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Enemies, Allies, and Ideas for Sidereals, Eternals, and above

Does the rifle start out uncharged and take 1d2 rounds? If not, it honestly seems WAY too powerful, as 64d10 damage would be about 320 on average, which would 1 shot even a level 13 barbarian several times over.
Correct on both accounts.

These are galactic conquistadors who don't fight fair.

They were hard to calculate CR for, ultimately I went with that because other than that one attack they're still less capable than a standard sorcerer of even level, and a sorcerer's Disintegrate has a similar, if not easier to avoid and less powerful effect, but similar enough. Given these guys are playing with nukes basically, you can see how It was hard to gauge.

That said, That's always been what the Spraug were and are. They're scary and scary powerful. Moreover a ridiculously powerful near pleromic age weapon should probably be should be a literal game changing and terrifying technology.

Either way adding tech in is very strong and very unbalancing by it's very nature, as it should be, think of how technology allowed us to conquer the world from animals and even less technological humans with ease..

Though powerful they are somewhat like the Lurgeese in the sense they're glass cannons. They have a high base ac and some tricks they can pull to survive but only like 100 health so their CR is hard to accurately gauge. If I make it too high they're experience bags, as the Epic feat exceptional deflection utterly negates this, but too low and they're impossible for a lower level party to handle at all so I'm at a bit of an empasse. I thought I might get some negative feedback for this, so what CR do you think they should be? Taking all their abilites, not just that one attack in mind. I'm curious. Originally I was going to go with 15 but lowered it to 13, but let me hear your thoughts.

That is, however, why these are in the Sidereals thread and not the Sub Epic thread. These are going to trash a low level party unless they too get ahold of either a black hole shield or one of these weapons. Tbh or if the party can get the jump on them.
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Their ships pack an insane punch, but pretty much no one who encounters a hostile Kill Cruiser, who isn't packing a pleromic level starship or is at least a Sidereal has ever survived. They're generally terribly feared. However they. Like the Spraug, are super lopsided and against a more capable threat. They're doomed.

So, I'm thinking I'll walk the Telluric Rifle back a bit, it is supposed to be broken strong but I don't want it to be so strong it can't be used. The rubric I used was the Particle Rifle from D20 Future Tech, it dealt 2d10 base damage but the telluric rifle has a 5x stacking Telluric amplification effect allowing the damage to be multiplied upon itself 5 times once charged, originally it was 10 (which it is for the Kill Cruiser), allowing it do deal tremendous damage.

I think the damage should be nerfed to 1d10 base, reducing the weapons damage down to 32d10 damage which is still super strong, it's basically a Disintegrate gun at that point.


So, I'm thinking I'll walk the Telluric Rifle back a bit, it is supposed to be broken strong but I don't want it to be so strong it can't be used. The rubric I used was the Particle Rifle from D20 Future Tech, it dealt 2d10 base damage but the telluric rifle has a 5x stacking Telluric amplification effect allowing the damage to be multiplied upon itself 5 times once charged, originally it was 10 (which it is for the Kill Cruiser), allowing it do deal tremendous damage.

I think the damage should be nerfed to 1d10 base, reducing the weapons damage down to 32d10 damage which is still super strong, it's basically a Disintegrate gun at that point.
Well, it still does more damage than a CL 20 disintegrate. I would have it allow a fort save (dc 25 or so) in order to only take 5d10 damage or so.

Well, it still does more damage than a CL 20 disintegrate. I would have it allow a fort save (dc 25 or so) in order to only take 5d10 damage or so.
Yeah but it's not a Disintegrate. The whole time, since it's inception, the point of the weapon is that it takes the Telluric Effect ability and uses the same type of energetic feedback loop that it does. It's not just supposed to be the same old spells rehashed again, moreover I already tweaked it once, and modified it pretty heavily. If that's not good enough, look in the Bestiary for some overpowered enemies. Shadows are incorporeal and can strength drain people with a flat footed touch attack if they reach out of walls to attack. And they're cr3.

