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Monster Junkie
Elemental of Chaos, Eolian


Elemental of Chaos, Eolian
Large Elemental (Air, Chaos, Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 8d8+24 (60 hp)
Initiative: +11
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 90 ft. (perfect)
Armor Class: 21 (+7 Dex, +4 natural), touch 17, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+12
Attack: Slam +12 melee (2d6+2)
Full Attack: 2 slams +12 melee (2d6+2)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Choking strike, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/-, darkvision 60 ft., elemental traits, favorable chaos, immunity to air, lower temperature, minor spell invulnerability, see invisibility, vulnerability to earth
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +12, Will +6
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 25, Con 16, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 13
Skills: Concentration +13, Listen +6, Spot +6
Feats: Blind-Fight, Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative (B), Iron Will, Weapon Finesse (B)
Environment: Elemental Plane of Air
Organization: Solitary or clique (2-4)
Challenge Rating: 6
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always chaotic
Advancement: 9-15 HD (Large); 16-25 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: -

The creature appears to be a ten-foot-long, five-foot-wide heat shimmer. However, the area around it is cool.

The elementals of chaos pursue their own interests on the Elemental Planes and beyond.

Eolians are native to the Elemental Plane of Air, residing in vast, swirling maelstroms. Eolians are as likely to assist planar travelers as they are to attack them, although their mercurial nature can lead to a swift betrayal or end of aggressions.

Eolians are always chaotic, changing their temperament and treatment of others on a whim. They count anemos and krysts among their greatest adversaries.

A typical eolian is typically 10 feet long and less then 5 feet wide, although it can alter its exact dimensions as it pleases. It weighs around 20 pounds.

Eolians speak Auran and Draconic.


Eolians revel in the chaos of battle, buffeting foes with their windy forms or using their spell-like abilities to poison the air or make movement difficult for the opposition.

Choking Strike (Ex): As a standard action, an eolian can attempt to plunge part of its wavering body into the mouth and lungs of a grappled foe. The victim takes 1d8+3 points of nonlethal damage per round. Additionally, an affected creature cannot speak or cast spells with verbal components. Any effect that breaks the grapple immediately frees the victim from the continuing damage.

Favorable Chaos (Su): An eolian is always chaotic, but it always takes the most beneficial aspect on the good-neutral-evil axis when affected by a spell or ability. For example, an eolian is treated as good if targeted by holy smite, or as evil when struck by an unholy weapon.

Immunity to Air (Ex): An eolian is immune to the detrimental effects of spells with the air descriptor.

Lower Temperature (Su): Once per day, an eolian can lower the temperature by up to 40 degrees in a 40-foot-radius centered on itself. This lasts for a number of rounds equal to the eolian's Hit Dice.

Minor Spell Invulnerability (Ex): An elemental of chaos is immune to all spell effects of 2nd-level or lower.

See Invisibility (Ex): An elemental of chaos can constantly see invisible creatures as if under the effects of a see invisibility spell.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day—cloudkill (DC 16), detect magic, dispel magic; 1/day—control winds (DC 16). Caster level 9th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Vulnerability to Earth (Ex): An eolian takes half again (+50%) as much damage from spells and effects of the Earth descriptor.

Originally appeared in Mystara Monstrous Compendium Appendix (1994).
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Monster Junkie
Beholder Zombie


Beholder Zombie
Large Undead
Hit Dice: 4d12 (26 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 5 ft. (1 square), fly 20 ft. (good)
Armor Class: 26 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +15 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 24
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+6
Attack: Touch +1 melee (2d6 cold)
Full Attack: Touch +1 melee (2d6 cold)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Chilling touch
Special Qualities: Blindsense 60 ft., flight, undead traits
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +4
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 14, Con 18, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 1
Skills: —
Feats: —
Environment: Cold Hills
Organization:: Solitary, pair, or cluster (3-6)
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: Double standard
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: None
Level Adjustment: —

An orblike creature covered in a blood-red shell floats through the air. Ten eyestalks dot its head, and a large central eye stares unblinking above a toothy maw.

Beholders have a funeral custom in which they encase their fallen in a blood-red salve that hardens into a tough shell. The beholders believe that this shell contains and protects the souls of the dead within their bodies, allowing the fallen comrade an eternity of pleasant dreams. Beholder zombies are a side-effect of this process. Should the blood-red casing crack or otherwise be damaged, the dead beholder springs to unlife and attacks any interlopers within its resting place.

