A Teacher for Laynie: Mystery at the Academy (Part 2)

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Rystil Arden

First Post
"Quiet you," Lex teases, "You know I might just have to curse you if you get on my bad side--although in all this time, I think you still haven't asked around enough to hear about my best curses yet, and what I actually did," she laughs.


The man with the probe
Vanitri chuckles, "Yeah, but i know you gave up enchantmens, so you can't fool me anymore."

Vanitri will share one last close moment with Lex before he heads out in the morning.

OOC: Idealy, we can sum up where the two hook up with a Freefolk caravan heading for Orussus, and Laynie gets over her freefolk hate, and maybe her Mongrel hate, or at least start too, and I can pop into the Tavern. Oh, and Vanitri was working, did he manage to earn any coin that way?

Rystil Arden

First Post
"Curses don't have to be Enchantments," Lex retorts, "And besides--you didn't even need magic at all to put your spell on me..."

(OOC: The work was just to pay off the tuition, I believe, so no, the heaping mounds of gems will have to be solace :lol: (by the way, his Appraise value is not sufficient to sell, so if he ever tries to sell them, do ask me). We can sum up the Freefolk thing, yeah)

*Laynie and Vanitri travel for a while together, sleeping next to each other under the stars. Something of a social chameleon, though she seemed right at home in the Academy or in the most luxurious beds, she also seems to fit perfectly out here in the wilderness. Then again, considering she lived alone in the wilds for years, that isn't surprising. They go visit a Freefolk caravan, and Laynie talks to all sorts of Freefolk, plays with the Freefolk children, and has fun dancing with them. Her conclusion is that while Mongrel is still evil, most of the Freefolk are fun-loving if a bit naive and short-sighted, but still not bad people. Of course, hearing this sort of analysis from a girl of about eight years of age is always amusing. Eventually, they return to Orussus.*

(OOC: Adventure complete! My first adventure finished in PbP ever, might I add. Care to fill out a survey like I did for FoH?)


The man with the probe
OOC: He did pay 100 up front, so he's due a refund, and yes, he'll try to sell the gems. And sure, I'll do a survay. :) Any remaining lingering time xp?

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: 100 gold back then, that's correct. Also, time XP is just one month, but at his level, that's a hefty 300 XP. Is he going to just pawn off the gems for what he can get easily or go through haggling? Survey to follow shortly)

Rystil Arden

First Post
[SBLOCK=Survey]Overall Evaluation

On a scale of 1-10, 10 being best, rate last session.
Can you think of what might have made the session a 10?
Which of the following statements is most applicable to the story so far:
The story is awesome, don't change a thing
The story is great
The story is good, but I don't find it compelling
The story is not bad, but there are a couple of inconsistencies or things that are bothering me (see my comments below)
I don't really understand what the story is about or what we're supposed to be doing
There's a story?
For each of the following encounters that took place last session, rate them 1-10, 10 being best...
For each of the NPCs that appeared last session, rate them in terms of interest level or how entertaining you found them, from 1-10, 10 being the best...
True of False:
Your GM is prompt
Your GM is organized
You are enjoying the campaign a lot
You are enjoying playing your character a lot
You enjoy providing your GM with chocolate bars

On a scale of 1-10, 10 being best, rate your GM on rules knowledge.
If you gave your GM a low score on rules knowledge, do you feel this lack of knowledge impedes the game?
Please list what rules you'd like your GM to master, and from that list, rate the top three areas you'd like him to master first.
Does your GM make fair and consistent decisions? Please provide one or more examples of an unfair or inconsistent ruling so your GM can learn by example.
Do you feel the GM abuses meta-game knowledge about PC plans and actions to provide unfair advantages to NPCs and foes? If so, please provide an example so your GM knows what to avoid next time.
Did I make a rules mistake you didn't mention? What?
Do you feel your GM favours any particular player over the others?
Do you feel your GM favours any particular character over the others?
True or False:
Your GM is good at dealing with troublesome players
Your GM is fair
Your GM is consistent with applying the rules
Preparation and Organization

From 1-10, 10 being best, rate the current game room environment.
Of the different venues we play at, which one is your favourite and why?
On a scale of 1-10, 10 being best, rate how prepared your GM is.
True or False:
Your GM wastes little time looking up rules
Your GM seems to find things, such as dice, books, and minis, quickly
Your GM spends a lot of time reading through notes
A lot of game time seems to be spent on mapping
Do you think the game would benefit from a weekly "newsletter" style sheet that kept track of NPCs, story- arcs, important facts, party goals, etc., in-between gaming sessions?
Would you like to see to-scale maps and miniatures used more often, particularly in combat situations?

List the periods in the last session where the game seemed to drag on, you were bored, or the energy at the table seemed the lowest.
In recent sessions, have there been times where you didn't know what to do next? Were any of those times frustrating for you? If so, please make a list of those times and reasons why you were frustrated, such as from a lack of options, party dissension, and so on.
Does your GM seek ways to expedite menial tasks?

On a scale of 1-10, how lethal do combat encounters seem to you? What rating would you prefer them to be?
On a scale of 1-10, how lethal do traps seem to you? What rating would you prefer them to be?
On a scale of 1-10, how fun and interesting do roleplay encounters seem to you? What could be done to improve this rating?
On a scale of 1-10, how interesting have trap and puzzle encounters been for you? What could be done to improve this rating?
On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the best, rate how much you enjoyed the mix of combat, puzzle/trap, and roleplay encounters was last session.
A perfect 10 would need:
More combat
Less combat
More puzzles/traps
Fewer puzzles/traps
More roleplaying
Less roleplaying
Does your GM need to increase, decrease, or keep to the same length flavour text used in-game?
Do you feel railroaded?
Do you feel lost and without direction in the game?
What specific scenes have you enjoyed the most in my games? Why? (Victory in great battle, great jokes, solutions to diplomatic mysteries, etc.)
Do you think I have fudged rolls? Does such knowledge decrease your enjoyment of game?
Were any of tonight's settings/villains/battles/NPCs especially memorable/fun/exciting? Which?
Name one thing the next session should have more of.
Name one thing the next session should have less of.
Based on last session, would you like to see less, more, or about the same of the following:
Weaker NPCs: Less Same More
Comparable NPCs: Less Same More
Powerful NPCs: Less Same More
Overall # of NPCs: Less Same More
Political Intrigue: Less Same More
Magical Items: Less Same More
Combat: Less Same More
Skill Use: Less Same More
Focus on Character-Specific Plots: Less Same More
Dungeon-Crawling Adventures: Less Same More
City Adventures: Less Same More
Wilderness Adventures: Less Same More
World Travel: Less Same More
Puzzles/Riddles: Less Same More
Random Encounters: Less Same More
General GMing

Name one thing you appreciate about me as a GM.
Give one suggestion for something I could improve as a GM.
Is there anything else you think I should know?
Questions/Comments/Constructive Criticism?


The man with the probe
OOC: Haggle, get as much as he can for them, potentialy even trade them for enchantments if he can get more for them. A +1 Rapier, +1 to his armor, or a +2 Dex item would be good. Cloak of Resistance or Haversack wouldn't hurt either. Some enchanters may need the gems and give him a better deal.

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