• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Friends and Foes of the Freedomverse



Hawk - PL 10

Strength 0, Stamina 3, Agility 3, Dexterity 3, Fighting 3, Intellect 0, Awareness 2, Presence 3

Benefit, Wealth 4 (multimillionaire), Extraordinary Effort, Fearless, Great Endurance

Acrobatics 4 (+7), Athletics 4 (+4), Intimidation 7 (+10), Investigation 4 (+4), Perception 4 (+6), Ranged Combat: Gravity 5 (+8)

Force Field: Protection 10 (+10 Toughness; Impervious, Sustained)
Free Fall Adaptation: Movement 1 (Environmental Adaptation: Zero Gravity)
Gravitational Awareness: Senses 1 (mental, Awareness: Gravity)
Gravity Manipulation Array
Gravity Blast: Damage 12 (DC 27; Increased Range: ranged)
alt Crushing Gravity Field: Burst Area Move Object 8 (Alternate; 6 tons, DC 23; Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 18, Damaging; Limited: Pulling Downwards)
alt Gravity Warp: Teleport 8 (Alternate; 1 mile in a move action, carrying 50 lbs.; Accurate)
alt Gravikinesis: Move Object 12 (Alternate; 100 tons)
alt Null-G Field: Burst Area Move Object 10 (Alternate; 25 tons; Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 20, Subtle: subtle; Limited: Lifting Upwards)
alt Power-Lifting: Enhanced Strength 12 (Alternate; +12 STR; Affects Others; Limited to Lifting)
Personal Gravity: Immunity 2 (Uncommon Descriptor: Gravitic)

Zero-G Flight: Flight 7 (Speed: 250 miles/hour, 0.5 miles/round; Increased Duration: continuous, Subtle: subtle)
Space Warp: Movement 1 (Space Travel 1: within solar system)
Initiative +3
Crushing Gravity Field: Burst Area Move Object 8 (DC 23)
Grab, +3 (DC Spec 10)
Gravikinesis: Move Object 12, +3 (DC 22)
Gravity Blast: Damage 12, +3 (DC 27)
Null-G Field: Burst Area Move Object 10 (DC 20)
Throw, +3 (DC 15)
Unarmed, +3 (DC 15)

Motivation: Responsibility
Relationship: Family Ties
Responsibility: Large Corporation


Dodge 7, Parry 7, Fortitude 8, Toughness 13, Will 9

Power Points
Abilities 34 + Powers 78 + Advantages 7 + Skills 14 (28 ranks) + Defenses 20 = 153

Jonathan Hawke. His parents won the lottery when he was a child, and his father turned out to be a smart investor, and they quickly turned $50 million into a $Billions.

He, however, went through a rough patch, unable to find himself. His father thought he was just a loafer, he and got kicked out and cut off. He lived on the streets for a few years, doing odd jobs to pay for crappy apartments. Eventually, he met his future wife volunteering at a soup kitchen. He was struck by her intelligence and her passion for helping people. So much so that he found that when he did things for people, helped them in ways that were more than just handing them money, it brought the satisfaction he had always been looking for. He began to volunteer with her, in one of the more dangerous parts of town.

Eventually, they were married and had two kids, a little girl, and a little boy. In order to make ends meat, he eventually took a job as a Firefighter, while his wife became a Registered Nurse.

It was during this time that his father invited him back into his life. He saw his son had grown up, and wanted to be a part of his grandchildren's lives.

Then something happened and I'm not entirely sure what it was. Scientific accident at one of his dad's companies, meteor landing in his back yard, radiation leak, something. Either way, he suddenly could sense and subtly control gravitational fields. It was small at first, letting him do little more than telekinetically lift very small objects. Eventually, he learned how to make an object weigh less just by touching it. Then, he found he could lessen his own weight to almost weightlessness.

He tried to fly, but all he could do right now was make himself weightless. Not that useful. Using one of his father's R&D companies, he developed a set of mechanical wings, controlled by tiny sensors in his gloves. Squeeze the right finger on his left hand and the left wing would lower, raise it and it would twist. It was very detailed control, and it took him a while to learn how to use it right. Eventually, he found he could soar through the air, only keeping enough weight to allow wind resistance in his wings.

That's when the real fun began. As his powers grew, so did his confidence. He could go where few others could. He could lift things that weighed a ton because he would just make it weightless.

And still, his powers grew. Eventually, he found he could create Gravity Wells. Then, he figured out how to make an object weightless from a distance. Combining these two, he could make an object weightless, then send it towards him, away from him, or at a target, and the weight limit he could affect grew exponentially until he could lift objects weighing over 100 tons!

His family life began to suffer. He still did not have access to his father's fortune, so he still had to work, and his hero work began to cut into his family time. He was always gone, he could never let someone get hurt when he could have stopped it. For years this went on, and the strain it put on his wife and two children, now 10 and 6, was tremendous. Eventually, it came down to his work or his family. He chose family.

But he never stopped practicing. To the rest of the world, the hero known as Hawk simply retired after half a decade of work. Eventually, he became so practiced at his powers that he found he could fly easier, and with fewer problems, if he just got rid of the wings, so he did, since he wasn't using them anyway.

Then it happened. His father passed away, leaving him as the sole beneficiary of his entire fortune. After twelve years of scrimping and saving, of barely getting by, of getting kicked out of apartments because he didn't have the money for rent, he was now a multi-billionaire.

After life settled down, he and his wife agreed that his new job was his work as Hawk, but things would be different. He would have to have set hours unless someone's life was on the line. Days off would have to be days off. He had to commit to his family, or he would lose them, money or no.

So he reappeared, two years after his so-called 'retirement', as a new Hawk. His costume's color scheme changed a bit, but his emblem of a Hawk remained the same. And he was more powerful now than he had ever been in his first incarnation.

