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Critical Role Do you Critical Role?

Do you Critical Role?

  • Um...what's 'Critical Role'? Is it some kind of podcast or something?

    Votes: 3 1.3%
  • I've never watched a single episode.

    Votes: 51 22.9%
  • Not really. It's just not my cup of tea.

    Votes: 62 27.8%
  • Eh, I'll watch it every now and then, when I'm bored or whatever.

    Votes: 22 9.9%
  • Every now and then, when I can find the time.

    Votes: 29 13.0%
  • I'm a regular viewer. Is it Thursday yet?

    Votes: 35 15.7%
  • Yep. And Talks Machina, and Between the Sheets, and Handbooker Helper, and...

    Votes: 21 9.4%

  • Poll closed .


Recent threads (and national headlines) have got me curious: how many ENWorlders watch Critical Role?

EDIT: Sorry about the poorly-worded Response No. 5...I didn't intend to make it sound so similar to the adjacent option.
If it helps, pretend I said "As often as I can, when I can find the time."

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I've never watched the livestream (wrong timezone), but I watch it regularly on YouTube, and have started keeping up with Talks Machina now that it's also on YouTube.

Critical Role wasn't the first tabletop show I followed - I was a fan of Geek & Sunday's Tabletop series, and watched Titansgrave, but for ages Critical Role's long episodes were off-putting. But I wound up getting into the story and eventually caught up with the show.

I don't often watch an episode through in one sitting, and I often watch them on a tablet while playing not-too-distracting games on my PC (FTL and Battletech work well for this).

I do watch a livestream RPG show on Sundays, a channel called Roll4It. They're more conveniently on British time, and run a variety of systems. They just finished a 19-week run of a Stargate show.


I love Critical Role. Have seen every show just ..I watch them when they come on YouTube.

Mostly listen to them. Four hour long shows are great when I'm in the car or can't sleep or playing video games.


Every episode, every week since they started. The game bears no serious resemblance to my own games, outside of the fact they're playing D&D, as we don't roleplay as much or to the extent the they do on the show, but all the same I've been hooked since the start.

The characters are engaging, as are the story arcs, and the people are genuinely great to just "watch". And I mean, wtf else am I going to do with that time? If I can't scrounge up four hours in a week, even with work, family, etc., then I have other problems to address. :p

I'll also watch most of their other content, though with far less consistency, except for Talks Machina and Between the Sheets which I've also come to enjoy.

It won't be for everyone, but its not trying to be. It's a more enjoyable way to spend four or so hours out of my week than watching most of the other crap that's on TV or streaming apps these days, unless I wanna watch IT Crowd, Always Sunny in Philadelphia or some of my other favorite series for the millionth time.


I can't stand watching other people game. Some tiny but influential part of my brain is screaming, "YOU could be playing right now!!!"

Li Shenron

I've watched parts of an episode or two of Critical Role and Sirens of the Realm.

It's an interesting idea but honestly it's not my kind of entertainment. Watching those quickly made me want to go and play the game or write adventures, for which I'm thankful but I don't think it was the intended effect. My feeling is always "why am I wasting my time watching someone else play?". (Before someone else starts wasting their time trying to explain me that the point is the same as for watching sports, be aware that I very rarely watch sports either, pretty much for the same reason)

What I think would be good for me from those shows is not the entertainment but rather the obvious fact that they could suggest me good ideas to use in our own games. The problem is that the shows are just too long, and the good ideas too scattered. I've been planning to watch more while doing chores such as ironing but I am way too quick at that.

And unfortunately I am not a native English speaker so as podcasts (which would allow me to follow them while driving for example) they are totally unlistenable for me, there are too many people giggling and speaking garbage on top of each other, I can't get anything out of it without the video. I need a podcast to be a lot clearer than that, I can listen to lectures but not shows.

So definitely not my cup of tea.


I'm gradually working my way through the podcasts of campaign one, up to 47 so far. I'll likely start watching when I catch up to date.

I am Spanish and we are very used to dubbing, our voice actors are very good (with an accent totally different by most of Hispanoamericans). I can read and write English language, but oral English is harder to be understood by me. And now I don't watch TV or movies at all.


Nope. For some reason it doesn't interest me. I much prefer Glass Cannon podcast and their live streams even though I don't play Pathfinder. :)


I don't watch it, too busy gaming and/or posting on message boards :D - but I'm grateful for all the great new players it's brought into the hobby!

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