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Banewarrens d20 (Angelsboi's party)


A heavy burden

Fiddle contacted his old friend Tristan. They got down to business and Fiddle eased his mind. It was like being around family again. Fiddle used the 3 emeralds he had picked up from Ashabenford to purchase 15 pearls for Alya. They would be available tomorrow. He was gonna give Alya a pearl necklace. ;) But then remembered Alya was a male now. It must be the ale talking. ... Fiddle shook himself and got back to the conversation. He pulled out a bone Quaan ring. One he had hidden in his haversack for months. One he had pulled off a dead Ogre Mage in the Banewarrens. He told Tristan all he knew about the Quaan, the Pactlords, the cult of Moander, and the White Banshee. He named names. Hedrack top of the list. Finnister, Fextor's evil twin. Father Claw the Dragon. and Chewpach Shaqore the Elder Beholder. Irae the drow priestess. He also told Tristan of the mephit, Vern. In case he needed someone to verify the information. After his long tale and his 4th or 5rh ale Fiddle's mind was calm. It felt good to get it off his chest. He bid farewell and went back to the Windlord's Rest for a nightcap and maybe a bedfellow.... but not Alya he told himself. She was a he now.

In the morning, Fiddle woke to a knocking. A young boy presented him with a note. Fiddle tipped him well.

"Your package is ready. I have some more information you may find interesting."

Fiddle showed the note to Sully as he explained, "I've acquired some pearls for Alya. I'll be right back."

Fiddle scampered across the way and picked up his pouch of pearls. He also found out a historian was interested in his gems. He was given directions to the workplace of Tellios Pryaster.

Fiddle returned to the party room. He deposited the pearls with Alya, who got right to work.

"I have an errand to run," Fiddle blurted. "If anyone wants to find out more about the emeralds... Oops.."

"I have the emeralds," Sully said. He checked. He did, in fact, have some from the Black Manor.

"No, not those," Fiddle started. "But maybe he did mean those. I had them with me last night. My contact says he has a buyer who is very interested in them. I sold him some others I had in exchange for the pearls."

"I'll go with you," Sully nodded. "Alya is going to be awhile. The others are still resting and it is a long day ahead of us."

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The family jewels

"The gems you possess have an interesting history or so I'd guess from our mutual friend's description," Prylaster purred. He held forth his hand.

"What is it you do?" Sully intervened. "Why are you so interested in them?"

"I am an historian," the merchant answered. "I deal in ancient elven art work and jewelry mostly. As of late I have been very busy. If you would allow me to see the emeralds I can confirm their worth for you. I have a buyer willing to pay top coin for them."

Sully handed over the gems. Prylaster examined them thoroughly. When he was done, he nodded.

"These are indeed what I am looking for," he said. "Where did you get them? And can you get me some more?"

"What are they worth?" Fiddle blurted out. "I know some people."

"What are they?" Sully inquired.

"They are the gems pried from some jewelry," the historian began. "Most definitely from around the time of Myth Drannor by the elven family Keleidsa."

"And they were," Sully egged on.

"They were a very influencial family," the historian fell right into the role of lecturer. "They helped make the crown jewels of Cormyr."

"The missing ones," Fiddle guessed. "We helped transport them... Oofff. Hey, what was that for?"

Sully removed his elbow from Fiddle's ribs. "Go on."

"I forgot you are well connected," Prylaster smiled. "Yes, the Crown jewels are missing. And a likely match for them is very, very, very hard to find."

"The Steel Reagent or Lord Hawklin," Fiddle said quickly and moved away from Sully before the elbow could strike. "That's your buyer. Isn't it?"

"I'm not at liberty to say," Prylaster winked.

"I don't think we will sell," Sully said. "But thank you for the information."

"Not at all," Prylaster escorted them to the door. "But if you do have second thoughts you know where to find me."

"And you know how to contact us," Fiddle smiled. "If you need some other job done."