A beholder zombie is an 8-foot-wide orb dominated by a central eye and a large, toothy maw. Ten smaller eyes on stalks sprout from the top of the orb.


If disturbed, a beholder zombie fights to the death, simply bumping into foes and delivering a chilling touch. If foes flee, a beholder zombie will give pursuit for 2d6 rounds before returning to its resting place. Should an opponent find a way to patch a cracked shell (perhaps through grappling and applying more of the salve), the beholder zombie immediately stops attacking and returns to rest.

Chilling Touch (Ex): A beholder zombie's deals 2d6 points of cold damage with a successful touch attack.

Flight (Ex): A beholder zombie's body is naturally buoyant. This buoyancy allows it to fly at a speed of 20 feet. This buoyancy also grants it a permanent feather fall effect (as the spell) with personal range.

Originally appeared in SJA1 Wildspace (1990).
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Monster Junkie
Frosty the Snowman


Frosty the Snowman
Large Outsider (Cold, Native)
Hit Dice: 5d8+15 (37 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 17 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural, +3 deflection), touch 14, flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+11
Attack: Slam +6 melee (1d8+2) or snowball +6 ranged (1d4+2)
Full Attack: 2 slams +6 melee (1d8+2) or snowball +6 ranged (1d4+2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Frosty's broom, Frosty's scarf, snowballs, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to cold, magic hat, regeneration 2, rejuvenation, vulnerability to fire
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +3
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 17
Skills: Bluff +11, Concentration +11, Diplomacy +15, Disguise +3 (+5 acting), Escape Artist +2 (+4 to escape rope bonds), Hide +6*, Intimidate +5, Listen +7, Sense Motive +7, Spot +7, Use Rope +10
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot
Environment: Any cold land
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 5
Treasure: None (except Frosty's hat)
Alignment: Chaotic good
Advancement: —
Level Adjustment: —

A large snowman in a tall black silk hat stands before you. Two eyes made out of coal stare above a corncob pipe and a button nose. A silk scarf drapes its neck. It carries a straw broom in one hand. Suddenly, it begins to dance around.

Frosty the Snowman is a legendary being in wintertime tales. For reasons unknown, his existence is tied to a magical silk hat, which, when placed on an ordinary snowman, transforms into Frosty.

Frosty the Snowman is a jolly, happy soul, preferring to laugh and play with children and other friendly creatures. Frosty, being a snowman, lacks legs, and hops along with a "thumpety thump thump" sound.

Frosty is 8 feet tall and weighs 400 pounds.

Frosty speaks Common.


Frosty the Snowman has no love of combat, but if his friends are threatened, he can be a dangerous adversary. He can hurl snowballs with deadly accuracy, entangle foes with his magical scarf, fire large snowblasts from his magic broom, and even control the weather. Frosty fears fire, for he is exceptionally vulnerable to it.

Frosty's Broom (Su): Any ordinary broom Frosty carries functions as a wand of fireballs with unlimited charges, except the fire damage is substituted with cold damage. Should the broom be separated from Frosty, or if he is destroyed, the broom reverts to an ordinary broom. Frosty may only affect one such broom at any given time.

Frosty's Hat: Frosty's hat is a minor artifact that grants a +3 deflection bonus to AC. Frosty cannot be permanently destroyed as long as the hat exists (see rejuvenation, below).

Frosty's Scarf (Su): Any ordinary scarf Frosty wears functions as a rope of entanglement. Should the scarf be separated from Frosty, or if he is destroyed, the scarf reverts to an ordinary scarf. Frosty may only affect one such scarf at any given time.

Regeneration (Ex): Fire deals normal damage to Frosty. If Frosty loses a limb or body part, he can reattach the severed member instantly by holding it to the stump, or craft a new one from snow in 1d3 rounds.

Rejuvenation (Su): Frosty cannot be slain through simple combat. If reduced to 0 hit points, Frosty melts into a puddle of nonmagical water. If Frosty's hat is placed upon any mundane snowman, it immediately transforms into Frosty.

Snowballs (Su): As a free action, Frosty can create a snowball in his hand. He may hurl these snowballs as thrown weapons with a range increment of 10 feet and a maximum range of 50 feet. Snowballs deal 1d4 points of damage. Frosty may change the consistency of these snowballs to deal either lethal or nonlethal damage, with no penalty. Frosty is an accomplished snowball tosser and receive a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls when throwing snowballs.

Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day—control weather. Caster level 8th.

Skills: *Frosty has a +4 racial bonus on Hide checks made in areas of snow.

Originally appeared in Imagine Magazine #21 (1984).
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Monster Junkie
Therapsid, Euchambersia


Therapsid, Euchambersia
Small Animal
Hit Dice: 2d8+4 (13 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 13 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +1 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+1
Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d4 plus poison)
Full Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d4 plus poison)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Poison
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 4
Skills: Hide +5, Listen +5, Spot +4
Feats: Alertness, Weapon Finesse (B)
Environment: Warm forests
Organization: Solitary or pair
Challenge Rating: 1
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 3 HD (Small); 4-6 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: -

This creature at the same time resembles both a monitor lizard and a dog-like mammal. Its head looks more dog-like, though, due to the whiskers and large fangs. Bristle-like hair sprouts in various places from its rust-brown hide.

Euchambersia was a late Permian therocephalian, a relative of the larger gorgonopsians. Called the viper-wolf by peoples of the land in which it dwells, it is unique in that it has evolved venom for offensive use - to kill its prey.

A euchambersia is 3 feet long and weighs 30 to 40 pounds.


Attach (Ex): A euchambersia that hits with its bite attack latches onto the opponent’s body with its powerful jaws. An attached euchambersia loses its Dexterity bonus to AC and thus has an AC of 12. An attached euchambersia can be struck with a weapon or grappled itself. To remove an attached euchambersia through grappling, the opponent must achieve a pin against the creature. A euchambersia has a +4 racial bonus on grapple checks (already figured into the Base Attack/Grapple entry above).

Poison (Ex): Euchambersia's venom is a hemotoxin that damages its prey's internal organs (Fort DC 13, 1d4 Con/1d4 Con). A euchambersia injects venom each round it is attached. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Originally appeared in Dragon Magazine #176 (1991) as "therapsid".
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Monster Junkie
Golem, Necromantic


Necromantic Golem
Large Construct
Hit Dice: 11d10+30 (90 hp)
Initiative: -1
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares)
Armor Class: 18 (–1 size, –1 Dex, +10 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 18
Base Attack/Grapple: +8/+17
Attack: Slam +12 melee (2d8+7) or greatclub +12 melee (2d8+7)
Full Attack: Slam +12 melee (2d8+7) or greatclub +12 melee (2d8+7)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: —
Special Qualities: Construct traits, damage reduction 5/slashing, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to cold, immunity to magic, low-light vision, single actions only, vulnerable to holy water, vulnerable to turning
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +3
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 9, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills: —
Feats: —
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 7
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: 12-18 HD (Large); 19-30 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: —

This zombielike creature stands over eleven feet tall. Its mottled gray flesh exudes the smell of death.

A necromantic golem combines traits of undead and constructs, akin to both a flesh golem and a zombie. The corpses of several creatures must be rendered into a pliable mass, which is then shaped to form a large humanoid figure. Much like a zombie, a necromantic golem is a lumbering, shuffling brute.

A necromantic golem stands 11 feet tall and weighs 1,000 pounds.

A necromantic golem cannot speak, although it can emit a hoarse roar of sorts. It walks and moves with a stiff-jointed gait, as if not in complete control of its body.


A necromantic golem pummels foes with its fists or uproots small trees to wield as a club.

Immunity to Magic (Ex): A necromantic golem is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.

A magical attack that deals positive energy damage (such as a cure spell) damages a necromantic golem as if it were an undead creature.

A magical attack that deals negative energy damage breaks heals 1 point of damage for each 3 points of damage the attack would otherwise deal. If the amount of healing would cause the necromantic golem to exceed its full normal hit points, it gains any excess as temporary hit points. For example, a necromantic golem hit by an inflict moderate wounds gains back 6 hit points if the damage total is 18 points. A necromantic golem gets no saving throw against negative energy effects.

Single Actions Only (Ex): A necromantic golem can perform only a single move action or attack action each round. A necromantic golem can move up to its speed and attack in the same round, but only if it attempts a charge.

Vulnerable to Holy Water (Ex): A necromantic golem is harmed by holy water as if it were an undead creature.

Vulnerable to Turning (Ex): A necromantic golem can be turned or rebuked as if it were an undead creature.


