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Aphonion Tales: The Archducal Council -- Unedited notes; later posts are edited transcripts (posts MWF, update 3/1/23)


[Session 127, cont'd]
<<Councillors. I know what this thing is, and I fear my companions do not. It is concerning. It is perfectly safe—they killed it, which is to their credit.>>

<<If you have information we should know, please come to the Council immediately.>>

Grandmaster Farsensor arrives quickly, having apparently run the whole distance. “That is a servitor, a Chengoth the Insatiable, of the Eighth Order of the One Beside, who is also known as the One who is Never Pleased. It is a slightly higher ranking demon in their hierarchy. They never stop consuming what they can reach, and they are more powerful and harder to summon than seen-unseen. They are expensive to summon, with spears of gold and mithril carved with special runes, and with substantial sacrifices. They may be what are being summoned with the sacrifices of human peasantry. The altars would be what would be used to bind them. The Chengoth must be bound, because they will otherwise consume everything they can reach because they cannot be satiated. They are perhaps the intelligence of a smart boar. Their only scroll of bringing forth the Unthinkable listed this creature as one that should not be invoked except in desperate circumstances.”

“The other question is why they wanted to send them into the arctic sea.”

“Their original plan was to bring in one of the Three, or at least their greater servants. They have been stymied thus far. But these are tied to the One Beside, who is established here as Arthranax. But the cultists of the Goddess of the Pale Bone and One Other might want to summon something tied to him to pursue their goals—it might be easier. The right hand of the One Beside was brought through as the Blue Star. The general of his forces was called Narkanoah. He was the equivalent, perhaps, of the lord of a demonic plane on the Abyss. He controlled at the time of the first war a robust army of insect-demons, though some of those have surely been consumed by the Three. But to summon him would be very difficult. There should be an expedition into the arctic; probably a voller, probably an elven or Noldar voller. It is strange that they did not send them by vollers, though perhaps they cannot. And if the expedition sees black-shelled creatures in any number, it should flee immediately if it is not a Noldar or Eldar voller.”

“Can we learn more from the body?”

“A greater archmagus, of either of the great elven people, could learn more than I can. I am not particularly strong in magic.” He reaches out to the Queen of Singing Leaves and says her envoy will arrive in about two days.

Dame Brionna walks over to talk to the “archon of Glordiadel,” which is a strange title because “archons” are usually only created by Eiru, whereas Glordiadel and other good gods create angels.

“I am one of the forty who were given over to Glordiadel after he emerged and the Founding Powers decided that he was not going to go away; at first, they thought Glordiadel was a dream who would fade. Firstly, we are very fortunate for the Compact among the Gods. I think someone underestimated us; it carries plague, and the sacrifice of those who died of plague would let in its masters. But the Compact of the Gods prevents plague, and that would even hold power against the Abominator himself. This is good. What is not good…” It shifts the body with a stick. “You see that design on its belt? That is the eight interlocking squares. I have not seen that since the first war. It weakens the walls between this place and theirs. One of the reasons Glordiadel sent me was that he also recognized it. I can constrain it, but I cannot destroy it because I am not mortal. You could break that symbol, though you should ask me any questions before you do so, because I will depart when it is destroyed. After it is destroyed, none should touch the dust from the sigil on the belt; it would consume any who touched it. It will destroy the weapon when it shatters. It must be either magical, of the third circle of power, or laen. When it shatters, it will lose the ability to weaken the walls. And he--” points at the Chengoth “—will be irrevocably and utterly destroyed, not just on this plane but on all planes.”

Dame Brionna asks about the stolen hosts of angels, and the archon says that he will try to convert them. "He" meaning “the former Noldar lord, who is no longer truly a Noldar. He has done something I did not know was still possible, but he will need powerful servants if his ploy fails. I do not know why he thinks his ploy can succeed.”

The Archon blesses the two imperial babies. They stop fidgeting and look at him. Then as Kit walks near, he blesses her as well, with golden sparkles of light descending on each of them.

“Do you know what that former Noldar’s ploy is?”

“I know what his original ploy was, 103 years ago. Do you know why he turned originally?”

“That his defeat by the Cities of Crystal changed him, though not how.”

“The one who was soul woven with him, as only elves can, died in the assault. He had been wrongly led to believe that the Cities were weak enough that he could seize their wealth. The Hand, an elven assassin who had turned long ago, then turned him after he went mad because of his beloved’s death. He then started offering sacrifices, in an effort to gain enough power to gain revenge on the Cities of Crystal and to recover his beloved’s body and to restore him to life. Impossible, but he was misled again. Three years ago, his sacrifices were noticed by an auditor in Krashmere and he was removed. What they did not know was that one of the Three was here—even we did not know, and if Lord Eiru or Morgroth knew, they did not tell anyone. And I think they did not, because he has now captured the Lord of the Cities of Pain. Their intent appears to have been to get enough sacrifices in Hanal to allow them through. His intent is different—to reach enough power, knowing that bringing them all through is beyond them, to bring through major forces, focusing on the One Beside’s creatures, which he can then transfer to his own plane once he finishes capturing it from Sytry. It is probably not possible to expel the One Beside. Fortunately, he is alone here, and he does not have the power alone that the three of them do. He wants to bring through enough of his servitors to control most of this plane. The other two want what they always wanted—they want that the one known as Quinliart would be able to bring them through and weaken the gates. Their greatest hope failed when they were defeated in the Spice Lands. There are 36 orders of creatures that serve them. They have preserved enough for an invasion, though that failed when the Seachen did not turn on the legions of the Spice Lands.”

Alistair tells the Archon about the consumption of Berta and asks if the Archon can understand that in the way that Glordiadel and his gods to understand.