Fiddle left Sully back at the Windlord's Rest. He visited Tristan again. This time he got the whole story and a map. The Keleidsa estate was in the Arch Wood, Archendale. The price for recovery of enough gems was 1000 trade bars. Fiddle's mouth watered. But he knew he would have to wait. He strode back to the Inn.

The party had already decided to heal another day before heading to visit Cybil. Chloe had spoken to Esmerelda about her creation. Cybil would know more. Also the ancient elven gems and the Arch Wood placed them near Cybil's friend who had gone quiet recently. Fextor told Darian of their intended trip. He begged off. He was too busy. No sign of Dunnin.


The True Seeing

The trip to Cybil's was short and to the point. Now that Sully could pop here there and everywhere. Alya, Fiddle, and Chloe went on the first trip. Vlad, Vern, and Fextor on the second. The Barrow Mounds were worse than before. The fog was nigh impossible to navigate now.

"Yikes," Vern squealed. He puddled where he stood and pointed.

The party looked. Nothing.

"Ummm," Fiddle whispered. "I'm no expert on the planes. But Vern there can probably see into other places. Remember the picture room back at the Black Manor he was so giddy about redecorating. I'm guessing the art we didn't see was actually elsewhere."

"Vern," Alya tried. "Can you see the ether or astral?"

Vern nodded and shook. He stared hard at some spot and tried to make himself smaller.

"This ain't good," Alya finished. "Astral or Ethereal Undead. Describe it, Vern."

"Big, very, very, very Big," Vern chattered.

"CYBIL," the party yelled. "We are coming over."

Sully fetched the boat and the party quickly rowed to the island.

Vlad tried the new powers of the Sword of Truth. He stood still for a moment, concentrated, and then stared where Vern had indicated.

"Row faster," Vlad hissed.

Once ashore the party went to find Cybil. Her bone fence and hut were more alive than before. And inside Cybil was more agitated. And slightly infirmed.

"The Nightstalker didn't get you," Cybil noted. "Good."

"Uh," Vlad paused. "I'm gonna go get some air."

Fiddle and Fextor followed Vlad outside. "What's up?" Fextor started.

"The sword," Fiddle said. "What does Cybil look like really?"

"She ain't alive," Vlad nodded. "Probably hasn't been for many, many, many years. Where is Darian."

"Our first lich and she is elven," Fiddle laughed.

Some time later the others finally came back out.


Booze to kill the memory

"Why didn't you come back in?" Alya asked.

"The Sword only tells the truth," Fiddle remarked. "Vlad saw the real Cybil. She is dead. Probably a lich."

"So?" Alya quipped. "We knew that already and just pretended not to care."

Alya filled in the rest of the story. Cybil had made Esmerelda from the spirit of a young dieing elf maiden. It was the reason she was kicked out of Myth Drannor. It left only the party going back to Maerimydra now. Sully would make two trips to Tilverton. But they had to go back across the water first. Cybil had a dimensional anchor which prevented him from using his teleportation spell.

The party worried about the Nightstalker. They rowed over quickly and hopped ashore. Fiddle, Alya, and Vern found themselves in Tilverton. Vlad, Fextor, and Chloe were left behind.

Fiddle ordered a round of drinks. Just as they were served the others arrived. Shaken and stirred. The Nightstalker had appeared.

On the morrow the party planned to visit the drow city. Tonight, they drank and celebrated.


Party peril

The party decided on visiting the cave outside of Maerimydra. Sully gave them darksight and then dropped off Fiddle, Fextor, and Alya. He went back for the Vlad, Vern, and Chloe. Darian stayed in Tilverton. And Dunnin was... well off spending 2000 platinum pieces Fiddle guessed. That was a lot of Ale and Whores by his reckonin'. They waited a few moments and no sign of the others. Fiddle started to worry. Perhaps they had been shifted into one of the walls by the weird change in magic. He poked around a bit. Finally, Sully appeared.

"Uhm," Sully blushed. "This is the wrong cave. The others are back near Maerimydra."