So now, he has a family, his father's fortune, which includes owning numerous business, investments, and whatnot, as well as his crime fighting. Here's to hoping his accountant isn't laundering money!
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[sblock="Secret ID"]hex.jpg[/sblock]​
Hex - PL 10

Strength 0, Stamina 0, Agility 2, Dexterity 0, Fighting 0, Intellect 6, Awareness 5, Presence 1

Equipment 4, Improved Initiative, Ranged Attack 6

Expertise: History 2 (+8), Expertise: Magic 2 (+8), Expertise: Science 2 (+8), Insight 3 (+8), Investigation 4 (+10), Perception 3 (+8), Technology 2 (+8)

Glamour: Morph 1 (+20 Deception checks to disguise; Single form; Increased Duration: continuous)
Grimoire (Easily Removable)
. . Tome Spells
. . . . 100 Ways to Die!: Damage 10 (DC 25; Accurate 2: +4, Increased Range: ranged, Indirect 4: any point, any direction, Multiattack, Variable Descriptor 2: broad group - Any Magic)
. . . . Disjoin: Nullify 10 (Counters: Magic, DC 20; Broad, Increased Range: perception, Simultaneous)
. . . . Hexat: Affliction 10 (1st degree: Impaired, Vulnerable, 2nd degree: Disabled, Defenseless, 3rd degree: Controlled, Unaware, Resisted by: Will, DC 20; Extra Condition, Increased Range 2: perception, Reversible)
. . . . Knowledge of the Grimoire: Enhanced Trait 6 (Traits: Expertise +8 (+16), Advantages: Artificer, Ritualist)
. . . . Thunder Road: Teleport 8 (Carry 800 lbs.; Accurate, Change Direction, Change Velocity, Easy, Extended: 250 miles in 2 move actions, Increased Mass 4; Limited to Extended)
Mystic Awareness: Senses 2 (Awareness: Mystic, Extended: Choose Sense 1: x10)
Mystic Warding: Protection 10 (+10 Toughness)
Soul Sorcery
. . Magnus Warding: Create 10 (Volume: 1000 cft., DC 20; Affects Insubstantial 2: full rank, Selective, Subtle: look natural)
. . Manifest Soul: Enhanced Trait 30 (Traits: Fighting +6 (+6), Fortitude +3 (+10), Strength +7 (+7), Athletics +2 (+2); Sustained; Permanent)
. . Soul Hand: Move Object 10 (25 tons; Increased Range: perception, Precise, Split 2: 3 targets)
. . Soul Voyage: Remote Sensing 10 (Affects: 2 Types, inc. Visual - Visual, Aural, Range: 4 miles; Dimensional: dimension - Astral, Subtle: DC 20+rank)

Cell Phone (Smartphone), Commlink, Mini-tracer, Rebreather, Sandra's Sanctum

Initiative +6
100 Ways to Die!: Damage 10, +10 (DC 25)
Disjoin: Nullify 10 (DC Will 20)
Grab, +0 (DC Spec 10)
Hexat: Affliction 10 (DC Will 20)
Soul Hand: Move Object 10 (DC 20)
Throw, +6 (DC 15)
Unarmed, +0 (DC 15)

Blue Collar: Being a superhero doesn't necessarily put bread on the table. Sandra has a job too, a business really. She runs a one-person private investigator's office with an apartment on the upper level, and some well-hidden magical facilities in the basement. It's not a glamourous way to make a living, but her abilities make her very good at the job.

Identity: There are several reasons she protects her true identity. Insulating her family and friends is one, but also she's unsure how using magic will affect her desire to be a scientist...and she's hedging her bets on that, keeping it compartmentalized.

Obsession: I wanna try everything! Sandra is enthralled with the strange and mysterious, drawn to new experiences and new ideas. Being a superhero is in some ways a 'testbed' for her explorations of magic...giving her a socially-positive way to use abilities and techniques that would otherwise be very hard to ethically experiment with.

Power Loss: Incantations: The spells cast from the Grimoire require the book to be in her hand, but also require incantations to be made in a clear voice. Background sound that drowns her out won't stop the spell from working, but anything that actually prevents her from vocalizing will. Her Soul magic has no such limitation however.


Dodge 10, Parry 4, Fortitude 7, Toughness 10, Will 10

Power Points
Abilities 28 + Powers 81 + Advantages 11 + Skills 9 (18 ranks) + Defenses 24 = 153

Ages ago, and perhaps in a different world entirely, a master sorcerer attempted to divest himself of his mortality...and what was left of his humanity...to become immortal. He did this by preparing a ritual that would invest his spirit into a virtually indestructible magical construct; a sort of golem of unspeakable power. He was stopped from this goal however, and while the ritual was not completely disrupted its target was shifted from the golem to his very own book of spells. In the aftermath, it was decided that an eternity of being able to gaze futilely at the instruments of his power while never being able to use them was a fitting punishment. A powerful geas was laid over the book, forcing it to answer the questions of those who held it honestly, in hopes he could still serve a useful function.

In time though, the study of magic waned, and the book was left in a library, then the library and the book both lost to history. The Grimoire eventually fell into a dormant state until it was awakened by the latent magical potential of someone picking it up; something it hadn't felt for...even it didn't know how long.