“The gods find that hard to understand. Their principal servants, however understand. The consumption of Berta gives him a great advantage—three entire hierarchies, the corrupted temple of Sytry, the entire cult of Arthranax, and the remnants of the followers of Berta, who he has been careful to not reveal the truth to. The gods will understand eventually.”

The Archon believes that Sytry will flee before he is consumed, and then Arthranax would have to settle for being a greater god, not consuming all the gods. If Arthranax can be driven out of Sytry’s realm, then Sytry could remain, and he would descend to being merely a demon lord—which would be a great improvement. If he holds Sytry’s plane—he will take control of Sytry’s entire portfolio, and even when Sytry escaped, he would become like a greater god.

“They will run out of sacrifices in the capital soon. They have 300 blood-driven within the walls. Will they then open the energy walls and let them out? I suppose they will. The blood-driven are not vampires, though they are undead blood drinkers. They are far more violent, but they drink blood. As they age, they grow in both intelligence and power. A one-year old blood drinker is too stupid to move out of the fire without being told to, and would have the skill of a master human warrior [about level 15]. They continue growing in power and intelligence until the tenth year. Then they are sucked back into their principal with all they have gathered. But a tenth year is fearsome—many spells, strength at least as great as a stone giant, ability to cancel magic, immunity to lightning and cold, resistant to fire, only able to be damaged by laen weapons, able to drain hundreds in a day. The oldest currently are three years old. They are generally too stupid at that age to continue breaking into a place that has barred them out, but they do not need to be invited in. They can be killed by a clean decapitation, but staking them does not kill them. They took out the Moriquendarim embassy, although the ambassador and his immediate retinue escaped just before the walls fell.”

[End Session 127]
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Session 128 (April 28, 2021)

6 Ke-Ras
Alistair passes judgment on the Twilight Elf prisoners. The Twilight Elves are led into an audience chamber and positioned before a table. On the table, their swords lie, without scabbards, tips facing towards them and hilts towards the throne, dead flowers surrounding them.

A herald announces, “His Majesty Alistair I, by the Grace of Glordiadel, King of the South Kingdoms, Emperor of Southern Drucien, Archduke of Canberry, Protector of the Light, and so forth.”

Alistair enters, accompanied by Lord Davion, both dressed severely, and sits on the throne. The Twilight Elves immediately kneel on both knees with their eyes cast downward. Through the audience, they never even glance at either Alistair or Lord Davion.

“You stand convicted by your own admission of enslaving subjects of the South Kingdoms. Her Majesty Empress Caitlyn, Queen of the South Kingdoms and my honored wife, has asked that I pass judgment on you in her place, lest her wrath lead to an unfortunate outcome.

“Ordinarily, the only possible sentence for your crimes would be death, with the only question being the manner. However, four things weigh for clemency. First and foremost, our Champion, Lord Davion Aufaulgautharim, has asked for mercy on your behalf. Second, you were obeying the orders of your lawful lord, and while that cannot excuse your crimes, it does mitigate them slightly. Third, when commanded to by the Lord of your House, you stopped fighting, and we are well aware of House Moriquendarim’s contributions to our mutual goals. And finally, Her Majesty has recently been delivered of our first-born children, and that is a traditional occasion of celebration and mercy. Before I pass sentence, I must ask you how many people you personally and through the troops under your command enslaved. You may need to estimate.”

The Twilight Elves quietly and morosely give an estimate.

“Very well. In light of all these factors, we are willing to commute your death sentence and accept your parole provided that you swear by Morgroth, by his Brother, by the Prince of the Cities of Pain, and by the honor of House Moriquendarim to abide by these terms.

“First, you shall forfeit all that you have in your possession except a plain, nonmagical weapon for your defense, the clothes you wear, and such petty money as Lord Davion may give you with which to buy food.

“Second, you shall walk on foot from here to the City of Enclaves, harming none except that you may use the minimum of force necessary to defend yourself from unprovoked attacks.

“Third, that once you have left the Empire of Southern Drucien, you will never reenter its lands without the express permission of the Emperor or Empress nor bear weapons, spell, or ill will against it or its people.“Fourth, that neither you nor any of your descendants shall ever engage in slavery in any form or purport to own any other humans, elves, or other people.

“Fifth, that you will forswear the Argoni and align yourselves and your descendants with the parts of your House that seek to shepherd the younger peoples of the world to a better future.

“Sixth, that you shall offer your services, for appropriate pay, to the Lord of the Enclave of Zorplona-Moriquendarim, as a gesture of respect and good will from the Empire.

“Seventh, that you shall pay a weregild recompense for each and every person whose enslavement you were responsible for, in the amount of twice the average sale price of enslaved persons per person, to be paid to the representatives of the Empress in Enclaves to be distributed to the families of those you harmed if they can be identified and used for the rebuilding of the South Kingdoms if they cannot. This debt shall increase according to standard interest until it is fully repaid. We further provide that you may decrease the amount of the debt for each enslaved person you directly free by sword, magic, or guile, provided that you shall not purchase any enslaved persons nor otherwise encourage and support the vile slave trade.

“If you accept all of these terms, then as an act of grace and through Lord Davion’s intervention, we will commute your sentence and accept your parole. If you do not, you will be put to death cleanly as a mercy as Lord Davion requested.”

Alistair waits to hear their answer and receive their oaths, which they give without hesitation, and then he departs.

* * *
The Ministry of the Mind generates a psionic connection with the Emperor of the North.

They perceive a marble floor with a strange animal skin rug. He is seated directly on the rug. There’s a Glordiadelian probably bishop, but in very plain robes for a bishop, waiting on him, as well as a woman in an elaborate ermine headdress.


They discuss the possibility that they can turn some of the cities of the North from client states of Hanal to them during this crisis.

