• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Byzantium on the Shannon I


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We're back!

I hope the folks who used to read this thread on the old messageboards will come back as Keith has worked so hard to catch up after numerous setbacks personal and private.

For those of you who remember where we were, Keith will post the newer stuff on: http://www.enworld.org/messageboards/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3723 . That should start today!

This thread, if I'm not kicked off by an admin, will be used to re-post all the stories from the very first episode: "Ye Olde Adventurer's Tavern Goes to Hell" I'll try to post a couple a day until we get caught up.

Those of you interested in Palaestra should check out our campaign site: http://webpages.charter.net/wpeacock/palaestra/index.htm

Just to set the story off a bit, Palaestra is a game about a clash of cultures. On one side is the Empire of Iconium, a monotheistic, imperialistic human society. On the other is a more open, chaotic, and magical realm of Faerie. It is a game of magic and intrigue, hope and sorrow, humility and hypocrisy.

The game began with the characters heading to the city of Tavia, located in Thessala, the northernmost province of Iconium. Thessala is regarded as somewhat "wild" by the standards of Iconian city-folk, but much of the area has been settled for generations. The long border with Faerie means that fantastic creatures often sneak over the boarder to raid. Disputes between human, orc and Cimbri are not unheard of, but full-scale battles are fairly rare.

Tavia is noted as the first large city on the trade routes from Rolgulka. Cimbri tribal lands also border Thessala - notably the Credi, a powerful Cimbri people. This area is known for the slaves and slavers that come via Rogulka and the fine cloth produced by Tavian craftsmen -- made from wool harvested by the Credi. Credi wool is some of the most valuable in Iconium. The city is governed by Baron Severus Aprenos, who serves Count Pardus, a liegeman of Duke Dragases.


When starting off a new D&D game after being away from the game for many years, I decided to play with the two stereotypes of D&D (dungeons and taverns) in a hopefully unexpected way...
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Episode I: Ye Olde Adventurers' Tavern Goes to Hell

The Characters

Ingolf Egilson -A dashing, silver-tongued Ljosalfar (elf) of indeterminate means and skills, played by Keith Martin (Bard 1/Rogue 2)

Aoelif Snorrisdottir -A proud, if headstrong, female fianna, also a Ljosalfar, played by Jess Hanna (Ranger 1/Fianna 2)

Zaccara -A somewhat unkempt and brusque man-at-arms, played by Jon Hanna (Fighter 3)

Martaine - A devout servant of the human god Logos, played by Sean Holland (Rogue 1/Templar 2)

Nicasia Xerecian - The best-armed prospective nun anyone's ever met, played by Laura Holland (Rogue 1/Sorcerer 2)

Theodorus Commenos Alexius - A well-educated and well-spoken noble wizard played by Steve McDonald (Noble 1/Wizard 2)

Time Elapsed: 3/13/495 A.I. (Anno Imperialus)


The characters first met on the road towards the border town of Tavia, when all were forced to take the same detour around a washed-out bridge and through a small village along the way. The village was large enough to sport two inns, the signs of the White Bull and the Red Bull, but the White Bull was so popular and busy that the footsore travelers were forced to seek accommodation in the much less appealing Red. The sign outside featured a large red bull forcing himself sexually upon a white bull, and the common room was inhabited only by a drunken, aged elf woman, apparently sleeping off her excess of ale - in the excesses of her ale!


Albacorabraxamas, the gnomish innkeeper, provided hot if somewhat suspect provender, and the characters sat together as far from the snoring and smelly elf woman as the could. As the future party members were getting to know one another, the innkeeper revealed the source of his feud with the owner of the White Bull (the were brothers, and he felt he had been cheated out of his inheritance) and complained loudly that the dwarves he was expecting had not arrived. Soon after, the besotted elf awoke and began pressing her company upon Martaine, offering to tell his fortune. He declined, but Aoelif accepted, and was told by the old woman that she would soon face "Great danger but also great rewards." Ingolf noticed that this was suspiciously like the fortune she had apparently foretold the innkeeper, and so he also paid a silver to discover that he would soon face "A time of trial, followed by great wealth." Ingolf declined the old hag's offer to "earn back his silver" and managed to suppress his gag reflex. Soon enough, nearly the entire group had been informed that they were to face "great tribulation followed by a vast treasure," or words very much to that effect, and they all began to dismiss the old woman as a fraud. In the meanwhile, Aoelif and Nicasia became interested in the slipshod construction of the inn, and noticed that what they had at first taken to be wooden beams were, in many cases, carven stone plinths of the sort sometimes seen in old druidic sites.

