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GLEE #100


This episode (imaginatively entitled "100") is the first of two parts. As you saw, Sue Sylvester is now ready to take down the glee club for good. Several cast members (including several that weren't in "The Quarterback") return, as do Kristin Chenowith and Gwynneth Paltrow (but not Adele Dazeem) in an effort to save glee, but since they've already said the rest of the series will take place in New York City, it's safe to say said efforts will fail.

The playlist:

Puck sings "Keep Holding On", originally performed by Avril Lavigne and first performed on "Throwdown" (oh yeah, in honor of the 100th episode, they're reprising some of the most popular performances)

Rachel, Kurt, and Mercedes sing "Defying Gravity", originally performed in Wicked and previously heard in "Wheels"

Santana and Brittany sing "Valerie", originally performed by the Zutons and previously done in "Special Education"

Mr. Shu and Kristin Chenowith sing "Raise Your Glass", originally performed by Pink and previously done in "Original Song"

Santana, Quinn, and Brittany sing "Toxic", originally performed by Britney Spears and previously done in "Brittany/Britney"

Holly Holliday, Mr. Shu, Cheno, Blaine, and Mercedes sing "Happy", originally performed by Pharrell Williams

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