Hanal has powerful ships that look like walnut shells and have energy rods that project a line of disruption or corruption. The Empire of the North has sunk a few, but at great cost. One returned from the ice, heavily laden, but they don’t know with what. Also, they have sent hunters out onto the ice, but none have returned with news. They tell him this is of Arthranax, and that his bishop can give him more information.

A flame heart has landed in their lands, and they have been unable to destroy it though they killed the body. The heart is off-limits now. The creature with the heart survived its ship being sunk, and then walked along the sea floor to shore, and headed directly towards the cathedral of Glordiadel.

They discuss the problems with the Order of the Ram. The Empire of the North has a special order of church knights to hunt them; Canberry asks for an exchange of knowledge. Canberry also suggest establishing an Order of the Stag, which the Emperor of the North is enthusiastic about.

They advise him to secure some orichalcum jewelry and to wear it at all times.

He asks about fostering his second oldest brother (10 years old, bardicly inclined) and a sister (8 years old, with “inappropriate sense of adventure” and a sword), and Alistair agrees that they would be happy to.

They also talk about trade and opening better trade.

Alistair gives him some advice about ruling, and asks if Alistair can consult him about any further issues that arise, then offhandedly extending the same courtesy to him.

The psion is all but collapsing, and Alistair suddenly realizes that he hasn’t made the primary point of the call. He very quickly explains about the interlocking squares symbol, how to destroy it, and what steps to take afterwards. Then the psion falls unconscious and the connection breaks.

* * *
(The infants are doing wonderfully.)

Alistair hunts a stag, then goes to a celebratory, surely raucous and slightly scandalous Order of the Stag party to celebrate his children’s birth.

He then tells the grandmaster to work with the Empire of the North to establish the Order of the Stag there, and to coordinate with the Mouth to make sure they use that order to gain some intelligence (“the Antlers”).


[Session 128, cont'd]
7 Ke-Ras
The Eldar Archmage arrives via voller, and then descends by levitation.

They exchange pleasantries.

He is Lord Alinar Wranbalar of the House of Telepse olwa (“Silverbranch”). Noting their surprise at his casting levitation magic without any verbal or somatic expressions, he explains that he only uses signs, rituals, and such folderol for magic when he does domain magic; the other magics he just does, as he has done them since the beginning of time. He also points out the domain magic in effect here—a blessing giving the Duchy of Canberry crop fertility, cast when humans first settled here and were kind to the local fey, pleasing the Eldar.

He goes to examine the demon, and Kit and Alistair take their leave of him while Dame Brionna travels with him to the laboratory where the demon corpse is warded. (He also makes a comment when we mention the archon about how surprising it was when Glordiadel appeared, but also how pleased they were with Glordiadel’s staying power.)

He then begins examining the demon. He has a vial from the Forest of Singing Leaves that he thinks should suffice to break the artifact, which is still pulling energy in, even through the wards. He recommends encasing it in lead, introducing the vial, and doing that in a place that can handle an explosion of up to 9000 cubic yards. We appropriately reinforce a large ballroom.

They send that warning to the Empire of the North via a sending by Bishop Waters.

As he examines it, Lord Alinar writes with a crystal pen on a sheet of beaten platinum.

It is a list of names, that correspond to classes of creatures. Any of these could be bound by the belt if they had the strength to bring it through. The blockade prevents them from bringing through anything more powerful than a Tomua.

The Unseen Seen - in Eldar noted “of the substance of all”
The Chengeth - also titled in Eldar “the insatiable” “the consumer” and “Never pleased.”
The Tomua - titled in Eldar “The consumer of flesh” and again “the drinker of all water.” <- This is the one that this was binding, if they had the strength to bring it through it would have been worse - this could bind and embody ANY OF THESE (in common)
The Dwellers in Nukuom - noted in Eldar “a swarming horde”
Zanatul - noted with the Eldron words “the whisperers”
Piyai - in Eldar “the Seductresses” a later note in a different hand, also in Eldar “drinkers of all of man’s essence and soul.”
Mi’ryel - titled in Eldar “the eater of its mother:
The Spawn - note in Eldron “of the one other” note in Eldar “gatherers for the final gate.”

"This belt was bound to a Tomua—since it was worn by a Chengeth, the Tomua is still free."

The Council asks about the arctic exploration, and he says that there was an arctic gate at one time. He assumed it was permanently depowered. But if they can recharge it—or if Arthranax has been able to create new entities in his plane in this planar neighborhood, he could bring them through with much less energy. The energy could be supplied by sacrificing perhaps 10,000 elves, or perhaps 500,000 humans.

He reports that they have bombarded a half-dozen isolated altars of vile cults in Hanal in the last month, and that he thinks the Aufaulgautharim have done likewise. We ask for a map, to see if there is an obvious arcane pattern.

Hanal City has over a million people (the only other city besides Enclaves and Canberry City of that size). Many are fleeing, but it’s unclear how many are from the city versus the countryside. The energy dome has repelled a bombardment by both the Eldar and separately the Noldar. We don’t really know what’s going on inside the dome.

Dame Brionna asks if they could use her spear to anchor a scrying, and he says that he could, using his farsensing to guide her eyes. It would only be dangerous if they were psionically observing the spear.

They may also be trying to consume the magical artifacts in Hanal City to provide additional power.

"Once Quinliart is defeated, and he will be, the amount of clean-up that will be needed in Hanal City, not to mention the rest of the country… it will be difficult for that city to ever be productive again. And if I were advising Princess Anastasia, I would recommend she move the capital, rather than rebuild directly."

Kit speaks with Princess Anastasia. She describes what we know about Hanal City and what is going on there. She then asks how much magical power they had in Hanal City, and especially if there are any artifacts of elven origin, since those would have the most power.

