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Release [Chaosium] Miskatonic Monday - New Call of Cthulhu Releases from the Miskatonic Repository

Michael O'Brien

An eclectic mix of new Miskatonic Repository scenarios here, showing the versatility of the Call of Cthulhu RPG!


The Grindhouse: Volume 1
Alex Guillotte, Ian Christiansen ($2.95, 40 page PDF)

grindhouse [grahynd-hous] n. – A grindhouse or action house is an American slang term for a theatre that mainly shows low-budget horror, splatter and exploitation films for adults.

Friday Night Double Feature!

The Crimson King: This scenario takes place in the early 1980s. The characters have been invited to an exclusive nightclub that features early goth music with industrial and punk influences. Illicit drugs and overt sexuality are ubiquitous with the underground nightclubs of the time, and by all accounts The Court of the Crimson King is no exception.

Isle of the Damned: Set on a small island off the coast of Maine, this scenario takes place in the summer of 1974. A group of friends have rented a small vacation house with the intent of spending a week fishing, drinking, and maybe smoking a little weed. Things begin to go sideways when they hear a noise from beneath the cabin that leads them to a hidden door. What lies beyond will change their lives forever.

These aren’t your typical Call of Cthulhu scenarios where some classy, well-dressed investigator sips tea and pours over leather books in some wood paneled library. These are burning dumpsters of pure horror where a fleeing private investigator limps through some filthy back alley on a busted ankle while a howling pack of mutants try to beat them to death with the limbs of their dead friends. In other words, these are not for the faint of heart, and are intended for mature audiences only. Player discretion is advised.


Treasure for the Watcher
Paul Owen ($2.50, 14 page PDF)

A bank robbery leads the investigators into a deeper plot in this Down Darker Trails scenario. The package contains the adventure, pre-generated characters and maps.

Lost Port Royal
Andy Miller ($5.99, 66 page PDF)

Both residents and visitors of Port Royal, Jamaica, in June 1692 have noticed odd things occurring in the town. It’s about to get a lot worse. As madness and strangeness spread through Port Royal, only a small group of locals and sailors can hope to stop what is happening in the British colony. Who or what is causing the increasingly odd occurrences in the “Wickedest City on Earth” and why? If the investigators don’t find out and stop it, it could be the end of Port Royal. It might be anyway.

A Stuart-Era scenario set in the waning years of the Golden Age of Piracy in the West Indies, now known as the Caribbean. In the age of tall ships and flintlock pistols, the bustling town of Port Royal, Jamaica, is in deadly danger and only the investigators can possibly save it. Or can they?

The Plague of the Pharaohs
Allan Carey ($8.99 $4.50, 33 page PDF)

"Some things should remain buried and forgotten by history. When a team of explorers and Egyptologists take shelter in the Lost Pyramid of Renpet, they find out exactly why..."

Brought to you by award-winning Chaosium licensee, Type40, The Plague of the Pharaohs is the twelfth Call of Cthulhu adventure in the monthly Seeds of Terror range.


The Moving Star
Marina D S Rodrigues ($5.99, 43 page PDF)

The year is 2936. Almost half of Earth’s land is now a watery and icy wasteland, but thanks to the discovery of wormhole technology humans have been exploring outer space. For the last 200 years humanity has colonized a planet christened ‘Spero’, where 70% of the human race now lives.

A slow burn Call of Cthulhu scenario set in a cyberpunk future. Board The Moving Star, the largest commercial spacecraft travelling between Earth and Spero - we at The Moving Star promise you a journey you will never forget.

Cthulhu Maps - Scenario Map Pack #2 - Genius Loci
Cthulhu Architect ($7.99, 26 maps in PNG format)

All the maps needed to play Genius Loci from Doors to Darkness, available with grid or without grid and in high (140 PPI) and low (70 PPI) resolutions. Suitable for use with VTTs.

The Arkham Witch Trials of 1693
Duncan Heystek ($2.25, 21 page PDF)

The sleep town of Arkham has suffered a lot this past year. Like Salem, a bloody witch hunt has been conducted, seeing many innocents to the gallows for no logical reason. However when an old widow in town has been accused of witchcraft, strange thing begin to seep into this silent little town. Can it be mere coincidence, or is there truly witches among them?

A scenario for new players or inexperienced Keepers set in 1693 colonial Arkham.

Grieving Skies
The Death Die Club ($3.99, 32 page PDF)

The adventure takes place in Mexico in 1928 during the Cristero War. This conflict between the Mexican government and the Roman Catholic church lasted 4 years and claimed over 80,000 lives. The investigators are part of a government platoon tasked to visit towns, bolt shut churches and imprison dissidents. When the group locates the hideout of Don Jose Garzon, a prominent Cristero leader, they can´t pass up the opportunity to capture him. Unfortunately, none of them where ready for what they were about to face inside the hacienda.


The Grieving Skies scenario was created as part of the Storytelling Collective's "Write Your First Adventure" course. Do check out the two Call of Cthulhu Writers Workshop Bundles on offer, with thirty-eight adventures written by fellow alumni from the Summer 2021 course!

Plus new titles in Korean, French, and Bahasa Indonesia!


Under the Miskatonic Repository community content license, Call of Cthulhu fans can make their own work for use with the game line available to the public, using guidelines, templates, and art provided by Chaosium.

Miskatonic Repository Logo
Whether you share your content for free or put it up for sale, this program is a digital home for terror that joins the dreamscapes of all who peruse it.

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Michael O'Brien


Now available on DriveThruRPG - two collections of Call of Cthulhu adventures created during the Summer 2021 RPG Writer Workshop!
  • Bundle One consists of 19 titles for $34.99 (total value $56.54, save $21.55 - 38% off)
  • Bundle Two consists of 19 titles for $39.99 (total value $60.21, save $20.22 - 34% off)
Once again, congratulations to everyone who has published for the first time, we're proud of you! For anyone who would like to give scenario writing a go, our friends at the Storytelling Collective will be running the workshop again in November!

Miskatonic Repository Banner

Under The Miskatonic Repository community content license, Call of Cthulhu fans can make their own work for use with the game line available to the public, using guidelines, templates, and art provided by Chaosium.

Whether you share your content for free or put it up for sale, this program is a digital home for terror that joins the dreamscapes of all who peruse it.

Michael O'Brien

Miskatonic Repository - Seeds of Terror Range

Congratulations to community creator Allan Carey of Type40! Twelve months ago he started the Seeds of Terror range on the Miskatonic Repository, with the aim creating a monthly series of accessible and exciting scenarios for Call of Cthulhu that Keepers can pick up and run in one evening.

Twelve months later, there are twelve Seeds of Terror to choose from, including the ENNIE nominated winning Hand of Glory. Each is a concise, easy-to-run Call of Cthulhu adventure designed for a single session of exciting play. Suitable for 4 to 5 players, they include maps, handouts, and five ready-to-play investigators. Everything needed to play has been presented as clearly as possible for a quick fun game. No need for hours of Keeper preparation, just pick one up, have a quick read, and dive right in!

To mark this anniversary, Type40 have put the entire range at 50% off right now.


Seeds of Terror creator Allan Carey says, "Seeds of Terror are perfect for introducing new players to Call of Cthulhu. An important goal of each adventure is to remove barriers of entry to new players. Leaning heavily on well-known tropes but at the same time subverting normal expectations, the Seeds of Terror line explores easily-referenced and familiar situations to help immerse players in the action."

Miskatonic Repository Banner


Are you a Keeper looking for new scenarios and story elements? A player looking for something mysterious to spark a character idea? Is your group looking for eerie ideas to use in your game? The Miskatonic Repository is where you can find —and create —self-published material for the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game.

Interested in submitting content? Go here to see the guidelines, and here for the additional guidelines. No extra license is required. Get started and download the MS Word template or the InDesign template for Miskatonic Repository submissions, and check out our other free creator resources.

