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D&D 2E Help converting my 2E items?


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Hi all,

I had a bunch of magic items I created for 2E, but never got around to converting for 3.5.

If anyone could help, I'd be very appreciative...

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In their original format

Ring of Amara (unique item)
This ring is made of gold, set with a single, unique gem (worth about 10,000 gp). The ring has no special powers for anyone save vampires. When worn by vampires, it has the following effects:

* Doubles regeneration (6 hp/round)
* Immunity to sunlight, holy water, holy symbols and turning attempts.
* Cannot be slain by a stake through the heart until ring is removed.

Vampires of the past have quested after this ring, but no one knows its current location.
The origin of the ring is lost in antiquity, but is most likely the creation of Kanchelsis, Lord of Vampires. Anyone possessing this item must be careful not to let their possession become widely known, else he will be constantly besieged by fanatical vampires and their servants.
XP: 5,000 (vampires only) GP: 10,000 (50,000 to vampires)


Ring of the Smith
This ring is of great value to adventurers, especially warriors. The ring will have 20-30 charges when found (18+2d6), and may only be recharged by a mage with any of the following proficiencies: blacksmith, weaponsmith or armorer. (He must also follow the standard recharging rules, using the spells Mend and Enchanted Weapon). The ring has the following powers:

* Clean weapon, suit of armor or shield, as if it had been thoroughly polished and oiled (no charges, up to 5/day)
* Anyone wearing this ring gains a +2 bonus on the following proficiencies: blacksmith, weaponsmith and armorer (no charges)
* Sharpen any bladed weapon, as if it had been thoroughly sharpened by a smith on a grindstone (+1 to damage for next 1d4 hits) (1 charge)
* Repair a weapon of any minor damage, such as nicks, bends or the like (2 charges)
* Repair armor or shield of any minor damage, such as small rends or buckles (3 charges for shield, 4 for armor)
* Repair major weapon damage, as long as 50% or more of the weapon is still present. Magical weapons must fail a save vs. lightning for this to work, otherwise they resist the power of the ring and the charges are lost. Artifacts automatically make this save (4 charges)
* Repair major damage to shield or armor (Same restrictions on magical items as per weapon above) (6 charges for shield, 8 for armor)
* Cast Enchanted Weapon (as a 12th level mage) (4 charges)

Note that for all magical weapons and armor, the charge cost for any repairs is doubled. These rings will usually be made or iron or steel, and are often adorned with a miniature anvil as the device. The ring itself gains a +5 bonus to any saves vs. normal or magical fire, crushing blow and acid.
The origin of these rings is lost in time, but the first was thought to have been the creation of a powerful fighter/mage, who tired of his weapons and armor being damaged while adventuring.
XP: 3,000 GP: 15,000



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Rod of Adaption
This magical rod is of great use to adventurers. It allows the wielder to re-size items such as armor and garments so that they will fir a specific creature. The wielder touches the rod to the intended recipient while speaking the first command word, then touches it to the item and speaks the second word of command. The item will then re-size itself to be a perfect fit for the recipient. For instance, a party finds a suit of elf-sized elven chain mail. The rod wielder touches the rod to the dwarf in the party, then touches the armor. The suit then shrinks to be dwarf size. The rod has limitations, however. It cannot increase an item to more than double its original mass, nor reduce it to less than half. Also, while mundane items are affected automatically, magical items gain a save vs. disintegration (with normal bonuses). Artifacts are never affected. Once an item is altered, it builds up a magical field, which prevents that particular rod from affecting it again. Finally, many magical items will automatically alter themselves to fit a wearer by themselves, so changing them with the rod is a waste of a charge. There is no known way to recharge these rods. Their manufacture is thought to include a sliver of doppelganger bone and the spells enlarge, reduce and polymorph any object.
These items are highly prized, as is the formula of their manufacture.
XP: 1,500 GP: 7,500



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This item appears to be a simple quarterstaff, but is in actuality a powerful weapon. It is a quarterstaff +2, which has several special abilities:

* The staff adds an extra +2 bonus to any parrying attempts. (No charges required)
* The staff can sprout a blade from one end, becoming a glaive +2. Due to the enchantment of the staff, anyone proficient in the quarterstaff can use it without penalty. It may change back and forth as often as desired, but only once per round. (No charges required)
* Paralyze opponent struck (either for normal damage or by a non-damaging touch) for 2d4 rounds (save to negate). (1 charge)
* Bestow hit points inflicted on victim to the wielder as healing energy. (2 charges)
* Cast Improved Strength on the wielder. (3 charges)
* Power strike: the staff may be struck on the ground. Anyone on the ground within 20 feet of the staff takes 2d6 damage and must save vs. paralysis or is knocked off their feet, requiring a round to get up. Creatures flying or levitating are immune, and creatures greater than size L cannot be knocked off their feet. (3 charges)

Anyone may use this weapon, but only a mage or character able to use mage spells (bard etc.) can invoke the powers that require charges. All spell like powers are treated as if cast by an 8th-level wizard. The staff can be recharged.
{There are variant versions of this staff with differing powers, such as Haste, Mirror Image, Blur, Cat’s Grace and the like. DM’s may feel free to substitute any powers they wish}.
Staves of this type are created by mages who, either by choice or circumstance, often find themselves in the thick of melee combat.
XP: 6,000 GP: 15,000 {for standard version}


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