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Enemies, Allies, and Ideas for Sidereals, Eternals, and above

Question: following the example of Paizo where to create a new race they open a random page of the Bestiary and have it mate with humans since they can mate and give birth to literally EVERYTHING, what would a Human-Spraug hybrid be like? A bestiary monster? A playable race like the half-orc? If so, what characteristics would you give it?
I'd probably make it similar to a Lizard Folk. Spraug can breathe underwater, Lizardfolk can hold their breath super long. They have claws and a bite but not as developed as a Spraug's, and overall stats that are about what I'd want for a hybrid, maybe a little tweaking here and there

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So statting out the Spraug ship is a little more work than expected. Trying to stat it out for use with humanoid medium sized beings and living beings in general but also in the format I've been using for ship combat in general in my campaign is a bit tough but I should have it up by either tonight or tomorrow. It's based off the d20 future "Fortress Ship" for reference.
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New Hyperborean going to be posted today. This one is one of the Obsidian Sentry, basically their strongest fighters and was a former character in one of my campaigns.

I didn't have her original sheet unfortunately, but her name is Sælune, she's a creature called a mist lion, basically giant sentient lions who can can disappear and make obscuring mist all around them, shift form from lion to humanoid, dimension door and step into the ethereal plane, not to be confused with Selune the moon Goddess from forgotten realms, though before fully embracing the Hyperborean way of life, she was a Moon Goddess herself ironically enough due to it's beast motif, this was one of my wife's characters, she would hit things so hard in campaign she gained the nickname "One Punch Cat" lol.

She, besides the Ultimate is one of the strongest Hyperboreans in my cosmology and is on par or even surpassing some of the Aspects at least in a basic and straightforward way. It'll be up today. Hope you guys enjoy.
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So, I'm currently running a High Cosmic campaign, and I've made quite a few ideas to add depth and flavor to my multiverse. In addition to demiurges, nehaschemic dragons, and anomalies for my PCs to fight, I've also made many mortal factions with mechs and ships, both good and evil, and I made extremely advanced beings using the "spiritual growth" table on page 17 of Ascension, I call Hyperboreans.

I also have some new ideas for distance and a few interesting limiting factors for the Pleroma to add a bit of challenge. I'll start with that, then give a couple of stat blocks for a spaceship, and a hyperborean.

It's been theorized that the distance of the universe is somewhere in the neighborhood of 46 billion lightyears in radius, round that up to 50 billion lightyears in radius, and that is how far I allow things like Omnipresent or Cosmic Conciousness to work. It's also how far I allow a being's actual total reach to not exceed. I do, however, allow beings to see further than this, but in more of as astronomers vice astronauts. They cannot affect it without first reaching it.

In my version of the Pleroma, the hardest obstacle to overcome is the distance. There are these absurdly huge distances that take even Time Lords and the like at least 3d20 days to traverse, because of this, I have devised 2 systems of travel throughout the Pleroma: Starflight, and Rails.

Rails are like Pleromic Wormholes, they allow fast travel to certain points throughout the Pleroma. It is also called the Slipstream. This also allows for cultural centers, and points of interest. So it's helpful from a DM pov.

Essentially, it is akin to a huge magnetic tramway, through an artificially created wormhole that connects huge portions of the Pleroma. It looks like three giant, seamlessly smooth metal tracks, 2 below the craft, and 1 above, all evenly spaced with similar looking metal rings around the perimeter at regular intervals. This track runs in a circuit throughout condensed space and branches out an infinite amount of times, to an infinite amount of places.

There are older Rails too, many of which are reminants from past civilizations. If the PCs can get to them, they'd still be operational, but who knows where they lead...

Starflight is an Extraordinary Ability that I swiped from the Shantak in Pathfinder's Beastiary 2. It is the ability to traverse the multiverse by collapsing space, it takes 3d20 days to get to any point. In conjunction with Inner Eye, that means 3 days. I make this a standard ability for all Sidereals and above, though it is limited to their parent universe until they become Demiurges.

Now on to the fun part, monsters. First I'll talk about the mortal factions. One thing that always intrigued me was the idea of advanced civilizations that would somehow be able to breach the barrier between the Pleroma and their universe, if they did what would they find on the other side, and what kind of tech would they bring with them to the Pleroma?

One story I've worked on is the idea of people from our actual Earth, thousands of years from now, would pull this off and reach the Pleroma. However, they'd bring the worst traits of our civilization, greed, conquest, and a pro-human agenda to the Pleroma.

