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ZEITGEIST General tips for running Zeitgeist?


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Involving the player characters more directly in the game world and giving them NPCs they can relate to is what turns a solid adventure into a great one. If I get around to DMing Zeitgeist I will go ahead and take inspiration of yours truly and let the PCs have friends and family in important places. It involves them far more and keeps them more engaged.
Most players react rather differently if instead of some random NPC its a friend of their character or even family.

As of now a friend is running stormkings thunder for us, but I already showed him the trailer and asked him if he would be interested in playing zeitgeist. So far he seemed rather interested. What remains to be seen is how much work it's going to be to convert the later adventures to 5e. But stormkings thunder is going to take a while, perhaps there's going to be more converted. If I didn't see it wrong on drivethru only the first 3 adventures have been converted so far.

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Andrew Moreton

Today I managed to fit in the future sister in law of one of my characters and get her to deliver an intersting and useful bit of plot information while also telling them that the one the Ash Wolf picked as a partner for their character is off on a search for the tomb of King Rod the Great , the famous pre-demonocracy king of the dwarves in Drakr, and she later for 15 minutes became the effective religous head of the Crissylian church.


Here are my rantings. Most of these are applicable to any campaign, but I think their worth emphasising if you're aiming to complete the whole thirteen-book AP.

Check player expectations

The longer the campaign, the more important this is. Check what your players expect, what they find fun, and what they are comfortable with. I did this through informal conversation and/or a survey. For example, do players enjoy the historical context of the setting? Do they enjoy combat? What do they find uncomfortable? Would players dislike seeing or executing violent interrogations of criminals? How comfortable are they with mentions of sex (e.g., Rock Rackus)? Do they want mental illness and fantastical 'insanities' in their game (e.g., Distant Madness)? This can help you figure out what to skim over (for my game, this is Rock's fey orgy) and what to avoid entirely (e.g., for my game, the RHC forbids violent interrogations, bar the most extreme circumstances).


Identity is a crucial part of human experience. As such, an understanding of character and party identity can strengthen immersion and enjoyment. As mentioned by others, try to rope player-specific NPCs and quests into the campaign. On top of that, consider...
If the party are constables (which I do encourage) and your players are writing a backstory for their characters, ask your players to include a reason for why their character joined the RHC. What is their motivation for their work? After all, they will need to defend themselves from Dockers who denounce them for their service to the status quo.

Give players and characters alike an opportunity to reflect on their actions and intent. Be it in a quiet room on the RNS Impossible on the way to Axis Island in Book 1, Stover Delft asking the PCs to explain themselves, or a small NPC interaction that acts as a microcosm or allegory for the players interactions, the players and characters should be provided opportunities to reflect on their actions. Gray shades of morality color the AP and, likely, the party. Try not to make your players feel naughty word for their decisions, but rather, an acknowledgement of imperfection.

Understand party identity. Are they party government goons who solve crimes with their fists, savvy investigators with an eye to detail, or paranoid policepeople who never trust their eyes? Does the party feel over their heads when handling matters of international diplomacy, or do they see those in powers as untrustworthy or foolish? Keep track of your party's identity and play into it. It's okay to make your players feel uncomfortable at times, as it gives you an opportunity to relieve tension.

Understand character identity. Similar to party identity, but acknowledge each player has their own motivations and thoughts. I recommend trying establishing each player as a face for different groups and NPCs. Give every character an opportunity to shine and show off their expertise. In other words, try to make the default 'party face' change depending on the NPC's associations. For example, my game contains a well-dressed ghostspeaker who faces for The Family and nobles, a Vekeshi mystic, stolen by fey at birth, who faces for strange creatures and mystics, a technologist who faces for engineers, academics, and the Ob, and a gunsmith who faces for military personnel.

Reward roleplay. Reciprocate roleplay with roleplay. I have a 'pebble system' in my campaign, where players who roleplay their character well are rewarded a 'pebble' by other players. This pebble acts as a token that may be expended for a roleplaying opportunity. Examples from my campaign include, creating a rumour to catch that causes confusion around Steelshapers title (or was that Bronzebender...or Tintickler?) and laying a deceased druid to rest by summoning a bed of flowers.

Shared notes

As mentioned above, having a communal pool of notes can help players keep track of all the NPCs. Each of my players have their own notes, but they also have a communal Trello board, introduced in Book 2:



Given all the moving bits in the campaign, I recommend recapping the previous session before playing a new one. Each week, I ask a player to write a recap for the session. That way, players can express their own views and hunches.

Feel free to use the forums

People here are friendly. If you have any question on the setting or want other's opinions, all you have to do is ask. You probably don't need this advice given you started this thread...