Michael O'Brien

Miskatonic Repository Titles August 2021

Here's a great selection of new Call of Cthulhu community titles on DriveThruRPG! Congratulations to all the authors, especially first-time publishers in the Miskatonic Repository.

Miskatonic Repository Titles August 2021

Four-Bit Characters, Volume 1
Aaron Vanek ($5.00, 70 page PDF)

Ten pre-generated characters for use as PCs or NPCs in the Call of Cthulhu (7e) RPG. Each is based on a real historical figure, with skills, attributes, and biographies created through extensive historical research. Each character is detailed on a redesigned CoC 7e character sheet with PDF autocalculating features. Each has both a print (black and white) and digital (color) version.

The Darkened Hermitage
Brendan Lahey ($4.99, 48 page PDF)

October, 1933. As the Royal Canadian Mail steamship pulls onto the quiet lake, the seemingly interminable forest gives way, revealing the tiny hamlet pressed up against the shore, framed on all sides by the rugged mountains of backwoods Quebec. You wonder what could make someone want to live in such a dismal little town, seemingly built in defiance of God and Nature. A bitter autumn wind blows through you as you wrap your jacket tight and turn the Professor's cryptic letter over, looking at the hurried handwriting once more. What could it mean?

A horror mystery scenario set in the forested hinterlands of Quebec, Canada. The investigators have come to speak to Dr. Ezekiel Freeman, an eccentric historian and folklorist as well as a true believer in a wide range of esoteric theories. The investigators arrive to the small hamlet of Le Fidèle to find out that something has gone horribly wrong - and the next boat to Montréal doesn't come for another two weeks. The forested mountains press in like the walls of a prison cell, and the investigators are trapped in this valley with whoever - or whatever - is responsible. To survive, the investigators must work to uncover this valley's dark secrets- and soon. Who can they trust?

Number 7 Dream
James Killick ($4.96, 26 page PDF)

The whole world seems against you - watching, waiting, observing - throwing obstacles in your way, closing some doors, while opening others - like it's guiding you, herding you, like it wants you to do something, remember something - but what?

A war veteran has received a letter from his daughter saying she has gone into hiding from bad people. She begs him not to go looking for her. But what else can he do? What father wouldn't? With his war-wound finally catching up with him, he asks the only people he can really trust for help - the investigators. A modern-day scenario set in the English city of Bristol but can be changed with minimal effort to another time or place.

Creature Feature: Sepulchral Shoggoths
Chitin Proctor ($1.50, 5 page PDF)

“So I prophesied as I was commanded: and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and behold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone. And when I beheld, low, the sinews and the flesh came upon them, and the skin covered them above: but there was no breath in them.”—Ezekiel ben-Buzi

Includes 3-page Monster Write-up & Stats and Spell: Create Sepulchral Remnants.

Trutz Blanke Hans
Florian Klamt (Pay-What-You-Want, suggested price $3.53, 16 page PDF)

A modular sandbox scenario with an investigative focus. It all begins on a cold January evening on the Hallig Südfall in the German North Sea. The investigators follow the call for help by a mutual acquaintance who is looking for open-minded people to aid him in a Séance. While the time of the setting can be adapted to the group’s liking, the investigators will soon find themselves in a vivid trip back in time to the 16th of January 1362 and a race against the merciless tides.

Miskatonic Repository Titles August 2021

Modern Era Scenario Bundle 2021 [BUNDLE]
Various ($29.23 $19.99, 6 PDF titles)

This special bundle product contains the following titles: The Unbearable Likeness, Little Torches, My Guardian Monster, The Great Healer, The Pipeline: A Call of Cthulhu Scenario for the 1980s, and Unremembered.

Cthulhu maps - The Lightless Beacon
Lovemaps (Pay-What-You-Want, suggested price $0.50, Map & Tokens)

You will find in this pack a large content of (grid and gridless) maps for The Lightless Beacon. You can print them out to play at a table or use them on a Virtual Tabletop.

Art for China - Masks of Nyarlathotep
Anna Zadrożna ($3.00, 20 page PDF)

25 art pieces for the China chapter of Masks of Nyarlathotep.

The Lo'thysss Duology [BUNDLE]
Various ($7.00 $5.50, 2 PDF titles)

This special bundle product contains the following titles: Test Subjects, and The Lair of Lothysss.

Lords by Birthright - a Zgrozy scenario
Marek Golonka, Piotr Kozioł, Keith Mageau ($3.49, 20 page PDF)

The Łukomski family was an influential noble house living in the Eastern part of what was once Poland-Lithuania in the early modern era. They were blessed with great charisma, and their servants were exceptionally devoted to multiple generations of the Łukomski family. Unfortunately, mental illness plagued the family. One evening, a confrontation with hired gunmen drags investigators into Łukomskis’ nightmare – but maybe they were a part of it even before?

A standalone scenario that can be run anywhere in the world in 1920's and, with a bit of tweaking, in other eras as well.

Miskatonic Repository Titles August 2021

Plus new titles in Catalan, Korean, and Spanish!

Michael O'Brien


This year's Miskatonic Repository Halloween Collection is live! 480 pages of Call of Cthulhu community content goodness. What's more, the bundle is 60% off until Halloween!

This year's bundle features Allan Carey's ENNIE Award-winning Hand of Glory, and scenarios and supplements by fellow independent creators William Adcock, C.M. Arnold, Pierre-Olivier Gagnon, Marek Golonka, Elizabeth Hildick, Bridgett Jeffries, Philip G. Orth, Leopoldo Rueda, Chris Stewart, and David Wright.

Bundles from 2020 and 2019 are back on sale at 60% off too, until Halloween!:

Michael O'Brien

Miskatonic Repository Banner

Here's a feast of Miskatonic Repository titles released by independent Call of Cthulhu creators during November 2021!

The program is thriving! Remember, if you purchase one of our community content titles at DriveThruRPG please give it a rating or even write a review. The creators appreciate your feedback!


Bad Day at Hanging Rock
Andrew Edward ($5.50, 20 page PDF)

Four friends travel to Hanging Rock to scout the area as a potential filming location for an exciting new motion picture. Whilst there, they pause to relax and take in the lovely autumn sun. They are soon interrupted by a distraught father searching for his daughter who has become lost amongst the crags and tors of Hanging Rock. This event propels the friends into the worst and possibly last day of their lives.

A classic era story set in the Australian Bush.


Resurrection Woods
Ryan "Rhyno" Russell ($1.99, 7 page PDF)

A quick trip, during spring break, to see the resort of your cousin, devolves into a desperate attempt to halt the evil that prowls there. Will you, and your friends, be able to unlock the secrets of Resurrection Woods?

Antonio Gabriel IV Abad ($6.00, 90 page PDF)

Everyone desperately needs the money. Times are hard. And life is unfair. But each of you had been invited to take part in a game unlike any other. Known as the ROUND6, all thirty contestants are to play through five different games in hopes of being the winner of over 6 million dollars. But when the reward is this high and the stakes are deadly, who will emerge as the winner at the end of the sixth round.

Inspired by Koushun Takami’s Battle Royale, Takashi Miike’s As The Gods Will, César Charlone; Daina Giannecchini; Dani Libardi; Jotagá Crema; Philippe Barcinski’s 3%, Haro Aso’s Alice in Borderland, Kazutaka Kodaka’s Danganronpa, and Hwang Dong-hyuk’s The Squid Game.

Politics as Usual
John Hall (Pay-what-you-want, rec price $3.00, 20 page PDF)

A prominent politician has faced a series of sexual assault allegations. A group of ‘concerned individuals’ have gathered to make sure these allegations 'go away' by any means necessary. There's an old house on the Canongate connected to it somehow. The investigators will explore the old house and uncover far more than they had expected. Set in Edinburgh, where the world of Fairytales and Cthulhu Mythos collides, this story involves discussion of sexual assault and deals with misogynistic world views. It can be played in 2-4 hours and is designed to be played in a single session.