"Yeah, I just discovered that," Fiddle whispered. "We are in the territory the dracolisk calls home."

Sully popped them back to the others. They quickly decided on Goblin forms for the next visit to the gate. A little while later they found out it was unnecessary. The Giant Guards were gone and the gate lay in ruins. From this vantage point it was clear the Giant's Army was losing. There were very few fires now burning. And those were mostly clustered around the Coliseum and the Castle. Luckily it was still foggy and hid most everything in the air. The party scrambled down to the city proper. Fiddle covered their tracks with a spell. They crossed in secret as best they could. They stayed near the buildings and avoided the open roads. There path took them thru the heart of the city. Under the terraced nobles lands. Passed the destroyed Temple to the Spider Queen. And up to the Main Street. It was here that their bad luck turned worse.

Three figures leapt from the rooftops and surrounded Fiddle. They struck with precision and malice. The Ghoul gang. Smoke trailed from their long tongues. Vern screamed and flew away. Fiddle tumbled and ran for cover to draw them out. Unfortunately, there was another one behind him too. The party reacted too slowly. Chloe backed into a building. A great pillar of flame descended into the area of one of the ghouls. Vlad ducked the flames while Alya scrambled for safety. Alya cast a spell to hide. Fextor hacked into the nearest Ghoul. Three of the ghouls pulled Fextor limb from limb. The fourth chased Fiddle. Sully fired off his strongest spell. The ghouls took note. Vlad moved aside, sprang into the melee and then ran.

Vern fired off his only weapon. A blob of ooze. It hit the pavement. Fiddle sliced his foe. Chloe called on some more magic inside the building. The ghouls surrounded the gnome and ripped him apart. Alya bent down touched the body and vanished. Vlad sprang forward again, attacked, and retreated.

Vern ducked down and tried to call a friend. Fiddle broke and ran. As fast and as hard as he could back for the exit.

"Bad luck, bad omens," Fiddle thought. "I shoulda stayed in Tilverton this morning."

He ran so long and far he forgot to keep track. As he reached the top by the gate he looked back. A flying creature descended and landed next to him. In its claws it held Fextor. Chloe in bird form also landed. The flying creature vanished. Chloe became human. Alya appeared a few moments later wtih Sully. The party hurried back to the cave. Vlad caught up to them and helped Chloe with Fextor.

"We need Sully back if we are ever going to see the light of day again," Alya said.

"He said he didn't want to come back," Fiddle reminded them. "But would as long as his quest wasn't complete. I guess it's time to test that."


Hot Halfling Dragon 285 cha 21

In the morning, Chloe broke out the ointments and tended to Sully and Fextor. She called on her magic. A risky thing so close to the trouble and necromancy taint.

Where once a gnome male in his prime....POOOFFfff

a female hin. a very hot female hin.

Fiddle's mouth began to drool. "WoooooHooooooo," Fiddle exclaimed. "Thank you, Brandobaris."

Where once a dwarven male in his prime.... PPPppooooofffFFf

a dwarven male in his prime...

"Oh, you cruel foul gods," Alya hissed. "A curse. I swear it is a curse. Lets kill him and bring him back again."

Fiddle examined the two for any other lingering effects. Both he and Chloe had suffered a little at the hands of the ghouls. Fiddle's was a short course. However, Chloe's fever still lingered. She healed herself with magic.

"Fiddle," Sully said. "You can remove your hand from my backside. And you can start calling me Ozzy now instead I guess."

Ozzy and Fextor gathered their things. Ozzy then returned the party to Tilverton. It would be at least a day to recover and get healed.

Chloe told the two of the rescue. The druid had slain 3 of the ghouls from afar. Just enough to recover Fextor's body.


