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"Ballots & Bullets" (TSR Module BH3) Concluded!

Silver Moon

Chapter Two-hundred-seventy-four, “Off to Elmira“, Wednesday, June 21st, 7:30 P.M.

The scry starts and Ruby West comes into focus. She is sitting in a chair in a train’s passenger car, a blank expression on her face. A sleeping man who they do not recognize is in the aisle seat to her right. The window seat to her left is unoccupied. As he adjusts the view they can see that around two dozen people are in the same passenger car. He pulls up for an aerial view revealing them to be in the second of four passenger cars. He continues to pull back and they see more of the train. In front of the passenger cars are the engine and two coal cars. Behind the passenger cars are three flatbed cars with logs lashed to them. Behind those are twenty-six enclosed freight cars followed by the caboose.

The view continues to widen, now showing a five mile radius of the train, then ten. They see the lights of a large community around ten miles ahead of the direction the train is heading. Gonzales comments, “They’re closer to Syracuse than I would have expected.” He continues to widen the view, now to a fifteen-mile radius then twenty. None of the Finger Lakes appear to the south, although a pair of lengthwise north-to-south lakes now appear north of the train rather than the anticipated Lake Ontario. George states “Those are the Finger Lakes, the closest one that we’re seeing is Kueka Lake. The community that the train is approaching isn’t Syracuse, it’s Corning. They're on the southbound train, not the eastbound one.”

Mina asks, “Did we find out what the next stop was on the southbound train?" George says, "The only scheduled stop in New York is in Elmira, around fifteen miles after Corning. Beyond that that train’s three other stops are all in Pennsylvania, first Scranton, then Allenstown and lastly Philadelphia." Mina says, "We'd better be off to Elmira then. If they get to a large city we'd lose them." Kate nodded. "Mr. Eastman, it would be better for us if everyone has to get off the train when we get there, and won't be able to get back on for some time."

Gonzales says, "Okay, before this spell ends I'll zoom back in and follow the tracks forward. Help me out here Mr. Eastman, I'm not familiar with south-central New York." The spell zeros in on Corning until they can distinctly make out the railroad tracks. Gonzales then does a sweep southeast along the Chemung River until the tracks reach the next large community. George says, "That's Elmira." The focus narrows until the train depot is seen. There is quite a bit of activity going on there.

Gonzales states, "Let's find somewhere. He widens the view and sees some farmlands with large amounts of brick and stone debris. George says, "That was the site of a prison for Confederate prisoners back during the Civil War. They demolished the building afterwards and locals have been using the materials" Gonzales says, "That section with two partially standing walls should work nicely." The spell then ends. Gonzales says, "Alright, are we ready?" Kate nodded and stepped closer to the fire, holding out her hand in readiness. Mina replies, "I believe we are Manual." She steps closer to him. "What do we do?"

Nanuet and Kate are both familiar with this type of travel and tell Mina what to do as Manuel throws the pink powder on the brazier and says the incantation while they hold hands (or paws in Maska's case). They appear by the rubble wall that they had seen in the scry. The air is around five degrees warmer than Rochester and there is a hint of a rainstorm in the air. Gonzales says a command word that extinguishes the flame in brazier and immediately cools it. He then stows it back into his satchel. He points to the southwest and says, "The depot is that way around a half mile." As they walk in that direction Gonzales says, "If anything goes wrong here in Elmira just split up and run to safety. We can regroup at the Quarry Farm, owned by the Crane Family. Katherine and I have a friend staying there at the moment who has considerable resources and connections if needed." "We do?" Kate asked, genuinely confused. "You know more than I, then..."

Mina smiles, "Manuel, I'm sure you realize that I am not going to run and leave my granddaughter behind. No matter what. I don't expect any of the rest of you to stay if things go badly though." Gonzales replies, "I am not suggesting that we abandon her at all, far from it, all of us are deeply committed to rescuing her no matter what the cost. But if we need help from the local authorities it might be easier to obtain it with the help of this town's most celebrated long-term guest. That contingency plan would only be for a worst-case-scenario."

A slightly confused Kate says, “So who is our celebrated friend?“ Gonzales replies, "Mr. Sammuel Clemmens, known by his pen name of Mark Twain. From fall to spring they reside in Hartford Connecticut but they spend all of their summers here in Elmira, his wife's home town. The Crane family are his in-laws and they even expanded their farmhouse a decade back to give Clemmens his own private room to write in. He's written almost all of his novels here. According to Edwin Booth, Mr. Twain declined the invitation to the Promise City poker tournament because he didn't want to delay his return to Elmira, so he would be here now."

"My, you have a lot of friends in high places!" Mina exclaims. Kate says, "I didn't realize you'd spent much time talking with Mr. Booth. I'd be glad to see Mr. Twain again, but not today. Under better circumstances." Mina states, "Alright, let's go get my granddaughter back." She shivers at the site they had seen earlier, that blank look on Ruby's face, like the life had already been sucked out of her. She begins walking towards the city. Kate walked close to her teacher but quickly. They needed to get there before the train with enough time to see and conceal themselves if that's what they decided to do.

Kate says, "When we get there, should we just watch to see if they get off and follow them? I don't think any of us want to start anything in the station in front of so many innocent people." Mina says, "Well, I believe George was going to attempt to get the railroad to get everyone off the train for us. Then if they get off we follow. If they stay on the train... I don't know. Perhaps we should buy tickets just in case. But I doubt they'd let Maska on the train. We might have send a couple of us on the train and hopefully force them off."

Gonzales says, "We could make the wolf invisible and should perhaps do that to some of the rest of us. Turner would recognize both Nanuet and Kate from their past encounters, and if he or his associates had been watching Eastman's house today he might have seen either myself or Mina as well. I have two magical disguises with me that we can use, one is a much younger version of myself. The other is a human female of late middle age. The spells only change the visual appearances but not the voices."

Mina says, "Well, that makes things simpler. How many invisibilities do we have? If we have two then Maska and Nanuet could go invisible so that bastard doesn't see the arrow coming. And you and Katherine can use the disguises." Kate asks, "How many can we make invisible altogether?" Gonzales says, "I only have one more invisibility spell left as I already used my other two today, so if I place it on Maska I won't be able to do another. Once we head over this next hill we will be in sight of the train depot, so if we are doing anything to change appearances we had best do that now."

Nanuet talks as they walk briskly towards the station. "What would we do without you Mr. Gonzalez?" Nanuet says with half a smile. "We have to be prepared to board the train, as many of us as is possible, in case they don't disembark here. Remember that Turner has the power of domination and can get his way in many situations if he needs to. He may have some power over the conductor."

Mina says, “Alright then. My suggestion would be Maska to be invisible, in case we have to get on the train. Kate should wear one of the disguises since Turner knows her. Perhaps Nanuet should wear the other, Turner knows of him too, this that correct? Does he know Manuel? He may know me, if he followed Ruby to my house or the theater last week or he even might get the resemblance. But he might not if he is distracted." Gonzales states, "Well Mrs. Parker, one advantage to keeping you as yourself is if we need to talk to anybody in authority or send communications to Mr. Eastman, as you are a respected New York state resident, so would carry more weight than any of the rest of us."

"That is very true, Manuel, I shall stay myself. I don't like to hide my appearance anyway," she replies, "So that leaves one other person who will have to stay visible and themselves." Kate says, "I have the Maddie disguise as well. It's possible Turner saw her in Thomaswell, but she kept mostly to herself there. She would at least ring fewer bells with him than myself. But yes, I must be disguised, for more than one reason. I'll be the middle-aged woman, there's no need for me to be invisible."

They stop and Manuel says, "Alright then, Nanuet will be the younger version of myself, the wolf will be invisible, Kate will be the older woman and Mrs. Parker and I will stay ourselves although I may tweak our hair color and length with cantrips to give us some change. I'll cast the spell on him and we'll have the two of you transform. Remove any items on your person now that you'll want in the other form.”

"I don't really have much," Mina comments. She places her purse on the ground and says, "I'm ready." "I changed my hair and eye color like that once, and it was enough to fool the Earps," Kate said. "And they were actively looking for me." She pulled the rose and wand out of her pocket and the derringer from her bodice. Lastly she dropped the small pouch that held spell components and the one that held her money. "I think that's it. I wish I'd gotten that silver dust."

Gonzales assists with the transformation of both Nanuet and Kate. He then casts a pair of cantrips on Mina, making her hair much longer, flowing down below her waist and changing the shade to blonde. On himself he changes his hair color from black to a sandy browish-blonde color and also has it flow down to his waist, tying it with a cloth into a ponytail and making sure the points of his ears are covered by the hair. He then casts another one onto his chin and upper lip, creating a matching browish-blonde beard and mustache rather than his usual clean-shaven elvan face.

Mina gives a little laugh. "I guess I'm about to find out if blonds have more fun. Now that we're all transformed, do we have a plan?” Gonzales takes out his pocket watch and says, "By my watch we still have another fifteen minutes until the train enters the station. It'll take us five minutes more to walk there, let's go, we can plan on the way." Mina says, “If George managed to get everyone off the train we can just follow them to wherever they go. If not, we'll have to board and try to get them off the train ourselves. I would imagine the last thing we want to do is confront them on the train."

Kate says, "You're right about that. There will be too many innocents there, and too many people Turner could turn to his side to get in our way. I will consider this a success if we can just get Ruby away from him. Killing him would be ideal. I don't think we can plan too much, since we don't know what will happen. If they get off the train we can discretely follow them. If they stay on we can buy tickets and go with them to their destination. Then we can take him out wherever he hides through the daylight."

Mina asks, “But will Ruby come willingly? I don't know much about being a slave versus him trying to raise her. How does he make one a slave anyway?" Kate says, "I'm not certain how it works. You'll want to avoid eye contact with him if you can, although I'm not sure how important that is. He just somehow imposes his will on your own. What he did to Ruby seems stronger than what he's done before; what he did to me once. He just told me that I thought it would be best for Ruby to go with him and I did my best to convince her. Other Vampires have tried to force me to their will, but he is the only one my mind couldn't resist."

"I wonder what will happen if we just try to take her?" Mina ponders as she walks. She gives a small, determined smile. "I guess we'll find out." Kate says, "She'll fight if he's used his power to convince her she wants to be with him. If he's just taken her will, she might just go with whoever guides her. I have no idea." "Her eyes just looked so... blank. I hope it is not something that can't be undone." Mina shivers but does not give up hope. "Well then, any last minute plans? I think we are just going to have to go in and do our best with whatever situation we find before us."

They arrive at the train depot. Things appear to be fairly quiet at this time of the evening, with around a dozen people waiting patiently for the train. Four rail yard workers are out among the tracks with a small engine that is pushing a series of six freight cars, possibly to link them onto the soon-to-arrive train. There are two people inside the ticket office, one of who appears to be a policeman. Two other train station workers attired as conductors are waiting along the platform.

Nanuet says, "Don't we need tickets in case the passengers don't disembark? I agree that if they let us on the train we need to get on quickly and quietly and see what situation lies before us before we react. If they get off we follow them, at least until we are out from under public scrutiny." Kate comments, "No one here looks like they expect the train to be delayed. I'll go buy tickets in case we need them," Kate said, leaving the others standing on the platform. She went inside the office to the counter and said, "Four please."

"We know she is in the second car," Mina says to Nanuet and Manuel, "We should move closer to the front of the station. Even if they do not exit the train they might be adding new cars and that takes a bit of time, giving us time to get on and try to get Ruby off. I have no doubt that Mr. Turner is sitting in the window seat looking for trouble so he might be ready for us." Nanuet says, "Sounds like a wise plan to me." Nanuet begins moving to where he believes the front of the train will be when it arrives.

"Wait!" Mina reaches out and gently grabs Nanuet's arm, stopping him. "Before you go I want to cast the spell on you that will help with your aim when it's time for the arrow. I have to do it now or there will be too many people around for me to do it. But you must not attack before you use the arrow or the spell will be used, you only have one chance." Mina casts a true strike on Nanuet.

She continues, "I am wondering if it would be better if we split into two groups. That way if he recognizes one of us hopefully the other group will still be a surprise. Also, if they do not exit the train and someone has to get on, he may try to exit the train at that point. The other group could be waiting closer to the exit, to follow them or confront them when they get off. If we must, as per Katherine's suggestion, we can follow them until the creature must hide for the daylight hours and confront him there."

Kate buys the tickets. While she does so she notices that the policeman is holding a telegram in his hands and catches the name of the sender on the top of the telegram as 'George Eastman'. She returned to the others and said quietly, "The officer over there is holding a telegram from Mr. Eastman. It's possible he might be intending to search the train, or maybe he will have everyone disembark. I don't know." "At least we know he got to them." Mina recounts what she just said to the others. "What do you think about having two separate groups?"

Kate says, "As long as we can see each other I don't see any harm in it. It is true he might try to leave the train after we get on. The platform isn't that large anyway, we won't be far from each other." Mina replies, "Alright then, let's plan on that. I could go with Nanuet and you could stay with your teacher, that way if something happens he could protect you probably better than I can. What do you think?" "I would like to stay with my teacher," Kate agreed, but looked at Mina a bit oddly. "You think I need more protection?" she asked, obviously curious rather than offended.

Mina says, "Well dear, Ruby has told me all about you and your friends. She was rather terrified the last time you got bitten by some other creature like Turner before. There is also your son to consider, If you think you would be safer a different way, just say the word.” Kate says, "I'd be safer in a cabin in the north of Canada, but as that isn't a option staying near my teacher will do." Mina replies, "Of course."

She continues, "So now we have two groups, Nanuet and myself, and you and Manuel. The question is, who should board the train if they aren't forced off? I would imagine you would not want to confront the creature in that way if you don't have to. Nanuet and I could do it, with you and Manuel staying closer to the rear of the train. Perhaps Nanuet may even want to leave Maska with you?" Nanuet nods in agreement. "Sounds like the best idea. That way she is available to track if needed." Kate agreed as well and walked down the platform with her teacher away from the other others who would wait near the edge of the platform where the train would arrive. The whistle sounds from the approaching train in distance and those at the depot can now hear it around a mile away.

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Silver Moon

Chapter Two-hundred-seventy-five, “The best made plans of mice and men often go astray”, Wednesday, June 21st, 8:15 P.M.

The train pulls into the station and comes to a halt, the four passenger cars along the depot landing. Of the other twelve people at the station five pick up luggage and prepare to board while the other seven appear to be waiting for passengers to depart. The two conductors along the track go to the front and rear doors of the first passenger car and open them. Four people depart from the first car as the conductors move back to the second car. Mina and Nanuet place themselves near to the first door of the second car while Kate and Gonzales stand closer to the third car.

Mina strains to see if she sees Ruby sitting in the area the scry spell indicated. They wait to see if she and Turner exit the train. Kate kept one eye on the train and the other on the officer holding the telegram. The conductors reach the second car and open the doors. Four people exit, none of them being Turner or Ruby. Mina sees Ruby still seated in the car, a man to either side of her. She appears to now be asleep. Kate notices both the policeman and ticket office manager intently watching the train. An elderly couple enter that car and find seats near the rear.

Kate dug into her handbag, pretending to look for something, then pulled out her little mirror. She held it low in her hand and looked down into the reflection of the train, looking to see if the men with Ruby were vampires. The man to Ruby's left casts no reflection. Kate cannot see his face at the moment but his build and height resemble that of Turner. Mina catches Kate's eye and nods, making sure Kate was prepared before boarding the train with Nanuet following. She walks slowly towards Ruby, hoping Turner would take her granddaughter and exit out the back.

Kate met the gaze briefly then turned to her teacher. "Only the one on her left is one of them," she whispered. "The other might be a slave." At this point all four passenger car doors are open and people who were entering or leaving have done so. Outside the rail yard workers are busy uncoupling the caboose to add on some more freight cars. Ruby remains asleep as is the man to her right. The man to her left raises up his head and looks around.

"I hope that officer isn't looking for one of us," Kate whispered urgently. "We're going to have to get on in a minute." She looked at the man next to Ruby who had just lifted his head, hoping to get a better look at his face. A shiver runs down Kate's spine as she recognizes the face of Colin Turner. At this point there are now fourteen passengers seated within the second car which can seat a total of ninety-six, spread out throughout the sixteen rows of three seats on each side.

"Is there a way to make lots of smoke without fire in that train car? Force everyone off?" Kate whispered to her teacher, making it look like she was arguing with the old man about getting on the train. Gonzales says, "Sleep might work, but he would probably recognize what we were doing if we attempt spells now."

Mina whispers over her shoulder to Nanuet, "He doesn't seem to have noticed us. We'll have to confront him directly." She remembers Kate's words as she walks towards the pair, closing the gap until they are about six feet away from Ruby and Turner. Turner looks at Parker and the disguised Nanuet. There is no hint of recognition on his face, however he does continue to watch them as they approach. Mina decided that there was no going back now. They had no better plan, no way to get them off the train but of their own accord. Mina walks about a foot closer then stops. Speaking to Turner but remembering Kate's words to not look in his eyes she says, "I believe you have something that belongs to me Mr. Turner."