Dissonance - A 2-Page 1920s Adventure
Adam Preset ($2.00, 2 page PDF)

The new national radio service is in its first week of broadcast from London, but last night, the regularly scheduled programming was briefly interrupted by unintelligible raving. Most think nothing of it. The station manager can’t shake the feeling that there’s more to this than meets the ear. But he has his eye on a few new friends he’s made at his favorite club who might be able to help him. Will the investigators take him up on his offer for a backstage tour to find out what makes a radio station tick?

In this two-page one-shot adventure in easy-to-absorb pamphlet format, playable in a single session by two or more players, investigators must discover the cause behind the descent into madness for the radio stations control man and confront a newly unleashed and ancient horror.

Plus optional maps for the adventure ($1.00, 6 page PDF).

The Grindhouse: Volume 3
Alex Guillotte, Ian Christiansen ($2.95, 46 page PDF)

Another Friday Night Double Feature:

Hell Block Five – Irongate Penitentiary in Aylesbury, Massachusetts houses some of the most infamous criminals in the United States, and Cell Block Five contains the worst of the worst. One night in the summer of 1978, all of the cell doors unlock and slide open, but there’s no alarm and no guards. Something is very wrong.

First Night – In the Fall of 1980, a group of college girls decide to spend the night in the mansion that was recently purchased by their sorority. Unfortunately, their slumber party turns into a nightmarish fight for survival when they use a witch board and accidentally summon a terrifying entity from another dimension. Unless they can figure out how to send it back, none of them may live to see the dawn.

Remains of the Deep
Michael Bertolini ($2.99, 10 page PDF)

The investigators are employed by a salvage company, Tidal Deep Recoveries (TDR), that is hired to retrieve a floundering ship in the South Pacific near Australia. But they soon find out that the ship became “lost” because it was involved in questionable trade.


MANOS: The Fingers of Fate
Andy Miller ($4.99, 76 page PDF)

It’s supposed to be the yearly family vacation for the Waldrup family, but then Aunt Gladys, Uncle Hugh, and their sons joined in. When Aunt Irene found out about the whole family going, she wanted in too. That’s nine people in the station wagon in the middle of the summer, heading for scenic El Paso, Texas. It’s not Disneyland but it’s almost as good. Boy it’s hot out.

Manos: The Fingers of Fate is a sequel to the worst move of all time: Manos: The Hands of Fate. Another family drives into the desert near El Paso, heading for the Valley Lodge. Unfortunately, fate conspires against them and they find themselves somewhere else entirely and in trouble.

The Book Club
Catherine Hanlon-Tierney ($3.00, 22 page PDF)

A mysterious book. A ghostly tale of a hanged witch. A missing friend. At the meeting of the local book club in a sleepy English village, the members are perturbed by the behaviour of their host, the recently bereaved Benjamin Jones. Benjamin has brought the diary of his ancestor, a woman hanged as a witch, and his behaviour is obsessive, erratic. After a grim discovery in the following days, the investigators are pulled into a search for their fellow member. But will they like what they find?

The Book Club
is a scenario designed for 2-5 players, and should take 1-3 hours to play. It is light on lore, an ideal introduction to the game for new players or Keepers who want a standalone story to be played in a single evening.

Old Flames
Julian Nimmo (Pay-what-you-want, rec price $4.04, 18 page PDF)

In this 1920s adventure, investigators in Arkham are called to search for three missing Miskatonic university students. Even more disturbing is the presence of a fire cult slowly honing in on the missing student's whereabouts.

An Old Straight Track
Patrick M. Groulx ($6.99, 68 page PDF)

The murder of a kindly antiquities dealer draws the Investigators into a conspiracy helmed by a sorceress with a diabolical plan that, if successful, will destroy Massachusetts' North Shore and kill untold thousands. The Investigators will travel from Boston to Salem dealing with gangsters, ghosts, an abandoned underground laboratory, ley lines, a penurious medium, and a long-dead sorcerer with a strange hummingbird fascination.


Salvation at the Devil's Courthouse
Andy "The Old Goat" Headley ($4.97, 47 page PDF)

Salvation at the Devil’s Courthouse is an encounter-based scenario for Call of Cthulhu set in the rural Appalachian mountains near Brevard, North Carolina, in the 1920s. It involves the investigators being in the area when a nationally-known news reporter disappears. Bill Strickland was on assignment for the New York Times to do a story on the practice of snake handling in churches in Appalachia when he went missing. But as the investigation unfolds, a lost reporter turns out to be just the beginning. Time is of the essence! Guaranteed to keep your nerves tighter than a banjo string during the whole scenario.

Tales of the White Beast
Michael Henebry ($3.00, 46 page PDF)

Erika Kersey experiences a horrible nightmare where four of her friends are brutally murdered by a large beast while out in the woods. She shakes it off as a bad dream but wakes up the next morning to find that it was true. The school is ablaze with rumors not only of the murders but some people claim to have seen this beast in the past weeks. Kersey gets her friends together to investigate the claims and seek justice for her friends.

Modern scenario set in the 1990s.

Dreams to Fill the Vacuum
Richard Watt ($3.00, 27 page PDF)

Two dark entities — one created by an unnatural disaster, the other ancient — vie for the body and soul of a rising rock star in ’90s Detroit. Investigators have five nights to face these dangers before an apocalyptic performance that will change the world.

100 Notes and Letters to Find in Miskatonic Country: Dunwich and Innsmouth
Adrian Kennelly ($1.49, 5 page PDF)

When searching in various places, including homes, desks and the pockets of corpses, characters may on occasion stumble across notes and letters that contain meaningful or important information. They may also find notes and letters that are not. This supplement contains 100 notes and letters that characters could find in Miskatonic Country, focusing in or about Dunwich (marked with "(D)") and Innsmouth (marked with "(I)"). They may be simple letters about appointments or musings, or perhaps clues towards something more sinister. Keepers can use them as background colour, misinformation or as potential adventure hooks.

The Will of Oscar Drummond
Stephen Bull ($5.47, 30 page PDF)

A wealthy trader who has passed. A daughter locked out. A new wife and widow. These are a classic tale, but it is the secret being kept within Oscar Drummond's house that can turn the situation deadly.

Investigators take on what seems to be a quite safe, mundane assignment to start - search the house of a dead man to find his will - but as they learn about the final days and eventual death of the titular Oscar Drummond, they closer they come to a door they should not open, and a thing that should not be.


Death In Service: Zombie Minion Pack
G. A. Patrick ($10.00, 26 page PDF)

Death In Service is a collection of images, random table generators, and props that can be cannibalised by Keepers to flesh out the rotting servants of their campaigns.

Theft at the Peabody
A. K. Applegarth ($3.99, 41 page PDF)

A early morning theft at the Peabody Museum. Your girlfriend kidnapped and her brothers horribly murdered. What do the all have in common?

Modern day adventure.

The Durian Hotel
DenMother Plays ($5.00, 22 page PDF)

Durian Hotel. One of Davao City’s beloved landmarks. However, not everything is as it seems. There have been whispers about the majestic giant facing foreclosure due to low occupancy rates. It cannot be helped, given the rising Asian economic crisis, and the hostilities between the rebels and the local government causing tourism to slow in this part of the country. It is December 1995. Christmas songs are playing throughout the local establishments. People distract themselves and celebrate the holidays, preparing for Noche Buena (Christmas Eve dinner), and other known traditions.

