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Bounty Hunter Adventures


For the past 2 years or so I've been running a D6 Star Wars game in the which the PC's are guild bounty hunters in 15BBY, during the very early days of the Empire after the Clone Wars where the galaxy is still optimistic about the promises the Empire brings for peace, justice, security, and prosperity, and where the Imperial military is mostly busy putting down Separatist Holdouts and thus not actually a boot in everyone's back yet (and where it's possible for most of the galaxy to imagine that the Empire's victims deserve it for breaking the 1000 years of relative peace).

So I've like seven or so major adventures (5-10 sessions each) and three or four minor adventures (1-2 sessions each) into the game and despite having a lot of ideas for adventures, I'm starting to get a little writers block and having difficulty turning the ideas into interesting stories.

A simplified typical bounty hunting adventure has consisted of two phases - an investigation phase where the PC's hunt down the target and an acquisition phase where they try to capture or kill the target. Complications can arise of course. After a couple of years I've used up many of the twists I brainstormed up before the campaign and I'm getting burnout writing up the investigation phases which are all starting to feel redundant to me right now. A typical investigation phase amounts to going to some small town and talking with locals until the PC's get someone to trust them and tell the PC's where the acquisition is hiding. Occasionally it has involved gathering clues at crime scenes or former hideouts about the targets intended next destination. But overall I feel that the stories are soon going to be emulating the professional grind of a real job where you do the same thing over and over again and the novelty wears off. I'm getting tired of sketching out these small towns and colorful locals.

So I'm looking for ideas about bread crumb trails and how you put PC's on the track of people they are hunting. These don't have to be specific to the Star Wars universe, but experience with the particulars of the Star Wars universe would be helpful. In particular, the problem with a galaxy you can hyperdrive around in is that there are 400,000 inhabited worlds, a few hundred of which are easily in range of a hyperdrive jump at any time and you can't track people through hyperspace, so the whole Bounty Hunters in space type adventure is not something I've figured out how to do often. I've played the twist of the quarry has a busted hyperdrive already, but looking for other ideas for keeping the adventure on rails enough that players are able to follow someone in space, on planets, etc. In general, how do you equip PC's to track an NPC that is running from them?

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I try to steal from movies. Men in Black and the secret being in Orion's belt and such. The new OB1 show had the secret smuggling ring to offload people to other planets. Lots of movies and shows where the princess has a servant pose as her to only be assassinated. Maybe the bounty saved the town and everyone is loyal to him- I am Spartacus.


There is a GURPS Traveller book about Bounty Hunters you can mine for information.

Now there is a thought I hadn't had. Thanks. I'll look into that.

I don't need ideas for stories. I have about 20 different adventures still in my head.

What I'm running out of is good ideas for breadcrumbs, twists, and story beats. I have already used the ones that were obvious to me. I need some inspiration for turning ideas for stories into well realized adventures.


-can a bounty hunter bring in the clone of a target?

He probably can. The bounty puck is keyed to the targets genetic code (if known) so you probably can bring in a clone of a bounty.

Which gives me a new idea for an adventure as well as a new idea for a villain who has the perfect excuse to be a reoccuring villain.

But, unfortunately doesn't solve the problem of how to make enough interesting bread crumbs to not feel redundant but still pass the three clue rule, or how to leave a trail of breadcrumbs "IN SPAAAAACE!!!".

Committed Hero

Offhand, I would say you focus on family/known associates you can interview; if you have the ability to track a ship, its whereabouts; if the target is a thief, where stolen valuables are exchanged for things.

Watch Andor and root for the ISB :) Intercept transmissions, find patterns from where crimes have occurred. Set a trap with some tantalizing bait.

Go to a garbage dump planet like Sakaar and boot up the droid he left there.


Offhand, I would say you focus on family/known associates you can interview...

That's one of the breadcrumbs I really want an alternative too, because I'm getting tired of writing up extended families of targets on frontier worlds and playing out those conversations. It's something that requires a ton of writing to get right, but the payoff is usually low. Interviewing lots of people to see if you can find one that will spill the beans doesn't make for exciting gameplay. It's more of that "realistic professional grind".

Watch Andor and root for the ISB :) Intercept transmissions, find patterns from where crimes have occurred. Set a trap with some tantalizing bait.

Well, the PC's are basically working as an extension of COMPNOR Justice department and the ISB and the rest of the Empire's alphabet soup of overlapping agencies and are called in when the Empire either doesn't have assets in the system or else the assets they do have aren't succeeding at finding the criminal. They are licensed Imperial Peacekeepers who receive from the Empire - usually a Prefect like that Stormtrooper captain on Ferrix - Notices of Remandation. They are basically authorized to kidnap someone and bring them to the issuing authority. So one of the common breadcrumbs is essentially, "This is what the ISB knows about the situation. See if you can figure out from this data what we are missing."

In the current adventure the PC's learned that the ISB is also tracking their every move.

Go to a garbage dump planet like Sakaar and boot up the droid he left there.

Question the droid has also come up on several occasions.

Voidrunner's Codex

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