He looks up and says, "Then we should discuss that. Geoff, please give the woman your seat." The sleeping man immediately awakens and stands up in the aisle." "By the gods what is that woman doing?" Kate whispered urgently, looking again at the officer. "And what did that telegram say to do?" She was torn between trying to find out and getting immediately on the train. "I'll be right back," Kate said and walked over to the officer. "Ain't nobody left to get off that train, officer. Who's the telegram for?"

The officer replies, "The telegram...are you Mrs. Willamina Parker?" Kate says, "I'm here with her. The telegram would be from Mr. Geroge Eastman. She board the train, thinking it wasn't here. I stayed to wait." The policeman looks skeptical and says, "You are one of the detectives? Do you have any identification to prove your identity?" She replies, "Yes, I'm one of the detectives. I'm not carrying anything that would identify me, it's too dangerous. I understand your distrust, officer, but Mr. Eastman is very concerned that we find the people we're looking for. I'd prefer not having to board that train without his further instructions."

Inside the train Mina says, "I'd much rather we take our discussion outside Mr. Turner." Mina takes a step closer to Geoff, but still makes sure not to look either in the eye. At this point, she is acting like Nanuet is not with her, in case Turner or his associate apparently didn't notice them speaking earlier. Turner stares intently at her face and says, "Please have a seat Ma'am, we can speak in front of my fiancé."

Mina pauses to take in the situation. Not sensing too much of a choice, she actually does take the seat next to Ruby. She says softly to her granddaughter as she squeezes her hand, "Ruby, Ruby darling...Look at me honey, please." Colin Turner states, "Yes Ruby, look at this woman." Ruby awakens and turns he head towards Mina, a totally blank expression on her face. Mina says, "She is not your fiancé." She keeps her voice low and practically growling she says, "What did you do to her, you bastard?"

While Mina is looking at Ruby and in the direction of Turner the man Geoff reaches across with a handkerchief in his hand and placing the hand over her nose and mouth. Mina recognizes the smell of chloroform." Mina struggles against Geoff, using all her energy to attempt to elbow him in his manly parts to get free, while trying her best to hold her breath. While this is happening Geoff is standing in the aisle beside them, effectively blocking Nanuet's immediate view of what is going on.

Likewise, the policeman and ticket manager inside are no longer watching inside the train at the moment, being distracted by Kate. Gonzales is dividing his attention between the train and the ticket office. The officer hand Kate the telegram. It reads:

From: George Eastman, Eastman Manufacturing Inc., Rochester, New York
To: Elmira Railroad and Police

A woman has been kidnapped from Rochester and is on that train that will be arriving soon in your city. The man is named Colin Turner and is a powerful European Wizard with many arcane magics at his disposal. The woman is my fiancé Constance Grace West and is currently a victim of his sorcery. Constance's Grandmother Willamina Parker of Tarrytown, New York is currently in the Elmira region and will be arriving soon with Detectives to try to stop Turner. Use extreme caution and give them your utmost cooperation. Let Mrs. Parker and her associates know that we have discovered that Turner's freight is being shipped to the next train stop of Scranton, Pennsylvania so he will probably not exit in Elmira. If you have any further questions please contact either myself or Rochester Police Commissioner Ross at the Rochester telegraph office."

Kate thinks that Naming Turner a wizard was a nice touch. She says, "Thank you officer, you've been very helpful. Try not to get involved if you can avoid it, this man is not to be trifled with. That is Miss West with the red hair in the second..." Kate was looking back at the train and saw in the window. "Second car. By the gods..." Kate resisted the urge to run, but did say as she hurried back to her teacher, "Miguel, we'll miss the train. They won't wait for us, we have to go."

As Nanuet notices Mina's initial interaction with Turner he curses her brashness under his breath. "Is that woman daft? What in the gods names is she doing?" He scans the train car as Mina sits down and he then looks back out the door seeing Kate talking with the officer. "Are they going to stop the train or what? What good did that telegram do?" he thought to himself. Then he sees Mina Parker struggling and lose consciousness. He tries to play it cool and steps forward to confront Geoff. "Sir, unhand that woman! What are you doing?"

Nanuet then calls loudly for the officer "A woman has been assaulted! Officer! Officer!" Turner moves with remarkable speed, standing up and grabbing Nanuet by the arm and stating, "Sir, you are hysterical, lower your voice." Nanuet states, "I will do no such thing, unhand me now sir! Officer please help! There is a woman hurt on this train!" he continues to yell, hoping that even some of the passengers might react. Nanuet is also now averting his eyes from Turner. Not wanting to get involved, a few of the passengers in the care get up and depart from the car.

Turner pushes Nanuet back into the aisle and says, "Leave my friends alone you Elvan savage!" Outside, the Policeman rushes out of the office and by Kate and Gonzales, heading towards the second train car. Kate and her teacher hurried over to the third train car, boarding the door there and walking through the connection into the second car, coming up behind Turner. The policeman draws his Billy-club from his belt and enters the car exclaiming "What transpires here!"

Turner locks eyes with the policeman and states, "This Elf has forced his way over her and tried to accost these women. My friend and I were intervened and he tried to attack us as well." The policeman approaches Nanuet and says, "Please come with me." Nanuet exclaims “Wait, you're just going to take his word? Why not ask some of the other witnesses on the train what happened? I got on the train and saw this woman (pointing at the unconscious form of Mina) struggling against this man (pointing to Geoff). When I came over here to help her he grabbed me (pointing at Turner). All I did was tell them to stop and called for help! Why would I call for help if I was doing something wrong?"

While Nanuet is speaking Turner locks eyes with a man near the front of the train. The man then exclaims "The Indian is lying, he's the one who caused the trouble." The man named Geoff says, "Yeah, it happened just like my friend said." While Geoff is speaking Turner finds stares a different direction. Another woman seated on the opposite side then says, "They're telling the truth, the Indian is the one who tried to hurt those ladies." The police officer holds his Billy club in a threatening way and says to Nanuet, "I've heard enough, you're coming with me."

Kate nearly screamed in frustration. Getting on a train and arriving at their destination with Turner should not be this difficult. Some of the passengers were trying to get off the train, blocking she and Manuel from boarding. As Nanuet put up a fuss they got back off the train rather than trying to push their way on. Once they had cleared the door and were again on the platform Kate muttered angrily under her breath and pointed at Nanuet, which didn't really stand out since everyone was watching the altercation. Using a Cast Message spell she then whispered to him, "Go along with it, you're not going to win the argument. Get off the train with him and we'll fix it out here."

Nanuet is practically shaking with frustration. He receives Kate's message then steps off the train, going over several options and plans in his head. Kate then leaned over to Mr. Gonzales and said, "Once they're off the train dispel the influence with a dispel magic. I'd rather have done that on Ruby, but that's no longer an option." The policeman walks Nanuet away from the train.

Nanuet sees Kate and Gonzales following from a discrete distance. The officer walks his prisoner down from the depot in the direction of a wagon with two horses. Once that the pair are out of sight of the people on the train platform Gonzales casts his spell, which has the effect of canceling the charm on the policeman and dispelling the disguise covering Nanuet. Thankfully Maska was far enough away that he remains invisible. The policeman looks around with a bewildered look and says, "What? How did I get here? Where did that other Indian go?"

Kate whispered to Nanuet, still using the magic spell, "Tell him you are one of the detectives here with Mrs. Parker and the wizard who kidnapped Mr. Eastman's fiancé has bewitched his mind. And not to let the train leave until you are on it. You can board the third car and walk through to the second." Nanuet smiles at the officer trying to calm his fears as he listens to Kate's message. He says, "It's OK officer. I am one of the detectives here with Mrs. Parker. There is a wizard on the train who has kidnapped Mr. Eastman's fiancé. He used his magic to cloud your mind. It is important that we don't allow the train to leave just yet. I know Mr. Eastman's fiance is on board. Will you help us?"

A whistle blows. The policeman says "I'll try, but it looks like it is starting up." The police goes to run back to the depot. Gonzales moves up to Nanuet and says "Hold on, if he manages to stop it from leaving there will be time to go back but if he doesn't we're better off staying here where nobody is watching us." "I misjudged the timing. I thought we'd have a minute or two more, but they changed the cars faster than I thought," Kate said quietly. "We might still be able to get on the train and go with them to Scranton. That's where Turner had his things shipped to, so it's where they're likely to debark. Do we have other options for getting to Scranton?"

Gonzales says, "If the train is moving we could still get on it from here." He points to the curve in the departing tracks and says, "We're out of sight of the depot and once the passenger cars make that bend nobody on the train would be able to see us either. I could then cast a "Haste" spell on us, allowing us to run at twice our normal speed and the train will be going slow enough for the initial half-mile for us to then board one of the freight cars."

They hear the train whistle sound again and see a cloud of steam indicating that the train is moving forward. Gonzales says, "The other option would be to find somewhere here to hold up and rest. I need eight hours to rest and restudy my spells, but with Dorita's tea it would be half that. According to the schedule in the Depot the Elmira to Scranton trip is around three hours, but we might be able to get the railroad to stop it somewhere in between for an hour or so. Of course, the risk there is that Turner will exit the train at that point."

"Our resources are depleting fast. They further they go down the more dangerous it is for me to stay with you, which means the more likely it is I would have to stay behind." Kate hesitated. "Can we combine the two? Rest on the train?" She looked around, trying to judge if there was time to tell the officer to have the train go slower or be stopped en-route. "If we stop to rest we could scry them again if needed."

Nanuet says, "I think somebody needs to be on that train so that we can see where Turner, Ruby and now Mina, to get off and where they go to. I need little rest and have not used my prayers at all today. At the very least Maska and I should be able to track them. If you need to stay here and rest then catch up later using your skills then maybe that is a good idea? We had better decide quickly!" Gonzales says, "We shouldn't split up further. Quick, over here!"

He moves behind a pile of logs, ushering Kate and Nanuet there so they won't be seen from the train engine and passenger cars. Gonzales says, "Decide now, if we're going to try to jump onto the train I need to start the spell." Nanuet says, "I'll say it again. We should get on the train. Hopefully you can rest there." Kate felt the telegram still in her pocket. "Let's get on the train," she said. "We'll have to try to get the train stopped from the inside."

Gonzales replies, "Alright then it is decided. Nanuet, first I'm going to cast a Detect Invisibility spell onto you so that you'll be able to see Maska to help her onboard." Kate squeezed her eyes shut and took the briefest of moments to send a prayer up to Diana. Not for help or protection, but the wisdom to know when she had to worry more about herself than the others. And the strength to live with the consequences if she had to let them go on without her.

Gonzales then casts the Haste spell onto the four of them as the four passengers cars all turn around the bend. He yells "Now, run." They start to move at speeds faster than they have ever run before. Following the passenger cars are three flatbed cars with logs lasted to them. After that are a series of four freight cars with partially open sides that from the smell and sounds appear to contain sheep or goats, next are a series of five green-painted freight cars, then a United States Mail car with locked doors on the side, followed by a series of sixteen brown cars labeled "Minnesota Mining and Machinery", those are followed by the six cars added at the last station and then the caboose. As they run Gonzales says, "Try one of the freight cars painted green."

Kate ran hard, and instead of running straight at the car and jumping, she tried to get next to it and run alongside. Then she tried to grab hold of the handles to add the strength of her arms to that of her legs to get her inside. Gonzales tosses up a spell as he runs, causing the door of the freight car that he and Kate are beside to slide open. The inside is filled with boxes but there is enough empty space by the door for them to try to get on to. Nanuet and Maska are immediately behind them.

Kate grabbed onto the side of the open doorway and tried to jump into the car. With the increased speed Kate notices that her reflexes and dexterity also appear to be temporarily enhanced and she manages to get inside without too much of a problem. Gonzales is next and has a bit of a problem climbing up but manages to slide onto the freight car with Kate's assistance. They then both tell Nanuet to hurry as the train is starting to pick up speed. Just being on the car was a relief. Kate had feared she would miss somehow and be thrown away from the train, hurt and watching her friends borne away.

She and Mr. Gonzales both held out hands to help Nanuet up. Nanuet waited for the others to jump on before him. He saw that he was quickly running out of platform. He deftly jumped into the freight car using Kate and Manuel's assistance and then quickly called to Maska to do the same. "Jump Maska!" he coaxed using his native language.

Maska jumps but doesn't quite make it. Thankfully the Detect Invisibility spell allows Nanuet to see her and he reaches to grab her, with Gonzales and Kate holding the Indian to keep the wolf's weight and bulk from pulling him out. Between the three of them they manage to pull the animal on board. "She's on?" Kate asked. At Nanuet's nod she let herself thump to the floor on her backside. She let herself take a moment to get a few deep breaths.

Silver Moon

Chapter Two-hundred-seventy-six, “Riding the Rails”, Wednesday, June 21st, 8:30 P.M.

Once they are all onboard Manuel pulls the door shut to the car. He then casts a Bluelight spell, illuminating the car interior with a faint light that is bright enough for them to see each other but will not cast light though the cracks in the boards and around the door to the outside. Kate comments, "I don't know much about freight cars. Can we still get to the passenger cars?"

Gonzalas stands up and walks over to the wall. He checks a clipboard that is hooked to the wall near the door and looks it over commenting "Hmm, all of the cargo in this car is bound for Philadelphia and is the middle of the five cars of this type. I'm assuming that Turner's casket is inside of one of these five green-painted cars, so the Scranton-bound goods must be in either one of the two cars ahead of us or one of the two behind us."

Kate replies, "So we can at least accomplish something back here. I had been thinking of trying to create some problem with the train so you could get your rest. I have the telegram if we could find someone who works for the railroad. But I suppose there isn't a way to make the tea here." Gonzales replies, "I have my brazier and a water-skin, but even with the tea I doubt I would be able to rest on a moving freight train going through the Pennsylvania mountains."

Kate says, "That's out then. Alright, let's search the cars and destroy Turner's resting place. I wish I knew if Turner's domination of Ruby would make her willing to rise as a vampire. It makes a huge difference. If it doesn't, then he'll want to wait until he's in a safe place before turning her since it would take her three days to come back. If it doesn't he could do it as soon as they're settled in Scranton. I would imagine dying would negate his control, but I can't be sure."

Gonzales points to a wooden ladder on the side wall leading up to a trapdoor in the roof. He states, "Unfortunately that is the only exit from this car while it is moving, other than the door on the side where we entered. I wish I had my Spider Climb spell, that would work to cling onto the train, but I did not take it today. I do have one more Levitate, I used one earlier when we got Ruby, but if somebody uses that they would have to maintain a firm grip to the train or risk being left behind floating in the air."

Kate says, “It's better than risking being thrown off the train altogether and making a hard landing on the ground. If Nanuet doesn't mind I'll take the levitate and check the two cars ahead of us. I don't think I can risk the fall; I'm sure you understand." Nanuet states, "Kate, I'm not sure if you're the best candidate to be climbing on the outside of moving train cars, no offense. I would rather go myself, but I won't insist if you are determined."

She looked embarrassed and relieved at the same time. "The idea didn't excite me much either. I just want to pull my own weight. I'll be glad to stay here and rest a bit." Gonzales says, "I have an idea Kate, you can follow us up the ladder and watch from the top of this car in case we run into trouble. Nanuet and I can tether ourselves with ropes and I can keep the levitate in reserve until needed."

The two elves take the lead and head topside, tying themselves together with ropes with the end ten feet on each going off and ending in a bowline knot that creates a loop that will not slip. They move forward hooking the first rope at the front of the current car. There is a five foot space between the tops of the two cars. They wait until the train reaches a straight section before attempting the leap across, Nanuet going first and Gonzales second. Both Elves are rather spry and make the leap without difficulty.

The open the trapdoor and climb down, Gonzales checking the manifest and confirming that freight car's cargo is also Philadelphia bound. They repeat the process with the first of the five green freight cars, discovering the same. They then make their way back, filling Kate in on their efforts. Nanuet says, "Well, we know the coffins are in one of the last two cars, lets go and take care of that. And we should be on our guard, in case he's got someone guarding them."

They find it easier to move back on the train then forward as the winds are in the favor of their jumping from car roof to car roof. The manifest on the fourth car shows the cargo designated to Allenstown, the scheduled stop between Scranton and Philadelphia. They head back to the final car. Even before checking the manifest and confirm that the cargo here is going to Scranton they see the long rectangular crate large enough to hold a casket inside of it.

Nanuet says, “Looks like this is it. Figures it would be in the last car. We had better be careful, in case he has someone guarding it." Nanuet and Gonzales cautiously approach the crate. Nanuet hears no sounds coming from it. The wooden lid of the crate appears to be just placed atop it rather than nailed on. The younger elf comments, "That's odd, it's not nailed shut. We must be cautious, should there be something hiding."