  • Grimoirename.jpg
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Prometheus - PL 10

Strength 10/2, Stamina 12/2, Agility 3, Dexterity 3, Fighting 6/2, Intellect 2, Awareness 1, Presence 6/1

Benefit: Police Powers, Close Attack 2, Equipment 2, Evasion 2, Improved Defense, Improved Initiative 2, Power Attack, Ranged Attack 2, Uncanny Dodge

Athletics 1 (+11), Expertise: Police Detective 5 (+7), Insight 5 (+6), Investigation 5 (+7), Perception 7 (+8), Persuasion 1 (+2), Ranged Combat: Throw 1 (+4), Stealth 1 (+4), Technology 1 (+3), Vehicles 1 (+4)

Mystic Helmet (Removable)
. . Divine Nimbus: Environment 2 (Light (Bright), Radius: 60 feet)
. . Forethought array
alt Precognition
. . . . . . Accurate Prediction: Enhanced Trait 6 (Traits: Perception +12 (+20), Advantage: Improved Defense)
. . . . . . See the Future: Senses 4 (Precognition)
alt Prescience
. . . . . . Danger Sense: Senses 1 (Danger Sense: Mental)
. . . . . . Enhanced Trait: Enhanced Trait 14 (Traits: Dodge +3 (+7), Fighting +4 (+6), Advantages: Evasion 2, Improved Defense, Uncanny Dodge)
. . Invulnerability
. . . . Enhanced Trait: Enhanced Trait 27 (Traits: Will +7 (+8), Stamina +10 (+12))
. . . . Immunity: Immunity 12 (Critical Hits, Life Support)
. . . . Impervious Defense: Impervious Toughness 6
. . . . Recovery: Healing 2 (Limited: Self-Only)
. . Light-Bringer array
alt Dazzle: Cumulative Affliction 10 (1st degree: Impaired, 2nd degree: Disabled, 3rd degree: Unaware, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 20; Cumulative; Limited: Visual Only)
alt Enhanced Ability: Enhanced Presence 5 (+5 PRE)
alt Fiery Strike: Strength-based Damage 2 (fire, DC 27; Penetrating 8)
. . Quick Change: Feature 1
. . Super-Speed (Advantages: Improved Initiative 2)
. . . . Flight: Flight 9 (Speed: 1000 miles/hour, 2 miles/round)
. . . . Quickness: Quickness 2 (Perform routine tasks in -2 time ranks)
. . Super-Strength (Advantages: Power Attack)
. . . . Enhanced Ability: Enhanced Strength 8 (+8 STR)
. . . . Power-Lifting: Enhanced Strength 2 (+2 STR; Limited to Lifting)

Cell Phone (Smartphone), Commlink, Handcuffs, Light Pistol

Initiative +11
Dazzle: Cumulative Affliction 10, +8 (DC Fort 20)
Fiery Strike: Strength-based Damage 2, +8 (DC 27)
Grab, +8 (DC Spec 20)
Light Pistol, +5 (DC 18)
Throw, +6 (DC 25)
Unarmed, +8 (DC 25)

Identity: Secret ID
Motivation: Doing Good
Power Loss: Must be able to use Environment to access Lightbringer array
Weakness: Defenseless against Magic Attacks


Dodge 7/4, Parry 7, Fortitude 12, Toughness 12, Will 8/1

Power Points
Abilities 32 + Powers 98 + Advantages 7 + Skills 14 (28 ranks) + Defenses 2 = 153

Police cadet Luke Papadopoulos was on vacation, climbing in the Caucasus mountains, when a boulder rolled out from under his foot, pulling loose from the cliff face, and bouncing down the side of the mountain. In the space where it had been, he found an old bronze helmet, green with age. Later, when he tried it on, he found himself transformed into a titanic Figure: a foot taller, incredibly muscled, and he could fly! But where were his clothes? Removing the helmet returned him to his former self, clothes included. Luke smuggled the helmet back home and became a full police officer the next year. Over the next few years, he worked his way up through the ranks, just recently making detective. During this time, he experimented with the helmet, and the powers it granted him, ultimately devising a costume moonlighting as the hero Prometheus.
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Tarantula - PL 10

Strength 8, Stamina 6, Agility 8, Dexterity 4, Fighting 12, Intellect 4, Awareness 6, Presence 2

Agile Feint, All-out Attack, Defensive Roll 2, Evasion 2, Hide in Plain Sight, Improved Trip, Luck 1Move-by Action, Power Attack, Precise Attack (Close, Concealment), Takedown 2, Uncanny Dodge

Acrobatics 8 (+16), Athletics 8 (+16), Insight 4 (+10), Perception 4 (+10), Stealth 10 (+18), Technology 2 (+6), Treatment 6 (+10)

Darkvision: Senses 2 (Counters Concealment: Darkness)
Enhanced Ability: Enhanced Agility 6 (+6 AGL)
Enhanced Ability: Enhanced Awareness 5 (+5 AWE)
Enhanced Ability: Enhanced Dexterity 2 (+2 DEX)
Enhanced Ability: Enhanced Fighting 12 (+12 FGT)
Enhanced Ability: Enhanced Stamina 5 (+5 STA)
Enhanced Ability: Enhanced Strength 8 (+8 STR)
alt Sting: Cumulative Affliction 8 (Alternate; 1st degree: Dazed, 2nd degree: Stunned, 3rd degree: Paralyzed, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 18; Cumulative)
Running Speed: Speed 2 (Speed: 8 miles/hour, 120 feet/round)
Super-Leaping: Leaping 2 (Leap 30 feet at 8 miles/hour)
Wall-Walker: Movement 1 (Wall-crawling 1: -1 speed rank)

Initiative +8
Grab, +12 (DC Spec 18)
Sting: Cumulative Affliction 8, +12 (DC Fort 18)
Throw, +4 (DC 23)
Unarmed, +12 (DC 23)

Enemy: the night Tarantula was created, a dark reflection was also born – the eight-limbed villainess known as the Widower!! The freakish villain claims that her patron, an evil Spiderlike deity, warned her of Tarantula and goes out of her way to attack the hero whenever the opportunity arises.
Identity: Robert works hard to maintain his secret identity, keeping his superhero antics apart and separate from his work at the free clinic. His personality is so different that some might claim he has a split personality… if they knew both were the same person.
Motivation: Doing Good: Robert has always wanted to do the right thing. It why he went into medicine in the first place. As Tarantula he believes in fighting for what is right and believes in doing right no matter what.
Motivation: Thrills: as a mild-mannered resident, Robert was shy and introverted. As Tarantula he gets to cut loss and with amenity can be the wise-cracking, outgoing, thrill seeker he always has dreamed of being.