Very few elven artifacts, but the armory was significant, and when her mother gathered items, they went into the armory, not to the army. There were hundreds, including dozens of powerful items. The only major elven item was a staff that no one dared touch, because it could control minds, and it did not like being there. (There are about 1000 levels of magic items, plus the staff, and a strange crystal artifact about which she knows nothing else.) She is sure that the staff would fight—it would never just give in.

They report back, and ask Lord Alinar if there is any way to talk to that staff. "Perhaps, but there is no connection. It would be dangerous to have Princess Anastasia engage in psionic matters. If they did detect her…"

They clear the halls and march with the belt buckle (which Lord Alinar suspends in a magic field) to a ballroom prepared for destruction with walls of force from the Archducal Coven. We start setting off fireworks and ringing bells to cover up the expected sound. Lord Alinar takes out a phial that glows brighter than the sun, says a prayer in Eldron, and touches the phial to the belt buckle. The pillars are demolished, the phial is gone, the buckle is gone, but "the Tomua will know what we did. We can hope that it will do something stupid in response, but they rarely do."

Dame Brionna and Lord Alinar then go to a scrying room to try to scry on the spear. He asks Dame Brionna to focus on the spear, picturing each detail, and suddenly her vision zooms in and she’s looking at her spear, hung on a wall of trophies, along with a number of banners of lesser Hanalian houses, a couple other weapons, the mitre of a Paranswarmian bishop… likely foes that the Queen-Empress views as defeated. They are in the throne room, though the Queen-Empress is not. There are a few people gathered around a battle map on the table, with all the lines laid out, their people, the Inquisition, Snatterkazian troops, and Bormark. They also see clear markings of certain troop movements, mostly of their troop movements. Kit and Dame Brionna work together to take a clear map. Even now, having lost tens of thousands of troops, the field armies still loyal to the usurper outnumber Canberry’s army at least 2 to 1. The vollers are also much thinner in the air, but their vollerworks are marked on the map, as are some warship movements. (The Council passes on the information about the vollerworks to Ecsilias.)

“Bormark must fall first. Not only are they the greatest traitors, but their forces are closest to our most valuable assets.” Some of the strategic assets are marked, notably some mines that are imperial mines near Bormark. One of the vollerworks is close to Bormark. There are three total vollerworks, plus the one in the capital that is now unusable. They hope to cut off the link between Bormark’s lines and the Inquisition’s lines.

Dame Brionna is able to reach out to detect evil through the spear. Of the five generals, only one senses as clearly, profoundly evil (the one talking about the horrible things that should be done to the Cov of Bormark). He does not appear to be the high general. A page brings in a note to the general. Dame Brionna tries to read it and sees it is a dispatch reporting civilian casualties in the last twenty-four hours inside the city. He seems dejected by the toll. The generals wrap up and depart, and servants clean the room.

Dame Brionna tries to follow one of the servants with the scrying. This palace is not well staffed compared to what she would expect. She notes seeing several young men in various shades of green who look very young, but wearing house colors and serving as junior officers. They do not seem enthusiastic. Dame Brionna and Kit mark down their coats of arms.

Dame Brionna abruptly sees several of the young men fall into a crouching bow. An incredibly elegant, elven of some type or another, woman sweeps into the scene. Dame Brionna immediately withdraws.

“That was a Noldar,” comments Lord Alinar. “I believe that is Lord Quinliart’s sister. She is a powerful coercer. The feeling that was wrong there… I have not experienced it since the war.”

They share all this intelligence with Princess Anastasia and with the Inquisition, including pointing out the mitre, which they might be able to anchor a scrying.

The specific mines are silver mines. They speculate that they may be trying to mine mithril, which sometimes appears in small quantities near silver veins, and is key to summoning the Chengoth and similar creatures.

Lord Alinar says that he intends to remain until the Tomua has also been located. "The Tomua are more intelligent than most of them—not as powerful as some, but more intelligent, and can be given charge over some of them, as here."

* * *
The Council asks the Body for a report on Quinliart’s sister.
[End Session 128]


Session 129 (May 13, 2021)

Some travel calculations:
Canberry: 079, 210
Enclaves: 125, 56
154 N-S, 46 E-W--- 4020 miles as the voller flies; human vollers at normal speed go about 250 miles/day (flying over night) = 17 days

8 Ke-Ras
They discuss the anticipated arrival of Kit’s family on about the 25th. Alistair also gives Kit a townhouse of her own in the fashionable noble district; she can’t go there currently for security reasons, but it might make her parents more comfortable to stay in her establishment.

Time passes uneventfully.

11 Ke-Ras
Background on Lord Quinliart and his sister arrives to Kit [attached]. It starts 103 years ago, when Quinliart launched an invasion at the Crystal Cities, which failed disastrously. His seneschal, also believed to be his soulbound lover, died in the invasion, and he went into an epic depression. His sister joined him at that time to console him. The Hand (a Shadow elf) spent time with him only when his sister was not present. The Hand corrupted Quinliart to serve the Eldritch, and also reached out to Quinliart’s sister. She was the mother of Drucilla, who died in Caligshire recently. Lord Davion thought that Princess Curinirim killed Quinliart’s sister, but the Council know that she is not dead.

The late Queen-Empress Thyastis had three sons. The eldest led the chivalry in its attack on Seachen. He was presumably killed; otherwise, his fate would have been horrible. Her youngest son, Dragoslav of the Green, is in fosterage in Avery. He is presumably thirteen or fourteen now. “Something bizarre” happened with the middle son. He seemed to lose his mind overnight, a few months before Thyastis’s death. He was courting the Cov of Bormark’s daughter—they were very close, almost scandalously so. But then he just went mad; he started eating grass and rolling on the ground, and was put into a special facility by his mother. He had just returned to the capital, planning on preparing for a wedding with the Cov’s daughter. Thyastis refused to offer any of her sons up in sacrifice in the way that tradition demanded. Some people attributed the insanity (and the middle sister’s death, when they could remember that) to her refusal.

