D&D 5E 5E Survivor - Deities Final Round: Anubis Wins!


No rule is inviolate
Anubis 52
Athena 51
Boccob 51
Lugh Lámfada 50 - 2 = 48
Odin 51
Olladra 50
Sehanine 45
Selune 51
Takhisis 42 + 1 = 43
Yondalla 50

Some Queen of Darkness haters out of the gates? Is this going to be another "everyone ignores the halflings" event and then they take over?

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Book-Friend, he/him
Anubis 52
Athena 51
Boccob 51
Lugh Lámfada 48
Odin 51
Olladra 50
Sehanine 45 - 2 = 43
Selune 51
Takhisis 43
Yondalla 50 + 1 = 51


Krampus ate my d20s
Anubis 52
Athena 51
Boccob 51
Lugh Lámfada 48+1=49
Odin 51
Olladra 50
Sehanine 43
Selune 51
Takhisis 43-2=41
Yondalla 51

We are almost to Lughnasad (Aug 1) cannot disrespect the god so close to his holiday. Tiamat by another name is still a monster, not a deity.

Voidrunner's Codex

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