About that time several things happened. Aoelif began reading the runic fragments on the stones, and the somewhat smelly but definitely ugly human fighter Zaccara came through the door, bellowing for ale and dinner. Aoelif was able to piece together bits of warnings and a name from the now broken standing stones - Svear the Beautiful. Nicasia and the wizard also noticed the runes on the stones, but could make little of them.

The elvish crone descended on Zaccara almost at once, and his fortune was (not surprisingly) revealed to be striking similar to our own. She made him the same offer she'd made the rest of us, to earn his silver back, but the seemingly hard-up newcomer agreed. At about that moment, Aoelif gave a startled cry from the back of the room, and the old woman vanished, or faded, and her seeming ghostly form told Zaccara that if he could manage to lay her to rest, she wouldn't be forced to kill him, whereupon the entire inn dropped through the earth and came to a crashing halt somewhere below. Needless to say, the characters were more than a little bit surprised by this turn of events.

The group quickly concluded that the inn had been built atop some ancient cave or crypt, the roof of which had finally given way under the weight of the inn. A quick survey of the situation revealed that a falling plinth had crushed the hapless Albacorabraxamas, and that the kitchen was on fire. Some small space was available outside the inn's rapidly collapsing walls, and so the group moved out of the building. Then Aoelif quickly related what she'd learned from reading the fragments of the runes still visible on the ancient stonework: the inn had been built on top of the barrow of none less than Svear the Beautiful, a particularly horrible and evil servant of Balor, as well known for his penchant for rape as for his great ugliness.

Ingolf remembered songs about confirming his horrible nature. Svear was an incredibly ugly ljosalfar that joined with Balor early in the High King's reign. As Aoelif reported Svear was known for kidnapping young elf women and doing horrible things to them, but as one of Balor's chief's, little could be done to stop him. The story goes that when his eye roamed to the daughters of the Cimbri queen Bodiciea, she proposed a marriage in order to save her daughters -- or so she thought. On their wedding night, Svear drugged Bodiciea and raped her daughters anyway. Bodiciea managed to escape, raised an army of her kinsman and sacked Svear's castle.

Speculation that the group was within the barrow itself was more or less confirmed by the sudden appearance of a number of skeletal warriors, all bedecked in bronze and steel harness of many years gone by. These warriors were quickly dealt with, most being taken care of by the mighty arm of Zaccara and the twin swords of Aoelif - especially after it was revealed that the "nun" carried a sword and the nobleman possessed a powerful wand of Magic Missles! The group agreed to seek to leave the place as soon as possible. A passage was found on the far side of the inn that, after a short distance, led to a second branching passage. Talk of immediately seeking the exit was set aside when it was pointed out that the ghost promised death if she was not properly laid to rest.

About this point, by the nobleman discovered a skull set deep into a niche in the wall. It began to talk and quickly revealed that this was, indeed, the barrow of Svear himself. The skull went on at length about Svear's great hoard of treasure and magic spear, as well as his "wives" and where all of these things might be found. He also related that Svear himself, in shadow-form, was still lingering about, seeking release from his imprisonment. Release that could only be gained if a certain mystical condition was met: he needed the hair, freely given, of three elven princesses in order to pass on to the final rest. Not far from this spot, the party discovers the locked cells which contained Svear's "wives" - ghoulish creatures, twelve in all. As the group prepared to destroy these monsters, the door to Svear's final resting place itself swung open, to reveal mounds of treasure as well as the rotten corpse and enchanted spear of the fiend himself. Finally, the ghostly hag, no longer haggish but young and beautiful, reappeared, and revealed that she was the daughter of Bodiciea, the elven woman who had finally overthrown Svear and imprisoned his spirit. She pleads once more with the company to disinter her bones, which were resting uncomfortably beneath his coffin, and properly bury them.