The scene however plays out with 4 individuals: a reporter, covering a story; a businessman, looking to cover their losses; a detective, looking to find truth; and an heiress, eyeing a political move. All of them somehow get invited to spend the night in the iconic hotel, and uncover some secrets…

The Haunting of Millebrand Manor
Scott Uhls ($4.99, 28 page PDF)

Jameson Millebrand IV is a well-known playboy in New York City and is heir to a very large fortune. However, his only major accomplishments have been attending Yale for 2 years, being an average football player, singing with a gentleman songster group, traveling across Europe and Asia, and starting an ironwork factory just in time to be part of the war effort. This last piece in his “legacy” despite being mostly about lucky timing. He has invited several friends and acquaintances to stay the night at his newly acquired “castle” mansion in the 1000 Islands area of the upstate New York, including his arranged “fiancé,” his secret ex-lover, and a semi-famous spiritualist from England. Local stories indicate that this mansion is haunted, but the evidence is shaky at best. However, this has stimulated Millebrand’s occult interests.

The investigators are among these acquaintances and are caught in the events of the dinner party and the aftermath that follows. When one of the guests ends up dead, the investigation begins to reveal that there is more here than meets the eye.

The Souls of Briarcroft
Joshua Callanta ($3.99, 31 page PDF)

It is October 31st, 1891... Halloween! Or All Hallow's Tide here in Briarcroft, a small sleepy little village in England's Black Country. A time for costumes and souling, for merriment and mysticism! A small group of parishioners meet at their local church with their loved ones to help pass out soul-cakes to masked children and down-on-their luck beggars. But the peace of this holy, creepy night is shattered when a local beggar is transformed into something horrific with the bite of a soul cake! With their loved ones and the very town of Briarcroft at risk, it's a race against the clock to find the source of this dark taint and put a stop to it!

A chilling single session 1890s scenario that takes place over the course of a Halloween night.

Stinky Orphans: A Call of Cthulhu Christmas Special
Alison Cybe ($3.99, 25 page PDF)

A Call of Cthulhu adventure of the holiday season. It is a special and magical time of the year - but you wouldn't know it! As a group of down-on-their-luck orphans, you live together in a rickety old house under the cruel mentorship of Mother Grotswine.

But this holiday season, everything changes as you are thrust into an adventure that will take you far from this bleak home on a mission to rescue Santa Claus himself! Can you save Christmas?



Under the Miskatonic Repository community content license, Call of Cthulhu fans can make their own work for use with the game line available to the public, using guidelines, templates, and art provided by Chaosium.

Miskatonic Repository Logo
Whether you share your content for free or put it up for sale, this program is a digital home for terror that joins the dreamscapes of all who peruse it.


Michael O'Brien

The Hammersmith Haunting
Here's a host of new titles in the Miskatonic Repository by independent Call of Cthulhu creators. Among these is Australian crime and horror writer Kat Clay's first foray into Call of Cthulhu scenario writing, and some from alumni of last month's RPG Writer Workshop, run by our friends at The Storytelling Collective!


The Hammersmith Haunting
Kat Clay ($10.00, 29 page PDF)

London 1890: ghost fever grips the suburb of Hammersmith. For three days, no person can sleep without experiencing terrible nightmares, and locals swear to have seen a ghostly medieval woman stalk the streets. Investigators find themselves trapped in Hammersmith, confronted by ghost hunters and an all-pervading fog. But is the ghost all that she appears? Or is there a more sinister reason for the Hammersmith haunting…

Cthulhu by Gaslight scenario by Australian crime and horror author Kat Clay.

"Bravo to my Melbourne friend Kat Clay, who has made the leap from writing award-winning detective fiction to publishing her debut scenario for Call of Cthulhu. And it’s a gaslight haunting. Perfection. Right up my fog-shrouded alley." — Mark Morrison (Horror on the Orient Express, Terror Australis, Reign of Terror, etc.)

Field of Screams
Al Smith ($2.99, 31 page PDF)

If you build it… THEY will come! In this baseball-themed Pulp Cthulhu scenario, investigators play members of the All Nations baseball team, a team comprised of players that have been shut out of the major leagues. Now, they’re barnstorming across the country, playing games in whatever small town will have them.

Now the owner has scheduled a game on a piece of land near a town that loves baseball. The only problem is that nobody in town wants to attend the game, because they all think that field is haunted by ghosts! The investigators are going to have to figure out what is going on with that field, and possibly, confront these evil spirits that threaten to ruin the baseball game! Little do the investigators know that these apparitions are not, in fact, ghosts, but actually something much worse. In fact, the problem may go much DEEPER than the investigators could ever expect…

Foreign Body - Call of Cthulhu
Raymond J. Hicks, Arjade Productions ($2.00, 32 page PDF)

After a long mining expedition to Antarctica, the crew of The Costaguana are on their way home when they receive an encrypted distress call from an uncharted island. What strange adventures await on their voyage home and what terrifying discoveries will be made? The only way to find out is to play.

A tense and claustrophobic homage to moder science fiction horror films, set in the 1920s Cthulhu mythos. Can you and your crew survive the Son of Kane?

The Time Shadow Over Darnesville
Paola Pedranti ($10.00, 9 page PDF)

Frank has called one of the investigators, who is an old friend of many years, saying that he is need of urgent help. He warns the investigator that he is in mortal danger and cannot trust the police. Frank asks that the investigator to come immediately and bring allies. Frank refuses to give further details, providing only an address with a house and a room number for the investigators to meet him. When the investigators arrive at the room, they find it deserted.

This stand-alone scenario takes place in the 1920s in a small, fictional American town called Darnesville.

Headless Valleys: A Call of Cthulhu Scenario for 1920s-1930s Alaska
Charlotte Lenox ($11.00, 76 page PDF)

Gold Fever strikes the last frontier of Southeast Alaska... During the 1920s, Juneau, Alaska was a booming gold town with frontiersmen, miners, businessmen, homesteaders, and miscreants. But the land was still untamed wilderness where civilization was hacked out of the dark forests and towering mountains. Danger, natural and otherwise, lurked in the spruce and hemlock, deep in the murky emerald ocean, and inside the very bones of the Earth. In nearby Silver Bow Basin, where gold mining operations are in full swing, a decapitated human body has been discovered, but the head is nowhere in sight. Who--or what--is murdering the miners, then leaving everything behind except the missing head? Is it the work of unhappy locals, wild animals, or something far worse? Something hungry...

Pay a visit to the newly-settled Last Frontier, and uncover the terrors the wild land has hidden for unthinkable eons!


Pass The Giggle Water
Christopher DiFoggio (Pay-what-you-want, rec price $3.00, 30 page PDF)

In 1929 prohibition was a problem. But that problem can always be made worse by nefarious characters using it to their adavantage. There is a sickness in Arhkam, Mass. people are flyng into a rage and murdering each other. If only there was ateach specializing in the supernatural to assist with finding out what is going on.

Whispers from Wavering Hills
Scott Cox ($2.77, 14 page PDF)

Wavering Hills Sanatorium, a hospital for the relief of suffering lies nestled in central Kentucky on grounds with a sordid and mysterious past. The apparent suicide of a troubled young girl yields questions of an otherworldly nature. Will the investigators unravel the mystery of Wavering Hills?

Ravishing Beauty
Dr. Benjamin Will ($3.87, 18 page PDF)

The investigators visit the luxurious Villa Gaudium and are treated by the owners to a special dance performance by the recently acquired slave-girl Megaira. Megaira casts a curse with her dance: She gives life to the beautiful décor in the villa and ties her own life-force to it. Hunted by blood-thirsty artworks, the investigators must flee or live through the night.

Cthulhu Invictus scenario that combines a haunted house theme with survival horror.

Secret Santa
Thomas Newton ($6.62, 58 page PDF)

All I want for Christmas is you . . . We wish you a merry Christmas as you don your black tie and ballgowns to attend the Holmouth Museum of Antiquities fundraiser in celebrating the career of Dr Johnathon Breeze. As you hand over you secret santa present and take a glass of champagne you revel in the seasonal merriment until you realise you are stuck in the middle of a horrific plan for revenge using cosmic artifacts to bring the anti-claus himself to the party - Krampus! Can you survive the hunger of the beast, and the first born of Shub-Niggurath’s thousand young? Make your Christmas one to remember this year.