The pieces of a necromantic golem must come from normal human corpses that have not decayed significantly. Assembly requires a minimum of ten different bodies. The corpses must be stripped of their flesh and the bones, which are then rendered in two vats. The resulting semi-liquid bone-paste is then cast into a new articulated skeleton, to which the rendered flesh is applied like wet clay to shape the figure. Special unguents and bindings worth 1,000 gp are also required. Note that creating a necromantic golem requires casting a spell with the evil descriptor.

Assembling the body requires a DC 15 Craft (sculpting) check. Alternatively, special vats may be designed with a DC 20 Knowledge (architecture and engineering) check. These vats may be used to create additional necromantic golems, provided the other prereqs are met.

CL 8th; Craft Construct, animate dead, false life, lesser geas, polymorph, caster must be at least 8th level; Price 25,000 gp; Cost 13,500 gp + 960 XP.

Originally appeared in Dragon Magazine #138 (1988).
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Monster Junkie
Ghul-kin, Witherer


Ghul-kin, Witherer
Large Undead (Shapechanger)
Hit Dice: 9d12 (58 hp)
Initiative: +6
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares), swim 30 ft.
Armor Class: 21 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +4 natural, +6 insight), touch 17, flat-footed 19
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+12
Attack: Claw +7 melee (1d6+4) or withering touch +7 melee
Full Attack: 2 claws +7 melee (1d6+4) and bite +5 melee (2d6+2) or withering touch +7 melee
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Create spawn, diminished change shape, spell-like abilities, withering touch
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/cold iron or magic, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to cold, light sensitivity, otherworldly insight, +4 turn resistance, undead traits
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +7
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 15, Con —, Int 20, Wis 23, Cha 23
Skills: Bluff +18, Concentration +11, Diplomacy +23, Disguise +17 (+19 acting), Intimidate +17, Jump +12, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +15, Move Silently +9, Sense Motive +9, Spot +13, Swim +12
Feats: Improved Initiative (B), Multiattack, Negotiator, Persuasive, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (invisibility)
Environment: Warm deserts and mountains
Organization: Solitary or pack (2-3)
Challenge Rating: 6
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: 10-12 HD (Large) or by character class
Level Adjustment: +6

This repulsive humanoid towers over ten feet tall with long, gangly limbs. Its skin is bone-whilte and pock-marked, while its tangled hair is thick and black. Its ears are are sharply pointed. Its eyes shine with a feral light, and its jaw is filled with sharp yellow teeth. Its hands end in wicked claws. An unpleasant odor surrounds it.

Ghul-kin, like their great ghul cousins, are undead formed from the cruelest, vilest members of an inferior order of janni. Far more social than great ghuls, ghul-kin prefer to live among mortals. They are reviled by all geniekind, and efreet and other evil genies often force them into servitude. Ghul-kin treat great ghuls treat and ghuls in a similar manner. They disdain ghouls and ghasts.

Ghul-kin are talented shapeshifters, choosing forms that tend to be attractive and seductive. They often mimic specific individuls, but something is always a bit off about such impersonations (incorrect eye color, strangely-shaped ears, and so forth). They often accentuate their disguises with makeup, clothing, and jewelery. They are particularly fond of perfumes and other scents, which they use to mask the unpleasant odor of undeath.

Many ghul-kin are giften spellcasters, becoming sorcerers, shai'irs (see Dragon Compendium Volume One), or clerics of deities that will accept them. Many also become sha'irs (see Dragon Compendium Volume One). Ghul-kin take perverse delight in collecting magic items capable of harming them, then carefully hiding such items where others cannot find them. They covet items capable of controlling or harming genies.

Ghul-kin live wherever is most conventient to them. They are often found in humanoid cities, keeping their true nature a secret. Their homes are always elaborately tiled or painted, with elegant furnishings. Ghul-kin prefer to live in small family units or form packs with great ghuls, with the ghul-kin as the leader. Ghul-kin Shapeshifting has become second nature to ghuls, so they rarely stay in their natural forms for long, even within their homes among others of their kind.

Although undead creatures, ghul-kin derive great pleasure from feeding upon carrion. They delight in devouring the flesh of their victims and sucking the marrow from the bones.

Witherers are the stronger of the two ghul-kin, and often use soultakers as lieutenants. They spend most of their time forming long-term grandiose plans, that often result in sacrifices both material and living. They enjoy corrupting mortals, turning humanoids into near-slavish followers that serve as shock troops and, in leaner times, food.