The Terrans, as they're called, have a Star Wars Empire approach to Multiversal conquest. They subdue and enslave Demiurges, imprisoning them and using their essence to power Dyson Sphere like power generators. They are powerful and resourceful, but come from a universe entirely devoid of magic, giving them a distinct disadvantage. The advantage they do have however, is that none of their special abilities are considered Supernatural Abilities or lower, all abilities are Extraordinary.

Terrans are all technologically enhanced, and are bred to be Paragons; these are called Transhumans. Their movers and shakers however are called Posthumans, these are the big dogs, the planners, and the richest most and powerful of men. Shorthand, you could do a double Paragon, or even an Amidah with no magical abilities. I also give any and all Progress Level 9 or above Technology to these guys for flavor. For anyone who's familiar.

Here is the "Luna Class" Fighter ship, it's weak, but made to attack in groups. Forgive the messy formating doing this on my phone, lol.


Luna Class Starfighter,
CR: 250
H. Construct
+500. Speed: Superluminal

HD:250d100+10,000+125,000 Shields (160,000hp)
AC:750 (250 Nat, 250 Dex, 250 Insight)

Str: 150 (+75)
Dex: 500 (+250)
Wis: 500 (+250)
Cha: 1

Ref: 375
Will: 125
DR: 1,500/--
SR: Immune to Magic

-Hypercannon: +750 Ranged Touch, Always Hits, 1 Light Day long range.
-Light Grenade: +750 Ranged, 2.5 mile splash, 25,000 mile range
-Ram: +575 Melee

-Hypercannon: 250d20x2 (5 attacks)
-Light Grenade: 250d100 (1 attack plus splash)
-Ram: 120d20 +75

Special Abilities:

Blast Wave (Ex):
100 ft wide, 25,000 mile long wave, deals 250d100 Transcendental Damage, Fort DC 375 for 1/2 damage

Power Stream (Ex): 1 Light Day long line, 250d100, Fort DC 375 for 1/2 damage.

Shield (Ex): 125,000 hp barrier surrounds the craft, damage done to the ship is applied to the shield first. It regenerates 2,500 health per round.

Luminal Celerity (Ex): Always Hasted, Improved Evasion, and Superluminal. For 1 round every 1d4+1 rounds, can make a double action just as if they had the Time Dilation cosmic ability.

Inertial Dampeners (Ex): Perfect Maneuverability, can make an immediate move action after an attacker misses or doesn't break through the shield.

Adaption (Ex): Can become immune to a single form of attack an attacker uses, can be changed as a free action 1/round, can only adapt to 1 enemy at a time.
Additionally, this allows for the ship to exist in most forms of natural environment without damage, with the exception of the most harsh of conditions such as the inside of a star or a black hole, it also grants it 3 Anyfeat slots, and allows the ship to not be undermined by temporal means.

Phalanx Missiles (Ex): As an immediate action, can fire a barrage of missiles made of light. This ability works like the magic missile spell, but there is no limit to the number of missiles fired (125), these have a 25,000 mile long range, are not subject to spell resistance or shield spells, and deal 1d100+100 damage each. These can be used defensively or offensively, and the missiles can target different opponents.

Probability Matrix (Ex): By manipulating the fundamental matrices of Fate and Chance, the Terrans can bend reality to allow for the best possible outcome in any given situation. This ability mimics the "Inner Eye" Cosmic Ability, and allows the ship to apply it's Wisdom bonus as Insight to AC, Attack, and Initiative.

Starflight (Ex): Can compress space to reach any point in the multiverse in 3d20 days.


I have another stronger Terran Ship, and a Hyperborean to put on here, but I got to get ready for work. Before I go, a bit more about the Hyperboreans, they'd be like what Goku is. Not a god, but able to hang with them through sheer brutal will and dedication. Tell me what you guys think. :)
How much would a Luna Class Starfighter and Mordite Axe each be worth in gp?

How much would a Luna Class Starfighter and Mordite Axe each be worth in gp?
Oh geez. I have no idea tbh. I'd say, at a glance, you could use the expanded special materials rules I posted https://www.enworld.org/threads/new...m-quark-strange-and-black-hole-matter.683977/ and use Neutronium as a baseline for the Luna at least and just scale it up to an appropriately sized golem, Sentry(?) I think, I don't have the book in front of me.