Along came a crystal
Alonso R. Serrano ($3.00, 17 page PDF)

After a geology expedition disappeared, a group of investigators are gathered to find what happened. The expedition’s fate will shatter their minds, as they will face an impossible adversary.

The Light At The End
Michael Shelak ($4.95, 26 page PDF)

The pleas of a desperate wife, as well as the promise of rich rewards press the investigators forward. Tracking down clues and exploring lost chambers amidst rumors of dangerous, obscure foes. What they find is quite different than what they bargained for. ...Only at the end will they finally see the light.

A mystery of derangement and betrayal beckons investigators to 1920’s Arkham. The investigators are sought out by a group of scriveners, book-binders, and historians to locate an old, valuable collection of papers. The documents are said to have disappeared years ago, last seen in the hands of a madman.

Stranded on the North Shore
Steven Anderson ($1.00, 23 page PDF)

A trip up the north shore of Lake Superior goes awry when your car breaks down. Left to fend for yourself in the village of Beckton, you soon meet the "sea child" and learn that he wants to rejoin his family. Will the investigators save the village, run away with their lives, or become a sacrifice?

His Master's Voice
Matt Nathan ($4.99, 25 page PDF)

Set in September 1925, this scenario takes place near Millers Falls, Massachusetts and the fictional community of Shadwell. A community of patients who have been transformed by an experimental electrical therapy and live in a mothballed cannery are trying to bring about the second coming in a soon to be electrically powered mechanical body. An escapee from the community sends the investigators a cryptic telegram compelling them to find her and avert tragedy on the day the community of Shadwell is to gain electrification.


What Rough Beast
Andy Miller ($8.99, 91 page PDF)

Something foul has come to Alabama – In the spring of 1929, something was flung from a train passing through Cleburne County, Alabama. Now, only a few months later, it comes seeking revenge for its misfortune, and its sights are set on the inhabitants of the tiny village near the tracks where it fell. Can the youths of the town stop the terror that has come to Sanguis?

The Night Terrors of Joseph Pidulski
Neal Glen Jesse ($1.99, 20 page PDF)

A young artiste in Toledo, Ohio is haunted by dreams of an woman in a flooded oaklands plain. As investigators you slowly uncover the secret of the man's ancestors and the terror awakening just outside the city limits.

Border Town
Michael Bertolini (Pay-what-you-want, rec price $1.99, 10 page PDF)

There is a town where something strange is happening, it is slowly consuming the minds of everyone within its borders. The investigators are strangers in this town and they need to find a way to escape before they lose their minds.

Horror on Epsilon IV
P.L. McMillan ($10.00, 37 page PDF)

Set in the far distant future, investigators play as Citizens aboard the Epsilon -- a colony ship headed to newly terraformed Vulminov. Unfortunately, before that happens, they are summoned to the Company Representative's office. It seems that someone on the ship stole some very valuable cargo and the players -- and their fellow passengers -- will be in deep trouble if they don't get it back. However, it turns out that the real danger might not the thief, but the cargo itself...


Food Service
Jonah Knight ($4.93, 38 page PDF)

Just admit it. You pulled a prank, put laxatives in the cafeteria food. Monday morning we’re all going in to see the Dean and you dipshits are getting expelled.

Except, you didn’t do it! If you don’t discover who did and prove it, you and your friends are getting thrown out of Miskatonic University. A Modern Day Miskatonic scenario.

A Place Just For Us
Charles Huysman ($5.49, 18 page PDF)

When do we put aside the things from our childhood? The people, places, games, and secrets? This one-shot adventure unfolds in the fictional town of Twin Rivers, over the course of a few fateful summer nights. A group of reunited friends find the ashes of their old school, and soon learn that a mysterious figure from their past may be stalking the woods near their home, waiting to ensnare them in a deadly game.

Cthulhu maps - scenario map pack - Burning Stars
Lovemaps ($14.90, 12 maps)

Map pack for "Burning Stars", the last of the six scenarios in the Chaosium Call of Cthulhu release Terrors from Beyond.

Cthulhu maps - scenario map pack - The Haunting - Corbitt house
Lovemaps ($6.90, 8 maps)

Who hasn't heard of the Corbitt house...The well known scenario from the Call of Cthulhu Quickstart Rules and 40th Anniversary Keeper Rulebook that takes place in a terrifying house.


Under the Miskatonic Repository community content license, Call of Cthulhu fans can make their own work for use with the game line available to the public, using guidelines, templates, and art provided by Chaosium.

Miskatonic Repository Logo

Whether you share your content for free or put it up for sale, this program is a digital home for terror that joins the dreamscapes of all who peruse it.

Last edited:

Michael O'Brien


2022 brings plenty to the Miskatonic Repository — check out this host of new titles by indie Call of Cthulhu creators!

Mythos Artifacts
Jon Hook, Seth Skorkowsky ($3.00, 20 page PDF)

The Modern Mythos podcast, hosted by Jon Hook and Seth Skorkowsky, was launched in 2021. In it, Jon and Seth talk about writing, game mastering, and player tips for roleplaying games as a whole and for the Call of Cthulhu game specifically. The podcast has a Patreon, and Jon and Seth wanted to reward their Cultist level patrons with a unique and personalized Mthos artifact that they could use in their games. This book collects all of the artifacts that were created in 2021 into a single source.


The Dragon of Wantley
SR Sellens ($5.00, 52 page PDF)

1920s England: No-one who had ever met Flora Jacobs would describe her as scandalous, but when the young socialite mysteriously disappeared on a trip up north with a man she had only recently met, intrigue was sure to follow. What on the surface appears to be an ‘innocent elopement’ will lead the investigators to a quiet Yorkshire village with a big secret to unearth.

Horror in the Highlands
David Wright, A2ndChapter ($4.99, 44 page PDF)

On Friday 23rd February 1722, something horrible happened in Moy. It is almost Friday 23rd February 1923 and, once again, Moy will experience something horrible. The Bodach Glas has come. There will be Horror in the Highlands.

Forgotten Symphony
Catherine Hanlon-Tierney ($12.00, 116 page PDF)

In the darkness she slumbered, until war tore open the land above her tomb. Now she is waiting...singing her songs, whispering in dreams, waiting to be freed. A monstrous being seeks release at any price in this set of horrific adventures. Calling out to her followers in their dreams, she has inspired artworks and music to bring her closer to her freedom...and the world’s destruction. A set of unwitting investigators find themselves intricately entwined in her machinations. Will they stop her plans, or succumb to the madness she brings?

The Yellow Death
Batu Bozoglu ($5.00, 52 page PDF)

It’s 1927 and Tuberculosis, also known as the White Plague runs rampant in the United States. The fatal and highly infectious disease has no known cure; its victims seek refuge in secluded sanatoriums across the country, resigned to their fates. It is to one such facility, the expensive and luxurious Waverly Hills, that the investigators are sent to. Disguised as patients, their job is to conduct an undercover investigation and reassure their contractor Jeremy Strand, who finds his brother’s death at the hands of the staff highly suspicious. Though what they will find in its death ridden halls will defy any natural explanation.


Lie In Wait
Michael Bertolini ($3.99, 10 page PDF)

A stalker in the streets of Boston hides a dark secret that, aside from highly illegal, is dangerous. What dangers lie in wait for the unsuspecting victims of a horrid combination of cosmic wonder and human ingenuity? What is really happening in Boston? What is the connection to Maine? It is the roaring twenties, the era of jazz music, but nobody is enjoying themselves.

