Discussion - General Discussion Thread '09

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Thy wounds are healed!
Need an answer to the following question, please.

What do you do when a player will be out for an undetermined amount of time?

Am I allowed to NPC a LEW character for say more than one, or two rounds of combat. What if when I do are you allowed to say use wands/potions/ other consumeble items???

I ask cause Theroc says he doesn't know when he will have his computer back.



First Post
There's no problem with NPCing a character, so long as the player's happy with it. As to using consumables, I'm sure Theroc would be keen to have his character back alive, so if that's what it takes ... ;)

Rae ArdGaoth

I usually make a disclaimer that, as a DM, I will NPC your character if I deem it necessary, and that I accept no responsibility for material/physical damages, death, or mind flaying. ;)


Thy wounds are healed!
... And you think he's joking ... :lol:

LOL I can believe that he isn't :D Thanks for the advise guys.

[sblock=My players no peeking]

O.k. so guess what has happened now. Facing the dire rats in my game two PC's have contacted Filth Fever, now if this game were to run longer than 1 day (game time) I would have no problem playing it as we go. BUT they will probably be done with this adventure before the incubation period is over.

And the question is: What do we do with something like this? [/sblock]


Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
There's no problem with NPCing a character, so long as the player's happy with it. As to using consumables, I'm sure Theroc would be keen to have his character back alive, so if that's what it takes ... ;)

I usually make a disclaimer that, as a DM, I will NPC your character if I deem it necessary, and that I accept no responsibility for material/physical damages, death, or mind flaying. ;)

Hey guys I am still waiting for an answer to the above question and I posted a Question here: http://www.enworld.org/forum/living-en-world/270085-discussion-general-discussion-thread-10-a.html as well

When you have time could use alittle help and is there a place to find answers to DM questions like these or should we just answer as we go?

is it about npc ing a pc for andeturminate amout of time? if so it looks like they answered it.


Thy wounds are healed!
Nope but thanks for keeping an eye out Scott the question on the new thread was about leveling up a couple guys in my game already had XP and I rewarded some for their encounters and they both hit lvl 2 wanted to know what to do what I was allowed to do that sort of stuff you know.



[sblock=Not HolyMan's Players]You should resolve filth fever at the end of the adventure, one way or another. If it were another disease, that you can't die from, I might say just let it go and not worry about it, because the PCs will eventually make 2 saves in a row and recover on their own, and then the ability damage would just go away in time. But Filth Fever does con damage, which can kill you if you fail enough saves. Thus, it should be resolved.

What I would do is this. At the end of the adventure, once everything else is resolved, tell the affected players something like this: "You wake up the next day with a burning pain in your wounds, and shaking weakness in your limbs. (ooc: you are diseased, take 1d3 dex and 1d3 con damage and make a DC 12 Fort save each day or take the damage again. 2 saves in a row cures the disease.)" Basically, you should stay with them until they either a) make 2 fort saves in a row, at which point the ability damage can be handwaved, since it will go away in time, or b) pay 150g for a 5th level cleric to cast Remove Disease on them, or c) find a PC to do it. If you feel like being nice, you can add extra treasure to compensate for the cost.

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