For the Axe there wouldn't really be an applicable price tag as it being made of Mordite means you can't even touch the thing. You could, theoretically, use the most appropriate substance, maybe Strange Matter or Black Hole Matter and again make an appropriately sized golem and use that as a baseline for the price. If I was doing this for a campaign, I'd do that tbh.


Lurgese Medium Freighter

A gargantuan storm of deep sickly purple clouds cackling with strange energy that seems to distort time roils in the distance, in it’s center a massive and ugly vessel, olive green and rust in color billows the clouds from open ports on it’s sides, it’s bloated and box like, rectangular, and bristling with small weapons and added storage, it’s front has a massive churning circular orange furnace and it’s flanked by small fighter vessels of a different make on it’s sides, mercenaries.

CR: 300
Macro Small Construct
+100. Speed: Superluminal, Rail Access

HD: 800d100+8,000 +10,000 ablative armor +100,000 Shield (198,000 hp)
AC: 800 (500 Nat, 50 Dex, 50 Insight, 200 Deflection)
DR: 40/- (Ablative Armor) 100/- (Orichalcum Construction)

Str: 600 (+200)
Dex: 100 (+50)
Wis: 100 (+50)
Cha: 1

Full Attack:(Full Attack 6 phase banks, or 3 phase banks plus main cannon, And gravimetric charges, and tachyon degeneration radiation waves)

-Phase Cannon Banks: x 6 per side and back, 3 in front: +800 x40 Attacks
-Mining Cannon: Direct Hit +900 1 attack
-Antimatter Missile: +1800 4 attacks (4 missiles per ship)
-Ram: +1000 Melee

-Mining Cannon: 800d100 to primary target and pierces target on a crit or upon death travelling to any enemy behind or within the vessel. Plus 1 mile wide and 1 Lightround long Line dealing 80d100 to all secondary targets on a failed save of DC 500 Ref ½. 1 half energy is untyped, 1 half is treated as fire damage. (Average 80,000)

-Phase Cannon Banks: 40d20+100, 1/2 dmg is subject to damage reduction (40 attacks per bank) 100,000 mile range, (900 per cannon, 36,000 average per bank, 108,000 front, 216,000 sides or back)

-Gravimetric Space Charges: 200d100, 10,000 mile radius blast pulls all enemies of less than planetary mass density into blast’s epicenter and reduces target’s health by 2% of their maximum with no save (Average 20,000 Resistance to gravity effects applies) 1,000,000 mile range, explodes the round after it’s deployed

-Tachyon Degeneration Radiation Wave: Deals 10 points of Str, Dex, Con and Cha damage to all beings within 800,000 miles of the Lurgese Ship for each minute it spends within range

-Antimatter ‘Planet Cracker’ Missiles: Seeks Target, deals antimatter damage equal to target’s HD in d100s, explodes in 20,000 mile radius, 1 lightday range, travels at 1/10th the speed of light (10,000 health, hardness 40/--)

Special Abilities:

Mining Cannon:
A firy orange beam made for boring into the core of a world dealing 800d100 to primary target and pierces target on a critical hit upon a roll of 18-20 or upon death travelling to any enemy behind or within the vessel for full damage and effect. 1 mile wide and 1 Lightround long Line 80d100 to all secondary targets on a failed save of DC 500 Ref ½. 1 half energy is untyped, 1 half is treated as fire damage. (Average 80,000, or 8,000 to secondary targets and to missed targets of main attack)

Phase Cannon Banks: A barrage of cherry red beams of sizzling fusion energy, 40d20+100 1/2 dmg is subject to damage reduction (40 attacks per bank) 100,000 mile range, (900 per cannon, 36,000 average per bank, 108,000 front, 216,000 sides or back)

Gravimetric Space Charges: A black blast of crushing gravity, used to demoralize would be light resistance and compact basic raw material cargo into more transportable form. 200d100, 10,000 mile radius blast pulls all enemies of less than planetary mass density into blast’s epicenter and reduces target’s health by 2% of their maximum with no save Average (20,000 Resistance to gravity effects applies) 1,000,000 mile range, explodes the round after it’s deployed. Can also be set defensively as mines which explode once a predetermined target comes within range.

