And the Uppity Shoeshine... (DM:twilsemail; Judge: renau1g)

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First Post
GM: Finishing up the bad guys' turn. Toeto snuck into their initiative.


@Dekana , feel free to spend an AP if you'd like to add an action. Lizardfolk are sneaky like that.

Two other bell ringers, out of sight of the party until this point, begin tolling their bells. The first calls Eithal out of the party, she stumbles into the cesspool where the beast lunges at her. It is caught and pulled to pieces by Yishim's shadowy tentacles.

The send pulls Yishim forward where it and the Otyugh can reach it. Its claws rake yishim's side just as the Otyugh realized it has been brought upon a whole new helping of snacks. In a feeding frenzy, the Otyugh lashes out at Yishim and begins devouring him.

[sblock=Enemy Actions]
Blue Bell S:
Minor: Attack vs. Eithal's Will; Hit: Eithal is slid to H10
Standard:Charge Eithal; hit, deal 7 damage. Charge into zone, die in tentacle-y pain.

Blue Bell N:
Move: F8
Minor: Attack vs. Yishim's Will; Hit: Yishim is slid to F7
Standard: Claw Yishim; Hit, Yishim takes 7 damage

Standard: Attack vs. Yishim's AC; Hit for 16 damage and ongoing 5 Necrotic (save ends), Yishim is grabbed by the Otyugh. ( @Xeterog , triggers Fred's Mind Spike)
Minor: Attack's Yishim's Fortitude; Hit: Yishim takes 10 Necrotic damage. Otyugh regains 5 HP.
AP: Standard: Bite Yishim; 24 damage, Ongoing 5 necrotic (save ends),

[sblock=combat status]
Toeto: 53/53
Eithal: 70/78
Kaz: 58/58
Yishim: -16/41, grabbed, Ongoing 5 Necrotic, bitten, dying
Fredrock: 64/64
Scarm: 49/49

Lumpy Otyugh: -83; Down 2 AC, marked by Fred, Immobilized
Bell Ringer Boss: -54; Down 2 AC, Immobilized
Green Guy: -9

[sblock=Enemy stats]
AC 25 | F 25 | R 19 | W 22
MBA: Reach 3, +15 vs AC, 1d8+8 Necrotic and ongoing 5 Psychic damage (Save Ends). The Otyugh pulls the target up to 2 squares and grabs it (escape DC: TBA)
Aura 1: Living enemies take a -2 penalty to attack rolls while within the aura

Bell Ringer Boss:
AC 22 | F 19 | R 20 | W 21
MBA: Claw, +13 vs AC, 2d6+5 damage and ongoing 5 damage (save ends).

Green Guy:
AC 24 | F 21 | R 20 | W 19
MBA: Claw, +13 vs AC, 2d8+7 damage.[/sblock]

[sblock=Eithal, Yishim] When pulled out of the corridor, you can both see the floating remains of what appears to be a human male, floating in the muck in G15/H16[/sblock]
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"Dakama - please save Yishim from this aberration!" It is one of the first times that Toeto has openly prayed to the wild one, and her plea does not go unanswered. Yishim regains consciousness as he is infused with a surge of regenerative power. However, his position - being grabbed by the hungry Otyugh - is not much improved.

OOC: Yishim regains surge + 14 hp. He should be conscious at 24 hp, though still prone and grabbed.
Also, the Savage Lands name for Dayna sounds remarkably similar to "Dekana." A coincidence, but I like it, heh.
[sblock=Stat block/Actions]Actions
AP-Minor: Healing Word on Yishim, for surge + 14. (2d6+6=14).

