Free background music for games (revives)

kanithardm said:
Is there a download all button somewhere?

Like genshou said, sadly there's no such thing available at the moment. It would be a really good addition to the UI on pages though, I think I have to propose it on the forums there. But then again, I'm not sure how the button should work - should it pop up instantly 20 different save as dialogs, one for each file?

Actually one fast workaround is this: If you use firefox, click on download links with middle mouse button, which opens all of the links in a new tab. This way all of the download calls can be resolved "at the same time".

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Just a heads up: I've noticed that seems to have some random problems - sometimes project pages won't load even though the main pages work and straight download links to the songs work also. I asked around and it seems they seem to have some operating system problems (didn't get better answer) which should be resolved in near future. So if the pages won't load for some reason, it's safe to assume that it is because of this. Usually they manage to correct the situation in an hour or so...

kanithardm said:
You know its so good, you should charge. Now they i downloaded it of course. Should keep it free till im done. :lol:

Hehe, thanks for the kind words, but I'm sort of an idealist regarding the freedom of music. I want music to be free and don't think that I have that kind of right to demand ownership as a composer - I'm just a bridge in between who channels something to this world. Sounds a bit corny, but that's how I see it :) I could accept money from the actual work, but not from the music itself. So no fear, it'll stay free.

If there's ever a bandwidth issue with your music, I'd be more than happy to host the files on my site.....I'm just looking to add another link in my sig....LOL

Good stuff!!!!!


You know, files like this were the reason BitTorrent was invented. Assuming Michikawa is cool with it, they should be assembled into a torrent so he doesn't have to pay us (in bandwidth) to download them.

Kunimatyu said:
You know, files like this were the reason BitTorrent was invented. Assuming Michikawa is cool with it, they should be assembled into a torrent so he doesn't have to pay us (in bandwidth) to download them.

That would be nice idea I think, I'm just not sure if there are many guys willing to keep it seeded all the time? Actually the bandwith is not a problem for me because is completely free for users, so I don't have to pay a dime. But the problem is that while being free it's a bit unreliable - for example just now it was down for 12 hours because of operating system failure.

... and it still seems to be, although I managed to get a few requests through for some reason :(
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