Witherers crave personal power, and hold long grudges against those who thwart their schemes. Premature disclosure of their plans often leads to their downfall, as they have a difficult time coping with the unexpected.

Females make up the bulk of the witherer population. The rare males are generally less ruthless than their female counterparts, and can be persuaded to aid mortals, particularly if appeals are made to their flair for the dramatic or if offered a substantial reward.

A witherer stands 10 feet tall and weighs around 250 to 300 pounds. Its rubbery skin is always cold to the touch.

Ghul-kin speak Abyssal, Common, Infernal, and one elemental language (Aquan, Auran, Ignan, or Terran).


Witherers attack with their deadly teeth and claws, but are most happy when utilizing their dreaded withering touch.

Create Spawn (Su): Any janni slain by a witherer becomes a free-willed witherer in 1d4 rounds. They do not possess any of the abilities they had in life.

Diminished Change Shape (Su): A ghul-kin can assume the form of any Small, Medium, or Large humanoid, giant, or genie. This works exactly as the change shape special ability, except that some slight flaw always appears in its impersonations. The ghul-kin therefore only gains a bonus of +6 to Disguise checks when using this ability to disguise itself.

Light Sensitivity (Ex): Ghul-kin are dazzled in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.

Otherworldly Insight (Ex): Ghul-kin have an insight bonus to Armor Class equal to their Charisma modifiers (+6 for a typical witherer).

Spell-Like Abilities: At will—invisibility (self only); 3/day—quickened invisibility (self only). Caster level equals twice ghul-kin's Hit Dice (18th for a typical witherer). The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Withering Touch (Su): As a melee touch attack, a witherer can subject a victim to a withering effect. This deals 1d10 points of damage, which the witherer gains (hp gained in excess of the ghul-kin's normal maximum are temporary hit points, which disappear after one hour). In addition, the touch deals 1 point of Str and 1 point of Con damage. A victim killed by the withering touch cannot be raised or resurrected unless remove curse is first cast on their bodies.

Skills: A witherer has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.

Originally appeared in Corsairs of the Great Sea (1994).
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Monster Junkie
Angel of Healing


Angel of Healing
Medium Outsider (Angel, Extraplanar, Good)
Hit Dice: 7d8+7 (38 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 60 ft. (good)
Armor Class: 17 (+1 Dex, +3 natural, +3 deflection), touch 14, flat-footed 16
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+6
Attack: +2 flaming shortsword +8 melee (1d6+2 plus 1d6 fire/19-20) or slam +6 melee (1d4)
Full Attack: +2 flaming shortsword +8/+3 melee (1d6+2 plus 1d6 fire/19-20) or slam +6 melee (1d4)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Change shape, damage reduction 5/evil, darkvision 60 ft., healing touch, holy grace, low-light vision, immunity to acid, cold, and petrification, protective aura, regeneration 5, resistance to electricity 10 and fire 10, spell resistance 22, tongues, touch of life, touch of regeneration
Saves: Fort +6 (+10 against poison), Ref +6, Will +8
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 17, Cha 17
Skills: Concentration +11, Diplomacy +15, Heal +16, Knowledge (religion) +10, Listen +13, Sense Motive +13, Spot +13, Use Magic Device +14
Feats: Empower Spell-Like Ability (aid), Flyby Attack, Skill Focus (Heal)
Environment: Any good-aligned plane
Organization: Solitary, pair, or host (3-6)
Challenge Rating: 8
Treasure: No coins; double goods; standard items
Alignment: Always good (any)
Advancement: 8-10 HD (Medium), 11-21 HD (Large)
Level Adjustment: —

A beautiful handsome garbed in white robes hovers on white, feathery wings sprouting from her back. Although her expression is compassionate, she carries a fiery longsword in one hand.

Angels of healing, or hospitaler angels, answer the prayers of those who are ill or injured. They travel the planes providing healing to those in need, and occasionally accompany heavenly armies in battle against the forces of evil.

An angel of healing is 5 1/2 to 6 feet tall and weighs about 150 to 175 pounds.

Angels speak Celestial, Infernal, and Draconic, though they can speak with almost any creature because of their tongues ability.


Angels of healing, as their name implies, tend to wounded and fallen comrades first and foremost. If necessary, they defend themselves with their flaming shortswords or unleash a holy smite if surrounded by evil foes.