The Duchy of Avery has about 4 field armies, and a few knights, though those are mostly to maintain order through subinfeudation. They have been on the brink of another war with Kalinshire, to either seize territory or to kill off some of their excess soldiery. They conclude that if Princess Anastasia declared one of the kovs who has been loyal to the usurper attainted and gave his kovate to her brother, Avery would be likely to supply him an army to try to “retake” his kovate, and a bunch of would-be stroms and the like as well. The Duke of Avery is a friend of Anastasia’s brother and would support him; his regent, the younger sibling of the ruler of Ulfay, would likely support it as well, partly because he doesn’t actually want a war with Kalinshire.

They invite Princess Anastasia to the palace. She gets quite concerned when Kit brings up Dragoslav, because she knows the usurper's people have been hunting him. The Duke is a good friend to Dragoslav, in Princess Anastasia’s opinion, and the regent is a decent and honorable man.

Dame Brionna suggests granting him the land of the particularly fanatical general, who Princess Anastasia reports became more and more disturbing even before Thyastis’s death. Hanal has always pursued the same approach—slowly conquering neighboring lands and bringing a rough but real peace, displacing banditry and such, and establishing a better life. But Princess Anastasia suggests that when she retakes her country, she may allow some of the conquered free cities to establish their own principalities, shifting away from the militaristic approach. She also thinks that it is likely that the power in Hanal City wishes to sacrifice everyone remaining in the city. She thinks she will have to move the capital. She intends to make her brother the Kov of Zunethal. He was particularly vigorous in gathering up people with any of the old blood to turn over to the capital. The Kov has only two field armies, and may have difficulty calling up more militia.

She plans on flying, but they suggest setting up a psionic connection, using someone from the SHH.

Dame Constance tells them that there’s no one from the SHH in Canberry. The Council suggests that it might be appropriate for the SHH to send a master farsensor to join the ecclesiastical.

* * *

Alistair has a very awkward conversation with Kit about the need to find out more about what’s going on in Gates, and that inviting Princess Mirabelle to visit would be an effective way to do that. Kit eventually regretfully agrees, especially when it’s suggested that they can probably insert a permanent agent into her retinue through this. Kit insists that Alistair talk to Kaitlyn first, which he does—she’s totally cool with it, and especially with the plan of portraying his marriage entirely accurately as a fine political match, with Kaitlyn having entirely different romantic interests. Alistair sends a “Dearest Mirabelle, I’ve missed you so much and wish you to visit” letter to be delivered directly to her hand.


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[Session 129, cont'd]
14 Ke-Ras
Dame Constance visits the Council at breakfast. She was speaking with a prince of Hell who said that many arcane and extraplanar forces are gathering for the upcoming rapid succession of two Ruby Greater Festivals of Mists. They are not his ordinary enemies (meaning demons), but they are amassing at the borders and intend one last chance to emasculate Alistair. She could not get him to clarify what this means, but thought the Council should know.

The Council speculates that this may be an attack on the Lord of Stags and Gunnora’s control over fertility. They plan on reaching out to the Lord of Stags and to Gunnora’s chief midwife.

They also speculate that this may involve the Slaadi. They decide to reach out to the Manumistian temple to suggest that they make a play for the support of the Slaadi. They reach out through the Ecumenical Council. The response “Slaadi! Delightful. The world will ring with the chaos of laughter.”

The Council has a meeting with the chief midwife. She’s concerned, and thinks it could happen if the Ram built more support among the common people. Especially if there are non-demonic children being born, so that men are being seduced by the offer of fertility. She plans on talking to the others of the council, and then having a conversation with Gunnora.

Alistair asks whether Gunnora might be interested in a divine match. Her chief midwife says she might; she is no virgin, and indeed has some of her children with her (while she can never forgive the Eldritch for those of her children who did not escape). She views most of the gods of Aphonion as too stuffy and cerebral for her (the midwife is dismissive of Father Time or even Glordiadel); but she might be interested in an archfey with masculine fertility, ties to the land, and patronage of hunting…

(Gunnora’s surviving children, both basically demigods:
Farnalla -- godlingess of natural plant growth beyond the fields
Dolorro the Protector -- a young virile and apparently strapping centaur, who refuses to wear more than he has to and who forges simple farm implements and protects farmers from dangers such as wolves, tigers, and bandits.)

Alistair goes to talk to the Lord of Stags. He brings another stag as an offering, and the Lord of Stags takes him just off-plane to the eternal revel.

Alistair warns him about our fears of the Lord of the Ram launching an attack. We also talk about the Order of the Stag spreading into the Empire of the North. He says that their problems come from freesia, and that they seem to not be even aware of it… Alistair suggests that he might grant the ability to sense freesia to the members of the Order of the Stag, in addition to virility. He thinks this is a great idea. Alistair also leads him to plan on making a pass at Gunnora.

Alistair is found passed out on the steps of the palace from too much cranberry wine after enjoying the revel thoroughly.

* * *
Princess Mirabelle reacted positively to the letter.
[End Session 129]


Session 130 (May 26, 2021)

15 Ke-ras
Dame Brionna contacts the Council and tells us that the Archimagus Adalwardus of Avery has teleported to the City, asking for a private and discrete meeting. Alistair knows that he is a long-time retainer of the royal family of Avery; known for being more military oriented than most archmages.

