D&D (2024) Favourite quirky detail from the new Monster Manual

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There are a lot of fun little details in the latest Monster Manual. What are some favourites?

Mine is that the primeval owlbear (already an awesome new addition) gets a fly speed of 5'. That is just an adorable image.

Mine is that despite being CR1 & Medium, the Iota Empyrean is still considered a Titan. Which mean if enough folks worship this human sized Iota it actually becomes a God.

I find it funny, but weirdly makes sense.

I like the idea that a prayer can cause a God to "birth" one of these by accident, from its indirect attention, or a God can do so delibrately by drawing forth a memory or an ideal. I also like the idea of a dead God Corpse's dreams creating Iota's as it's unable to keep it's dreams contained.

Stuff like that just got turned into skill expertise, that's why the Mastiff has Perception +5 instead of +3. Just makes it easier to run.
We had debate in another thread about that.

And it works for a mastiff, cause like a fellow poster said "we know about dogs".

But what about the creatures that we dont know about? Does the "flying carnivorous squirrel"* have a +5 Perception cause of hearing? Smell? Eagle Eyes? Intuition?.

Just my thoughts, if they give an owlbear 5' fly for fun/flavor, they coulda kept Keen Senses (smell) for the dog.

But I hear yah.

*made up example, although I think there were such creatures in some book. Viscous little flying $%^&'s.

Mine is that the primeval owlbear (already an awesome new addition) gets a fly speed of 5'. That is just an adorable image.

This reminds me of an ability I gave my homebrew "Bearowls."

Feathery Faller. While the Bearowl cannot fly, it can use the vestigial feathers on its arms to slow its descent. It can use its Reaction to glide down up to 60 feet without taking damage, landing on its feet.

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