A mixed bag of healing

After healing up the party debated long and hard about the next step. Fiddle tried unsuccessfully to convince them not to go below again without a priest. Besides Alya had an idea about where to get a competent cleric. He asked Fiddle for information on the ones he knew. Fiddle rattled off a bunch of facts. Valgrim of Lathander was out. Now a bodak in a bag. Sir Richter Belmont of Kelemvor was low on the list. Alya still held a grudge. That left the Tyrians. Marcus of Tyr, a paladin, of the order last worked with the Stormslayers months ago. The Abbey of the Goldensheaf was outside Ashabenford. A priestess of Chauntea... maybe. The Temple to Tyr in Ashabenford... Gond the Wonderbringer in Tilverton.. no more gnomes...

It was decided to go to Maerimydra when the party was ready. Ozzy told the party of her intention to return home for a day. Alya, Vlad, and Fextor begged for a lift to Ashabenford to get the help they needed. Fiddle gave everyone their share of treasure.

Chloe and Fiddle headed to the Temple of Silvanus. Fiddle wanted the ointments necessary to restore life for the next failed mission. He also sought another wand.


Songs from the Wood 1977

Fiddle hung out in the grove while Chloe stepped aside with the head druid Ahearn. He began to sing a song from the Bard Jethro Tull that he remembered from his youth.

Have you seen Jack-in-the-Green?
- With his long tail hanging down.

He quietly sits under every tree
In the folds of his velvet gown.
He drinks from the empty acorn cup.
The dew that dawn sweetly bestows.
And taps his cane upon the ground -
Signals the snow drops, it's time to grow

It's no fun being Jack-in-the-Green:
No place to dance, no time for song.
He wears the colours of the summer soldier;
And carries the green flag all the winter long.

Jack do you never sleep - does the green still run deep in your heart?
Or will these changing times, motorways, powerlines, keep us apart?
Well, I don't think so.
I saw some grass growing through the pavements today.

The Rowan, the Oak and the Holly tree
Are the charges left for him to groom.

Each blade of grass whispers, "Jack-in-the-Green."
"Oh Jack, please help me through my winter's night."
And - "We are the berries on the Holly tree:
Oh, the Mistle Thrush is coming. Jack, put out the light!"

As he finished the druid Ahearn handed him a Golden Earring.. Acorn and asked him to find the lost elven temple Eliar had droned on and on about back at Peldan's Helm. Fiddle excused himself and went into the sewers to find another friend. He would name this one Handle.


French Frogs and English Macguffins

Fiddle pulled out a large wheel of moldy cheese. He waited for a new friend. Since he had time he also pulled out a wineskin.

"Wine and cheese?" Fiddle thought. "Perhaps, I can attract a Frog. Nah, they are too uppity and besides they surrender at the first sign of battle."

Hours lapsed and finally a swarm of rats helped Fiddle polish off the wine and cheese. One of the creatures stayed behind. Fiddle showed him a few tricks. He was smart and took to them easily. Maybe, he belonged to some other fallen adventurer. Fiddle didn't stick around to find out. He lured Handle out of the sewers and back to the Windlord's Rest.

Chloe had a new black panther. After some debate with the others it was decided to leave the panther behind with Ahearn at the grove of Silvanus. The Underdark was no place for such a beast. Although, Fiddle imagined himself using two scimitars and calling the creature if ever Chloe fell. Alya had recovered Pony from Ashabenford. Vern had to be convinced to stay behind and watch the sewers. Vern had called some friends of his own kind. He was happy in Tilverton. The party rested.

In the morning, Sully prepared the party. First a disguise. Drow and undead goblins with his spell of Seeming. Next he gave everyone the ability to see in the dark. And then a trip. Sully took Fiddle, Handle, Alya, and Vlad. Chloe, Fextor, Marcus of Tyr, and a shrunken Pony came next.

Once regrouped they headed to the undead drow city of Maerimydra once again. Undead Fiddle tried his best to lumber along. He got bored with only being able to grunt. So he alternated between lumber mode and shuffle. He took one glove off and did a little slide.

"When you face the hounds of Hell..." Fiddle heard. "Who said that?"

"Cuz this is Thriller..."

Voidrunner's Codex

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