The Haunted Grove
Andy Miller ($1.99, 22 page PDF)

There’s a place in the woods avoided by the local villagers, a grove reputed to be cursed or haunted or worse. Though none of the locals tread those dark paths, sometimes travelers get lost and find themselves there. A man can disappear if he doesn’t keep his wits about him … or worse. This Cthulhu Dark Ages scenario is set in the summer of 1003 A.D. and easily incorporated into any campaign.

Light my way home
Graham Payne ($2.99, 16 page PDF)

Set off the Western coast of England in the 1919s, the scenario centers around Endsmin lighthouse, an isolated structure on a remote island chain called the Turtles. The Investigator is the new lighthouse keeper, tasked with keeping the light burning every night for a year. The untimely death of the previous lighthouse keeper, however, threatens to complicate this simple, if isolating job, as his killer was never caught. For one Keeper and one Investigator.

Nothing is lost, All is transformed
Charles Mathé-Dumaine ($9.99, 113 page PDF)

The campaign is set in Paris in 1937. A time of international tension but also a time of cooperation as the Universal Exposition and a multidisciplinary scientific congress are taking place in the city of lights, attracting tourists, journalists, scientifics and ill intentioned people. This sandbox story offers different choices and paths to the investigators, bringing different scenes and possible endings.


The Hole
Jon Hook ($2.00, 20 page PDF)

This short side quest can be dropped into nearly any Call of Cthulhu campaign. It comes with five pre-generated characters making this a perfect scenario for a quick one-shot between your regular game night sessions.

The Incredible Dr. Quinn
A. Keith Applegarth ($2.99, 35 page PDF)

While on the way to meet a contact, you witness his murder by a Policeman in front of you and the Policeman kills himself. What was he looking into? Did it get him killed? What happens when technology and the Mythos combine?

Michael Bertolini ($2.99, 11 page PDF)

The zombie outbreak has occurred and the investigators, strangers on a bus out of the city, are hoping to escape to where it is safe. But there is a problem and the bus is out of gas; the area is full of danger and only a single house in the distance can be seen. Are there survivors? Are there zombies? You need to find fuel to operate the bus, at least until you can get more; it’s important to risk your lives here so that you can escape the zombie outbreak! For Pulp Cthulhu.

St Midabaria Clinic -- A Clinic Map
Adam Preset ($1.00, 2 page PDF)

Map for the Miskatonic Repository scenario Convalescence, which takes place in a small country clinic in Ireland.


Adam Preset ($2.00, 2 page PDF)

In this two-page one-shot adventure in easy-to-absorb pamphlet format, playable in a single session by two or more players, investigators must discover the cause behind a curious theft or prank or worse, thwart human foes intent upon invoking a terrifying horror, and prevent their own destruction and the possible obliteration of an iconic setting at Miskatonic University.

Adam Preset ($2.50, 9 page PDF)

In this two-page one-shot adventure in easy-to-absorb pamphlet format, playable in a single session by two or more players, investigators must save the day and discover the mysterious secret behind their favorite band’s success before it’s curtains for Billy Blank and the Blankety-Blanks. A twisted path will lead them to confronting “Banned in Boston” censors, criminal thugs, and a deadly horror that may destroy everything in its wake.

Maps for Blank (Vaudeville Theater and more)
Adam Preset ($3.00, 4 maps)

This is a set of four maps suitable for virtual tabletop or printing. One map, the Vaudeville Theater, is inspired by Chaosium’s convention scenario, Murder in the Footlights. However, this is only one gamemaster’s view of what the library might look like if it had to be translated into a tabletop roleplaying game!

Orne Library - Miskatonic University
Adam Preset ($4.00, 5 page PDF)

Maps are inspired by Orne Library on the Miskatonic University campus. If you don't have an adventure in mind that goes with these maps but are looking for one, see the Miskatonic Repository scenario Collection.


1920s Night Club and Secret Society - The Orpheus Club
Adam Preset ($1.00, 1 page PDF)

Welcome to The Orpheus Club! This is a single map suitable for virtual tabletop or printing for a 1920s night club that is also a front for a secret society.

Terror in Tangier
Adam Preset ($2.00, 2 page PDF)

In April of 1924, you're in Tangier, Morocco. It's a lively and vital place, and yet you're ready to take the next ship out of port. But foreigners are stranded and the city is on edge. Rumors circulating among the locals, expatriates, and authorities cause your hackles to rise as you hear disturbing details about a ritual sacrifice. To what end? And it shouldn't be your problem, but it is, because until the prefect has a culprit in hand, foreigners are not only stuck, but they're also suspects.

Maps for Terror in Tangier
Adam Preset ($2.00, zip file)

Optional maps and one story handout for Terror in Tangier.

Cthulhu Maps - Masks of Nyarlathotep - Meeting Tables
Lovemaps ($4.90, 7 tables)

7 Meeting Tables for the Masks of Nyarlathotep campaign.


People of the '20s 100 VTT Tokens
Joe Marino ($3.49, 100 page PDF)

100 Tokens for your vintage game.

Cthulhu Maps - scenario map pack - Reign of Terror
Lovemaps ($14.90, map pack)

Maps for the Call of Cthulhu release Reign of Terror.

Cultist Armoury: Handouts for The Haunting
Cultist Armoury (Pay-What-You-Want, suggested price $1.99, 36 page PDF)

Cultist Armoury: Handouts for The Haunting is a collection of printable handouts for the scenario "The Haunting" (from the Call of Cthulhu Quick Start Rules). The package includes the 8 handouts from the scenario, plus 18 additional handouts that can be used at the Keeper's discretion.

Heinrich's Call of Cthulhu Guide to Character Creation
Heinrich D. Moore ($11.95, 153 page PDF)

Heinrich’s Guide is a role-playing product for creating character backstories through emergent storytelling. Experience your investigator grow up from strange going-ons accompanying their birth, to them finding love (and then rescuing said loved one from cultists), to skipping class to spend more time studying esoteric pursuits, to being recruited by a “Secret Government Agency," to traveling to other dimensions!


Care Forgot
John Almack (Pay-What-You-Waqnt, suggested price $0.50, 5 page PDF)

A short classic-era scenario for Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition, designed for one player, but expandable to five using the supplied characters. The player takes on the role of Sophia Hebert, a young New Orleanian woman suffering from amnesia. Through a series of strange encounters, she uncovers clues about herself that lead her to a frightening conclusion. Can the investigator solve the mystery in time? A tale of personal cosmic horror set in The City that Care Forgot. A copy of The Grand Grimoire of Cthulhu Mythos Magic by Chaosium is recommended to play this scenario.

C.M.Arnold ($1.99, 23 page PDF)

Little over a fortnight has passed since the untimely and sinister demise of Harry Houdini, and an investigator finds themselves the unexpected beneficiary of the escapologist's last will and testament.

Pain Threshold
Joey Dean ($2.99, 20 page PDF)

Normally, reports of alien abductions arise from the wild imaginings of unstable minds – but rarely do they appear to be widely believed by the people of a town, and more rarely still do they come with actual missing persons reports. In St. Claire, Louisiana, as tensions rise over the purported alien meddling, the townspeople have begun to consider a desperate, darker solution to their problems. What happens when a close-knit community is pushed to the brink? And can the investigators survive whatever is going on - or what the people of St. Claire do in response to it?

Sean Liddle ($3.99, 23 page PDF)

The year us 1925. A team of students from Miskatonic University have been asked by the Dean to travel to Minnesota, to the Swedish settlement of Kiruna to investigate an utterly unprecedented harvest of exceedingly large crops. Something strange is happening, the people are different, vegetables just should not be that big especially after two years of crop failures. And what are those rumors of strange lights in the sky two years past?


Pilgrim's Hope
Jazmin Ospa ($1.50, 18 page PDF)

At a stop in Illinois with Buffalo Bill's Wild West show and snakes are let loose during the performance. Performers and audience members are attacked-it's up to some plucky performers from the show to save the day-as the show must go on. Can they round up some snakes before too much harm is done? For Down Darker Trails.

