom to listen to Niles and Harry, and Jeff, whom he will be working with the most. Ruby asks Harry to show Thom to one of the spare rooms.

Suddenly the puppies come bounding into the Saloon and almost knock Ruby over. She is amazed at how much they have grown in the past week and she spends some time hugging, kissing and petting them.

Soon after they go eagerly up to their room. Jake walks right in but Ruby stops at the door, staring inside.

Jake drops his gear and looks back at Ruby standing in the doorway. He says nothing and goes about hanging up his duster.

Ruby takes a very deep breath as Jake goes about his unpacking. She takes another small step but does not move further into the room. As she looks about she is overwhelmed with feelings, wanting to feel safe and secure, instead she feeling dread as she looks over to her bed and finally to the window. Her lip starts to tremble and her eyes begin to fill with tears. "We can't stay here anymore," she says softly.

"Are you sure?" He says turning towards her. "We have a bouncer for protection, a cook, friends and the convenience of just walking down stairs to go to work. But if you, we, cannot, well I suppose we should start inquiring around for a house." Jake continues about his business as if what she said was no more momentous than telling him the weather was going to change.

"But none of them can stop... him... if he IS still alive." She continues quickly, "I mean, I don't think he is but just in case...Or others like him..." She pouts, "I LOVE this room Jake."

"Perhaps a way could be found to ward this room, or even the whole saloon. If not, or if even that does not make you feel secure, then you will just have to enjoy decorating a new room." He stops again and looks at her, "You need to make this decision alone, I will not influence you. Whatever you decide on this matter is fine with me, really it is." Jake gives her a friendly smile, one without a concern in the world.

Ruby nods solemnly, "I will think about it and decide. There is no rush." She takes a few more hesitant steps into the room before finishing the way a little more confidently. She plops down on the bed, running her hands over the fluffy blankets. "I did miss this so..."

Jake flops into the stuffed chair. "Yep. No rush." He tosses his hat across to the table. "I hate to give in, you know, but sometimes it is better to move on. I am sure you will make a good choice."

"I hope so," but thinks Our lives may depend on it... Ruby tries to push the bad thoughts from her mind as she pulls her feet up onto the bed. "Unpacking can wait," she says tiredly as her voice fades, "I wasn't kidding about sleeping for days..."

Minerva leaves the others and heads back to the Comstock House. Dirty and tired and not wanting to have to explain where she has been, she very quietly sneaks up the stairs to her room. She kicks off her riding boots and slumps into a chair, too tired to move another step. "Praise the gods, I am back," she thinks looking around the familiar room. "I was not sure I would ever see this place again."

After a time she begins to unpack, placing her precious statues back on her dresser and arranging candles around them. She throws her dirty clothes in a pile and fishes out her books on the undead along with the two other books that belonged to the monster slayer. She shudders thinking about how he met his end and not wanting to dwell on such dark thoughts stuffs the books into her trunk and slams the lid. Hopefully I will never ever have a use for them again.

She glances out the window and catches a glimps of the church in the corner of her eye. She rushes to the window amazed and pleased with it's progress. She also notices that her house is is partially erected. "Oh! It is going to be beautiful!" she says aloud and claps her hands.

Newly energized and tired of looking like the weary traveler, she decides to make herself extra pretty for Nanuet. She picks out a special outfit and some sweet smelling toiletries and heads to Gilson’s Bath house before meeting her sweetheart for dinner at the El Parador.

Minerva scents the water with fragrant oils and sinks into the tub where she soaks until her skin is soft and rosy from the heat. Stepping from the tub she slips into a creamy yellow gown that accents her olive complexion and coal black hair. She combs her silken tresses until they gleam and leaves her hair down to fall in dark waves upon her bare shoulders. She dabs on sweet smelling perfume. She spins in front of the mirror. "There! Now I feel like my self." She smiles in satisfaction, picks up her parasol and strolls over to the El Parador to meet Nanuet for dinner.

