Displaced Creature Catalog Threads


This definitively would be helpful. I used the CC on my various campaigns irl, and had a plot to go to the Fey Realms and encounter the Faerie Queen, but since the CC was down, we haven't been able to continue (my b for not saving the stats).

I can send you the CC zip folder if you like, just PM me an email address.

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Extradimensional Explorer
Maybe we could put the CC in the ENWorld Resources section. If Cleon does that, I believe he can update it as desired. I'm just not sure about file size limits.

Anyway, the megacerops looks done. And I wrote a short post on the kraken.


Maybe we could put the CC in the ENWorld Resources section. If Cleon does that, I believe he can update it as desired. I'm just not sure about file size limits.

I'll give that a go, and if it works I'll post a link here.

Anyway, the megacerops looks done. And I wrote a short post on the kraken.


Slow as we are, at least the conversions are making progress.

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