Kit checks with both her people and the Ministry of Magic. The Ministry only knows that he is reputed very powerful. Kit’s people are convinced that he is a metallic dragon, not human, though he appears human. He has gone through 7 or so guises over the last 500 years. His priority has already been to protect Avery. There is a suspicion that the Avery royal family has some draconic blood, so the Council thinks he is probably looking after his descendants. He “dies” and reappears with a marginally different name every 200 years—almost precisely. People who suggest that he might not be human in the court of Avery are immediately banished or killed, to protect the secret, though many people seem to have figured it out. He collects ceramic figurines—he has thousands upon thousands.

Dame Brionna arranges to have her sister purchase a ceramic chess set, by a South Kingdoms refugee artisan, who made it in honor of the imperial marriage. Dame Brionna arranges for a townhouse in the city for a meeting with him. She then gets smuggled to the townhouse through under-city tunnels, shepherded by Kit’s people.

The Archmage meets her, in a terrible disguise. He is very pleased by the ceramic chess set, and says that it’s very good that the Emperor has taken the refugees “under his wing… I mean in hand! In hand.”

He tells her that the Duke was very taken by the Princess Anastasia’s suggestion, and that the army will be joined by a small family of silver dragons that are fond of Avery, which should ensure success—especially because human vollers cannot stand up to dragons.

He also tells Dame Brionna about poisons in their giant neighbor to the north. It has also begun to sink into the ground, especially where there is clay. He theorizes that it’s leaching into the water. The land should not be farmed for three human generations, unless it can be purified. He offers his research notes, “which my secretary carelessly wrote in Draconic—I hope you have someone who can translate that?”

They discuss the attack—he is confident it will succeed, and when the new Kov’s forces have retaken his lands, they will continue to keep him safe in Avery until it is safe to return to his lands (particularly once the Princess Anastasia, the rightful Queen-Empress, is restored.)

Dame Brionna also asks whether his predecessors have left any records about problems related to royal houses failing or having only daughters. He says that Avery has had no problems, but “I—rather my predecessors—noticed this problem, particularly when the former royal family of the Utolian City States, which were once a united kingdom, though separate from the Kingdom of the Uto in the isles. When the royal line died out, they fragmented into separate city states. There was also a human kingdom to the west of the Great Steading that collapsed entirely when its royal family died out. With the royal family’s collapse, its alliances with the surrounding creatures and people failed. Now, all that is left of its once great country are the outlines of the buildings of its city when seen in flight.”

“On a voller, of course.”

“Wizards fly on their own sometimes!”

“I fly on the back of a gift from Lord Glordiadel, sometimes.”

“There is nothing quite like flight, is there? But back to the subject at hand. Houses that married into people from the Cities of Life had problems that spread through their descendants.”

“How could your predecessors tell that?”

“Some of the mages of my order can see how humans breed and how their bloodlines work the way a human skilled in animal husbandry might with goats.” Alistair clarifies over the mindlink that silver dragons are notorious for their interests in genetics, especially among humans, generally for beneficent purposes.

The Archmage also asks if the Empire can guarantee Avery’s security.

She suggests talking to the Emperor directly.

They travel to the palace.

The Archmage tells them that he thinks there may be some involvement of the ancient Dissemblers. The Council confirms that this is a plot of the Eldritch and brief him on what we know and how the conspiracy fits together.

He tells us that he has fought some elements of the Order of the Ram in Avery, but had not realized the connection to the Eldritch until the problems in Hanal emerged.

They promise to protect Avery during the current crisis, although beyond that would require a more formal arrangement.

They ask if there are any signs of problems within the imperial children or Alistair.

The children are fine, and very heavily blessed. He places an additional blessing, of a draconic saint of Glordiadel, on the imperial children, and on Kit’s child to be and future children to be. He also tells Alistair that he does carry the taint of the City of Life, but that it is held in abeyance by divine power. It was intended to cause infertility and/or madness, but has caused neither. It could be eliminated altogether, but he would recommend waiting until the war is over. It would take some weeks, and be very painful.

The Council also ask how the energy shield around the Hanalian capital might be brought down. He says it might be done by many energy lances, but that it would be difficult. "The death of the Usurper and Quinliart’s immediate superior would bring it down—it is what is feeding on the deaths of the people of the capital. It is some sort of crowned, supernal being, with the appearance of humanity but no humanity. It is tormented, and gathering energy. Whether it is feeding that power to its master, Arthranax, I do not know. It was not a creature of law or light, but it might be a greater servant of Berta controlled by Arthranax. It is not winning the fight in the outer planes, however." He says that he thinks that Arthranax will only seek now to consume gods of evil. He has all but consumed Anatar (the Noldar godling) who fades by the day.

“Would you like me to send reports through your intelligence services?”

“Yes, please.”

They confirm that he knows that the usurper is an imposter, though the royal family of Avery cannot remember that and is confused by references to it.

Alistair also asks, out of curiosity, how many continents he knows of. He says that he knows of 3, but believes that there are two more that he can’t ever remember details about. Alistair confirms that there is a fourth, but that nobody can remember it except people who have connections to the South Kingdoms royal families. The fifth is news to him. Kit and Dame Brionna find this conversation obscure and baffling. (After a short period of time, Alistair forgets entirely about the fifth continent.)

The Archmage then teleports home, from the teleportation room.

Alistair also asks, out of curiosity, how many continents he knows of. He says that he knows of 3, but believes that there are two more that he can’t ever remember details about. Alistair confirms that there is a fourth, but that nobody can remember it except people who have connections to the South Kingdoms royal families. The fifth is news to him. Kit and Dame Brionna find this conversation obscure and baffling. (After a short period of time, Alistair forgets entirely about the fifth continent.)
I've only known of four. Interesting.


I've only known of four. Interesting.
Yeah, we know approximately nothing about the fifth. I only learned of the 4th recently, after decades of playing in the world--only the three northern hemisphere continents (Drucien, Zest'qua, and Khamista) are common knowledge.