Nanuet approaches the crate slowly waiting for Gonzalez to do the same. He then pulls out a stake and gets in a spot along side the crate. He points to Gonzalez and motions for him to pull open the top of the crate. They remove the wooden pine lid to the crate. The underside of the lid has boards one inch from the edges to tightly keep it in place. Inside the crate is a nicely made casket identical to the one that was in the home of George Eastman's neighbor as well as the four that Father Harbrace and Nanuet had destroyed earlier in the week. In those earlier times Harbrace had taken the lead in the destruction of the creatures.

"Well, we know this one is related to him, now," Gonzales says matter-of-factly. "Ready?" he said and got his fingers under the lid to lift it. Gonzales lifts the lid. Before the lid is completely up a hand reaches up from inside the coffin and grabs the old wizard by the wrist. Instead of trying to pull his hand free, Manuel drops, letting the lid fall hard on the arm that reached out and hoping it would cause the creature to let go.

The creature maintains it's death grip on Gonzales's wrist, draining some of the life force from the old elvan wizard. His move to drop to the ground has the effect of hurling the creature up and out of the casket, pulled by the dropping man, and propelled by Nanuet before a stake can be applied but he sees enough to determine that it is not Colin Turner. As Manuel hits the ground the creature lands on top of him, continuing the life drain.

"Stake it!" Manuel screams as he manages to cast Magic Missles into it's hands where they are gripping him. Once the missiles fire he struggles to free himself from the creatures grip. Nanuet exclaims, "He's much faster than I thought!” Nanuet repositions himself to a spot where he can stake the vampire and attempts to do so." Aided by the 'True Strike' spell cast upon him the stake reaches its intended target and the vampire explodes into a cloud of dust.

Manuel sits up against some crates and nods his thanks to Nanuet. His breath comes hard and fast for a few moments. "That was my mistake," he admitted. "We could have destroyed that coffin by quite a few other, safer means. That creature did something to me, I'm afraid whatever travel we do from now on will have to be by mundane means." The old elf gets himself on his feet and says, "Let's destroy this thing and get back to Katherine. We should probably have a look through to make sure this is the only one as well. I didn't expect to find Turner's coffin occupied."

They find that the coffin contains a few inches of dirt on the bottom of it. There are dozens of other crates and boxes within this particular freight car but none large enough to hold a coffin. "Let's push this thing over near the door," Manuel says after they've made sure this was the only coffin. "We can dump the soil along the roadway, then send the box after it." Nanuet helps Gonzalez with the disposal of the crate.

By this time the train had left New York state and was entering the northeastern mountains of Pennsylvania. The begin to pour the dirt overboard and wait until the train is alongside a particularly steep cliffs to push the crate and casket out the door and down the mountain. It shatters into pieces on the way down. Gonzales feels a deep sense of satisfaction as the coffin disappears over the cliff. Gonzales is too weakened by the vampire to attempt to jump between train roofs, so has to use his final Levitate spell on himself and then tether himself to Nanuet.

He and Nanuet then climb back up through the trap door and make their way back to Katherine, who is waiting with anxious eyes. They explain what happened in the last car and break the news that they will have to go home by train. Kate shook her head and said, "No, we'll go to Philadelphia. We know the Archbishop there; he'll be able to heal this." She reached out and squeezed his hand. "I'm just thankful you're not in the state I was after Jobin did that to me."

She sat down and leaned back. "I think we need to go back to our original plan. I'm sure we're all anxious to get Mrs. Parker back, but following them from the station is still the best plan we had. We shouldn't let our desires to finish this sooner lead us to more foolishness." The following two hours roll by, the three individuals and wolf resting as best they can on a bumpy railroad car through the mountains on a route parallel the Susquehanna River. At 11:00 PM the river turns from southeast to south towards Wilkes-Barre while the train turns right towards Scranton, now less than ten miles distant.

Despite her worry and frustration, the need for rest was even greater and Kate spent most of the two hours asleep against her teacher's shoulder. He woke her around 11:00 with the warning that they were nearing Scranton. She yawned and stretched, surprised for a moment to see the unfamiliar hands and body of the disguise she still wore. "We should get ready, then. There's one thing I'm afraid of, and I should have thought of it earlier. What if Turner has a carriage waiting? We won't be able to follow unless there's a cab at the station." Gonzales replies, "Then we improvise."

Kate nodded. "I guess that's about all we can do. At least if they notice us jumping out of the car we have tickets for the train. We just chose to ride somewhere unusual." Nanuet shakes out the stiffness of his body. Even needing less rest than humans, he was getting fatigued after chasing Turner across the country and now back again. "I believe this is the same spot where Father Harbrace and I were a few days ago. I know one of his previous hiding spots, which we destroyed. Since we were behind him he might not know it was tampered with and may head back that way."

The train pulls into the station, situated on the western side of town. Nanuet explains that Turner's hiding place was over on the eastern side of town, near the intersection of Mulberry Street and Harrison Avenue. Kate says, "There's not really any way of hiding us getting out of here; let's just do it quickly before the workers get here to unload that last car. We'll want to make sure we can see Turner anyway." Since there are doors on both sides of the freight train they open the one on the opposite side as the train depot and quickly climb down.

Kate got gratefully down and looked around the area. "Let's just go around the back of the train and walk like we belong there. It would take too long to walk around the front," she said and began leading the others toward the back and around. As they walk around to the front of the train they see Colin Turner and his entourage, comprised of Ruby, the man who had been seated beside him, plus the man and woman who he had taken control of when Nanuet was being questioned by the policeman. The man has the still unconscious Mina with him, carrying her with his arm around her.

Kate softly asks herself “Why did he bring those poor people with him?“ Colin and his followers walk past the third freight car that the party are near and proceed directly towards the fifth one that had contained the casket. Kate continued to walk, but more slowly, forcing the men to slow down with her. "We'll want to know what he does from here," she whispered. She stopped talking and looked like she was arguing with her companions, trying to appear oblivious to the group that had passed them.

They get to the freight car and one of the conductors arrives and opens the door. Kate and her companions are far enough away that they cannot hear the conversation that follows but it is obvious that a very angry Turner is not pleased that the casket is not inside. Two workmen arrive and Turner directs them into freight car. They exit carrying a wooden crate that is three feet long, eighteen inches high and eighteen inches wide. They are carrying it from a pair of side handles and it appears to be rather heavy.

Kate turned her head to hide her expression. "Please, please tell me that crate isn't a coffin the right size for a child. He must travel with some possessions," she finished. Gonzales says, "I don't know. I probably should have checked the manifest more closely. It does appear to be rather heavy" The workmen carrying the crate across the train platform and over to a waiting horse drawn wagon. "It had better just be dirt," Nanuet says with anger in his voice. "Either way, we have to destroy him so he can't hurt anyone anymore."

Kate says, "We're not going to be able to keep up. Why don't we watch and see which way the wagon goes, and if it's going in the right direction we can go to the house that Nanuet was at before." Kate looked around to see if there were any cabs near the station. This late at night, she did not expect any. "How large is the city?" Gonzales replies, "Around 40,000 people. The town is a major source for steel and iron manufacturing in the country."

They see that a series of cabs for hire are a short distance away. They notice that Mina is placed in back of the cart as well as the man and woman who had been charmed on the train. The two workmen sit in the front of the cart and it begins to ride off. Turner, Ruby and his other male companion turn around and walk in the direction of the cabs for hire. "I have money, let us go hire a cab," Kate said and took her teacher's arm. "We'll want to stay behind them a bit, or he could recognize Nanuet."

Gonzales replies, "Should somebody follow Mrs. Parker too?" Kate asks, "You think they might go to two different places? I figured they just wouldn't all fit in the wagon. I don't like the idea of splitting up. But if Nanuet follows Mrs. Parker he's less likely to be recognized." Gonzales replies, "I don't know, but there seemed to be enough room in that wagon for all of them." Kate reiterated, "I absolutely hate the idea of splitting up, but if we lose Mrs. Parker now we may never find her again. Nanuet, could Maska follow the wagon? You have the arrow, we need you near Turner."

Nanuet says, "Yes, I could send Maska after Mina and the wagon. We'd better hurry and get a cab before we lose them." Nanuet calls for Maska quietly and tells her to follow the wagon. He then heads with Kate and Manuel over to the cabs trying to stay out of site. The wagon heads off to the east heading towards one of the bridges in town across the river running through the center of it. Turner's male companion opens the door of the Hansom cab for Turner and Ruby. The cab heads off. Kate, Nanuet and Gonzales get a cab a few places back.

"Please follow that cab, sir," Kate said after the three were settled. "The master will be upset if we don't arrive in time to get his lady settled for the night," she said, acting as submissive as she could. The cab heads into the heart of downtown Scranton, stopping in front of the largest and most elaborate hotels on the main thoroughfare in town. They are nowhere near the place that Nanuet had been before, although he senses from Maska that that location is where the wagon with Mrs. Parker is going.

Silver Moon

Chapter Two-hundred-seventy-seven, “The Vampire Lord”, Wednesday, June 21st, 11:30 P.M.

Kate muttered under her breath, trying to sound like she was lecturing the other two and taking her time about getting out. "Nanuet, stay in until Turner is inside the hotel," Kate whispered as she began to dig for money to pay for the cab. Nanuet nods. "Yes Mrs. Kate. I'll wait outside while you two go in and check it out." She replies, "I only meant not to get out of the coach until they were inside the hotel. Although you may want to wait outside the door of the hotel until we tell you it's safe."

Kate watched the other cab for Ruby and Turner to exit, then followed with Mr. Gonzales when they did, hoping to be close enough to hear what room number they got. They enter to see that Turner, Ruby and the man named Geoff head directly to the staircase rather than stopping at the main desk. Kate looked back toward the door and waved, hoping Nanuet had followed them that far and would see her. Acting like they belonged, Kate and Gonzales just continued to follow the other group.

The first trio head upstairs to the third floor then proceed down the corridor. Nanuet caught Kate's wave and nodded. He would wait a few moments before following them inside at a distance. As Gonzales and Kate near the third floor landing they see the trio entering a room further down the hallway. Relieved that Nanuet wasn't far behind, Kate and Gonzales kept following Turner's trio. Once they reached the third floor and turned down the corridor, Kate slowed their pace but kept Turner and Ruby in sight, wanting to know what room they went to.

Nanuet starts up the stairs, using his keen senses to help lead him to Kate and Manuel. He checks the first floor hall ways briefly and not seeing his companions he heads up to the next floor. Kate and Gonzales reach the door that the trio entered just a few minutes before. Kate took a few steps back down the hallway away from the door. "I wish he had already caught up. A shot with that arrow down the hallway before the creature even knew we were there might have been just the thing. I hate the idea of just rushing in there, but I'm not sure there's another choice. We could knock and rush them when they open the door," Kate said, all in a whisper.

Gonzales says, "We wait for Nanuet, it would be foolish to do anything else until he joins us given that he has the weapon that will kill Turner. We are unlikely to get a second opportunity." "Oh, no question we wait. I was only talking about how we approach this one he's here." Fear was naked on Kate's face. "It's going to be hard to get away from here if this doesn't go well," she said simply. "Then we had better make it go well," is Gonzales's reply.

Nanuet moves up to the pair as quickly as he can while still maintaining some stealth. Once he reaches them he strings his bow and draws the blessed arrow. "Any way of getting that door open either by force or by trick? If we knock that will only alert them that we are here. If we can get it open without them being aware hopefully I can get the shot off" the elf whispers. Kate replies, "Right now I don't even know if it's locked. We could just knock, but then the door would just be full of whoever answers it. I already used my spell to open a lock, and I don't know of another. Ruby's the one who can get in doors."

Nanuet looks at Manuel hoping for another option. Gonzales says, "I've used my last door opening spell too. I would assume it is locked. It is probably also latched from the inside." Kate says, "I have a small spell I can cast. If the door is unlocked the door will swing open. If it isn't those inside won't know we tried. Why don't you get in place in case it works. If it doesn't we'll have to come up with something else." Kate makes special note of which way the door opens, into the room or into the hallway.

"Let's try the knob first," Gonzales suggests. It fails to turn, indicating that it is locked. Gonzales suggests "A well aimed magic missile spell will sometimes cause a locking mechanism to move, no guarantees though, it could just as easily seal it shut or possibly even set the door on fire." Kate says, "A fiery door isn't all bad. Vampires certainly don't like fire. If it's our best option, let's take it. Nanuet, be ready. You're our best chance." She silently prayed to Diana and to Tom for forgiveness and glued her eyes to the door.

He states, "Try the door as soon as the spell ends, those inside may see sparks or smoke." Gonzales throws the spell and a trio of missiles shoot out from his fingertips and into the lock and a clicking sound follows along with an electrical-type sound. Nanuet kept still, his bow and arrow readied at the door, waiting to use his quick reflexes to shoot at Turner, should he see him after the door is opened. As soon as the spell ended Kate, standing to the side of the door, reached out and tried to turn the knob and push the door open.

The man named Geoff is standing immediately inside the room, which appears to be a two room suite, the door to the second room being shut. He is the only one in this room and upon seeing those at the door reaches for a shotgun lying on the bed beside him. Kate quickly began to cast a sleep spell. Uncertain it would be strong enough to knock the man out, she used the powder they had collected from around Maska as well, hoping the combination of the spell and the powder would knock him down. As Kate cast, Gonzales also cast another magic missile spell, going especially for the man's hands to keep him from handling the shotgun.

The combination of spells work to render the man unconscious and since he had been leaning in the direction of the bed he silently falls onto it, however his sudden fall onto the bed mattress causes the shotgun to bounce up an off. In a move that would have made any baseball coach proud the spry elderly elf Gonzales makes a leap and slides across the plush carpets, catching the firearm before it can strike the floor and potentially go off.

Kate smiled, heaved a sigh of relief, and quietly shut the door behind them. This was the first thing that had gone right since they'd left Rochester. "Anything else before we open the door?" she whispered almost silently, exaggerating the movements so they could understand. There isn't anything else, so assuming that there is no time to waste they all head over to the door, which thankfully has no lock. Nanuet gets into position with the bow and arrow and Kate stands ready to act as Gonzales quietly turns the knob and opens the door.

Ruby and Turner are both seated on the side of the bed. A chair adjacent to the bed holds his hat, coat and gun. Ruby's dress is on the floor. She is attired in her undergarments and staring blankly forward, her head tilted to the side to better expose her neck. Turner's mouth and face are closed upon her neck as he is feeding on her blood, the act of which has taken his total concentration, and with his head in a different direction than the door he has not immediately noticed the door move or the trio in the doorway.

Nanuet steps forward to get a clear line of site. He already knew in his mind what he would see so he was braced for it. The next few seconds felt like an eternity to the elf as he knocked the blessed arrow and drew the bowstring back to his cheek. He aimed for Turner's torso as he said a quick, silent prayer to Diana and loosed the divine arrow.

The arrow's aim is true and the Vampire Lord doesn't even see it coming. The arrow hits him in the torso which bursts into flames where the arrow struck and then radiates outward through his body, with the flaming skin, muscle and skeleton becoming instantly visible before turning to dust. The undead creature that was once Colin Turner is soon reduced to a pile of dust upon the bed and floor. The flaming implosion of his body has no detrimental effect upon Ruby and the neck wounds even become cauterized in the process. She collapses unconscious onto the bed.

Kate ran into the room and got down beside Ruby, ignoring the dust that had once been Colin Turner. The rise and fall of her chest quelled Kate's first fear, although she still had no idea how much blood her friend had lost or what effect it would have on her. "Nanuet," she said pleadingly, although she knew he would be right behind her. Nanuet had indeed rushed forward as he saw Ruby collapse. As he does so he pulls a speckled two inch stone from his necklace, places on Ruby and says the activation word.

"It's alright, Ruby honey. We're going to take care of everything," Kate said, as if the unconscious woman would be able to hear her. A few long moments pass before Ruby's eyes flutter open, close, then open slightly again. She looks to Nanuet, then Kate, then Gonzales. "W-what happened? Where are we? Where's G-George, Nana?" she asks weakly. "Hey there, you've led us on quite a chase tonight," Kate said

She gently took Ruby's hands. "We're in a hotel in Scranton. You don't remember what happened tonight?" "Scranton?" Ruby shuts her eyes tightly. "No...I...I.. remember being in George's room... the flower was... I looked under the bed at the puppy...I...I can't remember after that." She forces her eyes open a crack again. With much worry in her voice she asks again, "Where are Nana and George?"

