Anyone else STILL having these problems?


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Jeajea said:
I use Firefox and I've never had this problem. Odd to hear about it. I do have a different problem though, which I *think* is not just mine - I get booted from the chats, a lot. I mean, a lot a lot. Is this a known issue?
I've found that Firefox and Flash don't interact well on certain Windows systems. I've found that the bootings are reduced for me when using IE (every hour instead of every 20 minutes, and that specific case was when there were roughly 40 users logged in).

Firefox and HTML = Fun.
Firefox and Flash = Not so fun.

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First Post
Interesting it is, that I use Firefox, and it only boots me if I don't use chat for a long time. otherwise it keeps working.. may boot me once every three hours, maybe?


First Post
Using it, I sometimes get booted every... ooh... twenty seconds. No jokes. Average is probably three to four times per hour though.


First Post
Jeajea said:
Good to know. Thanks, Thar. I guess I'll use IE for ISRP chat and Firefox for the boards... oddness.
That's actually one of the smaller Firefox/Flash interaction issues I've discovered. On my computer, it also has the tendancy of draining system resources to zero when running certain complex Flash objects (FlashChat being one of them, the web-game Dragonfable being another), which is visually displayed by altering the font face of all text (including that of the browser itself) to bold-face System font. Once that happens, it requires restarting the browser to undo... and if it triggers with another program open (say, MSN), the effects can spread into those windows as well (disrupting backgrounds, whiting-out text, causing display pictures to appear as television-esque static, etc...).

Nasty glitch. And it was happening to me simply for moving from the Lounge to the Tavern. If that continues long enough, it has somehow managed to cause Explorer to error out... from Firefox, with the only Explorer program open being MSN Messenger itself.

This is another problem that I've learned doesn't follow over to Internet Explorer due to hunting around the website of the other Flash object that caused the same issue. From what I gather, Flash programming languages are just more stable in IE, or more optimized, or something. I'm no programmer, but it seems to hold true in my experience.


Foppish Technocrat
Actually it varies greatly from computer to computer, due to the brilliance and over complexity of the operating system we know as Windows. Some Flash programs work fine in IE but nothing else, others work fine in IE only, others work fine provided you don't have one particular plugin, etc. Unfortunately on mine they both run fine and I rarely experience any of the time outs mentioned by other users so it's hard for me to try to narrow down what could be causing them.

When I get the time I'm looking to install the most recent version of FlashChat (it'll need customising) and see if that fixes any of the bugs, but for now all I can recommend is experiment with IE and FireFox to see which works best for you.

Jaka Blader

First Post

My main problem is no matter whether I use Firefox or IE I get a message pop up that says about a script having an error or something of the equivalent and I have the option of stopping the script or not stopping it. I will randomly get those messages popping up every second thus booting me out.


First Post
Jaka Blader said:
My main problem is no matter whether I use Firefox or IE I get a message pop up that says about a script having an error or something of the equivalent and I have the option of stopping the script or not stopping it. I will randomly get those messages popping up every second thus booting me out.

Oh you mean the 'Internet Explorer has encountered an error in your macromedia script and will now close. Abort the script?' one?

...and even if you click no, it still dies anyway?

I HATE that....


First Post
Bhryn said:
Oh you mean the 'Internet Explorer has encountered an error in your macromedia script and will now close. Abort the script?' one?

...and even if you click no, it still dies anyway?

I HATE that....

Me too! 10% of the time it doesn't work for me and kicks me off anyways. This tends to happen when I've been on the chat for a long time and click outside anywhere of the chat box where you type in text or where you select rooms on the right. It's rather annoying.


First Post
I really don't run into these issues a lot. In fact, hardly at all. But then I suspect people who play for extended periods of time do.

I can't say for sure but I think flash has a memory leak of some kind. Which might be the cause. I do know that usually the longer I'm on the laggier it gets. *shrug*

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