An angel of healing's natural weapons, as well as any weapons it wields, are treated as good-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Change Shape (Su): An angel of healing can assume the form of any Small or Medium humanoid.

Healing Touch (Su): At will, with a mere touch, an angel of healing may channel positive energy into a creature to wipe away its afflictions. This immediately ends any of the following conditions affecting the subject: blinded, confused, dazed, dazzled, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, frightened, nauseated, panicked, paralyzed, shaken, sickened, and stunned. It negates sleep effects and the effect of the feeblemind spell, and ends any additional effects from poison, as the neutralize poison spell. It also cures 1d8 points of damage + 1 point per HD of the angel (1d8+7 for a typical angel of healing, maximum +20).

Healing touch does not remove ability damage, negative levels, or permanently drained levels.

Used against an undead creature, healing touch deals damage instead of curing the creature (Will DC 16 half), but it has no other effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Holy Grace (Ex): An angel of healing gains a deflection bonus to its Armor Class equal to its Charisma modifier.

Protective Aura (Su): Against attacks made or effects created by evil creatures, this ability provides a +4 deflection bonus to AC and a +4 resistance bonus on saving throws to anyone within 20 feet of the angel. Otherwise, it functions as a magic circle against evil effect and a lesser globe of invulnerability, both with a radius of 20 feet (caster level 7th). This aura can be dispelled, but the angel can create it again as a free action on its next turn. (The defensive benefits from the circle are not included in its statistics block.)

Regeneration (Ex): An angel of healing takes damage from evil-aligned weapons and from spells and effects with the evil descriptor.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will—aid, continual flame, detect evil, discern lies (DC 17); 3/day—empowered aid, holy smite (DC 17), shield other. Caster level 8th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Tongues (Su): An angel of healing can speak with any creature that has a language, as though using a tongues spell (caster level 7th). This ability is always active.

Touch of Life (Su): Three times per day, an angel of healing can restore life to a recently deceased creature. To do so, the angel must touch the subject within a number of rounds after the victim's death equal to the angel's HD (6 rounds for a typical angel of healing). Before the soul of the deceased has completely left the body, this spell halts its journey while repairing somewhat the damage to the body. This spell functions like raise dead, except that the raised creature receives no level loss, no Constitution loss, and no loss of spells. The creature is only restored to -1 hit points (but is stable).

Touch of Regeneration (Su): At will, with a mere touch, an angel of life can regrow a creature's lost or damaged body part, as if casting a regenerate spell.

Originally appeared in Dragon Magazine #17 (1978).
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Monster Junkie

Medium Humanoid (Goblinoid)
Hit Dice: 1d8+2 (6 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 14 (+1 Dex, +2 leather armor, +1 light wooden shield), touch 11, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+2
Attack: Morningstar +2 melee (1d8+1) or javelin +2 ranged (1d6+1)
Full Attack: Morningstar +2 melee (1d8+1) or javelin +2 ranged (1d6+1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: —
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft.
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +0
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 8
Skills: Climb +5, Hide +3, Move Silently +3
Feats: Stealthy
Environment: Temperate mountains
Organization: Solitary, gang (2–4), band (11–20 plus 1-4 bugbears), or tribe (20-30 plus 150% noncombatants plus 3 2nd-level sergeants and 1-6 bugbears up to 5th level)
Challenge Rating: ½
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually chaotic evil
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +1

Coarse-hair covers the body of this frail, five-foot-tall, goblinoid creature. Its mouth is full of long, sharp fangs, and its nose is much like that of a bear.

Bug-a-boos are smaller, frailer cousins of bugbears. They often live on the outskirts of bugbear tribes, scavenging what they can from their more able kin, such as inferior or even broken weapons. 'Boos (as they are often called) are occasionally used as expendable troops in bugbear military endeavors.

Bug-a-boos get along with most evil humanoids, and occasionally can be found in mixed bands with other outcasts, such as half-orcs or ogrillons.

Like bugbears, bug-a-boos speak Goblin and Common, although their dialect is distinctly different.

Most bug-a-boos encountered outside their homes are warriors; the information in the statistics block is for one of 1st level.


Bug-a-boos prefer to fight from ambush. Lacking the physical prowess of their bugbear cousins, they are quicker to turn tail and run.

Skills: Bug-a-boos have a +4 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks.

The bug-a-boo warrior presented here had the following ability scores before racial adjustments: Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8.