Kate pulled out the flower and handed it to Ruby. "George is fine. He's back in Rochester since our teacher wasn't able to bring everyone. You remember we were ready to go after Turner. Unfortunately he was ready first, he disguised himself as the puppy to get into the house. This is what's left of him," she said and sifted her fingers through the dust. "He can't hurt you again. Your Grandmother confronted Turner too soon, on the train. Turner sent her to his safehouse here, we know where it is. We're going there now to get her. With Turner dead, it should be simpler."

Ruby’s voice soft, she says, "Turner is... gone? For good?" Her lips form into a small smile momentarily before dropping into a frown again. "I need to go with you, for Nana." Ruby tries to sit up but still very weak she struggles. Kate says, "Well, we're certainly not leaving you behind. Let's get you into your dress and we can get a cab outside. We still need to be quiet. Turner left a man here as a guard; we left him asleep in the front room." Kate helped Ruby get dressed, quietly talking as she did. "I know how weak you feel, I've been that bad and worse. Don't worry about doing more than staying with us, ok?"

Gonzales insists upon tying and gagging the man on the outer room bed. He says "This man may remember nothing of what transpired under Turner's employ, or he may have been a willing participant. We can't take the chance of him getting to the people holding Mrs. Parker before we do." Kate says, "I agree. Someone will find him and help him before morning, and since we didn't wear our own faces they won't be able to find us even if he wants to." Kate slipped her arm around Ruby's waist to help her. "I think we're ready. Let's head out."

"Wait," Ruby says, trying not to lean too much weight on Kate. "Why am I so weak? What happened?" Kate replies, "We were following Turner pretty closely, but we had to stay back a bit to avert suspicion. That means he was able to get in here and lock the door on us. We had to get through and then take care of this man here. He had a few minutes alone with you while we broke in." Kate looked down, trying to find a delicate way to say it. "When we came in he was, ah, preparing you. The blood loss from that will make you weak; and they also seem to be able to steal some of your life energy. We're going to Philadelphia after all this, they should be able to make it better."

Ruby's hand wanders to her neck and her eyes widen when she feels the fresh bite marks. "A-am I going to turn into one of them now?" "No honey, you're not," Kate said gently and kissed her cheek. "You are still as human as I am." She started for the door, supporting Ruby along the way. Ruby shudders, "Thank goodness you came here to save me or I might be one of them now." She squeezes Kate's hand and lets her friend lead her to the door.

She uses her meek strength to stop them inside the doorway. "Wait - we should take that shotgun, just in case we need it. I hope Nana's alright, we don't know what the situation there is like, right? We should take it." Kate glanced around the room. "Is there a case or something to carry it in? I'm not sure how openly we should carry a shotgun through the lobby. But we should bring it." Gonzales says, "Let's wrap it up in a blanket."

The gentlemen got the shotgun wrapped up, and a moment later Kate let Nanuet support Ruby. She took the quickest look through the drawers as she could, not wanting to leave anything behind that might be helpful, including the key to this room. After her search she came back to Ruby and they went back into the corridor, carefully closing the door behind them. They then went back downstairs and to the street, looking for another cab.

Even though it is now midnight they are in the heart of downtown and being a steel factory town the large number of bars and gentlemen’s clubs are open late, so there is no difficulty in getting a cab. They managed to get Ruby into the cab, then quickly followed. Nanuet gave the driver the intersection of the safehouse where he had been before, and where the wagon seemed to be heading and the cab lurched forward.

Once they were settled Kate pulled out the rose and handed it to Ruby. "I thought you might want this." Ruby, still very pale and weak, takes the rose with a small smile. She puts it to her nose and deeply breathes in its warm fragrance. "The goddess was trying to warn us," she says, "The rose was glowing, I just didn't know what she was trying to say but I knew she was saying something." Kate says, "Mr. Eastman said you had both been trying to work out what it was doing. I thought it might help us find you somehow, so I brought it along."

The cab continued to clatter along the street as they came nearer to the safe house. "I'm not sure what we'll find when we arrive at the house. Five people went in the wagon, three of them were under Turner's influence, one was your Grandmother, but I don't know about the other two. The man would be the only one to give us real trouble. He wasn't a vampire as far as I know but we shouldn't count on that." As they near the building Nanuet can pick up thoughts from Maska. He falls into a deep period of intense concentration.

Silver Moon

Chapter Two-hundred-seventy-eight, “To the Safe House”, Thursday, June 22nd , 12:30 A.M.

When Nanuet finally comes out of his trance he says, "It's a trap. They are in the building that Father Harbrace and I destroyed vampires and a coffin in before. Both of the workmen who took the crate from the train are vampires. When they reached the house they fed off the other two who Turner took control of but not enough to kill them. Those two victims and Mrs. Parker are still unconscious and tied to chairs in the main interior room of the building. The vampires are both now in bat form and waiting for our arrival up in the room's rafters. Maska is in the far corner of the room still invisible, she does not believe that the vampires are aware of her yet."

Kate says, "They'll expect us to be surprised, so our real advantage will be in preparation. I don't think we've really faced two, fully awake and aware before. I have a cantrip, meant to harm undead that I can use twice. After that just my own magic missile spells, a grease spell, and my wand," Kate said, keeping her voice low so the driver wouldn't be able to hear. “Fire might be our best friend here." She looked over at the blanket wrapped shotgun. "Turner's hand was in a lot of things back in Promise City," she mused. "I wonder if that shotgun is magical?"

She quickly and quietly cast a detect magic to find out. Ruby states, "I-I don't feel like I could cast my most powerful spells right now. I could cast a diversion or do you think sleep would work? Or I could try to daze them." Kate was listening to Ruby as she studied the shotgun.
Kate says, "I don't think sleep will work on vampires, since they don't so much sleep like we do. I've just stayed away from even trying it. I don't know about daze," she said honestly.

Kate completes the spell, stating "The ammunition for the shotgun is magical. I'm hoping, at least, that they are those pyrotechnic shells like the Cowboy gang was using. The other option I can think of is it was designed to knock out mortals so the vampires could feed on them at leisure. I still think we should try it." Nanuet says, "Believe it or not, I haven't cast a spell yet today and have some things that might help." Ruby interrupts him, "What if we just surprise them and get them both in the shotgun blast? Do either of you vampire hunters," she looks at Nanuet and Kate, "Think that would take them out in one shot?"

Kate says, "It's possible, but I'd prefer not to count on it. Assuming those rounds are pyrotechnic is a big assumption. We also don't know how large the room is, or how far apart the creatures will be waiting in their bat forms. Nanuet, as long as we have the time to prepare anything you can cast on us is appreciated. Although we'll want to wait until we're close, or even just outside the room so we can get the most time out of the spells as possible."

Ruby suggests, "Maybe we should just each throw whatever we can at all of them. Hopefully we will have the element of surprise." She twirls the rose slowly in her hand. "We need to send George a telegram, tell him where we are so he can come and get us." Kate says, "We can take the train back to him just as quickly as he could come to us. Grandfather and I at least, and hopefully you too, should be on a train to Philadelphia before dawn. The Arch-Bishop might be able to help you. I hate to say it, but I don't think there's a whole lot we can plan. We know the creatures are there, we'll want to concentrate on one at a time if we can."

"But Kate, I want him here." Ruby leans her head back and closes her eyes. "He can meet us in Philadelphia, I don't care. Once Mr. G. feels better you're going to leave anyway and I don't want to be alone." Kate replies, "I don't object to telegramming him, honey. I do expect Mr. Gonzales to take us all back to Rochester before we go anywhere else.” Gonzales replies, "Until I am healed I won't be transporting anybody, and even then there is a weight limit which limits the number of people so I would not be able to bring all of us."

Kate says, "I'm sorry, I was leaving things out again. I meant after we get to Philadelphia and the Arch-Bishop can heal the vampire's damage. But there is still the weight problem. But that is all for after we get Mrs. Parker back. Either way, by tomorrow evening is the latest I can be leaving for home. Ginnie needs me, the school needs me, the town council will have discussed what to do about schools today and I wasn't there. If you plan to stay in Rochester for some time before you come home, then I'm sure we can come back again. After the newly betrothed have had some time alone," she said and squeezed Ruby's arm.

"I-I don't know what to do. Maybe I should go home with you two," Ruby says, slowly spinning the diamond ring around her finger. "I just can't think right now, I'm so tired..." She pauses then sighs, "I want George to be safe. But at the same time I want him here with me. I just want him here." Kate says, "You don't have to decide right now. After we get your Grandmother you can wire him and tell him we're going to Philadelphia, and then we'll head back to Rochester. You'll have plenty of time to think it over. Let's just get through the next hour."

The old wizard Gonzales says, "I am almost out of resources, but I do have one spell left that should allow us to get the jump on them. It's a different kind of invisibility. We'd have to be within ten feet of each other; if you move farther out you become visible. And if you attack you become visible, but no one else does. Only if I attack would the spell end, and quite frankly, I‘m still physically not quite up to participating in a physical battle."

Kate added, "We could either try to get the prisoners untied, or use our surprise to try to focus on one and kill it before the second even knew we were there. Both if they aren't that observant." Ruby nods, although the thought doesn't leave her mind. There wasn't much she could do about the vampires, being in the state she was in anyway. She closes her eyes and hopes someone else comes up with a brilliant plan.

Kate kept hold of Ruby's hand, remembering the day she had nearly died not so long ago. She hadn't told Ruby about that experience; ever since she'd become pregnant they had locked horns over what Kate should and shouldn't be doing. They didn't even really disagree; Kate just felt her knowledge and skills gave her a responsibility beyond those she would have chosen to bear. Now it was her responsibility to make sure they were well prepared before they walked into this.

"So we can all enter the room together, unseen. What I would like to do than is have someone cut the prisoners free. Maska said they are unconscious and bound, so even if we get them free we are probably going to have to kill the vampires in order to get them out. If we cut the ropes in places the bats above won't see, we can at least get them free so if they wake they can try to escape. I favor trying to take one out, all of us together while we're still invisible. After that we will all be seen, but I hope we could at least have killed that vampire so we'll only have to deal with one. Can we get stakes from somewhere? And can anyone think of any ways to set the creatures on fire?

Proffesuer Amie, since you are nearly depleted, would you like to carry the shotgun? I've actually never seen you shoot." Ruby doesn't open her eyes but responds anyway. "I'm pretty good with the gun Kate, although I'm not certain how me not feeling well will affect my shooting. Plus I don't think I'll have any spells that would really help much, just small things for distraction. As for fire, if the bullets in the gun don't do that I don't know what to do short of dousing them with alcohol and lighting a match." "Burning alcohol has crossed my mind," Kate said dryly. "What kind of distractions can you create?" Ruby sighs. "Just little lights or a shady looking form of a human. The human looking thing can actually go minor tasks. Or I can also do the same spell you can, the one that does minor stuff."

Nanuet finally speaks up after a long pondering silence. "I haven't used any of my spells today. I have a few that might be useful. I can give us all the blessing of the gods giving us their favor to a small degree, I can hide up to three of us from the undead for about half an hour or until you attack them. We wouldn't have to stay together but it would only hide us from undead creatures. I can also detect their presence and if I concentrate then I should be able to pinpoint their location.

I have a light spell as well that might help to keep them at bay. Lastly, if I have the chance I can consecrate the area which will take some of their strength away. Those are some options, using all those prayers would sap my strength significantly and asking that many favors of the gods all at once may have some odd results, but those are the most useful prayers I have.” Ruby says, "Perhaps we don't use all of them, just some of them." She finally opens her eyes and gazes upon their ragtag group. "You are the strongest one here and we need you to stay that way."

Kate hesitated, trying ot fit all the puzzle pieces into place. "We have a lot of abilities for stealth, but they all end as soon as we make a move against the creatures. We can free but not move the prisoners without them seeing, and since it's night they can follow us." She paused again. "I don't like not knowing what odd results are, and we don't want to exhaust you, Nanuet. I think we should use our teacher's invisibility spell, if only because it will conceal us all and save Nanuet's energy.

While we're outside the room it would be good if Nanuet an pinpoint the creatures for us. Then we could decide which to attack first. I still favor trying to take one out before we try to kill the other. The light spell might be good to use then, even if it only distracts or blinds them momentarily. The hostages are unconscious, so killing the vampires is probably not optional."

Ruby states, "As soon as we open the door they will know something is going on so we should use Mr. G's spell. The unseen servant can either be used as a decoy, we send it in to the other side if the room to pick something up and distract them or perhaps we can be the distraction and the servant can untie the prisoners. Mr. Gonzales, do you think the spell can work that way?” He replies, “The servant cannot lift anything heavy, and creating the distraction still costs us the element of surprise. It could untie the prisoners provided that I remain within range of the servant and also in line-of-sight so that I can focus on its actions.”

Ruby suggests, “I can cast the lights on the other side of the room. It's only going to give us moments of distraction but hopefully we won't need more than that." Kate replies, "That's good, Ruby. If we can keep them wondering what's really going on, and where the danger is coming from that's a big advantage. Can your spell really untie them? I'd almost say it's more valuable as a distraction. Light spells near it could make it look like it's a threat as well."

Ruby says, "So maybe I could cast the dancing lights outside the room and when the door opens, we'll be invisible, but I can move them across the room so the creatures attention goes with it?" Kate says, "Grandfather, if you cast the invisibility, and then work on getting the prisoners untied, Ruby, Nanuet, and I can then work on taking out the first vampire. You'll remain hidden and the creatures will be distracted from you. If they both come down after us, Ruby can cast her spell to draw one away from us. I hate to ask it, but does anyone have a stake? Or any kind of pointed wood?"

Ruby says, "Obviously I don't. When we get to our destination we might have to break a chair or something." Nanuet says, "I have arrows, which are wooden, but the tips are not. I'm uncertain if they will work. I can also enchant someone's weapon slightly for a short duration. It couldn't hurt." Ruby asks, "Who's got a weapon? I don't have anything... except for some small spells and maybe the shotgun if Mr. G. doesn't take it." Kate says, "I have my derringer, but it would be next to useless against these creatures, even enchanted. I'd rather see you use the spells to enchant a stake, Nanuet. Although a stake that strikes in the right spot doesn't really need the help."

Nanuet picks up a new communication from Maska. He relays it to the group stating, "Maska indicates that she moved only slightly and both of the vampires reacted, flying around the room apparently searching."

Gonzales says, "Ah yes, it is the bat form. Bats use both their eyes and ears to see in the dark. The invisibility spell would mask your wolf from their vision but not from their incredible sense of being able to hear sound waves and discern a shape from that. Please tell her to remain perfectly still until we are present. Thankfully they aren't real bats or they would have found her from even that slight movement, but they are still thinking like humans, still relying more on what they see than what they hear."

Kate states, "That also means that they are going to know about where we are even with the invisibility spell up. It makes it that much more important to know where they are before we enter the room, and take them out quickly. Instead of using the spell to locate them, I'd say let's just have Maska pass that on to Nanuet. We could use that blessing from him instead."

Nanuet talks as he rummages through his bags. "I still believe my hide from undead prayer should help us. Are they not still undead even in bat form?" He smiles as he pulls his hand out of his pouch. "I thought I still had a few of these" he says, opening his hand to reveal four exploding rounds of ammunition. "They might come in handy."

"Nanuet, I could kiss you," Kate said with a laugh. "Will those fit the shotgun? They're too big for the derringer. Your hiding prayer would work, but it will leave one of us still visible. Perhaps we should give the shotgun to whomever doesn't get the spell. When we open the door they'd be visible and draw the bats attention. They could then fire one of those shells at them while the rest of us get into the room and make our own attacks. What do you think?"

Nanuet replies, "I had become so accustomed to using John Harbrace's equipment that I forgot what resources of my own that I had. I have a rifle, and we have the shotgun. I am sure they would fit one or the other. Your plan is sound. I can cast hide undead on you three and then take the gun myself and try to draw them off so you can free the others." Ruby says, "I'll open the door Nanuet so you can run in and distract them with your rifle. That way the path will be clear for us to get inside invisibly. And Kate and Mr. G. can try to untie Nana and the others. I'll take the shotgun and try to cover Nanuet if there is a problem."

Kate says, "Even if we can free them, we won't be able to get them out of the room since they're unconscious. I certainly can't carry any of them. The three of us who are invisible should get to good spots and then help you if you need help. If you're doing alright, we can try to get the prisoners untied." Ruby says, "Maybe they'll wake up when they are untied?"

Kate says, "That sounds good, Ruby. Will those shells fit both guns? If they will you could both have two of the incendiary rounds. You could both attack the creatures and Mr. Gonzales and I could work on freeing our prisoners." Ruby laughs. "I guess I learned something from Jake... you need different ammunition for shotguns and rifles. I'll just take my chance with whatever magical ammunition is in the shotgun and let Nanuet rely on his exploding bullets for his rifle." Nanuet says, "It shouldn't be too hard to drag them out, but hopefully I can destroy them and we won't have to worry."