PC:Toeto (Dekana) - L4W Wiki - Female Lizardfolk Shaman 6
Initiative +5, Senses: Insight +7, Perception +12; low-light vision
HP 53/53; Bloodied 26, Surge Value 13, Surges 10/10
AC 22; Fortitude 18, Reflex 16, Will 19
Speed 5
Action Points 0


Spirit's Shield, OA through Sprout: +9 vs Ref, 4 damage, effect: one ally within 5 squares of the SC gains 7 hp (10 if adjacent to the SC).
Call Spirit Companion, Imposter's Finemail, Protecting Strike, Voice of Battle
Certain Threat, Healing Spirit x2, Lizardfolk Recovery, Speak with Spirits, Spring Renewal Strike, Sudden Restoration
Healing Word, Hungry Spirits Totem, Protective Roots, Spirit of the Healing Flood, Wind of Pain and Succor

Any ally adjacent to Toeto's spirit companion regains +3 additional hit points when he or she uses second wind or when Toeto uses a healing power on him or her.
Boon: When Toeto summons Sprout, enemies adjacent to her take 1 radiant damage and allies adjacent to Sprout gain 1 THP.

[sblock=Spirit Companion notes]The spirit companion is treated as a conjuration with some exceptions.
  • It occupies 1 square like an ally does.
  • It is only affected by melee or ranged attacks (not close/area attacks or zones).
  • It is dispersed if it takes 13 or more damage from a single blow, and Toeto takes 8 damage. It is otherwise unaffected by attacks. It uses Toeto's defenses.
  • It cannot be flanked and it does not grant flanking.
  • The companion can move 5 squares whenever Toeto takes a move action. It is not affected by difficult terrain.
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OOC: just a quick note now. will do turn later today (much later)..Mind spike will do 16 damage (if it isn't already applied)..think this is the 2nd time Mind spike has triggered for me ever :) I'm not sure it mattered, but did the Otyugh take a -2 attack from the mark as well?

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
OOC: Yishim's Deathwalker boon gives him resist 5(or is it 10?) against any attack that would drop him below 0. Probably doesn't matter, but it is there.


First Post
OOC: I vaguely recall Fred's getting a mind spike during that horrible Beyong the Rerisen Tower fight where we almost all got killed by the invisible undead things and then the minions all killed themselves with bad rolls. Could be wrong though.

I also think I remember a fight where an enemy forced Scarmiglione to attack Eithal. Poetic justice!

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
the minions all killed themselves with bad rolls.

OOC: That was when they had the power to destroy themselves to grant an elite a Rerise reroll, which it failed 8 times in a row with a +2 bonus.

Mindspike did trigger one time in the two adventures, but I don't remember when.


Eithal strikes one of the foul things standing next to her, "Tayke thayat yew bayastad!" The foul language, unfortunately, seems to catch the attention of the other creatures in the chamber. As they surround her, Eithal lets loose with a mighty blow of her axe, which manages only to nick one of her attackers.

The goliath proffers a sheepish grin as her enemies close about her. Fearing the worst, she braces for what is likely the end,

Standard: Grasping Winds
Target: Whichever adjacent enemy has the lowest AC. Can't tell who's blue, green, or ringing a bell. Please include coordinates of bad guys.
Attack: 1d20+13=30 vs. AC for 1d12+7=13 damage and EVERYBODY gets pulled toward Eithal...:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:!

Lemme see here...
Otyugh moves to G8-H9
Creature at F8 moves to G10
Creature at I7 moves to I9

Courage of the Lone Stag: +2 to damage UEONT

Minor: Stone's Endurance (DR 5)
Guard of Stone: Enemies -4 to attack if not attacking Eithal

Form of the Relentless Panther
+2 Ref, +1 att vs. marked, and can shift 2 squares UEOE

AP: Burst of Earth's Fury
Target 1: G10
Attack 1: 1d20+13+1(FOTRP)=27
Target 2: Otyugh
Attack 2: 1d20+13+1(FOTRP)=21
Target 3: I9
Attack 3: 1d20+13+1(FOTRP)=19
Target 4: I10
Attack 4: 1d20+13+1(FOTRP)=19
Target 5: I11
Attack 5: 1d20+13+1(FOTRP)=16
Damage: 1d12+7+2(COTLS)=15

