Critter Bits and Magic Recipes!


Creature Cataloguer
i'm not dead either! just more than a little busy with real life... consider this thread sleeping, not dead! you can always nudge it with bits of food (i.e., info) and see if it wakes up. :D

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Time to feed the beast, I guess.... here's a few.

From Dragon 285
Grues are prized by wizards, for at the heart of these creatures lies a magic, pearl-like object the size of a fist, upon which is carefully etched the arcane workings of an elemental spell. WIth careful study, a wizard can copy the spell into her spellbook...

The spell object within a chaggrin (earth grue) is
resist elements 50% of the time, and stone missiles the rest of the time.

The spell object within a harginn (fire grue) is resist elements 50% of the time, and burning hands the rest of the time.

The spell-object within an ildriss (air grue) is resist elements 50% of the time, and blast of air the rest of the time.

The spell-object within a vardigg (water grue) is resist elements 50% of the time, and water burst the rest of the time.

In Dragon 309, the spell plague cloud includes dried otyugh blood as a component.

Dragons 298 and 234 also have a couple of interesting magic items (potion of yellow mold distillate and shriek paste), but I'd probably have to give the entire description, and this post is already long enough for the moment.


First Post
As promised, fungus-y goodness

Congratulations on your wedding, BOZ!

Here's the two long ones I mentioned.

Dragon 234
Many liches have investigated and experimented with yellow mold to greate extent, developing potions of yellow mold distillate . These potions are extracts from yellow mold spores, suspended in liquid and mutated to have extremely fast-acting effects when they come into contact with living or once-living flesh. As expected, the distillate is a cloudy yellow color, often with clots of gray-green or milky white substances floating in the mixture.
When a potion of yellow mold distillate is quaffed, the drinker's flesh and organs are transformed into yellow mold in the space of a single round [nota bene- this is in 2nd edition timing, not 3rd], exploding into a 10' cloud of spores the following round. No saving throw is allowed; the drinker perishes instantly, collapsing into a pile of bones, and those caught within the cloud must save vs. poison or die themselves.
As liches are found in varying states of decay, those that still retain a layer of mummified, leathery skin are able to drink the potion of yellow mold distillate themselves, transforming their remaining skin into a deadly clou]d of spores.....
The success of potions of yellow mold distillate have encouraged at least one lich to investigate the possibility of a potion of phycomid distillate , Tod date, such a substance has eluded him, but it's surely only a matter of time- and time is one thing liches have plenty of.

Dragon 298
...In addition, drow alchemists harvest and render the fungus down to a base substance capable of reproducing the shrieker's howl.
Shriek paste is an oily, smelly substance with a slightly purplish color. When smeared on a surface, it retains the same consistancy almost indefinitely. When the paste is exposed to a light sorce equivalent to torchlight or greater, it rapidly crystallizes. During this process, the paste makes a high-pitched screeching noisy, making it a useful signalling device. The shriek is loud and easy to hear (Listen DC -10, modified as usual for distance, solid barriers, and other environmental factors.) This sound lasts for 1 round before the paste dries up entirely and is rendered useless.

Since I go off to college tomorrow, I'm going to try to get as much done as I possibly can today, so I'll most likely be posting again later. I hope none of the rest of them are this long, though. ^^;;;;


First Post
As promised, fungus-y goodness

Congratulations on your wedding, BOZ!

Here's the two long ones I mentioned.

Dragon 234
Many liches have investigated and experimented with yellow mold to greate extent, developing potions of yellow mold distillate . These potions are extracts from yellow mold spores, suspended in liquid and mutated to have extremely fast-acting effects when they come into contact with living or once-living flesh. As expected, the distillate is a cloudy yellow color, often with clots of gray-green or milky white substances floating in the mixture.
When a potion of yellow mold distillate is quaffed, the drinker's flesh and organs are transformed into yellow mold in the space of a single round [nota bene- this is in 2nd edition timing, not 3rd], exploding into a 10' cloud of spores the following round. No saving throw is allowed; the drinker perishes instantly, collapsing into a pile of bones, and those caught within the cloud must save vs. poison or die themselves.
As liches are found in varying states of decay, those that still retain a layer of mummified, leathery skin are able to drink the potion of yellow mold distillate themselves, transforming their remaining skin into a deadly clou]d of spores.....
The success of potions of yellow mold distillate have encouraged at least one lich to investigate the possibility of a potion of phycomid distillate , Tod date, such a substance has eluded him, but it's surely only a matter of time- and time is one thing liches have plenty of.

Dragon 298
...In addition, drow alchemists harvest and render the fungus down to a base substance capable of reproducing the shrieker's howl.
Shriek paste is an oily, smelly substance with a slightly purplish color. When smeared on a surface, it retains the same consistancy almost indefinitely. When the paste is exposed to a light sorce equivalent to torchlight or greater, it rapidly crystallizes. During this process, the paste makes a high-pitched screeching noisy, making it a useful signalling device. The shriek is loud and easy to hear (Listen DC -10, modified as usual for distance, solid barriers, and other environmental factors.) This sound lasts for 1 round before the paste dries up entirely and is rendered useless.