"Here! I was here all along, my mother never found my bones beneath the tomb Svear had built for himself. In her anger she cursed my murderer's spirit to be forever locked in this room until three golden tresses from three Faerie princesses were laid at his feet -- something she knew would never happen. She did not know I lay under this stone. My mother ended up damning both our spirits! Free me free me now!"

When the group demurred, she became very wroth, and moved to attack them, but Martaine through the power of his faith was able to drive her away. Finally a plan was concocted to deal first with the shade of Svear, and then his ghoulish wives. As the plan was put into action, however, the doors to the various cells sprung open and Svear himself arose to do battle. The party found itself caught between 12 hungry and insane ghouls and the potent shade of Svear. Before weapons could be raised, the shade spoke, offering the same deal that the skull had promised: return with the tresses, freely given, of three elven princesses, so that he might pass fully into death, and he would relinquish both his treasures and his enchanted arms, as well as the bones of Bodiciea's daughter. Ultimately a deal was struck: the group agreed to his terms, and the fianna swore on the bones of Finn to return, though it grieved her to do so. In return Svear offered up the bones of Bodiciea's daughter on the spot. After this parley the group quickly were able to find the exit, and returned to the village to see the smoke and fires of the burning inn building still rising from the pit into which it had sunk. All agreed to travel on together for the time being, and began making plans to journey on to Tavia.

Notable Quotes

"You'll pay me to sleep with you?" - Zaccara to the crone (Jon)

"Okay, that cover's blown…" - Nicasia, the woman who claimed to be headed for the nunnery, as she draws a hidden sword (Laura)


First Post
Episode 2: Cold Duck, Pistachios, Cheese and Beer


Ingolf Egilson (Bard 1/Rogue 2) - Keith Martin

Aoelif Snorrisdottir (Ranger 1/Fianna 2) - Jess Hanna

Zaccara (Fighter 3) - Jon Hanna Martaine (Rogue 1/Templar 2) - Sean Holland

Nicasia Xerecian (Rogue 1/Sorcerer 2) - Laura Holland

Theodorus Commenos Alexius (Noble 1/Wizard 2) - Steve McDonald

Time Elapsed: 3/14 — 3/16/495 A.I.


After recovering their horses from the opportunistic innkeeper of the Red Bull, who was intent on auctioning them off (believing everyone in the White Bull must surely have perished), the group headed on towards Tavia once more, stopping to camp along side the road.


The next day, they came upon the first signs of human civilization - a small village, complete with a chapel, the beginnings of an imperial road, and a milestone from which they discovered they were only six miles away from the city.

Several of the locals, upon learning that the group was bound for Tavia, encouraged them to support the Lavender faction in the upcoming chariot race, and Ingolf became interested in this idea when he learned that the charioteer was a Cimbri. Martaine took a moment to chat with the local pastor and pray at the chapel.

The rest of the party briefly talked with a traveling dwarven merchant who was, unfortunately for the group's olfactory organs, transporting a large load of musk-ox wool toward the city. The dwarf, Oskar, discussed his frustrations with the complex tax laws of the human empire but clearly looked forward to the profits he expected to reap from the tough ox hides once he'd sold them. The group, holding their noses, bid him farewell and quickly covered the final few miles into Tavia before the noon meal.

Tavia was bedecked all in its celebratory finery when the group approached, with many banners and pennants visible glorifying the empire, the church and Saint Petronella, whose feast was approaching. At the city gate the guard informed them that their best bet for lodging was to be had at the Bad Pony, an inn close by the Cimbri gate. The inn's sign, portraying a pony delivering a solid kick to the nether region of its would-be master, was easy enough to spot, and the group found stabling and accommodation there at a reasonable rate.

While they munched on cold duck, pistachios, cheese and beer, the group learned that the chariot race inaugurating the festival of Petronella was to be that very afternoon. The two Alfar as well as the human warrior Zaccara elected to head for the race grounds, and after Aeolif was generous enough to secure a bottle of excellent wine they headed back out of the gate, in the company of a satyr, named also staying at the inn.