Native Language

Dodge 12, Parry 12, Fortitude 7, Toughness 8/6, Will 9

Power Points
Abilities 24 + Powers 85 + Advantages 15 + Skills 21 (42 ranks) + Defenses 8 = 153

Robert Anderson was a shy and introverted medical residence when one day while heading home after a double shift at the local emergency room he was crossing a bridge and saw three men beating up an old man. Normally Robert would have put his head down and walked on by but that night, for some reason, he did not. Instead, he decided to get involved. To help someone in need.

Unfortunately for Robert, he was not a great fighter and the thugs beat him up also. To make matters worse they threw him over the bridge to drown. But he did not drown…

As Robert slowly sank into the murky water a light started shining from below. As he felt his consciousness slipping away something spoke to him. It offered him help and the ability to strike back at the injustices of the world. That if Robert agree, the voice would grant him to the ability to fight back at those who preyed on the weak. Robert would be his avatar of justice … the Tarantula of Justice!!!
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Mystic Fist - PL 10
Strength 3, Stamina 4, Agility 4, Dexterity 1, Fighting 10, Intellect 2, Awareness 4, Presence 1

Agile Feint, Equipment 4, Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Improved Smash, Languages 2, Move-by Action, Redirect, Trance

Acrobatics 7 (+11), Athletics 5 (+8), Expertise: Photography 1 (+3), Insight 1 (+5), Intimidation 2 (+3), Investigation 3 (+5), Perception 4 (+8), Persuasion 3 (+4), Ranged Combat: Throw 9 (+10), Stealth 1 (+5), Vehicles 4 (+5)

Esoteric Style: Feature 1
Eye of the Jade Tiger: Senses 5 (Accurate: Mental, Danger Sense: Mental, Detect: Chi 1, Ranged: Mental; Dimensional: dimension - Astral)
Iron Shirt Gung Chi
. . Protection: Protection 4 (+4 Toughness; Feature: +4 vs Being Moved/Knockback)
Martial Arts array
alt Boot to the Head
. . . . Affliction: Affliction 6 (Linked; 1st degree: Dazed, Hindered, 2nd degree: Compelled, Prone, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 16; Accurate 2: +4, Extra Condition, Linked: Damage: Strength-based Damage 3, Split: 2 targets, Subtle: subtle; Limited Degree)
. . . . Damage: Strength-based Damage 3 (Linked; DC 21; Accurate 2: +4, Linked: Affliction: Affliction 6, Split: 2 targets, Subtle: subtle)
alt Breaking Blow: Strength-based Damage 9 (DC 27, Advantages: Improved Smash; Penetrating 12; Inaccurate: -2, Limited: Objects only)
alt Dim Mak: Progressive Affliction 8 (1st degree: Fatigued, Impaired, 2nd degree: Disabled, Exhausted, 3rd degree: Incapacitated, Incapacitated, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 18; Extra Condition, Progressive, Reversible; Grab-based, Tiring)
alt Li Po's Legendary Fist: Strength-based Damage 7 (DC 25; Multiattack [3 extra ranks])
alt Nine Palms Diagram: Strength-based Shapeable Area Damage 7 (DC 25; Shapeable Area: 30 cft., DC 17 [3 extra ranks])
. . No Touch Ghost Finger: Movement Attack 5 (Dimensional: Mystic 2: group, 50 lbs., Permeate 3: full speed, DC 15; Accurate 2: +4, Affects Insubstantial 2: full rank, Attack: Parry, Reach (melee): 5 ft., Reversible)
alt Redirect Attack: Deflect 9 (Redirection, Reflect; Quirk: No energy attacks, Reduced Range: close)
Massive Knockback: Move Object 4 (800 lbs.; Custom: Linked to Strength Damage; Limited: Flinging Targets Away, Reduced Range: close)
Way of the Grasshopper array
alt Feather Step: Movement 2 (Trackless: Visual 1, Water Walking 1: you sink if you are prone; Limited: solid surfaces)
alt Wire-Fu: Leaping 2 (Leap 30 feet at 8 miles/hour)

Audio Recorder, Camera, Camo Clothing, Commlink, Motorcycle, Multi-tool, Night Vision Goggles, Restraints, Shuriken

Initiative +8
Boot to the Head: Affliction 6, +14 (DC Fort 16) and Strength-based Damage 3, +14 (DC 21)
Breaking Blow: Strength-based Damage 9, +8 (DC 27)
Dim Mak: Progressive Affliction 8, +10 (DC Fort 18)
Grab, +10 (DC Spec 13)
Li Po's Legendary Fist: Strength-based Damage 7, +10 (DC 25)
Massive Knockback: Move Object 4, +10 (DC 14)
Nine Palms Diagram: Strength-based Shapeable Area Damage 7 (DC 25)
No Touch Ghost Finger: Movement Attack 5, +14 (DC Will 15)
Shuriken, +10 (DC 16)
Throw, +10 (DC 18)
Unarmed, +10 (DC 18)


Chinese (Mandarin), Native Language, Tibetan

Dodge 12, Parry 12, Fortitude 9, Toughness 8, Will 9

Power Points
Abilities 58 + Powers 40 + Advantages 12 + Skills 20 (40 ranks) + Defenses 20 = 150

Kevin Zhang is the 21st earthly incarnation of the legendary Li Po known also as the Immortal Grasshopper or the Mystic Fist. However, on the streets of Freedom City, he sometimes goes by the name of Nightstick (his persona before gaining powers), or by less-than-sympathetic sensationalist magazines as the Kung-Fu Killer.
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Astral - PL 10