What a downer! Somebody let me roll this again! Anybody granting CA that I don't know about? Please!?
[/sblock][sblock=Eithal's Ministats]Eithal Lemindt Arehei Female Goliath Warden Level 7
Initiative: +3
Speed 6
Passive Perception: 18; Passive Insight: 13; Senses: Normal
Powerful Athlete: Roll twice for Jump/Climb Athletics checks
AC: 21; Fort: 21; Reflex: 15; Will: 17
HP: 70/78
Surge Value: 19; Surges left: 10/13
Action Points:0

At Will Powers:
:melee: Strength of Stone link
:melee: Thorn Strike link
:melee:Warden's Fury link
Warden's Grasp link

Encounter Powers:
:melee: Grasping Winds link 1d20+13 vs AC
Hit: 1d12+7 and Eithal pulls each enemy within 3 squares of her 2 squares.

:melee: Relentless Panther Attack link 1d20+13 vs Reflex
Hit: 2d12+7 damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends)

Half damage, and ongoing 2 damage (save ends).

Effect: Before the attack, Eithal shifts her speed

:close: Burst of Earth's Fury link 1d20+13 vs. AC
Hit: 1d12+7 damage, and the target cannot shift until the end of your next turn.

Mountain Hammer link 1d20+13 vs AC
Hit: 2d12+7 damage and the target takes a -5(Earthstrength) penalty to melee attack rolls until the end of Eithal's next turn

tone's Endurance link
Effect: Eithal gains resist 5 to all damage until the end of her next turn

Warden's Tempest link
Effect: Eithal Slides the target 1 square

Second Wind

Daily Powers:
Form of the Relentless Panther link
+2 bonus to Reflex and a +1 bonus to attack rolls against enemies marked by Eithal.

In addition, she can shift 2 squares as a move action.

Special: Once during this encounter, Eithal can use the Form of the Relentless Panther Attack power while she is in the form of the Relentless Panther.

Storm Strike link 1d20+13 vs. AC
Hit: 1d12+7 Lightning damage and Eithal slides the target 3 squares

Half damage and Eithal slides the target 1 square

Bear's Endurance link
Trigger: Eithal drops to 0 hitpoints or fewer

Eithal regains hitpoints as if she has spent a healing surge

Sudden Roots: Whenever Eithal hits an enemy with an Opportunity Attack, that enemy is slowed until the end of its next turn.

Crushing Earthstrength: When Eithal uses her second wind, she gains a +4 bonus to her weapon damage rolls until the end of her next turn.

Guard of Stone: While Eithal is under the effect of her stone’s endurance racial power, each enemy marked by Eithal takes an additional penalty to attack rolls for attacks that don’t include Eithal as a target. The penalty equals her Constitution modifier and lasts until the end of her next turn.

Courage of the Lone Stag: When you mark three or more enemies with Nature’s Wrath, you gain a +2 bonus to weapon damage rolls against creatures you mark until the start of your next turn. This bonus increases to +3 at 11th level, and to +4 at 21st level.[/sblock]
OOC: Summary:

  • Either I10 or I11 take 13 damage
  • G10 takes 15 damage
  • Eithal has effectively 17 reflex UEOE
  • Eithal has +1 to attack vs. Marked targets UEOE
  • Eithal can shift 2 squars per move UEOE
  • Eithal has DR 5 UEONT
  • Marked enemies have -4 to attack UEONT if the attack does not include Eithal
  • Eithal has +2 damage vs. Marked targets USONT
  • Eithal braces for what is likely to be her grand demise.

Please hack away at the otyugh while Eithal's mark lasts. If you can kill it, Eithal might live to see the next round :/.
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First Post
OOC: I'll keep Kaz's turn the same if that is OK

[MENTION=84369]Xeterog[/MENTION] If it makes you feel any better, Kaz only had triggered his pursuit damage striker ability 2-3 times :p

[MENTION=79440]H.M.Gimlord[/MENTION] You can take a second roll against the Otyugh if you want with Kaz's ability.

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