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Adventure: The stolen staff (DM: Someone. Judge: Luinnar)

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Seeing those responsible for the attack on the manor, Vyrna and Ryan both tense, readying themselves for the onslaught of orcs they see before them. One of the orcs in the front of the horde drop dead from a magical bolt coming from behind them. Knowing this would rile the others, Ryan moves toward the bridge, just behind Shun, preparing for the orc's advance. Vyrna slips in between the two, ready to enact the "justice" the manor's lord hired them for.

[sblock=Initiative Rolls and Surprise Round Actions]
Vyrna rolled a 19 initiative and Ryan rolled a 9. Rolls can be seen HERE.

Move: Vyrna moves to J8.

Move: Ryan moves to K8.

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GM: A little mistake last round. There were 9 minions in the last picture, and they were supposed to be 10. The problem was precisely that two of them were in the exact same spot ( I didn’t move it when I duplicated the layer)

The surprise doesn't last long. They react almost immediately to your advance and ready their weapons.

GM: Vyrna can act, then the orcs, then all of you.
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Vyrna moves to the water's edge, careful not to step on the river's slippery embankment. With as icy and cold as those waters were, even she, with her undead form, did not want to get caught in that rushing water. She did however wish to share this experience with her warm-bodied foe.

Staring across the water at the horde of orcs before her, she waited until she caught one of their eyes. And then it was too late...for him anyway.

"It's so lonely over here on this side of the water. Won't you come join me?"

The orc before her nods stupidly and takes a few steps forward. When the orcish grunt first steps into the freezing waters, he shakes his head a moment and it almost looks as though he would snap out of his hypnotic trance.

"Come to me. NOW!" Vyrna yells this at the orc across the water, pushing her will into the dark beckoning.

The orc stares at Vyrna for a moment and then plunges into the waters, his mind wasted from the vampire's psychic aggression, and sinks into the water's depths.

Move: Vyrna moves to L10

Standard: Vyrna uses Dark Beckoning against Orc Troop (G14), rolling 14 vs Will, which kills the minion and drags its body to the river at J12.

[sblock=Vyrna's Stats] Vyrna - Revenant (Halfling) Vampire 1
Passive Perception 10, Passive Insight 10
AC 18, Fort 11, Reflex 15, Will 15
HP 22/22, Bloodied 11, Surge Value 5, Surges 2/2
Speed 6, Initiative +5
Action Points: 1, Second Wind
At-Will Powers: Vampire Slam, Dark Beckoning, Taste of Life
Encounter Powers: Blood Drinker, Dark Reaping, Takedown Strike
Daily Powers: Swarm of Shadows
Item Powers: Armor Repulsion
Utility Powers: none


Vyrna lures one of the orcs with her hypnotic gaze as they advance grunting and shouting. Oblivious to anything else, the orc stumbles into the river and is swept away, not even realizing he’s in the water.

The rest of them pelt you with knives and vials of foul compounds as the staff-wielding orc rallies them into a frenzy. One of these flasks break at Ryan’s feet and cover half the group on sticky, caustic glue. Ryan dodges the other flask, which breaks when it hits the cavern’s floor and corrodes the rock.

GM: It’s your turn now

Orc troops move to attack, but only one of them can attack Shun in melee. The others resort to ranged attacks, dividing their attacks between Sun and Vyrna (since Ryan has cover being behind Shun). The orc in melee with Sun hits, gaining a +2 bonus to damage from the staff-wielding orc’s aura.
The orc alchemists use acid jar and caustic glue. Acid jar fails to his Ryan, but the glue’s ranged burst centered on him hit everyone in the area, dealing 5 damage and Slowing Shun, Vyrna and Ryan (save ends)
The leader seems to be trying to use the staff to do some magic, but it doesn’t quite work.