Strength 0, Stamina 2, Agility 1, Dexterity 1, Fighting 2, Intellect 4, Awareness 4, Presence 2

Attractive, Equipment 2, Ranged Attack 3

Acrobatics 3 (+4), Athletics 2 (+2), Close Combat: Unarmed 4 (+6), Deception 2 (+4), Expertise: Math 2 (+6), Expertise: Physics 2 (+6), Expertise: Psychology 2 (+6), Insight 2 (+6), Persuasion 2 (+4), Treatment 2 (+6)

Force Field: Protection 10 (+10 Toughness; Subtle: subtle, Sustained)
Levitation: Flight 4 (Speed: 30 miles/hour, 500 feet/round; Subtle: subtle)
Mental Communication: Mental Communication 3
Psychic Powers array
alt Astral Black Hole: Burst Area Nullify 8 (Counters: Psychic, DC 18; Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 18, Broad, Increased Duration 2: sustained, Simultaneous; Concentration, Reduced Range: close)
alt Deflect: Deflect 8 (Increased Range: perception, Redirection, Reflect)
alt Illusion: Illusion 8 (Affects: All Sense Types, Area: 250 cft., DC 18; Resistible: Will)
alt Mental Blast: Damage 8 (DC 23; Alternate Resistance: Will, Increased Range 2: perception)
alt Mental Invisibility: Burst Area Concealment 10 (All Senses, DC 20; Affects Others, Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 20, Selective; Limited to Minds, Resistible: Will)
alt Mind Control: Cumulative Affliction 8 (1st degree: Dazed, 2nd degree: Compelled, 3rd degree: Controlled, Resisted by: Will, DC 18; Cumulative, Increased Range 2: perception)
alt Mind Reading: Cumulative Mind Reading 10 (DC 20; Cumulative, Sensory Link; Feedback)
alt Psychokinesis: Move Object 10 (25 tons; Increased Range: perception, Precise, Subtle: subtle)
alt TK Snare: Cumulative Affliction 8 (1st degree: Hindered and Vulnerable, 2nd degree: Defenseless and Immobilized, Resisted by: Dodge, overcome by Strength, DC 18; Cumulative, Extra Condition, Increased Range 2: perception; Limited Degree)
alt TK Wave: Cone Area Damage 10 (DC 25; Cone Area: 60 feet cone, DC 20, Selective)

Cell Phone (Smartphone), Costume (+3 Toughness), Commlink, Computer

Initiative +1
Astral Black Hole: Burst Area Nullify 8 (DC Will 18)
Grab, +2 (DC Spec 10)
Mental Blast: Damage 8 (DC Will 23)
Mind Control: Cumulative Affliction 8 (DC Will 18)
Mind Reading: Cumulative Mind Reading 10 (DC Will 20)
Psychokinesis: Move Object 10 (DC 20)
Throw, +4 (DC 15)
TK Snare: Cumulative Affliction 8 (DC Fort/Will 18)
TK Wave: Cone Area Damage 10 (DC 25)
Unarmed, +6 (DC 15)

Power Loss: Feedback from Astral Black Hole
Relationship: Metahuman Family
Responsibility: Full-time student


Dodge 8, Parry 8, Fortitude 8, Toughness 12, Will 12

Power Points
Abilities 32 + Powers 73 + Advantages 6 + Skills 12 (23 ranks) + Defenses 27 = 150 (3 banked)

Heather Todd is the second youngest daughter of a large family from Elkins, West Virginia, in Appalachian redneck country. Her father was an abusive drunk, but Heather’s older sister Tamar took the brunt of his abuse to keep her younger siblings from it.

Heather’s powers emerged when she was ten, the night her father killed the boyfriend of his eldest daughter. He didn’t stay dead, however, since he was a Meta, the leader of a cell of the terrorist group The Brotherhood. He returned to the farm and slaughtered most of the Todd family. Heather and her younger siblings Matthew, Kenny, and Mary Ellen were saved when Tamar’s own powers emerged in a violent explosion of stellar energy.

Unknown to Tamar, Heather’s powers also emerged. Her mind ripped a hole in the astral plane, created a small, safe demiplane out of the astral “stuff” that was sucked inside, and hid.

Tamar, meanwhile, was taken with the remaining family to a school in Atlanta where they protected and trained young metas in using their powers and serving the world. Tamar thought Heather was in severe catatonic shock from what had happened.

Slowly Heather started to emerge, first with small telekinetic promptings of items around her. Eventually her condition was realized by a telepath at the school and she was rescued from her little safe place when they realized she was the cause of localized disturbances in the astral plane. They taught her how to seal up the rift in the astral plane and then helped her develop her telepathic and telekinetic powers.

Currently Heather is attending university to study mathematics and physics. She studies some psychology on the side as well, to help her with her powers.
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Freedom City Official Encyclopedia

[sblock="Freedom City Map"]Map.jpg[/sblock]

The Core League

The fourth to carry that name, and new member of the League

Captain Thunder A League member since the 60's, Captain Thunder is a statesman like figure now, frequently seen on Press Conferences and amid the political elite.

Daedalus Dressed in a battlesuit of bronze, this mysterious mastermind has slowly revolutionized the world's technology over the last few decades.

Dr Metropolis A strange spirit or sorcerer who controls the very stuff of the city.

Johnny Rocket Having been outed by the press, this Speedster has become a leading figure, or visible figurehead, in the city's LGBT movement.

Lady Liberty Many women have born the mantle of Lady Liberty, the current LL should have had a decade or two still before she passes the mantle on. She has five years.

Pseudo The press still has a field day about the alien Grue shape shifter, despite his proven loyalty to the city and the League.

The Raven
The second Raven, this woman is a master of stealth, and is respected and feared by the city's criminal cartels.