There's Gold in Them Thar Hills
Geoffrey Groff ($3.00, 30 page PDF)

A group of gold hunters have made the challenging journey to Dawson City in the North-West Territories of the Canadian wilderness. It is 1897, a year after the discovery of gold on the Bonanza Creek that ushered in the Klondike Gold Rush. Just as everyone else arriving to the region, our heroes hope to get rich. Discovering other strange secrets in the mostly unexplored wilderness was not among their plans. For Pulp Cthulhu.

Heartless in Loveland
Braydon Fiveash, Stars Are Right ($4.99, 65 page PDF)

Loveland is a city with an obscure past to say the least, but things have finally started returning to normal after a number of odd occurrences in 1972 left the town labelled as a "paranormal hotspot". The weekend is almost here; Downtown Loveland bustles with business while, on the other side of town, the scouts excitedly run around the grounds of Loveland Castle. Unbeknownst to locals, a vile plot is reaching its boiling point, and is set to shake Loveland to its very foundations and change the city forever! A sandbox scenario that picks up three years after 1972's real-world sightings of Ohio's most famous cryptid, the Loveland Frogman.

Children of the Tides
Debra Leonard, Scott Metzger ($4.99, 62 page PDF)

Explores the small town of Oak Hill, FL. Visit this quaint Florida town, where friendly locals seem just a little bit off and things become terrifying during the night. Don't forget to visit Manny's Alligator Center, and check out the gators while picking up a few souviners. Take part in the adventure, as a your small group's vechicle breaks down, as you attempt to make it through the night while experiencing horror from beyond. This book serves as both a setting and a one-shot campaign.


Four-Bit Characters: Bashford Dean
Aaron Vanek (Free, 3 page PDF)

This is a free pre-generated character for use as a player or NPC. Bashford Dean is included in volume one of the Four-Bit Characters series of play aid in the Miskatonic Repository.

100 Notes and Letters to Find in Miskatonic Country: Arkham II
Adrian Kennelly ($1.49, 6 page PDF)

When searching in various places, including homes, desks and the pockets of corpses, characters may on occasion stumble across notes and letters that contain meaningful or important information. They may also find notes and letters that are not. This supplement contains 100 notes and letters that characters could find in Miskatonic Country, focusing in or about Arkham. They may be simple letters about appointments or musings, or perhaps clues towards something more sinister. Keepers can use them as background colour, misinformation or as potential adventure hooks.

Peter Rudin-Burgess ($4.21, 17 page PDF)

This booklet provides a rules-light approach to solo roleplaying Pulp Cthulhu.

The Sins of the Father
Brendan Lahey ($7.99, 47 page PDF)

A horror mystery scenario, set in a fabulous manor house in the rural mountains of British Columbia in 2005. The investigators are members of the deeply dysfunctional Prescott family, coming to celebrate what will surely be a truly unpleasant family Christmas. As a blizzard begins to envelop the house, family resentments turn to murder, and the investigators must uncover the true killer.


Octopus Tag
Ra Press, Ronny Anderssen ($5.49, 26 page PDF)

They're children's games! And they can be deadly, or drive you mad, or both! Inspired by Squid Game, this scenario places the players on an island with mysterious games that eerily remind them of games they played as children. Why are the players on the island? How did they end up there? What are the games for?

Sound of the Sea
Philip G. Orth ($2.60, 33 page PDF)

The straightforward encounter-based story can be played in a single session with pre-generated characters. The background story relates to recent events on Heligoland that can be used for your own story arcs. Some of them will be explored in future scenarios.

Valley of Shadows
Patience Bluestone ($2.65, 17 page PDF)

An Archaeology Professor has invited you to join himself and his small team on an expedition to the Carpathian Mountains in Romania, to investigate a cavern rumoured to contain the skeleton of a giant, and golden artefacts. However, they are soon to find that some secrets should stay hidden - will the investigators get out alive?

The Disappearance in Montignac
Thomas Baudart ($0.89, 10 page PDF)

Fall 2015. A young girl is missing in the remote village of Montignac, France. Ready for the scoop, a team of investigators, members of a podcast crew, is going to cover the case. But the place hide a dark secret waiting to be uncovered…


The Nightmare Flight
Romans Popovs ($3.99, 26 page PDF)

Takes place in the autumn of 1928, as the investigators board an airship on a Transatlantic voyage from Lakehurst, New Jersey to Friedrichshafen in Germany. The journey descends into a nightmare when a smuggled Anishinaabe relic begins to chip away at the passengers’ sanity and pits them against one another. Will the investigators make it across the ocean, or will they succumb to delusions and perish high in the skies?

The Sinful Inheritance
Mei Kurakake ($1.99, 14 page PDF)

Unfortunately, this wasn’t the case for Alyssa Sutton, the only daughter of the late Charlie Boyle. Because of her reckless action, Alyssa is now cursed and it is now up to the investigators to see if they can deal with the curse before her time runs out. This scenario will take place in London during the year of 1886.

In the Shadow of the Horns (Cthulhu London)
Elementare ($5.95, 35 page PDF)

Underneath the landmarks of London lies a hidden darkness, one that has begun to secure its release. A series of suicides all share a common mark and the investigators have been brought in to find out what connects these otherwise seemingly unrelated deaths. Unbeknownst to them, a race against the clock has begun before a great evil is unleashed!

Christmas at the Sanatorium
Caroline Dahlgreen ($3.99, 30 page PDF)

In this adventure the investigators have spent five months at the Sanatorium ”Saint Albert” and are improving but the doctor in charge wants to wait until after New Year to discharge them home, just to be sure that the disease is under control. The owners declare that staff who have been employed more than six months are going to get a fully paid week off during Christmas. The problem is that during the week when most of the ordinary staff are on holiday, patients are disappearing. Are more patients dying, like the new staff claim, or what has happened to the patients?


The Last Ferry from Vinalhaven
Andy "The Old Goat" Headley ($4.98, 28 page PDF)

Vinalhaven, Maine, is a vacation hot spot for the entire Northeast corner of the United States. Beautiful scenic beaches and a gorgeous atmosphere makes it a very desirable location. This lovely island also has a famous boardwalk with a popular amusement park called Fun Town. In addition, this small island is the economic engine that keeps the mainland town of Rockland going. Without this annual revenue, the city would surely go bust. However, a strange report of a colorful comet streaking across the skyline and crashing down somewhere on the island has some residents concerned during the winter months...

Taken For Granite
Jade Griffin ($4.99, 37 page PDF)

It’s Thanksgiving 1922 in rustic Graniteville, Vermont; a time of harmony, harvest, and homecoming-turned-horror when random residents wind up blind or deaf… or dead. Sinister business lurks below the comfort of fresh pies and autumn leaves and it isn’t the strike at the local quarry. Investigators must find the cause and hopefully a cure before they, too, succumb.

The Moore Bundle
Heinrich Moore ($9.95, 3 titles, saving of 23%)

Three Miskatonic Repository titles by Heinrich Moore: Little Torches, The Great Trap, Unremembered.

The Blasphemous Tome 8
Paul Fricker, Matthew Sanderson, Scott Dorward, Hannah Hobson, Greg Osborne, Graeme Patrick (56 pages, PDF and POD: Please read the 'Please Note' on the product page purchasing.)

The Blasphemous Tome is the semi-annual fanzine that The Good Friends of Jackson Elias create for Patreon backers of of their podcast. It contains articles about RPGs, horror films and weird fiction, not to mention plenty of sanity-blasting artwork and original content for the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game. Featured in this issue is a new Call of Cthulhu scenario by our very own Scott Dorward, entitled “Night Bus”.

