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mirthcard vs, shadoe's lady

Siratos finally awoke to find that his hands were chained to either side of the black wrought-iron cage where he was now apparently being held. His vision was blurred, his brain ached and he could feel something wet falling from his face to splash on the metal floor of the cage. He didn't even need to look down to know it was his own blood, seeping from a head wound he received when that awful beast had come at him with its mace (Pic #2).

Siratos realized now how foolish he had been to think that he could navigate The Maze of Deritaeus, help or no help. The old sage shook his head to try and clear his vision, only to find a searing pain shooting through him. When he tried to yell out, he found that his mouth was gagged as well. His feet slipped on the blood-slick floor, and he fell. Both arms now held the entire weight of Siratos' body between them. His body felt as thought it were on fire. He passed out.

As he came to again, the odd sound of squeaking and chirping made him feel as though all that had come before was a dream. As soon as he tried to move, he knew it wasn't. Luckily the pain had subsided somewhat and his vision had cleared. He wondered how long he had been out. He heard the chirping and squeaking again. Looking about the stone chamber, he spied his two compadres Mikal and Nagon. The poor animals were being kept on a countertop in a glass jar (Pic #3). And standing next to them was his arch-nemesis, Deritaeus, the black mage, staring at him.

"I'm glad you're finally awake," the dark wizard smiled as he turned on a flame under Mikal and Nagon, who held each other and began to squeal. "I was just making some lunch." The evil one turned the flame higher and chuckled at the discomfort it caused Siratos. "You realize how ridiculous you looked trying to make your way through my maze, don't you? Crouched over, holding a lamp and following a little mouse - it was simply too much. I was laughing so much I almost wasn't able to give Mettallax the order to cave your head in, although the canary was a nice touch. I didn't think you knew about my gas traps."

"I'm afraid your rescue mission has been for naught, my old friend," the villain continued as he pulled a bell rope nearby. "I have the sky-anchor and your crew. All I need do now is uncover the command word and I can sail out of this confounded prison isle you sentenced me to." The sound of a large metal door screeching open was followed by the click-clack of hooves on stone as the great minotaur Mettallax entered the room, its cow-stink and fetid breath arriving only moments before the beast itself.

Deritaeus grinned, "We can do this easy way or the hard way. Either you tell me the command word or Mettallax here can finish what he started earlier." The black mage looked truly surprised and disappointed when Siratos nodded his head in agreement. "That's a pity, I had so hoped that you would pick the hard way. You are so much weaker now that you have grown so ancient. Mettallax, help the old goat with his gag." The minotaur stepped forward, set down his mace and unlocked the cage. One giant bull-hand reached in and palmed Siratos' entire head, wrenching it upward while pulling down on the gag with the other.

Siratos screamed in pain at Deritaeus as his mouth came free, "You miserable wretch. I shall dance on your grave, I swear it." Mettallax gripped Siratos' neck and the old man screamed in pain again.

Deritaeus waited for the screams to subside before continuing, "Enough of the empty threats, Siratos. Tell me the command word now or Mettallax will squeeze until your head pops off like a ripe berry."

"Very well, very well. Just remember later that you asked for this," Siratos looked towards the glass jar behind the dark wizard and spoke, "MikalNagon." He smiled as he heard the glass shatter. Deritaeus, knowing a trick had been played, yelled "Squeeze!" to Mettallax as he spun around towards the counter. The last thing Siratos saw was the mouse and the canary changing back to their true selves - the great barbarian warriors, Mikal and Nagon! (Pic #4)

Detitaeus didn't have time to speak or cast a spell for Nagon's hand was at his throat, "You said squeeze did you, blackheart? Glad to oblige!" The villain crumpled to the floor, his neck broken.

Mettallax bull rushed the pair but they were too fast, pausing only long enough to grab the keys to the cells before rushing out the metal door, the minotaur hot on their heels. Mikal blocked the door as Nagon freed the crew and they all made for the boat at the shore of the island. Hooking the sky-anchor to the ship, they took off into the air (Pic #1), leaving the minotaur behind on the shore.


Shadoe's Lady said:
Somebody get Mirthcard a towel and some Gatorade!

Actually, some cold medicine, OJ, kleenex and a warm bed would do :) Took my nearly one-year-old son to the doctor for possible pneumonia (doesn't have it, thankfully) and now I've got it, whatever it is. Luckily, I'm snowed in at home today. Don't think I could go to work feeling like this. Gonna go watch some cheesy TV and try to sleep now.

Good luck, Shadoe's Lady!

Shadoe's Lady

First Post
mirthcard said:

Actually, some cold medicine, OJ, kleenex and a warm bed would do :) Took my nearly one-year-old son to the doctor for possible pneumonia (doesn't have it, thankfully) and now I've got it, whatever it is. Luckily, I'm snowed in at home today. Don't think I could go to work feeling like this. Gonna go watch some cheesy TV and try to sleep now.

Good luck, Shadoe's Lady!

Man, that bites! I'm glad neither of you has anything serious. Cheesy TV should definitely help!:p


First Post
This is just a friendly bump back to the first page, and a question of when do you think we will get the final results on this back?

Voidrunner's Codex

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