Meanwhile, Martaine headed for the nearly completed cathedral in the center of the city to present himself before the Metropolitan and offer his services as a teacher. Although he was not able to meet with the Bishop, Martaine did meet Father Photus, the priest responsible for the local orphanage. Photus relayed that in the event Martaine was unable to find employment in the cathedral school as he hoped, his assistance was more than welcome working with the orphans. Martaine took the opportunity to pray before heading towards the fairgrounds without the city walls to find his newfound friends once more.

Theodorus for his part visited the College of Abjuration, a huge, 8-story maintained by the college of wizardry. He unfortunately made a rather poor first impression, and the dean of the college seemed less than impressed with Theodorus' plan to study the sorcery of nearby Rolgulka and his reference to Tavia being in the dark "hinterlands" of the Empire. Nevertheless, Nicodemus, the dean, did affirm Theodorus' right to study at the college, assuming he could pay of course. He also added a warning -the college only accepted students who were also devout churchgoers. Theodorus made a few attempts to smooth over his initial miss-step and then left for the upcoming chariot race.

Nicasia took advantage of the temporary chaos to slip off alone and get a feel for the layout of the city. She walked from quarter to quarter, marking the boundaries of the noble district, merchant's district, laborer's district and the slums as she went. Although Tavia was not as clearly and distinctly segregated as Iconium, Nicasia was easily able to discern the seedier parts of town as well as the more genteel. After her little walkabout he elected to join the others at the race.

Theodorus, Martaine and Nicasia had little trouble spotting the satyr that accompanied the others from the inn, and soon all were deeply embroiled in the placing of wagers on the upcoming race. The satyr seemed a bit short of coin, and tried to place a bet with a small ivory trinket depicting a sylvan god of fertility, but the bookmaker balked at this offer. Zaccara bought the item from the faun and finally all bets were placed. The race itself did not go as many of the group were hoping, and in the end the chariot championed by the orange faction, representing the guildsmen and merchants of Tavia, had the victory. Zaccara won back the money he'd invested in the ivory statue and had the statue to boot; Nicasia, who had carefully hedged her bets, broke even, and everyone else lost money, a largish amount in some cases.

While the suddenly poor members of the group were deciding what to do next, a member of the guard approached with an offer. Part of the feast celebrations included a tournament of arms, in which volunteers representing wolves would attempt to steal sheep guarded by members of the baron's own household. The "sheep" were nothing but bags of wool, although each contained a reward of some sort and one, if stolen, would give the successful wolf the chance to participate personally in the upcoming mass. After securing the assistance of the satyr, the group decided to try this tournament which began early the next morning, and retired to their inn to plan and celebrate.

A few choice spells were selected and the outline of a plan was formed - the speedy satyr would attempt to grab the sheep while the others held the guardian shepherds at bay. As all plans, this one quickly disintegrated on contact with the enemy, and soon the field was little more than a pitched melee, which the crowd seemed to enjoy immensely. With a few well-executed spells and some solid blows from their padded clubs, the party managed to remove three "sheep" from the circle, and although one member of the "wolves" was rendered unconscious in the effort, fully three times that many "shepherds" were similarly out of commission.

The baron himself opened the bellies of the sheep and presented the prizes to the assembled group - a silver bracelet with charms representing Saint Petronella, which went to Nicasia, a bottle of fine perfume made by the baron's wife which was awarded to the satyr, and a grand prize of full board for the entire group at The Partridge, Tavia's finest inn, along with the chance to participate in the morning mass for a single member of the group.

The party returned at that point to their inn, and briefly discussed possible dispensation of the bones they were still transporting. No resolution was reached on that issue but it was decided to wait for the upcoming druidic festival concerning Arleta's Well before doing anything.

Notable Quotes:

"Are you a Justinian by any chance, brother?" - local Templar and "Shepherd" after being laid low by a vicious sneak attack by the club-wielding cleric Martaine.

"No, I'm a Valerian, but I come from a city parish." - Martaine's reply.