[Session 130, cont'd]
They experiment with the sample of the clay. It can be purified by clerical magic, or by holy water (either Glordiadelian or Gunnoran), but it would take a vast quantity to purify land on a provincial or greater scale. Without purification, plants can grow, but they have a sickness and would cause bad effects on any who ate of them. Ultimately, it would kill them, which makes us very concerned for the Hanalian refugees.

They make a plan for Glordiadelians or Gunnorans to work on purification, through the springs and brook heads, once the land is reconquered and made safe. Some of the Paranswarmians might be able to help, but few of their orders have the right blessings—mostly the Order of the Weeping Woman. A Gunnoran senior midwife suggests trying to bring in ents from Singing Leaves, because they can purify the land by putting down roots in it.

Alistair contacts Princess Curinirim, and salutes her on the great defeat she inflicted on Quinliart’s sister, and that Canberry wishes her well in finishing her destruction in the future.

Princess Curinirim is shocked to learn that she escaped. Alistair confirms that Quinliart’s sister is now in Hanal City. Talking to her chief lady in waiting in the Noldar language, who was the wife of her late husband’s late seneschal (both killed by Quinliart at the same time), she says she must have had some contingency prepared. They discuss her presence in Hanal City. They believe they must deal with her permanently, but that they dare not abandon their current project until after the Greater Festivals of the Moons—the lesser races need their protection.

“Do we still have the casket?” She asks Lady Wilhemina.

“We do.”

“It may be worth using it, despite the risks.” [I believe that this is entirely cryptic to the PCs.]

Time passes to the morning of Ke-Ras 19

Alistair and Kit plan for planting a lady-in-waiting spy in Princess Mirabelle’s retinue. We plan on picking her in advance and setting her up as Princess Mirabelle’s local lady-in-waiting during her visit. She’ll then befriend the Princess and talk about how she has no prospects in Canberry, so when she asks if she can join the Princess’s retinue, it will seem like a personal kindness, rather than us planting her. And then they’ll have a highly placed spy in the court of the Cities of the Gates.
Alistair also begins another Secret Project.
(12 days from now, a werebear comes into town, wearing a sun disk. He is Lord Davion’s recommendation for the imperial children’s bodyguard)
[End Session 130]


Session 131 (June 9, 2021)

Early morning on Ke-Ras 19

Kit is awoken in the wee hours of the morning with an urgent message. [Attached] She nudges Alistair awake and then they walk into the council chamber and send for Dame Brionna.

An elven sloop, of darkest crystal, slipped into Canberry airspace and dropped two elven glidewings which dropped into the countryside about a day’s march southwest of the capital. They call for Lord Silverleaves.

Brionna also receives a message, delivered by a skaven messenger. [Attached]. Benjamin, a second cousin of Dame Brionna, has been kidnapped from where he was with the skaven by a pale skinned and more powerful illithid and a very pale Shadow Elf. The council expects that they intend to embed another demon thing in him, and then send him back to Brionna.

Lord Silverleaves says the ship must be Moriquendarim—only they use dark crystal. He offers to seek the voller. He also says that the glidewings could carry up to 150 pounds each. Historically, they were used to deploy elite troops behind enemy lines. He reaches out and finds the voller, which is crewed primarily by humans, which is unthinkable.

(Realizing that that’s the direction of the Tor, Alistair goes to talk to the fairy godmother of the children to warn the Tor. She notifies them immediately.)

Dame Brionna asks, “Are they voluntary?”

“I can check.” He is shocked. “The humans are completely controlled, no volition of their own, from a far distance. They are like a hive mind. Surely coercion of an extreme variety, but not even our cousins would do such things. The handful of drow are not under control, but have shielded minds. Also, the sloop has stealth protections that make it very hard to notice. It would be almost invisible.”

He then begins searching for the cargos.

The council discusses, and then concludes that they can’t possibly ask Singing Leaves [because of the hazards of elves fighting cadet house drow--it could restart the Kinslaying] but they could ask House Curinirim.

Alistair calls Princess Curinirim’s duty psion through a human farsensor. Alistair flatters them a lot and asks them to help, telling them what Canberry knows. He asks if they can deal with this, and perhaps free the humans. Princess Curinirim’s mechanic assures Alistair that the Princess’s general will launch a man-of-war to intercept. A sloop is faster than a man-of-war, but the angle—and the fact that they don’t appear to expect trouble—may allow them to intercept. He also tells Alistair that Quinliart did not have a sloop.

The council plans for Benjamin to be diverted to a townhouse owned by Dame Brionna so he thinks he’s getting taken in, but can then be treated by a redactor. Dame Brionna doesn’t have a townhouse, so Alistair gives her one.

Then Alistair and Kit go back to sleep.

That morning, Lord Silverleaves reports that he has found the glidewings. Both are of Noldar make, and both have sigils of concealment—they were found more by their absence. They are concealed in the outhouses. The local farmers were knocked unconscious and tied up, and then the elves(?) left some hours ago. One of the glidewings carried goods, at least in part.

Kit sends her people to rescue them and find out what they know.

Dame Brionna talks to the skaven messenger, “Runrunrun,” who traveled for 9 sundowns to deliver the message. They are very angry that Benjamin was taken—he was a fine smith.

Lord Silverleaves then finds Benjamin. “He approaches the city. He is not himself. He is resisting it, in fact, but it compels him onward. It was not embedded well—it is as if they were hurried. He must have come on one of the glidewings, but I think that there must have been another person as well.”

The council checks that knocking him out and then having a redactor remove the demon should work. Lord Silverleaves agrees that it should. He also suggests having a coercer present, so that we may be able to learn from it.