Siren A southern sea-queen, it is said the creatures of the ocean are hers to command.

Star Knight
Another alien? The Star Knights are some kind of outer-space Marshals, this one guards the region around Earth.
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The FREEDOM LEGION (work in progress, some stuff may need updating to 3e)

Each Freedom Legion member is given a microchipped Freedom Legion Card, on it is their official certification as a Freedom Legion member and a key to the various Freedom Legion facilities across the world. It also projects a tiny holographic communication relay.

Features Include:
PDA/Computer: Personal digital assistants or “palmtops” are handy tools for storing data.
Cell Phone/Commlink: Unit for communication.
Still/Video Camera: A digital still/video camera for taking images.
Digital Audio Recorder: Recorders record up to eight hours of audio and can be connected to download the digital recording.
GPS Receiver: Global positioning system receivers use signals from GPS satellites to determine the receiver’s location to within a few dozen feet.
Equipment Requisition: As a member of the Freedom Legion you can make a Persuasion check +/1 Reputation (DC 10 + the equipment’s point cost) for each desired piece of equipment - needed while in the field. This equipment can be requisitioned through a local Freedom Legion station (gaining a +5 to the check) or as an ATM card at any bank/business. If the check is successful, the Freedom Legion funds assign equipment. If it fails, the equipment is restricted or otherwise unavailable again until checking with team HQ (ie. the next mission). When the character can take 10 on the check, equipment with a point cost equal to or less than the character’s Persuasion bonus is automatically available.

The Freedom League makes use of two main types of vehicles, intended for long- and short-range travel. These vehicles are available at Freedom Legion stations with an Equipment Requisition - Diplomacy check (DC15)

Strength 3, Speed 6 (air, 100 MPH), Defense 10, Toughness 8, Size M.

For short-range uses, the League has several sky-bikes, anti-gravity “sleds” capable of carrying two riders. The sky-bikes use the same propulsion system as Daedalus’ armor, making them swift and virtually silent. Sky-bikes are kept in Earth-based facilities like Freedom Hall.
Curb Weight: 680 lbs.
Engine: High-efficiency miniature turbines
Overall Length: 65 in.
Overall Width: 32 in.
Steering radius: 0 ft. 0 in.
Maximum Cargo: 450 lbs.
Maximum airspeed at sea level: 100 MPH
Service Ceiling: 12,000 ft.

Size: Gargantuan Strength: 12 Speed: 12 (space) Defense: 6 Toughness: 13
Powers: Movement 2 (Space Flight) Features: Autopilot (+4), Communications, Computer, Navigation System, Remote Control
The Pegasus-class spaceplace is a design used by the Freedom League. It is capable of atmospheric speeds up to Mach 10 and has a fully-sealed life support system for space flight.

Satellite headquarters of the Freedom League following the Grue Invasion, built with the aid of the Star Knights, and linked to League outposts on Earth, including Freedom Hall. The Lighthouse is the Freedom League’s main headquarters, a self-contained satellite in high Earth orbit, accessible by either spaceplane or dedicated “teleportals” on Earth. This provides the Lighthouse with considerable security in addition to making it Earth’s first line of defense against any danger from outer space. The Lighthouse was designed by Daedalus, based on designs the Star Knights use for their deep space and orbital facilities, and supplemented with alien technologies Daedalus studied during his years in space. The Freedom League funded and built it using their resources (including the personal fortunes of Daedalus, Raven, and Bowman). The League applied for and received permission from the United Nations and UNISON to operate the Lighthouse in Earth orbit, although the approval of the world’s nations was by no means unanimous. The cylindrical satellite has several decks, including a hangar deck for the Pegasus spaceplanes, an observation deck (with a spectacular view of Earth), dormitories for League members staying on board, a mess hall, gymnasium, laboratories, and an infirmary. The main control center includes monitoring facilities keeping watch over the Earth. The Lighthouse has a fusion power core supplemented by solar collectors on its exterior surface. Its systems are maintained by a sophisticated computer mainframe, containing the Freedom League’s extensive case files. The command deck has a teleportal, able to instantly transport passengers to any other portal on Earth. The League has teleportals in the world capitals and major cities. The Freedom City teleportal is located in Freedom Hall, which is used as the League’s local “embassy” and outpost in the city.

Size: Colossal, Toughness: 20
Combat Simulator (WRECK ROOM), Communications, Computer, Defense System, Fire Prevention System, Gym, Hangar, Holding Cells, Infirmary, Isolated, Laboratory, Living Space, Power System, Security System (DC 35), Teleport (Earth to the Moon, Affects Others, Limited to other teleportal locations).
The Lighthouse is connected to Freedom League stations in dozens of city’s larger cities across Earth by teleportal platforms -linked to Freedom Legion Bases in each major city, (run by a small staff). To teleport to/from station members will need to physically go to a particular location. Also, it means that when people want Freedom Legion help they have a place they can go/call. A teleportal can transport material to any other platforms in its network, allowing the League to move personnel and material quickly and secretly without the use of vehicles or other means. Teleportals have a range capable of reaching the Moon (Teleport) as well as anywhere on Earth. Teleportals require access codes to operate.

Since the construction of the Lighthouse, the Space Control Center also serves as a center for communication with the Freedom League’s orbital headquarters.
Located off the coast is the Star Island Space Control Center (SCC), a new government facility designed as a telemetry, recovery, and launch platform for space-based missions. The SCC is built on an island extensively altered to the government’s specifications by the Army Corps of Engineers and members of the Freedom League. Renamed “Star Island” for its rough resemblance to a five-pointed star, the island houses the main facility along with a conventional military airfield and housing for the SCC’s Workforce. The launch facility can handle U.S. space shuttles and spaceplanes as well as conventional rocket launches. The rest of the facility contains labs and administrative offices. The SCC collects astronomical data and works with other NASA facilities in Florida and Texas on space-related projects, from new shuttle and rocket designs to the engineering and execution of a manned mission to Mars. Legion members with appropriate skills might work at Star Island, while trouble at the facility certainly draws the attention of heroes.

