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Anyone working on a Book of Fey(Faerie)?

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First Post
A "Guide to the Fair Folk" is one of many d20 projects I'd like to pursue. We'll see when/where/if it happens - there are a couple options I'm considering in that regard.


I'm going to bump his because I'd like to see what others have to say about the fey.

Personally I sort of liked the general idea presented in the Planescape setting. For those not familiar with it I'll outline it here:

The Seelie Court is ruled by Oberon and Titania. The court travels around the planes of Arborea, Ysgard and the Beastlands. I always got the idea that one day it might be in one place and the next it might randomly appear elsewhere.
The information given in the Planes of Chaos and the Planes of Conflict boxed sets were sort of vague but I liked to think that the Seelie court was linked in some way to the Eladrin and perhaps Oberon and Titania were powerful Tulani.
The inhabitants of the court were made up of the various fae races, satyrs, nymphs, fairies and the like.

The Unseelie Court is ruled by the Queen of Air and Darkness. No information beyond her name was ever given, at least in Planescape. I always thought of her as a Demon Prince or perhaps a fallen Tulani, which would amount to the same thing I suppose. Her court appears in the plane of Pandemonium and does not move around like the Seelie court. In fact it seem a lot like a Realm and that might indicate that the Queen of Air and Darkness is actually a deity.
The members of the court include the various evil fairy races as well as goblins and the like.

This is how Planescape presented the fae. I always enjoyed this view of things, however with the release of the MotP and the Fairy Realm description I've been itching to include it in my games. So I'd like to see other peoples take on the Seelie and Unseelie courts in their games.

I'd never actually read any of the old Planescape stuff (I didn't have disposable income until last year), so most of my knowledge of the fey is based on study from real-world mythology.

You should also understand that if a fey product does come out in the D20 system, they would probably be unable to reference D&D cosmology directly, so you might have the Seelie and Unseelie courts, but they'd be . . . 'somewhere,' not necessarily Arborea or Ysgard.

Oh, and of course, if anyone here has the desire to do such a project themselves, please email me. Natural 20 Press is always looking for proposals of possible products the community members want to make (and that the fans want to buy).

Dark Psion

First Post
Which Planescape book was that in? I've been considering filling in the gaps in my planescape library with the downloads at WOC store.


Dark Psion said:
Which Planescape book was that in? I've been considering filling in the gaps in my planescape library with the downloads at WOC store.

The Planes of Chaos and the Planes of Conflict had that information.


First Post
I pitched a bunch of sidhe creatures to Atlas Games for their upcoming bestiary. Don't know if they'll use them, but I certainly think the lack of fey-folk in D&D is appalling.


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Homebrew world...

Hey Gang,

I'm currently working on a player's guide to my own home world (Braxus) , which is directly connected to the Plane of Faerie (as well as the Astral, Ethereal, & Shadow). I hope to 'have it up & running' (ie web site w/ PDF's etc.) this summer if my teaching load doesn't overwhelm me this semester. Glad to see/hear others who prefer a more Fae-Haunted land for their tales of intrigue & adventure. I hope everyone will check it out when I get it up & running.


First Post
Currently, I am finishing the art of a second and beginning a third book of a four book set on Faeries and the Realm of Fey for a small company. The book looks tentatively to be reminiscent of the 'S. Peterson's' Guides for the Call of Cthulhu game. Sort of a cross gamebook/artbook. I believe the first two books are going to the printers by the first of April for a late May/June release.


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