Once back in the town Nanuet took his leave of Minerva and headed to the grove. He took his time checking over the plants and animals of his little oasis tending to whatever needed tending to. He washed up and changed into a spare set of clothing, rebraided his hair and then headed over to the El Parador to meet anyone who was there at dinner time. He immediately noticed Minerva and the extra efforts she had made for their meeting.

"Minerva, you look stunning! If I knew we were dressing up I would have done better than this" he says pointing to his usual casual dress.

Kate made the short walk back to the El Parador alone. Not because she didn't want company, but because she knew the others were tired and wanted to get to their own beds or baths as soon as possible.

She had not been inside the Cantina more than a few seconds before Dorita was hurrying over and embracing her, then trying to get her into a chair with a plate.

"I'll eat upstairs with your Grandfather," Kate promised her. "Is Ginnie with him?"

"Si, probably asking questions, questions, questions. You stay here for a while, answer questions and give us a break!"

Kate laughed and went up to her room where she deposited her bags and changed into a fresh dress. She let her hair down and didn't bother fixing it at all before she went into her teacher's rooms. The scene from downstairs was repeated here with Ginnie and Mr. Gonzales welcoming her home and demanding the story of what had happened.

She spent the next hour or so detailing their trip and what happened. Finally, Kate got out the items Ruby had given her and said, "We know these are magical, but not what they do. Perhaps one of the things I should learn when we start our lessons again is how to discover the purposes of items like these so will not have to beg you for help so often," she smiled and handed him the gloves and bullets.

"I will have to wait until tomorrow, as I have not studied the appropriate spell today."

"That's fine," Kate said, and settled in for good relaxing time with these people whom she had missed so while she was gone.

orchid blossom

Ruby sleeps all through the night into the next day, as late as she can and still get ready for Tom's service.

When she finally gets out of bed she searches through her closet for something suitable. Even her black clothes were on the racy side, but she was sure Kate would understand. She uses a black velvet ribbon to pull her long hair back and tiredly sighs. She knew she needed more sleep and planned on going right back to bed after this was over.

Jake was already downstairs and ready so they both head over to the El Parador to pick up Kate.

Once at the El Parador they sit and wait, and it's only moments before Dorita shoves plates of food at them. Ruby pushes food around with her fork while she waits for Kate to come down.

Kate took her time dressing for the service. The black gown was simple but elegantly made; the richness of its fabrics making up for its lack of ornamentation. A ribbon of black velvet was entwined through the elaborately arranged tresses pinned up on the back of her head. Gloves followed, and Kate carefully buttoned the three buttons along the wrist of each one. Lastly a small hat with a black veil was pinned into her hair.

Ginnie had no black clothes, but she had never met Tom herself. Kate had the girl wear the green dress she'd worn for the Lucky Lady's opening, and tied black ribbons around the bottoms of her braids.

She took a deep breath and she and Ginnie went downstairs to the Cantina where Ruby was already waiting. "Dorita will be upset if you don't actually eat that," she said as she joined them.

Ruby gives a small smile. "That's ok then, she can be mad." She pushes the plate away then stands. "You look nice Kate, and you too Ginnie. Are you ready? Minerva, Nanuet, Chester and Thom are meeting us out there." Ruby doesn't mention why.

"We're ready, Tom's waited long enough. And of course, if I sit down Dorita will have a plate in front of me."

Kate took Ginnie's hand and walked out into the street. She let Jake help her into the carriage and was quiet on the short ride out to the ranch, thinking of what she might say.

Ruby glances at Jake after Kate leaves but says nothing.

Ruby also makes the trip in silence, not really knowing what to say. After they get off the carriage, she sticks close to Jake as they walk to the spot that Kate had designated. The hole was already dug and Minerva, Nanuet, Chester and Thom were all waiting for them.

Ruby sighs as they walk over. She nears Kate and squeezes her arm but then go back to standing quietly near Jake.

The procession of mourners makes their way to the tree where Thomas Kale is to be laid to rest. The men lead the procession while the women, led by Minerva, adorned in black robes, follows along behind the carriage that carries the body of Katherine’s husband.

