Gods & Monsters - New Immortals Handbook Supplement

Hey Alzrius mate! :)

Alzrius said:
It's hard to think of some powerful mythological monsters that haven't been either mentioned in a d20 book yet, or listed here. Here's a few that I found:

Falak (Islam)

Likho (Slavic)

Cipactli (Aztec)

Falak sounds too much like Dabbat. Cipactli would be the 'God-Slayer' of Aztec mythology.

Likho, sounds very interesting indeed, not too often I come across a monster I never heard of. I wonder was it the forebear of Lich?

Thanks for the ideas. Likho will probably make it in, and sniffing about I found two others (who shall remain nameless for now) from your links that will definately be in there. :D

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Hiya mate! :)

paradox42 said:
I can't think of any off the top of my head that weren't already mentioned above- however, I second the call for the Bestiary II templates at least- if not one example of an Entity (so we can see how they work) and one example of an Anomaly (same reason).

Well I don't want to steal too much of Bestiary II's thunder, but at the same time I do want to have some cool uber monsters in there.

While I like the pyramid effect of monster design within a bestiary, I think those extra monsters in the Undergod sections (replacing Avatars and Aspects) should suffice to give the lower levels a generous share that will let me add one new monster for every deity.

That suggests:

3 x Disciple Power monsters
3 x Prophet
2 x Hero-deity
2 x Quasi-deity
1 x all the others...although I probably won't have a High Lord monster, and technically Dabbat IS a monster, so I don't know whether ther will be any Time Lord level monsters.

Hey all! :)

Okay, been doing some brainstorming on Gods & Monsters and I think I am going to change my power level for the demons, devils and daemons (and outsider hierarchies in general). The more I think about it the more I think it makes sense to kick them up a notch to better balance them against the Pantheons.

This would mean Demogorgon was a 75 HD Intermediate Power rather than a 50 HD Lesser Power.

Any comments/thoughts on this?

It would mean something like:

Demon Emperor = Greater Power (like Queen of Chaos when she ruled the Abyss)
Demon Monarch = Intermediate Power
Demon Prince = Lesser power
Demon Lord = Demi-power
Demonic Champion = Quasi-power (basically anything of Balor or above)
Major Demon = 10-19 HD
Lesser Demon = 5-9 HD
Minor Demon = 1-4 HD

Upper_Krust said:
Hey all! :)

Okay, been doing some brainstorming on Gods & Monsters and I think I am going to change my power level for the demons, devils and daemons (and outsider hierarchies in general). The more I think about it the more I think it makes sense to kick them up a notch to better balance them against the Pantheons.

This would mean Demogorgon was a 75 HD Intermediate Power rather than a 50 HD Lesser Power.

Any comments/thoughts on this?

It would mean something like:

Demon Emperor = Greater Power (like Queen of Chaos when she ruled the Abyss)
Demon Monarch = Intermediate Power
Demon Prince = Lesser power
Demon Lord = Demi-power
Demonic Champion = Quasi-power (basically anything of Balor or above)
Major Demon = 10-19 HD
Lesser Demon = 5-9 HD
Minor Demon = 1-4 HD

Sounds good. Maybe keeping them at the current 'level' might be better; Demons and the like are villains, and villains typically cheat. (and usually this is the whole point of the adventure: Lolth escapes Demonweb pits onto material plane? Demogorgon splits into two beings? Jubilixus digests entire abyss? News at 11!) So generally, they are going to have some sort of advantage above and beyond what is 'normal' for them.


First Post
Juiblex. The Slime Lord's name is "Juiblex." I know it's easy to misspell, and several products have actually done so throughout the text, but please try to have some respect for the Faceless Lord. It is a demon lord, after all; wouldn't want it to come sizzling into your door one night would you? :p

But yes, upping the demons a notch is a sensible move- honestly, I'd already effectively done it for Demogorgon's case since my Epic PCs recently squared off with him. They took down what they figured in advance would be an avatar; I took the Fiendish Codex version and advanced it by 13 HD to get a 40-HD version at CR 36 or so. A great time was had by all party members- but now I do need a reason for them not to just tromp off into the Brine Flats and go looking for his real, base body. :)

paradox42 said:
Juiblex. The Slime Lord's name is "Juiblex." I know it's easy to misspell, and several products have actually done so throughout the text, but please try to have some respect for the Faceless Lord. It is a demon lord, after all; wouldn't want it to come sizzling into your door one night would you? :p ...

Bah! I have no fear of half-sentient spineless masses of dung! The Canyon Mangrove crab, on the other hand...

Hey all! :)

Ltheb Silverfrond said:
Sounds good. Maybe keeping them at the current 'level' might be better; Demons and the like are villains, and villains typically cheat. (and usually this is the whole point of the adventure: Lolth escapes Demonweb pits onto material plane? Demogorgon splits into two beings? Jubilixus digests entire abyss? News at 11!) So generally, they are going to have some sort of advantage above and beyond what is 'normal' for them.

Maybe its just me but your comments seem contradictory. Are you suggesting you are in favour of the change or against it? :confused:

Paradox42 said:
But yes, upping the demons a notch is a sensible move- honestly, I'd already effectively done it for Demogorgon's case since my Epic PCs recently squared off with him. They took down what they figured in advance would be an avatar; I took the Fiendish Codex version and advanced it by 13 HD to get a 40-HD version at CR 36 or so. A great time was had by all party members- but now I do need a reason for them not to just tromp off into the Brine Flats and go looking for his real, base body.

I'll update my version of Demogorgon on the website to the new format when I get the chance. He will be CR 90 (75 HD Manifestation), CR 44 (37 HD Avatar) and CR 22 (18 HD Aspect). He will actually be a good indicator of whether I have the new Wounding [Effect] rules properly balanced.

SokenzanMarauder said:
How about the Titans from Greek mythology?

I sort of want to save them for the Immortals Index: Greek Mythology...whenever that will be, if ever. :eek:

Then again they might be a good introduction to Entities, while still not impacting upon the Bestiary 2 monsters. So I may warm to the idea.


First Post
I'd like to see an example of each of the dimensional races not covered in Epic Beastiary 1, or at least their traits so we can actually get some use out if the Dimensional Ancestry divine ability.

Hey mercucio mate! :)

mercucio said:
I'd like to see an example of each of the dimensional races not covered in Epic Beastiary 1, or at least their traits so we can actually get some use out if the Dimensional Ancestry divine ability.

They'll be in the appropriate Bestiary volume.

1: Angels
2: Intelligibles, Umbrals
3: Inevitables, Pseudonaturals

There are Inevitables in the Monster Manual
There are Pseudonaturals in Bestiary Volume 1 (Akishra, Cogent)
The Unelemental and Void Dragon are 'sort of' Umbrals.

The one missing are the Elementars, they should have been detailed in Bestiary Volume 1. I haven't decided where they should go.

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