Kate shrugged, a bit embarrassed. "I was never a very good student when it came to shooting. So it comes down to us getting close to the room, Nanuet praying for a blessing for us and then making us invisible to the creatures. Maska lets him know where they are and he tries to take them out with the shots while the rest of us get into the room and at least try to get the prisoners untied, aware that we must give that up to help fight if necessary. The blasts from those shells are pretty serious if I remember. I'd try to hit one while they are close together. The fire should hurt both. Grandfather, I'll give you the wand. I have spells left to work with."

"Sounds like a good plan." Ruby sighs. "I'm ready to get this over with. I hope we're almost there. I really would like to get some sleep." Maska communicates back to Nanuet that the bats have both gone back to their former perches on the ceiling beams at the northeast and northwest corners of the room, the doors to the room being in the center of the east and south walls with Maska currently just the one to the south. Nanuet relays Maska's information to the group. "We should probably go in the south door since that is furthest from where the bats are. Just before we are ready to go in I'll cast hide from undead and bless."

Silver Moon

Chapter Two-hundred-seventy-nine, “Climax Battle”, Thursday, June 22nd , 12:15 A.M.

As Nanuet was already in the building three days earlier he is quite familiar with the layout so the quartet has no difficulty in quietly making their way to the outside of the room's south door. Nanuet casts Hide from Undead first since it lasts longer, touching Manuel, Ruby and Kate. He then casts bless and makes sure his rifle is loaded with the exploding ammo.

Ruby readies the shotgun and nods to Nanuet and the others, waiting for them to nod in return that they are ready before opening the door. Kate nodded, aware that she was just as armed as the others, but not feeling it. Nanuet takes a deep breath and nods in response to Ruby. Once Gonzales also nods Ruby carefully tries the door knob. If it's unlocked she will throw the door open.

The movement of the door is clearly noticed by the bats but neither move, staying hidden in the shadows of the ceiling beams. Maska's more acute night vision sees them more clearly, allowing Nanuet to exactly see them as well through his link. They are too far apart to both be taken out with a single shot. Nanuet tries to spot where the captives are and then moves to a spot away from them where he can still see the bats.

Even knowing she should be invisible to the creatures, Kate is quiet as she begins to move ahead, looking for the prisoners. Once Nanuet moves in Ruby readies the shotgun towards the ceiling and hopes the spell really does make her invisible to undead as she moves into the room, heading towards Nana. Although neither bat has move yet Maska sees movement from both as they are preparing to take flight. Nanuet takes aim at the one in the northwest corner and fires.

The upper corner of the room explodes into a destructive mess from the pyrotechnic blast, successfully engulfing the bat which drops to the floor in a flaming heap. The room itself takes some damage, the dried timbers starting to catch fire and also blasting some holes through the ceiling and second floorboards on the upper floor. One downside it that the blast also caused a long accumulation of dust on the rafters to fall off, the dust now making the outline over the invisible wolf below. The second bat flies down towards those below.

"Well, we don't have much time now. Sorry guys...," Ruby says as she shoots the shotgun up into the air at the rapidly descending bat. The bat flies by the group that has just enter the room, flying out the doorway into the next room. Kate jumped at the sound of Nanuet's rifle, then cringed as Ruby lifted hers and shot. She ran hard for the hostages. With fire in here they were going to have to get out fast. Nanuet cocks the rifle to load the next round and pursues the bat.

Ruby looks around the room for some wooden debris. Once she finds a stake like piece she takes it over to the flaming bat creature and tries to stab it. Ruby successfully stabs the bat which turns to dust. Kate reaches the hostages. Nanuet loses sight of the other bat which flies around the corner towards the staircase up to the second floor. "It flew upstairs, I'm going after it!" Nanuet yells to the others. He bounds up the stairs after the bat. "Don't go alone!" Kated yelled. "Someone go with him, it could be a trap!"

Late got down next to the nearest person and tried to see if she was going to be able to untie the knots. Ruby runs over to the hostages, joining Kate. "I hope that other one isn't going to get friends! Let's hurry up here." She begins trying to untie Nana. "Wake up Nana!" she says loudly.

None of the hostages move although all three appear to be alive. It becomes easier to see as the room becomes illuminated by the flames from the rafters above. Gonzales exits the room after Nanuet. Ruby uses her extensive knowledge of rope to try to get the knot around Nana untied as quickly as she can. "We can't let them do that alone," Kate said desperately, still trying to untie and wishing she had a knife. Finally frustrated with her inability to untie the rope, she cast a grease spell on the rope and tried to then pull it off.

Knowing the layout of the building Nanuet is quick to get to the upper rooms. He sees an open door down the hallway, with two shut doors between him and it. He then hears sound from the room with the open door. Nanuet slows down and approaches the room with the open door cautiously. At the same time he mentally calls to Maska to join him. Nanuet waits for a response from Maska before proceeding into the room beyond the open door.

Ruby and Kate hear the sound of Gonzales heading up the stairs as they get the last of the ropes off of the hostages. Kate looked up at the corner of the room that was burning, trying to judge how long before the room becomes smoky and dangerous. As long as it seemed there was some time, she wanted to go help Nanuet and Gonzales, then come back for the now free hostages

Ruby shakes Nana. "Wake up!" she says again. Speaking to herself, "Perhaps I should try a healing spell? I don't know how else to wake her and I definitely can carry her although I might be able to drag, not that I want to." Ruby shakes her head then starts singing, casts the only healing spell she knows on Nana, hoping that might wake her up. The spell seems to have some effect on Nana, she regains consciousness although appears to be quite groggy and uncertain of her surroundings.

Kate deduces that the room will be fully engulfed in fire in a few minutes given the speed that the flames are spreading, fanned in part by the air coming in from the room above. "Damn it," Kate muttered. She put her arms beneath one persons arms and dragged them as far as she could toward the door. "Ruby, I need to go help, can you get Mrs. Parker and the other one out?" Ruby looks at the quickly raging fire. "I'm not sure Kate but I'll try."

She looks at her grandmother. "Can you understand me Nana? Can you walk? Can you help me get that other person out? We need to get out of here now. Save the questions for later." The sound of Ruby's voice helps to pull Nana out of her stupor. Ruby exclaims, “Oh Nana, thank the Gods you're alright!" Ruby pulls her grandmother to standing and quickly hugs her. "Okay, no time for that now!" She heads to the other person and tries to lift them, dragging if she must to get them out the door and out of the house. Kate hesitated a moment to make sure the other two women could handle it, then hurried up the stairs.

As Maska and Nanuet move towards the doorway they see the vampire inside, having reverted back to his human form. He is kneeling behind the wooden crate that he and the other vampire had carried from the train to the wagon. The top of the crate is open and the creature is reaching inside. He looks up at the doorway at Nanuet. Nanuet doesn't hesitate, not wanting to see what was in the smaller crate. He aims and fires at the vampire.

The shot misses, hitting the back wall which explodes into flames, knocking out the window frame and window on that wall to the street below. The vampire drops to the ground to avoid the wave of flame that quickly flow outward, the flames also preventing Maska from getting closer. Nanuet mentally commands Maska to wait as he cocks the rifle.

Ruby has to drag the man to get him to move. Nana has to struggle to pull the woman as well. Both Ruby and Nana will continue to drag the other two captives until they get them out of the house. "I should probably go up there, I have the other gun!" Ruby tries to judge how far it is to the door and how long it will take to drag them outside. Nana is having difficulty moving and is not making much headway dragging the woman. Ruby finds the man to be rather heavy. She and the man are now in the adjacent room but still another twenty feet from the front door.

"Ugh, they are so heavy! Just keep trying Nana, every bit counts!" Ruby stops for just a second and places the man on the floor. "Let's work together." Ruby heads back to where Nana and the unconscious woman are. Nana takes her feet while Ruby tries to take her under the arms. "Let's go, this room could collapse any second." Together they try to get the woman out.

Kate finally caught up to her teacher and Nanuet. The spell was broken so she would be visible, and the heat was intense. She hesitated a moment, waiting to see if Nanuet's next shot would hit before casting a spell. Nanuet takes aim for another shot at the vampire. The vampire ducks behind the trunk. The shot hits the trunk and the wood explodes along with the flames, showering the room with the dirt that was contained within.

The flames from the blast cause the vampire's clothing to catch fire. He stands and runs in the direction of the hole in the wall. Kate quickly cast a Disrupt Undead spell at the fleeing vampire. The spell works and the creature stumbles slightly on it's way to the open wall. It then continues forward, the clothes still burning. It is holding a cloth bag in one of its hands.

Nanuet takes his last shot with the explosive rounds before the creature can flee from his sight. The delay from Kate's spell is enough to keep the creature in range as Nanuet's final shot strikes its back. It explodes into flames and then crumbles to dust. The cloth bag falls to the floor. Kate looked at the flames in the room and the bag sitting on the floor, trying to see if it could be retrieved. Since the building is on fire, Nanuet directs Maska to get the bag and get outside.

"C'mon, let's get out of here before this place comes down. Are the other's outside?" he asks Kate and Manuel. "Ruby and her Grandmother were working on getting them out. I dragged one as far as I could before I came up," Kate panted, even as she began to run back downstairs to help Ruby. "We need to get a fire wagon here before this can spread." Gonzales says, "I think Ruby was getting them out." The three make their way down the now smoke filled corridor.

From the top of the stairs they see Ruby struggling to drag the man out the front door, with Nana and the other woman lying unconscious on the floor fifteen feet back. Kate ran into the room and again put her arms underneath the strange woman, the dragged her back toward the door. Nanuet runs over to Ruby's grandmother and does whatever he can to get her out of the burning house. The group manages to get outside of the burning building. Ruby collapses to the ground, out of breath and even weaker than before. She had used her last little bit of strength in the action and was now just about passing out. "Did you get it?" she asks.

Kate says, "Yes, honey. Both. I'm sorry I left you to deal with this, but I was afraid of leaving that creature to come on us again." Kate stopped and panted. "A fire wagon needs to get here, and we need to be gone. Or tell them we rushed in to save people and the building was already burning." Gonzales says, "Best if we just leave, otherwise there will be questions. The other two now begin to stir. The man is in his mid-forties, a bit stocky with a long full mustache. The woman looks to be in her mid-twenties.

Kate looked sympathetically down at the innocent victims of this nights escapades, but there was nothing to be done for them. Perhaps it was better they just remain confused rather than know the truth. She nodded to her teacher. "Nanuet, can you carry Mrs. Parker, or wake her up perhaps? We should go." Ruby says tiredly, "You're right, we should at least move away from here. These two are waking up, they should be okay, far enough away from the fire." She slowly pulls herself off the ground while Nanuet picks up Ruby's grandmother. "I'm too tired to even think. Where should we go?"

Kate started walking away from the building as she answered. "We have two options. Back to the train station, hoping to get a train to Philadelphia, or a hotel to get some rest. I think we could all really use some rest, but we could sleep on the train." Gonzales states, "The train station would also have a telegraph, and we should wire Mr. Eastman to let him know that Ruby is safe. I'm glad these other two are waking up, Ruby and I are still feeling the effects of losing some of our life energy and these two will be worse off, they are lucky to have had the strength to survive the draining."

Ruby kneels next to Nana while the others are off doing their own thing. Exhausted herself, she pulls the red hair off her grandmothers face as she looks at the almost mirror image of herself. She sings again to heal her, hoping it would revive her. Nana does open her eyes, although weakly. "Glad to see you back," Ruby says softly. "You've been very brave." Maska communicates to Nanuet that she knows where the vampires had stored their wagon and horses so they head off to retrieve them.

As Gonzales glances at the waking pair he comments, "Kate, that man is familiar.....he attended Mr. Emerson's funeral two months back." "What?" Kate stopped and turned to look. "Are you certain?" Gonzales replies, "Yes, and he was seated down near where you were, in the section for family and close friends. He's still rather dazed, I do not believe that he has really had a look at you yet in this disguise if you wish to change." Now that she gets a good look there is something familiar about him although Kate cannot discern where she knows him from.

Kate says, "Yes, please Grandfather. I'm sorry, everyone, I can't leave a friend here." Ruby says, "Of course, Kate. Who is he?" Kate says, "I'm not certain, honey, but I've seen him in the company of close friends." Gonzales and Kate do not know his identity, just that the man and Kate have mutual friends. He helps her discretely change her appearance back to Kate and they approach the pair. Kate knelt down beside the man, "Sir? Sir, are you well?"

She got out her handkerchief and wiped his forehead. "Can you speak?" He says, "Yes, yes I can. Where am I?" He gestures to Mina and says "I was on a train and an Indian was bothering that woman over there." Kate says, "The elvan man was her companion, actually. The other man was the one bothering her, but that's neither here nor there. You're in Scranton, Pennsylvania. You were inside that house that's burning. My name is Katherine Kale. May I ask yours?" He replies, "William Dean Howells"

Kate immediately recognizes the name as the editor of the Atlantic Monthly, one of the country's top literary magazines. The magazine was founded in Boston the year following Kate's birth by the various Massachusetts authors including Mr. Emerson. Over the years she enjoyed reading the magazine and it is one of the things she has missed during her time in Arizona. Kate never met Howells before, but did get to know his eldest daughter Winifred, a girl six years Kate's junior, as they took riding classes at the same equestrian stables.

Kate smiled warmly at him. "I knew I recognized you. I hope your daughter Winifred is well. When I knew her I was Katherine Seagram. He replies, "Frederick Seagram's daughter? What are you doing in Scranton? And no, I do not know the woman. I had just boarded the train when I saw the confrontation." Kate replies, "Yes, Fredrich Seagram's daughter. Come now, come along with my friends and I. The lady will be better off here, I think. Things happened here tonight she may prefer not to remember."

She offered her hand to help him up saying, “The rest will have to wait for later. Do you know the lady?" He indicates that he does not. Gonzales talks to the female victim, who indicates her name is Constantine Carpenter. She is surprised to hear that she exited the train in Scranton, as she was on her way back to her home in Philadelphia. She says that her husband Julian will be worried.

Kate knew she must be exhausted, her judgment was slipping. Once she'd decided to bring Mr. Howells there was no reason not to bring the lady as well. What were they going to tell either one of them, really? "We'll go to the train station," she said. "You can both send whatever telegrams you need to from there and reassure anyone who might be waiting for you." Mrs. Carpenter asks, "How did we get this far from the train station? I don't remember anything." Kate replies, "It's quite a long story. The short version is you were a victim of a known hypnotist. A rather experienced one. He did not take a lady's no for an answer, and sought to use his skills to take her with him. Unfortunately he chose to involve innocent people from the train in his deception. He had his servant bring you and Mr. Howell's to that house. I have no idea why."

"I feel so weak," is Mrs. Carpenter's reply. Kate says, "Yes, some of my friends are feeling that way too. We're going to see the Arch-Bishop when we arrive in Philadelphia. You're welcome to come with us."

Nanuet returns with the carriage and the group all get inside. Kate gets up front to drive the rig and they begin to make their way westward just as the Scranton Fire Department arrive to fight the fire at the burning house. As the others discuss the plans Nanuet remembers something from the last few moments of chaos inside the house. He calls to Maska to query about the bag that the fleeing vampire had dropped that he had asked her to fetch. The bag contains several bundles of foreign paper currency, a silver-plated derringer, four pocket watches and some women's jewelry.

Silver Moon

Chapter Two-hundred-eighty, “Philadelphia Bound”, Thursday, June 22nd , 12:45 A.M.

They arrive at the train station where a check with the night clerk shows that a train to Philadelphia will arrive at 2:15 with a 2:30 departure time and arrival in the city at approximately 6:00 A.M. The cost is 75-cents for a regular seat or $ 2.00 for a bed in the Pullman car. A Western Union telegraph operator is also on duty and will send telegrams for the cost of $ .50 to $ 1.00 depending upon the message length.

After they spoke to the clerk Kate said, "Let's get the Pullman car; we all need rest. I have enough money. I'm going to send a telegram as well. Two or three, probably." Kate got paper from the operator and began to compose her messages.