Ruby sings a traditional Greek lament.

My love, I loved you well, I kept you well. I kept you as musk in the box and wire in the reed. I kept you as a silver lamp, which lit up the home. Now the wire has rusted, the musk has lost its fragrance, now the silver lamp has fallen and shattered.

The solemn group halts beside the tree that Katherine has chosen as Tom’s final resting place. Katherine’s soft breathing mingles with the sound of the leaves rustling in the gentle breeze.

Nanuet, Jake and Chester stand silently and on an unspoken command, gently lift the wooden casket from the carriage and place it beside the mound of freshly dug earth.

When all is in readiness, Minerva steps forward and sprinkles oil upon the lid and recites: "We are gathered here on this day to celebrate the life of Thomas Kale. Not only the wonderful life that he lived as husband and friend upon this earth, but also his new life.

At the moment of death, Thomas Kale obtained a higher level of consciousness. He has met Charon, crossed the lake and passed through the underworld to reside in Elysium, the wondrous realm located at the western end of the earth, which is inhabited by those who have lived an exemplary life in the favor of Zeus. Those who reach this heaven are shown sample lives and returned to the earth… born to a new life of their choosing. I say to you, do not mourn! For although we do not recognize him, Thomas Kale is alive and well, for he was a good man."

The priestess places a crown of celery on the head of the casket and stepping up to Katherine, silver dagger in hand, shears off a lock of the widow’s hair and places it on the casket alongside the crown. Once the ceremony is complete the entire group begins to sing and move around the casket in a pattern resembling a dance.

After Miss Florencia cut a lock of her hair, and before the round of the grave, Kate stepped forward and spoke.

“I’ve been blessed,” she began quietly. “I was blessed to spend the last five years with Tom. I am blessed to carry him within me for the rest of my days.

When I first stepped off the train in Tombstone and learned that Tom had died; that’s when I failed him, as I continued to do for the next several months by trying to die and follow him. I didn’t realize it then, not through the alcohol haze of my time in Tombstone, nor when I stopped eating. After Ruby told me how he’d really died I gave up all pretense and just stopped living altogether. I never would have taken a desperate action to follow him; I didn’t even have the strength to be honest with myself about what I was doing.

I say I failed him because he taught me the strength I needed to live beyond his passing. He was first ill early in our marriage. He caught a fever, but he fought it and recovered. We both knew he would never be as strong as he had been, but we hoped for the best and went on with our lives. Later when he was ill again and struggled so long, he taught me strength, courage, and determination.

As painful as it was to watch him suffer, I treasure those times together. We were lucky to be able to talk about what I would do if the worst happened. I know that he didn’t want me to stop living when he did. He didn’t want me to stay in black for long, nor to spend years waiting to move on. We mourned together over the children we’d never had, and he made sure I understood that I was not to give up my dream of a family if he had to leave me.

My life had always been nearly idyllic. Cared for and loved, there was not a thing that I could want done that couldn’t be arranged. Yet with his illness I had to learn more and more to depend on myself. I learned to nurse him and others. With him I’d learned to train horses, and watching him struggle I learned strength and perseverance, and passion for life.

Only in the last few weeks have I really begun to honor those things. He will continue to live as I carry on and live his lessons with the courage and passion he taught me.”

Kate knelt down and laid her hand on the casket. The tears that had only threatened through the rest of the morning now spilled over, but they were quiet tears. “I will live, Tom, and I will pass your spirit to your son.” She stayed kneeling there until the tears passed, with each tear burying her own guilt and shame until she felt only the peace of truly letting him move on.

Ruby watches the ceremony from next to Jake. Gripping his hand tightly she fidgets and can't seem to focus or stay still for too long. She keeps rubbing her neck, looking away, tugging on her hair, all her normal signals of discomfort.

