D&D General Easter and D&D

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Victoria Rules
I've never had the Easter Bunny make an appearance but one long-ago Yule I did have Santa Claus show up, flying over the party in his sleigh at night about 50' aloft.

And - I kid you not - half the party pulled out crossbows and tried to shoot him down!

The best they managed was to hit and hurt one of the reindeer - Blitzen, I think - which meant the Healing Cleric got the best gift once Santa landed and this Cleric patched up the reindeer unasked.

Lumps of coal for the shooters, though, and arriving at painfully high velocity... :)


And - I kid you not - half the party pulled out crossbows and tried to shoot him down!

I'd have done the same. I can see my groups party trying to steal the sleigh once Santa landed and went down a chimney.

Your story reminds me of the Big Bang Theory episode where they're playing D&D at Christmas time they kill Santa.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Is anybody planning to include any Easter-specific events in their game this weekend?

I think at least half of the folks I am currently playing D&D with are Jewish, so no.

I'm not a big fan of including real-world religious holidays at a table of mixed-faiths. It seems rather like pushing a tradition on people.


I'm not a big fan of including real-world religious holidays at a table of mixed-faiths. It seems rather like pushing a tradition on people.

That's why if I do its generally light hearted and humorous not meant to be taken too serious. Wait I think I just described all my adventures. Anyhow, regardless of ones religious views, its hard not to be bombarded with whatever holiday is around the corner, at least in States, so people don't take offense in my experience.


I was going to say ... I kind of combine Halloween and Christmas along with The Wild Hunt in my campaign (when based in a specific region).

So I took a look at some of the origin myths of Santa and came up with my own festival that celebrates the one night a year that Odin takes over the wild hunt. Kids dress up pretending to be the wild hunt doing the whole trick-or-treat thing. But it's a multi-day celebration also ringing in the new year with some shadings of the holiday season. There are definitely no reference to Bethlehem or mangers anywhere.

So when/if I do Easter I'd probably throw in older belief systems and focus more on bunnies and eggs representing fertility, spring and new life.


A suffusion of yellow
I've never had the Easter Bunny make an appearance but one long-ago Yule I did have Santa Claus show up, flying over the party in his sleigh at night about 50' aloft.

And - I kid you not - half the party pulled out crossbows and tried to shoot him down!

The best they managed was to hit and hurt one of the reindeer - Blitzen, I think - which meant the Healing Cleric got the best gift once Santa landed and this Cleric patched up the reindeer unasked.

Lumps of coal for the shooters, though, and arriving at painfully high velocity... :)

Lol, poor Blitzen but at least the cleric got to apologise for his companions actions

I had Santa cameo in a game, the PCs were investigating the outer moons of Jupiter using supplied Kine-Responsive Autonomous Manned Power Utility Suits (KRAMPUS) and their long range scanners picked up twelve fast moving objects flying in from the North Pole of the Planet :)

cant say Ive ever used an Easter bunny though
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Mod Squad
Staff member
Anyhow, regardless of ones religious views, its hard not to be bombarded with whatever holiday is around the corner, at least in States, so people don't take offense in my experience.

I'm not sure, "everyone else is doing it," really works for me. YMMV.

And, well... if I had a friend who didn't eat cheese, I wouldn't serve a meal that was cheese-themed. Even if that friend had just embraced the fact that the rest of the world was cheese-loving, and they'd just deal with it, I'd want to be better than that. I can save my cheese for when they aren't with me. Again, YMMV.


Calling my parents via Messenger. Home brunch with my lovely wife. We will play Three Dragon Ante, Carcassonne and other 2-player games. We bought locally made dark chocolat bunnies to help the owners during this crisis. Learned yesterday that they sold out the batch made just before confinement.
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