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D&D 5E Enhancing Vecna: Eve of Ruin *SPOILERS*

Distracted DM

Distracted DM
Because that is the power level of a CR 26 monster in 5e. I think people have preconceived notions of the power level of particular CRs without investigating what they really are :unsure:
Orcus is a CR26 monster though, he was my point of comparison. He has potent offensive spells and the ability to call up powerful undead like liches. Vecna can be defeated by a potion of Necrotic Resistance.
But you are definitely a better judge of CR than I am, Dave :)

Vecna n Miska:

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Orcus is a CR26 monster though, he was my point of comparison. He has potent offensive spells and the ability to call up powerful undead like liches. Vecna can be defeated by a potion of Necrotic Resistance.
But you are definitely a better judge of CR than I am, Dave :)
I have the book now and have already completed rough drafts of Vecna, Strahd, Soth, and Miska. I will get the statblocks finished today I think, but it will take a bit more time to add the half-page or so of lore I am going to add to flesh it out a bit.


Reeks of Jedi
I was thinking of running the Planescape or Dragonlance adventure and then having those characters do the Vecna campaign. Is this doable?
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Reeks of Jedi
I've been thumbing through it, and sharing it with some of the other lore channels to see what they think. Most of them are disappointed. There's a lot of continuity errors so working on replacing most of the adventures with something a little bit more epic.

Made some changes to the wizards three. Mordie isn't being impersonated it's actually him. Tasha is not there she's replaced with a hag from Eberron. First she's a mortal enemy with her grayhawk counterpart and second she's the mother of demons which considering what's going to happen at the end doesn't make any sense.

The party is going to encounter Kas before he gets the rod so it's just not a Scooby-Doo twist. The Death House section is being completely scrapped and replaced with a visit to the domain of Khorr wherr failed domains are destroyed by a black hole. He helps them get the rod but secretly follows them when they leave as he has discovered their plans.

The party is going to consist of an adventurer from six different settings. They are pulled out of time and space by Simurgh, a Mystaran Immortal who's only job is to protect the multiverse from destruction. When the wizards make their wish he twists it and sends them the people they need. He can't get directly involved because Vecna Is a god and the gods and immortals don't get along.

Dragon Lance is going to be completely scrapped and involve trying to steal the rod from Lord soth's Castle before he arrives with his army of death knights. Also because the guy that was giving us our Dragon Lance information pointed out that werewolves don't exist in Krynn. None of the lycanthropes do. There's a list of creatures that don't exist in that setting and they're like number three.

Kas gets the rod in a brute force sneak attack. He just bum rushes everybody with a bunch of greater demons. The party has to go stop him is the wizards hold back the horde and they happen to be the only ones not fighting a Balor.

Just have to work on the dark sun part now to replace the casino
What continuitiy issues?


What continuitiy issues?
Silverhand having a different spouse. Werewolves in Dragonlance were the ones that got the immediate attention. Tasha's backstory is all over the place now. Especially putting her in the same room with Mordie. There are a few more but those are the ones that were brought to my attention


New Publisher
Do the actions of the PCs matter along the way? That is, unlike Shattered Obelisk, if the PCs succeed along the way, does the end get easier (or some such)? Other than getting the Rod parts?


Do the actions of the PCs matter along the way? That is, unlike Shattered Obelisk, if the PCs succeed along the way, does the end get easier (or some such)? Other than getting the Rod parts?
It doesn't appear as though there is anything to suggest that there's a different path if the adventurers DON'T succeed. The module (as written) is VERY linear. There's also not much to suggest a tangible impact from the characters succeeding either. The characters are essentially pawns right up until the last chapter or two.

Also, FWIW, it appears as though this module is setting up a future "Vecna in Greyhawk" adventure.


Silverhand having a different spouse. Werewolves in Dragonlance were the ones that got the immediate attention. Tasha's backstory is all over the place now. Especially putting her in the same room with Mordie. There are a few more but those are the ones that were brought to my attention
The Rod is also quite a bit different from prior established lore. Anyone can assemble it and it only takes an action to do so. The parts of the rod don't randomly teleport either if they're attached incorrectly. Lastly, the spells in each section of the Rod are different (to "fit" this adventure).

As an aside, the Rod, as written in the module, is not needed to break Vecna's ritual. Its only real purpose is that it's the only thing that can free Miska, and therefore Kas needs it. Why Kas needs to free Miska in the first place (vs a dif demon lord, etc) is up to the DM.
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