Bug-a-boo Characters
Most bug-a-boo leaders are fighters or fighter/rogues. Bug-a-boo clerics worship Hruggek and can choose any two of the following domains: Chaos, Evil, Trickery, and War.

Bug-a-boo characters possess the following racial traits.
  • +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence.
  • A bug-a-boo's base land speed is 30 feet.
  • Darkvision out to 60 feet.
  • +4 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks.
  • Automatic Languages: Common, Goblin. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Elven, Giant, Gnoll, Orc.
  • Favored Class: Rogue.
  • Level adjustment +1.
Originally appeared in Dragon Magazine #158 (1990).
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Monster Junkie


Large Animal
Hit Dice: 5d8+15 (37 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares)
Armor Class: 13 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +3 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+12
Attack: Hoof +7 melee (1d8+7)
Full Attack: 2 hooves +7 melee (1d8+7)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Powerful kick, sprint
Special Qualities: Low-light vision
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 4
Skills: Hide +1*, Listen +3, Spot +7
Feats: Alertness, Endurance
Environment: Temperate or warm plains
Organization: Solitary or herd (10-40)
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 6-10 HD (Large)
Level Adjustment: -

This tall mammal has an incredibly long neck. With the exception of its underbelly, its entire body is covered in brown spots. A pair of short, bumpy horns tops its head.

Giraffes are tall, herbivorous ungulates that inhabit savannas and grasslands. These ruminants feed on the leaves of trees with their long, powerful necks, capable of consuming 140 pounds of leaves daily. Giraffes often mingle with other herbivores to increase the chances of spotting predators.

After mating, a giraffe gives birth to a single calf after a gestation period of 14-15 months. The young calf can walk just hours after birth, but is relatively helpless for its first few weeks of life.

Giraffes have little need for sleep, averaging less than 2 hours per day. They are generally quiet creatures, but communicate with one another with coughs, bleats, whistles, and bellows.

A male giraffe is 16 to 18 feet long and weighs up to 4,000 pounds. Females are generally smaller than males. Giraffes live up to 25 years.


Although giraffes generally flee if threatened, they are a capable of deliver powerful kicks strong enough to crush a predator's skull or spine.

Powerful Kick (Ex): A giraffe applies 1-1/2 times its Str modifier to damage rolls with its hooves.

Sprint (Ex): Once per hour, a giraffe can move five times its normal speed (250 feet) when it makes a charge.

Skills: *Giraffes have a +4 racial bonus on Hide checks in areas with at least sparse trees. This bonus on Hide checks increases to +8 when the giraffe is immobile.

Originally appeared in Dragon Magazine #137 (1988).
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Monster Junkie


Gorgonopsid, Arctognathus
Medium Animal
Hit Dice: 4d8+8 (26 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (+2 Dex, +5 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+7
Attack: Bite +7 melee (1d6+6/19-20x3)
Full Attack: Bite +7 melee (1d6+6/19-20x3)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Augmented critical, tear fallen +1d6, trip
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +2
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6
Skills: Hide +7, Jump +8, Listen +5, Move Silently +7, Spot +5, Survival +4
Feats: Alertness, Track
Environment: Warm plains
Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (3-4)
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: —

This creature resembles both a mammal and a reptile. Its long skull sports a massive maw with saberlike canine teeth. Its muscular frame sits atop pillarlike legs, and a thick tail lashes behind it.

An arctognathus is a mid-sized gorgonopsian, a group of carnivorous therapsids that predated the dinosaurs. As large as a man, arctognathus was able to bring down prey larger than itself with its deadly, saberlike incisors. Its keen sense of smell allows it to easily track prey over long distances.

An arctognathus is 5 to 6 feet long, weighing around 200 pounds.


An arctognathus attempts to sink its saber-like teeth into prey, drag it to the ground, and tear it to shreds.

Augmented Critical (Ex): The saber teeth of an arctognathus strike with deadly precision. An arctognathus's bite attack threatens a critical hit on a roll of 19-20 and deals x3 damage on a successful critical hit.

Tear Fallen (Ex): An arctognathus can deal an addition +1d6 points of damage to a prone opponent.

Trip (Ex): An arctognathus that hits with a bite attack can attempt to make a trip check (+4 modifier) as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attack fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the arctognathus.

Skills: An arctognathus gains a +4 racial bonus on all Hide and Move Silently checks.

Originally appeared as "giant therapsid" in Dragon Magazine #176 (1991).
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