Dockside Dogs: Call of Cthulhu
Paul Fricker ($6.99, 40 page PDF)

This was supposed to be a simple heist... Dockside Dogs is a modern-day, one-shot scenario by Paul Fricker, co-author of the 7th edition Call of Cthulhu Keeper Rulebook and Investigator Handbook, and many other Call of Cthulhu titles including Two-Headed Serpent and Masks of Nyarlathotep. The previous edition of this scenario was a Platinum seller on DrivethruRPG. This new, updated version has been thoroughly revised, and includes a choice appearance/gender for each investigator.


Also new titles in Chinese, German, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, and Spanish!

Michael O'Brien


Check out these new Miskatonic Repository titles by indie Call of Cthulhu creators!

Viral: A Modern Call of Cthulhu Scenario
Alex Guillotte, Bud ($12.95, 110 page PDF)

Join Marco Proudfoot, host of the successful YouTube channel The Spektral Krew, as he and his fellow paranormal investigators journey to an island off the coast of Sicily to explore its very dark past. The only public information is a pixelated satellite map and a pile of redacted documents, but a little digging on the Dark Web has revealed something far more sinister. What better way to make their final push for one million subscribers than to stream their investigation live from the island! The Krew hopes to find evidence of the paranormal, but what they discover is so much more horrific than just orbs of dust and incoherent voices in the static.


The Reading Of A Will
Drew Baker, Richard Cartwright, Paul Sims ($9.99, 75 page PDF)

Welcome to a different kind of Green and Pleasant Land: The year is 1923, the place, Great Britain. Contacted out of the blue by a firm of respected London solicitors in regard to the estate of their late client, one Captain Robert Joyce, the beneficiaries - all strangers to each other - must travel to the late Captain’s home in a quiet corner of the county of Essex to hear their benefactor’s Last Will and Testament and claim their legacies.

Radio Theatre Murder Mystery
C.M.Arnold ($1.99, 35 page PDF)

Wednesday, July 14th, 1926. Boston is in mourning as the body of Mayor, Arlow Jeffreys is finally laid to rest. Jeffreys was found dead in his home two weeks prior. Every bone in his body broken and no sign of an intruder. Boston needs a new Mayor and there is one name everybody is calling for...


A Night at Darkbank
Andy Miller ($1.99, 24 page PDF)

While passing through the tiny village of El Rito, New Mexico Territory, a lone investigator learns a notorious criminal recently escaped from the tiny town jail. Someone needs to track him down and bring the murderer back to justice.

The Dilemma in the Desert
Ryan Graham Theobalds ($5.99, 27 page PDF)

The scenario is about a group of investigators who are travelling to attend an initiation ceremony in an isolated location at Scotty's Castle in Death Valley. The scenario incorporates initially an element of paranoia between the investigators who dont know each other and dont know who they can trust.


Arterial Blood

Peter Rudin-Burgess ($1.99, 2 page PDF)

The characters get caught in a conflict between some English cultists visiting Arkham and a group of Tcho Tchos on a mission to destroy those cultists. A One Page Investigation for Call of Cthulhu.

Folded Space
Peter Rudin-Burgess ($1.99, 2 page PDF)

Professor Gordon is missing and his lab has been destroyed in the most bizarre fashion, as if liquified and twisted in every direction. Boston University wants you to find the missing professor, and discover what happened during the experiment that went wrong, without involving the police in what is a purely university matter.


Callum Imrie ($1.99, 14 page PDF)

Something is wrong in Arkham. For several weeks now, the sleepy Massachusetts town has been troubled by a vermin epidemic. Thousands of rats have come out of the walls to take to the streets with a ravenous hunger for anything they can sink their teeth into. If there is something causing the rodents to run rampant around the town, then it will be up to the investigators to solve it!

Cthulhu Maps - scenario map pack - Gateways to Terror
Lovemaps ($4.90, 10 maps)

Maps for Gateways of Terror: detailed maps and their situational tokens for the 3 scenarios in the official Chaosium release.

Also new titles in Korean and Polish!

Michael O'Brien


Are you a Keeper looking for new scenarios and story elements? A player looking for something mysterious to spark a character idea? Is your group looking for eerie ideas to use in your game? The Miskatonic Repository is where you can find —and create —self-published material for the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game.

Here are the latest Miskatonic Repository releases by talented community content creators!


An Occurrence at Como Bluff
Dawson Wohler ($5.00, 9 page PDF)

Begins in 1878 as investigators disembark the train in Medicine Bow, a small railroad town in the Dakota Territory (present day Wyoming). With them is world renowned paleontologist Edward Drinker Cope. They have come to disrupt the work of Cope’s rival, Charles Othniel Marsh. For the Down Darker Trails setting.

Sol Noctis - The Dreams of Madmen Part One
Carl Meister, Peter Madden (Pay-what-you-want, suggested price $1.28, 37 page PDF)

The Nazi war apparatus gathers momentum in Europe. Shadowy forces reach out to collude with dangerous allies and assemble nefarious weaponry to give them an advantage at any cost...

An unexpected death leads the Investigators on a train journey into the unwelcoming forests of the Appalachian mountains.

The Snake's Oil
Michael Frank, Arthur Rothfuss III, Emily Mills-Woodruff, Chris Hogan, Scott Stamper, Wayne Holt ($4.99, 25 page PDF)

Three years ago, a town healer helped Eleanor Yistler become pregnant with the aid of a poorly translated ritual. The incantations incorrectly called for the sacrifice of nine rattlesnakes, and as a result the ritual angered Yig...

The events take place in the late spring or summer of 1893 in the fictional town of Bloodstone, South Dakota. Can be used with the Down Darker Trails setting.


Exploding Cultists
Peter Rudin-Burgess ($1.99, 2 page PDF)

The characters witness a shocking spontaneous human combustion event, and are soon contacted by Professor Swales, who is researching this topic. It isn't long before Prof. Swales life is in danger. A One Page Investigation for Call of Cthulhu.

Shape-shifting Horrors
Peter Rudin-Burgess ($1.99, 2 page PDF)

Whilst staying at a hotel outside of Boston, the characters hear how the dam on the Charles River has washed up some historical finds and caused disruption along the way as the water rises to form the reservoir. A One Page Investigation for Call of Cthulhu.


Zangari's Apostasy
C.M.Arnold ($0.99, 13 page PDF)

Lucky you! You have come into ownership of an antique violin. Furthermore, there is speculation that this violin could be worth as much or even more than a Stradivarius! But beware! There is a legend that this violin is an instrument for more than playing music on.

This is a short 2-3hr scenario built to fit into any campaign in any era from Gaslight to modern-day.

Into the Unknown
Sean Johnston ($2.00, 34 page PDF)

Recruited for a grand, scientific expedition, you arrive at a privately-owned research base in Antarctica on the 18th of August, 2052. Entering an unassuming teleporter, you’re thrown across the universe to a hostile exoplanet where the truth of the expedition is revealed: Atlantis has been found and you have been selected to uncover the mysteries of the lost city.

Beach Blanket Bloodbath and Worse tales
James Thomson ($11.95, 374 page PDF)

Contains five foul and depraved Call of Cthulhu adventures. Feast your eyes upon this cornucopia of the loathly transmundane and be amazed! Check out the teaser trailer:

Keeper Reflections: Call of Cthulhu Campaigning
Michael Fryda ($3.00, 20 page PDF)

Highly-lethal, one-shot Call of Cthulhu is beloved for many reasons. While advice for running individual scenarios or short campaigns is widely available, many groups wonder how to run Call of Cthulhu in a longer framework.

These five short essays focus on insights, successes, and challenges from running a Call of Cthulhu campaign of 55 sessions (and counting). Many of the concepts discussed within could be very useful for any table-top role-playing game. The insights described within use Call of Cthulhu examples, but the methods could apply to and improve any lengthy campaign of any game.


Voidrunner's Codex

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