My philosophy to DMing is to show high investment in the world and campaign, provide opportunities for players to invest themselves in and out of session, and if they do, reciprocate their efforts by including their work in the setting or campaign. For example, for my campaign, we have a Discord channel used for between session text roleplay. I ask players questions each week about their characters (to encourage reflection). Players know that their answers are used to flesh out the story and create NPCs. Between books, or whenever characters have downtime, players may message me telling me what their characters would pursue by themselves, and I will reply with text responses.

I show my own investment by trying to prepare for fluid sessions, as well as creating various handouts. I'm not particularly good at making handouts and I don't have the largest repertoire of voices (As an Australian man, there is no way I can adequately voice the gentle French voice of Gale), but I try not to let these things preventing me from putting myself on the line. After all, if the players see you doing things that are initially uncomfortable but enjoyable, they too may join in.

All of this is limited by time. But if you are looking for what you can do in-between sessions to improve your campaign, I do recommend it. If your interested in any of these ideas, I can provide more specific examples.

Overruling philosophy

At the end of the day, you and your players should be having fun. Do what will facilitate that. If any of my or other's ideas don't feel like they would be fun for your players, don't feel the need to run with them. Though, don't be afraid to give new things a try. For example, I didn't think my players would enjoy the investigation aspects of book 2 as much as they did.

In saying all of this, the very fact you started this thread shows that you and your players will probably have fun.

Good luck out there, let us know how it goes!


The biggest thing that helped me was to have a session zero. I didn't let my players make characters until after they had read the players guide. Then as they made their characters I asked questions like "who in the city are you close friends with?" and "how did you get accepted onto the constabulary? ".

That gave me characters that were connected to the world and players that were invested in the world's fate.

My characters are:
A tiefling oathbreaker paladin. He started loyal to the clergy but vowed to destroy it after meeting Ashima Shimtu. (This was pre planned and kept secret from the other players)

A bitter old eladrin warrior-wizard who was at the battle where Srasma was killed.

A human skyseer/cavalier fighter who studied under Nevard Secham

A human rogue who was a mole in the constabulary planted by the Family. (This character died)

A half orc barbarian who got a personal recommendation from Bruise Shantus after he helped quell rebellions.

A wizard/cleric professor from Pardwright university who invents things like grappling-hook guns.

And an Aaracockra druid who is an envoy of the unseen court, and who constantly misunderstands human culture.


I wrote this advice up some time ago, never finished it, you might find it useful. Not sure how much of it I still stand by.
This advice doc is really helpful. The adventure is so huge that it is difficult to remember how and who to connect, so the additional places to introduce characters in the background or to foreshadow events were particularly useful. If you ever write the rest of it, please let us know!!!


Involving the player characters more directly in the game world and giving them NPCs they can relate to is what turns a solid adventure into a great one. If I get around to DMing Zeitgeist I will go ahead and take inspiration of yours truly and let the PCs have friends and family in important places. It involves them far more and keeps them more engaged.
Most players react rather differently if instead of some random NPC its a friend of their character or even family.

As of now a friend is running stormkings thunder for us, but I already showed him the trailer and asked him if he would be interested in playing zeitgeist. So far he seemed rather interested. What remains to be seen is how much work it's going to be to convert the later adventures to 5e. But stormkings thunder is going to take a while, perhaps there's going to be more converted. If I didn't see it wrong on drivethru only the first 3 adventures have been converted so far.
The primary source for 5e Zeitgeist is the En5ider patreon.

You can support it for one month and download all the adventures released so far (partway through chapter 11). They generally release 1/3 of an adventure per month and should finish adventure 13 around early 2021.

Zeitgeist will also start coming out on Roll20 "soon" if you are unable to play in person.


Link the players to relevant allies/antagonists and insert those into the backgrounds of the players. Offer some of them up to the players before they do their backgrounds. Surprise players by introducing some of the NPC's and link them to the players there and then (he's an old friend of your father, she was your tutor five years ago, he adopted you as you were a musical prodigy).

Add in more social events in scenarios and use those NPC's and linkages. If players have backgrounds use them and milk them for eveything you can. If a player has someone in their background who is similar to a pre-written NPC use the players version not the scenarios.

Player Character involvement in roleplaying settings gets buy into the campaign.


I love the entire Zeitvice page. Even after reading through the whole adventure path, there is just so much that it is really difficult to remember everything and to keep names straight, so the additional cross-referencing is particularly helpful: "there is a section that give more detail in book X" or "this is the same character who will reappear in book Y." The editorial comments and ideas are also really useful.

The greatest strength of this adventure is the scope, detail, and the complexity of the plot and characters, but those are the same thing that make it daunting. I'm a very experienced DM and have been playing with the same group for nearly 20 years (originally in person but now scattered from Atlanta to Anchorage), but I feel like I really need to step up my game to keep everything tight and moving while still doing this adventure justice. Also, it's sometimes hard to balance work and parent responsibilities with everything involved with running an online session each week. Your advice and experience is really useful and appreciated, as is all of the information from Ranger throughout this forum.

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