The Spraug are supposed to be alien conquistadors capable of shocking levels of devastation and able to conquer worlds far different and far more powerful than the middle ages based environment of base dnd. Do you think it would make sense they'd be able to do so if they didn't have a very potent edge? How would it even work without it?
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Hey, also, doesn't the Spraug's 43 ac seem rather high for CR 13? Most creatures have an ac of about CR+15, plus pretty much your only chance of winning is to finish it off before it can shoot that horrible rifle (even at only 32d10, it would still one shot most level 13 characters, and it's smart enough to shoot the low HP people first). It seems like it should be more vulnerable.

Hey, also, doesn't the Spraug's 43 ac seem rather high for CR 13? Most creatures have an ac of about CR+15, plus pretty much your only chance of winning is to finish it off before it can shoot that horrible rifle (even at only 32d10, it would still one shot most level 13 characters, and it's smart enough to shoot the low HP people first). It seems like it should be more vulnerable.
What I don't understand is why you'd expect tech gear to not give an edge. Like it seems you think a barbarian in leathers and a battered breastplate made of hammered iron should have equivalent ac as a space age being in state of the art armor lightyears ahead of anything we have today with multiple layers of stacking defense. Which, makes no sense. The stuff they're using are slightly modified versions of stuff literally found in D20 Future Tech. I mean they're in fully PL9+ gear. Many of which stack and are quite powerful at higher progress levels.

Here's the breakdown of their AC: They have the Dodge feat and a +10 Nat AC, also a +2 dex bonus. They have +8 Armor Bonus to AC for their Ceramic Breastplate which is enchanted to +4 but provides less basic protection from attacks than other Armor as its much lighter, they have a +2 Deflection bonus to AC from their Telekinetic Shield which takes their Shield slot but requires no hands to use, they get a +2 Shield bonus to ac for their black hole shield which is a device and requires no slots, and finally the get a +8 Dodge bonus to AC from their Psychoactive Armor which is another device and also doesn't take up slots.

I also deliberately gave them no class levels, opting instead to give them Monstrous Humanoid levels as fighter would have boosted this number up higher still, and Combat Trained, the original class I planed to give them, the same class the Hyperborean: Kit has, grants a +1 defensive bonus every level, aka a +1 AC, and though I could have added any number of magic items to them, probably boosting their ac to 50 ish easily, I didn't do that as I do ultimately want these to be beatable, but I'm certainly not going to put these against a non spacefaring party, any of these items, as most of their power comes from items, would be usable, if not slightly weaker, by party members who happen to kill the Spraug and loot it's corpse. So caution would be needed, just as a dragon with their hoard would need to be cautiously handled as their hoard unless filled with copper pieces is going to provide the party with an endless supply of gold and a huge quantity of magic items.

So I'm not sure what you want. I altered their CR to 17, literally wish casting wizard levels, even though they're level 10, and went out of my way to minimize their power given what it could have been. All I'm hearing are complaints, which I think sucks, as other than just making the tech not exist, I'm not seeing a solution.

We make these things for everyone's enjoyment, not to deal with literally pure criticism.

I might have a few issues with some of Oblys creative decisions, and ask questions, even argue if if think something is broken, but I always appreciate his work and give it a like and listen to his reasoning for why he makes things a certain way or not and ultimately go with his approach.

If you don't like it or don't appreciate it, don't use it. Simple as that.
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Yeah i mean if you think about what this "CR13" creature is supposed to represent, these are foot soldiers of a empire who are about to collectively break into the realm of the time lords, beings who can deal 1000d1000X2 instantly without trying, beings who can disintegrate galaxies, erase beings from ever existing and time travel with BILLIONS of health. An empire who wants to break into this realm must have some stupidly OP tech with each soldier being augmented to become far stronger than it was originally. Comparing one soldier with his full tech against some primitive savage barbarian or wizard and expecting the savage to come out on top is quite frankly retarded. Expecting a team of mortals from a technologically backwards world to be on an even playing field through sheer grit and magic is similarly dumb. They should be OP because to turn their gaze to beyond their universe means nothing in their current universe is a big threat and that they could dominate their current universe. Frankly I really liked the original 64d10 because its shows its tech is advanced enough to outclass creatures that only have their magic and muscle to rely on, as it should be.

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