Lord Silverleaves reports that Benjamin has been laced with a thin layer of eldritch material; if it came into contact with orichalcum, there would be a substantial explosion, large enough to kill and destroy several blocks of common housing.

They send the Minister of the Mind, as he is a grandmaster redactor, the best coercer they have, and the Sixth Daughter to take Benjamin by surprise and knock him out.


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[Session 131, cont'd]
Kit reaches out to her people. They freed the farmers and express surprise that they left them alive. The farmers reported that they were sleeping until the cows got startled, and then found two figures—a human and something he described as one of the Tor folk. (Kit assumes that that was what he would have thought an elf was.) He drew a sword, and they knocked him out.

The cows are where they appear to have landed, and are all dead. They appear to have been poisoned—their fur is falling out, tongues swollen, and eyes bulging.

There were human tracks heading towards the city, and smaller tracks heading further southwest. The tracks disappear as he enters a field, but they can still follow it because there’s a trail of dead grain.

The council tells Lord Silverleaves. He is concerned that it may be a redcap, because of the trail of death. A redcap would not become a servant of the Eldritch deliberately, but it could think it was using the Eldritch while in fact being manipulated. It is more destructive than you would expect a normal redcap to be—it must be enhanced somehow.

The council tells the Tor about the redcap that they think is coming towards the Tor.

Lord Silverleaves decides to apport down there, and Kit warns her people first.

He examines the humans—they’re fine. He then examines the straps of the glidewing. They carried perhaps as much as 50 pounds of a death poison.

The council also asks the Tor if there are any water spirits or the like that can protect the water supply. They then position priests at all of the water intakes into the city to detect poison.

Lord Silverleaves pursues the redcap—he’s not worried about taking on a redcap.

An hour and a half later, he reports that the redcap dumped the poison into the headwaters of the water supply for the city, intended to slowly seep into the city water supply. Lord Silverleaves telekinetically moved it out. He also reports that the whole operation seems hurried. He wonders "if the connection to the Eldritch might be affecting the enemies’ minds. Alternately, Arthranax may have manifested enough of the Eldritch power here that it is making plans directly, without having the level of knowledge to make the plans better. The Eldritch were always arrogant, always." He also asks for a hundred troops to help him flush the redcap out of hiding, which the council sends.

This is the western aqueduct that supplies the lower city that has been poisoned; the poison will reach the city in about three days. They plan to close all the wells and pumps in two days’ time, announced in one days’ time so people have time to fill barrels, jugs, etc.

Benjamin arrives that afternoon, asks to be taken to Dame Brionna, and gets directed to Dame Brionna’s shiny new townhouse. When he arrives, the Sixth Daughter immediately knocks him unconscious, with no difficulty.

The Minister of the Mind ejects the creature from him easily, and the coercer captures it.

<<What was your mission?>>

<<First, to transfer himself to the Dame in her moment of weakness, and then to kill the body of the host that brought him, and then to use the Dame’s ability to enter into the Emperor’s presence and find a way to contact orichalcum and detonate it.>>

<<I can do 5 more.>>

The council discusses.

<<Who sent you?>>

<<The brother of the Avatar sent me. He has been driven from his position. Others come to claim it from far away. He has thrown his lot with his brother, and seeks to curry favor by destroying you.>>

<<What is the urgency that causes you to hurry?>>

<<The weakness in the Dame will pass. The Red Moons which weaken the powers of order will pass. Only now might it be possible to bring low the defense of the land.>>

<<Were there other plans besides this being’s plot and poisoning the water supply?>>

<<Weakening the Tor so they cannot provide support like they have in the past. When this window is past, both they and he will be secure.>>

<<Do they plan to strike at or through Dame Katherine of Lyneham’s family?>>

<<They are common. He is an emperor. Surely, they could not affect him.>>

<<Who are the brother of the Avatar’s close allies and minions?>>

<<He has few close allies now. Most left him when he left the House. Many of his drow deserted him as well. He slew the Priest of Death assigned to him, and his Seneschal tried to strike him down. He has 4 dozen drow, and a half-dozen Shadowelves. His wife fled in a yacht across the sea. Even the humans resist us! Better they should have sent her loved one, her male, and yet he resists our entry. Two of our brethren were obliterated trying to make an entry to him. And even this one resists. And the elves! I do not know how we brought any of them along…>>

Then they need to destroy the demon before it escapes.

The Council discusses the matter of Sir Denro, Dame Brionna's fiance. They know Dame Brionna’s fiancé is on the eldritch island. They start planning an assault on the island, likely timed for the Greater Festival of Moons in two months. They sent a group of 10th and 11th level characters before.

Kit’s people salvage the flying wings.

Alistair talks with Kit about staging three additional field armies to Lyneham, to prepare to defend either Ecsilias or Avery. This requires moving a huge amount of food. Also, Kit suggests having her new force of were-soldiers train with the troops. The hope is to march two through the Cities of the Gates, and use the other to practice a combat airlift by voller. They expect this to take several weeks to really get going.

Princess Mirabelle sends a message saying that she would be delighted to come to visit and has sent an advance team to set up appropriate quarters, but that she can’t travel until after the coming Greater Festivals of Mists. They immediately insert Kit’s agent as a local lady-in-waiting to make herself indispensable. She reports quickly that the ladies-in-waiting in the advance team are simpering airheads, so making herself indispensable will be quite easy.

The skaven messenger also buys a brooch in the marketplace. Dame Brionna gives him a sending stone to give to his leader. He mentions that the brooch is for his sister, who is piebald (and thus a mage). Dame Brionna also gives a bag of common spell components as a gift for his sister, and invites her to come to study at the great school of magic that they are establishing.

The next two days pass uneventfully.
[End Session 131]

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