Tachyon Degeneration Radiation Wave: Clouds of terrifying thunderstorm like energy crackles and billows around every Lurgese Ship polluting the space around them and making Lurgese controlled space inaccessible by any being not resistant to this energy. Can Effect nearly all beings, including Aeons. Only certain Dragons, Hyperboreans who have trained to adapt to such conditions and a handful of other beings can easily traverse their space. Deals 10 points of Str, Dex, Con and Cha damage to all beings within 800,000 miles of the Lurgese Ship for each minute it spends within range, the effect is permanent and leaves a constant trail behind them whenever they move out of collapsed space or rails, can be shut off if desired.

Antimatter ‘Planet Cracker’ Missiles: A terrifying weapon of mass destruction, used to strong arm weaker planets and star empires. Can collapse a small red star or destroy any planet including massive gas giants. Each ship of this size has 4 Planet Crackers in it's hold, all can be fired in one round if desired. Seeks Target, deals antimatter damage equal to target’s HD in d100s, explodes in 200,000 mile radius, 5 lightday range, travels at 1/10th the speed of light (10,000 health, hardness 40/--)

Dimensional Cargo (Su): The Lurgese use the Far Place and it's massive expanses of nothing for most of their cargo storage allowing a near unlimited amount of cargo to be stored, additionally they use created demiplanes for more important cargo and leave the ship itself for the most important of cargo. They will usually expel their cargo into the Far Place if their vessel is in eminent threat of being boarded or destroyed where their agents can acquire it at a later date.

Shield (Ex): The Lurgese use cheap shielding for such massive ships and only provide a 100,000 hp barrier that surrounds their craft, damage done to the ship is applied to the shield first. It regenerates 2,000 health per round.

Damage Deflection (Ex): The Lurgese use deflective barriers to reduce secondary damage, gain the evasion ability for both ref and fortitude saves

Inertial Dampeners (Ex): The Lurgese use Inertial Dampeners for vessels far smaller than what they are used on, only stabilizes cargo and allows for average Maneuverability.

Immunity (Ex): Immune to all natural and magical effects, environmental effects and all abilities requiring a will save. Immune to their own Tachyon Radiation. Can be undermined via Abrogate.

Ablative Armor (Ex): The Lurgese use cheap adamantine armor that can be easily repaired over an orichalcum inner structure, they gain 10,000 extra health and damage is applied to this first. This first layer of defense has a hardness of 40/-

Adaption (Ex): Allows for the ship to exist in most forms of natural environment without damage, it also grants it 3 Anyfeat slots, and allows the ship to not be undermined by temporal means as the Slipstream Cosmic ability.

Targeting Matrix (Ex): Attack bonus is equal to HD

Probability Matrix (Ex): By manipulating the fundamental matrices of Fate and Chance, the Lugeese can bend reality to allow for the best possible outcome in any given situation whilst simultaneously allowing for the least favorable outcome for all enemies. This ability mimics the "Inner Eye" Cosmic Ability, and the "Evil Eye" Transcendent Ability and allows the ship to apply it's Wisdom bonus as Insight to AC, Attack, and Initiative.

Starflight (Ex): Can compress space to reach any point in the multiverse in 3d20 days.

Rail Access (Ex): The Lurgese have their own trade routes and have a trade agreement with the Communion allowing them to reach any area of the Multiverse with rail access nearly instantaneously.

Distress Signal (Ex): If a Lurgese vessel is damaged, a distress signal is sent out contacting all beings friendly to the Lurgese and all mercenaries under Lurgese Contract. As such operations are lucrative, help will usually arrive.

Transcendent Construction (Ex): The Lurgese believe in making equipment that lasts and patching it with parts on hand, the internal superstructure of a lurgese vessel has d100’s HD and gain an additional 10 hp per hit dice.

Eclectic Construction (Ex): The Lurgese use a multitude of various parts and weapons from all societies they encounter willing to trade with them. The vessel presented can vary widely based on DM and used any applicable technologies from Progress Level 6 – Progress Level 10 (See D20 Future)
I'm curious on if you intended or not for players to be able to use greater teleport to get inside hyperborean & Lurgese ships.

I'm curious on if you intended or not for players to be able to use greater teleport to get inside hyperborean & Lurgese ships.
Good question, no, their immunity to magic would negate someone from being able to magically teleport inside. Transporters, like Star Trek transporters, and Abrogating the magic immunity and then normally Teleporting would work. However, though I don't have it listed, their shields also inhibit transportation magical or mundane into the ship so the shields would need to be disabled first.
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