Discussion - General Discussion Thread 2010-17

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
[MENTION=21064]Rae ArdGaoth[/MENTION] I think the warden thread should die as there in only one player-me. that should make your forced smile less forced, maybe?

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Rae ArdGaoth

[MENTION=49929]Scott DeWar[/MENTION]: Yes, I think it would be wise for me to only run one game at a time. And unfortunately, the game in which you have a PC has fewer players than Parade. =(

I'm really sorry, but yes, that's what I'd like to do. I'll come up with a way to write it off.


(copy/paste of what I wrote in the Pie Parade topic)

If I may, I do have a suggestion for Live ENWorld until it picks up again. I was thinking this forum could let players start their own quests with their own rules and (maybe) own characters.

As it is right now, the complexity of registering a character coupled with the low traffic is, in my opinion, discouraging potential players who would otherwise join.

I understand the necessity of rules in a large community but right now, Live ENWorld's very survival is at stake and relaxing those rules for now could be the first step towards reviving this forum.


First Post
(copy/paste of what I wrote in the Pie Parade topic)

If I may, I do have a suggestion for Live ENWorld until it picks up again. I was thinking this forum could let players start their own quests with their own rules and (maybe) own characters.

As it is right now, the complexity of registering a character coupled with the low traffic is, in my opinion, discouraging potential players who would otherwise join.

I understand the necessity of rules in a large community but right now, Live ENWorld's very survival is at stake and relaxing those rules for now could be the first step towards reviving this forum.

Registering can be a hassle. But what do you mean let the players start their own quests? Dp you mean not having to receive approval for an adventure before presenting and running it?

Rae ArdGaoth

The existing rules almost definitely need to change, because as far as I know, I am the only judge left. I've been in contact with Trouvere over email, but he hasn't posted since 2011. Are any judges still watching? (EDIT: Hey, Trouvere!)

We had "strict" rules (relative to Playing the Game) because of inter-adventure effects: You obviously don't want a DM granting a L1 PC a Rod of Wonder or a Ring of Three Wishes, throwing the entire world off balance.

Let's wait a bit (couple of days?) to see who's still out there before making any changes.

Assuming we do reconsider the rules, one important thing to keep in mind is: What makes us different from Playing the Game?

I think we should aim to maintain the stability (community members taking over stalled out adventures) and continuity (shared world) that make LEW unique.
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The "Playing the Game" forum Rae just linked to resembles what I just mentioned. I didn't know it already existed.

For maintaining balance, I guess those player-started adventures could be treated as "LEW fanfiction" the players participate in for the giggles. Although the world guide would need a touch-up for players to use (I think some links are currently broken).

I'll see if I come up with better ideas after getting some sleep (~9:30 pm over here)


The existing rules almost definitely need to change, because as far as I know, I am the only judge left.

I'm a judge, but I haven't done any judge-y things here in quite a while and don't really have any plans to do so in the foreseeable future. But if you need me to rubber-stamp something for some reason, I'm still around.

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