Ruby also got paper from the telegraph operator. It was getting increasingly difficult to keep her eyes open and think so she tried to keep it simple. In the middle of her writing she had to stop and ask Kate twice where they were heading. Finally she hands her telegraph back to the operator. "This is urgent, please make sure Mr. George Eastman in Rochester receives it immediately."
Ruby‘s message says:

telegram said:
Dearest George ~ I'm alive but both Nana and I have been injured so we are heading to see Arch-Bishop Dimitrios Tsaldaris in Philadelphia. Please come to Philadelphia as soon as you can and fetch us. I will check for a message from you at the telegraph office in Philadelphia once we arrive. All My Love, Ruby

Kate quickly penned a message to Ginnie, instructing her to share it with the teachers and letting them know she would be away at least one more day. Next she wrote to Conrad, saying:
telegram said:
My dear. We have seen Ruby and are all well, but had an unwelcome visitor from the past. The one that we pursued to Thomaswell. He is now gone and we are all safe. I will tell all when I return. All my love, your Katherine

Lastly she wrote to Kevin Tomlinson:
telegram said:
Mr. Tomlinson. Colin Turner has been laid to rest. I will fill you in when I return from my trip. Katherine Kale

The tickets are purchased and the telegrams are all sent. The group finds some benches to sit on while they wait. At 1:45 A.M. the telegraph operator seeks out Ruby with a telegram for her. It reads:
Telegram said:
Ruby, Relieved to hear from you. Will board train soon to Syracuse, will change there to Philadelphia train. Anticipate arrival in city at 11:30 A.M. Have wired ahead for lodgings for you and friends. Rooms waiting at Latham Hotel on South 17th Street. See you soon. Love, George

Ruby smiles tiredly. "George will meet us in Philadelphia. He's wired ahead and gotten us some rooms. He's so thoughtful like that." She hands the telegraph to Kate. "In case I forget where I put it," she says, before laying her head on Kate's shoulder. Nanuet seemed to be keeping a close eye on Nana, the rest of her friends were alright and George was on his way. All was as right as it was going to be and she could keep her eyes open no longer. Feeling more exhausted than she ever had, she drifts off to a light sleep.

Kate's arm was behind Ruby's back, and she wished she could sleep too. But it wouldn't be much longer before the train arrived and she could sleep just a little bit. She kept herself awake by talking about his magazine with Mr. Howells, asking if there was any way she'd be able to get it in Arizona, and asking what had been in it recently to pass the time.

Nanuet awakens the group shortly after the train pulls into the station. The conductor helps direct the six to a half-dozen adjacent beds in the Pullman car, the still-invisible Maska accompanying Nanuet. Despite the movement of the train and the almost coffin-like sleeping compartments none have any difficulty drifting off to sleep, nor do any awaken during the train stops in Stroudsburg, Allentown and Norristown. The conductor awakens them upon the train arrival in Philadelphia.

Kate woke sandy-eyed and cranky, but did her best to put on a pleasant face for the others. No one had any luggage, so it was only a matter of getting everyone awake and moving. She turned to her teacher and Ruby. "You two need to see the Arch-Bishop. Do you want to go to the hotel first, or to the church. It's early, I'm not sure when the church starts seeing supplicants." Ruby, barely awake mutters to her companions, "Can we go to the hotel please? I'm so tired... I can't go on, I need sleep."

"That answers that," Kate said. She turned to Mr. Howells and Mrs. Carpenter. "What more can we do for you? I'm sure we could get more rooms at the hotel if they're needed. Mrs. Carpenter, I know this is home for you, is someone coming to fetch you?" She states, "I sent a telegram to Julien. He should be around here somewhere." Howells says, "I need to go find out what become of my luggage from the other train. They must have it in storage."

"You two might want to visit a priest." Ruby wobbles a bit, taking Kate by the hand to steady herself. She would let Kate lead her now, and Nana was in good hands with Nanuet. She looks at their two traveling companions who are looking at her funny, she wasn't sure if it was her comment or her unsteady nature. "I'm just saying." Kate says, "Good, I don't want to leave you by yourself when you're still unwell. Mr. Howells, I'm sure it will take us a few minutes to arrange for you cab. We can wait while you inquire about your things."

She turned back to the lady and said, "If you won't come with us, I hope you'll see your own priest soon. They may be able to help with the fatigue if you can't shake it off." Gonzales tells Carpenter and Howells "My friend is right, that hypnotist used some arcane wizards magics on several of us which only the Arch-Bishop can cure. Check on your husband and luggage respectively but then meet us out front, we'll hire a cab to take us to the cathedral."

"Please," Kate said sincerely. She looked at Ruby, so desperate for sleep. But she knew from experience that seeing the Arch-Bishop would take her a long way toward feeling better. "I've met the Arch-Bishop before, he's very kind and I'm sure he'll help. We'll be waiting for you." She nodded at both and made sure she was satisfied they would come, then helped Ruby walk toward the front of the station. Ruby asks, "A-are we going right there?"

Kate says, "We should. I seem to remember time being important in this. I've been through it myself, Ruby. Remember how quickly we needed to get Nanuet help? You will feel so much better after you see him; after that your sleep will actually help you feel rested." "I know," she whines, "I just feel tired now. I don't know how far I can make it. If we have to go now, let's go before I pass out." Ruby tries to pull Kate towards the cabs.

They have a pair of cabs. Mrs. Carpenter comes out alongside a young handsome man who is helping to support her. Howells comes out with a porter helping him to carry his bag. They get into the second of the two cabs with Gonzales while Ruby, Kate, Nanuet and Maska get in the first one. They ride for around a half-hour through the city, bustling with activity despite the early hour, soon arriving at the Cathedral. They enter and are approached by one of the junior priests.

Kate moved a bit ahead of the others and waited respectfully, letting the gold bangle given to her in Greece at the high temple catch the light. She curtsied carefully, then rose. "Good morning, my name is Mrs. Kale. I met the Arch-Bishop in Arizona. We find ourselves in need of help and humbly ask to be allowed to see him." Several more back-and-forth exchanges follow, assisted in part by Gonzales speaking to the man in Greek.

They only need to speak to one more priest intermediary until they are ushered into the private meeting chambers of the Arch-Bishop. He soon arrives. Kate was grateful they didn't have to pass through as many layers of bureaucracy as they did in Greece. She curtsied more deeply than earlier. "Your Eminence. What a pleasure to see you again, and well-recovered." He replies, "Indeed Mrs. Kale, there were no lasting effects from the misadventures in Arizona. I trust that all is well in Promise City?"

Kate replies, "They are now, although the last month has some hair-raising moments. But the election is over and we now have our town government, despite the efforts of some to derail it.
We had some continued problems with the Cowboy Gang as well, but what brings us happened here in the East. Bishop Costas performed some healing on me a week or so ago, has he happened to communicate with you about that? The reasons for it?"

The Arch-Bishop replies, "No, I have not heard from him directly. I do understand that his chief aide has now been reassigned to Athens, on the Patriarch's staff." "Yes, on very high authority," Kate said with a smile. "Diana doesn't fool around." She sighed and grew more serious. "We've had a long night. I can tell you a longer version of this story later, but we spent the night chasing down someone who had kidnapped Miss West, and then her Grandmother. Five vampires were destroyed last night, but not without cost to us. Four of us were either drained of blood or life energy. We seek healing."

The priest is startled to hear of the undead but says that he has had some experience with them. He is capable to healing one person now, but will then have to rest until noon to heal another. He could heal the third person that evening and the forth the following morning. Kate says, "We appreciate whatever you can do. Thank you so much." After a bit of discussion they decided to have Mr. Gonzales go first, then go to the hotel and return later with Ruby. Mrs. Carpenter agrees to wait until the next morning, as she has already arrived home and can rest there until the next day.

It took about a half-hour for the priests to gather the supplies for the spell in a side chamber. Mr. Gonzales laid down, and Kate watched as the Arch-Bishop performed the now familiar spell. When Costas had performed it on her, Diana's power had left a protective putty in her wound. That was not here, so the jar was filled with some ingredients that swirled and coalesced as the Arch-Bishop prayed and chanted. When it was ready he rubbed it on the red marks on Mr. Gonzales' wrist. It disappeared into his skin and suddenly Gonzales began to breathe easier.

Kate smiled and went to the old man. "I'm exhausted, but that's much better," he said. The Arch-Bishop was exhausted as well, so they left quietly, agreeing to return later. The junior priests let them out and got them a cab, and they headed to the hotel. They arrive at the hotel, all tired and ready for sleep. George had reserved each of them a room at the fancy hotel but Ruby wasn't taking in any details of the new lodgings like she normally would. Sleep was the only thing on her mind.

Key in hand Ruby turns to the others and asks, "Is everyone going to rest now?" kate says, "I think I'll stay up until after you're healed later. I don't want to just be getting to sleep when I have to get back up again. What I need most is to eat. I'll come wake you when we need to go if Mr. Eastman hasn't already." Ruby nods. "Thank you Kate. I'd accompany you but I'm... I can't stay awake any longer. I'm hoping I can make it up to the room. You go eat, you need it."

Kate says, "I'll walk you up, honey. Ten minutes isn't going to make a difference." She slipped her arm around Ruby's waist and started walking her toward the stairs with the others behind. Ruby let Kate help her, she didn't have the energy at the moment to be brave. "You know, I haven't even taken time to consider that Turner is gone, for good. It seems... not real. I don't even remember seeing him. I wish we would have stayed and searched around a little. I just... I don't know."

Kate says, "I did search the place, although not as thoroughly as I would have liked. Would you really have wanted to see what he was carrying around with him? I don't think he had much there anyway, I'm not certain it was his original plan to take you there. It will settle in. After the Arch-Bishop heals you you're going to feel a great deal better. Just imagine, you'll be able to start your life with George with no fear of Turner every coming back again."

They climb the stairs slowly as Ruby listens to Kate's words. Ruby says, "I didn't really want to see what he was carrying, I guess I just... not that I don't trust you guys, I do, but... we thought he was dead once before too. It's hard for me to believe he's really gone. I thought I would feel... different."

Kate says, "You thought he hand some kind of permanent hold on your soul? Because he'd invaded your mind before? Thank the gods he wasn't as strong as that. When there were so many of the creatures in Promise City, Diana actually came to the church and gave six arrows that would completely destroy a vampire. Nanuet used the last of them to destroy Turner. He really is gone. It would be easier to believe if he'd left a body to see, but there was only the pile of dust sitting next to you to prove he'd ever been there."

"I don't know what I thought. I mean, I couldn't stop thinking about him, I thought I saw him every where, I dreamed about him all the time..." Ruby shakes her head. She continues in an unconvincing tone, "I'm just glad he's gone." She is silent as they walk down the hallway. "Kate, do you ever wonder why we have been visited by the gods so much? They seem to help us everywhere we go and without their help we'd be..." She shrugs, "Not as well off as we are."

Kate replies, "My understanding is the struggle between the nature spirits drew their attention. And Cochise County has a strong magical connection. But I'm not sure that all explains it for me. Why us in particular? Although when Diana was in the church, I understand she had gifts and tasks for others as well. I suppose since we have more interesting lives, they get noticed more. Although Diana noticed Mrs. Eaton too, and she's lived quietly in Promise City. I don't know Ruby. Maybe we should ask the Arch-Bishop about it."

Ruby says, "Do you really think he might know? It just seems so unlikely that they would choose us... The Arch- Bishop might think we're crazy too." Kate says, "I imagine anyone the gods choose to favor thinks they're unlikely. He might not know specifically, but he might have some insight. It never hurts to ask." "You're right, it doesn't hurt." Ruby yawns before unlocking her door and pushing it open. "Enjoy your breakfast sweetie." She hugs Kate. "Thanks again."

She kissed Ruby's cheek. "Get as much rest as you can. Try not to worry at things. I'll see you in a bit." She waited until Ruby had gone inside before going back down the stairs. Once Ruby was inside the room she heads straight for the bed. She wanted to remove her clothing but after getting her shirt and skirt off she was too tired to remove the rest. She falls face first onto the bed and immediately falls to sleep.

Mr. Howells had also rented himself a room, but Kate wasn't certain where he'd gone. She didn't want to go to her room and be tempted by the bed into sleep, so she went back downstairs to the restaurant and ordered breakfast. Gonzales joins Kate for breakfast, being certain to order cups of hot water in which to place Dorita's tea so that they will get twice the amount of sleep as they would otherwise.

"Thank you, professeur aime," Kate said quietly. "You know, I think I‘m more emotionally exhausted than physically. I don't have time to sleep before we get Ruby healed, do I?" He replies, "Sure you do, especially with Dorita's tea. There's a good three-and-a-half hours until we have to get up, which will become almost seven." "Not the trip we were expecting, is it?" she sighed. "After we get home, I hope things are dull, just terribly boring for at least a month, just so I can rest. And Ruby will be upset that we are leaving so soon."

The breakfast and came and both Kate and her teacher attacked it with a will. "Will the sleep I get now be enough with what we got earlier for me to study effectively?" she asked after they had managed to start sating their appetites. He replies, "It should be sufficient. I'll leave word to the bellhop to wake us up at 10:30, to give us both time to restudy our spells."

Kate replies, "Good. I'll be more comfortable then. Will we go home tonight then?" He replies, "This afternoon actually, once we know that Ruby is safe and herself again. We'll have to see if she or Nanuet with to return with us, although when you factor in Maska's weight too the five of us would be more than I could bring in one trip."

Kate says, "I think Ruby will want to stay here a little longer. She just got engaged, and I'm not sure she'll be ready to see Jake yet. It's probably better for her if she does stay. Nanuet may be ready to come home. He was vampire hunting, after all, and that seems to be all done now. I want to know what the town council decided about a public school." The two finish breakfast and then head upstairs to their respective rooms.

Silver Moon

Chapter Two-hundred-eighty-one, “Jake’s Business Plans”, Thursday, June 22nd , 7:30 A.M.

Morning comes and Jake Cook rises not long after the sun. When breakfast is finished he asks Maria to make a large lunch he can bring out to his mine partners and workers. Next he arranges to have his horse ready for ride mid morning. He comes back and drags Van Horne, grumbling, out of bed to come with him and conclude the financial transactions regarding the Palace, which will soon become the Silver Palace, and the Lucky Lady.

That concluded, Jake is now the 95% owner of the Silver Palace with his only partner being Cornelius Van Horne with the last 5%. This also returns Jake to being a quarter owner of the Lucky Lady. Attorney Berg also handles the paperwork at the same meeting of Harry Rote purchasing the portion of the Lady that Herbert Hoover inherited. He makes a quick stop at Pierre's to retrieve his ammunition.

Free of his grouchy best friend in the guise of the big Georgian, Jake suits up to ride out to the inaptly named Fisk Mountain Mine. Flat black hat shading his eyes from the climbing sun, black leather duster hanging unbuttoned on his shoulders, he lets his horse take him lazily to the mine. He is perfectly aware of the image he projects as he rides. Two rifles in holsters on opposite sites of his horse, two Colt Peacemakers on opposite sites of his belt, and confidence in his eye sharp enough to cut paper, anyone taking him on would have to be serious about it. He preferred to avoid gun play where ever possible. There was no need to gain a reputation, he had just enough of one to do the job. Besides, even though he could outshoot any riffraff he was likely to come across it was foolish to challenge the odds. He knew and had proven time and time again words from his mouth could be more dangerous than guns.

He spent what little remained of the morning and several hours into the afternoon with his partners. First they had lunch and then toured the operations. MacNaulty the dwarf and the two humans partners, Elliott and Humphrey, were an industrious trio. There was always something new of which they were proud, and of which Jake could feign fascination. Jake did appreciate their ingenuity and tireless labor. He also admired it, but in a distant and glad it was not me that had to work hard way. Jake advised them of his travel plans, and assured them that Marshall Chester Martin was quite able to keep things safe while Jake was away. They could delay a shipment or two while he was gone if it made them feel better, he promised to accompany any valuable shipments upon his return. He bid them luck and safe keeping, and of that he was quite sincere.

Returning to Promise City he treated himself to a shave and trim followed by a long bath at Gilson's where Laurie was still proudly showing off her ring to all customers. Jake made appropriate congratulations and lamented in a friendly and complimentary way the loss of another attractive unmarried woman. Clean and with Laurie mildly blushing from his parting compliment, Jake sets out to find Emery Shaw, who Jake has been avoiding until the throng of friends and sycophants had completed their congratulations and quit hovering about the new mayor. It was probably best for Shaw, and Jake's friend Chester Martin, that the saloon owner had not made a big show of being friends with the newly elected pair. There were still plenty of folks in town that did not want Silver Jake Cook to have any influence in Promise City, let alone even live there.

On his way through the streets, Western Union telegraph operator Dave Melany hails him. "Mr. Cook, Mr. Cook! I have a telegram for you." Jake stops and waits for him to catch up. "You saved me a few steps to the Lucky Lady," Melany says as he hands him the paper.

Jake nods, takes the telegram and reads it immediately.

telegram said:
Little Jake, I want the job. Big Abbie is not the forgiving type and is making life difficult, therefore money is low. I have had enough Chicago winters as well. Send money for transportation and we will leave immediately. M. E. L. Reiter

Laughing out loud as if it was the funniest thing that had happened all day, Jake shakes his head. "I should have expected no less." He borrows a pencil and paper from the man and quickly writes a reply.

Jake said:
Mattie, I have the utmost faith in your ability to provide your own transportation and will arrive before I lose patience in waiting for you and give the job to my second choice, who is much closer at hand. Safe travels. Jake.