Since I go off to college tomorrow, I'm going to try to get as much done as I possibly can today, so I'll most likely be posting again later. I hope none of the rest of them are this long, though. ^^;;;;


First Post
Unfortunetly... Or fortunetly...(Depending on your outlook.)

This is the best I could do...

Every Little Piece
Dr. Terminus & Hoagy
From Disney's "Pete's Dragon"

Dr. Terminus
Dragon whiskers, dragon toes
a dragon tooth and a dragon nose
Every little piece
Every little piece
We could make a million
by slicing him, dicing him

Hoagy, we could sell every little shell
There's enough of him to go around
Money, money, money
by the pound
Every little piece
Every little piece

I can take a scissor
and clip him up, rip him up
Every little part is a work of art
Think of what a dragon heart would bring
Wrapped up in a ribbon and a string

Dragon liver can cure a cold
dragon powder grows hair
With dragon blood you'll never grow old

Dr. Terminus
Every item is covered with gold

Every item is covered with gold

Dr. Terminus
Every little piece
Every little piece
Dragon you're my wagon to destiny
you're the key
Every little shred moving me ahead
Every dream of mine will be fulfilled
What a dragon business we can build

Dragon cartilage keeps you thin
dragon fat is for burns
a dragon tear will clear up your skin

Dr. Terminus
Watch the profits come rolling in

Watch the profits come rolling in
Every little piece, every little crease

Dr. Terminus
All lead me to the dragon
I'll buy him up, tie him up
Drag him from the cave
show him that I'm brave
I'll bind him up, grind him up
lop him up, chop him up
Can't you hear that jingle, jangle sound?

Oh, yeah!

It's money, money, money
by the pound

Dr. Terminus
Money, money, money


Dr. Terminus
We'll have banks full of francs


In truckloads

Dr. Terminus


Dr. Terminus
Bigger shares


Dr. Terminus


In tens and twenties

Dragon cartilage keeps you thin
dragon fat is for burns
a dragon tear will clear up your skin

Dr. Terminus
Watch the profits come rolling in

Watch the profits come rolling in
Every little piece, every little crease

Dr. Terminus
Lead us to the dragon
we'll buy him up

Tie him up

Dr. Terminus
Drag him from the cave
Show him that we're brave
We'll bind him up, grind him up
lop him up, chop him up

Can't you hear that jingle, jangle sound?

Oh, yeah!

It's money, money, money
by the pound

Dr. Terminus
It's money, money, money
by the pound

It's money, money, money
by the pound

Dr. Terminus
It's money, money, money
by the pound

It's money, money, money
by the pound

Dr. Terminus
It's money, money, money
by the pound

It's money, money, money
by the pound


First Post
Blecch... I hate how the new forums quote automatically... that was a royal pain highlighting the entire message so I could delete it.

Cute... but I thought this was limited to D&D resources? ::shrugs:: Anyway, despite rumors to the contrary, I'm not dead, only at college. I didn't bring most of my Dragons along, so I've only got one with anything, and it's issue 300, the "Vile Issue". I've got plenty more at home.. where I'm visiting Labor Day weekend. I might post more then.

There's a long back story to one item in the "By the Hands of Hags" article, but I don't want to type it all out, so suffice to say that the original one of these was made from the severed and preserved head of a green hag who was tortured to death by her own covey after they slew the man she was in love with. (!? Now there's something you don't see every day!)

"A creature bearing a head of the loveless recieves a +5 luck bonus to saving throws against spells, spell-like abilities, effects of the Enchantment school, and mind-influencing effects. This includes the fear, mind-influencing, chamr, or domination abilities of monsters; and compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects.
In addition, once per day the stitches of the head's mouth can stretch, allowing it to scream. The head's bearer must simply hold the head of the loveless aloft and say the word "love" in any language. The head of the loveless then screams with the same effect as ashout spell cast by a 15th-level caster."


First Post
Ick... IE is crashing again.. I hope this post goes through properly.

Dragon 274
Grimorian skins are much sought after by the humanoids of the Pomarj for armor. Grimorian hide armor has an armor bonus of +4, but it is more cumbersome than regular hide armor. The maximum Dexterity bonus one can have while wearing such hide armor is +2, and a medium-size suit of grimorian hide armor weighs 30 pounds. This additional bulk is usually of little concern to the humanoids, however, for wearing a suit of grimorian hide armmor is a mark of one's personal strength.

Local animal life avoid skerath hives, but orcs often risk great personal danger to get at the larvae that can be found inside. Skerath larvae are defenseless grubs the size of a banana. The larva also contain high amounts of latent magical energy that aids in their growth into full-grown skerath. Although they taste somewhat like rancid cheese, eating a skerath larvae grants a mirror image ability as if cast by a 3rd-level sorcerer to the perosn stubborn enough to choke the thing down... the larvae tend to die 1d4 days after they are separated from their hives. A standard skerath hive yields 3d4 larvae.

More when my computer is willing to cooperate.

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