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(Adventure) M1: Goblin Ears and the MTG (dpdx judging) COMPLETED


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"Aside from being stabbed to near death, locked up, put in a bag, thrown out of a window, and listen to that tramp, no I didn't. So can't help ya out there Nurlan" says Irene, still a bit ticked off.

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Moving along

I'm still awaiting Irene's reply as to whether she would like a wagon, or will just ride behind one of the others. I'm going to assume she will concur with the others' plan, in any case, to keep things moving. Charlyn's heal spells cured 5 points for Telebryn (bringing him to 4), and 2 to Irene, bringing her to 2 hps

The company exits the city. There seems little security regulating those leaving the city, and they happily pass Grindell on the way out, as he harrasses others trying to enter.

It is a relief to ride freely across the fertile farmland. Glancing over their shoulders, the party sees the massive boulder around and on top of which Monemvassia sits, jutting out into the sea. The land here is rich, with waving fiels of wheat, groves of orange and olive trees, prosperous little farms and well-kept mills.

After a few hours of riding, they reach the trail leading north. It is barely visible, and if it weren't for an old stone sign post, they might have missed it entirely. After about an hour of tough riding, however, the road becomes much more clear, with numerous signs of passage, such as wheel marks, dung and tracks. The lack of wilderness lore, however, prevents the party from ascertaining any more detail.

The road winds up into the hills, often becoming quite narrow, with a steep slope going up and down from the trail. After riding about another hour, the party comes to the site of what seems to have been an avalanch. The trail has been wiped out for some 50 feet, and is covered by loose rock, skree, mud, and debris. It looks like it might be treacherous to cross, yet the steep, wooded hills look somewhat daunting to venture into as well.


LEW Judge
"Well, should we continue, or is this a good point to turn back?" asks Nurlan. "If we do get ambushed on the other side of this barrier, retreat is harder. This might well be what marks the goblin territory."


First Post
[OoC: Irene'll ride behind someone else, since a wagon might only slow them down at this point. I assume we get another +1hp from resting?]

"If we turn back now, what good has this trip done us? I thought you wanted to go here to be certain his is goblinland, not keep guessing."

Steve Jung

Charlarn of Phyrah: Male human cleric 1

Manzanita said:
It is a relief to ride freely across the fertile farmland. Glancing over their shoulders, the party sees the massive boulder around and on top of which Monemvassia sits, jutting out into the sea. The land here is rich, with waving fiels of wheat, groves of orange and olive trees, prosperous little farms and well-kept mills.

After a few hours of riding, they reach the trail leading north. It is barely visible, and if it weren't for an old stone sign post, they might have missed it entirely. After about an hour of tough riding, however, the road becomes much more clear, with numerous signs of passage, such as wheel marks, dung and tracks. The lack of wilderness lore, however, prevents the party from ascertaining any more detail.
OOC: Actually Charlarn has a +6 on Survival checks (3 ranks + 3 Wis bonus). Would this change anything?

"It's nice to be out on the road again. Cities are more dangerous than I thought."
Manzanita said:
The road winds up into the hills, often becoming quite narrow, with a steep slope going up and down from the trail. After riding about another hour, the party comes to the site of what seems to have been an avalanch. The trail has been wiped out for some 50 feet, and is covered by loose rock, skree, mud, and debris. It looks like it might be treacherous to cross, yet the steep, wooded hills look somewhat daunting to venture into as well.
OOC: Can we tell if it would be easy to turn the horses around on the hill path? If not, Charlarn suggests dismounting and going over the avalanche area.


First Post
Sorry, Steve, I didn't think to check a cleric for the survival skill. In this instance, though, Charlyn still can't make a good guess as to the age of the tracks or who/what would have made them.

As for the hill trail, it is about 10 feet wide and horses could easily be turned. Looking up the hill, the avalanch seems to have started near the top, about 150 feet up, where there are numerous large rocks, seemingly broken up by some long ago earthquake.

For what its worth, the group also feels somehow that they've learned a lot and if they could have some down time to study, pray, rest and practice, they'd probably be able to improve their skills.
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[ooc: oooh leveling up would be cool. a level of fighter would help tenebrynn to survive a whole lot more.]

"Why dont we scout out around this rockfall to see how to get around it next time, then head to the inn for reinforcements." Tenebrynn offers.


LEW Judge
Erekose13 said:
[ooc: oooh leveling up would be cool. a level of fighter would help tenebrynn to survive a whole lot more.]

"Why dont we scout out around this rockfall to see how to get around it next time, then head to the inn for reinforcements." Tenebrynn offers.

Nurlan agrees. "Sounds reasonable. It might be worth a look. Irene, it would be nice if we could meet up with a few goblins and confirm that we're in the right area, but if we go too far, we're likely to meet up with many goblins instead of a few, and that wouldn't be so nice."

OOC: Since most of us are still a little injured, we'd have good IC reason, when we return to Orussus for reinforcements, to take a little time off first. I'll start thinking about what Nurlan will do for level 2...

Steve Jung

Charlarn: Male human cleric 1

Manzanita said:
Sorry, Steve, I didn't think to check a cleric for the survival skill. In this instance, though, Charlyn still can't make a good guess as to the age of the tracks or who/what would have made them.
OOC: That's OK. I had to look at my character sheet myself to make sure. :) I wonder if a level of ranger or a level of cleric would be better.

Charlarn dismounts slowly, then examines the ground. "I can't tell if goblins made these tracks. Which path should we take around the avalanche? Up the hill or over the rocks?"


"Up the hill if the horses can handle it. Those rocks dont look to stable. If they cant manage then we can try that second." Tenebrynn answers.

Voidrunner's Codex

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