He hands both back to Melany. "Thank you, sir, and have yourself a fine evening." Jake pays the telegraph operator for the message and gives him a dollar for his trouble. Still laughing, Jake continues on his way to find Mayor Shaw. Jake locates Emery Shaw working on accounting records over the Sulfur Springs Valley Cattleman's Association building. Jake interrupts him, "Mayor Shaw has a nice ring to it. It flows off the tongue like those words were meant to be together."

Shaw gives Jake a warm smile and says, "Indeed it does. Congratulations Mr. Cook on your victories, both at the gaming table and against Mr. Adair. I regret that I could not join in your tournament but I was rather occupied over the weekend." Jake replies, "Thank you. My congratulations to you as well. I can understand that you had other priorities, seems we were both rather occupied. I only had a little time for some meager campaigning on your behalf, though given the results it appears that you did not need it. Though you will certainly have your challenges as Mayor, I am glad I could remove the Adair thorn from your term of office."

Shaw answers, "Yes, the only remaining thorn is Mr. Fisk, but his brute squad is now all gone so that will help to keep him in line. Early indications are that his mining interests will grow quite profitable in the coming year, so if he can keep himself wealthy enough through legitimate means that might keep him from looking outside of the law. That, and the fact that Marshal Martin is wise to him means that the law will be keeping a close eye on what that man does."

Jake replies, "If only it were so. I think it is more likely Fisk will use his money to hire more ruffians and killers and build another gang. As you say, Marshall Martin will keep him from being blatant about it. Just as important is a town government that is not Fisk friendly." Jake shrugs. "One day he will make a big enough misstep and somebody will take him down." Jake tells him about his travel plans to San Francisco. "I will be back before anyone really notices I am gone. Perhaps your duties will have settled down by then and we can have some friendly poker when I return." Shaw says that he likes the sound of that.

Early on Thursday afternoon Jake returns to the Lucky Lady. He sees Job Kane and Bernice Turner having lunch together at one of the tables. Both appear to have been 'cured' of the Vampire influence by Tomlinson as they each look a little younger than when Jake had seen them last. "Hey Partner, good to see you up and about." Jake approaches the table. "Mind if I barge in?" Job replies with a smile, "Have a seat Mr. Cook, the undisputed Poker Champion of the West." "Heh," Jake sits and adds, "I took on the light weights. No Kane or Van Horne at the table. Are you well enough to be here?"

Job replies, "Never better, I'm finally with the woman I love and no fears of her late husband ever darkening our doorstep again." "Really?" Jake sounds skeptical but keeps on a good face. "Well, that is good news. I am happy to have the real Job Kane back." Jake leans in towards the table and says in a quiet voice, "Did they figure out how that big Russian became you? I had come to believe there was an enchanted device that could have been involved, a money clip I believe. If true, it would be best to locate it and become certain no one else could do that."

Job reaches into his pocket and takes out a money clip saying, "This one I believe. Boston Harker was able to retrieve it." Jake replies, "That is a relief. It would have been an uncomfortable feeling walking around knowing that an item like that was in existence with your face in it."
They chat for a bit more before Jake brings the conversation back to business. "The Saloon made good money on the tournament. I would like to propose that we take ten percent of that and give it as a bonus to our regular employees that were involved in making it a success. They certainly went all out."

Jake then explains to them he will be taking a holiday to visit his sister. "Things have settled out, it is a good time to go. I offered Mr. Rhinehardt the spot vacated by Tony Lucky. Truth be told Job, I know Bradford prior to him coming to Promise City. He is a good man, certainly brighter and more trustworthy than Tony Lucky. A better dealer too. Bradford also reminded me of why I wanted Darla Peacock to come work here. I know she is not interested in working every night of the week, but she might be interested in the saloon managers position if she had an assistant manager. Bradford is interested in that role. If you think that is a good idea we could offer it to them for some small percentage of the profits. You know I am not interested in handling the details and if memory serves, neither are you."

Job replies, "You are quite correct Jake and based upon the tournament I would say that both are well suited for those roles. And while you are hiring employees, I think that we should see if Maria is interested in taking a day or two off herself. We should allow her to hire her substitute, but based upon Hannah Milford's help at the tournament I would say she would work well."

Bernice speaks up and says, "And I would be willing to help out here as well if you have need of another waitress, piano player or maid for the hotel rooms." Jake answers, "Bernice, we can use all the above. We would be pleased to have you join us." Jake tells Job that he does not mind handling the details of everything they discussed prior to his travel. After speaking a little while longer he leaves alone to enjoy their new found freedom.

After leaving the Lucky Lady and a short walk around town, Jake stands outside the Marshall's office with his hands on his hips. He had been in many a Marshall's office, and this one in particular any number of times. Truth be told, which he seldom did, every time he crossed the threshold of a lawman's office it gave him an uncomfortable feeling. He sighs and walks to the door.

Jake knocks once and barges right in. "Good afternoon Marshall Chester Martin. Who would have thought that clobbering your commanding officer was a good career move towards a top job in law enforcement. It redeems my faith in mankind as a whole." Jake crosses his arms, "Oh, and congratulations."

Chester can't help but smile. "Thank you very much, Jake. These things happen. After all, who would have thought a bank guard would own two of the top watering holes in the town? Anyway, I can't wait to see Lt. Gamble's face the next time he comes in. If it didn't take an hour, I'd ask Helen to take a photograph of his face."

"That would be a picture I would enjoy." Jake shakes his head, "I expect you will make a better Marshall than we did as bank guards." He looks around the office as if he is searching for anything Chet may have changed, "What happens next Chet? Do you have big plans for cleaning up Promise City? If you cannot get the big fish like Fisk will you be coming after the little fish like Silver Jake Cook?" A faint crooked smile sneaks into place.

The office looks pretty much the same as the day before. A stained cup of coffee sits atop the desk. The cells sit empty. Chester says, "I hope to get shot at less, that's for sure. I don't have any grand plans yet. First, I need to figure out what we're going to do about Claude Buckley's death. I feel like we're running in place on that one. Anyway you probably don't have anything to worry about. I haven't seen you do anything wrong."

"Let us hope your eyes do not become too sharp when they look in my direction," Jake teases the Marshall. Changing the subject he continues, "I will be headed out of town for a few weeks. I am going to visit my sister in San Francisco. I have not seen her in many years, not since I left home in Philadelphia. See if you can hold the town together while I am gone. It would be quite embarrassing to return and find the town gone to Hades in my absence."

Chester sits on his desk and grins. "It'd be embarrassing for me too, Jake. I didn't know you had a sister. That's nice, you going to see her. I bet you'll have a lot of stories to tell her. When are you heading out?" "Better if she does not know most of them...." Jake replies almost to himself. "Tomorrow, maybe. The day after if not. I do not know. Soon." Jake offers Chet his hand, "Take care of yourself, Marshall. I will be back before too long. Somebody has to spice this town up."

Chester shakes Jake's hand. "It'll be nice for her to see you again in any case. Have a safe trip, Jake. The place wouldn't be the same without you. I'm thinking of finding a house for myself. You and... Ruby have been great, letting me stay in the Lucky Lady, but it's time. I don't want it to look like I was giving you favors since I live in your place. And it gives you an extra room to rent out. I'll see you around." Jake makes his way back to the Lucky Lady.

As he had discussed with Job, Jake gathers Darla Peacock and Bradford Rhinehardt and offers them the managers and assist managers positions with a percentage of the take. He then gathers all the employees, telling them about the new management and then about the bonus they will all receive, splitting one thousand dollars among them. He leaves his new management to speak with Maria to arrange for some additional help and time off for their prized cook. He moves out to the porch and watch the town go by as his employees excitably speak among themselves.

The Priestess Minerva Garcia Florencia, Pastor of the Church of Olympus spent this day answering her door to well-wishers and quelling the panic that ensued when word had spread that she would be leaving them for parts unknown.. They came in droves bringing with them their questions, advice and baskets of baked goods for the road.

Nakomo kept mostly to himself, preferring the peace of the garden and Nanuet’s grove to the chaos that had invaded his home. When he and his guardian were finally alone, he masked his uncertainty and sadness behind his stoic Elvin features. He kept busy packing and storing their belongings trying not to think about how long they would be gone or the possibility that they might not return. Minerva had come to understand his manly need to guard his emotions and left him to his musings.

He had come to town with little more than the clothes on his back and he intended to leave with little more. He stuffed a few clothes into his pack and readied his weapons to travel. Since they did not know where the gods would will them to go, they chose to travel light, taking with them only the items that they felt were important. And as Minerva had explained to him “There was no need to take much else since Senor Lacy had been instructed to send the rest of their things along if and when they should need them.”

Silver Moon

Chapter Two-hundred-eighty-two, “Reunited”, Thursday, June 22nd , 10:30 A.M.

The bellhop awakens then at the appointed time of 10:30 and start to restudy their spells. The others are awakened and meet in the lobby. Kate looked much better after her tea-assisted sleep and the application of a Prestidigitation spell to her dress. "You all look a little better," she said. "We've arranged for a cab to pick us up soon. Do we need to leave a note for Mr. Eastman?" Gonzales says, "I assumed we would meet him at the train depot on our way to the cathedral."

Kate replies, "Ah. I wondered why we didn't sleep a little longer." She put her arm around Ruby's waist since she still appeared weak despite her sleep. "Let's go out to the cab then and be on our way." Dark circles surrounding her eyes, her hair and clothes unkempt, her skin pale, it takes much effort for Ruby to arrive and gather with the others. "Yes," Ruby rubs her eyes, "I don't want to go without him. Let's go to the train station."

They ride through the City of Brotherly Love to the train depot that they had been at during the early morning hours. They have ten more minutes until the train is scheduled to arrive. "Kate, do you need to check for telegraphs?" Ruby asks, looking around for a seat. Kate says, "No, honey. I didn't tell anyone exactly where I was. There's enough evidence of how fast I've traveled without leaving paper behind. Although I suppose the telegram does say where it came from. Perhaps I'd better. I'll be right back."

Kate jumped down from the cab and walked over to the telegraph office and asked if any had arrived for her. While Kate went to check the office, Ruby found a bench where she could watch the train and passengers disembark when it arrived. She sits quietly, spinning the ring around her finger, the diamond catching the light and creating a rainbow around her. It makes her smile and even though she felt terrible her heart lifted a little knowing George would be with her soon.

There is a telegram for Kate which reads:
“telegram” said:
Darling Katherine, You are missed. The new officials are all sworn into their new roles. The school issue was raised at the Council meeting and your fellow teachers handled it adequately, you have the town's support. They await speaking to you directly. Hurry home. Conrad.

Kate read the message over twice and swallowed against the lump in her throat. She missed Conrad more than she thought she could. Hurry home. She needed no extra inducement to do that. "Thank you," Kate said to the man at the office, then walked out to the bench where Ruby sat. "Conrad says I should hurry home," she said lightly, squeezing Ruby's hand. "Of course," Ruby smiles, although it is not her usual dazzling smile, "I'm sure he misses you. We all do when you are not around."

Kate fought the urge to deny that. "I miss him more than I thought I would. Almost as much as I miss having you at home." She squeezed Ruby's hand again. "You'll have your George here to distract you soon enough." Ruby is quiet for a few moments. "Having a new love is not the same as having an old friend, no matter how you look at it. Lovers come and go but friends are forever. At least they are from here on out." Suddenly a little laugh escapes from Ruby's lips as she looks at her friend. "Almost dying sure makes you mushy." Kate replies, "Absolutely. It makes you reconsider what's important and what's not. And what's wrong with being a little mushy now and then?" Ruby laughs again. "Well, before recently I really wasn't the mushy type." She squeezes Kate's hand in return. "Maybe I can do it every once in a while..."

They hear the distant train coming into the station. Nana comes over to Ruby and says, "He'll be here soon. You really love him don't you?" Ruby stands from the bench and hugs Nana. "I do, I really do. I've figured out there are lots of kinds of love and each one is special and different from the rest in it's own way. George loves me for me, he'll never break my heart, he'll always take care of me and he's just... just... amazing," she says with her eyes twinkling, as much as they can in her state. "I didn't get to tell you earlier..." She holds up her hand to show Nana the ring. "I said yes."

Nana smiles and says, "Good, you need some stability after all that has been going through you life as of late." The train pulls into the station. George Eastman is the first person off the first car as soon as the conductor opens the door. Normally Ruby would be bounding across the station towards her lover but instead of wasting her little bit of energy she walks normally, letting him come to her. Her smile brightens as they close the gap between each other.

George rushes up to Ruby and gives her a deep embrace and kiss across the cheek. He exclaims, "Oh Ruby, I was so worried." Ruby returns the embrace, burying her face in George's neck. Her brave exterior fades in his arms and she begins to cry. "I was too, I mean that... I would become one of.. of... him. But now you're here and we are going to the church so everything will be okay." He hugs and kisses her, this time on the lips.

She kisses him back, uncaring of who was watching. Her heart starts to pound and even her energy seems to perk up a bit. After a few long moments together Ruby takes his hand in hers. "Let's get to the church. I'm still very tired and even a little hungry and I bet you are tried from traveling." She wipes her eyes before returning to the group with the smile still on her face. "Is everyone ready?" "Yes, of course. The Arch-Bishop will be waiting," Kate said and started back toward the cab.

George says, "Wait. Ruby, I didn't ride down here alone." Kate stopped and turned, wondering who Mr. Eastman could have brought with him. A quick thought raced through Ruby’s mind but it couldn't be... "Oh? Who did you bring?" Ruby asked curiously. George replies, "Ruby, your mother and brother are both on the train. Mrs. West says that she will understand if you do not wish to see her. If you would rather not meet with her we can leave now."

Ruby blinks a few times, momentarily unsure of how to react. She felt too tired and drained to fight with anyone but after what Aphrodite had told her perhaps... it was almost too much to hope. She keeps her composure and responds. "You told my mother and she asked to come along?” Kate stepped back up to stand next to Ruby in case she needed some support. Ruby replies, “I mean, yes, let's ask them off the train. Would you fetch them darling?"

He says, "She and young Benjamin are on their way to Baltimore, for the boy to meet his father. She wanted to see you first and has been worried once I told her what had transpired." Ruby says, "Oh really? She's left my father? I... this is a lot to take in." She looks to Kate, almost helpless, unsure of how to proceed. Her mother had done so much damage to her and yet it was almost as if Ruby wanted to give her a fresh start. Ruby says firmly, "I would like to see them, especially my brother. I don't want to leave the East without seeing them again." "Find out from her," Kate said softly. Ruby nods, "I know, you're right."

George replies, "I will get them." He heads back into the train. Nana approaches Ruby and says, "Give me strength, I think I would rather face another vampire than Alma." Ruby smiles, "I used to think she was a vampire." Kate was on one side of her, and she takes Nana by the other hand. "Aphrodite told me she's changed. Perhaps we should give her a chance and find out if it's really true."

George returns. With him are Alma and Benjamin West, both wearing traveling clothes. Alma has a leather satchel over her shoulders. Mrs. West looks and Ruby and Nana and has an apprehensive expression on her face. Ruby says, "Hello Mother... Ben." She waits only a moment before scooping up the boy in her arms. Of course she's wobbly holding him but she squeezes him anyway and tries not to fall. She exclaims, "I couldn't wait to see you again." "We're going to see my Daddy," the boy tells Ruby. Ruby squeezes the boy. "Yes, that's so exciting! I imagine you'll love him Ben."

Nana approaches Alma and curtly states, "So, this is the Grandson that you didn't even tell me existed?" Alma turns to her mother and states, "Yes, I am sorry. It was William who decided that. I...I don't know what to say." Ruby turns towards her mother. "Have you left Daddy then?" Alma replies, "Yes, he has returned to New York City and is meeting his lawyer today to file divorce papers. He will keep the house in the city and the one on the Hamptons. I will keep the home in Rochester."

Ruby replies, "Well, I am not sure if that is good news or bad but I expect that it's good. And now you are going to see..." she let her voice trail off. She wasn't sure if her mother wanted everyone to know who Ben's real father is. "Will you be with him now?" Alma replies, "I...I do not know. I haven't had the courage to wire ahead, this will be a surprise visit. But in his letters he has stated that he has always wanted to see Benjamin. Constance...will you and George come with us?"

Ruby's mouth drops open and she puts the boy down as he suddenly felt like a ton. Kate knelt down when Ruby put down her brother and smiled gently at the little boy, since the other adults were a bit absorbed at the moment. Ruby says, "I... I don't know what to say. I mean, I'm not sure what George's plans are, and my friends are here visiting," she waves her arms towards them. "May I have some time to think it over? Please stay with us here in Philadelphia. I need to get to the church, I'm still... ill and I need to be seen by the cleric."