Following the death of Centurion death, the Freedom League took possession of his Sanctum headquarters. They can be used as a secondary primary base, should something happen to the Lighthouse, as well as keeping it as a sort of memorial to the Centurion. The Sanctum is buried deep beneath the Arctic ice, with a single tunnel leading to a massive metal hatch covering the front entrance. A monitor room is equipped with viewing screens capable of picking up world media broadcasts, and there is a teleportal accessible from the Lighthouse.

The original Freedom League HQ was a turn of the century mansion owned by the Beaumont family in downtown Freedom City. During the 1940s and ‘50, it served as a headquarters for the Liberty League. Fletcher Beaumont, Sr. offered it to the new Freedom League as their headquarters. The mansion was destroyed during the Terminus Invasion. Daedalus designed a new headquarters for the team, built using incredibly advanced materials and construction techniques the master inventor developed over the years and paid for by Daedalus’ own considerable fortune. The new headquarters was dubbed Freedom Hall. Freedom Hall consists of four aboveground levels and two underground levels. Only the layout of the ground floor of the headquarters (which is largely open to the public) is well known. The remaining layout of the building is kept relatively secret as a security measure.
The ground floor of Freedom Hall features the Freedom League’s public facilities. It is largely taken up by a lobby and reception area open to the public and “staffed” around the clock by a robot receptionist named “Cynthia.” Although artificially intelligent, Cynthia is not truly sentient, but she is lifelike enough to fool casual visitors into believing she is a real, living, person. Use the bystander archetype for Cynthia, but no Constitution score and Immunity 30 (Fortitude) due to her robotic nature. The first level of Freedom Hall also features a public conference room and the League’s trophy room and museum, featuring displays of their cases and other items dating back to the original League. Three elevators take passengers to the other floors of the headquarters. They are keyed to operate only for members of the Freedom League or their designated guests. Overcoming the security lockouts is a DC 30 Disable Device check.
The second floor of Freedom Hall contains the main working areas for the Freedom League, including the team’s private meeting room, monitor center, library, and related facilities. The teleportal to the Lighthouse is located on this floor as well. This is also the area where the League entertains guests allowed access to the more private areas of the headquarters and has quarters for any guests who may stay at Freedom Hall.
Level Three is living space for League members and their dependents. The Gardeners (Captain Thunder, his wife, and son), Daedalus, and Johnny Rocket live full-time at Freedom Hall (although Daedalus also has other homes scattered around the world). The other members of the League only live at Freedom Hall for short stretches of time, usually when circumstances prevent them from returning home while on-duty. Dr. Metropolis ostensibly “lives” at Freedom Hall, but the Spirit of the City is often elsewhere in Freedom City, appearing at the League’s headquarters when he’s needed.
The uppermost level of Freedom Hall contains hangar facilities (connected by a hydraulic lift to a rooftop landing pad), along with mechanical workshops. The Freedom League stores its vehicles and related equipment here while they are not in use.
The basement of Freedom Hall is specially reinforced and designed for use as a backup for the main facilities above, should anything happen to them. There are emergency quarters for the League members and their families, along with Freedom Hall’s medical lab and infirmary. The basement level has stocks of food and other supplies.
The lowest level of Freedom Hall contains the power systems, an advanced geothermal tap designed by Daedalus. It provides all the power Freedom Hall requires, supplemented by solar collectors and battery back-ups. The sub-level holds the League’s “wreck room,” used for training exercises, and holding cells intended to temporarily contain criminals until they can be turned over to the authorities.

Size: Large, Toughness: 15, Features: Combat Simulator, Communications, Computer, Concealed, Defense System, Fire Prevention System, Gym, Hangar, Holding Cells, Infirmary, Laboratory, Living Space, Power System, Security System.