Ryan: 26/31, Slowed (save ends)
Lily 27/30,
Eva 22/24,
Shun 19/35, Slowed (save ends)
Vyrna 17/22, Slowed (save ends)

Leading orc: 92/92
AC: 19 Fort:16 Ref:15 Will:16 MBA: +8 VS AC, 2d6+4 damage and target is Marked.
Orc alchemists:
AC: 16 Fort:14 Ref:15 Will:14 MBA: +7 VS AC, 2d4+4 damage
Orc troop: Minions
AC: 14 Fort:14 Ref:14 Will:14 MBA: +7 VS AC, 6 damage
The river and it’s edges look slippery and treacherous. You will be Slower for sure if you try to cross it not using the bridge, and who knows what else[/sblock]

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OOC: Shun could attack the orc in front, but if the strikers have ranged or area attacks, they might want to go first and clear the field a bit. I'll wait for you all to go first and I'll plan on going last with Ryan


OOC: Field-clearing incoming!

"You're throwing glue?" Eva asks the orcs, like she can't believe they're serious. "Alright, I know this game!"

Eva holds one palm up to the air, and inside it appears a ball of black fire. She winds up with the pitch and tosses the blazing sphere underhanded at one of the orcs across the river. Luckily for him, he spots it coming and ducks to the ground in time to shield himself. Unluckily for every orc next to him, the ball explodes in the air in a flash of necrotic energy. They all drop to the ground, their souls charred more than their bodies.

After that, the elf dashes behind one of the boxes at the south end of the room and tries to hide herself behind it.

[sblock=Eva actions / stats]Standard: Darkening Flame vs Orc troop (G12) misses Reflex 10... but it has an effect line of 5 fire damage to adjacent creatures. Orc minions at F11, G13, H11, and H12 all die. (1d20+6=10)

Move: walk to M5. It looks like there's a box next to that spot, so I'll try to take cover behind it.

PC:Eva (Dekana) - L4W Wiki- Female Elf Mage 1
Passive Perception: 17, Passive Insight: 10
AC:15, Fort:12, Reflex:15, Will:13 -- Speed:7
HP:22/24, Bloodied:12, Surge Value:6, Surges left:4/8
Initiative +1
Action Points: 1

Disrupt Undead, Ghost Sound, Phantasmal Assault, Restless Dead, Magic Missile
Color Orb, Darkening Flame, Elven Accuracy, Second Wind, Spook
Spirit Rend
Darkening Flame, Ray of Enfeeblement
Spirit Rend, Summon Dretch[/sblock][/sblock]
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First Post
Lilli continues to move to get a better view; seeing the Orc with the staff at the back as a potential troublemaker, Lilli raises her clear crystal sphere to her eye and captures his image in it for later.

The jumble of Orcs before her is a tempting target though, so she summons the shadowy tendrils that did so much damage from before in the midst of them. They seemingly start to rip into some of the terrified orcs as the flames from Dekana's spell mix in with Lilli's magic and cause carnage.

[sblock=actions]Move action: moves to N8.

Grasping Shadows (Encounter Standard Area burst 1 within 10 squares Arcane, Illusion, Implement, Psychic)
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: +7 vs. Will
Hit: 1d8+6 Psychic damage and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Effect: Shadows writhe in the designated area and continue until the end of your next turn. Any creature that enters the area of the grasping shadows takes psychic damage equal to your Intelligence modifier (+5) and is slowed until the end of its next turn.

Standard Action: Targetted and centred at square H13, Grasping Shadows.

Starting with the Orc Alchemist in square H14 and moving clockwise:

Potential damage: 8.

To hit Orc Alchemist H14: 16
To hit Orc I14: 12
To hit Orc I13: 15
To hit Orc H12: 8
To hit Orc G12: 15
To hit Orc G13: 19

Roll Lookup

Minor Action: Orb of Far Seeing +1
Power (Encounter): Minor Action. Choose a target within 10 squares of you. Until the end of the encounter, this target is considered half as far away for the purpose of ranged attacks made with this orb.

Designate the nasty Orc in F16 as a the target with the above ability.
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OOC: Wow... that's a lot of death carnage and AoE awesome! [MENTION=5656]Someone[/MENTION], is there a chance we could get a mid-round map update to see who all is alive and where those AoE effects are (if they remained in any form that is)?

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