She unconsciously rubs the two obvious bite marks on her neck. "Perhaps after that we can have lunch and discuss it. Or I might need to rest and make it dinner. But please stay, since you aren't expected in Baltimore you should be able to." Alma replies, "Yes, whatever you wish. We will accompany you to the church if that is acceptable." Nana looks at her daughter and says, "You're made this trip without planning it out? I guess spontaneous actions didn't skip a generation after all."

George says, "I will make arrangements for the luggage to be shipped to our hotel. Go and hire a second cab." Ruby nods. "Very well, come with us to the church. Let's get going, the Arch-Bishop will be waiting for us." Ruby begins towards the cabs but stops and smiles. "Mother, did George tell you our news? He's asked me to marry him and I've accepted." Alma replies, "Yes he has. Congratulations are indeed in order."

They make their way to the cab stand. Kate, Gonzales, Nanuet, the still invisible Maska get into the cab they had taken to the station while Nana, Alma, Benjamin, Ruby and George get into the second. They head off in the direction of the Cathedral. Kate was grateful to climb back into the cab. "Well, that was interesting." She handed the telegram to Mr. Gonzales. "Seems we're not the only ones anxious to be home."

This could be uncomfortable, Ruby thinks. Ruby says, "Well, it's strange circumstances we find ourselves in. But nonetheless, I am glad we are together. Perhaps we should take it as a sign that we should all try to get along, and I don't just mean today."

As the carriage sets off Alma says, "Yes, I have been finding signs all around me as of late. If you hadn't returned and said what you did at dinner I doubt that I would ever have had the courage to leave him." She then adds, "I've also been inspired by a novel that I have read as of late." She removes a book from her satchel and states, "This is a work of fiction by a well respected author. The book is controversial, it talks of the acceptance of divorce, the status of women and the role of the family." Ruby sees the cover which reads "A Modern Instance" and the author's name William Dean Howells.

"Howells you say? Isn't that the man we helped save from the fire?" Ruby asks Nana. "If it is the same, mother, we know where he is staying. Maybe we'll bump into him again." "The same," Nana replies. Ruby says, "What a coincidence! We didn't bother to ask him details about himself. I'm sure he would meet with us, if you wanted that is." Ruby is quiet, alternating looking at the boy and then out the window. She wasn't sure what to say in this tricky situation. Finally she speaks. "So what did the book say? About the status of women and the role of family?"

Alma replies, "That women are more than man's property and that divorce should not stigmatize women. It speaks against double standards. These are brave words which changed my outlook, but they alone would not have spurred me to take action." Nana looks over at Ruby's rose and says, "Coincidence you say? Perhaps not, the gods seem to be watching over you my dear." Ruby smiles. "It does seem that Aphrodite herself has a plan for me. I used to think she abandoned me but I've been proven wrong a thousand times over. I've been trying my best to repay her for looking out for me." She pauses and looks around the cab. "And my family and friends too."

She squeezes George's hand in hers. "And my new life wouldn't be possible without her so she deserves something in return." "Mother, you'll be much happier living a life with love in it and Ben will grow up to be a normal little boy with his father's love. It's the most important thing in the world." She smiles, "Love that is." Alma replies, "Thank you Constance. I regret so much that has happened and hope that we have a chance for a relationship again."

A huge knot formed in Ruby's throat. When she was younger it was almost all she ever wished from her mother, her parents, for them to act like they wanted her and weren't always disappointed in her. Her mother having regrets and wanting a relationship now, it just felt like a dream. But even as much as she wanted it Ruby was hesitant to believe it all. She coughs to clear her throat, "I think we all have some regrets about the past." For a moment, Jake words about not having regrets danced through her mind but left as quickly as they came. It was going to take a long time before that stopped happening so frequently.

At that exact same moment the carriage goes past a building in the financial district of the city and Ruby sees the sign "Cooke and Sons" on the side of the building. Ruby strains her neck, looking out the window at the office, trying to remember what street it was on. She had forgotten Jake was from Philadelphia and a sudden, huge curiosity overcame her. After all, she would be needing some exercise after she rested. Her thoughts are snapped back into reality by the little boys voice.

Ruby says to her mother "Let's just take it slow and see how it goes, okay?" Ruby again puts the weary smile on her face. "Ben, why don't you come over here and snuggle with me? We're almost to the church so you won't have to suffer too long." "Do you really know the Archbishop?" the boy asks. Ruby smiles at him. "Yes, I do. Although I believe my friend Kate knows him better than I."

She curls a finger at the boy, indicating he should come closer. He does so hesitantly but Ruby doesn't hesitate in gently grabbing him and putting him on her lap. "Are you interested in meeting him Ben?" She waits for the boys response and as she does she looks over his sandy hair and into his blue eyes. He was adorable and Ruby could even see little bits of herself in him. He smelled like clean linen clothes and soap and Ruby wondered if he'd ever been dirty in his life.

He replies, "Yes, I never get to meet anybody." Ruby says, "Well sweetie, that's not true anymore, is it? You met me, and this is your grandmother Nana," Ruby points to their grandmother, "And now you will meet the Arch Bishop then your father. It's a very exciting few days for you!" Ruby kisses his chubby little cheek. It was apparent to everyone in the cab that she was in love with the little boy.

Kate described for the others what had happened on the platform with Ruby's mother. "I'm sure it's very interesting in the other cab right now. Ruby's brother is a sweet little thing." She took a deep breath. "I hope the Arch-Bishop isn't offended that we have others with us." Gonzales replies, "Considering that Ruby is the one undergoing the cure and they are Ruby's family and fiancé I don't see why that would be a problem."

The carriages soon arrive at the Cathedral and the occupants depart. The ArchBishop has been expecting them. Introductions are made and he begins the healing spell. Ruby breathed a sigh of relief once the spell started. She was worried that there would be some lasting effect on her, still worried she might turn into one of the creatures. She felt so exhausted, she almost felt like she was dying but had kept the thoughts to herself not to scare anyone. She tried to relax and let the spell do it's job, and after a quick glance to George she did. Ruby and the Archbishop both appear exhausted from the ordeal. The Archbishop says that he will go rest up so that he can cure Mr. Howells that evening.

Silver Moon

Chapter Two-hundred-eighty-three, “Saying Goodbye”, Thursday, June 22nd , 1:00 P.M.

Nanuet pulls Kate and Manuel aside and whispers to them as the Arch-Bishop finishes his work. "I've done a little thinking. I am not sure what your plans are, about returning and whatnot. I think that I would like to take my time traveling back. I sped across the country and didn't get a chance to see anything. If I am not needed immediately back home then I think I would like to travel by conventional means."

Kate replies, "You are missed, but there is no work that needs doing right now. We plan to leave almost immediately after Ruby is well. She'll want to sleep and we came away in a hurry. I especially have responsibilities I must return to. If you have any messages you want us to carry, I'll be glad to bring them." Kate took a moment and spoke to the Arch Bishop. "I wanted to thank you for all your help. We plan to leave as soon as we can, so we're unlikely to return with Mr. Howells. I would have enjoyed having a chance to talk with you. I hope I'll have another chance."

When the healing is completed George thanks the Arch-Bishop and then assists Ruby back outside to the carriages. Once George has her in the carriage she says exhaustedly, "Baby, please make sure no one leaves while I'm resting. Ask them to meet us at dinner tonight, please." The carriages reach the hotel and the hotel doormen hold the doors open. Nana and George both help Ruby off. Gonzales escorts Kate out of the other carriage, followed by Nanuet.

They all head into the hotel lobby. George passes on Ruby’s request. Ruby has George help her up to her room. As Ruby had George take her swiftly upstairs, Kate sighed to Mr. Gonzales, "If I didn't know better, I'd say she was trying to keep us from leaving by denying us the chance to say goodbye." She pursed her lips and looked at Mrs. West and Ruby's little brother. "Now what? I suppose we wait for Mr. Eastman and convey our goodbyes through him, as much as I don't like it." Gonzales says, "No, we'll say our goodbyes to Ruby now." They head upstairs.

Ruby tiredly sits on the bed and uses all her energy to pull off her shoes. "George, what do you think about what my mother asked, you know, for us to travel to Baltimore with them?" He says, "I will go anywhere you wish my dear. If your mother wishes your company we should probably go along, plus you seem attached now to your brother so I would hate to separate you." Before Ruby can respond there is a knock on the door. George goes to the door and opens it. "We wish to see Ruby," Gonzales states. George turns and says, "Dear, your friends wish to see you."

She doesn't bother to get up. "Come on in," she calls out wearily. Her brain was desperately trying to shut off and even her eyes were open against their will. "Sorry for running off, I just really needed to sit down, I need some more sleep. At least it should be restful knowing I'm not going to turn into a vampire tonight." "I wouldn't be surprised if you sleep until tomorrow, dear," Kate said crossing the room to the bed. She sat down there and took Ruby's hand. "And we must say goodbye," she said gently. "Now that we know you're going to be alright, and you're in good hands."

"Oh, but you can't leave yet, you said you were going to come back to Rochester and my things are there." Ruby looks to George, a bit embarrassed. "I was thinking of going home with you." George says, "Ruby, darling, you need to rest and I need you here, as do your brother and mother. Arizona can wait for another day." Kate says, "Arizona isn't going anywhere. You have a chance right now; a chance to change things with your mother. It will take a long time, and a lot of forgiveness, but it also takes the right time, and that's now. Obviously something opened her eyes, at least partially, and now is the best time to encourage them to stay open."

Kate kissed her cheek. "And now that I know you'll be in one place for a while I can actually write you." Gonzales says, "Ruby, it's finally time for you to stop running and to stop worrying about anybody trying to kill you. Johnny Ringo wasn't even buried in the ground and you were just starting to recover from his near-lethal attack when Colin Turner decided to then come after you. Turner is now gone, Ringo is now gone, even the threat of your parents abducting you is gone. Kate is right, for the first time in your life you have a chance for a real family of your own, embrace that."

She replies, "But-but what about my puppies? And my house? And my job? And my training? And-and all of you?" Ruby sighs then looks at George standing before her. "It's not that I want to leave you, I don't, but I have responsibilities there too." Ruby can't believe the words coming out of her mouth. Responsibilities?? Since when do I care about that? "I miss my puppies." She tiredly hangs her head, "And I have some business to finish before Jake leaves for good."

Kate answers, "None of that's going anywhere. The puppies are being well-cared for. The saloon misses you but Clarisse is getting better every night and Miss Peacock and her fiance have been good additions. The faro table is bringing in good business." She squeezed Ruby's hand. "And what business do you really need to finish before Jake leaves? To tell him that you truly did care for him? To tell him that he taught you what you needed to know to accept love? That sometimes love alone isn't enough? He knows all that. You've both set out on new paths, keep treading them for a while before you meet again."

"Miss Peacock? What's that about? I didn't know we had anyone new... I haven't had much time to think about all the questions to ask you and what's going on." Ruby shakes her head. "And what you're telling me is that you don't need me there." Kate replies, "I'm saying there is no need to cut your trip short, thinking you are shirking. The others have picked up the slack and a few more days before you come home will do them no harm. That's far different than not needing you at all."

Ruby sighs again. "As for Jake, no, I don't have any of those things to talk to him about, that's over as far as I'm concerned." She doesn't sound completely convincing. "I want him to let me buy his half of my house and his share of the saloon. He never really wanted either of them anyway." Kate refrained from disagreeing at least on the point of the saloon. "I'll mention it to him. He can wire you about the arrangements." Ruby exclaims, "He won't."

Ruby quietly ponders, while she fights her eyes closing. "Maybe I can send a note. Will you bring him a note and help with the arrangements in town Kate?" Kate says, "Of course I will, honey. Take care of yourself and your family. Let me worry about business." She kissed her cheek again. "And when you do come home, I want to hear all about what happens." "Of course," Ruby yawns. "I want to hear all about your...," a smile sneaks onto her lips, "stuff too. Plus I need you to help me plan my wedding. I can't do it without you."

"I always love a wedding," Kate said warmly. "And yes, I have, ah, stuff to get back to before I can't do it anymore." Mr. Eastman handed Ruby paper and pen and a lap desk to write on. "I'll write you all about it when I get home." Ruby furrows her brows. What is she talking about before she can't do it anymore? She shrugs to herself and begins writing a quick note. When she is done writing she looks it over briefly before handing it to Kate. "Thank you for your help Kate. You can take care of all the rest of it. It shouldn't be a problem."

She asks sheepishly, "Mr. Gonzales, would it be possible for you to bring me my puppies?" Gonzales replies, "Yes, I could bring them to the house in Rochester before the week is over. I think they would be much better to have than the last puppy you brought into that house." She replies, "I agree. Although I guess he knew me well enough to know I'm a sucker for cute puppies." She smiles, "I'd really appreciate you bringing them. I think soon enough George is going to have a huge house with a really big yard for them to play in. Plus I think they'll like the lake. They could use some time off from working the saloon too."

Ruby stands and hugs her teacher tightly. "Thank you so much for coming to my rescue. It's really nice to know someone's watching out for me." Ruby then turns to Kate and is about to stop her when she stops suddenly. "Where Nanuet? Is he leaving with you two?" Kate replies, "He wants to travel back on his own and see the country he went through so quickly to get here. I'm not sure how long he's going to stay here, but he doesn't seem to be in any great hurry."

"Oh good, you won't all be deserting me at once," Ruby teases through another yawn. She turns to Kate. "Please think about coming to visit me again for a couple of days. Teacher would be happy to bring you I'm sure, maybe when he brings the puppies. I've really missed you. You could bring Ginnie if you're worried about her. Knowing her, she'd probably love the photography business. Or you could bring Conrad and let him have a little vacation from Promise City too."

Kate says, "It's a possibility, I'll have to find out if Promise City fell apart during my absence before I leave it again. And you really should get your rest, dear." Kate leaned forward and hugged Ruby, holding on a few extra seconds. "I love you, take care of yourself." Ruby hugs her friend back. She really didn't want to let her go but it was too late. Kate had already found a new life for herself. "I love you too Kate. Take care and be safe. Say hi to everyone back in Promise City for me."

Kate says, "Of course. And we'll see each other again, I'd wager before another week passes. Two at most." Ruby replies, "Good." She wasn't convinced but she was hopeful. She quickly hugs Kate again then plops back down on the bed. "Okay, I'm going to rest now. Get going you two." Gonzales and Kate leave Ruby and George.

After everyone had finally left Ruby and George alone, Ruby collapses back onto the bed. "It's been a busy and tiring couple of days. I can't even think straight!! So much has happened and there is a lot to think over." She wearily pulls herself up. "George, will you help me get undressed? Then I'd like you to stay with me for a while, until I fall asleep, will you do that?" "Whatever you would like my dear," is George's reply

George helps Ruby get undressed before she climbs into bed, pulling him in with her. She snuggles up to him and closes her eyes. "Baby, we're going to need some clothes and sundries if we're going to go to Baltimore with my mother. Can you send someone out? I'm not up for shopping right now." She yawns, "And make sure Nanuet doesn't leave without saying goodbye..." Her voice trails off and she falls into a deep sleep.

Nanuet was in no rush to leave, he had been on the move for several days now and was weary. Because of this he felt no reason to join Kate and Manuel as they went to say goodbye to Ruby, je would say his own goodbyes later. He thought about what he wanted to say to Minerva, what message he wanted to give to Kate to deliver. He works with the clerk to compose a note: "Minerva, I never meant to stay away for too long, but after an incredible week I find myself needing some peace and quiet. I will return shortly, you have my word and as always, you have my love."

There, that sounds good he says to no one in particular as he folds the note then finds a comfortable place to sit. Kate and Gonzales locate Nanuet and say goodbye to him. Nanuet is sure to give his note to Minerva for her to deliver. He tells them that is plan is to stay here for a day or two and then head home. How he will be traveling is unsure but it will probably take a while before he makes it back, he plans on taking his time. The Indian says, "I don't think my people were made to take all this excitement in such a short period of time. I need to slow down for a bit. Maska will be by my side, together we'll be fine. Take care of yourselves, our paths will cross again soon enough I'm sure."

Gonzales and Kate return to Kate's room and the older elf gets the brazier lit. A few minutes of powder sprinkling, hand-hold and incantations later they are back in Mr. Gonzales's mansion. He says, "Well, it was getting towards mid-afternoon in Pennsylvania so it would be just around noontime here. How about we go get ourselves a bite of lunch and let our friends know that we are back?" Kate smiled brightly, taking a deep breath. "Yes please, I'm starving. It's so nice to be home."

She took her teacher's arm and walked with him through the magical rooms and down to the busy cantina. They descend the stairs into the main dining room and are pleasantly greeted by Dorita. She quickly gets the two of them some food and Pedro also passes onto Gonzales a note from Jake Cook. Kate dug into Dorita's good food with relish. She'd eaten very enthusiastically over the last day or so, but then she'd been expending a great deal of energy. "What is it, Grandfather?" Kate asked curiously between bites. "A private matter, nothing to concern yourself over," he states.

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