After giving Kate her time alone Ruby steps forward and places a freshly picked red wildflower on the casket. She moves to Kate and hugs her tightly, the only thing she could do now for her friend. "Are you ready to leave?" Ruby asks quietly.

Kate returned the embrace warmly. She looked back at the casket. "I'm ready," she said quietly. "Really ready this time." Kate slipped her arm in Ruby's and started the short walk to her little house on the ranch. About halfway there she turned and looked back just in time to see the top of the casket disappear into the earth. With a final sigh she leaned a bit on Ruby and continued on to the house.

Knowing that Katherine is not ready to accept her comfort, Minerva heeds Nanuet's advice and leaves her be, instead staying behind to perform a final blessing before the casket is lowered into the ground.

Once the last shovel of dirt is poured over the grave, she makes her way back to the house with the men to partake in the final part of the burial ritual 'the feast'.

Inside the house the new stove was lit, and several dishes were already warming in the oven. Dorita was there too, tending some pots on the stove. Kate walked over and kissed her cheek. "Sonoma?" she asked, nodding to the oven.

"Yes, Sonoma make those for you, but had to go. Now you two help," she said, handing out aprons.

Ruby gulps as she takes the apron. "I'm not sure Kate wants me burning down her new house." Dorita gives her 'the look' so she hastily dons the apron and waits for instructions. Dorita orders them around and they do as instructed. Ruby keeps a close eye on Kate, who seems sad but not about to breakdown.

By the time the men return the table is set with steaming hot food. Ruby wanders over to Kate. "You doing alright?"

"I'm alright. I waited a long time for this and now that it's over it seems strange." Kate stopped and finished taking off her apron. "It seems like there was always just one more thing to do, but not anymore. Nothing more to do but get on with living my life."

"Getting on with living is a very big adventure Kate. It's time. I think we'd all like to get on with that grand adventure." Kate notices the tired smile that comes to Ruby's face when Jake walks in the room. "So, dinner? And then on with life."

"Which for you means back to bed. I know it must have been hard for you to get up to come out here today," Kate said and hugged her before they sat down.

When everyone had a glass of wine Kate lifted hers and said, "To the first gathering in this new home, built on the dream I had with Tom. To this meal in his memory, and the many to come which his spirit will bless.

My thanks to you all."

Nanuet stands and lifts her glass. "That is wonderful Kate, his dreams and his spirit certainly live on. I commend you for your perseverance and will to make this dream a reality. I for one am glad I could be part of today."

Ruby quickly pulls her glass from her lips with a guilty look as Kate begins her toast. She holds up her glass and smiles softly as she speaks. She says nothing, taking a sip when Kate is done with her speech. She keeps her head down and is quiet though most of dinner.

Minerva sits quietly throughout the meal, picking at her food and sipping her wine, content to listen and watch her friends chat amiably with one another and provide the comfort to Katherine that she could not.

The friends all raise their glasses to toast with Kate. After the meal is over the women help clean up and they make the trip back to Promise City quietly.

Ruby makes sure to hug Kate and double check that she is alright before leaving her at the Cantina.

After the service Ruby makes good on her promise and does return to her bed. Rather than completely sleep for three days she sleeps and rests, only coming out of her room occasionally, spending most of her time alone. She does venture out to make one stop at Pierre’s Gun Shop. But otherwise Jake notices she is distant, not just from everyone but from him also. She seems to be lost in her thoughts but Jake just guesses it's healing from the spider bite.

Kate only stayed at the Cantina long enough to change into her leathers and put her hair in one long braid. Ginnie changed into an everyday dress, and the two rode back out to the ranch on one horse.

Sonoma was waiting for them, and together they went out to the new grave. With her friend's help, Kate planted two wildflower seedlings in the mound of earth. Sonoma then cast a spell encouraging them to grow strong and healthy.

Ginnie went off to gather components with the help of one of the botanical magic books, and Kate spent a quiet hour sitting next to the grave and listening to the babble of the brook as it flowed by. It was a peaceful place. Tom would be able to rest there, and Kate could sit there and find the quiet that she often needed.

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