help me build a future Mystic Theurge

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Green Knight

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As far as Cleric/Wizard vs. Cleric/Sorcerer is concerned, I say Wizard if you want to gain access to 9th-level Wizard spells. As it stands, you won't be able to gain access to 9th-level spells without going into Epic levels. But if it's 9th-level Cleric spells that you want, then go ahead and take Sorcerer. It'll make things easier, to, since now all you'll need are good Wis and Cha stats, rather than good Int, Wis, and Cha stats (Cha for the Turn Undead).

Also, has anyone considered Druid/Wizard for a Mystic Theurge? I'll have to think about that possibility, later.

Though what I DO like is the thought of playing a Cleric/Wizard/Mystic Theurge in the Forgotten Realms who's a worshipper of Mystra. Now THAT'D be cool, and completely appropriate for Mystra's clergy.
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First Post
Green Knight said:
Though what I DO like is the thought of playing a Cleric/Wizard/Mystic Theurge in the Forgotten Realms who's a worshipper of Mystra. Now THAT'D be cool, and completely appropriate for Mystra's clergy.

That's pretty much what my MT is. Although it's a homebrew setting, my character worships the God of Magic, Travel and Trickery in the world we play in. I honestly couldn't see playing a Mystic Theurge unless they were a worshipper of the God of Magic in that world, or something similar.


First Post

I'm thinking the stats have been hashed out pretty well so I'll skip that.

I think I'd split the level to 6ths Wiz1/Clr1, Wiz2/Clr1, etc...then 7th through 16th as MT...then...Archmage...then...Heirophant...

God that would be cool.

I know...not as good as a single-class Wiz or Clr...but the char concept and roleplaying would be tight.

Forgotten Realms? Cleric of Mystra!

I'd also go w/ Human as they seem to garner the best of pretty much all cool things.

Green Knight

First Post
Damn, good point! Why begin advancing, again, in a base class, when you can veer off into another Prestige Class? Preferably one of those 5-level deals? Archmage is also another good choice, for the player who wants access to 9th-level Wizard spells over 9th-level Cleric spells.


First Post
The only reason NOT to do that (unless the campaign only allows one PrC) is the requirements. Archmage has some tough feat requirements not everyone likes to fulfill.


green slime

First Post
Green Knight said:
Damn, good point! Why begin advancing, again, in a base class, when you can veer off into another Prestige Class? Preferably one of those 5-level deals? Archmage is also another good choice, for the player who wants access to 9th-level Wizard spells over 9th-level Cleric spells.

Well, those requirement feats are going to hurt... the MT gaining no bonus feats, so you are going to have to plan well in advance.

That is three feats "down the drain" (Skill Focus, 2x Spell Focus).
Given Spellcasting Prodigy x2 at first level, you only get two other feat choices, prior to taking Archmage. What would they be? Craft Wonderous Item is always good, almost too good to pass up. And then I would be tempted to go Extend spell, to keep those buffs going a little longer, or another Item Creation feat.


First Post
Green Knight said:
. . .since now all you'll need are good Wis and Cha stats, rather than good Int, Wis, and Cha stats (Cha for the Turn Undead).

His Turn Undead will already suck. Being three levels behind before he goes MT and then getting no Turn Undead advancment at all for ten levels is going to make it nearly useless (except, perhaps, during the first few levels).


First Post
The hardest thing for me to do when building my MT was choose feats. Choosing feats just sucked.

I went with ...

Improved Initiative
Improved Counterspell
Reactive Counterspell
Spell Mastery (Magic Missile, Invisibility, Fly, Dispel Magic)

(I'm 11th character level now, 3/3/5).



First Post
Perhaps the DM could be convinced that Greater Spell Focus could sub in for the second Spell Focus. It might have it's drawbacks as well but it would be another option.

Voidrunner's Codex

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