D&D 5E D&D Promises to Make the Game More Queer

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You claim to live in the US right? yet you say you say that if D&D gets more gay you may die as a result? Sorry but this sounds iffy to me.

No. Though I am American, I don't live in the US. I'm working abroad in the Republic of Georgia, as I have been for the past 5 years. Homosexuality can be taken very seriously here.

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Well, the use of the word "wrong" already implies that it's my own, subjective opinion. He has his way. I have my way. We don't have to agree. But it also means neither of us is obligated to stand down, either.

Actually the use of the word "wrong" implies objectivity. Perhaps if you were to say something like "I dislike" then more of us would get that you are expressing your opinion rather than trying to lay down the law.

Actually the use of the word "wrong" implies objectivity. Perhaps if you were to say something like "I dislike" then more of us would get that you are expressing your opinion rather than trying to lay down the law.

Both are subjective. Nothing can be wrong without some to pass judgement that is wrong. Therefore it is subjective. A green sofa in a pitch black room, however, remains green, even if I can't make out the color.
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People have also faced the threat of being murdered for voting. If they had all let that stop them from voting, their voices would have gone unheard and it's likely that nothing would have changed for the better for them.

Because D&D has the same stakes as sufferance...

I both agree with this and can't help but point out how hopelessly subjective it is. For some people, "escaping the real world" means escaping to a world where their gender/religion/race/sexuality/whatever isn't a constant problem for them.

Did you see my question about quantifying when something stops being political? What level of social acceptance of homosexual unions would be necessary before you'd be OK with it?

No. It means, let's be inclusive without actively trying to promote an agenda.

Including gays characters = good.
Including gay characters in order to promote a certain ideology = bad.

We'll have to agree to disagree on that one. There are a large list of tools is believe should never be used in both discussion and warfare.

I don't know. I think we could bring this discussion to a satisfactory conclusion if we just nuked it from orbit.

How is the position that people are able to understand well reasoned argument a snobbish or paternalistic position? The opposite, people cannot understand well reasoned argument, seems to me much more condescending.

It's not that people aren't able to understand; people can be amazing when they want to be.

Rather, it's that people allow themselves to be afflicted with deeply ingrained notions that come not from a place of fact; that people are often hesitant to examine things that challenge their points of view, and are often more inclined to dismiss evidence that contradicts their beliefs than they are to admit their beliefs might have a fault in them; and that people have networks of friends and family (and often faith) who reinforce their unchallenged beliefs.

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