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D&D 3E/3.5 Creature Catalog 3.5 Overhaul Project


Creature Cataloguer
and, the original MM2 stats:

NO. APPEARING: See below
ARMOR CLASS: See below
MOVE: See below
HIT DICE: See below
%IN LAIR: 50%
NO. OF ATTACKS: See below
INTELLIGENCE: Low to average
ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil
Attack/Defense Modes:
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: Treat as human fighters (except pseudoghast, as below)

The pseudo-undead are humanoid creatures who prosper due to their physical similarity to certain undead monsters, such as ghouls, ghasts, wights, wraiths, spectres, and vampires. Each pseudo-undead looks and smells exactly like its parallel. The same number appear. The armor class, movement rate, hit dice, number of attacks, and damage are the same. Thus they can be moderately dangerous. However, they lack the special attack forms (paralysis, level drain, etc.) of the undead, though they have normal (6") infravision. Note that the stench of pseudoghasts has the same effect as that of ghasts. Pseudowraiths and pseudospectres cannot fly but walk so lightly as to leave no trace, and are often thought (unless closely observed) to be floating above the surface, although this is an illusion. Pseudovampires have red eyes and behave menacingly but have no special abilities.

Pseudovampires are more nearly human than others of the genre and have been known to interbreed. Several clans of bandits (q.v.) are known to have been thereby engendered, their members ranging in power from that of normal bandits (though of pale and menacing visage) to leaders and spell casters of full pseudovampire status in addition to their bandit abilities. Other man/pseudovampire combinations may be possible. The pseudo-undead cannot be turned by a cleric and have no connection to the Negative Material Plane. They avoid sunlight but are not harmed by it. They are never found with or near true undead. Normal attacks affect them.

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Monster Junkie
Oh, weird. Templating a once-humanoid undead into a humanoid. Could this cause a time paradox?

Master Shake will be pleased that "reverse vampires" truly exist! :lol:


Creature Cataloguer
well, these would be not an acquired template, but actually an inherited template. these are living creatures who only resemble undead creatures through biological adaption. it gives them a slight psychological edge over regular humanoids, since most creatures would avoid them out of fear due to their appearance.


Monster Junkie
Looking it over, I think it would be easier to make it a simple template to apply to a humanoid that duplicates the pertinent undead abilities, rather than trying to template an undead back into a humanoid.

This might build-in less flexibility, but would be far easier for the DM.


Creature Cataloguer
well, the only undead abilities gained would be the Extraordinary ones, so there are complications with that as well.


Monster Junkie
I'm thinking something as simple as:

Special Attacks:

Pseudoghasts gain stench.
Psuedovampires gain blood drain.

Special Qualities:

Darkvision 60 ft.

"Looks like Undead" (Ex): Gains bonus to Disguise checks to appear as undead.

CR: Pseudoghasts: Same as base creature +1; Psueodvampire: Same as base creature +2; All others: Same as base creature.


Monster Junkie
GrayLinnorm said:
Since vampire is already a template, how would you create a psuedovampire?

With this template. ;)

In all seriousness, it looks like all the pseudo-undead really has in common with true undead is appearance and possibly a special ability or two.

The half-undead templates in Dragon Magazine #313 handle this in a similair manner. Essentially, take a humanoid, and add a template that gives a few undead-like qualities. It gives a generic half-undead template, then more specific ones for half-vampires, half-ghouls, and half-zombies that build off this base template. We could do this in the same manner for pseudo-undead.


Creature Cataloguer
that might actually work better than what we have currently. it would work something like the lycanthrope template.

Voidrunner's Codex

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