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[Adventure] Madness at Gardmore Abbey


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[sblock=ooc]Is poor Papolstaanas never going to live down that ex-ghost thing?

Interestingly, the one adventure that Papolstaanas has been in that ran to completion--he has a history of being in adventures that petered out :\--was about Magari culture, and involved finding a cure for a lich's mid-life (mid-death?) crisis, so he's actually unusually tolerant of undead.[/sblock]

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Son of Meepo

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Mayor Brunt looks over the animated group of motley adventurers, silently wondering to himself if there isn't some other way to get this card to its destination.

He sighs quietly and then clears his throat.

"Yes, well then," Mayor Brunt says as he parcels out 50 gp to each PC. "Lady Oakley's manor is northwest of here. Just off the road it is cradled between the hills that stand at the edge of the cliffs. Her family has been here since Daunton was naught but a small fishing village, but they've mostly kept to themselves rather than become involved in the greater politics of the isle." If you have swift mounts, it should take you the better part of an afternoon to reach the hills, but without them you may risk camping in the midst of orc territory. If there is nothing else I can do for you, then you can be on your way. I wish you good fortune and good weather on your journey."

OOC: Yeah, I'm thrilled to be with summoned shadow and PC vampire after Vermitrax...my background will need changing...Neurotics character also has necromantic background :devil: , he made a show of it last time he entered the tavern :)


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"I don't like riding, horses tend to spook easily and if I cannot hear what spooked them I have to rely on their instincts which is not something I enjoy. I'd rather ride a predator. Don't worry, camping in the orcs territory just means few orcs less to bother Dauntons surroundsngs.

You there, boy...erm...Drew and Paapolstanes, please make enough sound when you fight close so you don't get accidentally burned.

Also, if you see lash of fire circling me, push as many enemies as you can around me. The more they move around, more they burn."

OOC: I have necromantic background, but those got banned, the story calls for "freedom" of undead - by true death.


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Merri subtly orients herself in the direction indicated.

"Well, I've probably walked past there at some point. I don't have a horse, but I can likely find us some short cuts to save us time. You know, if that is okay with everyone."

[sblock=Explorer Theme Benefits]
Theme: Explorer:
Level 1 Benefit: Merri always can find north, +5 to skill checks to avoid becoming lost, find a specific location or spot a landmark, Surefooted Stride Encounter power.

Level 5 Benefit:Gain +2 to endurance. Travel speed for group becomes slowest member's speed +1. Group gains a +2 to endurance while traveling.


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Papolstaanas opens his mouth to say that he never really learned to ride, but it seems that his companions' distaste for horses has saved him the trouble, so he closes it again.


"Hello everyone. My name is Drew Lucan. I could use some fun for a change. My last two adventures included undead and while it's good to have them destroyed, I had my fill of filthy necromancers for a while."

Eva rolls her eyes but otherwise remains silent about Drew's comments. Hopefully he won't freak when Eva uses her magic.

"Riding is fun, but it hurts my butt after awhile" Eva says a little crudely. "A walk would be lovely."

[sblock=History]I'll try a history check to see if I know anything about the local orcs.

History 14. (1d20+8=14)[/sblock]

"Forgive me, old one, but how can you hit anything with any precision in such state? I've seen masters fight blindly hand-on-hand, it relies as much on feeling and intuition as on hearing. I've even seen some feats of archery by blinded masters, but all those were either in controlled circumstances or take some time. I realize you're used to blindness, but still...you don't seem the type of the sorcerer that joins first ranks in a figth"


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"You cannot know the difference, the adaptation required if you aren't blind. Binding your eyes few minutes or even few hours a day for limited period and focusing only on combat will get you only so far.

Take a pebble and throw it somewhere."

The staff makes small circle around the sorcerer and somehow he finds a rock on the ground. He pushes it toward the monk.
As the boy throws it, the elf turns in general direction of the throw and raises his staff, waiting.

At the first sound of impact, area around the stone disappears in a blinding flash as small shooting star streaks down on the location.

"See, that's why I need a sound...only problem is, you have to make enough sound for me to distinguish you from other combatants. Good luck with that."
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