First Post

I'm SO happy to see this story hour is back! I was worried your house had collapsed below ground or something...


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Episode 3: Treat with Lightning, or Three Arms, No Waiting

Thanks, Blarg! It's great to be back....

And now...

Three Arms, No Waiting

After their triumph in the Shepard's Tournament, the characters elected to reward themselves with an evening of merrymaking and feasting at the Bad Pony, where they had (for the time being at least) taken up residence.


After their triumph in the Shepard's Tournament, the characters elected to reward themselves with an evening of merrymaking and feasting at the Bad Pony, where they had (for the time being at least) taken up residence. The next day, all decided to attend services at the Cathedral in celebration of the Feast of Saint Petronella. Martaine was elected to represent the group in the service and discharged his duties well. The group enjoyed watching the procession of human nobles into the Cathedral, and everyone was a bit taken aback at the presence of two Rolgulkan nobles, both ogres, who interestingly entered in the presence of the former Earl of Tavia, Iustus.

After the homily, a young human girl entered leading a (presumably tamed) lion on a lead, representing Petronella's humble shepherdess origin as well as the details of her martyrdom. There was a bit of commotion during the offering, when the male ogre, Lord Vihar, presented the church with a rich tithe - several hundreds of gold pieces at a minimum. Things were further disrupted when he spoke before the entire assembly, offering to the Bishop a plot of land in the Valley of Thunder, which apparently is his family's ancestral home, on which to build an abbey or monastery where human and Rolgulkan alike could study the word and faith of Logos. No one was quite sure what to make of this offer, least of all the Bishop, or of the ogre's insistence on kissing the aged cleric's ring before resuming his seat. Finally, after a few frantic hand gestures between Ingolf and Martaine, the Bishop got the idea and things were more or less restored to normal.

Back at the Bad Pony later on, the Rolgulkan's offer was on everyone's mind and the conversation revolved around their true motives. The issue of Bodiciea's daughter came up once again, and Ingolf and Aoelif both elected to make the journey to the nearby Cimbri kingdom of Credi to discuss matters with the druid there in hopes that the remains could be laid to rest during the festival of Arleta's Well. Zaccara, Nicasia and Martaine offered to accompany the two Alfar on the journey, but Theodorus had pressing business in Tavia to deal to and so had to beg off the journey.

None of the humans in the group had made the journey into faerie before, and all were somewhat overwhelmed at first by the vibrant, lush landscape that greeted them on the second day of their ride. The feeling of being in a living and growing world grew every stronger as the group passed deeper into the faerie realm, and it was only the sudden and unexpected crash of a massive rock or boulder into the path in front of the lead horse the disrupted the tranquility of the journey. In moments, a huge three-armed giant had blocked the path before the five travelers, and in broken Gaelic it demanded tribute before allowing the group to pass on. Although the group were not adverse in principle to the idea of tribute, the tribute demanded - namely, the creature wanted to eat on of their number and his mount - was a bit more than they were willing to pay. A quick attempt to fool the Athach into thinking that a wagonload of fat human merchants was just behind the group failed, and negotiations at that point broke down rather suddenly, and battle was joined.

A battle of five against one is generally a short and lopsided affair, but not when the one stands a full 18 feet in height with the superhuman strength to match. The group held nothing back; Nicasia peppered the creature with her magic while Zaccara and Aoelif moved to engage. Aoelif hurled two javelins of lightning at the beast but neither found the mark. Zaccara engaged it boldly from the front with his shield held high, and suffered terrible blows from the thing's massive club in so doing. While Zaccara was being pummeled, Ingolf moved quickly into a flanking position where his natural affinity for finding an opponent's weakest spot could come into full play. Zaccara and Ingolf thus were able to wear down the Athach slowly, while Martaine and Aoelif did there best to add to the creature woes and distract it and Nicasia maintained the barrage of magic missiles. Zaccara was laid low after suffering numerous bruising blows from the Athach's club, and Aoelif was nearly overcome by the creature herself when it finally fell.