The Freedom League is Freedom City and the world’s premier superhero team and has been for decades. The current team is technically the third incarnation of the Freedom League, and the largest by far of any of the previous teams. The original Freedom League was founded after the Greek god Hades attempted to invade Freedom City with an army of the undead as a means of striking at Daedalus and making a play for domination of the world of the living. A group of heroes, including Daedalus, Centurion, the second Lady Liberty, Pseudo, and the second Bowman, banded together to stop Hades’ plans. They decided to remain together as a group, using a downtown mansion owned by Fletcher Beaumont (the first Bowman) as their headquarters. During the 1960s and ‘70s, they fought a variety of menaces and became known as the world’s greatest heroes. The League began to drift apart in the 1970s, with some members departing its ranks. Raven retired from superheroism due to injuries sustained fighting against Dr. Sin. Lady Liberty’s powers began to fade. Black Avenger quit after many disputes over the League’s focus. Scarab died saving the League from the Scions of Sobek. Daedalus, weary of the never-ending battle, decided to leave Earth to explore the stars. By the 1980s, the League’s ranks were diminished. Efforts were made to add new heroes to the team, but they were younger and less experienced. They didn’t always mesh well with older heroes like the Centurion. The team’s performance suffered, and then League members Halogen and Tectonic died fighting the ruthless Katanarchists. In the face of growing public mistrust of superheroes, Centurion disbanded the Freedom League, to prevent any further deaths on his conscience. When Omega’s forces invaded Freedom City in 1993, some former members of the Freedom League banded together with new heroes to help fight off the invasion. After Omega’s defeat and the death of the Centurion, these heroes decided to revive the Freedom League. They built Freedom Hall on the site of the old Beaumont Mansion in downtown Freedom City, and soon the Freedom League was again renowned as the world’s greatest defenders of peace and justice. Another invasion changed the character of the League. Former Freedom Leaguer Pseudo came to Earth to warn of an invasion by his race, the Grue. He had the assistance of Maria Montoya, Earth’s new Star Knight. Marshalling Earth’s heroes, the Freedom League was able to root out the Grue infiltrators trying to weaken Earth’s defenses and fend off the alien invasion fleet long enough for a group of psychics and mystics to defeat the Grue Meta-Mind. Still, the victory was a narrow one and the invasion might well have succeeded if not for Pseudo’s intervention. So the League decided to expand its operations. Daedalus, Pseudo, and Star Knight, with the assistance of other League members, constructed an orbiting satellite headquarters for the team and the League sent out invitations to heroes around the world to join its ranks. No longer would the Freedom League operate solely out of Freedom City. Instead, they would protect the world from any threat, monitoring the situation from high above, the Earth’s first line of defense.
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R’ik Faax was gestated, trained, and tested in the Grue Unity as an elite scout, able to infiltrate other societies, undermine them from within, and prepare the way for the Unity to invade and conquer them. He was very good at his duties, and eventually assigned a new mission: a world called Earth. The time R’ik spent among humans changed him, however. Telepathic contact engendered sympathy in him for the first time, and he came to understand and appreciate humanity. When his fellow Grue sought to imitate and discredit the Freedom League, they came close to succeeding, but R’ik chose to turn against his own kind and help humanity survive. For his crime, he was exiled, forever cut off from the Grue Unity and marooned on a primitive, alien world. The Freedom League took R’ik in and helped him adopt the cover identity of “Rick Fox,” a freelance journalist. He offered a unique perspective on human society and events. He also joined the League, using the name “Pseudo” and placing his shapeshifting and telepathic abilities at their disposal. Pseudo continued studying and learning about humanity while also fighting to protect it. Eventually, he felt isolated from humans, and chose to return to the stars with Daedalus when the immortal inventor left Earth. Pseudo returned to warn his old friends of a Grue invasion plan, and helped Earth’s heroes ward off the Grue, once again saving the Earth. Captain Thunder invited Pseudo to rejoin the League and find a new home with them, and he accepted. He is the only League member to live full-time on board the Lighthouse, their orbital headquarters, where he keeps watch over his adopted home and helps coordinate League activity. Pseudo has also continued writing, and is working on a travelogue of his experiences in space. He has also discovered the Internet, and enjoys helping maintain the Freedom League’s public website, as well as writing weblogs under various aliases. Owing to his independent nature, Pseudo has unusually strong telepathic and shapeshifting abilities for a Grue. In combat, he will often adopt one of a number of “battle forms,” granting him Enhanced Strength, a combination of Density or Growth, and an offensive ability like Strike. He can enhance his unarmed damage and Toughness up to +11. He can also use his Shapeshifting power to become Insubstantial, further enhancing his capabilities as the Freedom League’s infiltration expert.


Meta-Mind and The Grue Unity

The Grue Unity is an expansionist, totalitarian, interstellar empire near Earth’s region of the Milky Way. The expansion of the Grue has been checked somewhat by the presence of the rival Lor Republic and the power of the Order of the Star Knights. Still, the Grue are not about to allow anything to prevent them from achieving their destiny, which is to rule all inhabited worlds in the galaxy.

The Grue are a protean, shape-shifting species from the dark planet Gruen Prime. As they evolved, the Grue differentiated into “castes” with specialized roles and intellectual capabilities to match: brute-force “drones” and more intelligent and cunning metamorphs all telepathically linked to the vast consciousness of the Meta-Mind, the supreme leader of the Unity. It is made up of the brain-clusters and bodies of numerous Grue, merged together into a single collective being. The Meta-Mind still possesses protean traits, but is too massive to mimic most creatures. More important are its formidable mental powers, gained from the fusion of many minds. Fortunately for the cosmos, the Meta-Mind’s powers are limited to physical contact when dealing with non-Grue. It is able to mentally communicate with and coordinate Grue across the universe, making it the true intelligence of the species. The Meta-Mind drives the Unity’s plans for conquest and expansion. In many ways, it is the Unity.

Grue are disdainful of “solid” creatures with fixed forms and consider themselves inherently superior to other forms of life. They are an arrogant and xenophobic species and believe it is their manifest destiny to rule the galaxy. The Grue expanded their Unity using their shapeshifting powers to infiltrate and take control of other civilizations they encountered until they’d amassed the power sufficient to rule openly. On occasions they simply invade and seize control of more primitive worlds. The presence of Lor mentats has limited the Grue ability to infiltrate the Republic, as telepaths have ferreted out their imitations, although there are still some “deep cover” Grue moles active in Lor society. Grue have also infiltrated Earth society in the past, although the full extent of their activities remains unknown.

The Grue Unity is made up of a number of client races ruled by the Grue with an iron fist and the aid of legions of soldier drones. The Unity’s technology is advanced, but largely stolen or mimicked from other civilizations they have assimilated. They have faster-than-light starships, energy weapons, force fields, anti-gravity, genetic engineering, and such. They’re particularly proud of their weapons technology, which includes a variety of nerve stimulating pain weapons and capture devices in addition to standard-issue blasters and implosion grenades.

The Grue have been interested in Earth for some time, though the first known contact occurred in 1947 when a scout craft crashed in the Desert Southwest of North America. Since then, the Unity has sent additional scouts and other forces to Earth for various reasons. One thing the Unity knows is it has little chance to conquer Earth while its native superhumans (notably the Freedom League), the Star Knights, and the Lor Republic all watch over it. Many Grue schemes are intended to discredit or eliminate Earth’s superhuman protectors so the aliens can then invade in force. On dark and distant Gruen Prime, the Meta-Mind watches, waits, and schemes for the right moment to strike.

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