A short search uncovered the creature's crude lean-to and it's disgusting larder of other, less fortunate travelers, along with the treasures the beast had gathered to itself. The bodies of its previous victims were removed from the beast's lair and laid side-by-side for a funeral pyre by Martaine and Ingolf. The creature's treasure was stowed away and it's head removed as proof of the mighty deed before the pyre was fired and the group continued on the way towards the castle of king Arcois.

Several hours later, the group was met on the road by two of the king's warriors. The two cimbri were quite impressed with the slaying of the Athach, even more so when Ingolf, in proper bardic fashion, bragged of the group having felled the creature with no losses themselves. The two cimbri offered to herald the group's arrival and assured them that King Arcois would offer a rich bounty for the slaying of such a troublesome pest. The group met briefly with the druid Deune, and related the tale of Bodicea's daughter to him. He assured them that her bones could be properly laid to rest during the festival and encouraged them to relate this tale to the King, as Bodicea was his ancestor and anything regarding her and her daughters would be of interest to him. The King himself met with the group and presented each of them with a gift of jewelry in accordance with their character and participation in the battle. After all had agreed that he was generous and wise, they retired to his hall for a feast in celebration of the Athach's death. During the feasting, Ingolf explained to the king the events surrounding Svear's shade, Bodicea's daughter and the party's need to secure the tresses of three faerie noblewomen in order to break the curse that held Svear imprisoned and so fulfill the terms of their bargain with him. Despite Ingolf's initial misgiving, King Arcois seemed to understand the situation well and offered to speak with his daughter on their behalf. He did so, and she also spoke with the party, agreeing to help them if one of them could bring her a draft of water from Arleta's Well - which was the traditional reward for anyone wining one of the three contests held be the druids in connection with the festival. The contests - a bucket race open to women only, a spear throwing contest, and a greased pig catching event - all seemed within the scope of the group's abilities, and Ingolf avowed that they would do their very best to come first in at least one of the challenges.

With that, the tired but hopeful group dispensed for the moment with the weighty matter of shades, ghosts and ancient curses, and got down to the present matters of wine, beer and venison, and the promise of warm beds and the king's hospitality.

NPCs Encountered

Arcois -- King of the Credi. A barrel- chested cimbri with two lighting bolts tattooed on his chest, giving him the power to cast lightning bolts.

Nectu -- The king's independent, golden-haired daughter.

Deune -- Arcois' druid.

Lord Vihar -- a Rolgulkan warlord. He's 10' tall with tusks, horns -- 700-odd lbs. of incarnate menace. Surprisingly, Vihar is an eloquent creature. He controls the Vale of Thunder, the pass through which trade passes between Rolgulka and Tavia.

Lady Zlata -- Vihar's wife? A Rolgulkan noblewoman, strangely dressed in the height of Iconian fashion (XXXXLT sized.)

Earl Iustus Avouris Pleustes -- the one-time ruler of Tavia. The Earl has a lot of holdings in the area, still very much a force to be reckoned with.

Various members of the imperial bureaucracy in Tavia- the kritai (judges) and the secretariat (the accountants)

Old One

First Post
Fails Will Save...

I was going to let you post more before jumping in, but am unable to restrain myself any longer:D!

I am glad to see one of my all-time favorite story hours finally making their way to the new boards! I hope that everything is OK now with friends and family and the adventures of the mixed Faerie-Iconic crew will continue!

Too many plot arcs still dangling out there...

Welcome back!

~ Old One

Good Grief

Take a few meagre months hiatus from 'my soaps' (ie: Story Hours) and just look what happens. Things go all to heck, or something.

Glad that I arrived when I did, even better to find that the original will be here in all it's glory, so I can hopefully catch up!

I'll chime in that this is most definately one of my favorite Story Hour Threads.

Hatchling Dragon



This is one of my favorites as well! I read Old One's reference to this campaign in his thread this morning (love the Faded Glory too Old One), and it reminded me that Byzantium hadn't been around for a bit. Glad to see it back!


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Re: Fails Will Save...

Old One said:

I am glad to see one of my all-time favorite story hours finally making their way to the new boards!

Me too! One of the greatest, finally returned! I'm so looking forward to the return of another of the best!

Voidrunner's Codex

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